4gID Wfp Case Study v5

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  • 8/6/2019 4gID Wfp Case Study v5


    Marching towards a hunger free society The Biometric way

    Stake Holders of Pro jec t :

    Department of Food & Civil Supplies ,

    Government of Orissa , is the department for whom

    the project is executed. Rayagada district in Orissa

    has been chosen for implementation of this project.

    UN World Food Programme (UNWFP) , theworlds largest international food aid organization

    under the aegis of United Nations provides food and

    development assistance to developing nations like

    India. This project is funded by WFP.

    Boston Consulting Group is a global management

    consulting company.BCG is assisting UNWFP to

    strengthen the TPDS.

    4G Identity Solutions , the leading biometric solution

    provider in India provided the end to end solution for

    enrolling one million citizens which included data

    digitization, data cleansing, biometric enrollment

    (Iris, finger & face), biometric de-duplication,

    creation of unique citizen ID database and printing of

    ration card.

    Comat Technologies is the operations vendor

    responsible for enrollment of the citizens and

    distribution of the ration cards

    Governments in India at all levels implement different

    welfare Schemes for deprived sections of the society.

    These Schemes could be either Central, State specific

    or a Joint collaboration between the Centre and the


    The Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) in

    India is one such welfare scheme aimed at reducing

    poverty through the mechanism of delivering food

    grains at affordable prices to the poor households.

    Under the TPDS, essential commodities like Rice,

    Wheat, Sugar, Kerosene etc. are distributed to citizens

    on a monthly basis through a network of Fair Price

    Shops(FPS) also known as Ration Shops. The

    identified beneficiaries are issued ration cards which

    they produce before the FPS to take delivery of the

    food grains / commodities.

    It is often found that the benefits of TPDS do not reach

    the targeted beneficiaries making it inefficient and

    ineffective. This is due to large Errors of Exclusion(of BPL families) and Inclusion (of APL), and by the

    prevalence of millions of ghost cards. As per the data

    placed before Indian Parliament (2009), it is estimated

    that there are about 23 million ghost ration cards and

    about 12.1 million deserving poor are left out this food

    safety net.

    In Orissa, the state government has realized the

    severity of this problem and has decided to reissueration cards based on biometric system and weed out

    the duplicate/bogus cards.

    According to UN, about 25,000 people die

    every day of hunger or hunger-related causes.

    This is one person every three and a half

    seconds. Unfortunately, it is children who die

    most often. This is inspite of plenty of food in

    the world for everyone.

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    ProjectThe UNWFP has undertaken this project on behalf of the Government of Orissa to reissue ration cards based on biometric

    system to better manage and monitor the distribution of food grains in Rayagada District. This project is being carried out to

    strengthen the distribution system of the Department of Food & Civil Supplies, Government of Orissa by leveragingBiometric technology based solutions.

    The first of its kind, the project incorporated the cutting edge biometric technologies and best management processes to

    ensure that distribution of ration cards to citizens is done cost effectively and efficiently. The project includes capturing of

    beneficiaries biographic and multi biometric (face, finger and iris) data, creating a unique database by eliminating duplicate

    entries using biometrics algorithms, printing and distributing the ration cards to the citizens.

    4G Identity Solutions with its vast experience in designing and deploying biometric based Identity Management solutions

    has been awarded this project through global competitive bidding. 4Gs scope of work included data digitization, data

    cleansing, biometric enrollment (Iris, finger & face), biometric de-duplication, creation of unique citizen ID database and

    printing of ration card. This project is targeted to enroll one million citizens in the entire district of Rayagada in the state of


    Project Work Flow

    Step 1: The old ration card registers were digitized and mapped to the database of BPL survey done in 1997 along with the

    household survey data of 2002. The consolidated list of target beneficiaries was prepared.

    Step 2: The gram panchayat wise target beneficiary database was transferred to the enrolment stations located in the

    Designated Photography Locations (DPL) before commencement of the enrollment process. Wide publicity using posters,

    tom-tom and public announcement systems was given in the villages requesting them to visit the DPLs for the enrollment.

    Step 3: Family wise enrollment of the target beneficiaries was undertaken by capturing the biographic and biometric data

    (4-4-2 slap fingerprints, 2- Iris and Facial Photograph). Since the DPLs are located in remote areas with no internet

    connectivity, enrollment was done in a decentralized manner using standalone systems.

    Step 4: Periodical backups were taken from the DPL enrolment stations and sent to 4Gs data centre for data aggregation.

    Step 5: The aggregated data from the DPLs was de-duplicated using 4Gs multi modal biometric engine to check for

    fraudulent enrolments. The identified duplicates were verified in the field to weed out duplicate beneficiaries.

    Step 6: The final database of unique card holders was generated and stored in a centralized citizen database

    Step 7: The households in the rural areas will be given laminated ration cards along with bar coded coupons byincorporating security features to make them tamper proof and prevent replication. The laminated card will be presented by

    the cardholder to the FPS for verification and the coupons are surrendered for taking delivery of entitled commodities. The

    FPS dealer will surrender the coupons to the civil supplies department where they are scanned and destroyed. The data from

    the scanning device will be transmitted to the centralized server using internet connectivity.

    Step 8: The households in the urban areas will be given smart cards containing details of the card holder and household

    members, their biometric templates and their entitlements. The smart card is swiped in the Point of Sale (PoS) device and

    the transaction is authenticated by the biometric of the cardholder. The transaction data containing the card ID, quantities

    delivered to the card holder, time etc will be transmitted from the PoS device to the centralized server using GPRS


    Step 9: The data in the centralized server will enable the civil supplies department to get reports on the quantities of

    commodities delivered to the ration card holders and arrive at the closing balance of commodities at the FPS. The closing

    balance will enable the civil supplies department to derive at the allotment for the succeeding months. The data in central

    server can also be given access to public and other government departments with a view to enhance transparency and

    accountability .


    Poverty devastates families, communities and nations. It causes instability and politicalunrest and fuels conflict." -- Kofi Annan

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    Implementation challenges and lessons learnt:

    Successful enrolment is the key to the success of any

    biometric project. Multi-modal biometrics is preferred mode over a single

    biometric as each of them has their own advantages during

    enrollment & verification. Moreover, enrolment of citizens

    is a major component of the total project cost and it is

    prudent to capture multi-modal biometrics of a citizen at

    one go instead of making them repeatedly visit the

    enrollment centres as and when a new biometric has to be

    captured. Support & involvement of key stakeholders is essential for

    successful implementation of the project. End user acceptance and training is critical to the

    successful deployment of projects of this size and nature. Logistics in rural and tribal areas with inadequate

    infrastructure and transportation facilities pose the greatest

    challenge. The integrated beneficiary database developed as a result

    of this rocess can be used to deliver other benefits to

    Project Highlights Enrolment of close to 1 million citizens multimodal

    biometrics (Iris, Finger and Face).

    Close to 12 million biometric images captured. 30 mobile enrolment stations in rural and remote tribal

    areas for Enrollment.

    Worlds leading L1s Daugman 2007 Iris Algorithm, SIRIS

    matching platform and ABIS Finger print matching

    platform used for this project.

    4Gs In-house finger print segmentation and noise

    removal algorithm used.

    Integration of multi biometric devices into a 4Gs single

    enrolment application.

    Centralized data centre where data from all enrollment

    stations is aggregated for de-duplication of data.

    Comprehensive end user training for citizen enrolment

    Dedicated onsite technical support

    TPDS Statistics: TPDS with a network of about 478,000 Fair Price Shops (FPS) is perhaps the largest distribution network of its type in the world.

    TPDS extends to more than 50 million households across the country

    Central Govt. alone budgets close to Rs 5000 Billion on food subsidy to meet the difference between economic cost of food grains and theissue price fixed for TPDS. In addition each state also budgets billions of rupees on food subsidy depending on the population in the state.

    In some states exclusion errors are as high as 40% and inclusion errors range from 10% to 40%.

    Ghost ration cards are a staggering 23 million for the entire country.

    12.1 Million deserving poor left out of the TPDS.

    In Orissa alone, the estimated number of ghost ration cards is about 250,000.

    A study by Planning Commission of India (2005) has indicated that about 58% of the subsidized food grain allocated by the Central

    Government to the States / Union Territories does not reach the BPL families

    The good news is we have the technology and the tools to alleviate poverty on a globalscale. All that is standing in our way is education and will. -- Natalie Portman


  • 8/6/2019 4gID Wfp Case Study v5


    4Gs multi-modal biometric identity platform

    4G provided the end-to-end technology solution for completing all activities envisaged in the project. Key to the successful

    implementation of the project is the deployment of 4Gs Multi-Modal Biometric Identity Platform (Figure 2). 4Gs Identity Platform is a

    robust, scalable, interoperable identification engine that interfaces and manages multi-biometric and biographic search technologies.

    4Gs platform provides an XML based interface to the custom-built application for identification and/or verification of a personsidentity. The platform supports key features like Interoperability, Scalability, Extensibility, Flexibility and adherence to open standards.

    4Gs multi-modal biometric identity platform

    4G provided the end-to-end technology solution for completing all activities envisaged in the project. Key to the successful

    implementation of the project is the deployment of 4Gs Multi-Modal Biometric Identity Platform (Figure 2). 4Gs Identity Platform is a

    robust, scalable, interoperable identification engine that interfaces and manages multi-biometric and biographic search technologies.

    4Gs platform provides an XML based interface to the custom-built application for identification and/or verification of a persons

    identity. The platform supports key features like Interoperability, Scalability, Extensibility, Flexibility and adherence to open standards.

    Many Applications One ID Management Solution

    Many Applications One ID Management Solution

    4G Identity PlatformClient Interface

    4G Identity PlatformClient Interface

    Identity DB

    IrisMatching System

    4G Core Identity Engine

    4G Core Identity Engine

    Application Layer

    Iris Reader Camera Fingerprint SmartCard

    FacialMatching System

    FingerprintMatching System

    DepartmentSpecific DBs

    Social Security Pensions


    Ration CardManagement System

    National Rural EmploymentGuarantee Schemes (NREGS)



    Housing Schemes


    MIS Portal


    Matching systemsBiometric Devices

    Many Applications One ID Management Solution

    Many Applications One ID Management Solution

    4G Identity PlatformClient Interface

    4G Identity PlatformClient Interface

    Identity DB

    IrisMatching System

    4G Core Identity Engine

    4G Core Identity Engine

    Application Layer

    Iris Reader Camera Fingerprint SmartCard

    FacialMatching System

    FingerprintMatching System

    DepartmentSpecific DBs

    Social Security Pensions


    Ration CardManagement System

    National Rural EmploymentGuarantee Schemes (NREGS)



    Housing Schemes


    MIS Portal


    Matching systemsBiometric Devices

    Interoperability: 4Gs Identity Platform is capable of integrating not only multiple biometric devices but also search engine algorithms

    for iris, finger, face and biographic data.

    Scalability: 4Gs Identity Platform can easily scale up as the size of the deployment increases in terms of the number of people enrolled.

    4Gs web server architecture can seamlessly integrate with additional servers and can be configured to suit licensing policies from

    various biometric vendors.

    Extensible: 4 Gs Identity Platform is extensible as it has been developed using a modular software design approach. Modules can be

    added in a plug-and-play manner and can be integrated to suit customer requirements. Components can be configured for centralized or

    de-centralized deployments.

    Flexibility: 4Gs Identity Platform enables development of tailor made solutions to meet customer specific requirements. Various

    enterprise architectures and legacy systems can be integrated with 4Gs web service architecture.

    Open Standards: 4Gs Identity Platform supports open standards that enable creation of biometric data which is compliant withInternational Biometric standards. i.e. CBEFF (Common Biometric Exchange File Format), NIST (National Institute of Standards and

    Technology), ANSI (American National Standards Institute), and ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization).

    4G Identity Solutions Private Ltd.

    Plot No. 241, Prashasan Nagar, Road No. 72,Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad 500 034, India

    Tel: +91-40-23558789 Fax: +91-40-23558769www.4Gid.com [email protected]


    There's enough on this planet for everyone's needs but not for everyone's greed.--Mahatma Gandhi