21st Intensive Course in Journal Publishing

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Transcript of 21st Intensive Course in Journal Publishing

  • 8/12/2019 21st Intensive Course in Journal Publishing


    21st Intensive Course in Journal Publishing EuropeMon 16th to Wed 18th May 2011eathro!"Windsor Marriott otel# Windsor# $%&bout the Event'o(e )o((ents *ro( the 20th Intensive Course in Journal Publishing + Europe,I thin- the organisers su))eeded in anti)ipating *uture develop(ents . raised (any interesting dis)ussionpoints/,,& !as )overed# )hanging legal issues# )hanging )onsu(er (ar-ets"needs/,,I thin- they su))eeded to let us thin- about the develop(ent o* ournal publishing/ Espe)ially topi) about

    & is very !ell (entioned on ea)h presentation/,')opehe )ourse !ill provide a serious grounding in all aspe)ts o* learned ournal publishing ++ providing an in+depth understanding o* the various publishing *un)tions/ It is intended that ea)h *un)tion should beunderstood !ithin the overall )onte3t o* ournal publishing/ he presenters have been as-ed to des)ribethe )urrent ournal publishing business and !hat )ould be in its *uture/Course designhe )ourse )onsists o* three days o* intense le)ture# dis)ussion and pra)ti)al e3er)ises + ea)h day*o)using on one aspe)t o* the ournal publishing business/ hose !ho )o(plete the )ourse !ill re)eive a)erti*i)ate o* )o(pletion signed on behal* o* 'M/ he European )ourse is set up enabling students toattend in several steps/ I* students )an only ta-e part in one or t!o days o* the )ourse# ea)h day is still a*ull+value )ourse/ &nd as the sa(e )urri)ulu( !ill be o**ered ne3t year again# the (issing (odule )an be

    added later !ithout any unintended overlap or (issing sube)ts/

    Parts A, B, C All 3 modules 16, 17, 18 May 1400

    Part A Editorial Responsiilities 16 May !!0

    Part B "ales, Mar#etin$, Communi%ation 17 May !!0

    Part C Produ%tion, "er&i%e, 'nno&ation 18 May !!0

    Who should registerhis )ourse is designed *or those !ith one or t!o years e3perien)e in their publishing ob !ith a s)holarlyor pro*essional publishing organi4ation/ he e3perien)e (ay be in editorial# sales# (ar-eting or )ontent(anage(ent roles# but the )ourse is also valuable *or people !or-ing in other roles su)h as *inan)e# !eb

    publishing and te)hnology# or )usto(er servi)e/Parti)ipants (oving into ournals *ro( other publishing se)tors !ill bene*it/5uilding on their e3perien)e# registrants !ill gain a holisti) understanding o* the resear)h publishingindustry/ he ,(e)hani)s,# *un)tional roles and relationships !ith di**erent )usto(ers are e3plained/ lobalpublishing e3perts in senior positions !or- as le)turers/Course rgani4ers and spea-ersJoa)hi( Engelland !ill again dire)t the )ourse/ &s usual there !ill be a tea( o* highly e3perien)edpublishers presenting/Preli(inary Progra((e

    Monday16 May Part A ( )ay 1Editorial Responsiility

    08*30 Re$istration

    0+*00 'ntrodu%tion to te pro$ram

    -oa%im En$elland, ".M )ire%tor o/ Edu%ation and .rainin$

    0+*1! Relationsip mana$ement

    Pieter Bolman, Cairman at 'PR

    .e need to a&e multiple %onne%tions 2nderstand and mana$e epe%tations* editors, autors,

    mana$in$ editors, so%iety o//i%ers, readers et% ead indi&iduals and $roups 5itout a&in$ dire%t

    po5er o/ dis%ipline Ma#e te most o/ meetin$s 5it editors and so%ieties* enale %reati&ity, sared

    understandin$, %ommon $oals and %ommitment

  • 8/12/2019 21st Intensive Course in Journal Publishing


    10*4! Brea#

    11*00 Copyri$t

    "ue -osua, )ire%tor o/ e$al A//airs, -on iley "ons

    .e le$al /rame 5or# o/ pulisin$* 19 %opyri$t le$islation, :9 %ontra%ts and 39 %li%#(trou$(9li%enses o o5ns and 5o o5es ( et5een puliser, autor and editor; o o5ns and 5o

    o5es ( et5een puliser, sus%rier and user; Copyri$t and open a%%ess e$ Creati&e Commons


    1:*00 un%

    13*00 Metri%s o/ Per/orman%eCaroline Bla%#, Mana$in$ )ire%tor, Ma% uality, :9 usa$e and 39 /inan%ial

    per/orman%e Measure >uality and >uantity o/ sumission /lo5, re&ie5ers= a%ti&ity and puli%ation

    speed 2nderstand metri%s o/ usa$e and %itation, related standards and en%mar#s e$

    C2?.ER9 2nderstand te %ore /inan%ial elements tat measure te @ournals= e%onomi%per/orman%e

    14*00 Case study eer%ise

    1!*00 Brea#

    1!*30 "umission and peer re&ie5 mana$ement

    Claire Bedro%#, "enior Puliser, 'P

    .e manus%ript 5or#/lo5 ( loo#ed at /rom t5o %lassi%al perspe%ti&es* 19 editorial related and :9

    te produ%tion related tas#s .ools and te%ni>ues /or $ettin$ te ri$t numer and >uality o/manus%ripts, dete%tin$ and dealin$ 5it pla$iarism, mana$in$ peer re&ie5, %ontent enri%ment)ealin$ 5it re@e%tions, resumissions and online early puli%ation

    16*30 A 5it all spea#ers

    17*00 End o/ day 1

    18*30 'n/ormal dinner /or attendees stayin$ o&er /or net day

    .uesday17 May

    Part B ( )ay :"ales, Mar#etin$, Communi%ation

    08*30 Re$istration

    0+*00 'ntrodu%tion to te pro$ram

    -oa%im En$elland, ".M )ire%tor o/ Edu%ation and .rainin$

    0+*1! "ales and i%ensin$

    )a$mar a$in$, P "ales, "prin$er.rends in li%ensin$ undle and not undle, print and online9 te role o/ intermediaries pri%e settin$

    %onsortia, tiered pri%in$ et%9 sus%ription ased &ersus open a%%ess usiness %allen$es 5en

    @ournals trans/er et5een pulisers

    10*4! Brea#

    11*00 Mar#etin$


    at is =mar#etin$=; Mar#etin$ te @ournal, te %olle%tion, te indi&idual arti%le, te autor et%

    Addressin$ autors, liraries, /undin$ odies, resear%ers et% dealin$ 5it eternal partners ( A'ser&i%es, in# Resol&ers, Do5 to @ud$e results;

    1:*30 un%

    13*30 .e %ustomer perspe%ti&e ( Panel dis%ussion 5it lirarians and resear%ers

    "tepen "#inner, 'mperial Colle$e ondon)eie "orley, irary )ire%tor, 'mperial Colle$e ondon

    at is rele&ant in/ormation and ser&i%e to a lirary; at is rele&ant to a resear%er; 'nsi$t into

    te e&aluation and a%>uisition pro%ess in liraries, te in/ormation na&i$ation o/ resear%ers ( and

    teir puli%ation and %ommuni%ation aits

    1!*00 Brea#

    1!*30 "yner$y and %ompetition ( traditional and ne5 intermediaries

  • 8/12/2019 21st Intensive Course in Journal Publishing


    Andrea Po5ell, Ee%uti&e )ire%tor /or Pulisin$, CAB'

    A' ser&i%es and sus%ription a$ents ad een %lassi% intermediaries et5een pulisers and teir

    %ustomers .e roles are %an$in$ no5 /or some years ?e5 players li#e oo$le or Mendeley

    %an$e te en&ironment and also pulisers de&elop ne5 ser&i%es, 5i% ad een te domain o/

    spe%ialised %ompanies e/ore

    16*30 A 5it all spea#ers

    17*00 End o/ day :

    18*30 'n/ormal dinner /or attendees stayin$ o&er /or net day


    18 May

    Part C ( )ay 3

    Produ%tion, "er&i%e and 'nno&ation

    08*30 Re$istration

    0+*00 'ntrodu%tion to te pro$ram

    -oa%im En$elland, ".M )ire%tor o/ Edu%ation and .rainin$

    0+*1! 'nno&ation in ".M pulisin$

    Ee/#e "mit, ".M )ire%tor o/ 'nno&ation and .e%nolo$y

    Can$es o/ te in/ormation lands%ape are esides oter impa%ts9 spar#ed y te%nolo$y .e

    o&er&ie5 o/ pulisers= de&elopments 5ill %omprise o/ 19 %ontent ( standards and enri%ment, :9

    pro%esses ( speed and >uality, 39 ser&i%e and /un%tionality o/ produ%ts, 49 interoperaility o/

    %ontent and system

    10*4! Brea#

    11*00 .e -ournal Produ%tion Cain

    Ed5ard ates, loal -ournal Content Mana$ement dire%tor, -on iley "ons

    Mana$ement o/ produ%tion pro%esses %o&ers a ran$e o/ di//erent aspe%ts* 19 pro%urement o/ser&i%es, :9 %ontent mana$ement, 39 inte$ration o/ eternal and internal pro%esses and systems .e

    o&er&ie5 5ill in/orm aout %ost and >uality en%mar#s, data /ormats and /uture proo/in$,

    prolemati% %ases in te produ%tion pro%ess* &ersions o/ %ontent, retra%tions, resumissions et%

    1:*30 un%

    13*30 )eli&erin$ %ontent and ser&i%e

    illian Do5%ro/t, Editorial )ire%tor Ele%troni% Pro@e%ts, .aylor Fran%isPulisin$ plat/orms are uilt /or spe%i/i% purposes Rele&ant /un%tionality is de&eloped /or 19

    liraries, :9 users, 39 interoperaility 5it usiness partners o/ many di//erent #inds An o&er&ie5

    o/ %urrent solutions and teir spe%i/i% mar#et purposes

    1!*00 Brea#

    1!*30 Finan%e


    2nderstandin$ te @ournals P* elements o/ in%ome, elements o/ %ost, analyse pro/itaility and

    timin$ in%ome and epenses

    16*30 A 5it all spea#ers

    17*00 Dand out o/ %erti/i%ates

    End'M raining Courses 20117et!or-ing -no!ledge in resear)h publishing + *or (ore than 20 yearse)tures and tutoring by senior (anagers *ro( leading 'M publishers9esigned *or building on spe)i*i) )areer levels:ind out about all 'M,s 2011 training )oursesand !hi)h )ourses are right *or you/
