2015 04 23 content curation

Content Curation Tips to inspire 2015-04-23 School Librarians' Conference 2015 1

Transcript of 2015 04 23 content curation

Content Curation Tips to inspire

2015-04-23 School Librarians' Conference 2015 1

2015-04-23 School Librarians' Conference 2015 2

2015-04-23 School Librarians' Conference 2015 3

“Content Curation is a term that describes

the act of finding, grouping, organising or

sharing the best and most relevant content

on a specific issue”.

Rohit Bhargava: trend curator

2015-04-23 School Librarians' Conference 2015 4

adding, aligning, analysing, applying, asking,

building, comparing, conceptualising,

constructing, creating, deciding, designing,

detecting, developing, distributing, evaluating,

filtering, finding, grouping, implementing,

inspiring, integrating, interpreting, introducing,

inventing, judging, listening, matching,

organising, planning, producing, remembering,

researching, retrieving, selecting, sharing,

testing, understanding

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We are all content curators

we ask

we listen

we find

we select

we group

we organise

we create

we share

we inspire

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Designing a house

Needs analysis >

Research >

Select >

Conceptualise >

Plan >

Develop >

Build >


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Content Curation Strategy

Who: your target ?

Why: do they need it ?

What: have you asked them ?

Where: only digital ?

When: time frame ?

How: tools to use ?

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Organising Content

Tagging: key words/tags dictate the quality of content

e.g. tag clouds

Recommendations: based on content consumption

patterns e.g. Amazon

Filtering: filtered navigation e.g. Google advanced


Topic pages: single page search e.g. Pinterest

Topic maps: Visually grouped/related e.g. PearlTrees

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Digital archiving

Aggregation: most relevant in one location

Distillation: filtering according to relevance

Elevation: identifying trends and insights

Mashups: merging content to create a new view

Chronology: time based content to show evolving

understandingBhargava 2011

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Ethical Concerns

Over curation ?

Informed consent ?

Quantity over quality ?

Combination of curated content with original ?

Attribution ?

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My Communities

Departmental colleagues

School Librarians

Instructional design

Primary Immunodeficiency

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Some tools





e-Mail groups

Diigo and Delicious






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Some Gurus

Joyce Valenza

Naomi Harm

Phil Bradley

Robin Good

Jane Hart

Grainne Cole

Will Richardson

Maggie Verster

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Twitter – Joyce Valenza

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Linked In -Naomi Harm

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Slideshare – Phil Bradley

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Robin Good -Scoop.it

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Jane Hart - website

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e-Mail groups - GMail

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e-Mail groups - MWeb

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t = is it true ?

h = is it helpful ?

I = is it inspiring ?

n = is it necessary ?

k = is it kind ?

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Happy curating – hope you are inspired !

Joy Rosario

[email protected]

082 365 4663