3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow

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  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


     Adult Bible Study Guide

     Jul • Aug • Sep 2015

    powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruizvicente


  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    p y

     Adult Sabbath School Bible Study GAn Appeal

    "ear #ser$ %his &ower&oint Show is 'reely sharedto all who !ay (nd it bene(cial )hileintended pri!arily 'or personal use*

    so!e (nd it use'ul 'or teaching thelesson in church %here are those* however* who add

    illustrations* change bac+ground*

    change 'onts* etc )hile their intention!ay be good* this is not right Slide ,1says -designed by claro ruiz vicente.

    or honest hristians* it is not

    necessary 'or anothers creation to be

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    Biblical Missionariesur 6oal

    We will loo+ at !ission (rstand 'ore!ost as 6ods !eans

    'or co!!u7nicating the gospel

    8ission is a core part o' 6odssovereign activity in the

    process o' redee!inghu!anity)e will study how 6ods

    eternal purpose has been

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    Biblical Missionariesontents

      1 The Missionary Nature of God  2 Abraham: The First Missionary  ; The Unlikely Missionary  < The Jonah Saga

      5 Eiles as Missionaries  = Esther and Morde!ai  > Jesus: The Master of Missions  ? "ross#"ultural Missions

      @ $eter and the Gentiles10 $hili% as Missionary11 $aul: &a!kground and "all12 $aul: Mission and Message

    1; Must the Whole World 'ear( 

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    Biblical Missionariesesson ?* August 22



  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    Cross-Cultural Missionsey %eBt

    8atthew 12:1? CJD- E&ehold) 8y Servant who!

    4 have chosen* 8y 9eloved inwho! 8y soul is wellpleasedF 4 will put 8y Spirit

    upon i!* and e willdeclare Gustice to the

    6entiles .

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    Cross-Cultural MissionsHuic+ oo+

    1 Samaritan and *oman  (John

    4:7-9; Matthew :!" #$2 +emons and ,e%ers 

    (%u&e:'!; 7:)" ';Matthew !:))$

    ; %he Greeks

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    Cross-Cultural Missions4nitial )ords

    E-en though e 'ocused on4srael*

    the wider world was is

    concern "uring the !ore thanthree years o' is !inistry

    between is baptis! andascension* on at least siBoccasions Jesus had direct

    contact with persons 'ro!

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    Cross-Cultural Missions1 Sa!aritan and Io!an

     John 7@ 8atthew ?:5* = CJD-A wo!an o' Sa!aria ca!e todraw water Jesus said to her*

    E6ive 8e a drin+ %hen KsheLsaid to i!* Eow is it that Mou*

    being a Jew* as+ a drin+ 'ro!!e* a Sa!aritan wo!anN

    A centurion ca!e to i!*


  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    + Sa,aritan and o,anAt Jacobs )ell

    The disciples were surprisedbecause Jesus was tal+ing with

    this 'oreign wo!an Jesustransgressed a 'ew Jewish


    (rst* as+ing a Sa!aritanwo!an to give i! a drin+second* being alone with her 4n

    4srael* a !an could not be seen

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    + Sa,aritan and o,anAt Jacobs )ell

     Jesus 'ollowed Jewish custo!swhen in 4srael

    owever* in Sa!aria* e wasoutside Jewish territory and not

    bound by Jewish traditions*

    even though as we have seenelsewhere* Jesus distinguishedbetween hu!an7!ade

    traditions and the co!!ands

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    + Sa,aritan and o,anAt Jacobs )ell

     %he Sa!aritan wo!an led theconver7 sation with her

    Ouestions Jesus respondedwith the things that would

    bene(t the wo!an spiritually

     Jesus changed theconversation when e told herto bring her husband* +nowing

    that she wasnt !arried 9y

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    + Sa,aritan and o,an4n apernau!

     %he centurion was obviously a!an

    o' 'aith his words -spea+ theword only* and !y servant

    shall be healed.

    (Matt+ :$" were an incredibletesti!ony to his belie' in Jesuse +new that according to law

    a Jew was not allowed to enter

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    + Sa,aritan and o,an4n apernau!

     %he servant was healed %he'aith o' the 6entile centurion

    was rewarded

     Jesus pointed out that thecenturion was a prototype o'

    the great day when people'ro! all over the world would Goin the Jewish patriarchs at

    the 8essianic ban uet

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    Cross-Cultural Missions2 "e!ons and epers

    u+e ?:;5 1>:12* 1; 8atthew 15:22CJD

    -They'ound the !an 'ro!

    who! the de!ons departed*sitting at the 'eet o' Jesus*clothed in his right !ind  %here !eet i! ten lepers*wholi'ted up their voices*

    EJesus* 8aster* have !ercy on

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    )+ .e,ons and %e/ers"e!ons ast into Swine

    The !an in the to!bs wasobviously possessed %hat this

    liberation too+ place in6entile territory is con(r!edby the presence o' the pigs

     Jesus as+ed the healed !anto staye was to witness to his own

    people about Jesus his

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    )+ .e,ons and %e/ers %o -"ogs.

     %he child was - Ede!on7possessed and suPering

    terribly . (Matt+ !:))$+ er!other was a anaanite

    4n tal+ing to her* Jesus used

    so!ewhat harsh language*li+ening her people to dogs*but it tested her 'aith and

    showed her hu!ble willin 7

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    )+ .e,ons and %e/ers %en epers

    Cotice (rst that theun'ortunate !en all +new Jesus %hey called i! by

    both na!e and title

    )hats 'ascinating* too* is

    that they were not cleansedright then and there %heywere told si!ply to go and

    resent the!selves to the

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    )+ .e,ons and %e/ers %en epers

     %he 'act that they Gust turnedaround and went showed thatthey believed in i! and is

    power to heal the!

    nly the Sa!aritan eBpressed

    appreciation 'or what Jesushad done %he Sa!aritan*

    turned around even be'ore he

    ot to the riests

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    Cross-Cultural Missions; %he 6ree+s

     John 12:20* 21 CJD-No. there were certain6ree+s a!ong those whoca!e up to worship at the'east %hen they ca!e to

    &hilip* who was 'ro!9ethsaida o' 6alilee* andas+ed hi!* saying*

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    '+ 0he Gree&s-)e )ish to See Jesus.

    These 6ree+s were probablyconverts to Judais!* since theyca!e to Jerusale! to worship

    at the 'east %hese 6ree+s wentto &hilip* who* though Jewish*

    had a 6ree+ na!e %hus* the !ost ePectivegroundbrea+ing wor+ is done

    by people with the sa!e

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    '+ 0he Gree&s-)e )ish to See Jesus.

     %he 6ree+s ca!e only daysbe'ore Jesus cruci(Bion Jesuswould have been encouraged

    by their desire to -see. i! %heir approach signaled the

    beginning o' worldevangelization 4t was

    ac+nowledged even by the

    &harisees* who had eBclai!ed*- E C C lt l Mi i

  • 8/20/2019 3rd Quarter 2015 Lesson 8 Powerpointshow


    Cross-Cultural Missionsinal )ords

    Those who have been givengreat privileges need to be

    care'ul4ts easy to beco!e co!placentabout truths that in so!e cases

    no one elseis preaching and teaching)e need to !a+e sure that we

    +eep ourselves grounded in