2 Posting POSTING EFT ... Inc 2 eTHOMAS . You have a...

eTHOMAS eTHOMAS Version 9.1 New Features

Transcript of 2 Posting POSTING EFT ... Inc 2 eTHOMAS . You have a...

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eTHOMASeTHOMASVersion 9.1 New Features

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This manual was developed by Genius Solutions, Incorporated. Copyright © 2010 by Genius Solutions, Inc. 7177 Miller Drive, Warren, MI 48092-1676 (586) 751-9080


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Chapter One

-Patient Information


Sending Patient Statements to a Temporary Address 1 Chapter Two -Posting


Posting EFT payments 2 Posting Validation 4 Posting Insurance Payments by Date Range 5 Chapter Three -Billing


Billing More than Six Lines of Service on Paper 8 Chapter Four -Reports


Detailed Recall Procedures 9 Patient Payment History Report 10 Service Analysis Report 10 Delinquent Claims Report 11 YTD Report by Facility Code 12 Chapter Five -Appointments


Waiting List 13 Posting Patient Payments from the Appointment Book 15 eAlerts 16 Chapter Six -Miscellaneous


Graphical Changes 17 Task Log 17 System Settings 19

This manual is designed is to introduce the THOMAS user to the new features of eTHOMAS Version 9.1.


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A new checkbox has been created in the Patient Guarantor screen to allow for the use of sending patient statements to a temporary address. For example, if you have a patient who goes to another state each winter, you may want to send their statements to their other address. Or, you may have a child who lives with a certain parent during the summer months.

In the Guarantor section, enter the temporary address with a date range in the Effective Range. Any statements prepared in that date range will go to that address. Once the date has passed, statements will continue to go to the address in the Patient Information screen. If you check the Repeat Yearly box, this information will repeat every year during the date range you have entered.

Patient Information

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With EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) payments becoming more common, eTHOMAS now has the ability to specify how an insurance payment was received. If it was an EFT, eTHOMAS can report the payment onto the second page of your Deposit Sheet and will look similar to a credit card payment. This will help to balance your Deposit Sheet at the end of the day. Descriptions of each option can be found in the ANSI X12N 835 Implementation Guide and are listed here:

• Automated Clearing House - Use this code to move money electronically through the ACH, or to notify the provider that an ACH transfer was requested.

• Financial Institution Option - Use this code to indicate that the third party processor will choose the method of payment based upon end point requests or capabilities.

• Check - Use this code to indicate that a check has been issued for payment. • Federal Reserve Fund/Wire Transfer Nonrepetitive - Use this code to indicate that the funds were sent

through the wire system. When posting an insurance payment, you will notice a new field below the Post Date called “Type”. This is where you will enter the payment type, as listed above.

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You have a few choices here. • You can let it default to Check, and the system will behave the way it always did. • You can use the drop-down to get a list of options.

The first page of the Deposit Sheet will show any insurance payments that were posted with a “Type” of Check. The second page of the Deposit Sheet will show insurance payments that were NOT posted with a “Type” of Check. If you need to edit the payment type after the insurance payment has been posted, you can go into the Patient tab, Transaction and Ledger. Open up the appropriate insurance payment. The INSPAY holds the payment type and you are able to change it there.

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POSTING VALIDATION Posting Validations can be created to check claims for specific information during the charge entry process. Any claim that does not meet the criterion of the Posting Validation will appear as a warning message when posting charges. This information can be entered in the Billing tab, under Posting Validation.

In this sample, we want to make sure that the modifier 50 is always used. We have set up the validation to warn you if the modifier is not equal to 50.

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When posting charges, if you have not entered the modifier 50 on any of the transaction lines, you will receive a warning message containing the message that was entered in the validation. You have the option to continue posting charges without correcting the problem, or you can stop and correct the claim before proceeding.

This feature can be very helpful for offices that have multiple users entering charges into eTHOMAS. Posting validations can be set up to reduce the number of posting errors made and catch them before they result in a pre-billing error or rejection.


eTHOMAS now has the ability to post insurance payments by a date range instead of individually posting a payment to each claim. An example of when this would be used is in the case of an accident case or attorney payment where there is no detailed explanation of benefits given with the payment. To access this feature, from the patient’s account, click on Posting and then “Inspost by Date Range”.

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You will now be brought to a screen that will allow you enter in the date range for the payment, policy that the payment should be posted to and the payment amount. You can also include any interest amounts, if applicable.

Next you will be brought to the insurance payment posting screen. This screen is very similar to the traditional payment screen. On this screen, eTHOMAS will automatically enter in payment amounts based on the memorized payments for that procedure code. These amounts can be changed if needed.

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Once you click “Done”, the payment process is complete. You will notice in the patient’s ledger that all payments have been posted to the account.

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You are now able to bill claims that contain more than six lines of service on the CMS-1500 claim form.

Upon claim preparation, you will receive a pre-billing warning that the claim has more than six lines and will be printed on separate forms. This warning is informational only.

Multiple claims will be printed, showing up to six lines on each claim. The claim number will display on each claim and will increment with the letter A, B, C, etc.

The first claim will appear like this in box 26:

The second claim will appear like this in box 26: (Notice the “A” at the end)

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The Recall List Report now has the option to be run by detail. The additional information includes the patient’s address and doctor name.

Examples of the report with and without detail are shown below:

Without Detail -

With Detail -

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A new report has been created to see the patient’s payment history for a given period of time. This report is located in two places in the program. The first is right from the patient screen, under Utility, PatPay History. The second place is under the Reports tab, Financial Reports, Patient Payment History.

You can run this report by DOS (date of service) or system date. The DOS is the posting date (the date that the payment was made). The system date is the date that the payment was entered into eTHOMAS. This report can be given to the patient for tax or accounting purposes. A sample is shown below.


The Service Analysis Report can now be run by system Date. You will notice a new checkbox on the Service Analysis template called “System Date”. Check this box if you want the report to use the system date rather than the service date. eTHOMAS can produce the report based upon the date the services were actually performed by the doctor, or by the date the services were entered into the computer system.

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You can now choose to edit claims that appear on your Delinquent Claims Report. When you print the report, you will notice a new checkbox on the “Editable List”. Check this box if you want a list of the claims to be produced so the claims can be viewed/edited.

Once you run the report, you will be prompted with a list of the patients that meet the criteria of your report.

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From this screen, you can see the patient’s name, claim number, first and last dates billed, along with the insurance company’s phone number.

The patient and claim information is right at your fingertips! You can access the patient information screen

, claim edit screen or policy screen by highlighting the patient/claim you wish to view and clicking one of the buttons on the top of the screen.


You can now choose to run the YTD (Year to Date) Report by Facility Code. To do this, when preparing the report, choose the Facility Code drop-down and choose All Facilities or a specific facility code, if applicable. If you leave the system default of System Summary, the report will include all facility codes and will now show it broken down.

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eTHOMAS now has the ability to add patients to a waiting list who would like to be notified if an earlier appointment becomes available. For instance, you may not have an appointment available in your office for two weeks but the patient would like to be seen this week if something opens up. You can schedule the appointment for the patient two weeks from now, and put them on the waiting list to track who is waiting for an appointment in the event that another time becomes available.

When scheduling an appointment, you will notice a checkbox called “Waiting List”. Check this box to place the patient on the waiting list.


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Once the appointment has been saved, on the left menu, click on Waiting List. Here you can see any patient appointments that are waiting for an earlier appointment to become available.

Once in the waiting list, you can double click on an appointment to open it up and click the Reschedule button located on the bottom right of the screen. You will be prompted to choose a new date for the appointment.

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You can now post a patient payment from the appointment book. To do this, go to the appointment tab and right click on the patient’s appointment that you wish to post the patient payment to.

Once you select “Post PatPay”, you will be taken to the patient payment posting screen and can continue posting the patient payment as normal.

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eAlerts were designed to allow clients to assign notifications to a patient’s account. These notifications will display on the encounter tracking screen once the patient checks in. They can be defined to alert you on a particular visit number or a number of days since the patient’s last visit. For example, if you know the patient needs to get an x-ray done in 10 visits, you can add an eAlert to notify you on the patient’s 10th visit. When the patient checks in on the day of their 10th visit, you will see the eAlert displayed on the encounter tracking screen.

This feature can be accessed from the Patient tab, Notes, eAlerts.

This feature works in conjunction with a system setting called “ShoweAlerts”. This setting will decide where the eAlerts show up in eTHOMAS. By default they will show up in the encounter tracking screen, but you can enter the corresponding number for other places you would like them to be seen. Acceptable values are: 1=Posting Charges, 2=Posting Patient Payments, 3=Posting Insurance Payments, 4=Scheduling an appointment. You may use one or any combination of the numbers. An example of acceptable values would be 2 for the alert to appear when posting patient payments, or 134 for the alert to appear when posting charges, posting insurance payments and scheduling appointments.

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You may notice a few graphical changes throughout the program. Listed below are some of them:

• The Refresh button has been changed in the appointment book. • The Genius Mail screen no longer lists the username of who the message is going to. Since the messages

always go to Genius Solutions, it is not necessary to list a user. • For Billing Services, the BCLL (Billing Service Client Logon License) count will show on the main

KeyMaintenance screen for each data directory. This allows for easier viewing.


The task log allows users to enter a reminder note for themselves or other eTHOMAS users to do a specific task. This task can be a general task or it can be assigned to a specific patient’s account if something needs to be done specifically for that patient. This feature can be accessed from the Messaging tab, Task Log.

• Tasks can be viewed as: o All tasks o Tasks for a specific eTHOMAS user o Tasks for a specific time frame o Tasks for a specific category (billing department, front desk, etc.)

Inside the task, you are able to enter notes as you work, along with the dates and times you spent working on it. By default, you will see every user's tasks when you go into the Task Log screen. If you add the system setting "DefTaskUser", the system will default the user logged into eThomas as the user when you go into the Task Log screen. When adding a new task, you will be able to enter the eTHOMAS user, date that the task is due, a message about what the task is regarding, and any patients who are affected by this task, if applicable.

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Once you begin working on the task, you can add notes with the date(s) and times).

Once a task has been completed, change the status to “Complete”.

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Some new system settings have been added. They are listed below.

• PostVal ‐ This setting will enable the custom posting validation feature in eTHOMAS.  Depending on the number of validations this may slow down posting times and is turned off by default.  To enable this setting, enter the value as 1; otherwise to disable setting, leave the value blank. 

• UB04 ‐ This feature will give users the ability to bill out institutional claims (UB04) on paper and electronically. To enable this setting, enter the value as 1; otherwise to disable setting, leave the value blank. 

• UnitsforVisit ‐ This setting will check the units for visit box under benefits when adding a new benefit.  To enable this setting, enter the value as 1; otherwise to disable setting, leave the value blank. 

• DefaultBenType ‐ The value contained in this setting will default the type when adding a new benefit.  Types include T for Traditional, F for Fixed Rate, C for Capitation, or H for HMO. 

• GuarantorRange ‐ This setting will enable date range fields on the guarantor information screen. These fields will allow a date range to be entered that will be used to decide whether to use the guarantor information or patient information when preparing patient statements and receipts.  To enable this setting, enter the value as 1; otherwise to disable setting, leave the value blank. 

• DefTaskUser ‐ This setting will default the user currently logged into eTHOMAS when using the Task Log feature of eTHOMAS.  To enable this setting, enter the value as 1; otherwise to disable setting, leave the value blank. 

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• ShoweAlerts ‐ This setting will decide where the eAlerts show up in eTHOMAS. By default they will be in the encounter tracking screen. Enter the corresponding number for other places you would like eAlerts to be seen. Multiple values are acceptable; 1=Posting Charges, 2=Posting Patient Payments, 3=Posting Insurance Payments, 4=Scheduling an appointment. 

• PatNoteWO ‐ This setting will add information to the patient's note when performing an auto write‐off.  It will add the dollar amount, date and message from the write‐off. To enable this setting, enter the value as 1; otherwise to disable setting, leave the value blank. 

• UseOldDateWO ‐ This setting will make the Auto Write‐off program use the system date on the oldest transaction with a balance to calculate Greater Than days. To enable this setting, enter the value as 1; otherwise to disable setting, leave the value blank. 

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