2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpointshow

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  • 8/21/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpointshow


     Adult Bible Study Guide

    Apr • May • Jun 2015

    powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruizvicente


  • 8/21/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpointshow


    p y

     Adult Sabbath School Bible Study GAn Appeal

    "ear #ser$ %his &ower&oint 'how is (reely sharedto all who !ay )nd it bene)cial *hileintended pri!arily (or personal use+

    so!e )nd it use(ul (or teaching thelesson in church %here are those+ however+ who add

    illustrations+ change bac,ground+

    change (onts+ etc *hile their intention!ay be good+ this is not right 'lide -2says .designed by claro ruiz vicente

    or honest hristians+ it is not

    necessary (or anothers creation to be

  • 8/21/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpointshow


  • 8/21/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpointshow


    The Book of Luke6ur 7oal

    Under the guidance o( the8oly 'pirit+ 3u,e surveyedthe historical !aterials+

    interviewed theeyewitnesses (1:2), and

    then+ with .per(ectunderstanding o( all things+wrote .an orderly account

    that readers .!ay ,now the

  • 8/21/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpointshow


    The Book of Lukeontents

    1 The Coming of Jesus2 Baptism and the Temptations9 Who Is Jesus Christ? The Call to Discipleship

    5 Christ as the Lord of the Sabbath; Women in the Ministr of Jesus

  • 8/21/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpointshow


    The Book of Luke3esson 12+ June 20

     Jesus i% 


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     #esus i% #e&usale'?ey %e@t

    3u,e 1>:1 ?JB

    .,o% as 8e drew near+ 8e

    saw the city and wept overit

  • 8/21/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpointshow


     #esus i% #e&usale'Cuic, 3oo,

    1 %he (ing and the ity  (Luke (1:3,

    3*a+ , -)2 %he Messiah and Jewish

    3eaders (Luke 2:1, 1-+2)

    9 %he Lord and 8is 'upper

      (Luke 22:1/1-)

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     #esus i% #e&usale'nitial *ords

    -lthough other appearanceso( Jesus in Jerusale! are wellD,nownEthe in(ant Jesus being

    brought to the te!ple, thedebate o( the 12DyearDold in

    the te!ple, the te!pter ta,ing Jesus to the highest point o(the te!pleE

    it is the closing wee, o( Jesus

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     #esus i% #e&usale'1 %he ?ing and the ity

    3u,e 1>:9

  • 8/21/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpointshow


    1. The "i%0 a%d the ity  %he %riu!phant 4ntry

    This a!azing scene (ul)lledprophecy . GeKoice greatly+ 6

    daughter o( LionI 'hout+ 6daughter o( Jerusale!I

    Hehold+ your ?ing is co!ing to

    youF 8e is Kust and havingsalvation+ lowly and riding ona don,ey+ a colt+ the (oal o( a


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    1. The "i%0 a%d the ity  %he %riu!phant 4ntry

     %hough it was all according to7ods eternal plan+ 8is

    disciples were so caught up inthe traditions and teachings

    and e@pectations o( their own

    ti!e and culture that theyco!pletely !issed 8is earlierwarnings about what would

    ta,e place and what it all

  • 8/21/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpointshow


    1. The "i%0 a%d the ity leansing the %e!ple

    All (our 7ospels !ention thecleansing o( the te!ple

    *hile John spea,s o( the )rstcleansing (#oh% 2:132)

    ta,ing place during Jesus visit

    to the te!ple at the &assovero( ad 2=+ others narrated thesecond cleansing at the end

    o( Jesus !inistry+ this ti!e at

  • 8/21/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpointshow


    1. The "i%0 a%d the ity leansing the %e!ple

     %hus+ the two cleansings o(the te!ple provided a

    parenthesis to the !inistry o( Jesus+ showing how !uch 8ecared (or the sanctity o( the

    te!ple and its services+ andhow strategically 8e asserted

    8is Messianic !ission and


  • 8/21/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpointshow


     #esus i% #e&usale'2 %he Messiah and Jewish 3eaders

    3u,e 20:15+ 1;F 25 ?JB. GSo they cast hi! out o( the

    vineyard and ,illed hi!

     %here(ore+ what willthe owner o( the vineyard do to

    the!8e will co!e and destroy thosevineDdressers and give the

    vineyard to others

  • 8/21/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpointshow


    2. #esus The 4essiah a%d #e5ish Le %he #n(aith(ul

    The parable o( the wic,edvinedressers gives us a lesson

    in rede!ptive history %hecenter o( that history is 7odand 8is continual love (or

    erring sinnersAlthough the parable wasspeci)cally addressed to the

    Jewish leaders o( 8is ti!e

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    2. #esus The 4essiah a%d #e5ish Le %he #n(aith(ul

    t applies to every generation+every congregation+ and every

    person on who! 7ods loveand trust have been poured outand (ro! who! 7od e@pects a

    (aith(ul returnnstead o( giving to 7od the(ruits o( love and )delity+ the

  • 8/21/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpointshow


    2. #esus The 4essiah a%d #e5ish Le %he #n(aith(ul

    Hut 7od+ as the owner o( thevineyard+ sent servant a(ter

    servant (vss. 112), propheta(ter prophet (#e&. 3:1) inpersistent love to woo and win

    8is people to theirresponsibility o( stewardship

  • 8/21/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpointshow


    2. #esus The 4essiah a%d #e5ish Le7od Bersus aesar

     %o answer that it was law(ulwould have placed Jesus on theside o( 

    o!e+ showing that 8e couldnot be

    the ,ing o( the Jews as declaredby

    the crowds at 8is entry into


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    2. #esus The 4essiah a%d #e5ish Le7od Bersus aesar

    8e pointed to the i!age o(aesar ona coin and pronounced 8is

    verdict3iving under aesar+ whose

    currencyis used (or dayDtoDday


    has its obligation to aesar

  • 8/21/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpointshow


     #esus i% #e&usale'9 %he 3ord and 8is 'upper

    3u,e 22:1D1; ?JB.-nd when the hour had

    co!e+ 8e sat down+ and the

    twelve apostles with 8i! %hen 8e said to the!+ G*ith

    (ervent desire have to eatthis &assover with you be(ore suRerF (or say to you+

    will no longer eat o( it until

  • 8/21/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpointshow


    3. The Lo&d a%d 6is Su77e& hrist "ied (or #s

    The 3ords 'upper is are!inder that on the night

    be(ore 8e was cruci)ed+ Jesusgave a sole!n !essage to 8isdisciples that they needed to

    re!e!ber:the bread and the wine aresy!bols

    o( 8is body+ which was about to

  • 8/21/2019 2nd Quarter 2015 Lesson 12 Powerpointshow


    3. The Lo&d a%d 6is Su77e& hrist "ied (or #s

     %he death o( Jesus was 7odssole !eans (or our ede!ption(ro! sin 3est we (orget+ Jesus

    ordained the 3ords 'upper andco!!anded that it be ,ept

    until 8e returns (1 o&. 11:22-)

    .hrist died (or us is the )rst

    lesson %he second lesson is # i # l

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     #esus i% #e&usale'inal *ords

    What (ood is to the body+hrist !ust be to the soul

    ood cannot bene)t us unlesswe eat it+ unless it beco!es apart o( our being 'o hrist is

    o( no value to us i( we do not,now 8i! as a personal'aviour

    *e !ust (eed upon 8i!