3 Cheers Autumn 2011

3 cheers Autumn 2011 - Issue 2 The Magazine for Ladies Circle in Area 3 a o a a wn n ti n l aw rd i ning 3 Stars Sparkling for Area 3 Bumper 36 page issue!


The Magazine for Ladies Circle in Yorkshire - otherwise known as Area 3.

Transcript of 3 Cheers Autumn 2011

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3cheersAutumn 2011 - Issue 2

The Magazine for Ladies Circle in Area 3a o a a w n

n ti n l aw rd i ning

3 Stars Sparkling for Area 3

Bumper36 pageissue!

Page 2: 3 Cheers Autumn 2011

Diary Dates... ...and Friendship!



Friday 21st OctoberRothwell Ladies Circle naked waiters night at Elland Road

Friday 11th NovemberFriendship Evening (see below for details)

Monday 23rd JanuaryArea meeting at Drighlington (Make do and Mend – Xmas present auction with guest auctioneers)

Monday 23rd AprilArea meeting at Drighlington and AGM

9th-13th MayNational Conference in Torquay

Thursday 21st June 2012Area Handover Dinner

Team Tinker invite you to an informal eveningwith a hot ‘Bertie’s Buffet’ of Friendship to

share the best moments from Area 3 and beyond!

No. 1 Brook Street, Elland11th November 20117.30pm (sit down at 8)Only £21 per head

Book by 1st NovemberReturn your booking form toHelen Shiggins10 Harden ClosePenistoneS36 6HZor [email protected]

Girl’s Night Out(the night previously known as friendship evening)

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Well, I’ve got an action-packed magazine for you. At 36 pages, it’s got a full 12 pages more fun and friendship than a regular edition of 3 Cheers. That’s 50% extra free!

Truly all of what’s great about Area 3 is within these pages. Whether you’ve been partying with fellow Circlers from all over the world, raising money for local charities or just having a night out with the girls, you’ve been doing what Circlers do best - having fun and building friendships.

I know we’re all having a big push to try and attract new members at the moment. Later in the magazine, Halifax have shared some of their ideas for attracting

It’s been an amazing Summer of Circle. Mini Olympics in July, LCI in August, 75th Birthday Party and website relaunch in September. It just goes to show that we know how to have fun locally, nationally and internationally!

new members. Don’t forget, you can apply to National for a £50 membership grant to help you fund an event and new banners and postcards are on their way, as well as our new ‘micro-sites’ within the fab new National website. It’s a challenging time to be in Circle but it’s also an exciting time. With so many methods of communication available to us, there’s no reason why we can’t tell the world how much fun we’re having in the best young women’s organisation in the world! So when you post photos of a great night out on facebook, tell your friends you’ve been out with Circle and don’t forget to share the link to 3 Cheers with everyone!

Thanks to all of you who’ve sent in articles and photos. I’ve had so much to squeeze in that I’m holding one article back until the Spring!

I hope you all have a glorious Autumn full of comfort food and cozy nights by the fire as well as great nights out with the girls.

Yours in Friendship

Victoria x

Porritt’s Ponderings...

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Welcome back everyone after the Summer break and I hope you are all ready and raring to get back into the Circling year of fun, friendship and fundraising.

Summer sun, holidays and the last Area meeting seem such a long time ago.

Speaking of the last Team Tinker meeting, we have had really good feedback about the new look meeting or 'get together'. For those of you who couldn't make it, we moved the seating around and eliminated the top table. Instead, each Team Tinker member sat on a different table. You could still spot us though, with our new Team Tinker T-shirts, complete with our names on and what we were leading! On the night we had a fantastic 9 Circles represented by 25 Circlers and 2 guests including little Xander from Colne Valley who was 6 months and 2 weeks old at the time and brought his mum, Emma with him!

The meeting part lasted just under and hour and then we had the Non-Sporting Competition, organised by Helen 'Mine's a Double' Shiggins based on the 70's and CRACKERJACK…my favourite 70's TV program on at '5 to 5' on a Friday. A 70's music and trivia quiz was first, followed by a very difficult balancing race with new look cabbages, also known as balloons, for those that dropped the plates and cups! In the end, Dewsbury deservedly won…but who will win the next competition?

The phrase…'a small world' (very apt if you saw my interruption at the Handover Dinner) comes to mind for the next few months as Dave and I travelled to Milton Keynes to see the Foo Fighters and tried to find Sine Kidd who we found out was in the bowl too.

Later, on holiday at Center Parcs in Penrith, I was sat in the little pool chillin out and watching Isobel when Emma Tidmarsh came in with her family and we had a lovely time chatting whist sat in the bubbles. Then on the way home, who should drive past us but Sine Kidd again, on her way back from Scotland!

Karen totally focussedon plate balancing!

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In July, Hannah Armitage, Chairman of Rothwell Circle organised a early evening cruise from Rothwell to Allerton By Water. Her father In law, Ken lent us the boat and we enjoyed a sunny trip along the canal and ate fish and chips before sailing back.

Back to Circling though and at the end of July, Team Tinker Sportslady Denise organised a Summer Olympics. The weather held up and myself and a bunch of us from Hebden Bridge, Batley, Halifax, Elland, Rothwell and Sitlington took part in the javelin, speed bounce (exhausting), shotput, discus and long jump before some amused men! Denise did a brilliant job and well done to…….. the victors!

A few weeks later it was the Ladies Circle International Conference at Hamburg and I want to thank you all for allowing me to represent Area 3 and GB&I. A full report of what we got up to is further on in 3 Cheers but it was an absolutely amazing experience meeting people with whom you have

something in common…Circle! Thanks also go to Helen Walker from Hebden Bridge who organised all the travel arrangements so swiftly and of course my three great friends and also Past It's: Claire Cunnington, Sine Kidd and Helen Paterson who really looked after me. We had such a good time with lots of laughter and great memories were made!

Landing back down to earth with a bump, myself and Karen Flatters travelled over to Leeds to help book people in at NSW for Round Table. Although there was a bit of a mix up about how long we were staying, it was great to catch up with old friends from Table. We shut up shop at 10pm…ish that night but not before a large group of Tablers from Jersey (I think) descended on us at 9.55pm, some of them were 'with beer' but we still managed to register them! The next day Jo Machon and Claire Cunnington came to help with the swimming…but that is a story best left to them to tell!

On 10th September, I enjoyed an afternoon with friends at Rothwell's 43rd Charter Lunch. It was great to catch up with ex Circlers, Tangent members and girls from



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other Circles in the Area but also to meet a few new girls who are interested in joining Circle. After my first proper speech, I relaxed and sat outside chatting about all sorts of things, including how to turn a breech baby, shoes we can and can't walk in and how to put a hair donut in properly amongst other things I can't put in print!

Ten days later and after fitting in a Team Tinker meeting, I met the lovely Brighouse ladies for their Charter Dinner. Even though I knew where I was going, I stupidly followed the Sat Nav, which took me all over and ended up jumping out of my car and asking some bewildered bloke putting petrol in the car, where The Rock Inn was! Nevertheless, it was a great evening, catching up with Penny and other old friends but also meeting many of their new and prospective members. The food was great and Sarah Harrison gave me lots of advice about what to put in the Shoeboxes For Soldiers.

Next, on the 23rd and 24th September, I travelled down to Birmingham for the National Council meeting and Vicky Perry's National Ball, which also celebrated the 75th Birthday of Circle.

There is an article later on in 3 Cheers but again it was great to meet and swap ideas with the other Area Chairs or National Councillors as we were called. At the meeting

we found out that Ladies Circle had been given a facelift with a new website and logo. Please let me know your thoughts on the facelift so I can send them back to the National Team.

The ball was brilliant, the band spectacular and I think all us ladies from Area 3 had our shoes off at the end! My memory book was also sent round, with Dave starting the comments off with 'Once upon a time . . .' and the story went on round and about for 10 pages so do please read it when you next see my book as it is very entertaining!

A quick Rothwell meeting, Spa day for a friends 40th and Year 7 parent's evening followed before I met up with the Halifax girls again for their Charity Ball on the 7th October at Bertie's. It was another fantastic and fabulous night and Carol and Halifax Circle had done a great job in raising funds for a little girl called Amelie who has Russell Silver Syndrome.

And so onto the next part of my journey as your Area Chairman. At present I'm trying to work out my outfit of clues for the next get together, our Hero/Think Pink meeting whilst wrapping gifts for the tombola and putting the finishing touches to my Shoeboxes for Soldiers.

In the next couple of months I'm looking forward to Rothwell's main fundraiser, the Naked Waiter Night at Elland Rd followed by Sitlington's Charter the next day. Lots of memories will be shared at Area 3's 'Girls Night In' or Friendship Evening on the 11th November…Remembrance Day and then a trip to meet Penistone at their Charter.

To finish, as you can see if has been an amazing few months and I'd like it to continue so please do invite myself or any of Team Tinker to any meetings or events…we like to get around a bit!

Jo Tinker x

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Vice Chairman’s News...

Well ladies the Summer was fairly quiet for me in my Circle world, however September came and I hit the ground running and I have enjoyed every minute. The boys’ National Sporting Weekend at the beginning of September turned out to be great fun. We only had five volunteers so I was worried we would be there the whole weekend!!! However our 'girl power' organisation and efficiency meant we went, we did and we came home. Claire Cunnington did volunteer her & me to time the swimming event, when I gladly accepted & said what a good idea (men in Speedos!!!) she said she had no idea what I was talking about hmmm!!!!!!! The boys in true Round Table style sent us each some lovely flowers to say thank you, thanks Jo T, Karen, Claire & Denise.

I had a lovely afternoon with Rothwell at their charter lunch, the weather was beautiful & we spent time drinking fizz on the terrace. I also attended the National President’s ball in

Birmingham. As most of you facebook users will know I attended but my dress didn't!!! For those of you who have just read this & are horrified, don't stress!!!! I had my circle bud Claire; she's not just good at getting me involved in men's swimming events, she is also a fabulous shopper. She escorted me to the shops, got me a dress, I tried it on and bought it all in the space of 20 minutes - impressive!!!! I also joined my own Circle at our charity ball; I know there is more for you to read about this wonderful evening later in the magazine.

Helen & I hosted the 'little Tinkers' for our team Tinker exec meeting, as ever we had lots of fun, nibbles & laughs and a bit of business. I did text each Circle asking for their numbers of members, honoraries and guests to try give you an idea our current/future membership. Due to the lack of response the figure of 76 members just gives you general idea. I know there is possibly more out there & it doesn't take into consideration any new members we have inducted recently. Please can I ask all Circles to let me know if they have had any new ladies joining because its time we celebrated. Our Circle numbers range from 11 to 2 so it just shows that size doesn’t matter if you want to have fun. Just remember the more you put in the more you get out!

Jo MachonArea 3 Vice Chair

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National Natter...

Hi All I hope you are all refreshed after the Summer break and enjoyed the September heat wave!

I can't believe we are in October where did September go?

National Exec got together again at Oulton farm. The purpose of the meeting was to go though the running order of the National Council Meeting. It is quite interesting when you are cut off from the outside world with no mobile phone reception to talk of. At least this time one of the girls didn't hang out of the window to try and get a decent phone signal at night and drop her shoes out the window and have to go out and retrieve them in the pouring rain. She looked like a drowned rat when she returned.

Again the internet situation was pretty dire which was a huge problem for Jacqui as she has been doing the 75 facts in 75 days on Facebook and she needed to get online.

The National Exec have decided that I am highly amusing - a first for me! It has been said by one Exec girl Alex doesn't say a lot but

when she does it is very relevant. I do not know what they are talking about but when the lady came to fix our problem with the internet she had just been mucking out on the farm. All I said was, “She Ums!”. They thought this was hilarious all I can say is “She did”!

I drove down with Simon to the National Council Meeting on the Friday straight from work, in true motorway style we were running late. I get a call from one of the Exec girls:

“Where are you?”My reply, “Digbeth Police Station”Her reply, “You're the NT just pay the bail

and get here!”So we arrived and changed. Simon and

some of the other Tablers went to the comedy club. I went to Claire's room with just 2 minutes spare, she had had the pleasure of entertaining the 11 Ladies that had come over from Denmark, I have to say what a fabulous bunch of girls they are. Their President is hilarious she stands up and just says call me; “El Presidente Denmark”.

However, Claire had still to put her makeup on.

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All she could do was sit down, look at me and say “I feel like I have been violated” (Not really the word she used).

Friday night was themed a Birthday Party thfor the 75 Celebration. 56 Ladies sung

“Happy Birthday” it was great to see so many International Ladies there. Denmark, Germany, Luxemburg, Malta, India and Austria and of course our own Area 3 Chairman Jo.

After the meal the party games commenced with Musical Chairs. In true Elland LC style in a Rose Bowl competition I lost. The last game to be played was pass the parcel and then everyone retired to the bar.

All the National Exec girls were ordered to bed by the witching hour - I'm sure the time was significant!

Saturday morning saw everyone up and about bright and early although I think this had more to do with the Rugby and less to do with preparing the room for the meeting.

The Council meeting started at 9.00am. I must say as this was my first council meeting I was very pleased that my report was in the morning and didn't go too badly.

The only problem was that I have a problem pronouncing some of the Circle names on the Debtors List so this saw me fined for mispronunciation in the afternoon.

Vicky's Report on the launch of the website was in the afternoon. I am sure this will be in Jo's report so all I will say is that the website address now is www.ladiescircle.co.uk This has been done because if you type Ladies Circle into Google, Google gives you the .co.uk extensions first. Therefore, increasing the potential of new members finding us.

This was made even more apparent to me when a new member contacted International Ladies Circle instead of GB&I because of the search results on Google.

Yes it does mean there is a different log on and it does mean we will have to re-register.

Vicky has asked that we promote Party for

Parkinsons in our Areas and that all Circles apply for a party pack.

The meeting closed in good time to get thready for the 75 Ball. The theme for the Ball

was Black and White to coincide with Vicky's Theme so of course she wore Red!

I am sure those of you on Facebook will have seen Simon's photos of the night and it was fabulous that so many of the Area 3 Girls and partners were able to attend this Celebration. There was an Auction and a Raffle and over £5000 was raised for Vicky's Charity Parkinsons UK. After the meal the Band played exceptionally well and a DJ followed.

What a full weekend and enjoyed, I am sure, by all.

It took a week to recharge my batteries and then I was back on the motorway to NERL 2011 in Nottingham. I have to say I am a virgin to NERL Nottingham and it was great to meet up with Batley LC.

The hottest day of September and the entertainment was a lady who baked a cup cake whilst singing. Sharron Elizabeth asked for a volunteer to spoon with her. Surprisingly Michelle Taylor volunteered herself. I on the other hand was volunteered to do some mental arithmetic to decide how much the Lunch had made for charity and the Cup Cake was gifted as one of the raffle prizes. I was so disappointed when Niki Boersma didn't win as I wanted to see her carry it home on the bus.

I had a fabulous NERL and I am looking forward to NERL 2012 in York when the speaker is going to be Christa Ackroyd.

Yours In Friendship

Alex RobertsNational Treasurer


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Tangent Talk...

Tangent National President and Circle National President Vicky Perry flying the flag for GB&I at

LCI in Hamburg.

This year’s Tangent National Charity is Ovarian Cancer Action. Talking to President Jan at her recent charity lunch, it occurred to me that although most of us are aware of the symptoms of breast cancer, we probably don’t know how to spot the signs of ovarian cancer. Every year, 6700 women are diagnosed. If caught early, treatment can be very successful. The slogan of Ovarian Cancer Action is ‘Everyone Should Talk About It’, the idea being that the more women talk to each other about these symptoms, the more women will recognise them and the more lives can be saved.

If you experience any of the following symptoms on most days, try not to worry but do check it out with your GP.

Persistent tummy pain

Increased tummy size

Persistent bloating

Difficulty eating

Feeling full quickly

For more information call 0300 456 4700or visit www.ovarian.org.uk

TangentNational President Jan’s

Olympic Charity Ball

in aid ofOvarian Cancer Action

24th March 2012Cedar Court Hotel

Harrogate£37.50 per ticket

for more informationand to book tickets

visit www.tangent-clubs.orgor email [email protected]

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Yorkshire Mixtures...





All past members of Area 3 Circles to join our new Area wide Tangent

Want to keep in touch with "old" friends from Area 3?

Then this new Tangent Club is for you.

Join us for £5 whether you're new to Tangent or already in an existing Tangent as you can be a member of both, provided you pay subs.

The group will meet roughly 4 times a year purely for social andyou're very welcome!!

Next meeting Monday 14th November at Drighlington.

Interested? Then email Helena Housley on [email protected]

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LCI Virgin Guide...

This year was my first LCI and it was utterly amazing and fantastic! However, I was very apprehensive. What do I book? How do I book it? What do I need? What do I wear? There were many questions, which were all answered but to save you fretting if you're going for the first time next year, here are some tips!

ASKAsk anyone and everyone who has been before for tips and don't worry how silly you think your question may be…someone else will be thinking the same!

JOINMake sure you join the FB group LC GB&I go to LCI in Helsingborg 2012. I found it really helpful because I could see who was going and what they actually looked like. Any new

information and advice will be placed on there too and you get the chance to chat and ask those questions you need to. You can also find out if anyone is on the same flight as you and arrange where to meet and who gets the first G&T in!

FINDF ind the new LC I web page a t www.lci2012.org so that you can browse at the activities and ultimately book the stuff online.

BOOKI remember ringing various Past Area 3 Chairmen and then sitting at the computer with Marj Aird on the other end of the phone advising me what bits to book! I went to the Opening Ceremony, Welcome Parade and Welcome Party on the first night, something

The Opening Ceremony

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...or things you worry about when go to a different country withpeople you don't know and you're not sure what you are doing

that will take your breath away and gives you an amazing start to your LCI. The next day I booked in for the AGM with lunch but you can just book in for the AGM for free. That night I went to the Home Parties, which were brilliant. You hop on a bus and are taken to a fellow Circlers home for the evening. Here you get to meet and chat with girls from all around the world and find out how much you have in common. The final part I booked was the Gala Dinner on the last night. Another fantastic occasion where you meet more girls whilst eating your meal and then catch up with the ones you met the night before. Don't worry if you forget what you have booked, your itinerary will be on your pass and the conference brochure. Oh and the registration fee is extra to all the other events.

TIPSCheck out prices by ringing the hotel direct as sometimes it can work out cheaper than by booking it through LCI.

You don't have to fill in flights details etc at the time of booking the LCI events. They can be done much later.

Staying at the Conference hotel means you have don't have to walk anywhere to meet up with people…everything comes to you! It also means you can nip upstairs and put your flatties on when your feet are killing you!

If you have any pin badges (your own or National Ones) take some to swop. I took about 20 and swapped them all for International ones.

Put all regalia, including chains and dress chains in your hand luggage in case it gets lost and put it out in the x-ray tray so they can see it as apparently lots of bars on chains can

look like bullets in x-rays! Take a small gift to give to your host at the Home Parties linked to where you come from e.g. Yorkshire tea and biscuits!

Bring in a bag of sweets to share and munch on with your fellow GB&I at the AGM to keep you going.

For dress codes ask or look at photos from last years LCI but just to let you know that the 'hat' rule for the AGM can be fascinators or a range of headwear…not a posh hat in sight!

Squeeze in just that one more outfit or pair or shoes and be prepared for all weathers. The forecast for Hamburg was cold and rainy and it was sunny and very hot!

Enjoy as you will never have another experience quite like this one and you will be hooked!

Jo TinkerArea 3 Chairman and (was) LCI Virgin

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The LCI Diary of Jo Tinker...Sometime in May 2011

Well I've gone and done it! LCI Hamburg is now booked. Good job I had lots of advice from Karen

Flatters, Sine and Claire, not to mention being on the phone to Marj, The National Vice Chairman

about who? what? where? and when? Luckily the fantastic Helen Walker has booked the flights and

Conference Hotel too! Great news that there are four of us going altogether from Area 3. Three Past

Area Chairman, Sine, Claire and Helen to hold my hand and look after me!

rd23 August 2011

Arrragh!!!! What to pack and what not to pack! Casual warm, casual raining, ball gown, party stuff,

home party gift, AGM outfit and lots and lots of shoes!!!! I've been told to put the Area chains in a sock

in my hand luggage as they look like bullets in an x-ray!!! It's 9.30pm and I'm off to bed, ready to be

up bright and early the next day.

thThurs 25 August: 3.30am

I sprang out of bed and immediately put the kettle on! Tiptoeing around the house so as not to wake

Dave and the girls, I managed to close the suitcase and sneak another pair of shoes in. Right on time,

at 4.30am, Sine and Helen arrived and I ran through the torrential rain to put my case in the boot.

Good news though, as by the time we had picked up Claire and driven to Manchester airport, it was a

sunny 6am-ish.


Feeling a bit nervous now but at least we have all eaten breakfast

and nipped round the Duty Free bit. We are waiting at the terminal

ready to board and there doesn't seem to be many of us.

Lots of people have asked about our 'I Love Ladies Circle 'T shirt though.


Sat on the plane, waiting for take off and just told Claire that I am a bit of a nervous flyer!!


Hooray in Hamburg and in taxi taking us to the Conference Hotel.

12.00 ish

We've checked in at the hotel and the LCI desk and were given a fab goody bag which has in it:

plasters, perfume, Hugo Boss bag, and the lanyard…which there was 'strict control of'…no pass, no

food or drink! There is also the very comprehensive Conference Booklet which tells us when, how and

where we will be going over the weekend. Back in our gorgeous hotel room, Helen suddenly let out a

little scream. She was flicking through the booklet when she came across the partners program and

noticed that one night they were going on an 'Amuse in Hamburg' which was a visit to the

Reeperbahn for a ' C***t Hunt' where you could do all sorts of things!


Well we decide to explore, so we took the map, jumped out of the way of passing cyclists and had a

walk down to the Binnenaister or harbour baking in the sun eating lunch and deciding that the word

of the weekend should be 'chunt' for all photos taken. It is sooooo hot!

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We nipped back, and changed into our outfits and sash for the opening ceremony. We met in Claire

and Sine's room for pre-drinkies and they gave me cards and gifts for my first LCI! How lovely!! It is

still soooo hot and sunny, though and I don't know how the girls from the Icelandic countries feel in

their national costume in this heat. After the fizz, the four of us met up with more of GB&I and

walked to the University where we were met with lots of girls from Denmark shaking their hand

clappers. The ceremony was amazing, to be sitting with so many Circlers from all over the world in

one place.


A great Samba band led as we (around 700 of us) walked through the streets and through a beautiful

park to our final destination. This was an amazing night as we chatted with Circlers from all over the

world, swapped pin badges and stories and had a few drinks, along with the BBQ. The four of us were

so tired after being up so early so caught the bus at midnight back to the hotel and to bed!!! Our

German is coming on!

thFriday 26 August 8.00am

The four of us met up bright and early to have breakfast (the hotel offer Fizz as part of breakfast) in

our finery for the International AGM. I have said 'sorry' to Helen for zipping her into her outfit and

catching her skin!!! Ouch!!!I don't really know what to expect but glad to see that the GB&I team have

brought sweets!


We are in an enormous conference room and I think all 700+ of us

are there from 24+ countries. The International AGM starts as

any other with lighting the Candle of Friendship but then each

National President of each country is introduced and cheered as

they walk down the aisle including our own VP!!!

During the day there are reports from members of the LCI

Board, including the President, Malin Arenius who had baby

Charlie during her year!!!

Without going on too much, I really got to see the big picture

of Circle here with lots of countries (Nepal, Madagascar,

Luxembourg and Slovenia) chartering new Circles! At the

AGM our own Kate Jones became LCI Secretary. We did

have to sing a song a few times but Hey Ho!!!

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Oh and I found out that:

LCI 2012 is in Sweden

LCI 2013 is in Zambia

LCI 2014 is in Lithuania

6.00pm onwards

It's the home party time, so I'm dressed, with gift and

looking for the right bus to get on with Sine. When we

finally found it, the Hamburg girls supplied us with nibbles and booze whilst we drove for 45mins to a

house belonging to a founder member of Hamburg LC. It was such a lovely night, meeting up and

actually chatting with other Circlers from around the world. We talked about: jobs, sexual health,

selling, spine implants, dentists, hotels, schools etc . Amongst other things, I learnt that Circles are

called clubs, Area's are districts and Agora is a tangent mix of ex-Circlers and other people. As we left

Adelheid Stille-Sinn's house, there was a terrific thunderstorm. On the way to the bus, I was hit on

the head by a nut, Sine nearly stood on a frog, a local garage was flooded…but we arrived back safely,

met our friends in the bar, swapped notes, drank more fizz and went to bed at 2am! Our German ist

alles gut!!

thSaturday 27 August 2011

A free day! The four of us decided to take a bus tour of Hamburg. We

took in some lovely sights along with the building work and the red

light area – did you know that one street is barricaded and only

open to men and 'women of the night'. Whilst we were sat on the

double-decker, Helen told us about her Home Party and how she

can now create, through mime, a body in balance and a cervix!


I did it again, zipped Helen's dress up and caught her skin. Do not ask me to do it again!!! Poor Helen!!!

Tonight is the Admiral's Gala Dinner. It was great to meet up with people we had been talking to the

night before but also new friends from countries around the world. During the dinner, there were lots

of speeches, then the amazing band came on and played till about 1.30am. The gong from the chain

dropped off, but I found it straight away and the heels came off as we danced the night away! Fab fab

fab night!!!!!!

Helen’s Cervix Impression!

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thSunday 28 August 2011

Up again for breakfast, minus the Fizz ,and the lovely Sine, Helen and Claire surprised me with more

gifts from LCI; a postcard 'Fur Dich' in German, the tour T-shirt , the Hamburgen snow globe,

amongst other lovely things…made me teary!!!!

Off we go again for a wander, a shop and lunch before picking up our stuff, saying 'goodbye' to old and

new friends and then taxing to the airport.

At the airport, I introduced my friends to a game of 'Celebrity Lookie Likie' and we clock Tony Kidd,

George Michael, The Dali Lama and Al Pacino (in a wheelchair) amongst many others…a great game

for anywhere!!! Presents bought, we boarded the plane and had a rocky landing before hitting

Manchester Airport.

Sine drove us all back and we returned to our lives. Reflecting on the last few days, I have to say it was

an amazing experience and I'm so glad that I could share it with good friends! Think of going to a local

Circle meeting for the first times and multiply it by 10,000. Think of going to an Area meeting for

the first time and multiply it by 1000. Think of going to Rally or a National Conference and multiply

it by 100. That's how I felt when I went and truly understood the worldwide picture of Ladies Circle.

Thank you so much Area 3 for allowing me to go

and represent you.

Watch out for the Area shop and LCI event to raise

funds for Jo to go next year!

Auf Wiedersehen!

Jo x

Yes you can drink and ride a bike here! And the rain came!

A spot of shopping

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Circle Wordle...

Do you all remember at the very first Team Tinker meeting where you wrote down a list of as many words as possible to describe Circle? Here are some of the lovely ones:

Circle is... life changing hilarious for friendships fun pink fizz chatty not the WI !! two dogs with...(Penistone Bonfire?) an escape from washing, ironing, the children and the other half a chance to be me fizz slippery nipples racy emotional

Well done and an extra ration stamp to Sitlington who wrote 30 things down!!!

Another ration stamp goes to the Circle/Circler who wrote this...very poetic for a Monday night after the Handover Dinner too. Please let me know who you are.

C ompanionship and caringI nclusive, innovative and immenseR acyC ommunity focussedL aughter and lovingE njoyable and emotional

All in all everyone had very similar words. Just look at this word cloud produced on Wordle. The most repeated words are the larger ones...need I say more!

Jo x

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Freefall Fun...

Sunday 26th June 2011 was a day I had been dreading for over a year. Ever since I heard those dreaded words... will you sign up to a skydive? I was going to be tackling two fears in one go - flying and heights but I knew I couldn't say no, after all it was for The Laura Crane Trust and was being organised by a close friend. So as time went on I pestered everyone I knew for sponsor money. At first I thought I would struggle to raise £500, so I set myself that as a target and would be happy to reach it. As the months ticked by I was still miles below target. I took the sponsor form along to the AGM and was creeping ever so close thanks to the generosity of the Brighouse Ladies – who quite happily put their names down whilst saying, 'rather you than me!' Ann turned round as I said jokingly, ‘will you do it too?’ and her reply was, 'I've always wanted to do that, I'll get my son to do it too!' You've got to love the fact that in Circle there is always at least one other lady that is as brave (or as crazy) as yourself. The month leading up to the jump I harassed my remaining facebook friends and family and managed to double my original target raising over £1000. So the morning came, and off we set

to Hibaldstow Airfield ready for the big jump. I watched with fear as the first six of the 52 people jumping for the charity that day went up and came down safely. Then it was my turn to get into the jumpsuit and harness. My heart was pounding, but Ann was there smiling away as ever! The plane took off and climbed for what seemed like an eternity until we reached 15,000ft. Ann was sat at the front of the plane which only meant one thing for her; she was out first, shortly followed by her son. Then it was my turn, as I got to the edge of the plane I knew there was no backing out and before I knew it I was falling at 120mph with my cheeks wobbling all over the place! Needless to say Ann and I landed safely in the dropzone greeted by the smiles of the spectators. What an experience it was, but it was made better knowing that I had helped a local charity which means a lot to myself and many other Circlers in Area 3. As it stands the total amount raised by the skydivers collectively is an incredible £21,500.

Sarah HarrisonBrighouse Ladies Circle

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...with Sarah & Ann

Hi Ladies,Here’s my big son, Fran, aged 16, and I just minutes before falling out of a perfectly serviceable aircraft! Nutters!! Behind us are Nick and Barry , two of the fabulous instructors from SKYDIVE Hibaldstow. Sarah is hidden away somewhere there in the background too.It was a fabulous day, one to look back on with fond memories when I'm an old dear! The weather was perfect and the views were terrific!Thanks to Sarah for introducing me to Steph Budby who roped me into diving – though I didn't take too much persuading. My main concern was whether I would be able to raise enough sponsorship money, as I was doing the fund raising for both Fran and myself. Fran was in the middle of GCSEs so I didn't want to distract him any more than necessary from his studies, and the dive was the day before his final exam!Thanks to the many generous folk who sponsored us; we raised over £800 in just a month! Thanks very much to all the kind people in Ladies Circle, NCT, Utility Warehouse, BNI, Halifax Round Table and not to mention my regular massage clients, friends and family!Thanks also to mon amie Stephanie Sayers -long suffering 'Halifax Table Wife', and the ever so lovely Paula Stock, my BNI buddy, who both joined us on the dive at very short notice

– and who both managed to raise about £800 in 2 days!! I think they must have been holding guns at people's heads! Paula was especially brave because for virtually all her life she has been terrified of heights, yet despite her fears she was determined to do it anyway. Paula's motto was 'face the fear and do it anyway' and, with the help of a last minute hypnotherapy session, she overcame her fears and on the big day she was not in the least bit nervous, she just found it totally exhilarating. Well done Paula!I'd particularly like to say a big 'Well Done' to Steph Budby for putting together such a fabulous fundraising event. 55 people did the dive in total, and, as Sarah mentioned, as a group dive we raised £21,500 for The Laura Crane Teenage Cancer Trust. This is a marvellous achievement, for a wonderful Huddersfield based charity, and could not have been done had it not been for Steph's amazing dedication and determination.One final note , I'm pleased to say my Cool as a Cucumber son, Fran, performed well in his GCSEs too, so the pre Skydive nerves obviously didn't affect his exam performance too much.Here's looking forward to the next adrenaline junkie fundraiser event :)

Ann Devlin

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We were like celebrities - felt a bit of a fraud as all we'd done was turn up for a weekend of partying!

It really was humbling in both these visits to schools to see how much education matters to these children and what a difference Ladies Circle & Round Table make to real lives!

So thank you to everyone who donated and helped us raise the money for our toilet blocks elsewhere - I'm sure they are appreciated and making a real difference.

Claire Cunnington

SARI Project Update...

Over the Summer I was lucky enough to go on a fantastic family holiday to the very South of India! Please don't switch off now - this is not a holiday story!

The purpose of the trip was really to visit Madurai Round Table 's "Euro" meeting (an annual gathering of all the Round Tables who are number 14 in their country - it used to be just European countries but now includes South Africa and India) as Halifax are hosting it next year.

However whilst I was there I managed to visit a toilet block similar to the ones Area 3 raised funds for back in 2008/2009 when I was Area Chair via the fantastic "Curry for Toilets" evening which Janine Kaye organised and through donations from various Circles and of course the Handover. Dinner Raffle (attended by the International President and Board who were staying with Tracey Wilkinson at the time).

It was fantastic to see one of the toilet blocks in a small and poor village school and know that similar ones elsewhere in India are helping keep girls at school and improve their education. They were so grateful!

Whilst in Madurai, Round Table arranged for some classrooms built by their fund raising to be opened - again at a poor school. All the European visitors were invited to the opening which involved the whole school lining up to greet us and sing, special refreshments and a tour of each classroom.

Me with Chair of Madurai Ladies Circle

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National Council Meeting...

A National Council Meeting......what's all that about?…well quite a lot this time, so sit down with a cuppa and a biscuit or a glass of wine/fizz/G & T and chocolate and I'll tell you all the exciting news! Before I get down to the nitty gritty, for those who have never been to a National Council Meeting, let me explain what goes on.

When does it happen?The National Council Meetings are in September and February.

Why should I go?First of all, it isn't just the Area Chairman (also called the National Councillors) who go, anyone can and they did! Secondly, it is a great opportunity to find out what other Circles are doing socially, in fundraising terms and membership wise up and down the country. Finally of course, you make new friends, with whom you catch up with at various events and on Facebook.

What happens?On the Friday night, everyone meets up for a chat and a meal and drinkies and this usually has a theme. Last February, Karen, Alex and myself donned pyjamas for the party and in September we wore party frocks, ready to celebrate.

During the meal, it is great chance to get to know other Circlers from all over the country and there are always some games on hand to help break the ice. I've mummified a friend in toilet roll, passed a balloon along the line under my chin and played pass the parcel so far!

Then what?At 9am on the Saturday morning the meeting begins! Team Vicky Perry are at the front, observers and friends sit in rows further down and the Area Chairmen take up a large square in the middle. On the agenda are the National Reports and then items that Team Vicky need feedback on from grass roots Circlers. Everyone in the room can have a say and give their opinions too and of course there are breaks for coffee and lunch!

So what went on this time?Oooooooh lots of things. It was very exciting to see what was happening to bring Circle into the future and make us NOT be the best kept secret anymore….read on!

Good news!During the day, Circlers and Tablers from around the world came to say hello, We meet again! Pernille Dilling from Denmark who I

met at LCI when we were at a Home Party together.

LCI President Sharon Taitz from Israelcame along to celebrate!

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especially as GB&I are 'Godmothers' to many fledgling countries. So the new LCI (Ladies Circle International) President Sharon Taitz from Israel came to give best wishes as did members from LC Luxembourg, RT Sweden, LC India and La Presidente and great Circlers from Denmark.

Overall membership is increasing with 135 new members inducted so far this year. During the meeting, yet another new Circle was launched, Brackley LC with 11 new members. In addition to that, Josie had more stats on membership enquiries.

Since May:?187 enquiries were dealt with nationally?16% of these have joined Circle?the average age range of these enquiries was 34-39 years old?most people had contacted the site through 'just surfing in' or through friends?the response from advertising LC had increased from 1% last year to 7% and this seems to be another effective way of attracting new members?there are 3 potential new Circles looking to launch this year.

So Josie asked that we let her know the state of play with any membership enquiries so that she can continue to track the trends and see how many membership enquiries turn into new members.

More news:LC has joined forces with RT to recruit

members who are leaving the armed forces on a trial basis by offering them 6 months free membership. If this is successful, they will then roll it out to other groups.There is to be a permanent National LC Page on Facebook

The rule book changes were passed and will go through to the AGM agenda.

Circlers asked:?that important information which required feedback be put on the website as normal but also that an email to Circle chairs is sent so that the information can be cascaded down to all members?how long it would take for a membership pack to be sent? (2 weeks at present but hopefully this will speed up with the launch of the new website) ?how do we get an item for discussion on the National AGM agenda? ( the forms to complete will be on the new website)

The 'To do' list Parkinsons UK is Vicky Perry's National

Charity for this year and she is asking all Circles to host a 'Party For Parkinsons' during the week commencing 16th April for this cause. It can range from a small party to a larger event but please let her know what you are doing and when as it creates even more publicity for Circle!

There is also to be a Database cleanse so when you receive an email, please do check and update your details as this now has an affect on national capitation, membership trends, Area boundaries, new membership enquiries, PR and Media Contacts and access for members to the new website. Even if nothing has changed, please return the email to say so.

Put the Circler magazine in places that will appeal to new members

Ask Jackie – National PR and Media to write or look over any press releases

Send all your fab photos and info about what your Circle have done by 10th December. Lets see if Area 3 can get the most publicity as we have sooooo much going on!

Ladies Circle gets a facelift!Yes! We have a new logo and website but let me explain it's aims and how it came about!






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Why?The Circle website at present needed to be updated to attract potential members with a target age range of 25-35 years and to create more of a brand structure for Circle. From webinars results from members and non members of this age range, a new logo and website structure was formed.

What?T h e n e w w e b s i t e a d d r e s s i s www.ladiescircle.co.uk

The new logo is

and National really want your feedback so feel free to send it to me. It was mentioned at the meeting that many Circles in Areas had already updated their clothing etc with the old logo and that it would have been courteous to let the membership know that a change of logo was in hand! However, the National Executive felt that they had to make a decision and did so.

The new website has two sides to it: a public facing and private facing website.

Public SiteThe public site is written to appeal to the target market of women aged 25-35 years and specifically selected events, news and photos will appear on this section. There is also a club finder so that prospective members can find their nearest club and contact them directly, rather than going through the National Membership Officer.

Members SiteThe members' only site has a generic password for a short time, sent to all Chairman, so please ask them or email any Team Tinker member to get it. After the data cleanse, members will be able to log on with their own password and username. The members website is now much easier to use and has sections such as a diary timeline, showing members what happens when and a section on useful stuff for clubs. The sales section has lots of great items for sale…but Team Tinker also has the new logo ready for any T-shirts you need.

Local ClubsLocal Clubs will soon have their own ready made micro site with the same branding as the main website. However, individual Circles will be able to personalise this by adding their own email address (a google mail - g.mail one is good). There is also a link on the National Website, in the members' section, about how to personalise your own club site to attract new members by using an appealing tone of voice and specially selecting photographs which are fresh and fun. The new logo will be used but National are aware that Circles still have or are using the old logo, especially because members weren't informed of the change! Therefore, the advice is to use what we have now and gradually change over to the new logo. There is now a new membership pin, which has been supplied from an unforeseen profit from the LCI Aberdeen and so this means, when the database had been cleansed, that all Circlers will receive the new pin badge.Each Area will also receive a new roller stand for publicity at the February meeting and there will be new postcards with the updated logo on.

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Note the gift..water, chocolateand two paracetamols before we even start!!

Our friends from Sweden join us bringing fizz!

A new Circle is chartered

FinallyApologies for this unusually long report from the Council Meeting, but as you all can see lots went on and some major changes, which affect members, happened and, as your Chairman, I wanted to keep you all informed and would like to take any feedback at all to the National Ladies.

Jo x

The National Councillors and Team VP

The Area 3 girls!

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National President’s Ball...

Well, after all the exciting news from the meeting, with Circle getting a facelift at 75…it was time to party!

Here's how the night went:

the room looked fantastic

guests arrived from all over the world

the Area 3 girls looked beautiful

Area 9 RT…mmmm not bad

Jo Machon bought her emergency dress in 20 mins flat and made it to the start with Claire

Will Farmer from the Antiques Roadshow did the auction

Sine sighed with relief because Tony didn't buy the Cliff Richard tickets

Simon took lots of photos

Dave and myself secretly moved tables

the band were well and truly fab

Dave started a story off in my Area Chair book and by the time it got to me, it made very interesting reading!!!!!

shoes had to come off for dancing

we tried to 'borrow' the red candle of friendship and holder but were rumbled

a great time was had by all

I don't know what time I went to bed !

Jo x

Sine during the auction when Tony wouldn't sit downand nearly bought Cliff Richard tickets!

Batley were there!

The dancefloor was a bit crowded!

Isn’t love grand!

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One sunny Sunday afternoon I went to my first BBQ of the summer. It was so hot even with my hat and sunglasses on that it wasn't long until I slipped into something a little cooler. I had a wonderful afternoon getting to know the girls (and some nice young men), we drank too much fizz, I learnt to pole dance and how to box ( well every girl should be able to look after themself) and I had the most amazing experience getting back to nature.

It all started at Handover Dinner. I found out that I was to leave my friends at CVLC to spend the year with Sitlington LC. I was really nervous, nobody likes change do they, but things were looking hopeful as these girlies seemed to like fizz too. Not long after that, I was reunited with my little black book (thanks Kate) and I was able to share my memories with my new friends, at least they knew what kind of girl/rabbit thing I was - that was when the fun began.

Show & Tell with Sari...

It was that afternoon that Sandra volunteered to be my costume mistress and make me some lovely new outfits, It was such a relief for me to lose the crinoline lady look ( although they have told me that next June I will have to put it back on).

The following Friday night off I went to visit Sandra to get measured for my first outfit - a rather fetching sarong and halter neck top ensemble. That was the night I met the love of my life - Big Ted oooh he was so big and strong.The next day I went for lunch at Sloanes where the waiters were very attentive, they brought me my own chair and now I have my own Sari sized champagne flute. I even met a celebrity that day - Ade Edmondson (didn't realise he was a Geordie ha ha)

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...my year as a Sitlington CirclerSummer Season

Next I was roped in to doing a bit of exercise and I went with my other team members Sine, Sandra, Gaynor and Christine to compete in the Area 3 Olympic Games; we didn't do very well , Sine and Sandra couldn't even get off the ground for a standing long jump. But all was not lost as I was presented with a gold medal for being the best dressed team member - result!

Sandra made me another new outfit - a very in vogue maxi dress . I wore that to Shays BBQ, that was a fun night finishing off the left over wine from wine tasting but what made it even better was seeing the most beautiful man ever on TV - so long Big Ted , here comes Gary Barlow.

That’s it really for the summer months. I have to say I'm really disappointed that Sine didn't take me to LCI in Hamburg, I'd been practising my German for months and am more fluent than Sine, Jo , Claire and Helen put together. It's not my fault the way I look but I suppose I do look like the kind of cutey that Mr Big would smuggle drugs in.

So what now - well Autumn /Winter season is looking good - we have our Charter Lunch on the 22nd, maybe I'll see you there. Can't wait to see what Sandra makes for me , I'm hankering after a little black number.

Catch up soon girliesYIF


PS good news - I've stopped smoking :0)

My next event was S t r a w b e r r i e s a n d Champagne, held in the most beautiful garden, I felt like I was on my holidays. I made lots of new friends that afternoon and had a ride on an elephant . I loved strolling round the ornamental pond and meeting John and Julies chickens - cute little things, not sure what they thought of me though.

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On Friday 9th September, Elland Ladies Circle paid a visit to Holmfirth vineyard. Luckily Susanne knew how to get most of the way there and I used my very limited map-reading skills to get us the last half mile.

Practical footwear had been recommended and it soon became apparent why. The vineyard is on quite a slope and the ground is pretty uneven. Debs decided to brave it in her high-heeled boots but soon needed a little bit of help from Jayne and I to stay on her feet - and she hadn’t even tasted any wine yet!

Elland enjoy a drink...

Ian, the vineyard owner showed us the vines and told us about the thousands of pounds and weeks of exhausting effort it had taken to plant them. We just looked at the frankly minuscule grapes and wondered how there could be enough to make any wine! We needn’t have worried however as, after climbing back up the hill to the winery, we got to taste some of the wines. The white and rosé were particularly good and most of us bought a bottle before we left. Ian made us an offer - if any of us could identify the eight different flavour notes of the rosé wine just by smelling it, he would offer that person a job on the spot. Unfortunately, between us we spotted about three and I just thought it smelled like wine. Nice wine, but nevertheless, just wine.

With our short-lived dreams of a career in wine-making shattered, we left the vineyard and headed off to a local pub. More wine was consumed, along with excellent pie and peas while we set the world to rights. It was everything you needed for a great Circle night out.

Victoria x

Debs getting a little help from her friends

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Baildon Hoedown

Grab your partner by the hand…and dosey-doe!

Baildon Ladies Circle Hoedown was an enjoyable evening of eating, drinking and dancing.

We had a great 3-piece band with a call and they kept us dancing all night. At times there was no one sat down, the men seemed to enjoy holding hands and it was hilarious when we all went the wrong way.

We did a chilli supper ourselves that went down very well and was followed by Key Lime Pie.

We were a little low on numbers, only 40, but managed to raise £130 for Martin House Children's Hospice and have a great night as well!

Wendy BallBaildon Ladies Circle

Circle Medicine Cabinet

It’s taken many months but I finally have a bespoke Ladies Circle medicine cabinet installed in my kitchen...

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Going for Gold for Amelie...

Halifax Ladies Circle put on a fabulous thCharity Ball on the 7 October at Berties in

Halifax raising money for Amelie Gledhill who has Russell Silver Syndrome (a form of dwarfism) and other complex needs.

To tie in with my theme for the year, the evening was all about the Olympic games. Tables were the names of medal-winning countries, we lit an Olympic Torch (well a candle really) and we even had our own Olympic Games planned, unfortunately time marched on quicker than expected and we had to abandon them!!!

Our Master of Ceremonies for the evening was our very own Area Vice Chairman Jo Machon. Fundraising for the evening was Tiaras and Tails hosted by Tracy Coady and Helen Kitson. Following the meal Sarah Chignell and Sam Keitch drew the raffle ensuring all 38 prizes were given to the winning people.

We had just under 160 guests in attendance and I have to say Area 3 were incredibly well represented. Special thanks to Jo and Dave Tinker for attending and speaking on behalf of Area 3.

Amelie's parents were guests and her mum Anne very kindly spoke, explaining what life was like having a child with complex needs. She also explained how difficult it could be at times trying to maintain a 'normal' life for her other two children but that was what her and her husband John endeavored to do.

The evening was a resounding success, we played games, danced to a brilliant band (the dance floor was never empty!) and we've since received rave reviews.

We raised over £4000!!! Halifax have appeared in the local paper advertising Ladies Circle and our chosen charity for the year; they were impressed before and have agreed to do another article following up progress with the ball.

Carol GregsonHalifax LC Chair.

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Halifax Ladies Circle are trying to address the fact we only have 6 members, we have lost members more recently due to the age rule.We approached the local newspaper at the beginning of the Circle year and managed to have an extensive article published on the charity we are supporting and on Halifax Ladies Circle. We left contact details but unfortunately we did not receive any calls as a result.Our biggest success in terms of prospective members has been either word of mouth or our local business directory. The editor published a small piece about us and we received 2 enquiries, those 2 women look set to join us!!Following this we contacted National for the Grant of £50 to encourage new members. We were successful in this and on the back of that we organised the calendar to provide social activities, over the next couple of months, that we thought new people would like.

...and Membership!

In July we had a taster evening at a local wine bar providing a tapas supper, we advertised locally in shops and the library, and on the evening put up displays re Ladies Circle and even brought along our albums highlighting the many social and fundraising events we have been involved in or attending. We had 4 prospective people attend and a further 5 who couldn't because of other commitments. In August we had supper at yet another eatery in the town and in September we organised an evening at a local dance studio. We had a dance choreographed for us which was absolutely hilarious and proved really successful. So we are really trying and would welcome any other ideas.

Carol GregsonHalifax LC Chair

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Summer Olympics... formerly known asthe Area Golf Trophy

Sari dressedin her sporting

finery andready for action

Super-bouncyCarol Gregson

puts us all toshame with

her awesomespeed-bounce


Sari proudlyreceiving her‘best dressed’medal

With the flamelit, the gamescan commence

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reactions. Karen and Kimberley were like lightning, followed by Andrea. Batley were announced the winners and go through to the next round.

The games were quick and relatively painless, so that left lots of time for eating pizza, drinking wine and, more importantly, having a good catch up with old friends and new and putting the world to rights around Helen’s dining room table. We even looked at some of the shoebox appeal 'stuff'. We hope someone is not too disappointed not to find a super pair of Nike Running Shoes in the box!

Thanks to our friends from Batley for joining us and good luck in future rounds of the competition.

Andrea, Tracey & HelenDewsbury LC

On Wednesday 5th October Dewsbury LC hosted very near neighbours Batley LC for the first round of this year’s Rose Bowl Competition.

By the time we all got our diaries organised the light evenings were a distant memory, even following the last flush of Summer that surprised us in late September. Our hope of a summer evening sipping Pimms and playing croquet on Helen’s lawn was just a dream.

Instead, Tracey, our ‘Animation Coordinator’ invented some indoor games that I can only call unique. She obviously missed her Summer holiday at her favourite all-inclusive in Rhodes this year, but brought us a taste of ‘games by the pool’ in order that we would not miss out.

We were joined by Karen, Carol, Kimberley and Denise from Batley, and after trying to call Karen en-route to explain exactly how to find Helen’s house, I discovered she had left her mobile phone at home. I had also left my Area Directory at home, so was unable to call the others. Anyway they all found us, in the dark, somewhere near Dewsbury Golf Club, even without the aid of a number or name sign on Helen’s house. Karen even found time to call for a swift beer at the Golf Club and ask for directions! Just one of the lessons I assume you learn as Area Chair whilst navigating the Circle globe.

Anyway, the ‘games’ (I call them that loosely) consisted of a team member bouncing a tennis ball into a cup held by another team member: it sounds easier than it actually is. Dewsbury won that round, but the in following game of Tracey’s 'Chip Chuck' we threw casino chips onto a Twister mat aiming to score points in the circles. This was easily won by Batley with Carol being the star of this round. The final and tie break, with no expense spared, consisted of a decorated cardboard tube being dropped from above our heads to test the speed of our

Rosebowl Fun in Dewsbury...

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Don’t forget...

Come and join Area 3 on facebook

Check the diary dates for what’s coming up

Deadline for the next 3 Cheers is 16th January


Never mind all the news of international travel and high-class social events in the pages of this magazine. I know the question on everyone’s lips is, ‘How did your tomatoes do?’Unfortunately, Elland’s tomato plant didn’t have the best Summer and it did fall over a bit in the wind. However, the spirit of Team Tinker must have entered another one of my tomato plants as it managed to produce this fabulous specimen. Ladies, I give you the Area 3 ‘Poppy Tomato!’