20th and 19th centuary art movements

20 th Centaury Fauvism, Bauhaus and futurism


20th and 19th centuary art movements

Transcript of 20th and 19th centuary art movements

Page 1: 20th and 19th centuary art movements

20th Centaury

Fauvism, Bauhaus and futurism

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Fauvism • The art movement was the first avant- garde movement the movement happened between 1900 and

beyond 1910, the art movement which was a group of artists experimenting with new ideas and methods. The fauve painters were the first to make impressionism popular, the style of the art movement used ‘bold brush strokes, high keyed vibrant colors’, they painted nature and people.

• http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/fauv/hd_fauv.htm • Artists who were apart of this movement included: Matisse, Maurice de Vlaminck, Kees van Dongen,

Charles Camoin, Henri-Charles Manguin, Othon Friesz, Jean Puy, Louis Valtat, and Georges Rouault. These were joined in 1906 by Georges Braque and Raoul Dufy.

• In 1908 Paul Cézanne had order and structure in his work which made many of the artists reject the emotionalism of fauvism for the structure of cubism.

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Fauvism paintings

Henri Matisse Georges BraqueThese paintings have bold brush strokes and colours which are bright, they are all scenes of nature it gives the scene a happy and relaxed atmosphere. I think the work could be representing the feeling of summer because of the bright colours used which conveys a similar effect of the bright sun during summer. The work is expressive with all the colours used and the brush strokes but the colours mean the piece is bright so there is no main focus point. A possible weakness of the piece is that the brush strokes are very small so there is a lot of detail and things going on in the piece which means it has a busy composition this means that it is confusing for the eye but the house is used as a focus point so the eye can look through the piece without as much confusion.

The piece is of a little sail ship again with the expressive brush strokes, the piece uses deeper colours than the previous piece, this means that the piece is easier on the eyes to look at. The light on the water acts as the main focal point but I feel like it distracts from the rest of the scene like the little red sailing boat and the other details of the scene. This piece seems to have the right balance between small brush strokes and smooth brush strokes the piece has a more clear focus point because the boat uses a darker colour than the colour of the water which has light painted on it which is a yellow colour. This means that the composition is more simple.

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Fauvism Paintings

Raoul Dufy Henri-Charles I like the way the artist uses smoother brush strokes than the previous two artists because it makes the scene easier to look at and see all the details in the scene, the piece still uses bright colours but in a better way in my opinion this is because they are used to focus on certain parts of the image such as the boats in the foreground of the image and using more subtle slightly pastel colours in the background, although the brush stokes are smoother they still have a bold appearance because the colours haven’t been blended seamlessly together.

This painting also uses smoother brush strokes but with a texture, the scene sticks to the theme of nature by using a vase of flowers. The artist has used more muted colours than the previous artists because they aren’t bright and therefore all the objects in the scene fighting for attention, this therefore means that the vase is the main focus of the piece and stands out from the background.

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Bauhaus • This art movement (1919-1933) was founded by a German Architect, the concept of it was to…. ‘to reimagine the material world to reflect the unity of all the arts. Gropius explained this vision for a union of art and design in the Proclamation of the Bauhaus (1919), which described a utopian craft guild combining architecture, sculpture, and painting into a single creative expression’ http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/bauh/hd_bauh.htm • Bauhaus was a fine arts and design course it taught a prelimary course which included: colour theory,

materials and formal relationships. After learning the theory behind ‘Bauhaus’ they were then taught in more specialized workshops in the following subjects: metalworking, cabinetmaking, weaving, pottery, typography, and wall painting.

• Bauhaus artists include: Josef Albers, Herbert Bayer, Vasily Kandinsky and Paul Klee, the artists come from different backgrounds from art, architecture and design.

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Josef AlbersKandinskyThese pieces have order and structure, the piece uses a

linear design which appears like a pattern. The piece uses minimal colour uses on colour red and black and white. The design reminds me of a computer game. The red contrasts against the colours and makes the pattern the focus. With the shapes the piece has a modern look because it has a simple design rather than a lot of detail which can confuse people. Because of the modern look and the way the simple design the designer could be trying to communicate the how future technology available is unknown, this is because when you look at the design you wonder what the design is trying to represent maybe the designer is trying to confuse you.

This piece also uses lines but with shapes which gives it an geometric appearance, the background is light and the foreground uses black and a few bright colours which therefore creates a contrast. This piece also uses shapes but it uses a wider range of shapes and also lines. The piece has a white triangle as the focus point and then has all the other shapes placed around, it has the slight appearance of a rough drawing this is because the shapes…

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Paul Klee Vasily

This piece uses bright geometric shapes to make up a scene, the scene seems to be a sunset above some houses, this creates a happy atmosphere, the focus point is the sun because it has quiet a bit of negative space around it and because of the dark background which creates a contrast it stands out and your eye makes its way around the rest of the piece.

This piece is by Vasily a Bauhaus furniture designer, the chair has a modern design.

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Futurism • This art movement was brought out by a small group of Italian artists working just before the first world

war, they were inspired by the poet Filippo Tommaso Marinetti. The movement was inspired by the idea of creating a new Italy because ‘of its oppressive past’. http://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-modern/exhibition/futurism

• The aim of futurism was to celebrate the modern world of industry and technology, the took inspiration from the new technology of the motor car.

• The artists who were involved in the movement are: Giacomo Balla, Umberto Boccioni, Carlo Carra, Gino Severini and Luigi Russolo.

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Giacomo Balla Umberto Boccioni

These paintings have a more abstract appearance to them. This piece shows sharp metal shapes, which look like they are apart of a ceiling, the artist shows how the light falls on the different shapes with the tones of grey.

This artist has used what look like oil pastels to get the effect that he has, the artist has used a range of colours to make his composition. He has laid a range of shapes the shapes are rounded and some of them stretched into different directions. The focus is the middle of the piece where the most of the shapes are placed, they then move outwards the piece seems like its representing a hurricane or tornado because of the outward motion.

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Carlo Carra Gino Severini

The piece uses the imagery of a horse and its rider, the piece has a modern appearance to it, the piece seems to be split into different sections so that certain parts of the image can be repeated , this makes the image interesting

This piece has an abstract look to it the way the lines look like they make the inside of a cube shape and the other cube shapes in the background make it have an interesting perspective.