2nd qtr 10 classifications of invertebrates

Classifications of Invertebrates Science V

Transcript of 2nd qtr 10 classifications of invertebrates

Classifications of Invertebrates

Science V

What are the five groups of vertebrates?

Give the characteristics of these animals.


What are warm blooded animals?

Cold blooded animals?

Checking of Assignment

What do you call those animals without backbones?

Can you give examples of this group of animals?


1. Form 7 group groups.2. Then group the animals according to their similarities.3. Can you classify these animals into their own group?



1. The pupils will present their work.2. The leader will tell something about the animals in each group.3. What are the classification of invertebrates?

Concept Formation

Invertebrates are animals without a backboneThere are eight groups of invertebrates

> Mollusks> Flatworms > Annelids> Roundworms> Poriferans or Sponges> Echinoderms> Coelenterates> Arthropods

> Molluscs are soft-bodied invertebrates that usually have shells for protection

> Crawl on a single fleshy pad> Examples are snails, squids, oysters, and octupuses

> A flatworm can be cut in two and each piece will grow into a new worm!

> In fact, there are even some kinds of flatworm which can regenerate complete worms from almost any piece of their bodies. Ex. Tapeworms and liver flukes

> The annelids or segmented worms include earthworms and leeches.> Have round worm like bodies> Have bodies divided into segments

> Nematodes or roundworms have long thin round worm like bodies

> Their body plan is simple (no segments).> Examples are ascaris and hookworms

> Poriferans or sponges are pore bearing animals that have bodies made of loosely joined cells> Ex. Venus’ flower basket, tube sponge, calcareous sponge and chicken liver sponge

> Echinoderm means "spiny skin."> Have bodies divided into five parts.> Have spiny outer covering.> Ex. Starfish, sea urchin, and sand dollars

> Cnidaria are animals with hollow and soft bodies or thin sack like bodies> Have tentacles for locomotion> Ex. Are jellyfish, sea anemones, and corals

Arthropods have lots of legs and segmented bodiesThere are four groups of arthropods

> Arachnids> Centipedes & Millipedes> Crustaceans> Insects

> Arthropods – Arachnid have four pairs of legs> Have bodies divided into two sections> Includes spiders, scorpions, ticks, and mites

> Arthropods – Centipedes have flattened bodies divided into two segments: the head and the trunk.> Arthropods - Millipedes have cylindrical bodies of about 20 to more than 100 segments. The body is divided into head, thorax,and trunk.

> Arthropods – Crustacean are characterized by the presence of two pairs of antennae located on the head and five or more pair of legs for swimming and walking> First pair often used as pincers and bodies covered in shell> Ex. Lobsters, crayfish, crabs and shrimps

> Arthropods – Insects have three pair of legs> Bodies divided into three sections: the head,

the thorax and the abdomen and often have wings> Ex. Fly, termites, mosquito, ants, wasps, bees, bugs, locusts, silverfish, beetles, dragonflies, damselflies, ladybugs, lice, etc.

Where can you find these animals?

If you happen to see earthworms or even centipedes, are you going to kill

them? Why?


What are the classification of invertebrates?


Group the following animals into Molluscs, Flatworms, Annelids, Roundworms, Sponges, Echinoderms,Crustaceans & Arthropods.shrimp, centipedes, butterfly, bee, starfish, clam, snail, octopus, corals, earthworm, ascaris sponges, blood suckers


Give other examples of animals in each group.
