5H - Columbia


Transcript of 5H - Columbia

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• ^

5H" "cm Columbia ®mt)ers(itj» in tije City of J?C1D gorfe


(HxritttttirtEi; (txriU^^t

JlXjti>m)CeAj ^H](


i V

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O O K O F M I S D I M E A S O U R a-

K l i i G ' S C O L L E G E

The first of the kind,'beginning ie the year


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O O K O P M I S D E M E A K 0 R S

i - l - i -a - E _


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Jan. A. Feb

Shreeve '' ibre'h'gffls



Mar. 27. A


June 22d.


June 29.1

- 1 -

. 1771.

s i confined to College for taking Tea-

J cups out of another s t u d e n t ' s rooE. and denyiEg tha t tbey knew anything of theE.-r- K.B. Shreeve the most c u l ­pable .

r e s to red . l i b e r a t e d .

repriEanded publ ic ly at a V i s i t a t i o n for having come t h r o ' a hole in the -. College fence ,a t 12 o 'clock at Sight .

28. At, a Vif i t a t i o n .

suspended by ye. Committee for ?alf i l ­l y absenting himself the feoond a f t e r ­noon of examination — fuspended t i l l the next general Meeting of Governors.


fuspended by the p re f iden t for coEing over the College fence at 1/2 past 11. o 'clock l a s t lugbt .



EobinsOD fuspended by the Pref ident for being indebted in tvso Qr. Themes, and one

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Gr. Trans la t ion , a f t e r "having had Time much more than f u f f i c i e a t for the per-forEanoe of them; i t not appearing tha t he had any In ten t ion of doing them at a l l .

r e s t o r e d .

Ogilvie fuspended by the pref ident for the same Faul t . r)®stored.

Augt, 5. Bogert to be represented to the Govern­o r s , t h e next V i s i t a t i o n , for refufing to come to Coileg^<r?EX Saturday,when fent for — tho ' he kEew he was confined by the pre f iden t *©# t i l l .hg fhould com-plea t some Exerqifes — and,afterwards declar ing (which was proved to h i s Face to be a Falsehood) tha t he did not JCEOK he was sent for.

Performed the Exercise fe t him,and was absolved.


Bogert I Begraged by the Board of Governors for Shreeve ( d i f fe ren t heinous of fences , t i l l by t h e i r R i c k e t t s I du t i fu l Behaviour they fha l l merit Re­

s t o r a t i o n .

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Kovr.-22. A Complaint Eade by Mrs.lfrag i Dunscomb.for wounding 'her Son


Dunscomb p r i v a t e l y examined — con-fefsed the Pact viith vfhicb he was charged — repriffianded,A adEonished to behave b e t t e r for the future,which he promised,— publ ic Scrutiny in to the Affair omited on Condition tha t h is Behaviour hereaf te r be regulai- A i r reproachable — -


Decern. 25. • Bogert,Shreeve A R i c k e t t s . i n Considera­t ion of t h e i r regu la r A du t i fu l Behav- ' four,had t h e i r Degradation removed,A fiere r e s to red to t h e i r former Clafses


April phi] ipse the seooEO. complained of,by the

President to the Committee of Visitation

for repeatedly absenting biEseli from

Prayers,A frequent Kegleot of Duty in

other Respects;particularly,for not

bringing in the "i<;'eekly Bill of his Clafs,

in which several Fines for Eelinqueucies

should have been inserted — publiokly

reprimanded —

April 28, Robinson spit in the Cook's Face,kicked.

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"«*ie A otherwise abused him; of which he - the Cook - coffxplained to the Govern­ors as they came out of Chape l , a f t e rhea r -ing the Students of the Senior Clafs ex­amined for t h e i r Degrees.

May 1, The Committee met to examine in to the Cook's Complaint against Robinson; when-the l a t t e r absented hi;nseli from College, without Leave

May 4, the Committee met again on the same Busi-nefs,wheE T!obinson,for insu l t ing ,A i l l -t r e a t i n g the Cook,A also for Keglect «#

- B«*y .in h i s Co l l eg ia t e Exercises ,of which the Profefsors 'coEplained,was confined by the CoEmittee,after being ppbl ick ly r e p r i ­ffianded, A ordered not to go beyond the Col­lege Pence * * i t for the Space of two Tteeks; also to perform such Exercises as the P r e ­s ident should .afsign him,besides a t t end­ing his Clafs at Reci ta t ion,Ac as usual .

Bogart A Shre^cve were repriEanded at the same Ti'me for absenting themselves from Prayers,A not bringing in t h e i r Themes; ordered to perform such addi t iona l Exer­c i se s as fhould be sfsigned by the P r e ­s iden t , bes ides t h e i r usual Duty.

July 8, Douglas,for S tea l ing 8 Sheets of Paper ( a Pen-Knife, was repr imanaed ' in the Col­lege Ball before a l l the Students . A af-

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1772 - 5 -

a f te r having h i s Gown s t r ipped off by the Por te r ,he was ordered to kneel down A read a paper containing an Acknoviledgment of his Crime,exprefsing much Sorrow for i t ,A promising Amendment for the future — Ee VT£ then forbidden to wear his Gown or Cap for

July 9, Remsen,for beat ing Hichol ls 8,the preceding fe.ek.A absenting "himself from College under Pretence of Sioknefs , for severa l Days,tho i t was proved he had been f ishing on soifie of those Days; lias ordered to ask E i o h o l l ' s Pardon before the Students,which he accord­ingly did;—Was also confined to College t i l l the following Saturday Evening,A enjoin^ ed to t r a n s l a t e in to English the 21,22,A 25 A -24 Chap, of the 5d Book of Seleptae e Profanis Ac — besides his usual Col leg ia te Exercises each 5ay.

July 9, Van Beuren,Douglas A i^icholls c,ffho had gone over the College Fence the preceding aay Tuesday,betsfeen the Hours of 5A4 P.M. to bathe,were summoned before the Committee of V i s i t a t i o n , then met; A af ter being reprimand-r ed,were ordered by the Committee to be con­fined to College u n t i l l the next Saturday Evening — each of them was also d i rec ted to t r a n s l a t e in to Latin 4 pages of Dr.Chand-

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Chandler's Charity Ser"mon — oesiaes at­

tending the usual Collegiate Exercises. I July 16, Ap tho rp , l i cke t t s & Robinson were degraded

for s ix Weeks by the Board of Governors, for d ivers I r r e g u l a r i t i e s committed by them on the aftsirnoon of l a s t Commencement Day,were ordered also to be confined to College for t;",'o Waeks,A at the Expira t ion of t h e i r Degradation, to make a publ ic Con-fefs ion in the College Ball before the Com-mitt-jie of V i s i t a t i o n , A such other Governors as sha l l please to a t t end .

Ordered a l so by the Board of Governors, tha t "Shuokburgh,!or being concerned in the sa said i r r e g u l a r i t i e s , b e oonfinea to College for one Month, A make the l i k e Confefsion with the above Students .

\ i u g t . 2 7 , H.lCi!;e"[XE



Ehackb'argh I

Restored — "having all behaved

very regularly since their Degra­

dation A punctually complied

with every Part of the Order of

the Board of Governors respeot-

ing them.

1 V V 2 .

Deer.84. Davan fuspended by the President for having

made several attempts to go out of College,

during the Time be was cocfinea by Mr.Bar-

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Feb. IB.

March ; — Hicol l Troop uuCii

Greswo: SaEson Dibble. Seaman

- 7 -

Earpur.and aenyingiVfhen taxed with i t . tha t " he "had done so.

Restored, January, 1775.

1 7 7 5 .

Thomas o r d 6 r e d \ y the/Pref ident to at tend ye. Board of Gova"S5aors on Thurfday next at Hull ' other


A Imus 1

j \ la /

1 J

June, SO, 1775.

Seaman ~) for

s,6 P.M. foiyaVasing, along with many s, Mr. Harpu^ the liVening before.

Remitted — i t having appeared that s rras not ye.perfon.

.For i l l - u s i n g Mr.Harpur,by £ ^ l l i n £ Ji.2m.es in the Dark,o"hofe to maie a pub­l i c Acknowledgment of t h e i r Offence, in the publ ic Ba l l , and to ask pardon for t h e i r 8onduct , in rss'pBct both to film,and the Government of the College; which they had «ffrented,-*«*"i«*- by vfhioh Means they were excused froiii be­ing Represented to the Governors.


**»*«**sif playing at Qjjrds in the

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College — represented to the Committee of V i s i t a t i o n , J u l y 12. - Ordered by the Committee tha t VanBeuren ana Reid,as E-ot "having t ransgref sed motsi than 6nce have exerc i fes fe t them adequate to t h e i r of­fence; And tha t Seaman,Remsen,A Kifsam, being old offenders — be represented to ye Board of Governors at t h e i r next Meeting.

ORDERED — That Ogi lv ie . Jauncey.A Devan. "having boen notor ious ly g u i l t y of con at^ tendance at Prayers ,and Lefsons,have ex­e rc i f e s prescr ibed them by the Pre f iden t , to be produced to ye V i s i t o r s the 2gd i n s t .

and read in ye College Ball, And tha t a l l o ihera ffbo are in arre.e.,rs for Exercifes] produce them also,and read them at ye same Time — on pain of being represented to ye next Boara of Governors.

ORDERED — That ye Clerk of the Corporation! do fuffiffion ?im. Itaiof on,who hath absented him­self without Leave ever f ince Easter Vaca­t ion — *a« ("having then l e f t College a-ga ins t the p r e f i d e n t ' s exprefs orders) to appsiar before ye V i s i t o r s in ye College ha l l , on Thursaay the 22Q in s t .

July 29. Davan fuspendea by the F r e s i a e n t , t i l l the meeting of the Committee of V i s i t a t i o n , o n ye 22d.- for being indebtea s ix Exercises

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VISITATIOH - continued,July :22a, 1775. .1

1 Van EliSEen and Reid.net having prepared their Exsiroises, as ordered at the last


ORDERED that they be confined till the next

Saturday,within the College Walls — under

pain af being repi'Bsented to the next Board

of Governors — ana then to produce to the

Prefidt. the said Exercises,together with

fuch additions as He shall prescribe. Eeid's

Exercise reed. Sa Augt.

Ogilvie and A^UMSI "having produced and read

their Exercises,ORDERED that they be dis­


Davan, having absented himself , instead of pre­

paring and giving in his Exercises,

ORDERED that Ee be suspended till the next

Meeting of the Governors,and then to be re­

presented to them as deferving of the high­

est Censure.

j^Eson, not appearing according to order,—

ORDERED that ye Matter be ref3rr3d to the

next Boara of Governors.

ust 25. .

Jauncey suspendea oy tne presid-ent till the

next Meeting of The Governors,for ye most

insolent personal Treatment.

1 1 I

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Sepr. 2,

- . 0 - 1 Jauncey by ye Board of Governors,


At a Meeting of the Governors, the 15th

l̂ ovr. 17Vc° The Prefident produced to the

Board a petition from John Jauncey,who

had baen expelled, i'rherein "he made due ack­

nowledgment of his offense,prayed Eorgive-

Eefs,and entreated to be reinstated in the

College — upon which the Prefident being

asked whether Be was satisfied (as the of­

fence was principally against "Eifl, )anf war­

ing in the "affirmative. It was ordered that

the said John Jauncev be restored.he makinis

a public Confefsion before ye Committee of

Visitation,the Prefident A Profefsors,at the

next Time of Visiting.

At a VISITATION Kovr. 18. 177c.

The aforefaid John Jauncey,"having made his

Confefsion in uue form,was restored.

ORDERED That all perfons who are in arrear

for Exercises do deliver them in to the

Prsf ident, before the Hext Thursday, to which

Time the Visitors adjourn,on pain of beir.s

recommended to ye next Board of Governors -

for Expulsion, and that,in the mean Time,the

Delinquents be confined.


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At a Visitation,bv adjournment,

hursday,Kovr. 25.177c.

Ogilvie, Seaman, Davan, Eapalje 2dus A

i'iillet,"having neglected to give in their

Exercises, as commandea at ye preceeding

Visitation, ' Ordered that

Ogilvie •• f \'^-f Seaman 1 /'̂ •f

Davan ,'\be confined to his Ohambea:'| 4./Weeks.

Rapalje 2aus f I :2. |

i'iillet I \ z : l Bogert .-'' ̂ y.g.*-

and the Prefident defired to give such

Exercises to each as he shall think proper.

On a Failure in any of those particulars by

any one of the above Students,the Committee

will represent 'him to the Board,for Degra­

dation or Expulsion;being determined to sup­

port the strictest Discipline in the Collegs-r-

vursday. Beer. 9th at a Visitation,

By Aajournment.

Dr.Clofsy having complained of the follow­

ing Students for making,one Evening after

Prayers,so much Eoise and Confusion as to

cause him to stop his Anatomical Lecture —

ORDERED, that ye Prafident ao afsign each

of the Delinquents,viz:

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Rapalje 2d.,


such Exercises as "he shall judge

proper,to be ready by this Day



Watkins Amory Eapalje 2d. | Bogert

owing iLXjroises

be confined to their

Chambers each one WEEK

for every Exercise

which is deficient.

an. 19,1774,

Jan. 27.

Eapalje 2d. fusgended by the Pref ident t i l l the next V i s i t a t i o n , f o r leaving Col lege ,cont ra ry to exprefs o r d e r , b e ­fore he "had f in ished a Theme - and also for being indebted two Exercises at once.

Amory suspenaed by the p r e f i d e n t , t i l l the next V i s i t a t i o n , f o r repeated Se-g leo t s of Duty - and for sijjsenting himself ,without Leave,for f ive Days toge ther .

Both the above suspenfions talcen off.

At a V i s i t a t i o n .

February 10. 1774. CEBiiEED, that a l l Students who ar

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maeoxea one Jixercise, shall be confined

two Days; and, that all Absentees from Re­

citation, since the Christmas Vacation, shaTi

"have an adequate Exercise alotted by the

president, and be confined till the said

Exercises are ftrojar.!^ finished, and deliv­

ered in to the prefident, or, according to

M s Appointment.

Feb.24." At a Visitation

Ordered that ye president shall give fuch

Exercisjis as he shall think proper,««« *#««

to all Defaulters,and that they have these

prepared by this Day fortnight.

Mar. 10. At a Visitation.—

It still appearing that Many Exercises are

due,notwithstanding the formse Ciders - fhe

Prefideint is da fired to prepase a List of

all Delinqueincies since ye last Christmas

Vacation,and lay them before the Board of

Governors,at their Meeting next Fridav.

June 17.

Davan to be rejresentsd to the Committee,ye

next Visitation,!or refusing to open his

Door 'When repeatedly called upon by the

prefident,(being sent tor also from home,

where he had not baen for some days) and

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- 1 4 -

causing four Doors to be broke open before "he could be l a i d hold of— S. BJ.found, at l a s t in the Room opposi te to his own,where "he "had hid "himself ,having opened the Door with a f a l s e key, and hid "himself in one of the S tua ias .

June 20. Rapalje 2dus (v iz . John) to be represented for s t e a l i ng a pa i r of Cotton Stockings be­longing to HoDcrieffe.

June 21. Van Bueren'X to be represented to ye Commit-f i i l l e t t I tee A Board of Governors for Davan J having s to len a very l a rge Eapalje :2d.l Quantity of Vine out of the

p r e f i d e n t ' s g a r r e t .

July 12.1774. At a quarterly Visitation.

Ordered, tha t the 5d and 4th C;asses , for not being duly p repare i ,do t r a n s l a t e in Writing, before next Saturday, the t"ef "Sons . ; ' :-they ought to have recit-ed Today; and tha t BO many of the t h i rd Clafs as aare def ic ien t in t h e i r Trans la t ions from Lucian,ba con­fined within the College ?ialls; ' t i l l they :j)avfi completed them.

Orderj.d, That ye other Belinouects be r e ­served t i l l 8 Meeting of the Board of

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July lo .

July 21.

Augt.l ."


1 Governors. m

Bogert - a most frequent offender adfent; when sent for ,answer returned by his Mother that hs had gone from home a£' to College; Offn'd alie.£aiS.r.as "he was skulking behina the College.

Eapalje Imus. fuspended by the p re f iden t , t i l l the next Meeting of the Governors, for using Mr.Harpur in the most scandalous Manner,and making use of ye most indecent Language.

The i;bove George Rapalje — being f u l l y convicted of the Charge before ye Board of Governors , - was sentenced to be Expel­led.

Bogert ordered to appear before ye next Meeting of Governors,!or being indebted 15 Exercis — befides the Trans la t ions from ye Rom.Bist,

At a Quarterly V i s i t a t i o n . 1774.

Bogart , for absenting himself for months t o ­ge ther , and o"ffing 4**4* more than twenty Themes,Ac. suspend:cd t i l l the next Board

1 1

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- 1 6 -

01 laovernors.

Re id \ having Dogax't I which w Davan

' I ' i i iJluli

V i s i t a t i o n ) t h e i r Trans l

ORDERED tha t they the f i r s t day afte:

lonf inement, em,at the l a s t 9'y "had given in

's fro'ffl Lucian, pare the- same agains t .'iichaelmas Vacation,

t r a n s l a t e the 6th/AeiTeid of V i r g i l - against the same Time; a/d, inXCase of F a i l u r e , that they be p r / san ted tia ye. next Board of Governors f / r Degradation.

Eemsen | having, lef t ye Grif wold) the CouVtry,wi

ORDERED,for ? that they be c ye College, one ¥} and yt. they d the p re f iden t / sha them, on pai

l i ege ,and gone into 4iout Leave, t of Contumaciousnefs,

'ined within the i'ialls of "Dnign"!, af ter Vacation,

form such Exercises as hink proper to afsign

ve penal ty .

Egpal je . for s t e a l i ng Koncr ief f ' s Stockings, ordered to be confined within the flails of ye College for one Month af ter next Vacation subject to such da i ly Exercises as the p r e ­f ident sha l l a fs ign him; and in Case of De­f ic iency in the performance of e i t h e r Order, tha t he be recommendea to ye next Board of Governors for Expulsion; and tha t he also make .a puol ic Acknowledgment in the Ba l l , fo r

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"his offence.

Agreed, That ye Committee of V i s i t a t i o n wi l l prefent every Student to ye Board for Degra­dation,who sha l l he reaf te r be indebted two [ Sx^grpisHS at once. And,Ordered,That a l l those who are indebted at p re fen t , s h a l l be confined, within the Col­lege ' fel ls ,from Morning t i l l Evening Prayers , each D a y , t i l l t h e i r r e spec t ive Tasks are pro­per ly completed.

DavsiVi, to^ be i*epresa*tea \p ye B^.ra,Dut f i r s t \ j O ye Commiij^e of Vr6itain.on,for breakimgk t h r o ' hM Conf ineff.5(n^the very next Mor i>ijag, i \media /e lV af t er

jfade Sa"iisfao'

At a qua r t e r l y V i s i t a t i o n . Deer. 25a. 1774.

l i l l e i , I or n l a s t V i s i t a t i o V i s i t a t i o n , t o l a t e Half English, b

;xercise the ap.?^a at ye preceding

*i"h.ai, and also to t r an s iieneia of V i rg i l in to

of I'lext Term.

J*ioGuoon ") for bre^akir Moncrieffe) ment, to mg

Lng tri'B xneir ooniine-nake publ ic Aokno"/rledg~

ments,in the . Chapel, and to. t r a n s l a t e Hos.

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- 1 8 -

;255. 266 of the Spectator in to Lat in , against the f i r s t Day of next Term; o.n pain of being prefented to the next Board of Governors for Dismifsion or Degradation. Moncriaffe 's given in doubled,ya 24th. Apri l ,1775.

Arcnry j for not frffran-) Lef sons

Guardian f. irst Day of ne

ng^ 'he i r V i s i t a t i o n s l a t e Ko.45 of the

0 English against the e\m.

Defaul ters .

Defaul ters in a l l Exercifes to pe.rform them before they leave ye College, in Greek; ana to t r a n s l a t e , d u r i n g the Vacation, Ko,264 of y ya S p e c t a t o r , i n t o Lat in .

All the f ire.vood to be moved immediately out of ye Rooms; and. nothing but Coals to be ufadj on any 'cratence whatsoaver.

Students going without t h e i r Caps and Gowns, , to be prefented to the next Board of Governor!

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- 1 9 - 1

Quarterly V i s i t a t i o n , A p r i l 11,1775. 9 agreed 1

Tne Committee "having «S!Se#«a at t n e i r las"t 1 V i s i t a t i o n but one, to present every Student 1 to the Board for Degradation,who should one 1 two E2e.S.£iaos at- once, and f inding tha t the 1 following are indebted in the Mannar h e r e i n - 1 a f t e r mentioned,viz: 1

Livingston 2. . ̂ .BOI'J &-.

Jfflhi'.bijij g-. a i scharged ,as t o t h i s •iillo"i:t — #•.

S t i l e s 2. Do there fore recomiKina them to the Board gp-5ordin£iy : At the same Time, as t h i s i s the f-irai Time of t h e i r execut ing what was i o r -per lv agreed t o , t h e v would advise the two f i r s t . V i z . Livingston and Amory,who wi l l be of Standing for A. 3. the next Commencement, to t r a n s l a t e da i ly in to Eng l i sh ,e legan t ly and c o r r e c t l y , o n e Chapter of Livy,beginning at C.S9. of B.4. t i l l the Second Tue£d:ay in May (over ana above a l l regular Dut ies) then to be given in to the Board, at t h e i r Annual Meeting: which being approved of, ana the Exer­c i s e s rihioh the"y owe at "orefent being paid , the Gommittgg wil l recommiend them to a l l reasonable Lenity: But Amory not to s t i r out .of. College, from iv'orning to Evening Prayers , each Day; on Account of his unorecedented ne-glec t of Prayers and other D u t i e s , t i l l the

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- 2 0 - •

I}^X_ai o££f s i d; H

The o thers to be dea l t with according to ^M t h e i r f oncer Resolut ion; i . e. Eecommended ^M to the Board for D e g r a d a t i o n . t i l l they s h a l l ^ B have completed ^ u b l e of every Task they ow^H and sha l l be defamed worthy of Restorat ions ^M

Moncrief f e, tho ' ordered by the Committee, ^ | to s tav w.ithin the Col lega-wal ls t i l l he ' ^ a ^ ^ | performed "his Exerc i ses , having gone frequen-^B ly and repeatedly out . t o be racommended as ^M above. ^ ^

i iv inp 's ton for going in to the Country,for S t i l e s A a w'aek toge ther ,wi thout Leave, Davan to t r a n s l a t e Kos.69.A 70.pf the QjiaEaiaa in to Lat in : to be givan in April 24.

Si«*fcs*8** For ^oing out,when under Confine-**««»« ment. to t r a n s l a t e Iso. 17 oy the i^me Qsj:

KfeSfefcfe.for behaving i r r e v e r e n t l v at p ravers . and i i * « 4 i ifid.,6»fa*a;and S#«#s»«*,for breaking Monorieffe 's Door, (which the? are to mend) to t r a n s l a t e Kos. 19 A 20 by the sa id Day; and Reid. for t a lk ing at p raye r s . to t r a n s l a t e Ko. 70.

(Tha following, having absented themselves froi from prayers , immediately af ter the V i s i t a t i o n and before the foregoing Orders _were read to theffi,ara for t h i s Kew Act of Belinouenoy,i . t t to t r a n s l a t e Half of No,21 into Lat in ,by the

^24th of t h i s fame Month,viz. S«f«¥«,S*$^«S«4S,

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-21- I i¥«a©i, i e i g s e a , Sa*fe4as, L u j.'i.o n, i©#i i«s , S.t i l s f i , ©*i««a, Dava_n, 83***a«s, S*»s«*, 4e"«ss««, S*f « i^* , **4*«©a, S«f «f **«#, i««*««3e ,£t i i g ^ , and thofe tha t mist kfith t imes , to t r a n s l a t e ye whole. )

All tha t owe al.her Exe rc i s e s , t o perform Dou-M s . h y the Bay above-mentioned: And "ijhoevar hereaf ter s h a l l be g u i l t y of such neg lec t ,o r make a p r a c t i c e of absenting "himself from ^cy EJ£i of "his Duty, or of going without his I c a -ifi.iB.Ls.a.l_ia.bit,by RAJ or by R i g h t , i n j u b l i a or in p r i v a t e , o r sha l l be found to have brok­en a Door,entered a Window,or done any Mis­chief to ye College or. h is i eHoa^^ tu f l s a t s . s h a l l be reported to the Board,without i..avo.u£ or .aiiefitlon; and the Board sha l l be r e q u e s t ­ed, by t h i s Committee,to give Bim or Them fo offending a speedy Dismifsion;so tha t peace and good oraer may be e f f ec tua l ly preferved in t h i s Society.

l o a a r i . h a v i n g e n t i r e l y qui t ted Col lege ,whi ls t under Suspenfion by the Committee,and whils t he owed more than twenty Exerci fes , to be r e ­commended to the Board,for a formal l i t u i s i o n in order . that Others may not hope to egcape iJie_-EuEish!SeBt,fhould Tbey act in the fame d i sor fe r 1 v_aM_uMut.i|.ul_!ijEna r .

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- 2 2 -

At a V i s i t a t i o n of the Committee.

July 4,1775.

Reid \ Johnson/for en makingNan unreasonableXftois Hours,toXbe c inf inea %o day, A "havev si/ch aaQi"t;ion ed to them c i f e s , a s t ill Cass of Time,or fe c i s r s , t o Governors,


3ia.i!S t n e UE


ng Company A , at UTiEeasonabls ege till next Sun

xerc i fe s a f s ign-1 academical Exer-

es idant shl\l think .prop6r;A

leaviiig Jbolleg'e duriBg tha t e\)f perfo/minV those I x e r -

a tqf the Vext Board of atiifn or Expulsion.

present e^lery Student da t ion , wl;

the Coffim\tiee of V i t t t a t i o n w i l l

ha l l hereif I or Degra-

abseffit\Himself fro: from jijio/ReciXations/in sV;Ocef*ion.

Mr.JohniMofi to b e V r t s e n t e a xt* the BJard for going outV/of the Ga*ldb, contrarjJS*^ to t r j^\expreis Commana o i \ t h e QoKmli\ee.

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At a V i s i t a t i o n by Adjournment,

April 25.

i l i co l l Imus Davan ? i i l l e t t S t i l e s Meeting,the 2a Tuesda;

area t h e i r Exercis l at ye l a s t V i s i t a -

tepresented to the Go-l /eXnext anniversary


At the annual meeting of ye Governois,

May 9th 1775.

The pref ident represen t ing to the Board, that /. a l l the other Del inquents ,but Moncrieffe and £ i i l e s , h a d , tho ' not in proper Time,performed t h e i r r e spec t ive Exerc ises ; the Governors are pledged,for i M s on.a.e,with the Advice of tha Committee of _Visita,tion ; to accept of ye Exer­c i s e s of the o t h e r s , and to order Mojicriefie and S t i l e s to be degradedi U-pon the following 8ond i t i on ,v i z :

;ajcrieffe_A I f io r #*¥ breaking f requent ly t h r o ' h i s :iilsfi 1 (^Confinement - fo r not "having done one

Exercise , as ordered at the l a s t Vi­s i t a t i o n - to be degraded t i l l they ;.. have performed Double of a l l the Exer­c i s e s they owe.this Day: ana not to be resiO£.eg, t i l l fuch Time as t he i r good Behaviour fha l l appear to the pref iden ' to o.eferve Res tora t ion; vrhich Ee f h a l l have ye power of aec lar ing to Them.

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enao!ji/il "nelt/ils to be]


th/ President

At a Meeting of the Committee of Visitation,

August 4,75.

Ordered, that Bayard A Davan,for being defi­

cient "each in two Exercises, A also for fre­

quently absegting themselves from Recitation

be confined within the College vralls from ne:

Monday till the Friaay following; A also be­

sides their usual academical Exercises, trang

late Ko. cl6 of the Spectat.ar into Latin, A ge

by Heart 40 Lines from tha Beginning of Book

Sat. 1 of Horace. In case of Failure or Ne­

glect in any of these Fi;rticulais to be imme'

diataly presanied to the Board of Goyarnors

for Degradation or Expulsion.


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