5 Great and Terrible Things About Being a Marketer

5 Great and Terrible Things About Being a Marketer www.MarketerGizmo.com

Transcript of 5 Great and Terrible Things About Being a Marketer

5 Great and Terrible Things About Being a Marketer


GREAT: Skills Diversity

The wide variety of marketing projects appeal to visual- and analytical-minded professionals, so you get to work with lots of different kinds of people.

TERRIBLE: Personality Conflicts

Art people and math people don’t always see eye to eye.

Your meetings sometimes feel like a scene out of Gladiator.

GREAT: Instant Feedback

People favorited my tweet!

Page views are increasing!

Advertising click through rates are up!

They like me! They really like me!

Emails are getting opened!

TERRIBLE: Instant Feedback

Much of your work provides you with instant feedback.

Nobody commented on my Facebook post.

Nobody’s downloading my SlideShare.

0% Email open rate.

GREAT: Sales Funnel Win

Your content performs beautifully. The ebooks, SlideShares, videos, and social media channels that you create are sales funnel magnets.

TERRIBLE: Salesperson Fail

Your new salesperson gets

on the phone with your carefully qualified leads…

and blows the sale in under five minutes.

GREAT: Social Media Dominance

You’re a social media guru who can tweet in your sleep. You’ve got timing, frequency, content, and

visuals down to a beautiful science.

TERRIBLE: Tweet Overload

By the end of the day you’re so sick of tweets and posts and slides and videos you can’t bring yourself to log into your personal accounts.

You’re utterly out of touch with your own social networks.

GREAT: Makin’ it Rain

You do work that directly improves the bottom line of your company

(and you’ve got the metrics to prove it)

TERRIBLE: Nobody Knows…

Nobody else, possibly including your boss, believes your projects are real.

They all think marketing is “mumbo jumbo,” and that

the “real work” happens in other departments.