3 in 1 presentation



Windows Movie Maker, Web 2.0, Open Source

Transcript of 3 in 1 presentation

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What is WMM?

• WMM is an application used to create, edit, and share your projects with videos, images, and sounds.

• Is an amazing tool you will get immediate results in an easy and fast way.

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Learning with WMM

• Video production is a study plan that can enhance language, writing, auditory, literacy, and visual skills.

• It promotes teamwork.

• It help learners develop other skills like decision • It help learners develop other skills like decision making, cooperative work, and oral discussion.

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WMM UtilitiesFaculty Students

Digital stories

Interactive learning

Study guides

Video on current issues

Course lectures

Videos for classroom rules and



Digital stories


Study guides for Ipods

Research projects

Digital Text



Convert PPT to videoStorytelling

Convert PPT to video


Convert PPT to video

Scientific Projects

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Before you begin

• Be clear what are you going to do?

• Create in your HDD a folder with all the documents.

• Create a storyboard with all the essential elements to create a video.elements to create a video.

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To Insert Archives or Files

1. Audio: .aif, .aifc, .aiff .asf, .au, .mp2, .mp3, .mpa, .snd, .wav y .wma

2. Image: .bmp, .dib, .emf, .gif, .jfif, .jpe, .jpeg, .jpg, .png, .tif, .tiff y .wmf

3. Video: .asf, .avi, .m1v, .mp2, .mp2v, .mpe, .mpeg, .mpg, .mpv2, .wm y .wmv

4. Most common: mp3, .wav, y .wma

5. No long length

6. No more of four archives if it’s of short length.

7. Music segments need to be organize.

8. Copyright material wouldn’t be permitted in your presentation.

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Effects Collection

Transitions Animations Titles and Credits

Controls the form in

which a clip or image

moves to the next clip

or image.

There are different

animation effects which

add to your video

special effects

Short sentences and


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• All effects and clips need to be set.

• Synchronize clips and titles.

• Synchronization for the listener delight.

• Save in HDD and then burn to DVD or CR-Rom.Rom.

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• www.windowsmoviemaker.net

• www.microsoft.com

• www.trucoswindows.com

• http://freeplaymusic.com

• http://customize.com• http://customize.com

• www.futuradesign.net

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Open SourceOpen SourceThe new direction in software

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• Learn new and free computer software applications equivalent to commercial applications.

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• Is refer as the user’s freedom to:

• Execute

• Copy

• Distribute

• Study

• Change

• Improve the application

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• Term use for software built and develop in a specific form.

• It started in 1998 by some users of the “free software community”.

• Term use for free software development and • Term use for free software development and distribution.

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• 1998: Linus Tovalds designs the Linux platform.

• Jan 22 1998: Some users start working with Linux in the “free software” community.

• Feb 3 1998: opensource.org starts

• June 4 1999: Microsoft confirms that Linux sells • June 4 1999: Microsoft confirms that Linux sells more than Windows.

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Open Source freedom

• Freedom of programs execution.

• Freedom to study the software and adapted to any necessity.

• Freedom of distribution.

• Freedom to improve the program and go public • Freedom to improve the program and go public with the improvements.

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• Flexibility

• It helps in the improvement and development of

software upgrades.

• Security

• Less errors and more confidence that commercial


• Development

• Less time to develop thanks in part for the

availability of the internet tools.

• User relation

• The software becomes part of the developer

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• Free

• Freedom of distribution

• Combat the pirate software

• Economic

• They are free

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Open Source Software

• OpenOffice

• Scribus

• Cmap

• Moodle

• Celestia


• NVU• TuxPaint

• Audacity

• NetLogo

• Firefox


• Edubuntu

• Freemind

• Phpcounter

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Open Source Software


• Spreadsheet

• HTML Editor

• Linux

• CallProfiler

• ImageJ

• JOELib

• OpenBabel• Linux

• Dasher

• Gnopernicus

• PoerTalk pVoice

• Virtual Magnifying


• OpenBabel

• Quasar Accounting

• Openantivirus

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• www.opensource.org

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Web 2.0Web 2.0The New Internet

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What will happen if you open a website and…..

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You find all you where looking for…


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You choose


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Suddenly you got a list…

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Where am I?

• You are in the NEW INTERNET!!!!!!

• This is the evolution of traditional technologies into web applications focus in end user.

• WEB 2.0 is an attitude not a technology.

• They are applications that move away from the • They are applications that move away from the traditional desktop and promote services and collaboration.

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Transition from 1.0 to 2.0WEB 1.0 WEB 2.0

DoubleClick Google AdSense

Ofoto Flickr

Akamai Bit Torrent

Mp3 Napster

Britannica Online Wikipedia

Personal websites Blogging

Domain name Search engine optimizationDomain name Search engine optimization

Content management systems Wikis

Directories Tagging

Stickiness Syndication

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• Folksonomy = folk + taxonomy

• Open, democratic form of organization

• Tags bridge structure and meaning

• Tags reflect the social fabric

• “It’s like 90% of a ‘proper’ taxonomy• “It’s like 90% of a ‘proper’ taxonomy

but 10 times simpler” (Butterfield, 2004)

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What is ATOM and RSS?

RSS and Atom feeds are the structures that organize

content which is being updated on a regular basis in order

for others to retrieve it.

This content could be articles, blog posts, photos, PDF

documents, PowerPoint Presentations, audio files, video

files, or other applications.

If the content is the flesh of an orange then a feed would be If the content is the flesh of an orange then a feed would be

its skin. The skin keeps the flesh in place so that it is easier

to transport.

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WEB 2.0 sites

• Google

• Youtube

• Teachertube

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Opening up your class


Images: Wiki:

Podcasting:Podcasting:Reading:Social Network:

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Benefits to connecting people via 2.0

• collective intelligence - collaborative

• transparent - instant gratification

• non-hierarchical - democratic

• potential for passion - ownership

• open to public - real recognition• open to public - real recognition

• permanence - searchable resource

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Getting Started

• 1.Start by blogging - risks < rewards

• 2.Connect students - via blogs, facebook

• 3.Collaborate - via del.icio.us, wiki

• 4.Blog assignments - let ego motivate

• 5.Be lazy - let students take the lead• 5.Be lazy - let students take the lead