2012FANHS PA Joan May Cordova

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Transcript of 2012FANHS PA Joan May Cordova

  • 7/31/2019 2012FANHS PA Joan May Cordova


    Filipino American National Historical Society - FANHS PA receives

    Philadelphias First Filipino American History Month Resolutionsand presents FANHS PA Community Service Awards

    Nearly 170 people joined in FANHS PAs 5th Annual Filipino American

    History Month Celebration at Ocean City Restaurant in Philadelphia on

    October 26th, 2012. Highlights of the lively dinner-dance included FANHS PA

    Community Service Awards, cultural performances and a multimedia history

    presentation, as well as the first ever Filipino American History Month

    Resolutions from the City of Philadelphia.

    Councilman David Oh read the Filipino American History MonthResolution he had co-sponsored with Councilwoman Maria Quinones Sanchez.

    Commissioner Rommel Rivera also read a Filipino American History Month

    Proclamation from the Mayors Commission on Asian American Affairs. While

    October as Filipino American History Month is a national observance (initiated

    by FANHS 20 years ago) with legislation passed by Senate and Congress, the

    City of Philadelphias Filipino American History Month Resolutions presented

    during FANHS PAs celebration are believed to be the first in Pennsylvania.

    FANHS PA founders Roger Hilario, Mary Faustino, Joan May Cordova, Marife Domingo, Eliseo

    Silva receive Proclamation from Dr. Rommel Rivera of the Mayors Commission on Asian American

    Affairs. Past FANHS National President Dr. Joan May Cordova and Councilman David Oh hold

    the Filipino American History Month Resolution from the City of Philadelphia.

  • 7/31/2019 2012FANHS PA Joan May Cordova


    FANHS PA Celebrates Filipino American History Month / page 2

    In light of the year-long celebration of100 years of Filipino American

    Achievement in Greater Philadelphia, FANHS PA presented Community

    Service Awards to eight local leaders. Speaking as both a FANHS PA founding

    member and past FANHS National President, Dr. Joan May Cordova

    announced: As FANHS honors these eight leaders for their strong community

    service, we honor their families, their histories, and the communities and

    causes they represent. She also described how each awardee would receive

    two booksVoices: A Filipino American Oral History(Stockton, CA: Filipino Oral

    History Project Inc.,1984 & 2000) documenting histories of West Coast Filipino

    immigrant farmworkers of the 1930s as well as Filipinos in Alaska: 1788-1958

    (Anchorage, AK: 1996 & 2006) by the late Thelma Buchholdt, former FANHS

    National President and the first Filipina woman in U.S. history to be elected toa state legislature (http://thelmabuchholdt.com).

    Congrats to all FANHS PA Community Service Awardees! Pictured: FANHS PA Past PresidentsEliseo Silva and Kim Barroso, FAAPI President Dr. Rommel Rivera and FANHS PA Community

    Service Awardees Mary Faustino, Skip Voluntad, Virgie Olivar Luz, Amelia Belardo-Cox, Cyndi

    Gutierrez, Janet Ismael Escarcha, Noel Abejo, Lovella Calica with Dr. Joan May Cordova and

    Marife Domingo.

  • 7/31/2019 2012FANHS PA Joan May Cordova


    FANHS PA Celebrates Filipino American History Month / page 3

    FANHS PA Community Service Awardees for 2012 are writer/artist

    Lovella Calica, founder of Warrior Writers and the artist collective Tatlo

    Mestiz@s; Noel Abejo, former Commissioner, FECGP Vice President and

    founder past President and advisor for the Filipino American CommunityAthletic Association (FACAA); Janet Ismael Escarcha, a key volunteer for the

    Gleam of Hope Orphanage (http://gleamofhopeorphange.org) in Haiti who

    chooses to make a difference in my global community; Cyndi Gutierrez

    serves such groups as Interpersonal Violence Against Asian Communities

    (IVAAC), Asian Pacific American Health Consortium, and recently worked for

    AIDS Services in Asian Communities (ASIAC); Amelia Belardo-Cox, a

    Consultant in Organization, Program and Resource Development established

    the Alma Belardo Arts Scholarship in memory of her sister, Alma, to fund Asian

    High School graduates pursuing an education in the arts; Virgie Olivar Luz,

    Founding President of the University of the Philippines Alumni Association PA

    Chapter and founder of the Mutya Philippine Dance Company; Mary Faustino,

    a former assistant for Senator Rick Santorum, served as Co-Chair and

    Treasurer of the National Pan Asian Business Conference and is past President

    and treasurer of the Asian American Womens Coalition (AAWC); and Skip

    Voluntad, partner in New Populations, Inc., is former chair of the Mayors

    Commission of Asian American Affairs and the first Asian serving both the

    Council on Aging and AARPs Volunteer Executive Council for Pennsylvania.

    Skip Voluntad with Eliseo Silva

    Eliseo Art Silva, artist/author and FANHS PA Founding President gave a

    multimedia presentation on Filipino American History and signed his book,

    Filipinos of Greater Philadelphia, recently published by Arcadia Press.

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    FANHS PA Celebrates Filipino American History Month / page 4

    FISDU emcees announce PCSNJ President Senen Fontanillas winning raffle ticket (left)

    after14 year-old Kirby Asunto entertains the crowd (right).

    Perfecto Galido and Kent Jimenez, leaders of the Filipino Intercultural

    Society of Drexel University (FISDU), emceed the event and highlighted

    entertainment by award winning vocalist Kirby Assunto, performances by

    Philippine Folk Arts Society, Incs (PFASI) Rondalla, cultural and modern

    dances by FISDU and the Zumba Dancers and Pure Ener-J Dancers - both of

    the Philippine Community of Southern New Jersey (PCSNJ). Music was by DJ

    Pure-JJerry Ancheta.

  • 7/31/2019 2012FANHS PA Joan May Cordova


    FANHS PA Celebrates Filipino American History Month / page 5

    Display of historic photos created by the Filipino American Association of Philadelphia, Inc.

    (FAAPI) for its 2012 Centennial Celebration. FANHS PA is an active FAAPI Centennial Partner.

    FANHS PA thanks all whove supported its work through the years and

    for the 2012 event: Don Pak Law Firm; Senen Fontanilla, Mary Faustino and

    Amelia Belardo-Cox for hosting tables and/or sponsoring students; and all

    donors and volunteers. Organizations represented at FANHS PA's celebration

    included: Filipino Executive Council of Greater Philadelphia, Asian Americans

    United, Philippine Community of Southern New Jersey, Inc., Filipino

    Intercultural Society of Drexel U, Asian American Women's Coalition,

    Philippine Folk Arts Society, Inc., Filipino American Association of

    Philadelphia, Inc., Philadelphia Chinatown Development Corp., Asian Chamber

    of Commerce, Filipino American Athletic Association, Mutya Philippine Dance

    Troupe, and others.

    FANHS leaders from throughout the United States reviewed awardees

    bios, sent greetings and joined us in spirit. Tweets, email, and Facebook

    messages came from FANHS Metro New York, FANHS Alaska, FANHS Hampton

    Roads (VA), FANHS Michigan, FANHS Chapters in California and others. For

    more information on FANHS, please seehttp://fanhsis25.blogspot.com Youll

    find links to the FANHS PA program and additional photos by Philip Reyes,

    event photographer.
