2002 Green Latern



Proctor Academy's 2002 yearbook in digital form.

Transcript of 2002 Green Latern

  • 2002 Green Lantern Volume 66

    Dedication 2

    Yearbook Staff 4

    Seniors 5

    Siblings & Legacies 53

    Superlatives 54

    Senior Baby Pictures 54

    Juniors ..A 58

    Sophomores ... 60

    Freshmen m ^ p s * ilr^ ^

    Day Students & Dorms jffCZ/.. *Jp^- 6 4

    Community Service M..1...1.J 71

    Faculty & Staff 74

    Fall 82

    Fall Sports 92

    Winter 102

    Winter Sports 110

    Ads & Senior Salutes 128

    Index 173

    Senior Addresses 176

  • The Class of 2002 dedicates the Green Lantern to

    "For some of you, the best time of day is on the soccer or football field. For others, it's being in the woods with the log splitter, on the stage, or in the studio. I only truly feel alive when I'm involved with SATs."

    Tim Norris W h o inspires and entertains us in his many roles:

    husband & father, teacher & college counselor, coach for all ages and abilities, raconteur & friend

  • I 4

    > -


  • 2002 Green Lantern Staff Fall Editors Jarrett Enck

    Mariann Monteiro

    Winter Editor Matt Hayes

    Faculty Advisor Brenda C. Godwin

    Fall Staff Jason Babson Jarrett Enck Kate Howe

    Mariann Monteiro Ian Prichett

    Winter Staff Tahanee Dunn Camille Hankey Matt Hayes

    Abby Marsh Andrew Previdi Jason Robinson

    Fall Staff Editor (and computer guru) Matt Hayes keeps an eye on Back: Jason Babson, Ian Prichett Front: Jarrett Enck, colleagues Abby Marsh, Tahanee Dunn and Camille Hankey as Kate Howe, Mariann Monteiro, Marley Godwin they lay out a page.

    Layout Jarrett Enck Tahanee Dunn Camille Hankey Matt Hayes

    Kate Howe

    Abby Marsh Mariann Monteiro Jason Robinson

    Photography Elizabeth Clerc Jim Cox Jarrett Enck Karine Dumont Green Annie MacKenzie Matt Hayes

    Derek Mansell Patrice Martin Mariann Monteiro Dave Pilla Morgan Salathe

    Cover Mariann Monteiro Andrew Previdi gets a quick massage from Tahanee Dunn. Marley looks j a s o n Robinson takes a break

    on enviously!


  • Seniors

    Four Year Seniors

    Top: Mariann Monteiro, Nick Wilkins, Jon Stoddard, Garrett Thompson, Jed Prescott, J.O. Vernon. Second Row: Andrew Barban, Leah Jampel, Kayla Hartwell, Sarah Williams, Trey Faccone, Penny Currier, Rebecca Barban, Gwenn Fairall, Tessa Sylvain. Third Row: Michelle Shaver, Kelly Ryan, Nissa Fowler, Juliet Totten, Justus Zimmerman, Nancy Heyl, Karen Paquette, Amanda Gross, Jarrett Enck. Front: Marcos Lopez, Matt Swan, Jose Hernandez. Not pictured: Merlin Backus, George Bordash, Brad Cabot, Chris Cloutier, Maya Fulton, Ben Hoglund, Jack Jenkins, Pete Johnson, Stevie Martinez, Nate McMurtrie, Ian Prichett, Leila Volinsky, Colleen Watson, Carter Wesdund.

  • Justin Rathbone, Gavin Kalan, Nick Wilkins, Marcos Lopez, Matt Swan, Trey Faccone, Derrick Harris, Glenn Robichaud, Jose Hernandez, Adam Gervais, Matt Hedrick

    Jason Babson

  • Tom Robinson, Merideth Leoni, Moriah Cowles, Will Negley, Nate McMurtrie, Eliot Ayers Jose Hernandez

  • M o m & Dad: Thanks for all you've done for me over the past 4 years. Courtney: It's been I 4 long years and here I am back where you

    were 5 years ago; hard to believe huh? thanks for being the greatest brother no one could take your place in my life I love you and am greatful for everything you have ever done for me. Family: I love

    you thanks for always being extremely supportive when I needed you to be. I love You

    Brenda: It's been great! Between yearbook, the advisee group, and being your daughter you have been someone who has influenced me a great deal thanks for everythirg! Godwin Family: Thanks for welcoming me into your home with an open heart and open arms. Giles: Your forever in my

    heart, mind, and prayers. Zecha: What were you talking about? Are you still right? Jon S: I love you! =o) Jim & Lynn: If it ween't for you I don't know where I d be right now. Thanks! Amy M.: Thanks for always being there if I need to chat KIT! Nick: You and I, we did it 4 years. Anna: Last but not least. I'll miss you and I'll keep in touch tell those kids of yours to stop

    breaking bones; it's unhealthy. LoL! Proctor: It's been interesting. Everyone I forgot: SORRY! ='o(

    RIP September 19,1983 - September 16,2001

    Mariann Cathryn Monteiro ^ ^ S ^

    Kimberly Barrett "WHEN WE LOOK AT A STATUE OF SOMEONE GREAT we think they've got something we don't. We are trained to think that only a tiny percentage of us have the stuff it takes to be a hero. Not many of us will cure any diseases or slay any dragons, but every but every single one of us, EVERY SINGLE O N E OF US, is called to be a king, a queen, a hero in our ordinary lives. W e don't build statues to worship to exceptional life, w e build them to remind ourselves what is possible in our own."

    "Time removes the bruises. The jersey removes the sweat. Thank you Mom, Dad, Dabs. I love you.

  • *&>

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    Matt Hedrick




    Serving the North Shore for over 25 years


    Nick Wilkins


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    Andrew Previdi


  • Nate McMurtrie I can't believe the past four years have gone by as fast as they have. Where to start? Well. I want to thank m y parents for making all of the sacrifices that they've made so that I could come here. I didn't by any means always like being here but I really feel lucky that I have had the chance that many other people never get. M o m , Rob, and Dad, thank you so much. I have learned and grown up so much in the past four years, and I can't thank you enough. Shout outs: Moriah: This past fall was most definitely the best 9 weeks of m y life and you were a huge part of that. You're a special person and I hope that our relationship does not end on June first. Ian: we've been through a lot together, man. Thanks for being a good friend to m e and I hope we keep in touch. Laurie Z: you've always been there for me when I needed you and for that I am greatly in debt to you. Thanks for keeping m e sane for the past four years. Dave. Morgan: you guys have been like second parents to me, thank you for always looking out for me. Wyatt, Chris, Frenchy, Brad and the rest of Rulon: W e had a fun year, guys; it was definitely m y best dorm yet. Summerfield oo.ol: Remember Oct. 9, it was along night. And to the rest of m y friends at Proctor, thanks a lot. Later.-NDB



    Eliot Ayres

  • Fear less, hope more; whine less, breaihe more;

    lalk less, say more; hale less; love more

    and ali good things are yours. S w e d i s h Proverb

    W e all lake different paths in life, bul no matter where we go, we take a little oicach other everywhere

    T i m M c e r a w

    I .1 Tl Cl S f ^ V j M - U L I T T C Proctor, all the thanks in the world could never express how greatful I am for the past two years. Take care. To m y sisters, Well it looks as though it has only just begun. A lot has changed these past three years and I am proud of you both. Thanks for being there for m e always. I love you. M o m , I could write pages. You'll never know how much I appreciate everything you have done for me. It wouldn't have been possible without your support. I admire your strength and courage. I couldn't have asked for more. I love you. Dad, our relationship is an ever-changing one. I am doing m y best to keep you on your toes. I am sure the next few years will be

    jfjffjfilB&i ^ some of the greatest. Love you. Old Man (Dave), Well, what can I say? I am so glad ^ft mmWWw you havi becomt part of oui lives, pari of our family. I could never repay all you

    j ^ ^ j ^ H have done for me. Love you like a dad. Ribbitt.,.Ribbitt. Gram, you're amazing. \ymm^/'m^m^m^m^m%j^9^m Without you I'd be lost in an airport somew here Thanks so much for ever) thing 'jjk. -A 'mWm^^ you have done for m e these past 1 7 years. I know I haven't been the easiest character

    to deal with. Miller, your such a WANKER! I love you girl, don't ever change. Your a true friend and for that I will always be in debt. Take care of yourself and keep your head up. Craig, you're a best friend and a hell of an accomplice. You have no idea how much the past three years have meant to me.I Love ya. Julie, you have always been an open ear. I appreciate you listening to m e ramble on about life more than you'll ever know. The D A M N CANADIAN, what in the world can I say to a spirit like you. eh? You have been like a piece of home these past two years. Always a smile and a laugh. I had better see you up north sometime soon. Anway, I had better go, I have homework to do. (CODY!). Karen, Ohhh.hh.hhh God. Thanks for the laughs and don't ever change. Good luck with the French man. Mel, you're the coolest. I am going to miss your sarcastic wit. Good luck Buddy and take care. Katy Orr, PA'01. your words of wisdom are not forgotten. I hope you are doing well. Avery. I admire your personality, take it with you wherever you go. I hope SKIING (NOT HOCKEY) was awesome. Megan Manning, It's a great day to be alive. It's all about the mullet man. Take care. Lauxdy. G'day poopy stinky, I am glad I got to know you. Best of luck

    chick. You rock. Elsie, don't you just love the name Gretchin? I'll be keeping a look out for your identity. Take care. Macgregor, Your insane. Just behave yourself O.K.? Sutton, Don't ever stop singing. Matchem, you make m e proud to be Canadian! "BURGERS!! ".what's the deal with this munchkin nonsense? It's Timbits all the way. Keep skating. Alison, an advisor, a coach and above all a friend. Thank you for everything.

    If I could reach up and hold a siar for (very time you mode me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of m y hand



  • Peter Johnson I would like to thank m y parents for giving m e such a wonderful opportunity to attend Proctor Academy. I'd also like to thank the outstanding teachers of Proctor for teaching m e over the past four years. I especially would like to thank John Schoeller for his guidance in helping m e over the past four years. I would like to thank the school for giving m e the opportunity to travel and study abroad in Spain. What can I say..it's been a fun four years and I'm glad it's over.

    Chris Cloutier Dad, M o m , and Tanja: Thank you for giving m e the oppu.rtu.nity to make something of myself. I will never be able to repay you for what you have given m e Gregor: Thank you for being there for m e over the past four years. You

    gave m e the oppurtuniiy to be a part of something that I value very high in m y heart. I wouldn't change anything about it. You are a true basketball mind. You could go far if you use the greatness inside of you. You have everything figured out and you are an inspiration to me. You are a true role model Brandon, Marty, and Donny: You are m y brothers from Other

    mothers. W e have had great memories over the years and I hope to have many more. W e will all go our seperate ways, but in m y eyes w e will always be

    brothers. Stevie: I am going to miss you so much next year. You were a breath of fresh air every day that was bad. You are one strange individual. I have valued the time that w e have been able to spend with you. I hope that

    you will always keep in touch. Good Luck. Shep: You are m y best friend at Proctor. I only got to spend two years with you but they were a blast. I wish you had of come to this place the same year. Ethan Lavoie's jumper is so wet. You are going to be a serious pimp next year. You are going to have the crazy green light and all the ladies. Good Luck. Keep in touch and come visit m e next year. Jose: You and Abby Forever!!! Seriously though, you are the man.

    I will miss you. W e went through this place together. W e have a lot of memories, like suffocating Figment with a pillow. Keep in touch and good

    luck next year. Jack: W e started with orientation and w e will end this trip with graduation. It has been fun. Working in the kitchen with your girl Cara.

    You have the tools to make it big in this ball game, but you need to keep your head in it. Points aren't everything. Coaches like the little things. Keep a solid

    head on your shoulders and you can be something. Derrick: You are the nastiest player in N e w England. N o doubt. Don't ever sell yourself short. Jermaine and Rashaad. Please!!! Get serious. You are so much better than

    them. It just doesn't make sense tome. Stick with it, though. You know what it is all about. That is key. Intelligence on the court will bring you places.

    Good Luck and send m e a schedule. Jed: You are quite a character. W e have gone up through the ranks togehter. From JV superstars to Varsity bench

    warmers. It has been quite a ride. You are the man and make sure you keep in touch. Rigo: You are one of the greatest guys I have ever had the pleasure

    of meeting Proctor lost a hero when you drove out of that parking lot at one in the morning. I will forever remember you. I have blessed to know you.

    Always keep in touch. Brenda: Thankyou for everything you and your family

    have done for m e over the last four years. You have helped m e more than you

    will ever know. Thanks for the Red Sox games and Superbowl parties. That

    Mexican dip is killer, Thanks. Ulises: j SCRUB. You are going to be the show next year. Be confident. O h by the way h o w is Talia? Mike: Ron Dayne really

    sucks. I better see you in the W W F someday. Missy: N o really, h o w was Kirby? Merlin: If you were a w o m a n w e would be together tonight. George:

    Mrs. Robinson is trying to seduce me. Elizette: Watch out for dugouts! Justus

    and Crystal: You guys are such a cute couple Coach Ec: I don't care what

    you say. The Red Sox are great. Forget Bucky Dent; it's a new era! Camille: Shut Up! J Rob: See you on SportsCenter! Terrell Owens is sick! Myles M :

    W h y don't you just talk to her. You arethe next Stevie Martinez. %m 1


  • Jed Prescott M o m & D a d , I can't thank you enough for all you have given me. you have made m e the young man I am today. I love you both. Line and Tracy, thank you for making m y parents so happy, m y highschool years definately would have had avoid without the two of you. Ashleigh, stay strong, you are m y hero and always remember "I'll dress you up in m y love, all over, all over" Carly and Caitlin, I love you. You two are going to be the coolest if you will just stop whining so much, you two will always be motivation for m e to succeed, Trey, what else can I say man, we made it. Wingman, what a joke. I was hesitant at first whether I could deal with you for eight straight years but I did. nice pink pants, imagine how many more friends I would have had if I didn't associate with you, damn. Have a great time at Heath and Lull, don't overfill and always remember to "squish." Jose, m y back still hurts from the jagged rocks but I will get over it given time. I respect you for all of the improvements you have made, keep faith in what you believe and try to stay out

    rouble. Stevie, you made m y four years complete, breathing disorder, ha, gotcha. Be safe, stay out of trouble and always remember to change your sheets every two weeks. Jack, stop by for dinner some time.you are always welcome, keep balling and keep in touch. Garrett, I will never forget the fall of ZOO 1, captains forever, have fun, be safe and always remember to recycle! Fight for m y gas and electricity, because you know I will need a large amount of it. Clutes, you are the man, a stupid man, but the man none the less. Keep working and try to stay out of trouble. All my 2001 champs, you are the greatest accumulation of athletes I have ever been a part of, man did I look out of place. I hope all of your dreams come true, keep in touch. Gregor and Amy, you made m y winters miserable, but what an experience. I will never forget you two. Thanks for being there, even though I didn't need you that much. Keep throwing whistles, and running fourth quarter, because other than that your height puts you at a serious disadvantage in the intimidation factor. To all m y women, some day you will all realize what you missed. You will figure out that you should have at least acknowledged m y existence because it will be your life I will be saving some day. W h o am I kidding, I was the one that ignored all of you, because we all know that you were never on m y level (too bad it was the lower level of an underground building).

    r^SL Trey Faccone Firstly, I want to thank m y family. M o m , Dad, Dev, Tanya, Nanu, Gramps, Keith,Gary, Pete, Grama, Pupa, Mike, Melinda, Vanessa(GB). I could not be the man I am today without all of your support and undying effort to push m e to be a better person. I want to specially thank m y parents, I could never have made it without you. You all have been awesome; I love you!

    To my Bro's: JB- Together we're POISON. KUZ-What can I say, good and bad We've done it all. Jedi- Hopefully we won't see each other at the Gas Station. Chris- Sunapee Bro's are all the matter. Loofa, Rach, Fred(Val) Laura & Becky- You're m y girls. Dev- You can always come to M E for advice.


  • Adam "Ace" Gervais 5 years of High School are over. Thank you Dad, Mom, and Dan for all the help and support and everything you have taught me in life. Thank you Amber for

    I being my big sister and giving me advice. I always listened because you had been through everything before. Thank you Proctor for a great 2 years. I am grateful for that opportunity. DERRICK- My brother from another mother. 2 years of being roomates. I couldn't have asked for a better roomate. Many great memories in Gannett and Fowler. All the lingo we invented, haha I am gonna miss you man. I hope we stay in touch. Best of luck to you at YSU and and the NBA. FRENCHY -I will never forget you man. Susse ma queu. Esti calisse tabarnac. Next door neighbors in Gannett, all the fun times we had. I love you bro. You are NHL bound, never give up. PHIL NAZ- My other French brother. Crazy legs baby Phillis a Wallace calisse de gros cochon. Haha we had some crazy conversations, I'ma

    First off. Dad, M o m , Seante, Uncle Ed, you are the best. Without you guys, I don't know where I would be right now. Gregor, thanks for doing all that you could to get m e into this school. You have always been there 4 me. Practices, boy were they something else! Amy, you were like m y M o m away from home and I love you for that. Ace, you are m y dog, even though you was scared of "Da Bridge", you were the best roomate possible and I wish we were going to school together. Stevie, coolest human I know, I can't say enough about you. Dred, you know tha deal. Chicks tried to mess up our friendship, but we R still tight... .Brenda, you know how much I love you. Rigo & Traci, I don't know if I would have made it with out you guys here during m y first year. BASKETBALL BROTHERS, N E W ENGLAND CHAMPS, what an experience, I loved playing with you guys. Woody, everybody was spreading roomers about us even though we were just best friends, I never knew that it was illegal

    miss you tappette. STEVIE- You were always pushin me to do my best. I appreciated you more than you'll ever know. Hopefully we stay in touch. JACK-Good luck at W&M. Thanks for pushin me in practice and teachin me to never back down from people. TYRELL- Yo, you were a cool dude T. Always rappin, always happy. I'm gonna miss that. Keep ballin hard and don't forget about this tall white kid. Good luck. SHEP- haha we had some fun man. Crazy times and Gannett. Remember that night Shep? I sure do. 2001 NEPSAC Class B Champions. I have never played for a better team. GREGOR- Tlianks for everything, and all of your guidance. You have been the best coach, on and off the court, I have ever played for. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. I am so glad to have found this place. To everyone else, you know who you are. Every one of my friends, you all know if you are my friend or not, so consider this your 1 5 minutes of fame from me. I'm gonna miss everyone. I also wanna say whaddup to all my boys and girls back home. Lata, ACE. And remember, a broken clock is still right 2 times a day.

    to have a female for a best friend!!! I made a lot of friends while I was here, so I don't have enough space to fit all of you guys in here.. Y O U K N O W W H O Y O U ARE...Steve Wilkins, I can not express how much I appreciate you having me at your school, what would I have done without Proctor? probably been in trouble back home like the rest of m y friends. Phil Hackman, all I wanted was a tape job, preventing an injury is better than getting an injury, right??? To all my peeps, keep in touch(I'm serious). HOLLA AT Y O U R BOY

    Wc didn't lose the game, we just ran out of time. Vince Lombardi

    Playing your heart out would be deadly, just try your best. Derrick Harris i c

    Derrick Harris

  • Wyatt Cragan I would like to thank my parents first of all, for giving me the support that I needed. All I have to say to everyone is that I really don't have time to write something about everyone, so I am sorry for not saying what's up. Jerome, first of all, you're ugly, and second of all. I don't know how I would have gotten through these three years with-out you. Kleems, Yeah, that's what I said, kleems, you are my boy, and we have had some good times no matter where we were.I'll miss you kid! Bartle, You're a stud. Nate, Chris, Brad, Stevie. and all the rest of my boys I'll catch up with ya later. Jack, stay chill. I'll catch up with you later. Frenchy, I don't know what to write but I know that I am movin' to Canada, or your movin' to the States, You're my dog son. Ev-eryone else, peace out.

    Glenn Robichaud Seulonvcut, ensemble on peut. Thank you to Mom, and Dad. Without them 1 don't know where 1 would

    be, but one thing's for sure, I wouldn't he where 1 a m today. Mark, you hadd on. W e had lots of fun last year, and I hope to have some more in the future. Joe "said no" Anderson, remember Canada. I will never forget that trip with you, and Mark. Wyatt m y roomie, even though it was always M Y room, you were always welcome. Quoi enfant? To the Gannet boys F#S%(fl!* hockey!!!!!! Derrick aaaaahhhhhhh Da t Guy. and Adam Who's Joe's girl, we had our fun. and Adam don't forget what I taught you. Corsiglia "the iadies man". Dude where's Chris??? Villanova, Canada, or whatever man, it was awesome. Stevie

    do you remember right outside of Rulon-Miller?? Philippe Ch'taime m o n calise. O n a eudu fun ensemble a rire des anglais. Hey Meo du Gaz on va on vendre en tabarnak. Hey meo, sto boute, un char qui parle cstie. Wingren m y first roomie, you look care of me. of course you did you were old enough to be m y

    father. Noah, even though you almost cut m y fingers off, it was hard to see you leave, but i know it was for the best of you. Greg Gagne, LLLLLLiiii iiiiii bbbbb bbbeeeeeeerrrrrrttttttcc eerrrr. The braveheart Speech is still the funniest thing ever. Brenda, your Mexican dip was always something to look forward to. Ian Ryan, keep scratching your head when you're stressed out man, it works. Chek. the guy on the

    couch. Braddy likes to snowboard. Erin likes to snowboard. Always there in a pinch. T i m m y do you want a P # # # ' Adam suce moi la blette. Charlie, and Oliver, I'll fight a cop man. I don't care man I'm crazy. Adam, and Derrick Heeelllilooooo, w h o is this (Bruno). Babson, you gon' to be sleeping with m y man, I don't think so, alright. Jerome, December second that is all I have to say about that. Merlin, you

    the man. Toby. Thanks for everything, you were always there forme. Cole, and Jeff, m y buddies from Vermont, 1 want to chill with you guys later on, and kill some deer. 2minutes, you have helped m e so much, and I know you will invent some kind of crazy car. Carter, the smartest kid I know, who's dat

    guy?? Corsiglia, tell that "girl" to bake m e some blueberry pancakes. Dave and Morgan m y dorm parents for two years, thanks for everything. To everybody 1 forgot,sorry but I got to go.


  • II Oliver Schwab l/ium:You have been my greatest mentor and teacher. hank you for everything; you're in front of Jefferson and

    ILeagan any day. Fo: You're the best! Buddies for life. Mini ILlufiins. Sorry bout that. Jumunjos: you're my Zebra of ;mbabwe. guava juice, who's winning? Outside your oor. W h o needs parietals? Charlie's (Bum): rude boy, ou're lookin a little goofy, son. Lets thank the lost boys

    puff harder, and Mama Pruden for her dank cookies. i-Provence. pronos. Yo did you see that, that was hardcore, cubicle. Frenchy: Hockey. I used to read word

    p magazan. Just touch it, it's like a hockey stick, ant-eater boy. Hey... stay happy, ca va mon chien Wycleff: ;,iyfilarry Potter. Oui-d. Bubbles to the dome. Rigo.. in the cubicle, What?. Ce soir, tu alie au pare Jordon? You iorgot to ask the bomb question. Wanna go to Frenchy's room? I'd do the same for a friend. Previdi: Go pound kip. I'll be there in a pinch, Stilo. stu..stu..stutter, this is true. Let me do the math. Hippiesdon't wear thongs. ; don't have a gambling problem. Tye: Snood. Wanna hear a fatty beat yo. Merls: Back in Compton yo.

    ivlarcos: RockmyCasbon. pin key and the brain. Noble face, monkey brains. Dave: Run faster you guavas. Rasta-Lil; what up dog. Yeh, I'm all about dropping out of school and hitch-hiking across the world when you're ten. k: Wash that dirty money. Bartle: What is going on. Page: dirty feet? darkroom. Don't tell you know who. yla: Audubon Society. Nancy: good times babes, thanks for junior year, princess bride. JRob: you're the man. ne + Andrew: Its up to apostles like us to keep the Republican flame burning amid the youth of this great

    nation! Bob: what can I say, we're history nuts. Charles: you're an animal; arc you a fan? Liz: you'll get your revenge on Merls. Tommie E: once you get past that AP barrier, you're not a scary guy at all.

    Ashley Jerome The dropper, Rockwell. Irie Heights, Coyote, Jah Roots- thanks

    for the foiliage-mellow yellow-the famous white volvoShane:

    rastaman vibration, you are m y lighthouse and I a m your

    sailboat lost at sea. Dills: m y little star girl. Papa & M u m

    Thanks for the opportunities. I love you all. Charlie: m y hot rasta love, 6/4/00, Venasque.Tryall, East Chop, h o w those apples? Surf around the world; I'll meet you in Venice then

    we'll sail to Jamaica. I love you more than you'll ever know. Cragan: Donkey Lips, hey what's up Waldo? Heawoe Wyatt,

    charlies bum. Ollie: W h o was louder? h o w are the candidates?

    zebras of Zimbabwe. Annabella: "Are you a virgin?" the

    famous words that started our friendship, thanks for all those winter days chillin and pounding. You are stunning and m y

    best friend. Prudden: nice thong huh ? Bearah: In the middle of

    the night...kinky funky tunes @ 2 a m , "baby you so

    nice..."random beat box sessions, beautiful boobies...how's

    tuck? how's carter7 Nora: All I can say is orientation. Billy's hot,

    I get him senior yr! bridge in freezing temps., h o w was that

    bubbly? love youBiatch. Lily: Kate Moss, Marc Jacobs skirt, m y

    field hockey queen, sweating like a pig, reggae beats, north

    shore parties. W-Vogue- fashion phenomenon. Chris: Carr

    Field spot. Easter tradition @ Jerome's estate. Kayla: Hamilton

    parties, burn cruise, hottest boyfriends in school,

    cupcakes.Previdi: devo pros. Ben (the dude): nice show last night man.Nancy: rasta, h o w ya doin' star girl7 Jenkins &

    Pimp: Jumajoes, thanks for the dance. Liz K: You are so beautiful, don't forget that; m y favorite freshman. Frenchie:

    hey m a n , thanks.Page: Davis house, Daniels...never mind. You

    have a magnificent heart. Mas: Ibo, African queen Taco: Hey

    Regis man...tomorrow and today. B.K.,N.P.,T.C.,M.H.,R.D.,

    J.O.,L.T.,W,C, G.G, A.G.W..T.D. peace.

  • "Nan 'IioveU2' -Thanks to Tomie, and anony-& mous, and my family for every-' ching Amanda

    Amanda Gross

    "Panqueques!" I'd like to thank m y entire, extended family, and wonder-ful friends for getting m e where I am today. Love you all. Crystal

    Crystal Flaherty 'I have decided.

    /' J^-"The road of life is rarely paved.' "Amanda, it's a boy!" D e m o n Llamas!"

  • Lily Ellis Family and friends, I love you all!


    Masiphilile Dlamini Isihambile iminyaka ngihleli ngaphansi kwesandla senu Mama no Baba. Sengizo hlanganisa iminyaka eyishumi nesishagalolunye. Sekuyisolesiisikhathisokukhula, kodwaangesabi ngobaningikhulisengendlelaefanele. Ngaphandlekwenu ngifanane mpumputhe, Ngiyabonga kakhulu bo Ndaba, Sihalukhulu. GOGO.GOGOZI and Mkhul' Bishobi: Rest in Peace always have a special place in my heart. Zanele: wena njengikunikaisicocosikasikaGOGOuMissIDCf I Don't Care), akekhoofananawe. Mpilo: "Musa ukujahayonke into mesikhathi sayo baqinisile uma besho abazali trust me take it it from your older sister. Nelani: Weee wena bayokubamba kude

    lapho kungaziwakhona muntu, Mr South T (you know the rest). Zanele, Mpilo and Nelani: Ngiyanithanda. Mthoko: I LOVE YOU Anele.Bongekile and Matrics of 2001: Sivela kude nam futhi sisaya kude sohlanga sonke one silimanyana day Bongekile: It was you Bongekile and Faith. (those were the good times) hahaha. Karl: Thank you, Enkosi. Sarah Will: you are heck of a lady don't let them tell you what to do or say. I love you and thank you ever somuch. Steve Wilkins: Masiphilile Nsukezinhle Dlamini (practise makes perfect, y'll get it).Swayze and Alison: Hayibo, D O O D where is my stick?! Terry and Michael: you have taught me a lot this and I will never forget you guys I thank You sincerely from the bottom of my heart. Camille: buka.buka, don't forget that at all times that is your key to unlocking doors, jusl joking I love you like my sister man Tahanee: Peace and love, watch over the cellulite I am. Jenny: Gayate loko I promise to that into good use. Elizette: keep on being tough. T.Dortch: Why you dying I promise to keep watch of the T.V. screen for you which ever sport. Teddy: indigenous. Stevie: Hawe ma. Hayibo-no. Lily: It's been great knowing you keep in touch, I'm glad we shared this space, Yebo Yes!!!!! J- Rock: YA MAN!H! keep passing it . thank you for die weekend of a lifetime ( you know what). Everyone who knows me AND HAVE FORGETTENTO MENTION you are awesome. Oh yeah '!! Mel: you rock; just joshing. Angikhohlwa Langiphuma Khona.

  • Kayla Hartwell To the parents- thanks for everything, I owe a substantial portion of everything to you. Dan C. and Matt M. - see you at Nationals this year, and next year and next.... Instead of X.C,. DS, O T a n d D H , lets just go for the NC, if you know what I mean. Framing OJs- this gig is over, but w e have the whole tour ahead of us. Catch you at our next show! To the whole PA Cycling Team- You guys are the best friends I have ever had. Thanks for the pull that got m e to the finish! To the rest of m y close friends, preppies and punk rockers alike, (you all know who you are), thanks for a great time; you all are the best.

    Sarah Williams

  • Andrew Barban To the parents- thanks for everything, I owe a substantial portion of everything to you. Dan C. and Matt M.- see you at Nationals this year, and next year and next.... Instead of X.C,. DS, O T and D H , let's just go for the N C , if you k n o w what I mean. Framing OJs- this gig is over, but w e have the whole tour ahead of us. Catch you at our next show! To the whole PA Cycling Team- Y o u guys are the best friends I have ever had. Thanks for the pull that got m e to the finish! To the rest of m y close friends, preppies and punk rockers alike, (you all k n o w w h o you are), thanks for a great time, you.all are the best.

    To be afraid is a priceless education. Lance Armstrong

    I take nothing for granted. I now have only good days or great days. Lance Armstrong

    Gavin Kalan Thankyou all so much for your friendship and support: Dan Bernstein, Brian Liggett, Chris Hedlund, 1 still don't know w h y I'm not in your yearbook... Ben Rosner, Presence Studios Westport. N G W , the Green, w h o m a d e summer of 2000 rock; Alex Gray, Marc Cantlin 11, there when it mattered most; Atte P., Henna P., Virpi K., Annu T., Heidi V , Juha R., JanneG., Aiti ja Isd Penttild, ja Kaikki Hyvinkiissd. Vittun Suonii Rokki! Kiitossijaan kaikki(go to Finland!!); Maribel, Garci, Alicia, y todo el m u n d o en Segovia, Karine D., Derek M. And finally the preppie kids; M a v Eaton, Leah Jampel, Alia Zecha, Andrew Barban, Liz Brier-Rosenfield, Chris Cave, Jon Stoddard, Marcos Lopez, Dan Marsh; and the generous Proctor Faculty: Phil G o o d n o w & Howard Zinn, Ronan Gould, Steve Wilkins, Charlie Carpenter, Keith Barrett, and Proctor - for making high school memorable; Katie + Fred, Grandma Betty, Grandma + Crandpa Fine; M o m & Dad, forthe plane tickets, support, and everything they have sacrificed as well as many reasons I don't k n o w yet. 5 schools, 5 years of high school, 21 countries, 12 shows, and I'm just getting started. Umbrella Man; This sucks, lets take a cab; Well, that's not A L L w e do ... ; Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale ... ; Ze frozen is our ally; Grounded!?; Pulling a Liggett; Finland, is that a state? That's great guys; Totally lost; Whatupdawg!? Sha riff don't like it... Shackadoja! It's your thing, do whatchu wanna do; Hey, ho, let's go! Oi Oil Oi!

  • Penny Currier Barban:what the hell is that? college, probably, because they are fruit loops, where are we going to change? turns out m y car was roomier than it first appeared, would you like to dance with me? it isn't that bad being separated at birth as long as you get re- united, purple dresses, Britney spears, fairies, black tee shirts, need i go on? god speed danger boy. Maya: so now is the time i look for those perfect words to express my deepest gratitude for your

    friendship and find myself completely speechless lost inV sunset in Georgia some place. Machouse girls: who let you girls out of your boxes? smelly hobos! is that a ghost? ocean: he's in the kitchen doing dishes? no, your not a flag halyard, no one would have known I pushed him overboard, thank

    L/K V l 7 ^mtkt y u fr ^ e harnesses, pumpkins, dream pies, falling down, ' 1 braso, little birdies, candy stealing, no room for me, and!

    starlit skies, to the poster chil-dren of Proctor, i think you know who you are, i guess it is true, a little change never hurt anyone, thanks for the 1 change, to proctor: thankyou. for taking a scared, shy littlei freshmen, and giving her the tools and opportunities to make something of herself. Thank you, M u m and Dad.


    Mi \"">t V I % Rebecca Barban

    M o m and Dad -Thank you for everything. Andrew and Kathryn -You two are wack! Thank you for being the best siblings ever. I love you! Tessa- What can I say to the girl w h o has been my best friend since the beginning? W h e n I look back at the four years we've spent together I'll remember the amazing times we shared. From crying under our orientation tarp, Rhode Island, South Carolina (boars!), Quebec, Whoville! Thank you for your friend-ship. It is something I'll always cherish. Penny- COLLEGE? PROB-ABLY! You're definitely m y "other" twin. You're the best shop-ping buddy, ya know. Our days in Boston are always a blast. Nevei forget orange frootloops, "god speed danger boy" and the numerous times we've been the "best dressed chicks." I wish you the best of luck with whatever life brings you, but whatever you do, never stop whining! Ashley and Sarah- You two are awesome! I'm so glad I got to know you this year; we've had some good times! Good luck to both of you next year - Keep in touch! Nissa-"Check Star-Star." PoniLeoni- Make sure you keep in touch....let'i bash sometime! Lee and Patty- Thank you for being fun, support ive and the greatest advisors. All friends and teachers- Thank yol for 4 years I'll never forget.


  • Tessa Sylvain M O M : Thank You for the love and support!You're always right; thanks for pushing the no 8th grade! M O M O : -my 2nd m o m , I miss having you around every day! S H A U N A : Thanks for all the laughs and fun times! I'll miss you chasing m e around the house. N A N C Y : Thanks for being such an amazing advisor for the past 4 years! GF,LV,BB,PC: Thanks for 4 years of pure F U N and LAUGHS! I'll miss you! LEILS: Stop, please, everybody, freeze! Nose Bounce! Squeaking doors, N e w Years, float-ing, boys stalking us at the mall, boars! BARBAN:my 1st friend at Proctor, Orientation, RI.SC,Quebec! Birdseed and high quality H20are good for you! GWENNY:Binkies, Halloween, eating dog food! Good uck next year! KAREN:NOSE! winter bonus in Canada, cheese curds, oh my god i just hit my head! A N N A K:quack quack! HL,CG,KJ: Apple picking and cooking,star watching, laughing, cool chiks on campus! HOLLS'Do you % $ % like a waterfall1 BENJAMIN I will never forget everything we have had together. Thanks for the love and supprt! C W A T C H FAMILY! OCEAN CLASSROOM 2000* SPAIN

    Karen Paquette Proctor: W o w ! What can I say. Thank you so much for this learning experience and once in a lifetime journey. I will never forget it. M o m & Dad: I truly feel that there are no words that can possibly thank you enough for all you've done. This has been a great personal learning experience for us all. Thank you so much for living it with me. I love you guys so muchlNana Banana & E.L. Grandpa: Thank you. I could never have done this without your support. Mamere & Papere: Merci pour tous ce que vous-avez faites pour moi; je peut jamais vous oublier. Je t'aime beaucoup. Bertrum: Thanks for always being there for me. You are a great friend/ advisor/coach. "You're not going to like this....give m e a hug" Sue Sylvain: You shone a light upon m y struggles and helped me to master them. I will never forget you. Thanks. Big Al: Alison, Alison, Alison....the hockey dance. "I can't find m y husband or m y dogs....I need to at least find m y dogs", "does m y hair look OK?" Terry & Michael: W h o would have guessed I would be interested in theatre? Thanks for showing m e whole new world. Health Center: Smiles, hugs, drugs...thanks for the late slips & the snacks. France: Liz & Charles, the French Alps, sunburns, water snakes, French guys with scarves and accents!, scuba diving, "excuse m e ma'am, but are these your culottes?" Cigar fish Charles!, Paris, Saki, Cameron Diaz, wine, Gitanes I WILL be back. Mie &Katy: Thanks for being great roommates....laughs, tears, fun....I'll never forget you. Lily S: Thanks for being m y like-minded friend, I'm glad we got to jam together for our ever elusive assembly performance. Keep in touch. Avery: I will never forget the hockey tournament "beast "....it was most definitely out there. Melanie: Dorm havoc, hockey with Big Al, HNIB, random news e-mails. "Mind the gap" Good times, we had fun, we got frazzled...I'll never forget it. Megan D: Don't forget to stay "frazzle free." Tessa: Cheese curds in Brockville, winter carnival in Ottawa, sleep overs, good times, bad times...growing up. Glad we're still friends. Justus: You hippie...good times in Paris. Nancy, cigars. I'll always sleep with one eye open & one dog barking. Peace. Nancy: Nancee, m o n ami! I'll never forget us in France...Many diggers, Paris, Gregoire, saki. Action shots on the Champs d' Elysee, "excusez moi Madame, est-ce que vous etes Cameron Diaz?" Camels in the park. Jordan O: Damn ! I don't know what to say we have been through so much. I love you and I will never forget you no matter where our lives take us! "Small suitcase", "Water snake in the pool", " Trordan tri trove trou! Trordan tras trabs!", "Well What Karen", "Small suitcase ticket please", " Bike adventures", " Broken bed, Stubbed toe, Frazzled mother", "Denise Chinese", "Mr.Pig and Mrs. Pig". " Do

    I sound like a horse coming down the stairs? N o m y feet" Every phone call at least once " Can you hold on a sec." Keep it real, friend, I love you ( we should have a sitcom) . PEACE!

  • ^ r ^ ^a

    ^kmS' > J

    E ^ te k

    ' i

    J ILA ^4J

    W 1

    Sarena Stern I do tt for the joy it brings because i'm a joyful girl because the world owes m e nothing and we owe each other the world

    ani di.franco Have you hugged and kissed your kids today?

    the annex chixs

    A Jjm






    r\ r r

  • 4

  • Jeff Morneault

    I'd like to thank anyone I have ever met

    w h o has made an impact on w h o I am

    and what I will become. Thanks to m y

    family, m o m you've been more then

    great. To m y eco-friends, the footclan

    lives forever. Mike m y ombre, keep

    living in the sunset section. Adam,

    T o m , and Swany what an awesome

    way to start m y Junior year, thanks for

    that fall term. And m y teachers, Dave,

    Nelson, John and Sue, I can't thank you

    guys enough. Proctor; it's been great.

    But yield who will to their separation,

    My object in living is to unite, My avocation and my vocation,

    As my two eyes make one in sight.

    Only where love and need are one,

    And the work is play for mortal stakes,

    Is the deed ever really done

    For heaven and future sokes.

    Robert Frost

    Tom Robinson

    Cause them guys is a singin'that this train is bound for glory, an'I'm gonna hug her breast till I find out where she's bound.

    W o o d y Guthrie


  • 27

  • %

    DADDY-how does the application of inertia and kinetic energy work in outer space work again?MOM-thank you for this life, for the animals and for being a friend-I love you.MONTY-what's up B? You're m y hero Montipollermo-I know we're far apart but you always amaze me-I love you.BERT C-It wouldn't have even been half as great without you-I love you so much.BERT H-come see me in Colorado, I'll tell h o w m u c h I love you then.NELSON-you have opened an invisible uni-verse to m y eyes and taught m e how to use m y heart

    wisely-thank you-thank you-thank you. All the Gandi, all the sprigs of tyme, all the afternoons of waxing philosophically. You're the man! Chris,Annie, Abby,Catherine,Tessa, Liz Maintenance, housekeeping, and the kitchen staff- thank you thank you thank you heaps and heaps.

  • Colleen Watson & Kelly Ryan

    Thanks to all the people who shared the good moments and the bad with us


  • Jon Stoddard

    gut tUlLOJl ff-'s obVfauS,. fsa.i

  • Garrett Thompson mom, pop, and durete: words cant begin to convey my appreciation and love to you, so i'll just say thanks and i love y'all.the merzi, howe, eaton clan: diddo on the appreciation and love bit. mary: thanks for always settin me straight, lil merzis: its been fun, i'll miss you guys, andrew: my other half, thanks for always bein there, i'll never forget you and our hayforts. ilove you bud. travis: we had the best times, it ain't over yet. love you man, stay pimpin. the trio: youre the brothers i never had or wanted, thanks for the laughs, the talks, and the fast cars, good luck with border patrol, even you mr lopez? see you in the future, fellas, prichett: you're a sketchy cat, thanks for stickin around for four years, i still owe you some beatings from freshman year, so watch your back, stevie and cuervo: kajeta, cabrones, ustedes eranlos muchachosmas locos, so bueno amigos para la vida, amigos. the NL crew: party on, gentlemen, save me some drinks, jed: it was a fun 8 years in the game, keep killin those defenseless baby seal pups, any dogs in tha house? goodnow: thanks for the support and the punches, and for laughing at my jokes. Justus and aaron: c'etait des bons temps dans les pares et les bars, e'etait amusant, hack on. to the teachers and coaches who helped: thanks, to those who didn't: thanks, to the rest of you, play nice, e'est la vie.

    Marcos Lopez M o m you have always been there for m e and I love

    you more than words can say, your the best! Dad

    thank you for all you have given and thought m e ,

    you've been awesome. Tata, Tania, and M i m i I

    couldn't have asked for better....smarter

    ...funnier....more dysfunctional controlling sis-

    ters. But I love you guys Pigeon Stoddard and

    Clumpy Thompson you two have been there for

    m e through everything, I love you guys. Imri stay

    alive. Jordan I know we'll meet again. Swany you

    always made m e smile in S.C. adios. Nicola you're

    the best, I'm going to miss you. Brenda thanks for

    taking Swany and m e you 're a brave and won-

    derful person, don't forget "the Regdogg" he

    always liked m e better than Matt. Dale thanks for

    showing m e the South. Terry and Michael you

    guys always made m e feel like I was part of

    something special; it's been great acting with you.

    Brian, Dave P, Bob L.,and Laurie Z you guys are

    the best teachers I have ever had a chance to work

    with. Thank you Proctor for a great three years.



  • Ashley Besbris "Life is great. The sun hits the sides of the valleys. The valleys take in the sun like a baby's first breath. As w e hike, w e turn in and out of the sun and go over passes or enter shaded mountainsides. As the day progresses the wind picks up to a slight breeze. The clouds that have formed will often cover the sun and create this un-wanted shade, that covers us now. The sun stays high for a long time, once it starts to go down, the high peaks engulf the light, and darkness immediately sets in. Temperatures drop and every breath becomes visible. W e turn to our sleeping bags and go to sleep to wake up to the same pattern which glorifies each day."

    This is an excerpt from a journal that I kept while I was in Nepal, the most enchanting place on this earth.

    Ted Horwitz

  • Ian Ryan "You can get it if you really want", Jimi Cliff " What a long strange trip it's been", The

    Grateful Dead. R C Real quick, Greg Shamaha, "Pollen"- you are the Dankist friend in Spain.

    The man on the couch get off m y % # * @ . For all the beautiful hikes in the Proctor woods.

    To m y Gulick house mates, Ethan, Eddie and Dave: you guys saved m e from hell. To all the

    funny chair lift rides with the snowboard team. Thanks to all the teachers for putting their

    time into me. Nelson and watershed: you guys

    rock. Thanks m o m , dad and family for all the

    support. Brenda, you are the best advisor. Nancy,

    Giles, Erin, Ashley, Greg B., Frenchy, Timmy,

    Taco, Brad, m y roommate Chris and all the

    people I didn't mention, thanks for being such

    good friends. "What was once an ocean is now

    just a bucket full of rain", AJct. Peace Y'all.


    Brad Frey


  • George Bordash W o w , it's been four years already, guess that means I have to start thank ing the people that sent m e here, so thank you Merrill, M o m , Dad, Granny and Grandpa; without your funding I couldn't have spent m y time here From there I would like to thank mi teachers, Sue Houston, John Pendleton, Janet, Laurie (second m o m ) , Tim and Liz and Charles Clerc You guys were amazing, I've neve: been able to connect with teachers a-strongly as I did with all of you Special thanks to the M o - T o w n crew. Bob, Brad, Carter, Justus, Tumem> and Merls - you guys keep this place fun. Ocean Classroom "C" Watch-still standing proud, thank you for the best experience of m y life. Lindz

    and Hogie, thanks for watching out for me. France group, feeling the Jamaican beats yet Clouts? Stop talking about m y mother, Wyatt. Barban, Jake. Cherkis and Mat - keep cycling alive, good luck this spring. Liz Harrison and Dougie, it's possible tha: neither of you will read this, but hey, w h y not tham you guys too.

    Words of mine to the Proctor community... The only true definition of self lies in the choices you make; make your own choices, believe in them, and take ad :aae of every opportunity you are given, it will change you, .

  • Thank you friends and family

    Jeremiah Vernon A witty saying proves nothing.

    V o l t a i r e

    "Somewhere between the throw off and the touchdown is the reason we play frisbee"

    Justus Zimmerman

    Peace 35

  • First off I would like to thank Pop for giving me the opportunity to attend Proctor. Thank you M o m and Dad for sticking it out, and showing me the right way(and waking me up). Grandma, Grandpa and Gig, you guys were always there for me, I love you. Mikey and Maggie I love you and wish you all the luck through school and the rest of your lives. DIDI you are the greatest. Marfie, I could always talk to you about everything. I love all my cousins very much. OBX was always the highlight of my summers. Brad, Tim and Thy, you guys were awesome roomies. Carter, Tumenas and Ben Bartle are my heroes. Mo-Town 4 life! BLAP! TIMMY! "BreakinStuff Steve Thomas, you are awesome, thanx for keeping me com-pany in CT and FLA. M D B-ball rules, Duke Sux! Go Ravens SB Champs, '01! DMB, Phish. BH, Dispatch and O. A.R.! Thank you also to everyone I forgot, because I am awesome at forgetting!

    Bobby Dunbar I'm never speaking up again

    It only hurts m e I'd rather be a mystery Than she desert m e John Mayer

    Dan Tumenas "A man is not finished when he's defeated;

    he's finished when he quits," Richard N i x o n

    "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?" Ge o r g e W . Bus h

    "Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life

    Terry Pratchett

    "Men never do evil so completely or cheerfully as when they do it from religious conviction."

    Blaise Pascal

    "I believe there is something out there watching over us. Unfortunately, it's the government."

    W o o d y Allen

  • Brad Cabot "Live the life you love"

    "Nature is not a place where you go to relax. If you want nature to embrace you, you have to put yourself out, you've got to work hard

    for its rewards, and you must live it." Nejc Zaplotnik

    "Do what fears you most, and fear itself will surely disappear."


    Carter Westlund

    Thank you to m y teachers, coaches, friends, and parents.


  • Meredith Donaldson

    We were inseparable during those maple shaded breezy

    s u m m e r days. Riding our gentle and overweight ponies, we

    escaped into an enchanted world of innocence. W e

    galloped through the luscious grass as it swayed, like a

    restless sea. The sound of the horses grazing and the

    rhythm of the cricket's chirp,

    accompanied our joy.

    erything turns into something else and slips away.

    e e cummings Robin Bartlett live, a lot. unleash yourself upon the world and go! go

    now! and fly free in the frowning face of convention.

    giggle, no, laugh, no, howl as if you've never grown

    up. understand that this is not a dress rehearsal, this is

    it! take it all in, yes, every last rose and every single

    breath, and by all means what ever you do

  • Grace Kumetat if

    if you can keep your head when ail about you

    Ait losing theirs and blaming it on you;

    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

    But make allowance for their doubting too;

    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

    Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,

    Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,

    And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

    If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;

    If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;

    If you can meet with triumph and disaster

    And treat those two imposters just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken

    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

    Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,

    And stoop and build'em up with woraout tools;

    If you can make one heap of all your winnings

    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

    And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breath a word about your loss;.

    If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

    To serve your turn long after they are gone,

    And so hold on when there is nothing in you

    Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";

    If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

    Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;

    If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;

    If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute

    With sixty seconds'worth of distance run -

    Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,

    And - which is more - you'll be a M a n m y son!

    R u d y a r d Kipling

    While he who questioned why the flower fell Caught hold of God and saved his soul from hell

    "I'm sorry it's ended, It's sad but it's true.

    Honey, It's been a lovely cruise. - J i m m y Buffettt

    Melanie McNamara Thank you so much to my family for all their support and love over the years. Without you, I would have never been able to have this great experience. I have learned very important lessons and have had a lot of fun m y two years at Proctor. After 5 years I'm finally out of HS' Phoebs- Thanks for being a great friend for m e , w e had shared a lot of hilarious moments. You def need to get rid of the crabs! You've got chanal affing! Oops, no room' The nice picture of us after our makeover spread around campus. Dressing up as hicks. Watch out for tacks! W a r m nights laying on the field with our music. Teeny-bopper magazines, didn't you propose to m e in that section? R e m e m b e r w h e n you took that hard-core digger w h e n w e were playing lax? I can't quite put m y H A N D on what 1 want. Enough of Princess Leia! Getting harassed by the Vermont cab driver. And of course, the Buffett concert! Great time. We'll have to do it again. Phoebs, I will miss you more than you know, and I will always remember you! Karen- Even though you're Canadien I still love ya! You are hilarious, alwrays remember that. W e had some good times in Mack house last year! Mie's translator- too m u c h fun with that thing. I had fun at your house, I didn't k n o w they had parties in Canada though. We'll have to do it again. I will miss ya man! Linds-Althoughl have'nt seen m u c h of you because of France and Spain you have been a good friend to me. You are an amazing hockey player, although you are also Canadien! I will have to chill with you this s u m m e r in Maine, or maybe go to your small island. 1 have enjoyed being on the hockey team with you and spending time with you. I will miss you' Grace- Thanks for not sitting with m e on the bus in 8th grade! W e have been friends for a long time n o w , and have been through a lot. R e m e m b e r hockey together in Pittsford? Im glad w e both ended up at Proctor. I will miss you next year in college, but I will always see you in Roch! Serena- You rock m y teenage party world, and so does Buffett! That was m a d fun! I will miss you next year! Mykin- Spain would never have been the same without you! Im so glad w e both went! So ma n y memories! N O PASA N A D A ! Small hats. Y u m , pig's feet. Diego. Falling rocks. If ya gotta 'fro, ya need to maintain it! M y Spanish song I sang for you. Dance parties in the classroom. Remember- the walls are thin! You helped make Spain an awesome experience for m e . I will miss you and your sense of h u m o r next year, and good luck! Thanks to all m y friends w h o made Proctor a good place to be. Alison - Thanks for being a great coach and someone I can always talk toTTl miss you. L.C, N.M., C.W., M.D., J.B.. M X , J.T.. K.F., L.K., P.C., SS. and everyone else!

    You will make all kinds of mistakes, but as long as you are generous and [rue and also fierce you cannot hurt the world or even seriously distress her.

    She was made to be wooed and won by youth. ~Winston Churchill

    Sometimes you get shown the lighl in the strongest of places if you look at it right."

    -Dead 39

  • Leah Jampel You're growing up

    and rain sort ol remains on the branches oi a tree

    That will someday rule the earth.

    and that's good that there's rain

    it clears the month oJ your sorry rainbow expressions

    They say that time

    changes things,

    but you actually

    have to change

    them yourself.

    Andy Warhol!

    Those who are

    easliy shocked,

    should be shocked

    more often.

    Mae West

    Attempt the impossibl

    in order to improve

    your work.

    Bette Davis


    Thanks to m y family Proctor, and all m y friends!

  • n "Dream as if you will live forever; live as if you will die tomorrow,"

    James Dean ank you Proctor for providing me with a second chance, it turns out has been a successful three years. All my teachers have been underfill and 1 have learned a great deal. I want to especially thank im, Chris, Kathy, and Swayz for always helping me to achieve with dless support. Daddy: Thank you for always supporting me and lieving in me. I appreciate all you have done in always being there r me. You gave me the strength to keep going and to never give up, ink you. I love you very much. Mommy: You are one of my best ends. Thank you for your support and encouragement to just try me st, it has meant a lot. I love you very much. Jay: Good luck next year school, remember to always work hard and do well...it pays off in e end. I love you. Kaih: You are like a mother to me. Thank you for that you have for Jay and me; we both love you very much. Goober: e have had some fun times, so many that this whole page would be led. I think that we will both agree this past summer was very nny...Iknow we will always keep in touch and plan our days around ting. Lyndsay: I wish you were here this past year, I missed you so uch! I missed those all-nighters and our Friday rituals to Sonsie. Pete: ,m glad we are good friends and I hope we always will be. Sandra: jod luck next year, and hang in thi nny times and I hope we stay in uch... you are always welcome to m e visit me.Good luck next year to ly, Megan M, Jayo, Mas, Caroline, lie, Derrick, Nancy H, Karen, Phoebe, el and Serena.

    "No bird soars loo high if he soars with his own wings."

    William Blake

    W e have had some pretty

    "For mine is a generation that circles the globe in search of something w e haven't tried before. So never refuse an invitation, never resist the unfamiliar, never fail to be polite, and never outstay your welcome. Just keep your mind

    open and suck in the experience, and if it hurts, you know what? It Was probably Worth it." T h e Beach

  • Jose Hernandez I have to start by thanking my parents for giving me the courage that it took to succeed everyday at Proctor. Without you guys 1 am nobody. Thank you, Kelley, for opening my eyes and also the door of opportunities, which was Proctor Academy. I will always remember you and never will forget all the diings you did for me. Thank you very much and all the others from Boy's Club, they know who they are. Antonia. Anlgemx. Samuel, Papi, Chelo. Yesi. Minga. Guelo, 1 love you and Gracias por todos sus apollos. Mami, tu siempre tuviste conmigo y siempre me diste impiracion para seguir adelante. My life at Proctor wasn't easy but there were many people that never let me down. They were always there when 1 needed them. They helped me a lot, especially Sarah Wilkins. 1 will never forget you because you always were there for me. You were my teacher but also my mother at Proctor. You can't imagine how much I appreciate everything you did for me. I love you forever. Thank you, Gregor, for everything you did for me at Proctor and outside of Proctor. I really enjoy being around you. Thanks for putting the basketball team in pain. I will miss those moments. Il was painful but it paid off at the end. I love you Gregor and also Cope, Nelson. Amy. Thankyou very much, everybody at Proctor Academy. One love to all the girls, you know who you are,To my guys, I will always love you: The Whole Basketball Team, )ack, Derrick, Tyrell, Alex, Adam, Ulises. Victor, Stevie, Dave. Teddy. Jed, Chris, Jake, and Check, I love y'all. Stevie and A, thank you for everything I will always love you and you too Jack. Do your stuff in college and also in the future.


    Stevie Martinez M o m m y - thanks for being a mother, a teacher, but most importantly a friend. I won't lei you down ma, I love you with all my m y heart, you m y n(tf #Sa.Ellena and William- para los mejores abuelos en el mundo. Ustedes hicieron todos por mi y ahora voy hacer todo por ustedes. Loamo mucho.Roberto-I love you dogg, you m y little brother remember thai you ever need anything don't think twice to come and ask me. Remember Roberto go with your heart not the words of others. 1 love you.to the rest of m y family-I love you all. Steve Kelley- to the first person to ever believe in me, Kelley you were the father I never had. You showed me that the sky was m y limit, you always told m e that hard work pays off, you right, Kelley, it does and I ain't gonna stop working. I got nothing but for love you.To the rest of the LBC family- you represented for m e now I'm gonna represent for you To all m y boy's back home- Piru, Kiko, Luis, Levy, Tommy, Darnell. JC, Ruben, Carlos G and the rest of the crew, Thanks for being more then friends, thanks for being my brothers, I'nii do m y thing for y'all. Jose + Jack-we came together, w e leave together, we're brothers for ever; I love you both.Tugboat- You know what you gotta do, give her everything you didn't have. Peace out, m y brother from another mother. D-Nice-one word,respect, that's what I got for you. Thanks for the late night shooting. I love you D. Victor + Beldugo- m) two little brothers, take advantage of this opportunity, represent for your families, for Lawton and yourselves. I love the both of you. Ibettasee the both of you playing D-l Ace-You ever need anything call me. I love you. 5-10-8 3.Tony- don't waste talent, you're too smart and too good of a kid. Hold it down for your fam and yourself. I love you dogg. Sarah Wilkins-" cause you're the best there is;" thanks for being a teacher, a friend and a mother. Sarah, I love you with all m y heart, I don't know if I'll ever be able to pay you back but I promise I'll make you proud. Gregor-you m y pops G. I promise to hold it down for you, m gonna make you proud. Amy,Cope,Nelson you guys are lucky to have G as a husband

    and a father, G I know you know your lucky to have those three. I love you guys.Rigo + Traci-God blessed m e with Rigo at the age of nine and then he blessed the whole school with the both of you. You guys will always be in m y heart. Rigo, I love you more thin life. I gonna handle for you. Jake-D-I 2,do your thing make your parents proud. Omar-Hove you Omar, be the best student and the best soccer player you can be. and remember you the big rude boy. I'm the little rude boy, together we the rude boyz. Groman-bye babe. Chance-stay out of trouble and be a leader. Teddy-thanks for helping m e with those papers. Shut all the doubters up for real for real. A.P.- Only white boy in America with hops. I'll pick you up in the Ferrari. I got mad love 4 u. Clouts-friends 4 ever. I'll seey< on SportsCenter.Jed-your heart is made of gold . God bless you Jed I love u.Garrett-tl for everything,friends 4 ever.Trey-take care,friends 4ever. Chek-1 love u baby, yo betta hit that. Camile, Abby, Jenny, Masi, Tahanee- take care girls,I hope all your dr( come true.Zetta-my little sister, we had a lot of fun, I love you Zetta. Flip-I love you Fella. Philless.J-Rob-Golden fingers, see you in the NFL. Mike-call m e when yt drafted by the Colts. Frenchie-I love u; don't cheat on me. L-Boogs-thanks for all the! you m y *!@#S 4-life.Liz-I love you wifie. To anybody I missed- Have a fun life. finally to all m y friends- thanks, it was fun. and I'm out.


  • r /

    Rob Wasserman "You're killin' m e smallz" "Don't think, just do"

    Don't hesitate to try something new; you only live once" "What's up, kid?"

    Tyrell Dortch M O M + DAD-the relationship that we have is something that I will always hold tight. Both of you have always given me words of wisdom, and the love that you gave was always from the heart. There are some things that are permanent scars in m y life, but you have helped with the healing procces. AMANIYA+JATIRA-rny two little sisters, you have had a major part in who I am today. I know you guys look up to me, so I know I have the responsibility to lead by example so when you follow m y foot steps in the right path.MAKAYLA-you have turned m e from a boy to a man. I have the privileged to be living life for you right now. You have made me realize that in any situation there can be a positive outcome. I have come to realize that every action I take can reflect upon your future. There is no such thing as failing in life, only succesful living. The love that I have for you is unconditional and incomparable to anybody or anything.ILL WILL-you don't have to be the most positive figure in somebody's life to be a major influence. I know the trails and tribulations have made it hard for us to have the best relationship, but the love is always there. Things have changed from the long 7 years of waiting patiently for your "new life" but the but the approach is that you are here now. O N E LOVE. GREGOR+AMY-you guys have the title of being m y 2nd parents. Your doors have always been open to m e for any conversation and for advice. G, you have taught me that hard work and determination are important in any task you are trying

    to accomplish. Thank you for all of the support and guidance.PROCTOR-As a whole this place has shown m e a different view on life. There have been a number of people here who have contributed to helping m e mature and get ready for college life.STEVIE-Showed m e love since the (1st day).Love you always for spitting the truth .JOSE-If I had your jumpshot I'd declare myself eligible for the league.ULISES-Potential and talent to be the T R U T H on the courts.VICTOR-The most mature freshman ever, your a man child. Keep balling.ACE-Stay black and keep it moving. CHEK-You're m y man dog, one of the best one two punches in the secondary.JACK-Straight up the most dominating player I've played with keep the head from gravity.MIKE-Keep running like this year and DI looks legitimate.ALEX+TEDDY-Hopefully w e will be getting fitted for ring sizes with you guys help.CASPER.GRO.COBBS-Summerfield will never be the same.J-ROB-Keep your head up and your shoulder in place.FLIP-really got to connect with you on a different level, I'm still better in hockey.CAMILLE-You have always thought like a n*@@#.TAHANEE-Good looking for understanding m y mentality, and how I

    think. Let people keep speculating and think what they want.RUTH+MASI-One is from DC the other from Africa,both keep it real.DA BRIDGE-The physical setting of Andover is different then Cambridge, but the mentality stayed the same.DHB-Cuz we came here together and now we're eavmg together. From the cafeteria at Rindge to the dining hall at Proctor. Y O U ARE THE T R U T H O N THE COURTS.SWEET LOU-When all of the speculation and gossip was coming out you knew da deal. Always kept it real when others two-faced, reasons you are the godfather.To all m y other guys back home, you know da deal: either you're FRIEND O R FOE. PORTLIFE 44 I rep da bridge but I scream da P-O-R-T.


  • Jack Jenkins

    Teddy Ligon


  • ...

    IL' Jason Babson

    Matt Swan vlom and Dad: You have always been there for me. {ou push m e to be the best and do the best that I can. fou are m y role models in life. You have shown m e ,o m u c h and I can't begin to thank you. I love you o much. Thank you for everything that you have :ver done for m e and given up for m e so that I could ollow m y dreams. I would not be the person I a m oday if I did not have you two to guide m e through ife. I love you, M o m and Dad. Kate and Carrie: You w o have helped m e out so much. You girls have ieen there for m e w h e n ever I have needed you. You iave helped m e grow and you have supported m e in ountless ways. You are the best. I'm so glad that I iave you two in m y life. I would not be where I a m .ow in life without m y two kickass sisters. I love ou and thank you two so much. Jenny: I love you. 'ou are everything I have ever wanted in a girl and lore. You are so special to me. You are more then ist m y girlfriend, you are m y best friend. I love you lore then anything or anyone in this world. I have lways loved you. Thank you so m u c h for putting p with me. You m e a n the world to me. I'll love you lways and forever.

    "To conquor is to live."

    "Life is just a stream I go fishing in." "Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing at all."


  • Abby Marsh I would like to start by thanking m y family, who I could not have done any of this without. M o m + Dad I love you so much. I can't believe I am finally done. I appreciate all that you have done for m e and I know it has not been easy for you. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to realize m y dreams. Holly, I have watched you take these steps before m e and I have looked up to you with total admiration. You are m y inspiration. Even though we fight I love you with all m y heart. Camille, You are one of the strongest individuals I have ever met. I love you. I don't have to say goodbye because we have a friendship that will last forever. Stevie, you are like m y brother. I have become so close to you and I don't know where I would be without you. Jose you have meant so much to me. I love you. Elizette you have a good head on your shoulders. Keep doing what you got to do. Jenny, girl you have put me through a lot of s*** but I still have love. All your efforts will some day be appreciated by those who matter most to you. Jessica stay strong, you have one more year left. I love you m y little homie. Ulises + Victor you are two fine young men, when you grow up give me a call. To KS, JU, LM, my girls back home you have been there for m e forever I love you like sisters. Las Chicas forever! To m y other friends I love you too! Esp. AM. To my advisor Swayz you have been the best advisor ever. Thank you so much for all your effort , I know I am a pain but we managed. If I missed anyone I am sorry. I love ya'll, PEACE OUT!

    Nora Fairbank

  • Gaelen Wells

    Leila Volinsky Chicken McNuggels M o m and Scotty: Thanks for always being there when I needed you!

    So many great memories that I will always take with me... you have taught m e so much and I a m forever grateful for all that you have given

    me. I love you both1 Dad and Andy: There is so m u c h that you have

    had to deal with. Thanks for always listening to what I had to say! I'm

    so thankful for what you have done for and given me! I love you! Becca, Cicely, and Sarah: I a m so glad to have such great sisters like

    you... getting closer to you in the last couple years has been so

    meaningful to me!! I love being able to vent and get advice from you

    guys... Bee- I'll never forget our crazy road trips! Cice- Sorry for this summer... I hope some

    off your Martha Stewartness will someday rub off on me. Sarah: Too bad w e never really get

    to spend any time together!!! I'll never forget your torture though1 Holly:Good times!! The times at m y house with Gwenny... the times at your house (Rob and Cam)... and of course that night in the car roaming N e w London. Thanks for giving m e something to talk about...

    w e have to get together and rock da house!! Love ya tons!! G w e n n : 4 years of stories!! I will

    never forget orientation or N e w Years Eve(I don't think Kenzie's toy will either) or all those times at m y house!! I always think of you when I a m driving cause you know you are tailgatmg

    if G w e n n can read the license plate. Love ya tons!! Tessa: I know things got kinda crazy this

    past year, but know that I will always keep you close to m y heart!! I definitely have some good

    stories, as well!! That dinner at your house with T o m (door hinge) Going to Dartmouth with Rebecca, bocce on the beach in the snow, and all other things w e did! I hope you will stay in touch. I love you like m y sister!!

    I will always remember what you taught m e about life, love and friendship! Katie and Calla: Good time being

    roommates with you two crazy girls!! Katie= throwing shoes at the wall, "Oh, yeah that's, m y computer., it

    beeps." and w h o can forget all the rest!! Calla: the couch-o-love, running through the blizzard in our both taught m e so much about roommates, but especially that I should try to live on m y o w n in college...Thanks

    for the good times!! Dylan: W h y didn't w e find each other sooner7 You are so incredibly wonderful! Dinner

    at m y house...steamy windows..playing with ice at the lake house. All that good stuff..I love you so much and

    look forward to so many more great memories!! "A failure is not always a mistake. It may simply be the best you can do under (he circumstances. The real misiake is lo stop trying." B.F. Skinn

    "luu ]\ Inendship

  • M o m + Dad Thank you so much for all the help and support for the last 4 years. They were rough, and you helped m e pull through. Thank you. Chelsea- M y lost friend. You will always be in m y heart, and I'll see you when I get there. Maile- Ich Liebe Dich. Always thinking of you. Eva, Annie, Sarah-You were always there for m e when I had a bad day. You guys are awesome. Benny-Boy- M y big brother, always there to keep m e happy. You're awesome, even though I don't say it enough. Ocean Classroom 2001 -"Hands UP!"

    "If you're walking on thin ice, you mighl as well dance." - U n k n o w n

    "To avoid critasm, don't do anything, say anything, or be anything." -Anon.

    "You have ihe world at your feet, try not to trip over it." - U n k n o w n

    "Shared sorrow is have sorrow, shared joy is double joy." -Swedish Proverb

    doni L_5

    Michelle Shaver Mom - You're my hero. I could never express m) gratitude for everything you've done for me. I love you.Thank you for your continuous love and sacrifice.Uncle Mike - Your encouragement and love throughout m y life has meant everything to me, especially the last four years. You've always been there with advice. Pushing m e to do the challenging things, but letting m e make m y own decisions. You've helped make m e the person I am. I love you bunches' Susie & Mike - It's been a pretty short four years, huh' Thanks for the homework tutorials over the phone. As well as, the nagging to do the things I need to do. i promise I will try to take Chem. in the spring. You've been a hard act to follow. Joel & Brian - M y baby boys' We're pretty lucky to have such a great family. I'll be around for you guys, too. I love you both to pieces Lee C. - I owe you big! You supported everything I ever did at Proctor, no questions asked. I know I've said this before, but you are an inspiration and the best advisor anyone could ask for. Thank you. Steve & Brooks - Thank you for the help and support France changed m y life. Dan - What can I say? We've had a lot of good times: "Apparently...", "0M people!", PC's, Road trips, Bonus, & more, but we continue to make it through the bad.. Pack up the car for Summer 2002. Ditto.

    "Being on the tightrope is living; everything else is waiting.

    - Karl Wallenda


  • Joe Gordon

    Justin Rathbone


  • Alex Plaisted

    Jarrett Enck

    m o m and dad: thanks for everything; i love you guys, aj: alright! finally! torn: park farther away, al: dun, dun dun dun... dylan: cs dude, come on... drew: i can't list everything so i'll just say. your mom. others: dude, enck, dude... big bag of little donuts... mo-reetz-goe-bul... what does everybody want??

  • William Waters Negley First to m y parents- You have made the man I am today. Through the good times and bad you supported m e with unwavering love and care. You have allowed m e to sail free and because of that I found a true course. Jam & Suz- "The Kids," have grown up. You are the best younger siblings I could ask for, I love you guys. Em, Nancy, Syd: Ya'll have always kept m e grounded, thank you for that. Love ya. To Papa Grande: You have taught m e how to be a true gentleman, thank you. P.A.- Swayze, thank you so much for your support during m y time here, I can't express what it means to me. Bob and Brenda- M y allies in a war fought daily, thank you for allowing Nate and m e to spend half your classes arguing politics. Phil-1 guess you're not that liberal I heard so much about; thank you for being such an amazing influence. Ocean Classroom- W e journeyed together through unimaginable hardships only to come out one amazingly better group of men and women. I know I will never forget you and our amazing experience. PA-You changed m y life and the way I see the world. You have given m e a gift I could never repay. Thank you.

    Siblings & Legacies

    Standing: Sarah Wood, Anna Wood, Britney Mortenson, Chris Cave, Trey Faccone, Merlin Backus, Justus Zimmerman, J.O. Vernon, Lucia Cushman, Arly Vernon, Christine Frazier, Katie Jurta, Chloe Rochon, Ashley Sutton. Kneeling: Anthony Montivirdi, Jenny Bedard, Tim Norris, George Bordash, Andrew Barban, Kathryn Barban, Rebecca Barban, Ashley Besbris


  • Senior Superlatives Most Ambitious

    Carter Westlund and Nissa Fowler

    Most Athletic Kelly Ryan and Glenn Robichaud

    Most Likely to be Mistaken for a Freshman Juliet Totten and Jarrett Enck

    Most Likely to Become a Proctor Teacher Justus Zimmerman and Rebecca Barban

    Most Energetic Megan Manning and Matt Swan

    Most Likely to Marry a Supermodel Marcos Lopez and Megan Donovan

    Most Likely to be Famous Leah Jampel and Jon Stoddard

    Most Flirtatious Sarah Williams and Stevie Martinez

    Most Likely to Skip Graduation Ian Prichett and Liz Brier-Rosenfield

    Most Likely to Marry Each Other Avery Cushman and Ben Hoglund

    Perpetually on Restriction: John Krebs and Nora Fairbank

    Most Likely to Have Been Seperated at Birth Stevie Martinez and Jose Hernandez

    Most Original Maya Fulton and Gavin Kalan

    Most Likely to Cure Cancer Jed Prescott and Tessa Sylvain

    Best Smile Adam Gervais and Masiphilile Dlamini

    Best Eyes Abby Marsh and Andrew Previdi

    Best Dancer

    Penny Currier and Garrett Thompson

    Friendliest Karen Paquette and Sarena Stern

    Most Environmentally Aware Maya Fulton and Jeff Morneault

    Most Politically Aware William Negley and Ollie Schwab

    Best Dressed Merlin Backus and Ashley Jerome

    Funniest Jed Prescott and Nancy Heyl

    Most Likely to be Seen on ESPN Jack Jenkins and Derrick Harris

    Andrew Previdi Nissa Fowler T o m Robinson Leila Volinsky Trey Faccone

  • Senior Baby Pictures

    Nancy Heyl Meredith Donaldson Megan Manning Lindsay Hume (middle)

  • Ashley Besbris

    William Negley

    | 1

    V *



    8 i>

    Rebecca & Andrew Barban

    Michelle Shaver Melanie McNa

  • *W\ &.

    Liz Brier-Rosenfield Meredith Leoni Rob Wassermen 57

  • Class of 2003

    Joe Zeitler Kevin McCarthy


  • Mike Baptiste, Philippe Nazair, Jason Robinson Trevor Cross


    to w 'Ht *- SS ..Zi.r-- Mill*

    : it Hlir* ^^B....

    'ie'Hutchens. Jenna Teti Anna Klepper Katie Fromm


  • Class of 2004

    Slade Patterson Julia Marans, Zoe Hammerschlag


  • Lucia Cushman, Nora McElroy. Phoebe Dwight. Alexa Allen Alby Sears


  • Class of 2005

    Alex Felton, Ian McElroy


  • Bruce Hart, s ' miear, Myles McLeod, Hadley Meenan, Alex Felton, Sam Trachy Margaret Evans, Ian McElroy. Taylor Sullivan, Jake Mazonson, Dan Feutz, Will French


  • Day Students & Dorms

    Day Students

    Rulon-Miller Annex

    Back: Sam Thomas, Philippe Nazair. Stevie Martinez, Chek Wingo. Front: Chris Corsiglia. Kelly Ryan, Leah Jampel, Sarena Stern, Juliet Totten Glenn Robichaud, James Tautkus, Tim Frazier, Brad Frey, Chris Koch. Sleeping: Ian Ryan.


  • Carr Standing: Sam Cotton, Dylan Reno, Jarrett Enck,

    Will Hutton, Alex Plaisted, Tim DeYoung, Miguel de Braganca, Cory Cook.

    O n sofa: M o Goebel, Chapman Brown, Mike Trujillo, Nick Blatt,

    Rob Wasserman, Matt Swan, John Krebs. Front: Dan Parkinson.

    Not pictured: Teddy Ligon

    Dorm Leaders: Alex Plaisted, Matt Swan

    King Clockwise from far left: Catherine Roberts, Calla Staszko, Abby Marsh, Ashley Sutton, Jessica Passoff, Kelby McManus, Allison Tucker, Ashley Matchem

    M.L.S. Back: Sam Swasey, Steven Vauaghn-Copeland, Sam Sloanejeff Perez, Joe Lloyd, Dan Cherkis,

    Alex Felton, Phil Hackmann. Front: Ulises Veras, Sean O'Connell,

    Ben Fairbank, Dan Feutz, Sam Trachy, Lynne Heuber, Guinness Hueber

    Dorm Leader: Jose Hernandez


  • Gulick Standing: Manny Prabhu, Omar Reid, Jake Fitzpatrick, Andrew Groman, Jake Grossman-Crist, John Falcey. Sitting: Jon Siegal, Chance Cobb, Nate Klein, Mike Sterrett, Nick Spaulding. Front: Haiki Liesegang, Patrice Martin, John Simermeyer

    Dorm Leader: Manny Prabhu

    Burbank East Standing: Brittany Besbris, Janique Robillard,

    Maggie Evans, Tahanee Dunn, Camille Hankey, Britney Mortenson, Lucia Cushman, Dola Neill,

    Sam Neill, Masiphilile Dlamini Sitting: Hadley Meenan, Christine Frazier,

    Erica Schlachter Front: Nora Fairbank

    Dorm Leaders: Masiphilile Dlamini, Nora Fairbank

    Burbank West Standing: Lauren Thomas, Sarah Mclntyre, Eva Whitney, Carolina Gonzalez, Zoe Hammerschlag, Alan Mclntyre, Shiva Mclntyre. Sitting: Alice Hunsaker, Hee Sung Lim, Nora McElroy, I A m y Coughlin, Shannon Keane. Sprawling: Meredith Miller

    Dorm Leaders: Nora McElroy, Lauren Thomas


  • Carriage Back: Al Sand, Jeff Morneault, Maya Fulton,

    Aaron Schlosser, Peter Herzeele. Front: Marc Miranti, Liz Brier-Rosenfield,

    Annie Bailey, Ashley Besbris, Abby Levigne, Grace Kumetat, Josh Goldbach

    Morton Back: Carter Westlund, Jake Hessler, Joe Zeitler, Gaelen Wells, Ben Bartle. Middle: Andy Donaldson, Slade Patterson, Bobby Dunbar, Taylor Sullivan. Albie Sears. Brad Cabot. Front: Matt Carpenter, Horton Lytle, Megan Lytle, Pat Baldwin.

    Dorm Leaders: Brad Cabot, Carter Westlund

    Summerfield Jake Mazonson, Hunter Hagenbuch, Ben Evans, Dan Cullen, Tyrell Dortch, Kyle Chumas, Tyler Maynard. A m y Makechnie, Christian Young, Gregor Makechnie, Victor Gomez, Andrew Bordash, O w e n Coursin.

    Dorm Leader: Tyrell Dortch


  • Ives Back: Celine Gatabazi, Sarah Whitehead, Ruth Aladejobi, Holly Blanchard, Ashley Jerome, Sarah Williams, Avery Cushman Front: Alie Muckenfuss, Nancy Heyl, Kate Howe, Robin Barlett, Alexa Allen

    Dorm Leaders: Sarah Williams, Avery Cushman

    Johnson Erik Cole-Johnson, Jackson Tufts, Tony Gomez,

    Chase Goodrich, Elliot Rossbach, Eli Persky, Lauren Cole-Johnson

    Davis Standingjen Hill.Elsie Eustis,Oliva Emerson, Lily Ellis, Erin Mortenson, Julie Newbold,Tracy MacGregor, Caroline Leonard. Sitting: Nancy Coxe, Lindsay Hume, Larkin Williams

    Dorm Leaders: Lily Ellis, Larkin Williams


  • MacKenzie Top: Adi Gilo, Lee Carvalho, Terry Stoecker

    Middle: Lucia Cushman, Phoebe Dwight, Penny Currier, Rebecca Barban, Sandra Ha,

    Gwenn Fairall, Nicola Muirhead, Sarah Jordan, Karen Paquette.

    Front: Annie Arthur

    Dormn Leaders: Penny Currier, Megan Donovan

    Farm Standing: Yuji Naito, Luke Backus, Brian Kellogg, Rob Beach. Sitting: Whit Ellis, Ethan Vandermark, Josh Wallin, John Fowler.

    Dorm Leader: Whit Ellis

    Thoreau Standing: Drew Graham, John Pellett, Bryan Cook,

    Freddie Jennings, Jesse Dann, Matt Swansberg. Sitting: Joe Gordon, Dan Risotti, Matt Hedrick,

    Rob Ferber, Justin Rathbone


  • Gannett Back: Andrew Previdi, Mike Baptiste, Jack Jenkins, Cole Burnham, Marcos Lopez, Gavin Kalan, Jon Stoddard, Jeff Grace. Middle: Matt MacKenzie, Annie MacKenzie, Cole Taustin, Andrew Dana, Matt Grant, Sam Yazwinski. Front: Jason Walker, Chris Peterson, Adam Scherr, Havoc MacKenzie, Adam Gimbel. Dorm Leaders: Morcos Lopez, Jon Stoddard

    Fowler Back: Bruce Hart, Jamie Stone, T o m Eccleston, Ian Prichett, Jason Robinson, Ian McElroy, Karl Methven Middle: Derrick Harris, Adam "Ace" Gervais; Front: Sid Joshi, Jeff Steer Dorm Leaders: Derrick Harris, Adam Gervais


  • Serving the Community Student Leadership

    School Leader Stevie Martinez, Assistant School Leader Carter Weslund, Nissa Fowler, Maya Fulton, Liz Brier-Rosenfield

    Peer Outreach

    Standing: Justus Zimmerman, Liz Brier-Rosenfield, Joe Zeitler, Avery Cushman, Ben Hoglund,Megan D< Grace Kumetat. Kneeling: R o b m Asbury. Jose Hernandez, Sarah Williams, Colleen Watson, George Bordash


  • Proctor Environmental Action

    Nelson Lebo, Grace Kumetat, Maya Fulton, Nissa Fowler

    Proctor Academy Fire Department

    . Sidd Joshi, Bryan Cook, Jesse Dann. AlSand, Greg O'Brien, Matt Carpenter, Liz Brier-Rosenfield (Chief). Lauren Thomas


  • Diversity

    Standing: Tahanee Dunn, Chek Wingo, Jenny Bedard, Sam Neill, John Simermeyer Kneeling: Liz Brier-Rosenfield, Elizette Vazquez, Jose Hernandez, Lauren Thomas

    Proctor Mountaineering Club

    Clockwise from left: George Bordash, Tom Robinson, Gaelen Wells, Brad Cabot, Brooks Bicknell, Justus Zimmerman


  • Faculty & Staff


  • Learning Skills Standing: Dale Milne, Kathy Bianchi, Debra Nesbitt,

    Kristin Nesbitt, Kathy Ordway, Jen Fletcher, Donna Jonas, Rick Browner, Ellen Yenawine, Lynn Cox, Ted Mastin, Lauren Cole-Johnson.

    Sitting: Dola Neill, Shirley Felong, Wendy McLeod Not pictured: Sarah Wilkins, Michael Littman,

    Matt Mackenzie. David Spear.

    Social Science Standing: Anne Swayze, Bert Hinkley, Tom Eccleston. Bob Livingston, Karl methven. Sitting: Brooks Bicknell, Brenda Godwin, Phil Goodnow, Dola Neill. Not pictured: Meredith Gibbons

    Mathematics Back row: Sue Rochon, John Schoeller,

    K.C. Lawler, Matt MacKenzie, Sarah Whitehead, Steve Wilkins, Toby Gibbons.

    Front: Bert Carvalho, Lee Carvalho, Dougo Houston

    Not pictured: Mike Koenig


  • Food Service Barbara Major, Edna Peters, Elfreida Rayno, Art Makechnie, Sue Hoyt, Linda Shampney, Ed Barkowski, Kevin Farrington

    Maintenance Standing: "Jason Jenkins," Stuart Wade,

    Dan Wiltshire, Paul Meyerhoefer, Greg Wheeler, Lynn George, Bob Day,

    Garry George, Todd Goings, Gary Peters, Billy Kerton. Sitting: Kurt Meier, Jeff Sweet, Will Ames, Bill Matulevich, Kenny Wheeler

    Athletics Clockwise from top left: Jacob Johnson, Toby Gibbons, Phil Hackmann, Bev Eccleston


  • World Language 5 Eric Viandier, Janet Linn, Jennifer Flemming,

    Gregor Makechnie, Erik Cole-Johnson, Jennifer Hill

    Science Standing: Dave Pilla, Everett Jones, Brian Kellogg Aiden, A m y Makechnie, Doc Hand, Heide Johnson, Dale Milne. Sitting: Lynne Hueber, Sarah Mclntyre, Phil Hackmann, Sue Houston, Nelson Lebo


    English Standing: T o m Eslick, Ryan Flynn, Peter Southworth, Jane Barban, John Pen