4 key elements for social media marketing success

4 Key Elements To Social Media Marketing

Transcript of 4 key elements for social media marketing success

4 Key Elements ToSocial Media Marketing

• Whether you are a home business owner or a brick and mortar business owner marketing on social media needs to involve 4 steps to be effective.

• People don’t go to social media to buy so how do you turn your social media contacts into buyers?

4 Key Elements for Social Marketing Success

• Posting blatant ads for your products or business just turns people off and they will avoid you. And they seldom work anyway.

• So how do you sell to people without “selling”?


• On your sites, your blog, your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and other social sites, pay attention to what people are saying.

• Respond to both praise and criticism. • Don’t delete criticism, respond in a way that shows you really care

about the people visiting your site. • Then make changes to do better.

Element #1- Social Listening

• As you post on your sites, be sure to include valuable content that people can consume to increase your reputation as an authority in your niche.

• The more valuable content, the greater your authority will appear to your subscribers and followers.

• Use your blog to create content and post it on your social sites.

Element #2 – Social Influencing

• Follow other influencers in your niche and share their content. As you “rub shoulders” with these influencers, you will gain credibility and authority in the eyes of your subscribers.

• Seek for the other influencers and post comments on their posts and tweets.

• People will start to see your name and associate you subconsciously with the influencers you interact with.

Element #3 – Social Networking

• This is where all that we do can ultimately lead. This is where marketers want to be. But you can’t just jump there and have success without doing the other three steps.

• People buy from people they trust. • People buy when they don’t feel they are being “sold to”. • People buy when they feel you have their best interests in mind.• That’s why the other steps are so important.

Element #4 – Social Selling

• As you focus on your social activities, you will find that you already do some of these things. Realize that you are creating the path to sales not the sale itself.

• You want to direct people to your sales funnel where you can communicate with only the interested parties about your product or service.

• You can do more direct selling on “search engine” media like Youtube and Pinterest but on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social media, it’s very different.

• Your focus is to weed out the people who are really interested in your offers and direct them to another place where you can communicate with them about that offer, like an email list.

• Make sure you are focusing on the first three elements before #4. • In later posts, I’ll talk about how to actually do sales on social media without interrupting their social



• I’d love to hear from you with your comments on this subject.• Please leave a comment.• Share with your friends• Your comments fulfill Element #3, now is the time to start.

Questions & Answers

• Tips for Bloggers• http://bloggingsuccessstories.com• Organic Living• http://anita-hales.com• Find me on Facebook• https://www.facebook.com/anita.hales• Find me on Twitter• @afhales

Anita Hales, CH – Blogging Success Stories