4'W -...

^mmtmmmmtmmmmfmm mm mmmmmijtutmmi' ; t •M -M \ r^'^asS^WBftft^fc^.^ , /f :<&,*, *W> «sa fir*?; 4'W i,a»3JEW't'WHIIWM "$** *Kmmm*4,p**?»*«fi^^ ^•M^' h .i\: ; \X : : ' '• . •' 5<$*i»»4 -• «•!»»•- .-.-• u y , w* a j*t T •«*" v"^*- **** V* $*#»»£* «tjj-^3**i«,4>si ^5Sfti*W*ij^wr ggwag T,»t,<| L «y» qoto^JsaM^r a ^ ^ ^ r i w ^ i ^ i i f ^ j Seventeenth Year. No. 11, I'fT .LlU^.i, HI WO bo '.* -•ifi „v»i<Af^-t=a; f .iNKshei^iv 1 !!:.^ mam&ty^tGZ^lM^ r^emssfs^smaSt —-C' "<W» 1 , **» r^SS* fiSJSSBjS^jjSSBSJI WASHINGKrOMLlOTlR Among Our NUMBS] Legislators fSytoW to T&e jooHMli Stem Georgetown has played the George Wastiingtan University of this city, d&eatisg them by a score of 12 to 6, and a few days ago, *t Thanks- giving, the Carlisle Indians, being defeated by a score of 76 to it would seem that after this last same the right time had arrived for* quit- ting for good. Son* More^Meesliag I have begun to do some more Trie national capital presents again toe life and bustle trial usually ac- companies the assembling of Con- gress, The one subject of conversa- tion and discussion is, of coarse, the railroad rate v question. With, the great number and variety of views before me the probable outcome of the battle would seem to be a com- promise measure. It is well known "meddling" by . interviewing the that in the arguments before the Sen- members of Congress with -whom t ate committee tie railroads had, if am- not already acquainted and ex- anything, the better of it They are plaining to them the Catholic side represented by the ablest counsel, of the Indian question. 'There is no and any measure that will pass the. one else to do it properly and" sys- Senate will be most carefully con- teraatieally, and there is no other slidered. That there will be some sort way of neutralising the insidious of legislation on this sabjeot this win- work of the enemies of these schools, ter seems to be generally conceded. ' and or the church, There fa a strong With this question finally disposed probability that these fanatics, if de- : of it is not known if the President Tested this winter, will again raise a will advocate any "monkeying" with howl about "an agent of the Gath- the tariff. There is a strong tariff olio Church." but in spite of this I revision sentiment in the Republican fssl that my will will be appreciated, party, and many members feel that by all fair-minded people and that I they cannot return to their homes shall succeed, where others have and face their constituents with a failed. In this work I have already- clear conscience if tbeir party has the promise of- valuable assistance stood "too pat" on the tariff: in'from Republicans and Democrats fact, failure to do anything in this'alike, men who look With disgust up- line is looked upon by many as pre- on the sanctimonious hypocrite who cursor to a Democratic House of Infest the corridors of the capltol *MWMXW •***** wjaww * | w 3 i a t the**- a e # « i * ^ o ^ n\^a3ft>. *$&[ ' "'-•• :1 '-- [l '- f ftnai^^o|i f h^w^v|ri-rlMita*|j^ Three -pranclac*!! Wmm H!t y^Mir^tmm wl «W *son*^ *»SK eouver, SL C* the other day tot **pv** tii« *p««»gbtt» «t.1»* HwrteliW an, where they nflU dewte tMirqi»ei{C<»»*^f«^ %* ©MWWWwH jUmtim to ministering to lepem *«aJa«fr tSMhjfrtt** ni *m% # f t | <te|w*. Governor JfeHk* of Missouri, a^!»wM^fc*>fe3ieeit^wj^tl^fr; VL aewriar^ pointed the Bev, *," ^ Wvtrimg, of wi11^uat«w*<»^*|i|pdnil^o»|B^ L New MadyW. Mo., ^ delegate to, Sje *t fi «* <**^» UW&fr Rational Immigration ioiilereiwe*, which met in &w ISork on "Wednes- day of this week, A society of CathQ% lawyer* nai been organised in I t a j ^ b 4efeno^ priests gratis .•*»rtnjl;^'. : 4hft al|nd«ra and 'calumnie* of which they *r# b« ? tog made the^ victlma'in i*te an«L* qaWhollo piessv ,*.>.*.-.- ^^-i ,i- r Archbiafeop €3hristie* of ForHand,^ Ore.,^ and Sishop Hattfey^of: X?oItt»- bus", arrived in^Kew1rork ; fro« Gtnoa, Jast SatQiraa^ Both werV ratumfng S* ^ Wfcte»» to/J n«*rd In Cae dlajatee,. \ !Awwiathai<«s«nieC^^iIl^ \ from their *d iimlaa *i»it to itoweT M n Jlf*1>^rffiiirali«'|ert»C* I was'wal^.ona^ShW*^*^ 5Pli» ft *ttf »b.oa^^r|*olIy^HMifc list my heart mm heavy wita »ojr)row^ Ho 0*%% iny%lQ»i spate jm**- * ,' *$tm 'tt* «hime;oe *%» ¥•!**? In entered m«k8am«dJ^tliojL ^—*- X *Representatives. It i s well known that sluce the time of President Grant's first term only one President, McKinley, had a House of Represen- tatives of hla own party in the sec- ond half of his term and it is felt that the political complexion of the next House will depend largely upon what the present Congress will do, rather than upon any particular pol- icy of the administration. There is every assurance that an- other effort will be made to attempt some legislation against the Catho- lic Indian mission schools. Aside from documents which were offered me in confidence, the general nature of which I alluded to in a former hews letter, the following resolution was adopted by the Lake Mohonk Conference, October 21, 1805, at its regular meeting in New York: "Resolved, that this conference re* spectfully petition Congress, by leg-' islation, to pass upon the question whether any funds held in trust by the United States should be used for the support of any schools under de- nominational or ecclesiastical control. And the conference records its con- viction that the decision repeatedly embodied in the legislation of Con- gress, against the appropriation of any public funds for the support of such schools, should also be by law enforced against the use of Indian tribal funds, of _ whlchv the United ^Stsiei government Is tiie- trusteei**' "We recommend *td the Secretary of the Interior and to Congress that such measures as are necessary be taken to make possible the admission of fun blood children of the so-called five civilized tribes residing in the Indian Territory into the Government Indian schools of the country." Here we are again with the same problem before us. "Will Congress yield to the demand of these fanat- ics? That is the burning question of the hoar, And this question is not limited to t h e narrow view of the _ passage of this particular Ml. It .embraces the broad proposition whether oar Congress will eventual- ly become a truly American Congress, imbued with the spirit of American fairness, and thoroughly emancipated from the thralldom of bigotry that has so Ions obtained there, The last Congress was the first In the history of this country to resist the demands of bigotry, but the new Congress, about to assemble, has many new members and the outcome of the bat- tle is not v assured. The loss of Mr. McAndrews, of Chicago, a former member of the Indian committee and a Catholic, will rnake the committee doubtful, but the hope 'may be held out that Mr. Stephens' little amend- ment will again be buried in the waste panel* basket of the Indian Af- fairs Committee. Later on I shall give a detailed account -of the fate of the bill, and of the votai cast. every winter. B. h. SCHARF, Ph. D. Cook Opera Hence. Will M. Cressy and Blanche Payne will be the main attraction at the Cook Opera House next week. Mr. Cressy is the author of 90 successful Vaudeville sketches. Next week they will present Che latest of. his playlets, "Town Hall To-night." This Is de- scribed as a most quaint and droll of- fering, In which Mr. Cressy imper- ' The ero*d reaekid far m t&% door, I panted at \t by Mijic/* And kritlt with, the rest on Ilia floor, _™~_.,^_A And wnen |n that solemn tUllneai, When silence reigns tttprama, * When the-Sacred Host ft ratted on And our prayers aloend to Hlnv •f I silently prayed for j^dasd*; From tht Royal % ? * $ • itiMmy 'A'M'-^romJwSJ •.j£'&&.4i0fc^ ,*'•>. "•*»! £?ai <i' At , the meeting of tlw Jtroatew of the Catholie Suaanter ScmooVfcrtd re- cently at the Catholic; einfc, N«rf York; city, Reifc Jojm *i*ihoi Smith wan chesea president of ®& *8m>\ to succeed Re*. D. J, IfeMahon, wii? resigned, Under the will of the late Cather- ine Woods, which directed tie r*«4* due of her estate to be devoted to a worthy Catholic charity, to be select- ed by her executor* the American Society for Visiting .Catholie Prison* era has received the sum of $i»Q#0, to be invested, and the interest is to be devoted to the useis of the socleiy, This is the first bequest the soelf tt has received, and t*ft aoeleity* In ac- cepting the legacy* adopted reiolu> ; Uons of thanksl to : ut,- P„ J&. Mpptibi? ay, the ex*cuW>r of theiriuiby^homA*t»)^'-'%»|a'>lk'1»#i|fe fn1|',.#'-ill** : .the*socles waa.selwjteff'fs'the":':hiaa^ ;; -."-;• ***&-''..*;.• ""'•';.*•"«:,-*•••-'. : flciary. '--,'>• >' '"'•'._, ;:^"-^^*.^1^t"oii|fc*ia.iw^ . , Writes, -the Rome correij^ndiMt ~M, .^B« '**1lwi: «R *»' 'totiMm* The Pjeematt'ivJouimai, .c6n0e.rjBjfcag;'V^'%wl»^]|»-H|hji '& *~. %d «!» - M jmim f;m •J*r- *?: the great me_n% r (^nirater#^Uiif;:&&: city of Limerlcir, ylicifaft t^vel^f sonitas the man who "is" everything to Ireland note with » W ^ «nu : ed|; from janitor to manager of the vil- lage theater. Miss Payne is leading woman of a repertoire company. The fiojs Wentworth Trlo^an act of eauestrlanism, in which beautiful horses and pretty * feats are shown; Cooper and Robinson, colored enter- tainers; the Debovler Grand Opera Trio, presenting the- prison scene from "Faust;" George Wilson, a monolo-glst of known ability; the Wilton Brothers, in a novel comedy horizontal bar act Daisy Harcourt, an English character comedienne; the Three Armstrongs, trick bicycl- ists and the kinetograpb will make up the bill. Matinees will be given daily. ftcatioh: Dr. O^RIqrdanvhpnAle aa| gentle as i^iar-hAs^ded^ew^u^ J t o tfce old Catbollc city of ibfirejrK* Injhe eyes of thw wtiftii. w^^d; was recently received in pthitt* •'•&$' dlence by the Pope and: jpave ]Eti,l '•%$<%•, iness an amount of the spfenotd 'Cowtei.^' fraternity in* Lljaerick—the Confra-: ternity of the Holy Family,, whi<?h:*p> tually counts its its ranks almost et* ery man in Limerick. \ A few days ago in l * bog near Ros- common, while a farmer was engaged j?rapatat*a*i mm bejattf' -*iwwj(^^s^ A^f.^. a^^(9 Ja^^^sj^HpW' Siltar)^«aHrl^ jrjKfuiB^ettt i|i%i|arlQ ! ini: oowpietiott the and <Hb»n atr«W, : - The early morning o'clock aad S:l» wUl In th»e old cHuwh .and " HlW fiitWl^ia "#§£ J0 to aM $m-m •T' * " a "' A* S«««4fr' "•* ,*^»f wi!LDi*«ent-jOJift *m, a%4Mia^a^^s i MB&BQKI •boat that gole'tnf'] NATIONAL THKAT1U. It Is the general consensus of opinion that the man who puts burnt cork on his face Is far funnier than the one who finds it necessary to "black up." There are exceptions, however, and one of them is Ernest Hogan, who will be seen at the 2?a< tional next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, as "Rufus Rastus" at the head of a company of sixty peo- ple—all colored and all talented and guaranteed laugh-malcers. "Lured From Home," a new melo- drama from the pen of Hal Raid, will be seen at the National Theater next week "Thursday, Frt3ay and Saturday. Titers is a little girl, the daughter of tne hero and heroine, the golden link of love; the arch villain and vlllalness; the tramp, who in the end sees the folly of his ways and reform*; the untutered but hottest jockey and his sweetheart; and the typical Bowery tough, who will atop at nothing wttere money ii at stake. AH the scextes are realistic and startling, the locality being in the great city of New York. Footaal) In Georgetown tlafversitiy A statement has recently appeared in some of the Catholic papers to the effect that the president of George- town University had put his foot down on football, and that it was abolished as i sport at that institu- tion. Bine* the publication of this EXCURSION TO NEW YORK CITY. The "West Shore R. R. offers a re- duced rate excursion to New 1 York pity on I'ridafcJDecember 2»th, when round trip tickets good ten days re-, tarnlng will bse^sold for:,Hj.~.,-!Ss!BRft thereon in digging woric, hia upadte came In contact with a small *oootejii box, which he unearthed. In opening in the wood wetot to.pieces. Inside was a leathern covering,:".irhiofc : wti also deteriorated by age, an4. Ih^de: this again was another coTeiinf^in|; the. last that Met the finder's gsxi .wasimi^ookenfitlea "Discourses on thO Sacraments," by King Henjy yilii** In a splendid state of p»|«rra- tion. On the inner leaf is the fol- lowing; "A Defence of the Seven Sacraments against Martin Luther, hy Henry VttL, Jtinkof England, France,, and Ireland, to whfctf are ad- joined his epistles to the Pope." One Of the little-known heroines of the Civil War was buried in Chicago the other day. In the chapel of Mer- cy Hospital 'funeral services were held.over the body of Slate* Maty Bernard Welsh, one of the Chicago «ai«e»^hojrent to thMsonUn ««0 io ©are for the boys in bine. Sister Mary Bernard died at the hospital of pneumonia. She was 74 years old, and had spent fifty-one yesm in his sisterhood. Of this pe- riod forty-five years were passed in Mercy Hoapital. - ^ When the Civil War broxe out *he was sent to the South with mix other nurses from the Mercy Hospital. Of this band the sole survivor is Sister Eivier, now in the convent at Tw*»* ty-nlnth and Wabash avenue. These women had charge of a floating hos- pital in the Mississippi and tributary streams during Grant's campaigns. The Municipal Council of Par** nave decided that the Augustinjani UtaMv Who are lu charge of the Hotel Dieu and of the St. Ixmis Hospital; w d raoet wholesome CK>roedWever ttotiw -y '• Almost #eir*on«i' 'iffcajiii* 'b«r*-tbe^^0rV^h^^^ «fleireM^e^B*ii^o^^ •#r iV\+t •"*"$' mm* %itM', Rsrniti'd's'• ' ( a studant at St. ^ •j»«ie»oe^:niN^ 4ihwj?; 'flM$ #: : .tft|v-^hi*";^#* : willin/r yonnn;man frjenfjhto #ttn F atl next week will the Tjfnlar mati neeaon M0ndAy,Wednes3ay,FTida' andSaturdar. For Christmas wee] u Davj CrookeU" has been saleoud. Fire Minute SuauSt St.. Jobs Soars Wftsess Is Christ WWfrMrl; Mak&'Mi St-John informed the Jmvrt of the natturs of his mission, and dinct- ed their "attention to the prophwr of Isaias wotoh foratold his oomiag, bf"<fw&ttg the « vi us of tin propheT, "Speak to the heart of Jerusalem, saith the Xord t and call aloud to her, bo^e cott|[))rte<l,My peopl«,for yonr evil lp come to an end. Then shaU H heard a roioe of one orjiag in the wildefneas, Prepare *• the way IJord, s a k e straigbt Hto <mmMSi ttio7 v ^ r? . *& 4Ml| . . . . . The sermea prsachedV Rer*MTj''' the hrUllant oratoF'of^tS^ the Vinoentlans, who ad ^ last xaiMion given la t&e,^oIi Mary's. * * * lw K^ The choir isoralM^aada^ will be aader the direettoa^lf' wUT'he'"ioHlain feraini leaving Roch- p e ^ ^ ^ n d J h a t lay xmrses^shonld be ester at ©soS and lo:87 a. nt., 7:02 and 9:24 p. mu, Tickets will be good returning on or before Sunday, Jan- tres will have special attractions dur- ing the holiday week, '^tciudiog Grand Opera with 'the greatest ag- gregation of singers the world has ever seen. 8ee, Chinatown by night; see the Hippodrome, the largest thea- tre in the world, cost $1,700,000 seats 8,200. There are also a groat many other inter ^K^fcoisK ilsv' 4sks^k i sighU |s How : tlM MHte.- put in charge. The substitution is likely to cost the city something like 100,000 francs, and the real char- of "the paths." He alec . . r e them* strik proof of' his great hamility, for though promised b y an aaml, horn by * prodigy of 1 the Moot High, tad sanctified before hit birth by the presence of >the XUdeemer, yet he merely i a y i o f himself. "I am the voice of oneorymgr in the wilder* nese." We should learn topraotise htunll- ityas St. John did, by Mnfeasmg sincerely our nothiDgnese, by not sounding onr own prskee even when l^fep.de^r^ofiJlo^^aioald^sres^ ItoJM^Il^aflMlflftio da«o with- - uary 7t3i. Nfew Yorfc's .gEeMifcea* f®&£ J0f the decision may-br^iudg*er fi?oia the fact that the nuns are to be expelled within a period of three months, and that in no case are the Augustinian Nuns to continue the performance of their dutls* under the costume of lay nurses,* The ma*- Jority, however, seem ,to hat* been somewhat frightened at their own de- cision, and ttehr leader kestemo'. m out danger of ostentation, and by eniferlng:, ym patienoe mjnnoas Word* ere^^heD performing fahh fujlyonrdutief _*We shonld oonsider what our owe answer will be When, like St. John, we ate jnskeoT "Who an thonr Grant, O Lor<T,that we may bv able io answer when the time oomes '*We are Christians," Lastly, lot us apply to ourselves these words T^i W*S* " 2 ^ ***** Lord." Let u» make errtry 4 f o t .Ut of tw*sty t -0T. v « e « r ^ ^ Xaefe vUljaet a? offtawn choir wlU bb assssted by from" the iBuuaealate* Charcb, Roejherer^ «- i* +* %f?t*X' \ The new etarefc wfll bo OrtUeatM aatt Soaday at 19 41 ** V*. V&P Prsiyers wen o»er*d W^spfwlr^ Maek last Sunday, * t^i The) sabserlptioa was about |,e»0, The Usk booth, L. C B A- booth, doll booth and fish booth are alL at work atreaaonsly for the holiday fair The Holy Name Society voted Made? to take charge of games, th« •ossf* ity will look after lee Cream and .the Rosary wiJ* snasags the diouaf it will bafia Chr|stina* atglkt M M*. uaL i. , * v *?r * i stei hers sf He" fgfMa; cladiattf the wartotta priests' aua «»»> who have labored here. Bsriy misses la the oM ehnr^h at 7 no and 8 IS The Boys* SseMy will receive Hoiy CommuaJoa. -*» i the new eharch will »e ossaa4 at 10 00 Adxalauoa by ttolket- 'ttlt 10 46. The •senrtoM will begda the dedication, followed h y 4 W emn BMM reasrre4 ftT^h -^ juS " J ' 1 Ip" S.1 i kr^ A Y l &wr* mw! r?V}*-yi*%** #mm# wammammmmmmmit*^ ,^)WM##W>^

Transcript of 4'W -...

Page 1: 4'W - lib.catholiccourier.comlib.catholiccourier.com/1905-october-1908-july-catholic-journal...^—*- X *— Representatives. It is well known that sluce the time of President Grant's

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ggwag T,»t,<|L«y» qoto^JsaM^r a^^^riw^i^iif^j Seventeenth Year. No. 11,

I ' fT .LlU^.i, HI WO






.iNKshei^iv1!!:.^ mam&ty^tGZ^lM^ r^emssfs^smaSt

—-C' "<W»

1 , **» r ^ S S * fiSJSSBjS^jjSSBSJI

WASHINGKrOMLlOTlR A m o n g Our N U M B S ] Legislators

fSytoW to T&e jooHMli

Stem Georgetown has played the George Wastiingtan University of this city, d&eat i sg them by a score o f 12 t o 6, and a f ew days ago, * t Thanks­giving, the Carlisle Indians, being defeated by a score of 76 to 0» i t would seem that after this last same the right t ime had arrived for* quit­ting for good.

S o n * More^Meesliag

I have begun to do some more

Trie national capital presents again toe life and bustle trial usually ac­companies the assembling of Con­gress, The o n e subject of conversa­tion and discussion is, of coarse, the railroad rate v question. With, the great number and variety of views before me the probable outcome of the battle would seem to be a com­promise measure. It is well known "meddling" by . interviewing the that in the arguments before the Sen- members of Congress with -whom t ate committee tie railroads had, if am- not already acquainted and ex-anything, the better of i t They are plaining to them the Catholic side represented by the ablest counsel, of the Indian question. 'There is no and any measure that will pass the. one else to do it properly and" sys-Senate will be most carefully con- teraatieally, and there is no other slidered. That there will be some sort way of neutralising the insidious of legislation on this sabjeot this win- work of the enemies of these schools, ter seems to be generally conceded. ' and or the church, There fa a strong

With this question finally disposed probability that these fanatics, if de-:

of it is not known if the President Tested this winter, will again raise a will advocate any "monkeying" with howl about "an agent of the Gath-the tariff. There is a strong tariff olio Church." but in spite of this I revision sentiment in the Republican fssl that my will will be appreciated, party, and many members feel that by all fair-minded people and that I they cannot return to their homes shall succeed, where others have and face their constituents with a failed. In this work I have already-clear conscience if tbeir party has the promise of- valuable assistance stood "too pat" on the tariff: in'from Republicans and Democrats fact, failure to do anything in this'alike, men who look With disgust up­line is looked upon by many as pre- on the sanctimonious hypocrite who cursor to a Democratic House of Infest the corridors of the capltol

* M W M X W •***** • w j a w w * | w 3 i a t the**- ae#« i*^o^ n\ a3ft>. *$&[ ' "'-••:1'--[l'- • fftnai^^o|ifh^w^v|ri-rlMita*|j^

Three -pranclac*!! Wmm H!t y^Mir^tmm wl «W *son*^ * » S K eouver, SL C* the other day tot **pv** tii« *p««»gbtt» «t.1»* HwrteliW an, where they nflU dewte tMirqi»ei{C<»»*^f«^ %* ©MWWWwH jUmtim to ministering to lepem *«aJa«fr tSMhjfrtt** ni *m% #ft| <te|w*.

Governor JfeHk* of Missouri, a^!»wM^ fc* >fe3ieeit wj tl fr; VL aewriar^ pointed the Bev, *," ^ Wvtrimg, of wi11^uat«w*<»^*|i|pdnil^o»|B^ L New MadyW. Mo., delegate to, Sje *tfi«* <**^» UW&fr Rational Immigration ioiilereiwe*, which met in &w ISork on "Wednes­day of this week,

A society of CathQ% lawyer* nai been organised in I t a j ^ b 4efeno^ priests gratis .•*»rtnjl; '.:4hft al|nd«ra and 'calumnie* of which they *r# b«? tog made the^ victlma'in i*te an«L* qaWhollo piessv ,*.>.*.-.- ^^-i , i - r

Archbiafeop €3hristie* of ForHand, Ore., and Sishop Hattfey^of: X?oItt»-bus", arrived in^Kew1rork;fro« Gtnoa, Jast SatQiraa^ Both werV ratumfng



Wfcte»» to/J n«*rd In Cae dlajatee,. \ !Awwiathai<«s«nieC^^iIl^ \

from their *d iimlaa *i»it to itoweT M n Jlf*1>^rffiiirali«'|ert»C*

I w a s ' w a l ^ . o n a ^ S h W * ^ * ^

5Pli»ft*ttf »b.oa^^r|*olIy^HMifc l ist my heart mm heavy wita »ojr)row

Ho 0*%% iny%lQ»i spate jm**- * ,'

*$tm 'tt* «hime;oe *%» ¥•!**?

In entered m«k8am«dJ^tliojL ^ — * - X *—

Representatives. It i s well known that sluce the time of President Grant's first term only one President, McKinley, had a House of Represen­tatives of hla own party in the sec­ond half o f h i s term and i t is felt that the political complexion of the next House will depend largely upon what the present Congress will do, rather than upon any particular pol­icy of the administration.

There i s every assurance that an­other effort will be made to attempt some legislation against the Catho­lic Indian mission schools. Aside from documents which were offered me in confidence, the general nature of which I alluded t o in a former hews letter, the following resolution was adopted b y the Lake Mohonk Conference, October 2 1 , 1805, at its regular meeting in New York:

"Resolved, t h a t this conference re* spectfully petition Congress, by leg-' islation, t o pass upon the question whether any funds held in trust by the United States should be used for the support of any schools under de­nominational or ecclesiastical control. And the conference records its con­viction that the decision repeatedly embodied in t h e legislation of Con­gress, against the appropriation of any public funds for the support of such schools, should also be by law enforced aga ins t the use of Indian tribal funds, of _ whlchv the United

^Sts ie i government Is tiie- trusteei**' "We recommend *td the Secretary

of t h e Interior and to Congress that such measures a s are necessary be taken to make possible the admission of f u n blood children o f the so-called five civilized tribes residing in the Indian Territory into the Government Indian schools o f the country."

Here we are again wi th the same problem before us. "Will Congress yield to t h e demand o f these fanat­ics? That is t h e burning question of t h e hoar, And this question is not limited to t h e narrow view of the

_ passage o f this particular M l . It .embraces the broad proposition whether o a r Congress wil l eventual­ly become a truly American Congress, imbued w i t h t h e spirit of American fairness, and thoroughly emancipated from the thralldom of bigotry that has s o Ions obtained there, The last Congress w a s t h e first In the history of t h i s country t o resist the demands of bigotry, but the new Congress, about to assemble, h a s many new members and the outcome of the bat­tle is notv assured. The loss of Mr. McAndrews, of Chicago, a former member of the Indian committee and a Catholic, will rnake the committee doubtful, but the hope 'may be held out that Mr. Stephens' little amend­ment will again be buried in the waste panel* basket of the Indian Af­fairs Committee. Later on I shall give a detailed account -of the fate of the bill, and of the votai cast.

every winter. B . h. SCHARF, Ph. D.

Cook Opera Hence.

Will M. Cressy and Blanche Payne will be the main attraction at the Cook Opera House next week. Mr. Cressy is the author of 90 successful Vaudeville sketches. Next week they will present Che latest of. his playlets, "Town Hall To-night." This Is de­scribed as a most quaint and droll of­fering, In which Mr. Cressy imper-

' The ero*d reaekid far m t&% door, I panted at \t by Mijic/* •

And kritlt with, the rest on Ilia floor, _™~_.,^_A

And wnen |n that solemn tUllneai, When silence reigns tttprama, *

When the-Sacred Host ft ratted on

And our prayers aloend to Hlnv •f

I silently prayed for j ^ d a s d * ; From tht Royal % ? * $ • itiMmy

'A'M'-^romJwSJ •.j£'&&.4i0fc^ ,*'•>.

"•*»! £?ai


A t , the meeting of tlw Jtroatew o f the Catholie Suaanter ScmooVfcrtd re ­cently a t the Catholic; einfc, N«rf York; city, Reifc Jojm *i*ihoi Smith wan chesea president of ®& *8m>\ to succeed Re*. D. J, IfeMahon, wii? resigned,

Under the wi l l of the late Cather­ine Woods, which directed t i e r*«4* due of her estate to be devoted t o a worthy Catholic charity, to b e select­ed by h e r executor* the American Society for Visiting .Catholie Prison* era has received the sum of $i»Q#0, to be invested, and the interest is t o be devoted to the useis of t h e socleiy, This is the first bequest the soelf tt has received, and t*ft aoeleity* In ac ­cepting t h e legacy* adopted reiolu>;

Uons of thanksl t o :ut,- P„ J&. Mpptibi? ay, the ex*cuW>r of theiriuiby^homA*t»)^'- '%»|a'>lk'1»#i | fe fn1|',.#'-ill** :

. the*socles waa.selwjteff'fs'the":':hiaa^;; -."-;• ***&-''..*;.• ""'•';.*•"«:,-*•••-'.:

flciary. • '--,'>• > ' '"'•'._, ; : ^ " - ^ ^ * . ^ 1 ^ t " o i i | f c * i a . i w ^ . , Writes, -the Rome correij^ndiMt ~M, . ^ B « '**1 lwi : «R *»' 'totiMm* The Pjeematt'ivJouimai, .c6n0e.rjBjfcag;'V^'%wl»^]|»-H|hji'& *~.


«!» -

M jmim f;m • J * r -


the great me_n%r(^nirater#^Uiif;:&&: city of Limerlcir, ylicifaft t^vel^f

sonitas the man who "is" everything to Ireland note with » W ^ «nu: ed|; from janitor to manager of the vil­lage theater. Miss Payne is leading woman of a repertoire company.

The fiojs Wentworth Trlo^an act of eauestrlanism, in which beautiful horses and pretty * feats are shown; Cooper and Robinson, colored enter­tainers; the Debovler Grand Opera Trio, presenting the- prison scene from "Faust;" George Wilson, a monolo-glst of known ability; the Wilton Brothers, in a novel comedy horizontal bar act Daisy Harcourt, an English character comedienne; the Three Armstrongs, trick bicycl­ists and the kinetograpb will make up the bill. Matinees will be given daily.

ftcatioh: Dr. O^RIqrdanvhpnAle a a | gentle as i^iar-hAs^ded^ew^u^ J

t o tfce old Catbollc c ity of ibfirejrK* I n j h e eyes of thw wtiftii. w ^ ^ d ; was recently received i n pthitt* •'•&$' dlence by the Pope and: jpave ]Eti,l'•%$<%•, iness an amount of the spfenotd 'Cowtei. ' fraternity in* Lljaerick—the Confra-: ternity of the Holy Family,, whi<?h:*p> tually counts its its ranks almost e t * ery man i n Limerick. \

A few days ago i n l * bog near Ros­common, while a farmer was engaged

j?rapatat*a*i mm bejattf' -*iwwj(^^s^ A f. . a^^(9 Ja^^^sj^HpW'

Si l tar )^«aHrl^ jrjKfuiB ettt i|i%i|arlQ!

ini: oowpietiott o« the and <Hb»n atr«W, : -

The early morning o'clock aad S:l» wUl In th»e old cHuwh .and " HlW fiitWl^ia "#§£ J0

to aM $m-m

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•boat that gole'tnf']


It Is the general consensus of opinion that the man who puts burnt cork on his face Is far funnier than the one who finds it necessary to "black up." There are exceptions, however, and one of them is Ernest Hogan, who will be seen at the 2?a< tional next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, as "Rufus Rastus" at the head of a company of sixty peo­ple—all colored and all talented and guaranteed laugh-malcers.

"Lured From Home," a new melo­drama from the pen of Hal Raid, will be seen a t the National Theater next week "Thursday, Frt3ay and Saturday. Titers is a little girl, the daughter of tne hero and heroine, the golden link of love; the arch villain and vlllalness; the tramp, who in the end sees the folly of his ways and reform*; the untutered but hottest jockey and his sweetheart; and the typical Bowery tough, who will atop at nothing wttere money ii at stake. AH the scextes are realistic and startling, the locality being in the great city of New York.

Footaal) In Georgetown tlafversitiy

A statement has recently appeared in some of the Catholic papers to the effect that the president of George­town University had put his foot down on football, and that it was abolished as i sport at that institu­tion. Bine* the publication of this


The "West Shore R. R. offers a re­duced rate excursion to New1 York pity on I'ridafcJDecember 2»th, when round trip tickets good ten days re-, tarnlng will bse sold for:,Hj.~.,-!Ss!BRft

thereon in digging woric, hia upadte came In contact with a small *oootejii box, which he unearthed. In opening in the wood wetot to.pieces. Inside was a leathern covering,:".irhiofc: wti also deteriorated by age, an4. Ih^de: this again was another coTeiinf^in|; the. last that Met the finder's gsxi .wasimi^ookenfitlea "Discourses on thO Sacraments," by King Henjy yilii** In a splendid state of p»|«rra-tion. On the inner leaf is the fol­lowing; "A Defence of the Seven Sacraments against Martin Luther, hy Henry VttL, J t inkof England, France,, and Ireland, to whfctf are ad­joined his epistles to the Pope."

One Of the little-known heroines of the Civil War was buried in Chicago the other day. In the chapel of Mer­cy Hospital 'funeral services were held.over the body of Slate* Maty Bernard Welsh, one of the Chicago «ai«e»^hojrent to thMsonUn « « 0 io ©are for the boys in bine.

Sister Mary Bernard died at the hospital of pneumonia. She was 74 years old, and had spent fifty-one yesm in his sisterhood. Of this pe­riod forty-five years were passed in Mercy Hoapital. - ^

When the Civil War broxe out *he was sent to the South with mix other nurses from the Mercy Hospital. Of this band the sole survivor i s Sister Eivier, now in the convent at Tw*»* ty-nlnth and Wabash avenue. These women had charge of a floating hos­pital in the Mississippi and tributary streams during Grant's campaigns.

The Municipal Council of Par** nave decided that the Augustinjani UtaMv Who are lu charge of the Hotel Dieu and of the St. Ixmis Hospital;

w d raoet wholesome CK>roedWever

ttotiw -y '• Almost #eir*on«i' 'iffcajiii* ' b « r * - t b e ^ ^ 0 r V ^ h ^ ^ ^

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willin/r yonnn;man frjenfjhto #ttn

Fatl next week will the Tjfnlar mati neeaon M0ndAy,Wednes3ay,FTida' andSaturdar. For Christmas wee] u Davj CrookeU" has been saleoud.

Fire Minute SuauSt St.. Jobs Soars Wftsess Is Christ

W W f r M r l ;


St-John informed the Jmvrt of the natturs of his mission, and dinct-ed their "attention to the prophwr of Isaias wotoh foratold his oomiag, bf"<fw&ttg the « vi us of tin propheT, "Speak to the heart of Jerusalem, saith the Xordtand call aloud to her, bo^e cott|[))rte<l,My peopl«,for yonr evil lp come to an end. Then shaU H heard a roioe of one orjiag in the wildefneas, Prepare *• the way

IJord, sake straigbt Hto




4Ml| . . . . . The sermea

prsachedV Rer*MTj''' the hrUllant oratoF'of^tS^ the Vinoentlans, who ad ^ last xaiMion given la t&e, oIi Mary's. * * * l w K ^

The choir isoralM^aada^ will be aader the direettoa^lf'

wUT'he'"ioHlain feraini leaving Roch- pe^^^ndJhat lay xmrses^shonld b e ester at ©soS and lo:87 a. nt., 7:02 and 9:24 p. mu, Tickets will be good returning on or before Sunday, Jan-

tres will have special attractions dur­ing the holiday week, '^tciudiog Grand Opera with 'the greatest ag­gregation of singers the world has ever seen. 8ee, Chinatown by night; see the Hippodrome, the largest thea­tre in the world, cost $1,700,000 seats 8,200. There are also a groat many other inter ^K^fcoisK i lsv' 4sks^k i

sighU | s How : tlM MHte.-

put in charge. The substitution i s likely to cost the city something like 100,000 francs, and the real char-

of "the paths." He alec . . r e them* strik proof of' his great hamility, for though promised by an aaml, horn by * prodigy of1 the Moot High, tad sanctified before hit birth by the presence of >the XUdeemer, yet he merely i a y i o f himself. "I am the voice of oneorymgr in the wilder* nese."

We should learn topraotise htunll-ityas St. John did, by Mnfeasmg sincerely our nothiDgnese, by not sounding onr own prskee even when

l^fep.de^r^ofiJlo^^aioald^sres^ ItoJM^Il^aflMlflftio da«o with- -

uary 7t3i. Nfew Yorfc's .gEeMifcea* f®&£ J0f the decision may-br^iudg*er fi?oia the fact that the nuns are to be expelled within a period of three months, and that in no case are the Augustinian Nuns to continue the performance of their dutls* under the costume of lay nurses,* The ma*-Jority, however, seem ,to hat* been somewhat frightened at their own de­cision, and ttehr leader kestemo'. m

out danger of ostentation, and by eniferlng:, ym patienoe mjnnoas Word* ere^^heD performing fahh fujlyonrdutief _*We shonld oonsider what our owe answer will be When, like St. John, we ate jnskeoT "Who an thonr Grant, O Lor<T,that we may bv able io answer when the time oomes '*We are Christians," Lastly, lot us apply to ourselves these words

T ^ i W * S * " 2 ^ ***** Lord." Let u» make errtry 4 f o t

.Ut of tw*styt-0T. v « e « r ^ ^ Xaefe vUljaet a? o f f t a w n choir wlU bb assssted by from" the iBuuaealate* Charcb, Roejherer^ «- i*

— +* %f?t*X' \ The new etarefc wfll bo OrtUeatM

aatt Soaday at 19 41 ** V * . V&P Prsiyers wen o»er*d W^spfwlr^

Maek last Sunday, * t^i The) sabserlptioa was about | , e»0 , The Usk booth, L. C B A- booth,

doll booth and fish booth are alL at work atreaaonsly for the holiday fair The Holy Name Society voted Made? t o take charge of games, th« •ossf* ity will look after lee Cream and .the Rosary wiJ* snasags the diouaf i t will bafia Chr|stina* atglkt M M*. uaL i. ,

* 4» v


* i


hers s f He" fgfMa; cladiattf the wartotta priests' aua « » » > who have labored here.

Bsriy misses l a the oM ehnr^h at 7 no and 8 IS The Boys* SseMy will receive Hoiy CommuaJoa. -*» i

t h e new eharch will »e ossaa4 a t 10 00 Adxalauoa by ttolket- 'ttlt 10 46. The •senrtoM will begda the dedication, followed h y 4 W emn B M M reasrre4 ftT^h -^juS"J'

1 Ip"

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