2011: Year in Tech from the Innovation Trail


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See the top technology stories from the Innovation Trail, for 2011.

Transcript of 2011: Year in Tech from the Innovation Trail

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Zack Seward's first story in WXXI's Company Town series, this piece profiles a firm that takes rotten food from a food bank, and turns it into biofuel.


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WRVO's Emma Jacobs looks at how a central New York nation is sticking to its principles by investing in green startups.


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Zack Seward reports that when Google failed to invest in the Southern Tier, Corning stepped in to help fund broadband infrastructure.


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WRVO's Ryan Morden reports that adding a set of flaps that look like the top of a carry-out box, to the rear of a big rig, can be the difference between making a living and not making it in the trucking business.

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Our team recorded stories in our listening booth at BarCamp Rochester, and got to meet incredibly interesting people. Three of our favorites all have tech obsessions. There's the portrait artist who uses a robot to capture your image, the hang glider who trusts his engineering skills enough to build his own instruments, and the high school student who's hacking computers that came on the market when he was in elementary school.

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Zack Seward reports that the city of Rochester is buying a visualization tool that will allow users to fly over "the Rochester of the future."

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Recorded in our listening booth at TEDxRochester, Oyzon tells us about how she's building a "game layer" for the college experience, that allows students to earn "achievements" in school, the same way they would in a virtual environment like Foursquare.

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Corning's second appearance in our top 10, Emma Jacobs reported for Morning Edition about the tough-as-nails glass for smart phones.

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WMHT's Marie Cusick checks in with Albany-area entrepreneurs who are trying to grow an alternative to Styrofoam, using mushrooms.

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This story isn’t just our most popular tech story of the year: it’s our most popular story of any kind, of all time. Emma Jacobs reports for WSKG about “Rex Parker,” a pseudonymous crossword blogger, whose day job is teaching English at Binghamton University. Bonus: You can solve a Newsday puzzle along with Parker.