20 TRIENNIAL CONFERENCE · 1. Roshan Thiran, Founder & CEO Leaderonomics, Malaysia 2. Prof. Datuk...

Brought to you by Organised by Towards High Impact LEADERSHIP 20 th TRIENNIAL CONFERENCE 29 APRIL 2019 | 8.00AM-5.00PM INTERCONTINENTAL KUALA LUMPUR

Transcript of 20 TRIENNIAL CONFERENCE · 1. Roshan Thiran, Founder & CEO Leaderonomics, Malaysia 2. Prof. Datuk...

Page 1: 20 TRIENNIAL CONFERENCE · 1. Roshan Thiran, Founder & CEO Leaderonomics, Malaysia 2. Prof. Datuk Dr. Norma Mansor, Social Wellbeing Research Centre, Faculty of Economics and Administra

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Towards High ImpactL EA D E RS H I P




Page 2: 20 TRIENNIAL CONFERENCE · 1. Roshan Thiran, Founder & CEO Leaderonomics, Malaysia 2. Prof. Datuk Dr. Norma Mansor, Social Wellbeing Research Centre, Faculty of Economics and Administra

Asia is forecast to become the world’s largest economy by 2030 in terms of GDP contribu�on. In an increasingly vola�le and uncertain environment, Asian leaders will need to have a clear understanding of the megatrends in the region and develop the right combina�on of mindset and skillsets to respond effec�vely to the complex challenges facing them.

AAMO’s 2019 Triennial Conference will kickstart a mature and though�ul conversa�on about how best current and emerging leaders can equip themselves to lead with impact.

T H E L E A D E R S H I P & TA L E N T C H A L L E N G E S I N A S I A



Towards High Impact L EA D E RS H I P

W H O S H O U L D AT T E N D• CEO and Managing Directors• Execu�ve Directors and Senior Managers• Managers and Business Execu�ves• Corporate Planning and Human Resource Managers

B E N E F I T S O F AT T E N D I N G• Gain insights to 21st Century leadership innova�ons and trends.• Listen to in-depth and comprehensive exchanges on strategic leadership priori�es and key policies.• Harness collec�ve knowledge and experiences from the region’s highly respected managers and key industry players.• Strengthen valuable rela�onships and build influence.

D I S R U P T I O NIndustry 4.0 will con�nue to bring change at an unprecedented speed and scale. While it promises tremendous opportuni�es, managers, public sector policy planners and corporate heads, need to come to grips with the emerging and soon to be ubiquitous technologies. Management organisa�ons across the region need to collaborate and act to build a robust and well-prepared workforce.

F U T U R E - P R O O FL E A D E R S H I PThe greatest challenge of the future will be the accelera�ng rate of change. A changing landscape requires new styles of leadership- one that is best suited for crea�ng breakthrough success in today’s high demand environment. The need to innovate con�nuously and create a pipeline of future visionary leaders is essen�al.

D I V E R S I T Y & I N C L U S I O N A diverse and inclusive work environment is vital for the survival of organisa�ons in the era of rapid technical and societal change. Greater diversity can mean more produc�vity, greater innova�on, be�er decision-making, higher employee reten�on and work sa�sfac�on.

A G I N G TA L E N T P O O LBy 2030 most countries in Asia will have aging popula�ons. Managers must take a more proac�ve approach to the employment of older workers in Asia. Forward-looking managers can create experien�al learning opportuni�es including mentoring and reverse mentoring encounters within a workspace se�ng.

2 1 s t C E N T U R Y S K I L L SGlobalisa�on, automa�on and Ar�ficial Intelligence are crea�ng large shi�s in the workforce. With new jobs being created faster than ever, there is a need to think about the gaps between formal educa�on and market requirements. Applying emo�onal intelligence at work is fundamental to success. Therefore there is a need to re-shape higher educa�on and training to deliver mindsets and skillsets cri�cal for 21st century jobs.

Page 3: 20 TRIENNIAL CONFERENCE · 1. Roshan Thiran, Founder & CEO Leaderonomics, Malaysia 2. Prof. Datuk Dr. Norma Mansor, Social Wellbeing Research Centre, Faculty of Economics and Administra

P R O G R A M M E8:00AM Registra�on and Networking Breakfast

8:45AM Keynote: Dealing with Disrup�on Asian managers face an increasingly complex and disrup�ve environment. How do companies meet the expecta�ons of a rapidly changing talent pool? What are the opportuni�es offered by Industry 4.0 technologies? Speaker: Pramod Bhasin, Founder-Genpact Ltd, Chairman-Clix Capital Services, India

10:00AM Coffee Break

10:30AM Plenary Session 1: Developing 21st Century Skills The workspace of tomorrow will offer a seamless sharing of technology and talent. It will not be defined by loca�on as much as it is by shared values, objec�ves and common aspira�ons. What are some of the skills, approaches and exper�se needed in the 21st Century? Moderator: Imran Kunalan Abdullah, Principal Consultant- HR & Digital Talent, GTEX.ASIA, Malaysia

Panelists: 1. Kiranjit Singh, Country Head, Malaysia & Philippines, Ipsos Business Consul�ng, Malaysia 2. Monir Azzouzi, Vice President, People Experience and People Rela�ons, GOJEK, Indonesia 3. Arne Gast, Partner, McKinsey & Company, Malaysia

11:30AM Plenary Session 2: Leveraging an Aging Talent Pool People over re�rement age have valuable experience and skills. What strategies can organisa�ons and HR managers employ to make the most of this vital source of talent?

Moderator: Omna Sreeni-Ong, Founder & Managing Director, ENGENDER Consultancy, Malaysia

Panelists: 1. Roshan Thiran, Founder & CEO Leaderonomics, Malaysia 2. Prof. Datuk Dr. Norma Mansor, Social Wellbeing Research Centre, Faculty of Economics and Administra�on, University Malaya, Malaysia 3. David Pich, Chief Execu�ve, Ins�tute of Managers and Leaders, Australia

12:30PM Networking Lunch

02:00PM Plenary Session 3: The ROI of Diversity & Inclusion How can organisa�ons and companies leverage on a diverse and inclusive workforce to gain trac�on in terms of profits and compe��veness? Moderator: Bharat Avalani, Founder & CEO, Connec�ng the Dots Marke�ng Consultancy, Malaysia

Panelists: 1. Anushia Kandasamy, Affiliate Advisor, Aberkyn Southeast Asia, Malaysia 2. Cheryl Khor, Asia Pacific Opera�onal Risk Leader, Deloi�e, Malaysia 3. Dr. Juliana Chan, Founder & CEO, Wildtype Media Group, Singapore

03:30PM Expert Review: Future-Proof Leadership Experts believe emo�onal intelligence helps create an ecosystem where crea�ve thinking, innova�on and growth happen organically. How can so� skills be used to drive successful organisatons? Speaker: Dr Benjamin Palmer, CEO, Genos Interna�onal, Australia

04:30PM Networking Break

05:00PM End



Page 4: 20 TRIENNIAL CONFERENCE · 1. Roshan Thiran, Founder & CEO Leaderonomics, Malaysia 2. Prof. Datuk Dr. Norma Mansor, Social Wellbeing Research Centre, Faculty of Economics and Administra

M E E T T H E S P E A K E R SPramod Bhasin, Founder-Genpact Ltd, Chairman-Clix Capital Services, IndiaMr. Pramod founded Genpact, a global leader in Business Process Management in 1997 and served as the President and CEO un�l 2011. Pramod previously headed GE Capital in India and Asia. He is currently the Chairman of Clix Capital Services Pvt Ltd. Mr.Pramod is s�ll referred to as one of the fathers of the Indian BPO industry and is a past winner of “IT Person of the Year Award” by DataQuest.

Kiranjit Singh, Country Head, Malaysia & Philippines, IpsosBusiness Consul�ng, MalaysiaMr. Kiranjit Singh has 25 years of experience in managing and developing a diverse range of manufacturing and services sector businesses in the Europe, US and Asia. He currently heads the consul�ng team in Malaysia and Philippines in the implementa�on of various studies, focusing on human capital, business unit strategy, digital economy. He has advised the senior management team of numerous clients (MNCs, SMEs, government agencies, GLCs) in making strategic decisions for growth.

Monir Azzouzi, Vice President, People Experience and People Rela�ons, GOJEK, IndonesiaMr. Monir has deep knowledge in developing frameworks to drive digital transforma�on through employee experience, change of mindsets, leadership and culture. In Go-Jek he’s heading the people partner func�on as well as Digital HR and People in Experience. His experience in fast paced digital companies make him play a cri�cal role in transforming HR departments from a conven�onal units to one that adds real value to the business by focusing on digitaliza�on, employee experience, leadership and preparing people and the organisa�on for the digital age.

Arne Gast, Partner, Leader of McKinsey Organiza�on Prac�ce, Kuala LumpurMr. Arne Gast is the leader of McKinsey’s Organiza�on Prac�ce across Asia-Pacific. His work over the last 20 years has solely focused on “organizing for the future”: strategic work force planning, designing opera�ng models, helping culture change, or leadership development at scale – always linked to performance transforma�on. He is one of the co-leaders of McKinsey’s Workforce of the Future tribe, and founded Aberkyn – McKinsey’ special en�ty for change facilita�on.

Roshan Thiran, Founder & CEO Leaderonomics, MalaysiaRoshan Thiran is Founder and CEO of Leaderonomics, a social enterprise dedicated to providing leadership development access to everyone in developing countries. Roshan’s career began with Exxon-Mobil and moved on to GE in various different roles, before finally returning to Malaysia as Execu�ve Director of GE Engines Services Malaysia, successfully transforming a non-performing avia�on business. He then took on a leadership development role with GE Crotonville as its Learning Leader. In 2007,Roshan moved out of GE and became the Director of Global Talent Management for Johnson & Johnson, driving its global leadership programmes, global Succession Planning and Performance Management efforts. He has won numerous awards in business, HR and leadership development, including a Global HR award and the Malaysia HR Leader Award.

Emeritus Prof. Datuk Dr. Norma Mansor, Social Wellbeing Research Centre, Faculty of Economics and Administra�on, University Malaya, MalaysiaEmeritus Prof. Datuk Dr. Norma Mansor is the Director of Social Security Research Centre (SSRC) at the Faculty of Economics and Administra�on, University of Malaya. Among her notable appointments are as Secretary of the Na�onal Economic Advisory Council in Prime Minister’s Department, advisor and consultant to various organiza�ons which the United Na�ons Development Programme (UNDP), World Bank and the European Union (EU). Asian academician, she has wri�en extensively on public policy, governance and social protec�on.

David Pich, Chief Execu�ve, Ins�tute of Managers and Leaders, AustraliaAs Chief Execu�ve of IML since June 2015, Mr. Pich is responsible for the delivery of IML’s 3-year Leadership Ma�ers strategy, and for the leadership of the wider IML team. He has 25 years of experience that spans HR, sales and marke�ng, media and communica�ons and fundraising in sectors that include FMCG, IT and finance and consul�ng. He is also the author of the bestseller “Leadership Ma�ers: 7 Skills of Very Successful Leaders”.

Anushia Kandasamy, Affiliate Advisor, Aberkyn Southeast Asia, MalaysiaMs Anushia is a management consultant, bringing over 10 years of top �er global consul�ng experience with McKinsey & Company in Southeast Asia. Her exper�se includes developing and delivering large–scale transforma�on programmes, socio–economic development planning and entrepreneur development. She finds great sa�sfac�on in working with clients on change leadership, personal transforma�on, and fostering agile organisa�ons.

Cheryl Khor, Asia Pacific Opera�onal Risk Leader, Deloi�e, MalaysiaMs. Cheryl is currently Deloi�e’s Asia Pacific and South East Asia (SEA) Opera�onal Risk Leader. She is also Deloi�e’s SEA Risk Advisory Diversity and Inclusiveness Leader. In this role, she drives talent and business agenda around gender parity and diversity. She is an advocate of posi�ve improvements to gender representa�on in leadership roles across SEA and crea�ng a more inclusive workplace. Her experience spans a broad range of industry sectors, including infrastructure, healthcare, construc�on, property development, asset management and consumer business.

Dr. Juliana Chan, Founder & CEO, Wildtype Media Group, SingaporeDr. Juliana Chan is the founder and CEO of Wildtype Media Group, Asia’s leading STEM-focused media company. She is a graduate of the University of Cambridge, UK, and the Massachuse�s Ins�tute of Technology (MIT), USA. Awards received include the L’Oréal- UNESCO For Women in Science Na�onal Fellowship, the 2013 Singapore Youth Award, the 2014 MIT Technology Review's 10 Innova-tors Under 35 (Asia) and the 2017 ACS Nano Fellowship. Dr. Chan is a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum, and she serveson the WEF Technology Pioneers Selec�on Commi�ee.

Dr Benjamin Palmer, CEO, Genos Interna�onal, AustraliaDr. Palmer is an experienced entrepreneur having grown an integrated product and service firm now opera�ng in Australia and the US, with distribu�on channels across Europe, India, China, South Africa, South East Asia and New Zealand. He developed the first Australian Assessment of Emo�onal Intelligence which was designed specifically for workplace applica�ons. His research a�racted considerable a�en�on locally witnessed by awards such as the Richard Pra� Scholarship, an Australian Postgraduate Award, and a PhD Thesis-Excellence award.


Imran Kunalan Abdullah,Principal Consultant- HR & Digital Talent, GTEX.ASIA, Malaysia

Omna Sreeni-Ong, Founder & Managing Director, ENGENDER Consultancy, Malaysia

Bharat Avalani, Founder & CEO, Connec�ng the Dots Marke�ng Consultancy, Malaysia

Page 5: 20 TRIENNIAL CONFERENCE · 1. Roshan Thiran, Founder & CEO Leaderonomics, Malaysia 2. Prof. Datuk Dr. Norma Mansor, Social Wellbeing Research Centre, Faculty of Economics and Administra


7.30 PM Arrival of Guests

8.00 PM Arrival of YAB Tun Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad Prime Minister of Malaysia YABhg Tun Dr Si� Hasmah Bt Mohd Ali Welcome Address YABhg Tun Haji Mohammed Hanif Bin Omar President Malaysian Ins�tute of Management Dinner

AAMO Leadership and Recogni�on Awards

AAMO Visionary Leader and Na�on Builder Award YAB Tun Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad Acceptance Speech by YAB Tun Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad

Departure of YAB Tun Dr Mahathir Bin Mohamad YABhg Tun Dr Si� Hasmah Bt Mohd Ali

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TRIENNIAL GALA DINNER &AWARDS NIGHT 2019 Join us to celebrate the conferment of the


YAB Tun Dr. Mahathir MohamadPrime Minister of Malaysia


Page 6: 20 TRIENNIAL CONFERENCE · 1. Roshan Thiran, Founder & CEO Leaderonomics, Malaysia 2. Prof. Datuk Dr. Norma Mansor, Social Wellbeing Research Centre, Faculty of Economics and Administra

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Page 7: 20 TRIENNIAL CONFERENCE · 1. Roshan Thiran, Founder & CEO Leaderonomics, Malaysia 2. Prof. Datuk Dr. Norma Mansor, Social Wellbeing Research Centre, Faculty of Economics and Administra

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