Br -"It Is...

- 'tafcSft'OAi" -1 "" 1 ,«a*a<x'<»*» v * WitfB^lM^*!**"* i»« •iiiiuiiiiniiiiiiiiiii "••"mi .; niiiiiiminimi , *fr: Soaytl m>si>n t Th», i of .a..clock' !<1 gOW, /,&*.. J..". '' \. ' n Murph^ 5<Vl t w e e d y ?anon Nich • iiaagaa;" oc to.--»'*ft.-.-*^M-. airet ' K * f » trwt, Wic^' ftter of tiw Newcastle sad opour lurea, nest tuas Quinn, Ho .was he went to >m a neigh 0 he tell ID body wu he locality '••flue hat c following -era: Presl gr. FsJney. J. A. Can arer, .lit. J rady, NT1 "T. if. Dr. B Habeii, J i Gonriailly, iinghahVP.. jpeimatv* IQ DO&BL; ily in 6*1- unore/ pre- >iutidh TfTM' jived. Thi'l ecretarj- 01 e U. t *:L.:- 1 the QMpi- •th Gal-fray rers of th« or the pur- ptj for per to cuaakiei lelp his Of- te cause of a father." eU and the » effect. and repf-e- ariahloaen alter '.jtajrt. njotlxn tbt »ushing . s 'anon ;Bo- b'.ofy'tfcs': > fpUowing ev. C«aop;i ather Ooo- tecretaries, treasurer, rojuscragb a at Kflli- tng a trib P. CaBi- arily on a purpose of pietloh of *• an boor aenced the le streets, and at; 8 assembled, . On the , seconded Spelman, applause, ws. which people by n, Patrick bael Syan esentation traveling gyor-'-tbe,' llted Irtab Glfeia}-^;; Mcaiyikii. aW d* tfia , tl 'J»^c*r---:[ rta of Cw aali th of Jrae; The l»an,,w?te junddaeul ••entatiiw si'a wife/* > bona* In The play », dealing i days of sthe first red by an persona*: Mitrtot, J. B. Q'Ga- P. Crann; in; Major Clarke; "eely;F%-, Sergeant ^'Connor; '.;J. J*Of- kndereou; >..M.jHt#>. A <rfBcer, * rebel's makt, W. stly; • ,. • irty toest . ** V* .X &* I i \ 'St' ' * .iff •\ 1 l Br v- H It was Mtterly eold Gladys Ken- »et •hlrered la the damp of the early morning a* alia paced up an* down the empty street A watte mist lay OT»I London. Under It the houses '•eras ,6K- th* most ,payt allent atUl, wttb dose abat doors and wtndowa. Bnt aome of them were tegtoalat to stir, afllkmea'a carta were busy rattllat op, auA 4ow» the etrwta aow, *»d worktajo were ht>rry}«f t6 catch tralna ani traoaa. Ufe was eozaunenclnf atgain after th« sleep of the ntaT&t. J^d Jarflseotly ttta ffreat wfato doors of the prtaoa would opea to Jk( out Into life afata some who aa^tseon aimoat as §ac*o* aa> dead." Qladys stopped and peered down the courtyard. A little, strange look- h»a- .«7£TOP was beftnijlac to eollect— ; : raj«ed women they were for th* laojagt part, all sMvftfing tn the daiap cold o| the jmoroing—r-fomen wry Alterant to her. erea though aha was plainly dxemed—women to whom there was nothing atraose in waiting oatsldo prtaoft dpors! - '•-., l Something, that more than the mist struck Jjer wltft., a co}#i aaljlJL ;Bhe wu Ute them—like Uveas ?tr«l5,fee<l fpweft ,w% waitfd:^ She, too. was waiting for a criminal to /come out -she, too -^Qlady8 Kennet, "of Orangelande Gourt, waiting Just i;aa ^J^,'ifpr0;';-;r .-{''.'i-^ : * .; ; '- Slif was plainly dressed; -yet her ' aary hloe coat aoij her red hat bora an .unmistakable Impress, ...... -v.,.^,-. '" : -'-~Wbi»'""'waJted" Blowiy up the street and then back ^hpn ?b«? reached ttie ^tes ajgain//the iltrte,. crpiyd seemed larger" She would not be a eowau-d.. Sb© wool*! not shrink now! The time was over; she had come thus far; she had waited in silence : patience for this morning, and now she roust be true and brave' Tfes doors were thrown of>en sod- dsniy and a email crowd of men • came out, etraggling In ones and twos and threes—men with hang- dog aire, with bent heads, or else with bold faces sad defiant eyes, and , heads carried high Tbere wis a rush toward them. Gladys hang back for just a moment. .. aBd*€h&D she too darted forward. , ; „_^QaD* .,had pome obt »?ery different- ly to the rest. He stood against, the gateway, for a. moment, looking out 'with strange, dated eyea at a world te s*emsdsx;arcely tp recognise He .'. passed his hftnd aero** his face' mod: looked again, and at that momeat •> f<Sla^s^u^ht ; 'hls-:*nn.> ; ;'-': v .'••'"••/" • He looked down with a grea^sUtrt •t..ipti>rise.'"'- y '• ; ..'••''' :: *-•- L ''-'^.. : '':V\ '.", • « j & j ^ y s ^ y o u ! > C'•/'•:/, '•'/ ';;.."*;% J ; Her breath was .choking to lisr "*- t h r o i a t '^' ^ ^ '^'' r ' x '~' •'"*.'**'•*"'ft***-'.-*-^*^*- 1 - , >-*•••* **'**?-•' "Oh, Brier "Qh. thank Hearen. ''"Eric—atriait!*** ;' : -''' x : *^ >'"\ < '• .* v •'.; He looked down at her hungrily for a moment, .and then, aa If reallx- Ing where and what be. -Waa. he [be"" (an to unloosen her Augers from his '.,, arm. '>'•'' "What bring* you here?" he asked ""You'qught'oot'to'.haye come —you ought nevier to have come, v It only makes things worsen-" ^;; "Eric-—Eric, don't say those things to me," she cried. "Oh, my dearest, you knew 1 should wait -1 told you so—i told them; all so, and./l do not mean to desert you now. And'you* can't desert me after I have waited •o,;5ricr" ;-. --•'/.'•/..'- •'*; •••• v-v '* ; : \ 8he had .forgotten everything but, him: 'She* was" looking uplwlidiy inCo his white, changed face and her .heart, was beating fOr hl.mJust/as it had beaten nearly three years ago ".:. before tiujjt ^b|^'\,|s^en\/hlim;.,ii':|iw,siy.- ••• the -little' crowd; nsfl.disp^rBed./tttey ;^r^ vt&in- t^;bi^/rj^^*alk|s^ I down, slowly toward'v the noisy- thbr- oiighfare and the open shops..- li'" ~._ r, 7."Efic, you ••ould.,not. beileve I ~ ahouCd .<wef ; iet^. -yon : -;go ? -.'.' she.'V wai : saying.' / "Oh/ you know/ I pelieTed; /you ,..U«ocent,i*nd->'aJ-!ways":sha'H:''/ ^ ''*;' /'Tes—yes, I know," he• answered, slowly; ;"but-—oh,,my darling. I was found guilty, and It doesn't matter . whit anyboijy believes riow; I hare been punished. I haye done rhy th:ee years JttBt as if;I bad, been guilty. Oh', .Gladys, tbey/ called {_ roe guilty, y.' , -s^d/^nat'-' , 'doesJ/it matter eweh *nat yb^i believe now? They have brand- ed me—shut me up with 1 thieves and ;: criminals. Oh, Gladys, nothing ma*- .^.t*r8;.but,;that"- r :•'" /^/./".i^V-.::-,,,•.••••,... ^ i e tightened her; lingers oh his ^ ,»rm; r ^ '* /.'." ' "" ; .-.~\. "It does matter,' she said, in a low / »61ce. "Eric, dear. It matters every- thing. : I beUeye fypn Innocent; /1 know/yon never committed the for- gery, and 1 am going to marry you." •''-He'.-8tarted.. '/-i'-.-'"" •:.• '•'''•'-•'.•' ''Gladys-^-" Her small face was white and set. "1 know what it will mean, dear," she said; "but I am prepared. You fcttq-w/I bitve Bosste money that aiy mother left me. It will be enough for us to start In business^ with some- where, jand uncle can do what bo likes. He was cruel to you—oh, he w u horribly hard on us both, and I am going to marry you—at once, firic, darling." He stood still In t!t« middle of the road and locked down at her. "But—" stammered. "1 thought—Sydney said—that you and ."ne^L,*-'- /•-. ;.•'" ; ' - •• _,-";_ ' - ' / >. ; She stamped her KJot. "It Is not tmo—it is not trae," she cried, passionately, "i would not marry him to save my life ;I wool 1 notjnarry him for a fortune.'* "Bat. Gladys. It would l»« bpfter. ; He is getting On. Your : -imc'le thinks the World of him. UP is his right band, sod i ; —i" . '•• ^ePSF W * ^ SjgSBBBBBa ^f^^^^SJBBJBSSSjS^ W^ * n "*s*,"*WW" 4SwPVS'SVW' v'isi'f ^i^ A*^.±~M~ M^-^l^l'^. •••-' _--.W-* *::*-.-v^- ?1 " years, sad i t has made no dlflVsrence j csmt: marry. 8yd»sf/ : /, "Uaeli has brtsed me with *wytb.tJK a* ea* think of fie is going to make htni a partner and goodness kr*own what else. But It k yos I low—y«i 1 love, and yon I am going to marry— «ad;ssjoa,-I^B.d*iar>,''' ' "• ',••'.'•"- --"105- "• ' '-' .'. •".' ; The great business house' of Sir William : Kennel 4b Co., wmc, n«m- aiagf like a hire. H>e rnorsinsj waa. in full swing. Clerics were roshtng to and fro bells were, ringing, lifts rattling up and down. In the outer work. Sir WtUlam himself was In the thick of business, and among at! those Ove or six hundred people only one man sat Inert and listless.'- "• . " He Was' a yoang man with a dark. keen face, that jaat now looked drawn and haggard. He was hend- tll| over Sett, doltg nothing ex- cept, stare at a *h«*t of netepaper Which he helot In his hand ptouad him, on every aids, were letters wait- ing to be attended to. Twice a clerk had come to bim with notebook and 'pencil ';.snd ['twice'' Sydney Devereux .l^d/sen^Wm , : f>way. to -irj4t. ; .,'- - He could not dicUts letters yet. He could do nothing yet. He wanted to think. •'-';' He stared at the paper and read the words over again: •.'/.-..», •/- "••"Eric '•• CjBJwtajctoa,' : -...waa ^rM^MOsd'- '.this morning. 'Waa/.Biet..hy/a/-;DTetty. ( glrl' is navy 'blns'clo^ea^s^dNH* 1 '****; They drove away together In a ban- Sydney'a browa contracted. A very ngl) look darkened his: rather haad^ ^."Ban-roif*:&')•&,/iiaif . : *W/;jj|ji«5'. And the. glrl^-it could, njit %?» .bsen, | Gladyi-'-^lt could not.itaVa/MeA,;* ^ « He got un h*k|diy and, c«Wrtng tbe^lrobmi qn?ened>,a/door ; which led, ihto-iSir- .WiWa^a'' : ,Pirt,t*.te-/roo;|xu; :Sir William was alone, and looked uj» sharply as.Sydoej- cajee lh,* "••'".' * "Ah, 8ydjneyJ** / he saldi "^hy^ thlhg'*urgehtt^ v '//^:v ; -,- _.*/--.i;/7, :'8ydney-'-heaItat*a/'':"' 1 '-.-'- v "-'''• ; "'/" "I t'hlDk\rl^s^.:'nate/Je^.''S 4 -.n^n^-; prandum behind In your sale at your hour house .last-nifjht;'. he said. '% little; huBklly-at: last; "?1 'had . ..... ,— - • -^r if?y | -I''" ^TH»—W -ttMyHssnnnl Sdaantt. S t t n f ttnntnstnnh. jnUnnssI It' aftt^snlttsfl' K b«*n dinned i n t o n r y e a r ^ ^ kts tcre* e^teralaattoK - 8«« should marry "so'«%r..tor% '- far an ivMiant asd then slowly west out^beck to hla own o«c*. He M J»w*% fff^T^f P^^p.^ ^TiifPlW.-- ^aW waa to-be; #on«. dar^'|l|i-,, ' sad thsn, slipping |£^jgf W%™**mm. w%Et out Into the yard beklnd thw .great, i*4$tiff v|ij|jr* ^ Wttihua'a aiotor stood.' 'Tha ch»u«e«r'*a» *a*: where to be .asm..-, 8y*l»«| b»**f round, and th«n suddesjiy got fe*» - the car. 'ii* wo*li-- drift UMsatf. %' . could not stay—eculd not wait Sydney shot out "|»*»; tin ettt jtreet It was thick wjth tralte:'' ; t% morning was full swing by snaw, and the . city was tu»—^krobblm; with bualnee* life. - , ' '." ~ v / ' % 8ydney rin away ' fronl It all— 'down, 'from , the city, throsg* tit crowged streets, oat into 'the op* Hyde Park C o r s ^ r%a hsvst Ws» a' the ' parity groen ind hri^t/ 11^ " : his right. H# looked towardsi iully. ^ew*mbe^Bg , In a «»*«" w, xhe: morningrfd^he had had wrli Gladys daring the last t * o oi- th- years. Be had doss woadss-f^l things in thst time. His - luck .|i#' been fabsjlout/ Hf- : »!*7p&tW.''W tremendoos strides, pad! had rfsjeji from being sn miHgnifloant nobody Into Sir WUlians^ p«r«»ai frlediwl.- ' ''His, 'ea* .• tairiwd'. th'tf'.•.teojf^sr' tit Queen's Qatetaari^ and *«;'#•*» '-the wide street He drew «p b*f<el|« "&r- Wlttlant'* hosse aad awt'dow*. The man who.' opened the door k»«w "Ask Hiss OUdys if she fill sM me for a-fsw q»iant»B belwre i go/' 1 he said, «a ; he ttMrned i n t o ta>« mtmxj .-"ia1|*u;B^Jb# : .Ma^ ; |ii^*'::^-..-^- ^ '-. I/••lliss;Gladys is dttt, .siri**,sald <topf imsn. '•.,>,. .'•.'.' j t, .. * ') "$|daey .tttfns^;*hi^^ 'fre,W;-a Utile,-gray, 'S^.-the--'«far4.i--*n , the sheet of notepaper in his ooestot | blss>l»Ue«as««asM««! ^**+-*/^^^ ™* , ^™'-^^;tK ; U'"C'-"/••-' MWm *v • - •*•' f "waa) a ©safnsesl hdn^.saf jBs^swNtinsjtt' Retereu* *4 a^swa^ Jilt:lMFHiBSiat «3iady*rls cle*r «stoi« * » * *•* «»ad no«»« ia t t "Erie hsji IOSSI hwaaw*^' tad h* sssw aothhyc--«othlnaT ' *«* mer hrlglnt, haodky Stvea a«SHsatk hasr red. teat. ~ .' . ; .' Th* m*raW9*^^4tt#&tom. ^SL^UBSI" •VsasfaA^t. .sslsSi^ss^lBBassifSBr ss^sa^siiBjsjksnsft --^saMb fksnr^s^sssM\ -m? "• *T*-^T'.'' '•Ws> 1 p"^^w'^ 'sin^^l l ^^^^ff^a^^ >, ^as^ssjsBSBjswjssss.- ^^syey '.eisB^'e^n/ i I waakehed ^tO: alT' t»'-,^^*^ita«Sl«4 :»•*> - wtrd it. - -Hy^a l*ark Oafsw: nsssjHnsi' »•iPiSl^^'W^'*^^ Ikil' *SP3av .aiav ; \ ' ^ T ' ..:^--i •" •• • ;-,••..•'..:.• . .••• .' H* tntaad ^Jkjnej^.sMlfn^^llie> car, Uk« a Mflag ***»>«* *vm**- tmr ?y- eWm^Sft^- STARTS- •fl3& a^^sssBBBB^ssissj^ 11 , •snawflnj' t^snsssB^ < > _^st^ssjgssnsp r . *<trk h* Xbt*m up W* towis Vitk m ,^*T»; / i . /,.'-~ - ; "J -•• . . ^ - i*ri*Xi?J!-> ..j-.^i-l. - *r^^r* f j ^*?W(t *l^TJj^^^!>^>^•* , *' ^P^"^P^,"' vV^'PB^^^*' ''''*flpPasssnsj _ thai. If t|Muw Is jsjay ©•*• ••'«Hsgmt %•. ,^&tt$*| w^^^wK*P^''f^tar ^T^**^^P*^a^sn^ - ^s^s^Bssi-sBajnsBSB^ .sjass^^ges(-^^sBB3siijvs^n^e^ '^ssa^^-s^^ssjsBBj^.. "^'fl* ,^HnF'lrT*ff ^r'W'prj^raSi flSSJSSBBjf a^ .^-waniBS_r. '-SS^BBBBSBBJI .•eBJ"BB^BnB> *^^B* i^fns^ ^BSBJSBBBBSBnv . j S i f l g a / ^ B P ^ p B ^ a f , SBBBBBBBBaj/^jSaSBBBBBB^. .|«W«%l r :J^-USd. i |k.J pyici the fcsTpk**. •-'-• IftisV^l^.in^.s^ePeV ke«n lo^>k ts*4 gone ftp hapntness tm ftwf •*•«. _ |t.;e»sii,' keek.. Bh* w a s < e4oed _to Ms», ;i iitsS go and get it befdre I dc^^ anythinjjfl hjeakfast* I tMnlt, sir, els^ for. yod remember, there is a | '" meeting at l i . v './v/ ; 'i\ •:'- \ "To be euro'»: Sir Wtllfain fulled his keys from his -pocket "YICMB/ af* sure you put Itbick inrmyasfdf*' jl» as«< » v Weil.' It otfgh| tf te^n^ not to do business oot of ofllce hours, my boy. Gladys Is always grumbHng .if; ltt*vkbo^//ft^«aya'. !;*bai$£$ft>! tjS' go /into accounts with my deeeert. and Insists on sitting with me while I eat my nuta. just to .see -I don't do it. When she' is 'your- wife. 8ydaey, you must let 'heflceep that wp. Wilt. 'io.Vna -*et"the. ; Da'ner.**'-:-.-.- •'.'<••' _ i'^^/Vr^*^S^l-WTl $^9W-~ .sWR^s »?»Ww'''. ^^. mjum/&imafc:m tfiw**%* : ' At th»''s«ase isjn^agt ftr "W1!ll*«m Keunet cams ia^ Sydney W0 looWajt at GItdys:. % &fa*tofim* > %. loirad ; 3ioi.i«r----froB»g »^sf ir«ry :fS«tt}"f*t; Jf ha^JW«h-he»- oaBsa 'tfcf'ye*"-^fc; ifW irtqr X l)laaiiea ats 1 mla—wky I f^rtfei in*' fh»Clt,f *'.••• i "•' r'-' . _ ' ^TToU't 1 '*" fbe word cnJnHU's?e> >'»ry tis!* :• «Jlsdys % t .aid'/ "air Wll^iiCfV isps/*'•• <> •"•"-. ,J -• • • ' , " sVx^^Hs) CnsMesi neMsnfMMssnsfsaxdklkS''' jdss^tt.^ la ts^RaisdAtatsAof'IMasjsnsi,^-. fSST'ltt *0SS«- S^^ bs«« JtrigsJed *Hb wsHsr * •wejswset*' w « s -'sysniBsn'' nwi' sjs? 'taMitt. %tf..'iasialsa.''.«^^ ' •^kagj^jjt^gWg^ - 'J|B^, j^g^_^_^^_«lUi^__i^toQ_jl - ^|r^'^WP""""W^a', ^•*y' l^wwws^H|^W|WBB^SnrflP' ( 'il»l'fjunt'''' ^--tkli' t»ideas ' ami .ejM>sjt|r -' ;#4K|ifv^iM((s)^^s^.|||pk^ swiHi htaradttead-fliana.-- dsaaaasy _ «*•' s e ? ^ w ' W f w^sfis«^"wws> ' - •e*?ewssss» - jsBrws^^sssssnevsy . ,w^ taJke thw «%e#-e^sjH»|s%^'M''1^ f igM' taatOYSAksft amasasswpTogfssjr^bise^ T :> a''asBBjsBsj|n^ ^ MVVSR*>SF T . WV -SJSSJ• ^n^Bjs^g^spag^BBSBW' j MAt r«jsVi-^s^**h,. t^*ts<er ^, •^e^nssBB^n; ^Psa^PssrY jfz» ^jewawpsa. ssj#swn|giBaBBi •jeBBsssr^s^BBsnassB^ ww "^^ss^ ; sj^K^^assBHBBBBBi^|g, s^s^-^iavsi4 _^^rt J ps)» sM^nJa^e ttte ishstUsttasi of Wfi0k ,.• '|[HI»UIH»' wu»«»« »>;»iii!iuii^nn iij 'mm«Hi ; '••.'''•' " : 'A ^fftN*r*l%'''W'«#N&"' : ' s ^^ Osrewsi w^esr- ftt* ssoCMfttat ttSBSBBBBB>s Si^^BBBPWW^P* ^WBf^ ^ S B I SnwfWBJ £SBt ^SSJ -SB^BJBBSBBJB; litflstli. f ttli s Tinirit |inr ' ""'"' SRft^| SSfS WfWWJ T W •SBBS'W'SSJ •lr4PS|| r j _ , . it ^«^i^ «« a^lfcot aFeST'' S»ad«aly..-iaejfcf"*ef9rt- ^*fJ*4-'f-\'*Ir««r** r - --sa*'" Wiitimin •—^^J» ; <: . .••J^.._y^/kho.w\'»hiefe; iph*'-l|t"' 'Jjl- -slk)ed,',snar|i|^.-' ;; '..1 ,: ./ '•:•";•'-..->- , ;-t$i*'mmshook ; h|a, head, -";. , _;, "Bk« Jeft* so ha^a^i ! /'ifta'sal4r '•. "'~ ",AM4: w^s^4l»'Mw.sW.P«W , :'fty!*'- f»y;.asked»lij!«fcOy«•• '" •''';•' ' i :•'•"'• '' -,'' ?^that' i. 'sm% say»,.siir*'' .'Aet«Re' 'go t an^/get;thd''nt'por. , ^\^M^'^«---|b^'f .t^'^nV^e^ 1 " " '" ' *' :'and '-xroissdiV-th*' ' "* ~ slbwiy.""^ ;: , r.' '''-'-'A.:" •>''-,' ; " i,; «''-By v: the-' way,/ 8tyan>y,' , ' ?: "" Sir" iBirilrl 'lijlnr, : said;.,«H-^*W!S#'. : : ; "Jfou-'li....-see Gladys.; no/doubt/^ : \-T*ti hef^tp Oxpiect you,"tq : .dkiaer/ id-night' If yon can ccflnoiei/I'll /take some one home- with "me'-fo/Trialte'; n fourth, and 'th#n—. then, perhaps: Sydney, my boy, .you and she ran'.'•-settlia; things, \ l - w n n t you married^- Spfaklo'^her/and- ar^ range it tb-nlght. ; She' knows rhy wishes.;.'; and ybu> ought' to hawe no .difScu!ty^now-^" r //'/;/'c' ; >,,--r ;• ..•/• Sidney's throat was day. ; -, ,* ' "Did you Ati'qiw.j"' be asked abrupt- ly, "that Brio Chesterton was to "come bttf,ihis mpfnfiu^t'* ..- -. / :*...Sir William, looked op v wlth |i littie start.' ^,-" "• " ' '.;'-'('*•,-' •'<"•''• Why., 'no. 4 ^ 'hV' : cri«oV'^ i Ars) :;p yott j;surf/oritrr ;._/' •.'-/ •-:,' •;"•"-•,,-;;•...''.;. 1 /V-'8ydney : 'nod5aedt \addlBtr'" William; sank back Jo his seat with a frown between Ins browe. . which cleared quickly after/d mih.^.te.r J 7 ';i- : '^ k WtlI,J»e , . ^ttj-t'i-be -inch * tool u Ut think of : that; Jfelio*r nbw,«' he sald t sbaroljt •*,"- "feik*' ttttf| r ,^afa- -lad*. 'hei' lessoh, and I was emphatic enough. ;:4/^onjfe'r.:" Good heavena, -&y$Qty, y J : caA't-'ttn'derst»nd\^la«i*..'Jte she'make excuses and stiek to a own who had sullied his honor as Erie "Cties'terjWh'ha^^llpley'lvliy en stick to blackguards as they do, , 'Byd^ey^turnM^is 1 ***. \.-tm tiki li hrary Vbefor* 'Ittan- ; j|a fumhlad \txfr- g. telntite *tt|;: Sir .'^Ulfism 11 *:,i«n. What need to go 'through th« farce of examining the safe? Therw was aoth- lag. ^herS' he **ai#j« ,r7' r A'ny : l messag* 'for Misa .-Gteij^ Ut'v r 'hi'$iim;: '..•••' •* -/,S^d'a#y'»k,ok, f ai^, Mjs^,v' **.^e* w Jb ' l '---^-'--' : ^^;--' V -- : --"ITH.'--'^;'' ,/; "-^"' v - ' Once ntore the> hand waa on the wheel of t l t n r , asst'OnVsg-moT* K ' was' throbbing u«dwr hte». At iim bop of the road i# tstrsfd Into Xsasiaig- ton Gardens and shot forward 1H- :**&% I'i|(s«'^fnv<h61||'ig)i^ gtiMWu. v > ;, l i e f i t stirlng stralgtit .sjiesd. H* shot' past ths Albert Meworlal, o>ut through the gst*e, across ths roeid, and latQ the yarlti.-' The gardens ha.d heen full, bat ths -road' seemed smntltmow. The !o«|. lihe ©t Itottea. Ifow^Vaf 4«sertei|. Ofc| his left the /8erj?#nU»e Ifty Jtti* •, broad streak of stiver b«twei'|t ijal treiss?' ;He fi»etai«ed; atpsjit #tdl, ! and'- -crawled tibpf'.thw 7rofcd/ torjpqi to steady bis thotighU and the bwat of n|t hfsari Why wa» tiere thki a»< romfoTtkbie feelittg upon him—-thust .qaeer,-;coli : ;fis»r'th*t. had Aemtljr;yaii» dbhe him thras y*te» kfdf --.' \ He looked around at the great park. Thars was no one in aig*t that morning. HIn car approached lbs •Sttt eosi of siy-fHxt''"lt*i«* M - : Th*o>i»4r »um d i * « * t *www»-'v' / Wflufr--.*mw:^t|,* , * ka wMsatt «n. f 4d>wly; •*!. -isattt•*» H d i 4 dBssaV^tMl eheck—where it woaldfee.toesajsv-it got him oat of the V*wv~ti patntiii o « t of tbe way—bat tt was p » .fMel —she did not e*re--yo* f I maswi. diet I/*ot;'<Mtrf«f3t Wlfnt. *»tw'ld»»li«*«ls* VCriadyf^rgiWj"'. ' / ' '.' •' ^..' *• ttWjft- fJSafWKM 'tsth fcand* J ' AgkaanB^ ( - ^HttsWlSan'^Bnt''sV^ j •*?•••*•*- Aww^sws- ^Sws ^ ^ s s ^ w^eaBBsp|p> ew^BBB^gisn^ »s^P ^P jrprsdw tasi. stHHRHi ' miiimka**' llnwfr-s*^*B^lBntf •. - , %^ M ^'*Hjy , ,?ig:^»jgiif- : * wssww. flc^'Pl'iBs* asBBBBj^Bj S|BBJK nanw^w w JPaiPaB^B^ ewaaBBBn*.' ^jt^tfVg^ 5 ~*rt -J«f*K5 tasiM is xsutns* lOibrt. ywa^/Ut for a fitber only; »*wafl«ry nvwrn^it *'«iM;f^ii. w i ^ iwa^ii"n^K:| ^r^;atf ipp. i| •»% . ^ itf^l;| fc^I f^gyra %*-.*# «< > S>4it «w e * :„ .."•• ' ^ss%'jau mi ^••iw? r-t»" ^wsi^!i'' : &.'/**iw v^c-ii <*.-v L " ;a "" "" " " "'..Jrtt.;..."*»**»^*g*'''*-' *^(BS*0»»|tV.Jr*! * »«*V*H >*>s>jhe'J*'"* i,l> "* n'H>'«"»»^*» : *^< '- '^l '•' . . ; V ' lp^i i .',*S**fe\v.V '"^™ -^--. . *-i -i-r—~- »»"••» -Wfit UHI—1JW nSP^SSBSBBl SBJBBJBBB* ., asws a#*^F"^W^f' i, pv"^PV aPTJPi^nps w J ^ ^^P w^B^^W|j *MMMa flf*i* TP^PV ^e7^w"i wPw'j^'lanw' -saw. -g^BBa ewx ^PwA^f ~- • an r- '::Su^>^wWsp«r_.'^^ .fl^'lr.f ."ifcajfV . "Ws mast' fergiTe Mgs |j ti ifp>» Int.* he emit. , ' • * * * '• ' - $t* -.,=*; . titiu* l Rat2? ^tsSt^Saeasat : Mir .'WlillajB ,~™«™» »WHW wen p^avwil saa xwi^n^Wsp asvMfawi^ "Hedt: * • . '* f-")7 /, w j^'-wimi«'v'afcft^i^.ii|s^;i^ oeived aroofs ,'«| the Uttt#»oV_ar sfiw - Cheelsiton eg ol Iwigsijt -^m» * wklck he was tkarged, fca4'dsHllssI to appoint niii tsanager U 54«e dt , the iatt, Sydney BererssHr. walii po- | {cittofc he would bars 'gaftt|las| iasl It not head for.tWs.jMft iutf«it«vitta> ml.tak.. 81r William » a ^ tb»4 ty rtgrets'.ana' »a|rf«ttW»^; d* a** .whola,hoiase wilt be wwk'-isf*-Ches- idgi^oli oft-ife'JWfaW****- I'jujjui'ii -,, And when Wr WUlMw d r o y * i | Met his motor car with *rk> d t J l p a C I j •be JITS or - six kandred ^ were crowdln* door* S4t4. t . JW ,,, to weleooHi aim. - ',., Both Jgrla aid llr W»Ba« waJHk ar corner, and them stiddealy # attsril «tt)t white wis* th*r riailld laair, solsaB''of' ; celfte,s*mlnat:.«i*,b*toSr«W' .Sz!^*Ti , I S?^S5fLn i 25 , » 1 ^*F splaSb of oolt>r agratnst the brow* "of .the-rw^'sesmtit bis ay*' \' - - - Oo a chair under the trbe irn*. a gtrl w i t h ! rod hhvtt "' .'- "The."Cir-.:.sh6i forward i h * r | l y . spu d«r kU fterrooa grasp add th«h slowed dbwa again. His hard grmy eyes stared forward blindly at tbe girl nnaer the trees, and thett hii ^ r ^ g d t d a t t r o l l ^ .i>-', ;i"..c^-f,-,- r ~'' He might' h«T* known. - He migbt' have underatood the mesnint of t b e , I cotr'faar eaai 1 w*t^i»j^' ; ''m|ia.^=l|ii.| had not b e ^ a fo^. »e telght haws known aftew all those years thstt - Gladys-; -Vaai.- loyal and faithful gad' lust An iw-otv* iwnniv.-«Mi»Tn .«n,ri ».'li s .'^:i.»ivi^_i. -• < •'-- % ' » * & & & * < : #s>' '• r f * r r iffe life f|4 »'< •/>' - ' - * ri*»W ,SfSV«J{. .i^i-^&k^hi'v V .5at«r*".- .. , , * * » . * _ * . ^a>^sr»»ai^Baa]| ,^a^a*ia<. pB*ne> *^4envJsrM ssl^WHsV wPe™s^s/'Heiss^^ , ^BB*BBhBa*SBvS' ^ " ^" i ^ , ^ ~^t£ i . * '^ *• "Nov for a fraab «ta*V ad alii. Just as I''d-:giv'W,'.twenty : ^es*i;-lo' .any man who stole ta''toe7saa^^r , 'wny. h«=\did.' ? ' ••>:. ••-•'•- , ,'—•>.-•••-• '." K '?N";;.'•/ 'Voi#r 7i#||:^f - l , v 'But-.»^',8yd'n©y*s,// .voifa^ ! -'cam,e .'strain%d;-' ,arid '"'*'uslty^-'"!l>^t r ." wsjhe knows what temRt^tfcnjfce ntarJhave •had-t"**' he-'teidkY '^ ^ T: •'• /# -"*' 7>"Bah!" Wbke'-iftr-SJr^N^IWr'^ -.heard-"' you' i-te^.-thd^^illli^^^bht temptation is noT-'ejccj^/ler^V -niMbi It is no excuse for thieving ai Ches- ! terton did. Gladys calls me bard,i but of all sins a man can commit. forgery is toltoe least Worthy of for*] giwettess./ It ir the C6td«at blooded of crimes ,A man may do something desperate In a moment Of tasslon— something for which be may not be quite responsible—but in order to forge he has to-sit down and think and,plan and wait. It is a deliber- ate, cold-bloodied crime, and how any one could forgive it I don't under- stand, and Gladys least of all. She believed htm ; innocent, of coarse; bat—speak to her again to-night. Her Obstinacy is beginning t o try my temper, and 111 guarantee that she says 'yea' to you when yon ask her to become your wife." His mind was about Elrfc Chesterton, who had forged to a chock three years ago; and about Sydney Devereujc.'who. he was convinced, was the beat husband pos- sible for his niece Gladys. That she • did not fall In love to'his order and throw up the thief and forger, Eric Chesterton, wfe» so astonishing .that all his HIind and vs-ill were bent on securing hi* wish. He resolyed to spare nothing to make her yield it waa the first time that any one had 5> w -> T* *V" true to the man sbs loved. .-'• An4 she was /with' him iwwY iHfm second figdr* nhder the t r e * flrhrw suddenly 'clear tci. W«,/'.''-T*ijF"/iire<w' .looking into each other's faces; both were alight, both were blind to But suddenly O-lndys. caught slgbt dtliin" aid apranirto h«f;-feefc -. ".-'•'"tttric—r3S««s-rb«re , -is". .$$$$&&' she cried. "Let u s t«U Mm now." '.. g|e' .'ran - out wisvinf •„ 'Belr7/'jHKB«l< Sydney - stopped •.'the'" 'car mechaw* •' '''Sydney-^^ydbey^ iieiw-/ la 'iSmfc she cried, breathlessly. "He ha*, coxae-- ttome/.''' Cbxiie• and sjesk. tdi hmr/,^ -X'^- -•' '"...- : ; •..:;' '. ',*'; - - For a moment' Sydney ' straggled!. Tns last drop of blood died frota hll '-face. ' gpeai to him—to the fhlet, the forger, the naan who had Jttsrt n^Ished "serving time*'—bow cdoM he speak to him T His attitude was strange for est honest, worthy, aiwlght man, as. Jf* Wlllam had edllfd'./'l^'Y^iat^' . ihaiTui ' and'". hlttsr hatred: drew hia face fold hard line* Gladys** jtapiry ayes beamed upon him If she kt#ev —Heaven help him? If she could se* into his heart, what would her eyes look like thenT : . '/V^''•"-. " s'' S i s shaking --l»Bd--'"targMB^--^b« : |' driving Wheel. The car shot forward sharply. He pulled the speed lever, sounded the horn and dashed abrnpt- ly away up. the road out into tad wide, open space about Hyde Par* Corafer. '' '"'.- .- ~- /' • _ -" "'-' i: -" ; ••-,. / '. What happened, there he did not know. The traffic was ba»-: cabB and carriages, 'buses/wagons roUsS past ••'- - , »s^»» Jr^W-J*9""WaW Tger Utbe graoe idH... ^ J*». obwert^ wbeawm li (s * » tt. trall. At aa eras apeesl, wltai aoea t*« «HWa«V It* «*<MJM'"-' ' seeks* Utsrsjly to gidtl , . :gt tM rank' herbags. br ' i « f e : ;/•'• ,.% /- n «hjsr; be the soenf. of "g 'rgt* - ^ . the trail may take it In and owt of the batik a good many «»** bwfor* i t eonnes nfp with itti YjMtfM.,. I t . «sy erraa bgf« to swim' * streem. beforf ltd persistence is rewarded,,.'. M. it woaderrul ho* small a Bole t*»t Jong, arched -body can gad* iftta> gad. •owrge from wttbddt ,tb« •Uaftttst TiSid*)t-*J ^A'.r-^iwiii-.--; When -It has caught and kitUd its prey its ' mors»*nts are equally ' «ra,f»eft]} aa it carries tha fpeii «Wtn» i ,t»-tt| adtli: '-'-' '.; •':".-. , ' ,"• : -. Crowing a runtyh »Jd raoaatly I saw « weasel eomiag s^onj n>a4sr :|1MI^ajedgbrois -fad toothed -fityfli thl ebas*. Tfcsre was Uu> aaiss .staweti-- atotion of lbs back; 'hut -tit- Uttl*-- beast'a'head was' b«HI «# bl|di.a#'|iB*' | ; •Ible, and from Its montb btayt m Ump carcass of a yoaag rat, fraahlr kiiled. The weasel held H by the ~x**@k» sind so high, for all the idaort* , .•as*of Its le^">th|^.ojj^/#p<«id : 'i{ ; | Ivtlie - rat's tall' dragged tbrough. ths grass. •-'.' .'•'/... -'••''.'.'. •'-!•-'•- <>i .':•.. ; \, A family : " of wwaasla . will «*t»* fcnxii in company, sad- this Is nsstar* ally a most lotsrestlng sight t * wit-. enter exceedingly imall boles la Um Entirely to the. structure at Its body—i«* flat head, long; neck, and abort limb* and b i t In a cor» rick It can pursue mice with earn their burrows.~-London '",.j*m w*^f***'--•"<•' •>•>--£,•., ,x-i-| tj^weilrir ,--i-««' df>MM *»>iw«i*««*5Ss , !!>s!S«» »k««j,^J4«i.^». 1-r^i f r- * fiivwi"' '-*'' V ?^fj- ':. - •*>•»** l i ^ * .-**t»<*i«r*£ | , ',*w I --<* ..,'?.;! 4 'jHH^_%4#. ^ y i ^ L . iPHiasy ^P9f***fp|i^ fsbd«att.#1ltl jLlilnSBK 'dfesBBBBsV ;ii<saetjn&. ". theater.".'Seat-'frsindl.' '. Aiout twenty peats at th«,',tejNerW theater lh St. Bet«rsb»rg have never been marked In the plans, «M their •die has been pri*st«ly e*pMted iff the bex-b'ffice keepers, who i a tea years have obtained over |IO|,OOd by the frsud. BROiH! RH *- r- ^-' te oc ^ . ^ i ^ \ , i-1 J* V* V'W^t. ".^;i3^g?^^ ^ «i^"^ ^ « * A »r •^ijii'

Transcript of Br -"It Is...

- 'tafcSft'OAi" - 1""1 ,«a*a<x'<»*»v* WitfB^lM^*!**"*

i»« • i i i iui i i ini i i i i i i i i i i "••"mi .; niiiiiiminimi ,

*fr: Soaytl m>si>n t Th», i of .a..clock' !<1 gOW, /,&*.. J..". '' \. '

n Murph^ 5<Vl tweedy

?anon Nich • iiaagaa;" oc

to.--»'*ft.-.-*^M-. airet ' K * f » trwt, W i c ^ ' ftter o f tiw


sad opour lurea, nes t tuas Quinn,

Ho . w a s he w e n t to >m a n e i g h 0 he tell ID

body w u h e locality

'••flue hat c following -era: Presl gr. FsJney. J. A. Can

arer, .lit. J rady, NT1 "T. if. Dr. B Habeii, J

i Gonriailly, iinghahVP..

jpeimatv* I Q DO&BL;

ily in 6*1-unore/ pre->iutidh TfTM' jived. Thi' l ecretar j - 01 e U. t *:L.:-1 the QMpi-•th Gal-fray rers of th« or the pur-ptj for per to cuaakiei lelp his Of-te cause of a father." • eU and the » effect. and repf-e-

ariahloaen alter '.jtajrt.

njotlxn tbt »ushing . s 'anon ;Bo-b'.ofy'tfcs': > fpUowing ev. C«aop;i ather Ooo-tecretaries, treasurer,

rojuscragb a at Kflli-tng a trib

P. CaBi-arily on a purpose of pietloh of *• an boor aenced the le streets, and at; 8 assembled, . On the , seconded

Spelman, applause,

ws. which people by

n, Patrick bael Syan esentation


gyor-'-tbe,' llted Irtab

Glfeia}-^;; Mcaiyikii.

aW d* tfia , tl 'J»^c*r---:[ rta of Cw


th of Jrae; The

l»an,,w?te junddaeul

••entatiiw si'a wife/* > bona* In The play », dealing i days of sthe first red by an persona*: Mitrtot, J. B. Q'Ga-

P. Crann; in; Major

Clarke; "eely;F%-, Sergeant

^'Connor; '.;J. J*Of-kndereou; >..M.jHt#>. A <rfBcer, * rebel's makt, W. s t l y ; • ,. • irty toest

. ** V*

.X & * I i


'St' ' *

.iff • \

1 l


v- H

I t was Mtterly eold Gladys Ken-»et •hlrered la the damp of the early morning a* alia paced up an* down the empty street A watte mist lay OT»I London. Under It the houses '•eras ,6K- th* most ,payt allent atUl, wttb dose abat doors and wtndowa.

Bnt aome of them were tegtoalat to stir, afllkmea'a carta were busy rattllat op, auA 4ow» the etrwta aow, *»d worktajo were ht>rry}«f t6 catch tralna ani traoaa. Ufe was eozaunenclnf atgain after th« sleep of the ntaT&t. J^d Jarflseotly ttta ffreat wfato doors of the prtaoa would opea to Jk( out Into life afata some who aa^tseon aimoat a s §ac*o* aa> dead."

Qladys stopped and peered down the courtyard. A little, strange look-h»a- .«7£TOP was beftnijlac to eollect—

;:raj«ed women they were for th* laojagt part, all sMvftfing tn the daiap cold o | the jmoroing—r-f omen w r y Alterant to her. erea though aha was plainly dxemed—women to whom there was nothing atraose in waiting oatsldo prtaoft dpors! - '•-.,

l Something, that more than the mist struck Jjer wltft., a co}#i aaljlJL

;Bhe w u Ute them—like Uveas ?tr«l5,fee<l fpweft ,w% waitfd:^ She,

too. was waiting for a criminal to /come out -she, too -^Qlady8 Kennet, "of Orangelande Gourt, waiting Just i;aa ^J^,'ifpr0;';-;r .-{''.'i-^ :* .;; '-

Slif was plainly dressed; -yet her ' aary hloe coat aoij her red hat bora an .unmistakable Impress, ...... -v.,. ,-.

'":-'-~Wbi»'""'waJted" Blowiy up the street and then back ^hpn ?b«? reached ttie ^ te s ajgain//the iltrte,. crpiyd seemed larger" She would not be a eowau-d.. Sb© wool*! not shrink now! The time was over; she had come thus far; she had waited in silence

: patience for this morning, and now she roust be true and brave'

Tfes doors were thrown of>en sod-dsniy and a email crowd of men

• came out, etraggling In ones and twos and threes—men with hang­dog aire, with bent heads, or else with bold faces sad defiant eyes, and

, heads carried high • Tbere wis a rush toward them.

Gladys hang back for just a moment. .. aBd*€h&D she too darted forward. , ; „_ QaD* .,had pome obt »?ery different­

ly to the rest. He stood against, the gateway, for a. moment, looking out

'with strange, dated eyea at a world • te s*emsdsx;arcely tp recognise He .'. passed his hftnd aero** his face' mod:

looked again, and at that momeat •> f<Sla^s^u^ht;'hls-:*nn.> ; ;'-':v.'••'"••/"

• He looked down with a grea^sUtrt •t..ipti>rise.'"'-y ''• ; ..'••''':: *-•- L ''-'^.. :'':V\

'.", •«j&j^ys^you!>C'•/'•:/, '•'/ ';;.."*;% J ; Her breath was .choking to lisr "*- t h r o i a t ' ' ^^ ' ''r'x'~'•'"*.'**'•*"' ft***-'.-*-^*^*-1-,>-*•• •* **'**?-•'

"Oh, Brier "Qh. thank Hearen. ''"Eric—atriait!*** ;':-''' x:* >'"\ < '• ..*v •'.;

He looked down at her hungrily for a moment, .and then, aa If reallx-Ing where and what be. -Waa. he [be"" (an to unloosen her Augers from his

'.,, arm. ' > ' • ' ' "What bring* you here?" he

asked ""You'qught'oot'to'.haye come —you ought nevier to have come,v It only makes things worsen-" ;;

"Eric-—Eric, don't say those things to me," she cried. "Oh, my dearest, you knew 1 should wait -1 told you so—i told them; all so, and./l do not mean to desert you now. And'you* can't desert me after I have waited •o,;5ricr" ;-. --•'/.'•/..'- •'*; •••• v-v • '*;

:\ 8he had .forgotten everything but,

him: 'She* was" looking uplwlidiy inCo his white, changed face and her

.heart, was beating fOr hl.mJust/as it had beaten nearly three years ago

".:. before • tiujjt ^b| '\,|s^en\/hlim;.,ii':|iw,siy.-••• the -little' crowd; nsfl.disp^rBed./tttey ; ^ r ^ vt&in- t ^ ; b i ^ / r j ^ ^ * a l k | s ^ I down, slowly toward'v the noisy- thbr-

oiighfare and the open shops..- li'"~._ r, 7."Efic, you ••ould.,not. beileve I ~ ahouCd .<wef ;iet^. -yon :-;go ? -.'.' she.'V wai :

saying.' / "Oh/ you know/ I pelieTed; /you ,..U«ocent,i*nd->'aJ-!ways":sha'H:''/ ^

''*;' /'Tes—yes, I know," he• answered, slowly; ;"but-—oh,,my darling. I was found guilty, and It doesn't matter

. whit anyboijy believes riow; I hare been punished. I haye done rhy th:ee years JttBt as if;I bad, been guilty. Oh', .Gladys, tbey/ called{_ roe guilty,

y.',-s^d/^nat'-','doesJ/it matter eweh *nat yb i believe now? They have brand­ed me—shut me up with1 thieves and

;: criminals. Oh, Gladys, nothing ma*-.^ . t*r8; .but , ; that"- r :•'" /^/./".i^V-.::-,,,•.••••,...

^ i e tightened her; lingers oh his ^ ,»rm;r ^ '* /.'." ' "" ; .-.~\.

"It does matter,' she said, in a low / »61ce. "Eric, dear. It matters every­

thing. : I beUeye fypn Innocent; / 1 know/yon never committed the for­gery, and 1 am going to marry you."

•''-He'.-8tarted.. '/-i'-.-'"" •:.• '•'''•'-•'.•' ''Gladys-^-" Her small face was white and set. "1 know what it will mean, dear,"

she said; "but I am prepared. You fcttq-w/I bitve Bosste money that aiy mother left me. It will be enough for us to start In business^ with some­where, jand uncle can d o what bo likes. He was cruel to you—oh, he w u horribly hard on us both, and I am going to marry you—at once, firic, darling."

He stood still In t!t« middle of the road and locked down at her.

"But—" h© stammered. "1 thought—Sydney said—that you and

. " n e ^ L , * - ' - / • - . ; . • ' " ; ' - •• _,-";_ ' - ' / >. ;

She stamped her KJot. "It Is not tmo—it is not trae," she

cried, passionately, "i would not marry him to save my life ;I wool 1 notjnarry him for a fortune.'*

"Bat. Gladys. It would l»« bpfter. ; He is getting On. Your:-imc'le thinks the World of him. UP is his right band, sod i;—i" . '••

^ePSF W * ^ SjgSBBBBBa ^f^^^^SJBBJBSSSjS^ W ^ *n"*s*,"*WW" 4SwPVS'SVW' v ' i s i ' f

^ i ^ A*^.±~M~ M^-^l^l'^. •••-' _--.W-* *::*-.-v^- ?1 "

years, sad i t has made no dlflVsrence j c s m t : marry. 8yd»sf/:/, "Uaeli has brtsed me with *wytb.tJK a* ea* think of fie is going to make htni a partner and goodness kr*own what else. But It k y o s I l o w — y « i 1 love, and yon I am going to marry— «ad;ssjoa,-I^B.d*iar>,''' ' "• ',••'.'•"-

--"105- "• ' '-' .'. •".' ; The great business house' of Sir

William : Kennel 4b Co., wmc, n«m-aiagf like a hire. H>e rnorsinsj waa. in full swing. Clerics were roshtng to and fro bells were, ringing, lifts rattling up and down. In the outer

work. Sir WtUlam himself was In the thick of business, and among at! those Ove or six hundred people only one man sat Inert and listless.'- "•. " He Was' a yoang man with a dark.

keen face, that jaat now looked drawn and haggard. He was hend-t l l | over M» Set t , doltg nothing ex­cept, stare a t a *h«*t o f netepaper Which he helot In his hand ptouad him, on every aids, were letters wait­ing to be attended to. Twice a clerk had come to bim with notebook and

'pencil ';.snd ['twice'' Sydney Devereux .l^d/sen^Wm ,:f>way. t o -irj4t.;.,'- -

He could not dicUts letters yet. He could do nothing yet. He wanted to think. • '- ' ; '

He stared at the paper and read the words over again: • . ' / . - . .», •/-

"••"Eric '•• CjBJwtajctoa,' :-...waa rM^MOsd'-'.this morning. • 'Waa/.Biet..hy/a/-;DTetty. (glrl' is navy 'blns'clo^ea^s^dNH*1'****; They drove away together In a ban-

Sydney'a browa contracted. A very ngl) look darkened his: rather haad^

^."Ban-roif*:&')•&,/iiaif .:*W/;jj|ji«5'. And the. glrl^-it could, njit %?» .bsen,

| Gladyi-'-^lt could not.itaVa/MeA,;* ^ « He got un h*k|diy and, c«Wrtng

tbe^lrobmi qn?ened>,a/door; which led, ihto-iSir- .WiWa^a'':,Pirt,t*.te-/roo;|xu; :Sir William was alone, and looked uj» sharply as.Sydoej- cajee lh,* "••'".' *

"Ah, 8ydjneyJ** / he saldi "^hy^ thlhg'*urgehtt^v'//^:v ; -,- _.*/--.i;/7,

:'8ydney-'-heaItat*a/'':"'1'-.-'-v"-'''• ;"'/" "I t'hlDk\rl^s^.:'nate/Je^.''S4-.n^n^-;

prandum behind In your sale at your hour house .last-nifjht;'. he said.'% little; huBklly-at: last; "?1 'had

. . . . . . , — - • - r i f ? y | -I''" ^ T H » — W

-ttMyHssnnnl Sdaantt. Sttnf ttnntnstnnh. jnUnnssI I t ' aftt^snlttsfl'


b«*n dinned into n r y e a r ^ ^ kts tcre* e^teralaattoK - 8«« should marry

"so'«%r..tor% '-

far an ivMiant asd then slowly west out^beck to hla own o«c*. He M J»w*% fff^T^f P^^p.^ ^TiifPlW.-- aW waa to-be; #on«. dar^'|l|i-,,

' sad thsn, slipping |£ jgf W%™**mm. w%Et out Into the yard beklnd thw

.great, i*4$tiff v|ij|jr* ^ Wttihua'a aiotor stood.' 'Tha ch»u«e«r'*a» *a*: where to be .asm..-, 8y*l»«| b » * * f round, and th«n suddesjiy got fe*»

- the car. 'ii* wo*li-- drif t UMsatf. %' . could not stay—eculd not wait

Sydney shot out "|»*»; tin e t t t j t r e e t It was thick wjth tralte:'';t% morning was i « full swing by snaw, and the . city was tu»—^krobblm; with bualnee* life. - , ' '." ~ v / • '%

8ydney rin away ' fronl It all— 'down, 'from , the city, throsg* t i t crowged streets, oat into 'the op* Hyde Park C o r s ^ r%a hsvst Ws» a' the ' parity groen ind h r i ^ t / 11^ ":

his right. H# looked towardsi iully. ^ew*mbe^Bg, In a «»*«" w, xhe: morning rfd^ he had had wrli Gladys daring the last t * o oi- th-years. Be had d o s s woadss-f^l things in thst time. His - luck . | i# ' been fabsjlout/ Hf- :»!*7p&tW.''W tremendoos strides, pad! had rfsjeji from being sn miHgnifloant nobody Into Sir WUlians^ p«r«»ai frlediwl.-' ''His, 'ea* .• tairiwd'. th'tf'.•.teojf^sr' tit

Queen's Q a t e t a a r i ^ and * « ; ' # • * » '-the wide street He drew «p b*f<el|« "&r- Wlttlant'* hosse aad awt'dow*. The man who.' opened the door k»«w

"Ask Hiss OUdys if s h e f i l l sM me for a-fsw q»iant»B belwre i g o / ' 1 he said, «a ; he ttMrned into ta>« mtmxj .-"ia1|*u;B^Jb#:.Ma^;|ii^*'::^-..-^- '-. I/••lliss;Gladys i s dttt, .siri**,sald <topf

i m s n . ' • . ,>, . .'•.'.' j t, .. * ') "$|daey . t t t fns^;*hi^^

'fre,W;-a Utile,-gray, 'S^.-the--'«far4.i--*n , the sheet of notepaper in his ooestot |

b l s s> l»Ue«as««asM««! ^**+-* /^^^

™ * , ^ ™ ' - ^ ^ ; t K ; U ' " C ' - " / • • - '


*v • • - •*•' f "waa) a ©safnsesl hdn^.saf jBs^swNtinsjtt' Retereu* * 4 a^swa^ Jilt:lMFHiBSiat «3iady*rls cle*r

«stoi« * » * *•* «»ad no«»« ia t t "Erie hsji IOSSI hwaaw* ' tad h* sssw aothhyc--«othlnaT ' *«* mer hrlglnt, haodky Stvea a«SHsatk hasr red. teat. ~ .' .;.' Th* m*raW9*^^4tt#&tom.

^SL^UBSI" •Vsas faA^t . .sslsSi^ss^lBBassifSBr ss^sa^siiBjsjksnsft --^saMb fksnr^s^sssM\ -m? "• *T*-^T' . ' ' '•Ws>1p"^^w'^ 's in^^l l^^^^ff^a^^>, ^as^ssjsBSBjswjssss.- ^^syey ' . e i sB^'e^n/ i

I waakehed ^tO: • alT' t»'-,^^*^ita«Sl«4 :»•*> - wtrd it. - -Hy^a l*ark Oafsw: nsssjHnsi' » • iP iS l^^ 'W^'*^^ Ikil' *SP3av . a i a v ; \ ' ^ T ' . . : ^ - - i •" •• • ;-,••..•'..:.• . .••• .' H* tntaad ^Jkjnej^.sMlfn^^llie> car, Uk« a Mflag ***»>«* *vm**- tmr

?y- eWm^Sft - STARTS- •fl3& a^ sssBBBB ssissj 11, •snawflnj' t^snsssB^ < >_^st^ssjgssnspr.

*<trk h* Xbt*m up W* towis Vitk m ,^*T»; / i . /,.'-~ - ; "J -•• . .^ - i*ri*Xi?J!-> . .j-.^i-l.

- * r ^ ^ r * f j ^ * ? W ( t *l^TJj^^^!>^>^•*,*' ^P^"^P^ ," ' vV^ 'PB^^^* ' ''''*flpPasssnsj_

thai. If t|Muw Is jsjay ©•*• ••'«Hsgmt %•.

,^&tt$*| w ^ ^ ^ w K * P ^ ' ' f ^ t a r ^T^**^^P*^a^sn^ - s^s^Bssi-sBajnsBSB^ .sjass^^ges(-^^sBB3siijvs^n^e^ '^ssa^^-s^^ssjsBBj^..

" ^ ' f l * ,^HnF'lrT*ff ^r'W'prj^raSi flSSJSSBBjf a .^-waniBS_r. '-SS^BBBBSBBJI

.•eBJ"BB^BnB> * ^ ^ B * i ^ f n s ^ ^BSBJSBBBBSBnv . j S i f l g a / ^ B P ^ p B ^ a f , SBBBBBBBBaj/^jSaSBBBBBB^.

. | « W « % l r : J ^ - U S d . i | k . J

pyici the fcsTpk**. •-'-• IftisV^l^.in^.s^ePeV ke«n lo >k ts*4 gone ftp

hapntness tm ftwf •*•«. _ |t.;e»sii,' keek.. Bh* w a s

<e4oed _to Ms»,;iiitsS

go and get it befdre I dc ^ anythinjjfl hjeakfast* I tMnlt, sir, e l s^ for. yod remember, there is a | '" meeting at l i . v • './v/; 'i\ •:'- \

"To be euro'»: Sir Wtllfain ful led his keys from his -pocket "YICMB/ af* sure you put I tb ick inrmyasfdf*' jl» as«< » vWeil.' It ot fgh | t f t e ^ n ^ not to do business oot of ofllce hours, my boy. Gladys Is always grumbHng .if; ltt*vkbo^//ft^«aya'. !;*bai$£$ft>! tjS' go /into accounts with my deeeert. and Insists on sitting with me while I eat my nuta. just to .see -I don't do it. When she' is 'your- wife. 8ydaey, you must let 'heflceep that wp. Wilt.

'io.Vna -*et"the.;Da'ner.**'-:-.-.- •'.'<••' •

_ i'^^/Vr^*^S^l-WTl $^9W-~ .sWR^s »?»Ww'''. ^^.

mjum/&imafc:m tfiw**%*

: ' At th»''s«ase isjn^agt ftr "W1!ll*«m Keunet cams ia^ Sydney W0 looWajt at GItdys:.

% &fa*tofim*>%. loirad;3ioi.i«r----froB»g »^sf ir«ry :fS«tt}"f*t; Jf h a ^ J W « h - h e » -oaBsa ' t f c f 'ye*"-^fc ; ifW irtqr X l)laaiiea ats1 mla—wky I f^rtfei in* ' f h » C l t , f * ' . • • • i "•' r'-' . _ '

• • TToU't1'*" f b e word cnJnHU's?e> >'»ry t is!* :• «Jlsdys%t .aid'/ "air Wll^iiCfV i s p s / * ' • • <> •"•"-. , J -• • • ' , " »

" s V x ^ ^ H s ) C n s M e s i neMsnfMMssnsfsaxdklkS''' jdss^t t .^

la ts^RaisdAtatsAof'IMasjsnsi,^-. fSST'ltt *0SS«- S ^ ^ bs«« JtrigsJed *Hb wsHsr * •wejswset*' w « s -'sysniBsn'' n w i ' sjs? • 'taMitt. %tf..'iasialsa.''.«^^ '

• ^ k a g j ^ j j t ^ g W g ^ - ' J | B ^ , j^g^_^_^^_«lUi^__i^toQ_jl -^|r^'^WP""""W^a', ^ • * y ' l^wwws^H|^W|WBB^SnrflP'

('il»l'fjunt'''' ^--tkli' t»ideas ' ami .ejM>sjt|r -' ;#4K|ifv^iM((s)^^s^.|||pk^ swiHi htaradttead-fliana.-- dsaaaasy _ «*•' s e ? ^ w ' W f w^sfis«^"wws> ' - •e*?ewssss» - jsBrws^^sssssnevsy . , w ^

taJke thw «%e#-e^sjH»|s%^'M''1^figM' taatOYSAksft amasasswpTogfssjr^bise^

T:>a''asBBjsBsj|n^ ^ MVVSR*>SF T. W V -SJSSJ• ^n^Bjs g spag BBSBW'

j MAt r«jsVi-^s^**h,. t *ts<er ^ , •^e^nssBB^n; ^Psa^PssrY j f z » ^ j e w a w p s a . ssj#swn|giBaBBi

•jeBBsssr^s^BBsnassB^ w w "^^ss^ ;sj K^^assBHBBBBBi |g, s^s^-^iavsi4 _^^rtJps)»

sM^nJa^e ttte ishstUsttasi of Wfi0k

,.• • ' | [ H I » U I H » ' wu»«»« »>;»iii!iuii nn iij 'mm«Hi ; '••.'''•'

":'A ^fftN*r*l%'''W'«#N&"' :'s^^ Osrewsi w esr- ftt* ssoCMfttat

ttSBSBBBBB>s S i ^ ^ B B B P W W ^ P * ^ W B f ^ ^ S B I SnwfWBJ £ S B t ^ S S J -SB^BJBBSBBJB;

litflstli. f ttli s Tinirit | inr ' ""'"' SRft | SSfS WfWWJ T W •SBBS'W'SSJ •lr4PS|| „ r j _ ,

. it ^«^i^ «« a^lfcot

aFeST'' S»ad«aly..-iaejfcf"*ef9rt- ^ * f J * 4 - ' f - \ ' * I r « « r * * r - --sa*'" Wi i t imin • — ^ ^ J » ;<:

. • .••J^.._y^/kho.w\'»hiefe; iph*'-l|t"' 'Jjl--slk)ed,',snar|i|^.-';; '..1 , :./ '•:•";•'-..->-, ;-t$i* 'mm shook ;h|a, head, -";. , _;, "Bk« Jeft* so ha^a^i !/'ifta'sal4r '•. "'~ ",AM4: w^s^4l»'Mw.sW.P«W,:'fty!*'-f » y ; . a s k e d » l i j ! « f c O y « • • '" •''';•' ' • i :•'•"'• '' -,''

? that' i. 'sm% say»,.siir*'' .'Aet«Re'

'gotan^/get;thd''nt'por. , ^ \ ^ M ^ ' ^ « - - - | b ^ ' f .t^'^nV^e^

1" " '" ' *' :'and '-xroissdiV-th*' ' "* ~ slbwiy.""^ ;:, r.' '''-'-'A.:" •>''-,' ; "i,;«''-Byv:the-' way,/ 8tyan>y,','?:"" Sir" iBirilrl 'lijlnr,: said;.,«H-^*W!S#'.: :;"Jfou-'li....-see Gladys.; no/doubt/^:\-T*ti hef^tp Oxpiect you,"tq:.dkiaer/ id-night' If yon can ccflnoiei/I'll /take some one home- with "me'-fo/Trialte'; n fourth, and 'th#n—. then, perhaps: Sydney, my boy, .you and she ran'.'•-settlia; things, \ l -wnnt you married^- Spfaklo'^her/and- ar^ range it tb-nlght. ; She' knows rhy wishes.;.'; and ybu> ought' to hawe no .difScu!ty^now- "r//'/;/'c';>,,--r ;• ..•/•

Sidney's throat was day. ; -, ,* ' "Did you Ati'qiw.j"' be asked abrupt­

ly, "that Brio Chesterton was to "come bttf,ihis mpfnfiu^t'* ..- -. / :*...Sir William, looked opvwlth |i littie s t a r t . ' ^ , - " • "• "' '.;'-'('*•,-'

•'<"•''• Why., 'no.4^ 'hV':cri«oV'^iArs):;pyott j;surf/oritrr ;._/' •.'-/ •-:,' •;"•"-•,,-;;•...''.;. 1 /V-'8ydney:'nod5aedt \addlBtr'" William; sank back Jo his seat with a frown between Ins browe. . which cleared quickly after/d mih.^.te.rJ 7 ';i-: '^kWtlI,J»e,. ttj-t'i-be -inch * tool u Ut think of: that; Jfelio*r nbw,«' he saldt sbaroljt •*,"- "feik*' ttttf|r,^afa- -lad*. 'hei' lessoh, and I was emphatic enough.

;:4/ onjfe'r.:" Good heavena, -&y$Qty,yJ: caA't-'ttn'derst»nd\^la«i*..'Jte she'make excuses and stiek to a own who had sullied his honor as Erie

"Cties'terjWh'ha^^llpley'lvliy en stick to blackguards as they do,

, 'Byd^ey^turnM^is1***. \.-tm tiki li hrary Vbefor* 'Ittan-;j|a fumhlad \txfr- g. telntite *tt|;: Sir .'^Ulfism11*:,i«n. What need to go 'through th« farce of examining the safe? Therw was aoth-lag. ^herS' he **ai#j«

,r7'rA'ny:l messag* 'for Misa .-Gteij^ Ut'vr'hi'$iim;: '..•••' •* -/,S^d'a#y'»k,ok,fai^, Mjs^,v' **. e*w Jb

'l'---^-'--':^^;--'V--:--"ITH.'--' ;'' ,/; "- "' v-' Once ntore the> hand waa on the

wheel of t l t n r , asst'OnVsg-moT* K ' was' throbbing u«dwr hte». At iim bop of the road i# tstrsfd Into Xsasiaig-ton Gardens and shot forward 1H-:**&% I'i|(s«'^fnv<h61||'ig)i^ gtiMWu.v > ;, l i e f i t stirlng stralgtit .sjiesd. H*

shot' past ths Albert Meworlal, o>ut through the gst*e, across ths roeid, and latQ the yarlti.-'

The gardens ha.d heen full, bat ths -road' seemed smntltmow. The ! o « | . lihe ©t Itottea. Ifow^Vaf 4«sertei|. Ofc| his left • the /8erj?#nU»e Ifty • Jtti* •, broad streak of stiver b«twei'|t ijal treiss?' ;He fi»etai«ed; atpsjit .« #tdl , !

and'- -crawled tibpf'.thw 7rofcd/ torjpqi to steady bis thotighU and the bwat of n|t hfsari Why wa» t iere thki a»< romfoTtkbie feelittg upon him—-thust .qaeer,-;coli:;fis»r'th*t. had Aemtljr;yaii» dbhe him thras y*te» kfdf --.' \

He looked around at the great park. Thars was no one in aig*t that morning. HIn car approached l b s

•Sttt eosi of siy-fHxt''"lt*i«*M

-: Th*o>i»4r »um d i * « * t *www»-'v' / Wflufr- -.*m w:^t|,*,* k a wMsatt « n .

f 4d>wly; •*!. -isat tt •*» H d i 4 dBssaV^tMl eheck—where i t woald fee .toesajsv-it got him o a t of the V*wv~ti p a t n t i i i o« t of tbe way—bat tt was p » .fMel —she did not e*re--yo* f I maswi. diet

I/*ot;'<Mtrf«f3t Wlfnt. *»tw'ld»»li«*«ls* VCriadyf^rgiWj"'. ' / ' '.' •' ^..'

*• ttWjft- fJSafWKM 'tsth fcand*J' AgkaanB^ ( - ^HttsWlSan'^Bnt''sV^ j •*?•••*•*- Aww^sws- ^Sws ^ ^ s s ^ w^eaBBsp|p> ew^BBB^gisn^ »s^P ^P

jrprsdw tasi. stHHRHi' miiimka**'

l l n w f r - s * ^ * B ^ l B n t f •. - ,

%^M^'*Hjy,,?ig:^»jgiif-: * wssw w . flc^'Pl'iBs* asBBBBj Bj S|BBJK nanw^w w JPaiPaB^B^ ewaaBBBn*.'




tasiM is xsutns* l O i b r t . y w a ^ / U t

for a fitber only; »*wafl«ry nvwrn^it *'«iM;f^ii. w i ^ iwa^ii"n^K:| ^ r ^ ; a t f ipp. i| •»% . ^ i t f ^ l ; |



%*-.*# «<>S>4it « w e * :„ .."••

' ^ss%'jau


^••iw? r-t»"

^wsi^!i'':&.'/**iw v^c-ii <*.-v L ";a "" "" " " "'..Jrtt.;..."*»**»^*g*'''*-'



»«*V*H >*>s>jhe'J*'"*i,l>"* • n'H>'«"»»^*» •

: * ^ < '- '^l '•' . . ; V '


' " ^ ™ - ^ - - . . *-i - i -r—~- » » " • • » -Wfit UHI—1JW nSP^SSBSBBl SBJBBJBBB*

., a s w s a#*^F"^W^f' i, pv"^PV aPTJPi^nps w J ^ ^ ^ P w^B^^W|j * M M M a

flf*i* T P ^ P V ^e7^w"i wPw'j^'lanw' -saw. -g^BBa ewx PwA^f ~- • an

r- '::Su^>^wWsp«r_.' ^ . f l ^ ' l r . f ."ifcajfV . "Ws mast' fergiTe Mgs | j t i ifp>» Int .* he emit.

, • ' • * * * '• ' • - $t* -.,=*; .

titiu* l R a t 2 ? ^t sSt^Saeasa t : Mir .'WlillajB ,~™«™» » W H W

wen p^avwil saa xwi n^Wsp asvMfawi^ "Hedt: * • . '* f-")7 /, wj^'-wimi«'v'afcft^i^.ii|s^;i^ oeived aroofs ,'«| the Uttt#»oV_ar sfiw - Cheelsiton eg o l Iwigsijt - m» * wklck he was tkarged, fca4'dsHllssI to appoint niii tsanager U 54«e dt , the iatt, Sydney BererssHr. walii po- |

{cittofc he would bars 'gaftt|las| iasl It not head for.tWs.jMft iutf«it«vitta> ml.tak.. 81r William » a ^ tb»4 t y rtgrets'.ana' »a|rf«ttW»^; d* a**

.whola,hoiase wilt be wwk'-isf*-Ches-idgi^oli oft-ife'JWfaW****- I'jujjui'ii

-,, And when Wr WUlMw droy* i | Met his motor car with *rk> d t J l p a C I j •be JITS or - six kandred ^ were crowdln* door* S4t4.t .JW,,, to weleooHi aim. • - ',.,

Both Jgrla aid l lr W»Ba« waJHk ar corner, and them stiddealy # attsril «tt)t white wis* th*r riailld laair, solsaB''of';celfte,s*mlnat:.«i*,b*toSr«W' .Sz!^*Ti ,I S?^S5fLn i 25 , » 1 ^*F splaSb of oolt>r agratnst the brow* "of .the-rw 'sesmtit bis ay*' \' - -- Oo a chair under the trbe irn*. a gtrl w i t h ! rod hhvtt "' .'- "The."Cir-.:.sh6i forward ih*r| ly. spu d«r kU fterrooa grasp add th«h slowed dbwa again. His hard grmy eyes stared forward blindly at tbe girl nnaer the trees, and thett h i i ^ r ^ g d t d a t t r o l l ^ .i>-', ;i"..c^-f,-,-r ~'' He might' h«T* known. - He migbt' have underatood the mesnint of t b e ,

Icotr'faar eaai1 w*t^i»j^';''m|ia.^=l|ii.| had not b e ^ a fo^ . » e telght haws known aftew all those years thstt

- Gladys-; -Vaai.- loyal and faithful gad' lust An iw-otv* iwnniv.-«Mi»Tn . « n , r i » . ' l i s . ' ^ : i . » i v i ^ _ i . -• <

•'-- % • ' » • • * & & & * • < : # s > '

'• r f * r

r iffe l i f e f | 4 »'< •/>' -

' - • • • *

ri*»W ,SfSV«J{. .i^i-^&k^hi'v V


. . , , * * » . * • _ * .

^a>^sr»»ai^Baa]| ,^a^a*ia<. pB*ne> w » *^4envJsrM ssl^WHsV wPe™s^s/'Heiss^^

, ^BB*BBhBa*SBvS' ^ " ^" i ^ , ^ ~^t£ i . * '^ *•

"Nov for a fraab « t a * V ad al i i .

Just as I''d-:giv'W,'.twenty:^es*i;-lo' .any man who stole ta''toe7saa^^r,'wny. h « = \ d i d . ' ? ' ••>:. ••-• '•- , , '—•>.-•••-• ' . " K ' ? N " ; ; . ' • /


7 i# | | :^ f

-l,v'But-.»^',8yd'n©y*s,// .voifa^ !-'cam,e

.'strain%d;-' ,arid '"'*'uslty^-'"!l>^tr." wsjhe knows what temRt^tfcnjfce ntarJhave •had-t"**' he-'teidkY ' ^ ^T: •'• / # -"*' 7>"Bah!" Wbke'-iftr-SJr^N^IWr'^ -.heard-"' you' i-te^.-thd^^illli^^^bht temptation is noT-'ejccj^/ler^V -niMbi It is no excuse for thieving ai Ches-!

terton did. Gladys calls me bard,i but of all sins a man can commit. forgery is toltoe least Worthy of for*] giwettess./ It i r the C6td«at blooded of crimes ,A man may do something desperate In a moment Of tasslon— something for which be may not be quite responsible—but in order to forge he has to-sit down and think and,plan and wait. It is a deliber­ate, cold-bloodied crime, and how any one could forgive it I don't under­stand, and Gladys least of all. She believed htm ; innocent, of coarse; bat—speak to her again to-night. Her Obstinacy is beginning t o try my temper, and 111 guarantee that she says 'yea' to you when yon ask her to become your wife."

His mind was about Elrfc Chesterton, who had forged to a chock three years ago; and about Sydney Devereujc.'who. he was convinced, was the beat husband pos­sible for his niece Gladys. That she

• did not fall In love to'his order and throw up the thief and forger, Eric Chesterton, wfe» so astonishing .that all his HIind and vs-ill were bent on securing hi* wish. He resolyed to spare nothing to make her yield it waa the first t ime that any one had

5> w -> T* *V"

true to the man s b s loved. .-'• An4 she was /with' him iwwY iHfm second figdr* nhder t h e t r e * flrhrw suddenly 'clear tci. W«,/'.''-T*ijF"/iire<w'

.looking into each other's faces; both were alight, both were blind t o

But suddenly O-lndys. caught slgbt dtliin" a id apranirto h«f;-feefc -. ".-'•'"tttric—r3S««s-rb«re , -is". .$$$$&&' she cried. "Let u s t«U Mm now." '.. g|e' .'ran - out wisvinf •„ 'Belr7/'jHKB«l< Sydney - stopped •.'the'" 'car mechaw*

•' '''Sydney-^^ydbey^ iieiw-/ la 'iSmfc she cried, breathlessly. "He ha*, coxae-- ttome/.''' Cbxiie• and sjesk. t d i hmr/,^ -X'^- -•' '"...- :

;•..:;' '. ',*'; - - For a moment' Sydney ' straggled!. Tns last drop of blood died frota hll

'-face. ' gpeai to him—to the fhlet, the forger, the naan who had Jttsrt n^Ished "serving time*'—bow cdoM he speak to him T

His attitude was strange for est honest, worthy, aiwlght man, as. Jf* Wlllam had edllfd'./'l^'Y^iat^'

. ihaiTui' and'". hlttsr hatred: drew hia face fold hard line* Gladys** jtapiry ayes beamed upon him If she kt#ev —Heaven help him? If she could se* into his heart, what would her eyes look like thenT :. '/V^''•"-. " s'' Sis shaking --l»Bd--'"targMB -- b«:|' driving Wheel. The car shot forward sharply. He pulled the speed lever, sounded the horn and dashed abrnpt-ly away • up. the road out into tad wide, open space about Hyde Par* Corafer. '' '"'..- .- ~- /' • _ -" "'-'i:-" •; ••-,. / '.

What happened, there he did not know. The traffic was ba»-: cabB and carriages, 'buses/wagons roUsS past

••'- -,»s^»» Jr^W-J*9""WaW Tger Utbe graoe idH. . . ^

J*». obwert^ wbeawm l i (s * » t t . trall. At aa eras apeesl, wltai aoea

t*« «HWa«V It* «*<MJM'"-' ' seeks* Utsrsjly to g i d t l

, . :gt tM rank' herbags. br ' i « fe : ;/•'• ,.% /- n «hjsr; be the soenf. of "g 'rgt* -^.

the trail may take it In and owt of the batik a good many «»** bwfor* i t eonnes nfp with itti YjMtfM.,. It . «sy erraa bgf« to swim' * streem. beforf ltd persistence • is rewarded,,.'. M. it woaderrul ho* small a Bole t*»t Jong, arched -body can gad* iftta> gad. •owrge from wttbddt ,tb« •Uaftttst TiSid*) t -*J ^ A ' . r - ^ i w i i i - . - - ;

When -It has caught and kitUd its prey its ' mors»*nts are equally ' «ra,f»eft]} aa it carries tha fpeii «Wtn» i ,t»-tt| adtli: '-'-' '.; •':".-. , ' ,"• : -. Crowing a runtyh » J d raoaatly I saw « weasel eomiag s^onj n>a4sr :|1MI^ajedgbrois -fad toothed -fityfli th l ebas*. Tfcsre was Uu> aaiss .staweti--atotion of lbs back; 'hut -tit- Uttl*--beast'a'head was' b«HI «# bl|di.a#'|iB*' | ;

•Ible, and from Its montb btayt m Ump carcass of a yoaag rat, fraahlr kiiled. The weasel held H by the

~x**@k» sind so high, for a l l the idaort* , . • a s * o f Its le^">th|^.ojj^/#p<«id : ' i{ ; | Ivtlie - rat's tall' dragged tbrough. ths grass. •-'.' .'•'/... -'••''.'.'. •'-!•-'•-<>i.':•.. ; \, A • family:" of wwaasla . will «*t»* fcnxii i n company, sad- this Is nsstar* a l ly a most lotsrestlng sight t * wit-. enter exceedingly imall boles la Um Entirely to the. structure at Its body—i«* flat head, long; neck, and abort limb* and b i t In a cor» rick I t can pursue mice with earn their burrows.~-London

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". theater.".'Seat-'frsindl.' '. Aiout twenty peats at th«,',tejNerW

theater lh St. Bet«rsb»rg have never been marked In the plans, «M their •d ie has been pri*st«ly e*pMted iff t h e bex-b'ffice keepers, who i a tea years have obtained over |IO|,OOd by the frsud.

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