40 Day Prayer Plan February 21 April 1 2018...Jesus is faced with Satan’s evil schemes, scriptures...

Some people pray just to pray and some people pray to know God. -- Andrew Murray 40 Day Prayer Plan February 21 st – April 1 st 2018 When I pray, coincidences happen, and when I don't pray, they don't. --William Temple

Transcript of 40 Day Prayer Plan February 21 April 1 2018...Jesus is faced with Satan’s evil schemes, scriptures...

Page 1: 40 Day Prayer Plan February 21 April 1 2018...Jesus is faced with Satan’s evil schemes, scriptures flow from His mouth like arrows and Satan had to flee. As we begin this 40 day

Some people pray just to pray and

some people pray to know God. --

Andrew Murray

40 Day Prayer Plan

February 21st – April 1st


When I pray, coincidences happen, and

when I don't pray, they don't.

--William Temple

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Over the next 40 days remember…….

Prayer is the difference between

appointments and divine appointments.

Prayer is the difference between good ideas

and God-ideas.

Prayer is the difference between the favour

of God the luck of the draw.

Prayer is the difference between closed

doors and open doors.

Prayer is the difference between possible

and impossible.

Prayer is the difference between the best we

can do and the best God can do.

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Welcome to Bethel Church’s

40 days of prayer

We can rejoice today because Jesus is alive, His Holy Spirit dwells

within us and we have a glorious hope for the future. As we embark

on this 40 day prayer devotional, let us start with surrendered

hearts, thankful for the privileged place we stand in and fully

expectant that God is not only going to answer our prayers but God

is going to speak to us, help us and guide us every step of the way.

As we consider, “Rejoice always ,pray without ceasing, give

thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ

Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18), let us realise that it’s

not merely about getting answers to prayers, but developing a “pray

at all times” attitude. That heart sent arrow prayer for an angry

customer in a long check out queue may reach Jesus at just the

right time to bring peace and calm to a heated situation; the prayer

in the car as an ambulance speeds past may just save a life.

Jesus said “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly”

(John 10:10), let us take hold and move forward in that amazing



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During these 40 days

Please encourage your children to take part, children are a vital

part of the Church body at Bethel, their faith, gifts, prayer and

worship are invaluable. Pray beforehand for ways to encourage

your children and also for yourself that you would be able to

engage wholeheartedly.(Why not at the end of your meal times

spend time praying and reflecting together).

There is a scripture verse for each day to read and meditate on.

Read it in its context in your Bible, there is no weapon greater

than God’s word so try and commit it to memory.

There is a suggested worship song for each day for those who

have access to YouTube or another music player. These are

suggestions; many are children’s song, aimed at the youngsters,

so worship in whatever way you feel most comfortable with.

There are prayer points for each day, however, you may feel the

Holy Spirit directing your prayers in another direction, Go

wherever God is taking you.

Expect God to speak to you, be prepared, and write down

whatever you feel God is saying to you.

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Know that the devil will try to distract you, discourage, and mess

up your prayer time, “The thief comes to steal and destroy”,

recognise it as a spiritual attack and take authority over it, put

on God’s armour (Ephesians 6:10-18)

Don’t be discouraged if you miss a day, just get right back on

track. Every day of this 40 day journey will be filled with its own

unique challenges and victories.






Before you start, write down the names of five

individuals that you will commit to pray for every

for over these 40 days, and see what God does.






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Day 1

Wednesday 21st February

People do not live on bread alone but on every word that

comes from the mouth of God.

Matthew 4: 4

In our consumer focused society, we’re faced with

temptations from all angles. Consider Jesus’ 40 days in the

wilderness, window shopping, mobiles phones, eBay etc.

would surely have been a no go area! WHAT DID JESUS DO?

.... Jesus would have prayed and sought His Father’s will, and

no doubt meditated on the scriptures. After 40 days when

Jesus is faced with Satan’s evil schemes, scriptures flow from

His mouth like arrows and Satan had to flee.

As we begin this 40 day prayer devotion, take some time to

reflect on today’s verse, God’s word is priceless and we can

have it fresh every day. Perhaps pray that God would give

you a real hunger for His word and give you the confidence

to speak the Gospel at every opportunity. Pray for all those

who minister God’s word

Prayer points: Pray that we would allow the word of God to

speak to us individually and collectively over these next 40

days and beyond.

Suggested Worship: Our Father (Don Moen)

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Day 2

Thursday 22nd February

Be still and know that I am God.

Psalm 46: 10

Prayer lists of names and needs are important but there are

times when the Holy Spirit has a different agenda. Prayer is a

two way communication, we speak to God, we hear from

God. Often in stillness we hear the still small voice of God.

‘God is a gentleman, He listens carefully and speaks quietly’

Challenge (children too) : Find a quiet place without any

distractions of phones, TVs etc.. Spend 10 minutes or more,

just you and the Lord, talking and listening to the still small

voice of God. Try and develop this as a habit through this 40

day devotion, wear something Gold , like a bracelet, watch or

ring to remind you to make space for quiet time, “Silence is


Prayer points: Pray for unity in the church, pray that we

would have ears to hear God speak and have an obedient

heart to respond.

Worship: Be Still for the Presence of the Lord

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Day 3

Friday 23rd February

I will lift up my eyes to the hills— from where does my help

come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of

heaven and earth.

Psalm 121: 1-2

How blessed we are to be placed in this beautiful part of

Wales, and seems wherever we are as we lift our eyes up we

see the hills, an ever visible reminder that the God who

formed their graceful folds is with you and always at hand to

help you in ways beyond your understanding.

Take some time today to reflect on how the Lord has helped

you in the past, give him this day and pray for help with both

the little and big issues on your agenda today. Perhaps as you

travel in your car, you may see communities and homes

perched on the hillsides, pray for the Holy Spirit to brood

over these places and transform these communities.

Prayer points: Pray for your ‘local’ community, your

neighbours and friends, where God has placed you.

Kids singalong to ‘Hillsong’s Rainbow’ and let colourful

prayers touch our communities

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Day 4

Saturday 24th February

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to

you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled

and do not be afraid.

John 14: 27

Peace is something we all need in a changing and demanding

world. Remember that we can find Peace in Him, and His

Spirit is in us, which means we do not have to be troubled or


Allow God to bring you peace today. Whatever might be

troubling you, bring it to God in prayer today and He will

bring peace. Consider praying for those you know are facing

troubled and difficult times, that they would also know His


Prayer points: Pray for the peace of God to reign over

families, marriages and lives that you may know who are

troubled and need it. Pray for peace in your own areas of

anxiety. Pray for peace over the areas of the world where

there is war and conflict.

Kids singalong to “Peace like a River” and let your prayers

flow from your worship

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Day 5

Sunday 25th February

So Ahab went to eat and drink, But Elijah climbed to the top

of Mount Carmel and bowed low to the ground and prayed

with his face between his knees.

1 Kings 18: 42

God is looking for humble, surrendered hearts. Elijah knew

without a shadow of a doubt that the rain cloud would come

in answer to his prayer, it is with blessed assurance he sent

his servant off to get his lunch!

Think of this scripture every time you climb the stairs today

or get up from the chair, our knees may be old and creaky

but our hearts can be full of Jesus, surrendered, humble and

expecting of a miracle. What miracle can you pray for today?

Prayer Points: Pray for us to have expectant hearts to meet

God as we gather together. Alan Jones Principle of Kingdom

Mission Training School in Thailand is with us. Pray for action

overseas 2020 vision, 20 new countries, 2000 new churches,

200,000 new believers by 2020.

Tonight Prayer & Worship Evening at Bethel 7pm

Kids singalong to Hillsong’s ....ONE WAY JESUS.. and let BIG

FAITH prayers go up.

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Day 6

Monday 26th February

God made known his ways to Moses, His deeds to the

children of Israel.

Psalm 103: 7

The children of Israel saw God’s deeds, Moses knew God face

to face. He spent time in the presence of God so he came to

know God’s heart and ways. Every relationship takes time to

grow and develop. Paul said “that I might know Him and the

power of His resurrection”. Cultivate face time with God


You could put a face picture of yourself in the pages of your

bible and reflect on ‘God, I know you, but I want to know you

more’. Put your family pictures in too and pray believing on

their salvation, that they will want to know God more.

Prayer points: Please pray as the children return to school

today after half term; Pray for the ministries that take the

word of God to our children in schools - Janet Hawking and

Bible Explorer team, Diane Thomas & God4Kidz, Del Solway

and team of Open the Book. Also Karen, Del, Lynda & Tim

who coach children for Transforming Lives for Good. (TLG)

Worship song: I surrender – Hillsong

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Day 7

Tuesday 27th February

Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I

will give you rest.

Matthew 11: 28

Read the verse and be encouraged when we feel weary and

tired with maybe the situation we face or just life. God has

promised to give us rest; Pray that God would give you

strength at all times and in every situation. God is always

able and available to help us.

Kids: think of that heavy schoolbag you carry around with

you all day, what a relief it is to throw it down as you walk

through the door. So much greater it is when we cast all our

worries and cares upon Jesus!

Prayer points: Pray for the Apostolic Church staff conference

which is going on at present. Pray for Tim, Mark and James as

they attend these 3 days. Pray all those who attend will know

rest and a renewed sense of purpose.

Kids worship: Hillsong’s Super Strong God

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Day 8

Wednesday 28th February

But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my

power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast

all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s

power may rest on me.

2 Corinthians 12: 9

Read through this verse and give thanks for His grace,

without it we would be lost. Not only does God give

abundant grace, that we don’t deserve, He is our strength in

every situation. It is in our weakness that He makes us


Ask God to give you guidance today and allow His power to

work through you, in your home, family, street, school,

college, university, work place, or wherever you find yourself


Prayer points: Pray for our students here at Trinity and those

away, Pray for James Cook in his student ministry role. Pray

for Lowri and the team running Christian Union, Pray for Dom

and Emily leading Alpha youth at Llandovery College, and for

Carys Butler and her ministry at Laugharne.

Worship - “Amazing Grace”

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Day 9

Thursday 1st March, Saint David’s Day

I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.

Genesis 28: 15

Can you imagine being without your phone for a day, it goes

with you everywhere and if you have location services on it

knows where you are, and often sends sporadic messages

to the wrong people!.

Every time you use your phone today, think how God is with

you and watching over you, His ears are open 24 hrs a day,

seven days a week. Pray for the people that you receive calls

from or too today. Make the most of the 24 hour free access

line we have to heaven! Ask God to guide you and lead you,

ask God to protect your loved ones, name them by name,

your friends, neighbours, and family and perhaps all those on

your contact list. They may not know Christ but He still

watches over them, loves them and wants them to receive

the priceless gift of eternal life.

Prayer points: Send revival to Wales again and start a work in

me. Pray for the dozens of Prayer meetings occurring today

throughout the nation .

Worship: “Always with me”, pray as you feel, God is with


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Day 10

Friday 2nd March

But when you ask you must believe and not doubt.

James 1: 6

God is our Father and delights to answer prayer, we often

doubt this but it happens to be true. Sometimes we feel it’s

true, other times we don’t. But faith is not a feeling, it’s

simply taking God at His word and trusting in His promises

and faithfulness. Make it a challenge to walk by faith and not

by sight today, pray and ask the Lord for help, help from

heaven will soon be on its way.

‘Lord I believe, help my unbelief’

Prayer Points: Pray for Bethel Youth as they meet every

Friday that God will impact lives and families. Pray for those

who are part of the Bethel Church youth family to be

courageous in their faith, full of the Holy Spirit and influential

among their peers. Pray for Beth and Dan Patterson and all

those who help run the youth ministry on Fridays and

Sundays. Pray for extra volunteers. Pray for the 15 – 18 year

olds in Church in school, 6th form and College.

Kids worship to “Faith as small as a mustard seed”

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Day 11

Saturday 3rd March

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible,

but with God all things are possible.”

Matthew 19: 26

Nothing is impossible with God! Bring the prayers that seem

impossible to us, but possible for Him. For those in your

family to be saved, for those you know who need healing, for

God to save every person in Carmarthen, for God to move in

our government. No matter how big the prayer He is able. Go

big with your prayers today!!

Prayer Points: Pray for our local councillors - Adam Price,

Mair Stephens, Angela Burns, Emlyn Dole; Jonathan Edwards,

Simon Hart. Pray for Chief Executive of Carmarthenshire

County Council -Mark James and the responsibility that he

carries. Pray for wisdom and Gods leading upon them. Pray

for government and their decision making, for our Prime

Minister Theresa May and her cabinet, and the Brexit


Kids singalong to All Things are Possible (Hillsong Kids) and

sing out big prayers

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Day 12

Sunday 4th March

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only

Son, so that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but

have everlasting life. John 3: 16

Anyone who has ever lost a child will be able to identify to

some extent with the pain and heartache, God the Father

must have felt on sending Jesus to die for the world. As we

think about the sacrificial love of Jesus and our Father, let us

pray for those who have lost babies and children through

illness, accident, or other ways. Name them by name, may

they know God’s healing, comfort and peace, may they come

to know the Lord our saviour. Every life is so precious to God,

perhaps pray for the Mum’s thinking of ending their

pregnancy, pray for those areas of support and counselling

that they would be prolife, pray as the Holy Spirit leads.

Kids: Try and learn John 3:16 off by heart, think of your Mum

and Dad and how much they love you – perhaps to the moon

and back x1000’s times. However Great, God loves you more!

Prayer Points: Pray for today’s service at Bethel and Pastor

Jonathan Black from Leeds who is with us.

Suggested Worship: Good, Good Father (Chris Tomlin)

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Day 13

Monday 5th March

Rejoice always, Pray continually.

1 Thessalonians 5: 16

A decision to rejoice helps to keep us in touch with God and

prayer flows from that awareness of his nearness, we can

converse with God throughout the day, perhaps not audibly

but in the heart and in the mind.

Rejoice always, pray continually - ‘God hears always, not just

in prayer meetings’

Stick a SMILEY EMOJI’s face somewhere noticeable to remind

you of this verse today – Rejoice’ always’ no matter what

you’re going through, a smile can touch hearts, change

atmospheres, heal hurts in an instant.

Prayer points: Pray for each other in church that “the joy of

the Lord” would be their strength. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring

someone from Bethel to your mind so you can pray and

intercede on their behalf

Kids singalong to “I’m gonna jump up and down (Be

Happy)”......gonna send our praises to heaven!

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Day 14

Tuesday 6th March

The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved

you with an everlasting love;

I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.

Jeremiah 31: 3

God’s love is everlasting, there is no one He does not love.

His amazing grace extends to everyone and no one is left out.

Pray for those who do not yet know God’s grace, in your

family, in the church, in your community. You could also pray

for those who are in prison across the UK, and the charities

that go into the prisons and share God’s unfailing kindness

and amazing grace, such as, Prison Fellowship and Daylight.

Prayer points – As above. Pray also for the girls and staff

who minister in Hope House. Pray for Neil, Liz and Jamie at

Carmarthen Salvation Army and the work they do with the


Pray for the Bethel Tuesday seniors outreach team who

faithfully go to care home homes in the area to take services

on Tuesday evenings. Thank God for this 25 year ministry.

Worship: Draw me close (Michael W Smith)

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Day 15

Wednesday 7th March

As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for

You, O God.

My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.

Psalm 42: 1

Here in the Psalms we read of the deer panting and longing

for the water brooks, in which to quench its thirst. Can we

consider the need to thirst after God and desire to have a

longing after Him. We are encouraged to look for the source

that is found in Christ in order that we might drink from the

life giving and sustaining one.

Prayer points: Pray that we might have a thirsting after God

and the Holy Spirit and that we might know the strength that

comes from the very heart of Heaven. Ask yourself the

question do I thirst and hunger for God.

Worship today ”as the deer pants for the water” young and

old alike, let’s lap this one up, may our souls thirst after


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Day 16

Thursday 8th March

Jesus said to them “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to

me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in Me will never

thirst. John 6: 36

Better than sliced bread.... As we head for the toaster today

reflect on this verse, think of how you personally hunger and

thirst for Jesus, would you like more of Jesus in your life? if so

pray for more. Take a moment to pray today for those people

you know who need to know our Lord Jesus Christ, lift their

names to the Lord. Pray for those living in poverty, may they

know the Lord’s abundance in times of lack, there are so

many needs both local and worldwide, remember our God is

more than able.

Prayer points: Pray for Carmarthen’s Foodbank at Xcel, that

those who receive food packages would also receive the free

gift of Christ. Pray for the volunteers at Xcel, ask the Lord to

bless them abundantly and to use in a fruitful way

Kids pray for your school friends and teachers.

Kids / parents sing along to Hillsong Kids – “you’re all I


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Day 17

Friday 9th March

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light on my path.

Psalm 119: 105

We take the simple light switch so much for granted,

especially so in these dark mornings and evenings. Without

light, we’d find ourselves falling head first down the stairs.

So it is with God’s word, without it we dwell and walk in

spiritual darkness. Meditate on this verse today as you

reflect on the convenience of light at the flick of a switch, ask

yourself, are you dependent on God’s word?, do you value

your Bible above all other things? Do you read God’s word

daily? These are all things to reflect on and pray about.

Prayer points: Pray for friends, family, work colleagues etc,

that the Holy Spirit draws them to read the Bible.

Pray for North Korea and other countries where bibles &

Christian literature is forbidden. Pray for SAT-7 TV as the

gospel is transmitted to the Middle East and North Africa,

pray for charities such as Open Doors and Action Overseas as

they support Christians in countries adverse to the gospel of

Jesus Christ.

Suggested worship song: “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet”

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Day 18

Saturday 10th March

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that

they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in


Matthew 5: 16

Jesus is the light of the world, His light shines through us no

matter where we are. Sometimes we forget that He is in us

and He shines to those around us. If you think of a dark room

and then a small light is turned on in the corner, the light

glows really bright in our eyes. When we walk in our lives we

walk into the dark places, God’s light shines even brighter to

fill the darkness. So in our small and big deeds His light

shines. Ask God to help you shine right where you are today

and that His name may be glorified.

Prayer points: Pray for divine appointments today; pray that

you would be that light today as you meet with family,

friends, football team, etc

Pray for “Master 7” the sport’s ministry run by Peter in Laos

Kids singalong to Let your Light Shine or Shine Jesus Shine,

pray with faith that Jesus shines through you, be bold, be

bright, shining for Jesus wherever you go.

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Day 19

Sunday 11th March

Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and

admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and

hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts

to God.

Colossians 3: 16

Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would bring to mind the word

he had spoken, and so this verse describes being filled with

the Holy Spirit and the overflow of blessing that comes as we

seek God with our whole heart. The blessing we receive is

not just for us, it’s for others also.

”When you are cold you can put on a coat or you can light a

fire, a coat keeps you warm, a fire warms others also”

A Jewish Proverb

Prayer points: Pray for the baptismal service today and for

those being baptised. Pray for their family and friends as they

attend. Pray that you and the whole Bethel Church family

would be spirit filled, and on fire for God seven days a week

Suggested worship: “Down to the river to the pray” –

Alison Krauss- what power there will be when the church

goes to the River of God to pray.

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Day 20

Monday 12th March

“He heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds.”

Psalm 147: 3

We take for granted tying our shoelaces, buttoning our shirt,

zipping our coat. Reflect today as you dress, that, at any

moment of time, God is in the process of healing millions of

broken people. Who do you know who is in need of God’s

comfort and healing today? Bereavement, marriage

breakdowns, illness, financial difficulties, worrying medical

diagnosis are just a few of the many battles people in our

church and wider community may be going through. You may

know people in your circle of acquaintances, name them by

name and lift them in prayer to the King of kings, the greatest

physician alive. Pray too for opportunities to be God’s

comfort to someone today, a hug and a listening ear may

touch a broken heart more than you ever will know.

Prayer points: Pray for the various groups that meet at our

Bethel Church building throughout the week. Brownies,

Floral Art, Alcoholic Anonymous, Stroke Association, Cruise.

Johnstown seniors. May the “Jesus is Lord” text on the wall

be planted in hearts as they use the building.

Suggested worship song:“healer “from Planet shakers

kids.....you calm my raging seas,

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Day 21

Tuesday 13th March

Your ways, God, are holy. What god is as great as our God? You are the God who performs miracles; you display

your power among the peoples.

Psalm 77: 13-14

Our God is sovereign! Think on His goodness and give thanks

to Him. He can perform miracles in every situation. Reflect on

those who are vulnerable in our community or those you

might know in that hopeless situation

Prayer points: Pray for those who are affected by drug or

alcohol addiction both addicts and families. Pray for those

suffering with mental illness. Pray for the increasing numbers

of pornography addiction in the church and outside the

church. Pray for a society that accepts this as normal. Pray

for a release in people’s lives. God as the power to break

every chain!

Kids worship song “supernatural”, lets pray for miracles,

supernatural power of Jesus working through us as we

reach out and pray for those in our community.

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Day 22

Wednesday 14th March

To know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that

you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

Ephesians 3: 19

Knowledge of Christ is more than information for the mind, it

is also experience for the heart. Someone has said the truth

of God for the mind, the love of God for the heart, the law of

God for the will. Our whole being is involved in our

relationship with God. We cannot think of Christ’s love for us

without our hearts being filled with love for Him.

“We love Him, because He first loved us” Surely this should

motivate us to pray and seek His face

Prayer points: Pray for messy church over the next two

evenings - that God would impact all families who attend.

Pray for all the Bethel volunteers that help out.

Pray for Mark & James as they head off to Germany & Poland

for a week to meet with Iranian Church leaders, for future

mission opportunities into Iran.

Kids and grownups, worship to this great action


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Day 23

Thursday 15th March

Taste and see that the Lord is good.

Psalm 34: 8

Be the salt of the earth, the sweetness of honey, the tree

that bears good fruit, let others see Christ in you. Let the

fruits of the spirit, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,

goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, flow over

into all your relationships so that all may taste Christ in you.

Believing on the Lord is a choice man makes, a step of faith,

once taken it is there for the believer to see clearly that

the Lord is all good. Hallelujah!

Remind yourself of this verse and the goodness of God as you

eat fruit today, bite into a crunchy apple, peel an orange etc.

Prayer Points: Pray for opportunities within relationships to

demonstrate love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,

faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Which relationships

do you need in particular to pray for.

Worship: Thank You Lord (Don Moen)

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Day 24

Friday 16th March

“I cannot... but God will...”

Genesis 41: 16

Take time to stretch ourselves today, so often we have

mindsets that tell ourselves ”I can’t do that” or “that’s not

my cup of tea”, is there something God is calling you to do?,

something you do not feel qualified or confident to do? Let

God stretch you and take you out of your comfort zone!

As you brew a cuppa today, pray and ask God to help you and

guide you according to His will. Be prepared to make small

talk to those who serve you in cafes and restaurants, a

general comment could open the way for a life story to be

shared or testimony of God’s faithfulness given. God only

knows where it could lead. Listen to the gentle promptings

and nudges of the Holy Spirit and GO for it!

“Man’s humility is God’s ability”.

Prayer points: Pray for opportunities to share the love of

Jesus. Pray for boldness and courage anytime, anywhere!

Worship today to “I can do all things through Christ who

strengthens me”

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Day 25

Saturday 17th March

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is

my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of

my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 18: 2

We are never alone; He is our rock and our fortress. He

protects us in every situation. Think on this today and do not

be afraid. Pray for protection over yourself and your family.

Also pray for others you know, who need to know that they

are not alone and that God is protecting them. Ask God to

intervene and make Himself known to all in such dire

situations. Ask God to show you ways in which you can help,

it may simply be giving a coat to someone who has none, or

providing a warm cup of soup to someone sleeping rough on

the streets. Remember, nothing is done or said in vein, God

hears and sees everything.

Prayer points: Pray for Plant Dewi as they reach out to

families in need, and for the work Women’s Aid provides.

Pray for those who are suffering or have suffered domestic

violence. Pray physical and emotional healing in the lives.

God is able to protect and restore and make them whole

again. Give us compassion Lord to minister in this area.

Worship to this beautiful children’s song “Wonderful

lord”... let prayers flow from your worship

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Day 26

Sunday 18th March

Jesus said, “Everyone who hears my words and puts them

into practice is like a wise man who built his house upon a


Matthew 7: 24

How blessed we are to live in warm homes, surrounded by

four walls, windows and doors. So much more blessed to

know the faithfulness of Jesus Christ. Think of how

marvellous that you have the foundation of Jesus Christ in

your life. Give praise to him

Prayer points: Pray for our gatherings today. Pray it will be a

day of rejoicing our firm foundation Jesus Christ. Thank God

He is building His Church across the world, but also locally,

pray for the local churches today that we would see Gods

power at work across the locality . Pray for the children and

Youth ministries of Bethel today.

Worship song: I need you – Matt Maher

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Day 27

Monday 19th March

I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound.

Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full

and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can

do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Philippians 4: 12-13

Paul reminds us of the up and down experiences he has had,

but then tells us no matter what situation he finds himself in,

he knows in whom to find his strength. Our strength is found

through Christ and he can do all things. We can do all things

in Christ also because of the victory at the cross that we now

live in.

Prayer points: Pray that we begin to understand that our

strength and all that we pray for comes from the victory that

Jesus gained at the cross and we have access to right now.

Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a fresh revelation of this. Pray

a release from fear and insecurity in your life or those you

know of.

Suggested Worship: Great is thy Faithfulness

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Day 28

Tuesday 20th March

He who dwells in the shelter of the most High will abide in

the shadow of the Almighty.

Psalm 91: 1

We can thank Jesus today for the finished works of the cross,

He is our earthly shelter, that place of safety and protection

and all that Psalm 91 promises. Picture that umbrella over us,

His tent, covering us in His love. In Jesus we trust, In Jesus

we dwell, In Jesus we can look forward to abiding with Him in

His glorious Kingdom forever. Until that day, we’re called to

be “His shadow”, reflecting Him on earth in every aspect of

our lives, following closely, loving whom He loves, serving

how He serves

Kids, If the sun is out, look for your shadow and remind

yourself of this verse, you can’t escape your shadow neither

can you escape God.

Prayer points: Pray that we as a church would be led by the

Holy Spirit.

Worship: I will follow (Chris Tomlin)

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Day 29 Wednesday 21st March

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are

walking in the truth.

3 John 1: 4

At Bethel we have several ministries focused at children. Pray for those who lead and teach our children to walk in the truth, Bethel Tots, Bethel Kids and Messy church. Pray especially for children who attend these groups and come from families who don't know Him. Help them to teach their parents/guardians the truth through what they have learnt.

Prayer points: Pray for all these groups, pray for parents, children and volunteers. Pray for Delyth as she prepares teaching for Easter Holiday Club next month, pray for ease of it all coming together. Pray that God would guild parents to send their children to attend, pray that we may be influential upon them and the schools in our community.

Pray for family stability and good parenting. Pray for dads to be good fathers

Suggested Worship Song: “Jesus is my superhero” Hillsong

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Day 30

Thursday 22nd March

Look, I am sending you out as sheep amongst wolves. Be as

wise as serpents and as innocent as doves.

Matthew 10: 16

We are ambassadors of the most High, God’s Royal

Messengers, sent out with a life changing message. When

you get your post today, open a letter or when you see the

postman, reflect on this verse. Sharing your faith should be a

daily habit, as the postman brings us letters, junk mail,

parcels every day, remember the message we bring is ALL

GOOD. Ask God to protect you and guide you, pray for

opportunities to share your faith, share a testimony, or have

the opportunity to pray for someone. Sending birthday

cards, Christmas cards, letters, texting and emails are

amazing way to share God’s love. Social Media is also

another way to ask God to provide opportunities

Prayer Points: Pray all your Facebook friends; Share

something positive and uplifting today .Pray for all those you

speak to on the phone today or those who deliver to you.

Suggested worship: “ Here I am send me” Delirious , be

ready, willing and available to go where God sends you.

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Day 31

Friday 23rd March

And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I

will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not

prevail against it.

Mathew 16: 18

This verse is so powerful. God is building His church through

His great love and the amazing grace he has shown to

mankind. Our call is to tell people of God’s love and how he

can save and change lives.

Pray for your loved ones and friends, that they may find God,

Pray for opportunities to tell people about Gods love. God

hears us when we pray.

Prayer points: Pray for the Body of Christ across Wales.

Pray for Pastor Tim who joins the National leadership team of

New Wine Cymru this month that helps serve 500+

churches across Wales. Pray the Evangelical Alliance, The

Evangelical Movement of Wales and the work they do. Pray

for Action overseas and Open Doors in the work they do to

support the persecuted church overseas.

Worship song: On Christ the solid Rock I stand

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Day 32

Saturday 24th March

“I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven,

whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and

whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Matthew 16: 19

Think of the freedom we have as we pick up our keys to leave

home, search for our keys, or as we get in our cars. Consider

the keys of heaven and how one day we will be in Glory with

our Saviour amongst people we never imagined we would

see. Today pray for the house bound, those in care homes

and hospitals, those constrained by the boundaries of walls,

the lonely and isolated and disabled.

Prayer points: Pray for the old people’s outreach; pray for

salvation for staff and residents at Plas y Dderwen Care

Home, Brynderwen Care Home, Towy Castle, Dol Y Felin and

Peniel Care Home. Pray for Wendy at Cartref Cynnes that

she would be salt and light to those around her. Pray for

Cwm Cheshire Home with the huge challenges it faces in

caring for severely disabled people.

Worship song: The lion and the Lamb

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Day 33

Sunday 25th March

You also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices

acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 2: 5 As a church we are discovering what our spiritual gifts are.

We are the living church that God has called us to be. Each of

us are the bricks that build the spiritual house and each play

our part. Pray today that we will continue to build our

relationship with Him and we will be vessels for Him to use in

the gifts He has given us.

Prayer points: Pray for Pastor Jonathan Morgan from

Wolverhampton as he speaks at Bethel today; pray for the

prophetic to flow amongst us today. Pray for new church

attendees and young Christians that they would find their

place in Bethel and made to feel welcome; pray for the every

age at Bethel to deepen in their walk with Christ.

Tonight Prayer & Worship Evening at Bethel 7pm

Kids Worship – “My Gift to You” – let’s have faith like

children today and give our all to Jesus

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Day 34

Monday 26th March

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those is in

Christ Jesus.

Romans 8: 1

We are so blessed to know that in Christ we are forgiven , no

condemnation, no guilt, no shame. As you shut your fridge

door today meditate on this verse, think of those imprisoned

because of their faith in Christ and the many deprived of

their human rights. Perhaps you could stick a picture of one

of the people named to your fridge door to remind you to

pray daily. Their names are hard to say, but pray for them all

today, believe, that God will provide the strength and

sustenance they need, and that He can and will set them free

in His perfect timing.

Prayer points: Asia Bibi – on death row (Pakistan), Nazir

Navard Gol-tape (Iran), Youcef Nadarkhani (Iran) , Hadi

asgari (Iran), Ahok (Indonesia), Pastor Bahrom Holmatov

(Tajikistan), Pastor Alimjan Yimit (China), Slimane Bouhafs

(Algeria). Pray for the 100’s of Christians imprisoned in

shipping containers in Eritrea, and the 1000’s imprisoned in

North Korean labour camps.

Worship song: He Knows What He’s Doing – Jason Crabb

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Day 35

Tuesday 27th March

But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who

persecute you.

Matthew 5: 44

Thank God that we do not live in a country where we are

outwardly attacked and driven to church underground

because of our faith in Christ. We have enemies of another

kind though, and as hard as it to love our enemies, in God’s

strength it is possible. On a lighter note perhaps, you could

pray for the local traffic warden, Jesus loves him or her! You

may know him well, if so lift his name before the lord and

slap it on the cover of your Bible and pray for salvation.

Kids, pray for the school bully, he or she is likely struggling

more than you know.

Prayer points: Pray for Mark and Julie and the groups they

minister to as they regularly travel overseas, pray for our

persecuted sisters and brothers in Christ, in countries like

Iran, Iraq, China, North Korea, Nigeria, Sudan, Afghanistan,

Laos, Maldives etc

Worship: 10,000 Reasons (Matt Redman)

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Day 36 Wednesday 28th March

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives

in all godliness and holiness.

1 Timothy 2: 1-2 Be thankful today that we live in a country of freedom and democracy. As Christians, we are called to pray for leaders and those in power, that they make Godly decisions and lead in truth and righteousness.

Prayer points: Pray for Bethel’s leaders, pray for your boss at work, pray for your children’s head teacher and school teachers and school governors.

Pray for Theresa May and her government, the Queen, Pray for salvation for Kim Jong Un, pray for Donald Trump and anyone else that Holy Spirit places on your heart.

Suggested Worship: King of Kings, Majesty

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Day 37

Thursday 29th March

“Your crops will be abundant, for I will guard them from

insects and disease. Your grapes will not fall from the vine

before they are ripe,” says the Lord of heaven’s armies.

Malachi 3: 11

The Lord of heaven and earth who instructed His armies of

angels to protect the crops and vines in the times of Malachi,

is the same Lord today, who says, I will give you fruit for your

labour, I will ensure that the enemy does not get a foothold, I

will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing so

big, you will not be able to contain it. There was a huge

condition then on the part of the Israelites, as there is on us

today. We do our bit, and God will do His in abundance.

Kids - think of this verse whenever you eat and give thanks to

God for His abundant blessings, perhaps pray for those living

in poverty, where food is literally, the answer to a prayer.

Prayer points: Pray about your part in Bethel, what can you

bring to the storehouse? Pray about your tithing, your time,

your energy, your giving and as the Holy Spirit guides.

Worship: All God’s promises are Yes and Amen!

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Day 38

Friday 30th March

Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has

passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us

hold fast our confession. For we do not have a High Priest

who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all

points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore

come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain

mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

Hebrews 4: 14-16

We have a great High Priest who is in heaven, who know us

and understands. He knows our weakness and struggles. We

are told to come boldly to the throne of Grace. So be

encouraged today as you pray into situations and people’s

lives. The amazing work of the cross enables us to come,

what a privileged people we are, that we can come to the

God of all creation.

Prayer points: Pray for church services over Easter, Pray for

today’s Good Friday service for hearts to be touched, eyes to

be opened to the truth of the gospel. Pray people will be

drawn by the power of the Holy Spirit to attend church this


Worship: Rooftops- Jesus Culture....Here I am, Arms wide

open; when I survey the wondrous cross.

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Day 39

Saturday 31st March

In Peace I will lie down and sleep for you alone O lord will

keep me safe.

Psalm 4: 8

This is a beautiful scripture, picture the Lord watching over

you as you sleep. No sleep is as sweet as a soft pillow, a clear

conscience and to know the Lord is with you in the hours of

darkness. Today, consider and pray for those who may have

difficulty sleeping. Illness, bereavement and other traumatic

situations can cause our sleeping patterns to go haywire, as

can anxiety or a stressful working life. Perhaps pray for your

children, the occurrence of nightmares can be a major source

of sleep problems. Help your child to learn this verse by

heart, it is a helpful one to take into adulthood.

Prayer points: Pray for Open Doors and other aid agencies

providing trauma counselling services that they may help

more children and adults traumatised by terrorism, violence

and war. Pray for the victims of trafficking and modern day

slavery, there is an estimated 20, 000 in the UK.

Praise Him and sing along to “Jesus Loves Me”......as we sing

this well-known song, pray on... people of the world need

to know this love!

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Day 40

Sunday April 1st

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life,

whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.”

John 11: 25

Today, as we celebrate “The Greatest Day in History”, and we

reflect on these amazing words of Jesus spoken to Martha

before Lazarus was raised from the dead. Think about the

healing aspect of Jesus’ short 3 year ministry on earth, it

grabbed attention then, and still does today. Let us be

thankful for the work of the staff at our local hospitals and

take time out to pray for them. As we pray, let us be

reminded of these amazing words “whoever believes in me,

though he die, yet shall he live”, the priority of Jesus’ mission

was salvation of souls “and everyone who lives and believes

in me shall never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:26

Prayer points: Pray for our sisters and brothers in Christ

working in our local hospitals; pray for the staff, porters,

nurses, canteen workers, consultants, chief executives etc.

Pray for Hywel Dda executives as they make major decisions

concerning re-structuring of hospitals in West Wales.

Suggested Worship: Heal our nation

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Prayer Notes x

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Prayer Notes

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Do not be anxious about anything, but in every

situation, by prayer and petition, with

thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

Philippians 4:6


If my people, who are called by my name, will

humble themselves and pray and seek my face

and turn from their wicked ways, then I will

hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin

and will heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14


Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly

abundantly above all that we ask or think,

according to the power that works in us, to Him

be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all

generations, forever and ever. Amen

Ephesians 3:20-21