5 Tips for Spearheading Social Media at an Event




Events are a great way to get your company exposure in the real world. With the way technology has changed over recent years, event presence can be amplified through social media networks for an extra boost in attendance and engagement. Running a handful of social networks on the floor of an event, while dealing with customers and event logistics can be a very hectic task though – as I recently learned this past weekend while running a large car show in the Pacific Northwest. From this and past experiences, I’ve decided to put together 5 tips to help streamline your social media presence at an event.

Transcript of 5 Tips for Spearheading Social Media at an Event

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Events are a great way to getyour company exposure in thereal world. With the waytechnology has changed overrecent years, event presence canbe amplified through socialmedia networks for an extraboost in attendance andengagement.

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Running a handful of social networkson the floor of an event, whiledealing with customers and eventlogistics can be a very hectic taskthough – as I recently learned thispast weekend while running a largecar show in the Pacific Northwest.From this and past experiences, I’vedecided to put together 5 tips to helpstreamline your social mediapresence at an event.

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While it sounds easy running thesocial media for an event, it’s reallynot a one-man job – especially ifyou’ve got other things to dothroughout the day (managingstaff, merchandising, helpingcustomers, etc).

1. The more help, the better.

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If your event has attracted a fewthousand people, you’ll want somehelp to be able to get coverage onthe floor from different areas of thevenue. Giving access to yourFacebook, Twitter, and Instagram toa few volunteers or staff goes a longway, since they’ll be able to postphotos and key happenings fromwhere you might not be able to.

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The last thing you’ll want to do at anevent is jump on your Facebook, post aphoto from the current keynote, andthen post it on Twitter, Instagram,Pinterest, and other social networks oneat a time – and by the time you’ve donethat, you may have missed anotherimportant message or photoopportunity from the keynote. IFTT (IfThis, Then That) is an extremely helpfultool for relieving a lot of this stress, byautomating social media posts acrossother social networks.

2. If this, then that.

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It works by creating “Recipes”, whereyou can connect different socialnetworks via API’s and tell them docertain things via triggers (one basicexample is “If I post a photo to Tumblr,post it to Twitter with the hashtags”).Yes, there are several other plugins andAPI’s that provide post automation, butIFTT supports dozens of socialnetworks at once, with features likebeing able to copy overs hashtags.

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3. #HashtagsEvery event you promote via socialmedia should be associated with ahashtag, but make sure it’s uniqueenough to not conflict with an alreadyexisting one. Incorporating an eventhashtag allows an easier way for youand fans to engage with others, andbest of all boosts visibility of theevent. Including the hashtag as anoverlay in photos or posts prior toyour event, can help raise awarenessso that it gets used often.

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4. The 3 essential networks.

The amount of social networks thesedays can be overwhelming. Based onwhat’s currently trending in 2020, it’simportant to focus on at least 3 ofthe most popular social networkswhen specifically promoting anevent: Facebook, Twitter, andInstagram.

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Need a bulk of social media accountsto promoting an event,GetAccountsNow is resource whereyou can buy facebook accounts,twitter accounts pva andinstagram accounts for bulk. Thereason for this is that each of thesesocial networks allow hashtags,tagging, and photos – which are keyelements to making an event go viralby way of engagement and word ofmouth.

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5. Say cheese!Posting key quotes from a keynote atan event is important, but it’s also kindof boring and redundant. Make yoursocial media posts fun by including aquick photo with the quote. Photosshould take up the majority of yourFacebook timeline and Twitter feedduring an event – they provide moreengagement, and may entice some ofyour Facebook or Twitter fans to attendyour event if they’re sitting at homewith nothing to do.

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