27.-29. 8. 2018, 18h {Stories under the Bridge} · POTUJOČA KUHINJA ulična pohodna...

27.-29. 8. 2018, 18 h {Stories under the Bridge} Izbor programa: Jelena Sitar Produkcija: Hiša otrok in umetnosti v sodelovanju z društvom Kamišibaj Slovenije Zahvaljujemo se Zavodu Ljubljanski grad za sodelovanje. Program je podprla Mestna občina Ljubljana. Kontakt: Anže Virant Info: www.hisaotrok.si, [email protected], 040 795 440 Tudi letos se bo zadnji vikend v avgustu Trnovo vsak dan med 18. in 21. uro spremenilo v umetniško sprehajališče, kjer bomo obiskovalcem na improviziranih prizoriščih in stojnicah ponujali raznovrsten in žanrsko raznolik program. Programska izhodišča so ostala enaka: izbran program predstav, ustvarjalne delavnice in interaktivne igre za vse starosti. Posebno pozornost namenjamo mini formam “small size” predstavam in mejnim uprizoritvenim umetnostim, ki že imajo domicil v HIŠI otrok in umetnosti: pripovedovanje pravljic, tradicionalno japonsko gledališče Kamišibaj, lutkovne predstave za odrasle, ulično gledališče in kreativnemu ustvarjanju na prostem. Med tujimi gosti bo letos v fokusu Avstrija. V zadnjih dveh sezonah smo že spoznavali madžarsko in italijansko gledališko ustvarjalnost, prihodnje leto je na vrsti Hrvaška. Umetniki iz 7 držav bodo v treh dneh izvedli 18 različnih gledaliških dogodkov. Trnovo will once again turn into an artistic promenade over the last weekend of August this year. Visitors can enjoy a versatile programme with numerous genres at improvised settings and stands every day between 6 and 9 in the evening. The basis of our programme remains the same: a selected programme of plays, creative workshops and interactive games for all ages. Join us again at creative workshops and plays, both for children and, in the evenings, adults. We pay special attention to the mini-forms of “small size” performances and border performances that already have their home in the Hiša otrok in umetnosti (House of Children and Arts): fairy tales, traditional Japanese theater Kamishibai, puppet shows for adults, street theater and creative creative work in the open. Among foreign guests Austria will be in focus this year. In the last two seasons, we have already been acquainted with Hungarian and Italian theater. Artists from 7 countries will perform 18 different theater events in three days. Pravljice na način kamišibaj gledališča poskrbijo za prijeten prehod iz počitnic v novo šolsko leto. Lansko leto smo slavili Plečnika in se dvignili nad mesto. Letos se bomo približali vodi in se s pravljicami v malih lesenih butajih podali na in ob mostove ter pod njih. Mostovi kot simbol povezovanja in sodelovanja bodo to pot povezali zgodbe naše kulture z zgodbami drugih. Igrali bomo na Šuštarskem mostu in pod Trnovskim mostom čez Gradaščico. Poleg mostov, ki vodijo čez vodo, pa je tu tudi most na hribu, čez katerega prideš na Ljubljanski grad. Vstop prost. V primeru slabega vremena prireditev odpade. Fairy tales performed with Kamishibai theatre provide a pleasant transition from holidays to a new school year. Last year we celebrated architect Plečnik and climbed above the city of Ljubljana. This year we will get closer to the water and with fairy tales on small wooden stages, we will visit bridges of Ljubljanica river – we will stand both on them and underneath them. This year we will connect stories from our culture with stories of others, all with bridges - bridges as a symbol of integration and cooperation. Shows will be performed on Šuštar bridge and under Trnovo bridge over Gradaščica. But we won’t only visit bridges that cross rivers, we will also visit a bridge on a hill over which you enter Ljubljana Castle. Free entrance. In case of bad weather, events will be cancelled. Gundacker & Berger are the founders of the theater, authors and performers of their performances, from idea, visual design, stage design, composition of music, photography, film, drama and directing. The originality of their performances is primarily in a holistic approach in all artistic areas. They are mainly interested in topics that touch interpersonal relations, individuality, respect and humanism. They humorously, sometimes even satirical, critically comment on society. * In the tradition of the duo of mismatched clowns, this classic comedy show combines physical skills of the highest caliber with live music, improvisation and audience interaction. Developed over 25 years in 25 countries and in four languages, the show has received the acclaim of audiences, festival organisers and prize judges alike. The dexterity and sublime comedy of Oskar meets the musical virtuosity and irresistible charm of Strudel. * Belle Etage is a group from Vienna, which performes street theater, acrobatics and performance art. Their characteristic are poetic and imaginative performances, seemingly simple and spontaneous, a combination of acrobatics, dancing, acting and mime. In the performance of Sabine Maringer and Isabel Blemenschein, the audience enters the magical world of artistic inspiration. In the middle of a street bustle we suddenly find ourselves in the fantasy world of dreams. * After a few years, again on the Emona promenade, an unusual couple, who prefers to perform on the street rather than in the theater. Claudio is a great musician who plays unusual instruments, Consuela is a lovely clowness, who also loves to include in her artistic plays different kinds of kitchen equipment. This time they will walk with their unusual kitchen, where stories are cooked, and the unusual “musical fumes” and soap bubbles full of “fabulous appetizers” are smoking out of it. It’s unforgettable and very fun. 18. mednarodni ulični festival 18. International Street Festival 23.-25. 8. 2018. 25 years of profeional work of the FRU-FRU PUPPET THEATER A Catalonian group travels around the world with a van, full of old iron. Their van andit’scontents turn into a playground on the city square, which, unlike modern toys and plastic dolls with pre-defined and limited functions, stimulates the actor’s imagination and creativity. The conceptual leader is Joan Rovier, who collects, recycles, creates and composes old dumped objects and gives them a new form and function. Guixot de 8’s playground will be presented at Emona Promenade for the 18th time and is a trademark of our festival from the very beginning in the year 2000. * At the festival, with the exhibition of puppets and photographs of two famous Slovenian photographers who accompany the theater through the lens from the very beginning (Žiga Koritnik, Urška Boljkovac), we will mark 25 years of professional performance of the Puppet Theater FRU-FRU. The theater is also strongly connected with the establishment and programming of the House of Children and Art and KUD France Prešeren, where the theater was operational until 2001. The FRU-FRU will present itself on the Emona promenade with performances that were created in the last season. From its early beginnings (1984) the typical suitcase theatre in 1993, becomes a professional family theatre, known for bringing famous children fairy tales to life with puppet images. Accompanied by live music the performance of both performers, unveils the mysterious world of objects which come to life. In twenty years this family theatre grew into a repertory theatre with over 250 shows per year, suitable for kids from age 2 and above. The FRU-FRU Puppet theatre works with renowned directors of puppet shows, artists, authors, musicians and actors, and performs throughout Slovenia and for Slovenes living across the border. On an international level it cooperates with similar cultural centres and is taking part at prestigious international festivals. Mestna občina Ljubljana Program je podprla/Supported by: Mestna občina Ljubljana, Turizem Ljubljana Organizator festivala/Organization: Hiša otrok in umetnosti www.hisaotrok.si/emonskapromenada Soorganizator/In cooperation with: CSK France Prešeren Programska vodja festivala/Program selection: Irena Rajh [email protected], mob: 041 663 904 Zahvaljujemo se Vrtcu Trnovo za razumevanje in sodelovanje. 2 0 1 8 e m o n s k a 1 8 . m e d n a r o d n i u lič n i fe s tiv a l / 1 8 . In te rn a tio n a l S tre e t F e s ti v a l p r o m e n a d a P r a v l j i c e p o d m o s t o m

Transcript of 27.-29. 8. 2018, 18h {Stories under the Bridge} · POTUJOČA KUHINJA ulična pohodna...

Page 1: 27.-29. 8. 2018, 18h {Stories under the Bridge} · POTUJOČA KUHINJA ulična pohodna predstava/street show 18.30 LUTKOVNO GLEDALIŠČE FRU-FRU /Slo/ VIJOLAŠOLA Trent Arkleysmith

27.-29. 8. 2018, 18h {Stories under the Bridge}

Izbor programa: Jelena Sitar

Produkcija: Hiša otrok in umetnosti v sodelovanju z društvom Kamišibaj Slovenije

Zahvaljujemo se Zavodu Ljubljanski grad za sodelovanje. Program je podprla Mestna občina Ljubljana.

Kontakt: Anže Virant Info: www.hisaotrok.si, [email protected], 040 795 440

Tudi letos se bo zadnji vikend v avgustu Trnovo vsak dan med 18. in 21. uro spremenilo v umetniško sprehajališče, kjer bomo obiskovalcem na improviziranih prizoriščih in stojnicah ponujali raznovrsten in žanrsko

raznolik program. Programska izhodišča so ostala enaka: izbran program predstav, ustvarjalne delavnice in interaktivne igre za vse starosti. Posebno

pozornost namenjamo mini formam “small size” predstavam in mejnim uprizoritvenim umetnostim, ki že imajo domicil v HIŠI otrok in umetnosti:

pripovedovanje pravljic, tradicionalno japonsko gledališče Kamišibaj, lutkovne predstave za odrasle, ulično gledališče in kreativnemu ustvarjanju

na prostem. Med tujimi gosti bo letos v fokusu Avstrija. V zadnjih dveh sezonah smo že spoznavali madžarsko in italijansko gledališko

ustvarjalnost, prihodnje leto je na vrsti Hrvaška. Umetniki iz 7 držav bodo v treh dneh izvedli 18 različnih gledaliških dogodkov.

Trnovo will once again turn into an artistic promenade over the last weekend of August this year. Visitors can enjoy a versatile programme with numerous genres at improvised settings and stands every day between 6 and 9 in the

evening. The basis of our programme remains the same: a selected programme of plays, creative workshops and interactive games for all ages. Join us again

at creative workshops and plays, both for children and, in the evenings, adults. We pay special attention to the mini-forms of “small size” performances

and border performances that already have their home in the Hiša otrok in umetnosti (House of Children and Arts): fairy tales, traditional Japanese theater Kamishibai, puppet shows for adults, street theater and creative creative work in the open. Among foreign guests Austria will be in focus this year. In the last

two seasons, we have already been acquainted with Hungarian and Italian theater. Artists from 7 countries will perform 18 different theater

events in three days.

Pravljice na način kamišibaj gledališča poskrbijo za prijeten prehod iz počitnic v novo šolsko leto. Lansko leto smo slavili Plečnika in se dvignili

nad mesto. Letos se bomo približali vodi in se s pravljicami v malih lesenih butajih podali na in ob mostove ter pod njih. Mostovi kot simbol povezovanja in sodelovanja bodo to pot povezali zgodbe naše kulture z zgodbami drugih. Igrali bomo na Šuštarskem mostu in pod Trnovskim

mostom čez Gradaščico. Poleg mostov, ki vodijo čez vodo, pa je tu tudi most na hribu, čez katerega prideš na Ljubljanski grad.

Vstop prost. V primeru slabega vremena prireditev odpade.

Fairy tales performed with Kamishibai theatre provide a pleasant transition from holidays to a new school year. Last year we celebrated architect Plečnik

and climbed above the city of Ljubljana. This year we will get closer to the water and with fairy tales on small wooden stages, we will visit bridges of Ljubljanica river – we will stand both on them and underneath them. This

year we will connect stories from our culture with stories of others, all with bridges - bridges as a symbol of integration and cooperation. Shows will be performed on Šuštar bridge and under Trnovo bridge over Gradaščica. But we won’t only visit bridges that cross rivers, we will also visit a bridge on a

hill over which you enter Ljubljana Castle.

Free entrance. In case of bad weather, events will be cancelled.

Gundacker & Berger are the founders of the theater, authors and performers of their performances, from idea, visual design, stage

design, composition of music, photography, film, drama and directing. The originality of their

performances is primarily in a holistic approach in all artistic areas. They are mainly interested

in topics that touch interpersonal relations, individuality, respect and humanism. They

humorously, sometimes even satirical, critically comment on society.


In the tradition of the duo of mismatched clowns, this classic comedy show combines physical skills

of the highest caliber with live music, improvisation and audience interaction. Developed over 25 years

in 25 countries and in four languages, the show has received the acclaim of audiences, festival

organisers and prize judges alike. The dexterity and sublime comedy of Oskar meets the musical

virtuosity and irresistible charm of Strudel.


Belle Etage is a group from Vienna, which performes street theater, acrobatics and

performance art. Their characteristic are poetic and imaginative performances, seemingly simple and

spontaneous, a combination of acrobatics, dancing, acting and mime. In the performance of Sabine

Maringer and Isabel Blemenschein, the audience enters the magical world of artistic inspiration.

In the middle of a street bustle we suddenly find ourselves in the fantasy world of dreams.


After a few years, again on the Emona promenade, an unusual couple, who prefers to perform on the street rather than in the theater. Claudio is a great musician who plays unusual instruments, Consuela is a lovely clowness, who also loves to include in her artistic plays different kinds of kitchen equipment. This time they will walk with their unusual kitchen, where stories are cooked,

and the unusual “musical fumes” and soap bubbles full of “fabulous appetizers” are smoking out of it.

It’s unforgettable and very fun.

18. mednarodni ulični festival

18. International Street Festival

23.-25. 8. 2018.

25 years of professional work of the


A Catalonian group travels around the world with a van, full of old iron. Their van andit’scontents turn

into a playground on the city square, which, unlike modern toys and plastic dolls with pre-defined

and limited functions, stimulates the actor’s imagination and creativity. The conceptual leader is Joan Rovier, who collects, recycles, creates and

composes old dumped objects and gives them a new form and function. Guixot de 8’s playground

will be presented at Emona Promenade for the 18th time and is a trademark of our festival from the

very beginning in the year 2000.


At the festival, with the exhibition of puppets and photographs of two famous Slovenian

photographers who accompany the theater through the lens from the very beginning (Žiga

Koritnik, Urška Boljkovac), we will mark 25 years of professional performance of the Puppet Theater FRU-FRU. The theater is also

strongly connected with the establishment and programming of the House of Children and Art

and KUD France Prešeren, where the theater was operational until 2001. The FRU-FRU will present

itself on the Emona promenade with performances that were created in the last season.

From its early beginnings (1984) the typical suitcase theatre in 1993, becomes a professional

family theatre, known for bringing famous children fairy tales to life with puppet images. Accompanied by live music the performance of both performers, unveils the mysterious world of objects which come

to life. In twenty years this family theatre grew into a repertory theatre with over 250 shows per year, suitable for kids from age 2 and above. The FRU-FRU Puppet theatre works with renowned

directors of puppet shows, artists, authors, musicians and actors, and performs throughout

Slovenia and for Slovenes living across the border. On an international level it cooperates with similar

cultural centres and is taking part at prestigious international festivals.





1. Logotip Ljubljana zmagovalka 2016 - Zelena prestolnica Evrope

ko je logotip ZPE ožji od 25 mm, je motiv z zastavo ločen od logotipa in povečan

veliki logotip ZPE

mali logotip ZPE

Mestna občina Ljubljana

Mestna ob~ina Ljubljana

Mestna ob~ina Ljubljana

vertikalna varianta 02:

razdalja med logotipom MOL in ZPE (brez zastave) je večja ali enaka širini grba

razmik je ≥ x


širina logotipa ZPE (brez zastave)je enaka širini grba

razdalja med logotipom MOL in ZPE (brez zastave) je večja ali enaka polovici širine grba.razmik je ≥ x/2


širina logotipa ZPE (brez zastave) je enaka širini grba


1. Logotip Ljubljana zmagovalka 2016 - Zelena prestolnica Evrope

ko je logotip ZPE ožji od 25 mm, je motiv z zastavo ločen od logotipa in povečan

veliki logotip ZPE

mali logotip ZPE

1. Logotip Ljubljana zmagovalka 2016 - Zelena prestolnica Evrope

ko je logotip ZPE ožji od 25 mm, je motiv z zastavo ločen od logotipa in povečan

veliki logotip ZPE

mali logotip ZPE

Mestna občina Ljubljana

Mestna ob~ina Ljubljana

Mestna ob~ina Ljubljana

vertikalna varianta 02:

razdalja med logotipom MOL in ZPE (brez zastave) je večja ali enaka širini grba

razmik je ≥ x


širina logotipa ZPE (brez zastave)je enaka širini grba

razdalja med logotipom MOL in ZPE (brez zastave) je večja ali enaka polovici širine grba.razmik je ≥ x/2


širina logotipa ZPE (brez zastave) je enaka širini grba


Mestna občina Ljubljana

Mestna ob~ina Ljubljana

Mestna ob~ina Ljubljana

vertikalna varianta 02:

razdalja med logotipom MOL in ZPE (brez zastave) je večja ali enaka širini grba

razmik je ≥ x


širina logotipa ZPE (brez zastave)je enaka širini grba

razdalja med logotipom MOL in ZPE (brez zastave) je večja ali enaka polovici širine grba.razmik je ≥ x/2


širina logotipa ZPE (brez zastave) je enaka širini grba


Varianta 1.

Varianta 2.





Untitled-2 1 24/04/15 08:55

Program je podprla/Supported by: Mestna občina Ljubljana, Turizem Ljubljana

Organizator festivala/Organization: Hiša otrok in umetnosti www.hisaotrok.si/emonskapromenada

Soorganizator/In cooperation with: CSK France Prešeren

Programska vodja festivala/Program selection: Irena Rajh [email protected], mob: 041 663 904

Zahvaljujemo se Vrtcu Trnovo za razumevanje in sodelovanje.



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s k a

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18. m



i ulični


l /18. International Street Festival • •




ljice pod mostom

Page 2: 27.-29. 8. 2018, 18h {Stories under the Bridge} · POTUJOČA KUHINJA ulična pohodna predstava/street show 18.30 LUTKOVNO GLEDALIŠČE FRU-FRU /Slo/ VIJOLAŠOLA Trent Arkleysmith

19.15 BELLE ETAGE /Avstrija/ SANJE ulični performans/street show

18.30 GUNDBERG TEATER /Avstrija/ ZGODBA V BELEM lutkovna predstava/puppet show

20.30 OSKAR&STRUDEL /Švica, Avstralija/ ulični performans/street theatre

19.15 CLAUDIO&CONSUELA /Italija/

POTUJOČA KUHINJA ulična pohodna predstava/street show

18.30 LUTKOVNO GLEDALIŠČE FRU-FRU /Slo/ VIJOLAŠOLA predstava za otroke/theatre play

20.30 OSKAR&STRUDEL /Švica, Avstralija/ ulični performans/street theatre

18.00 - 21.00GUIXOT DE 8 /Katalonija/ interaktivna razstava recikliranih objektov /interactive exhibition of recycled objects

HIŠA OTROK IN UMETNOSTI: ustvarjalne delavnice/creative workshops

ZAVOD ZA OTROKOM IN OKOLJU PRIJAZNO IGRO: izmenjava igrač/toys share

HIŠA IGER: namizne igre na prostem/outdoor table games

Ljubljanski grad (pod grajskim mostom)

P. WILKON: MUCA ROZALINDA - likovna podoba: Breda Kočevar, izvedba: Darko in Breda Kočevar

D. KETTE: ŠIVILJA IN ŠKARJICE - likovna podoba in izvedba: Tatjana Grabrijan

R. SCHIPP: RUMENO ČUDO - likovna podoba: David Arko, izvaja: Vanja Kretič

BELOKRANJSKA: JEŽ, MIŠKA IN LISICA - likovna podoba: Breda Kočevar, izvajata Darko in Breda Kočevar

J. TRDINA: VELIKANI - likovna podoba in izvedba: Tatjana Grabrijan

pod Trnovskim mostom čez Gradaščico

REZIJANSKA: ZAKAJ PETELIN KIKIRIKA - likovna podoba in izvedba: Igor Cvetko

A. LOBEL: ČUDEŽNI VODNJAK - likovna podoba in izvedba: Jelena Sitar

ALBANSKA: VEDRCE VODE - likovna podoba in izvedba: Igor Cvetko

B. GRIMM: VOLK IN SEDEM KOZLIČKOV- likovna podoba in izvedba: Igor Cvetko

O. LALLEMAND: O VOLKU, KI JE HOTEL SPREMENITI BARVO - likovna podoba: Nina Šulin, izvedba: Metka Damjan

na Šuštarskem mostu

F. M. JEŽEK: GUSARSKA - likovna podoba in izvedba: Rok Glavan

AVTORSKA: O TREH ZAJČKIH - likovna podoba: Jure Engelsberger, izvedba: Jerca Cvetko in Jure Engelsberger

M. KUNAVER: O MIŠKI, KI SI JE ŽELELA ... - likovna podoba: Marjan Kunaver, izvedba: Irena Rajh

TABORNIŠKA: TETA - likovna podoba: Jure Engelsberger, izvedba: Rok Glavan


ljice pod mostom





glavni oder

glavni oder

glavni oder

27. 8. o

b/at 18


8. ob/a

t 18h

29. 8. o

b/at 18






• 23

. 8. •



ek • 2

4. 8.•F



• 25

. 8. •



.-25. 8

. 2018

25 let profesionalnega delovanja



Belle Etage je skupina z Dunaja, ki se ukvarja z uličnim gledališčem, akrobatiko in performansom. Njihova značilnost so poetične in

domiselne predstave, navidez preproste in spontane, kombinacija akrobatike, plesa, igre in pantomime. V predstavi Sabine Maringer

in Isabel Blemenschein vpeljeta publiko v čarobni svet umetniške inspiracije. Sredi uličnega vrveža se naenkrat znajdemo

v fantazijskem svetu sanj.

Trent Arkleysmith in Tom Greder sta Oskar&Štrudel, duo tradicionalno neusklajenih in disproporcionalnih klovnov. Njune predstave združujejo vrline fizičnega gledališča in žive glasbe z

improvizacijo in interakcijo s publiko in so v 25 letih, 25 državah in 4 jezikih doživele mnogo pohval občinstva in strokovnih žirij. Oskarjeva spretnost in sublimna komedijanskost trči z glasbeno virtuoznostjo in

neubranljivim šarmom Štrudla.

Gundacker & Berger sta ustanovitelja gledališča, avtorja in izvajalca svojih predstav, od ideje, vizuelnega oblikovanja, scenografije,

kompozicije glasbe, fotografije, filma, drame in režije. Izvirnost njunih predstav je predvsem v celovitem pristopu na vseh umetniških

področjih. Zanimajo ju predvsem teme, ki se dotikajo medčloveških odnosov, individualnosti, spoštovanja in humanizma. Na humoren,

včasih celo satiričen način kritično komentirata družbo.

Po nekaj letih ponovno na Emonski promenadi nenavaden par, ki raje nastopa na ulici kot v gledališču. Claudio je imeniten glasbenik, ki igra na nenavadne instrumente, Consuela je ljubka klovnesa, ki nadvse rada v svoje artistične točke vključi tudi kakšen kuhinjski

rekvizit. Tokrat se bosta po Promenadi sprehajala s svojo nenavadno kuhinjo, v kateri se kuhajo zgodbe, iz nje pa se kadijo nenavadni

“glasbeni hlapi” in milni mehurčki, polni “pravljičnih predjedi”. Nepozabno in nadvse zabavno.

Na vsaki lokaciji otroci prejmejo štampiljko, za 3 zbrane žige dobijo darilno kartico s 4 vstopnicami za obisk predstave v Hiši otrok in umetnosti v

prihajajoči sezoni.

At each location children receive a stamp, for 3 collected stamps they receive a gift card with 4 tickets for a visit to the House of Children and Arst in the

upcoming season.

Na festivalu bomo s predstavami, z razstavo lutk in fotografij dveh znanih slovenskih fotografov, ki spremljata gledališče skozi objektiv

že od samega začeka (Žiga Koritnik, Urška Boljkovac) obeležili 25 let profesionalnega delovanja Lutkovnega gledališča FRU-FRU.

Gledališče je močno povezano tudi z ustanovitvijo in programsko usmeritvijo Hiše otrok in umetnosti ter KUDa France Prešeren, kjer je gledališče delovalo do leta 2001. Na Emonski promenadi se bo FRU-

FRU predstavil s predstavami, ki so nastale v zadnji sezoni.

V svojih začetkih (1984) tipično gledališče iz kovčka, postane leta 1993 profesionalno družinsko gledališče, ki znanim zgodbam za otroke išče ustrezne lutkovne podobe. Gledališče Fru-Fru je doslej sodelovalo na

več uglednih mednarodnih festivalih doma in v svetu in je dobitnik mnogih priznanj in nagrad. Fru-Frujeve predstave se redno uvrščajo na

Bienale lutkovnih ustvarjalcev Slovenije, z njim sodelujejo sodelujejo priznani lutkovni režiserji, likovni ustvarjalci, pisci besedil, glasbeniki in igralci. Nekdaj družinsko gledališče je tako danes sodobno repertoarno

gledališče, ki vsako sezono izvede več kot 250 predstav.

Katalonska skupina potuje po svetu s kombijem, polnim starega železa. Ta se na mestnem trgu spremeni v igrala, ki z razliko od sodobnih

igrač in plastičnih punčk z vnaprej določenimi in omejeni funkcijami, spodbujajo igralčevo domišljijo in kreativnost. Idejni vodja je Joan

Rovira, ki zbira, reciklira, reže in sestavlja stare odvržene predmete in jim daje novo obliko in funkcijo. Igrala skupine Guixot de 8 bodo na Emonski promenadi že osemnajstič in so zaščitni znak našega festivala

od samega začetka leta 2000.

19.00 PLES KAPLJIC plesna delavnica/dancing workshop for children

18.30 LG FRU-FRU & HIŠA OTROK IN UMETNOSTI /Slo/ O BELEM MUCKU, KI JE BIL ČISTO ČRN lutkovna predstava/puppet show

19.30 BELLE ETAGE /Avstrija/ SANJE ulični performans/street show

20.30GUNDBERG TEATER /Avstrija/

GA. ŽEBLJIČKOVA IN NJEN PRIJAZNI SOSED lutkovni performans za odrasle/puppet performans for adults