2 October 2009 September 2009 – September 2014 IBD VISION The advancement of education and...

2 October 2009 September 2009 – September 2014 IBD VISION The advancement of education and professional development in the science and technologies of brewing, distilling and related industries Asia Pacific Section FIVE YEAR BUSINESS PLAN

Transcript of 2 October 2009 September 2009 – September 2014 IBD VISION The advancement of education and...

Page 1: 2 October 2009 September 2009 – September 2014 IBD VISION The advancement of education and professional development in the science and technologies of.

2 October 2009

September 2009 – September 2014


The advancement of education and professional development in the science

and technologies of brewing, distilling and related industries

Asia Pacific Section


Page 2: 2 October 2009 September 2009 – September 2014 IBD VISION The advancement of education and professional development in the science and technologies of.

2 October 2009

IBD Asia Pacific Section

Business Plan

September 2009 – September 2014

This 5 year plan seeks to develop the activities of the section through five distinct areas:

Member benefits – to provide activities and events which promote the aims and ideals of the IBD

Professional development - to provide members of the section with the tools to enhance their professional development and to contribute to the advancement of science and technology in the brewing, distilling and related industries.

Section Administration - to ensure the ongoing administration of the section and the facilitation of the sections activities.

Financial planning - to ensure the ongoing financial viability of the AP section.

Strategic planning – to ensure that the section has long range plan for the future

Board of Management members will be allocated responsibility for each of the key accountabilities including financial management – refer to the BOM organisation structure.

Aims and Objectives

Page 3: 2 October 2009 September 2009 – September 2014 IBD VISION The advancement of education and professional development in the science and technologies of.

2 October 2009

IBD Asia Pacific Section

Structure & Accountabilities

ChairmanPriority-setting/DirectionPolicy developmentMembership communicationBrewery senior management liaison

Finance (BOM Member)Sponsorship/Revenue generationOperational budgetsInvestment strategySustainability & growth

Member benefits (BOM Member)ActivitiesEventsConventions/SymposiaRegional Coordinators

Professional Development (BOM Member)

ExamsTraining content of Conventions/Symposia

StrategyVice-Chairman – succession to

chair 5-year planLong-range planning

Secretary/Executive OfficerCompany secretaryBusiness managerClarges St & other Sections Liaison


Technical CommitteeProfessional Development

CommitteeStrategic Planning Committee

Regional Management committee

Page 4: 2 October 2009 September 2009 – September 2014 IBD VISION The advancement of education and professional development in the science and technologies of.

2 October 2009

IBD Asia Pacific Section

Business Plan

1. Update and share knowledge and information

Action Measure• Manage bi-annual conventions Hold conventions in 2010, 2012 & 2014

• Manage regional meetings 4 meetings per region annually; advertised on website• • Manage symposia Plan for alternate years

• Newsletter for members Publish Monthly

• Younger members activities Scheduled and advertised

• Explore use of Twitter, Facebook Survey YM’s re best contact methods

• Implement regional co-ordinator teams Regional structure in place by March 31, 2010


Page 5: 2 October 2009 September 2009 – September 2014 IBD VISION The advancement of education and professional development in the science and technologies of.

2 October 2009

IBD Asia Pacific Section

Business Plan


1. Support Training & Qualifications

Action Measure

• Facilitate training for exams for all members List accredited trainers and training opportunities on website

• Schedule educational seminars Published on website calendar of events

• Seek formal recognition of IBD exams Accredited with AQF and NZQA

• Provide opportunities through educational grants & awards for ongoing education of members Awards presented annually, monitor number taking up opportunity

• Promote GEA &YM awards Advertise on website

Page 6: 2 October 2009 September 2009 – September 2014 IBD VISION The advancement of education and professional development in the science and technologies of.

2 October 2009

IBD Asia Pacific Section

Business Plan

1. Consolidation of Board of Management

Action Measure• Functional meetings in place Hold no less than 4 meetings per annum

• Transparency to members BOM minutes on website

• Reposition current Section committee Regional rep structure in place by 31/10/09

2. Manage section activities

Action Measure• Schedule regular sub - committee meetings Analytical – 2 meetings pa; PDF – 2 meetings; SPC – 2 meetings Meeting minutes on website

• Meet statutory obligations AGM held annually; IBD Council meetings – Chairman & Secretary attend July and November

• •Support for Deputy President/President Confirmation of nominee by Council – Nov 09

Budget provision for 2010 – 2012• Liaison with IBD HQ


Page 7: 2 October 2009 September 2009 – September 2014 IBD VISION The advancement of education and professional development in the science and technologies of.

2 October 2009

IBD Asia Pacific Section

Business Plan


1. Financial sustainability

Action Measure• Develop investment strategy & manage Best return on funds invested investment portfolio

• Manage operational budget Annual budget prepared and signed off by BOM

( xx% of budget = admin costsxx % of budget = to build profile/ attract new businessxx % of budget = returned to members)

Surplus delivered from bi-annual conventionsSymposia - delivered cost neutral

• Subscription management Retain a portion of subscriptions for administration

• Sponsorship for meetings/events Events are self-funding

Page 8: 2 October 2009 September 2009 – September 2014 IBD VISION The advancement of education and professional development in the science and technologies of.

2 October 2009

IBD Asia Pacific Section

Business Plan


1. Section growth

Action Measure • Increase engagement in Asia Increased contacts in China, Vietnam &

Thailand• Promote and run educational events in Asia Successful Asia-based symposium

• Succession planning for key roles Nominations for Chairman for 2009 – 2011 Plan in place for Secretary, PDF chairman,

Editor, SPC chairman in place

• Manage five year business plan Updated and relevant business plan reviewed annually

Page 9: 2 October 2009 September 2009 – September 2014 IBD VISION The advancement of education and professional development in the science and technologies of.

2 October 2009

Business Plan supporting informationIBD Asia Pacific Section - Summary - Use and Source of Funds

Two financial Years consolidated to even out Symposia & Convention years

Australian Dollars 1997 1999/2000 2001/2002 2003/2004 2005/2006 2007/2008 2009/2010 2011/20121998/1999* & 2000/2001 & 2002/2003 & 2004/2005 & 2006/2007 & 2008/2009 & 2010/2011 & 2012/2013


ConventionsIncome 817,874 701,171 818,595 543,448 908,638 581,186 0 0Expenditure 591,212 428,492 529,245 253,437 518,892 519,410 0 0Net Income 226,662 272,680 289,350 290,011 389,746 61,776 0 0

MembershipSubscriptions 303,330 183,413 276,463 291,246 314,040 337,931 0 0Remittances to U.K. 230,462 141,381 274,637 289,304 314,172 338,324 0 0Net Income 72,868 42,032 1,826 1,942 -132 -393 0 0

FinanceInterest/FX 51,453 40,928 38,531 44,376 67,303 48,490 0 0Bank Costs 3,659 2,151 2,217 2,700 3,224 3,195 0 0Net Income 47,793 38,777 36,314 41,676 64,079 45,295 0 0


Member BenefitsNewsletter/website 12,917 7,309 5,709 3,014 6,532 5,721 0 0Symposia - nett 41,483 46,879 44,710 *** 459 31,364 23,630 0 0Functions/Meetings - nett 12,163 3,939 2,669 3,845 -2,495 10,017 0 0Education Award 2,420 0 3,040 3,020 4,505 4,532 0 0Section History 0 0 6,911 0 0 0 0 0Honorarium 0 0 5,000 0 0 0 0 0Net Expenditure 68,982 58,127 68,039 10,338 39,906 43,900 0 0

Section SecretariatAdministration 52,929 32,661 44,908 36,931 38,153 48,415 0 0Wages 195,135 116,433 133,477 117,942 114,974 101,914 0 0Travelling - Chairman/Secretariat 42,436 25,287 37,270 55,843 47,164 70,802 0 0Net Expenditure 290,500 174,381 215,655 210,716 200,291 221,131 0 0

UK SupportFunding - President/Deputy President 0 22,424 59,692 44,190 0 0 0 0Donation - UK ** 17,500 0 0 0 **** 30,201 ***** 3,754 0 0IBD Grants -9,902Net Expenditure 17,500 22,424 59,692 44,190 30,201 -6,148 0 0

SURPLUS/(DEFICIT) (29,658) 98,557 (15,896) 68,385 183,295 (152,205) 0 0

* Note - 1998/1999 actually 18 months Jan 98 to June 99** Note - Donations to UK towards refurbishment costs of Clarges Street.*** Note - 2005 Tech Symp held in August 2005**** Note - Engineering Blue Book revision contribution***** Note - Attendance with IBD at Drinktec, India

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2 October 2009

2009 – 2010 Budget sheetBUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED

2008/9 2008/9 2009/10

RECEIPTSInterest: General a/c,TD's etc 2,500Subscriptions (nett) 0 0 Note 1Sales (nett) 200 165 200 Note 2GST BAS refund 3,000 5,777 5,000 Note 3Transfer from Mortgage a/c for Education Award 1,500 1,500 1,5002008/9 IBD Grant/IBD UK 5,500 0 5,000 Note 5Gold Coast Convention refund of seeding funds 36,364Gold Coast Convention refund of surplus fundsAuckland Convention surplus transfer 110,000 111,427IBD subsidy for post-Auckland Vietnam Tech Sym 14,769 14,769

TOTAL RECEIPTS 137,469 133,638 48,064

PAYMENTSSecretarial/administrative services 37,000 34,069 37,500Accounting & auditing 7,500 9,860 8,000Editorial services 18,000 13,221 18,000Postage - general 750 650 750Telephone & facsimile 2,500 1,024 1,500Teleconferences 2,000 3,793 3,000Internet/Website 2,000 1,784 2,000Section Website upgrade 500 810 500Member survey incentive 1,000 0 1,000 Note 6Printing & stationery 1,300 693 1,000Travel - Chairman & Secretariat 36,900 31,941 33,900 Note 7Travel - Committee 8,000 3,755 8,000 Note 8Section Committee meeting costs 1,500 921 1,500Regional meetings net costs 18,000 3,424 18,000 Note 42008/9 Technical Symposia 36,800 6052009/10 Technical Symposia 43,000 Note 92008 Technical Symposia - HCMC, Vietnam post Auckland 2,876 2,8762009 Technical Symposia - Asia 20,0002008 Convention 2,969 3,9402010 Convention 5892010 Convention seeding funds 40,000 36,364General office & insurance 6,000 5,485 6,000Bank/Merchant fees & State taxes 1,500 1,309 1,500Contingencies/sundry expenses 1,000 1,063 1,000Educational Award 1,532 1,500 1,500Educational/Training Competition 5,000 Note 11IBD training - IBD Grant 5,500 0 5,000 Note 5Updating Secretariat's electronics 500 0 500Funding - DrinktekIndia Stand with IBD UK 3,600 3,754Funding - digitalising textbooks with IBD UK 0DepreciationLegal costs 3,000 2628 3,000 Note 10GST BAS Payments 0ANU Archive annual fee 220 200 200

TOTAL PAYMENTS 262,447 166,259 201,350

Note [1]: No residual monies will be retained after eventual remittance to London. Note [2]: Mainly Proceedings - nett of GST Note [3]: Nett refund from ATO in 2008/9 - assume same order for 2009/10Note [4]: As per SC 24.9.09 - $3,000 Syd&Melb, $2,000 Perth, Ade, Bris, Tas, N&S NZNote [5]: 2008/9 IBD Grant rejected but IBD UK have offered assistance & new application to be made in 2010Note [6]: Incentive monies for member surveys to maximise responses - see Section Committee minute March 2006Note [7]: Allowance for Secretary or Chairman to November & July Councils + SPC, SC, PDC, ASC as per estimate.Note [8]: Allowance for attendance at meetings for particular Committee membersNote [9]: Costs & receipts for venue hire plus attendance by Editor, Secretary, PDC Chairman, presenters & non-member fees as required - guestimateNote [10]: Estimated legal costs associated with establishment of Board of Management & any further changes to Constitution.Note [11]: possible competition - e.g. inter-University beer challenge

2008 & 2009 subscriptions received $179,681.00Remittance of subscriptions to UK $207,494.15Subscriptions retained in Section 0Some residual 2008 subscription payments made in 2008/9 year - however, some TT subscription payments resulted in bank charges - total $128.00 - & credit card costs - $1,263.68 of merchant fees paid by A/P Section - some for other than subscriptions. - London received full subscriptions received with the A/P Section paying merchant bank charges. - $32,141.00 of 2009 subscriptions sent as bank draft on 24th July 2009

Regional meetings in 2008/9:NZ - nilQld function - surplus $3,381.04 - $1,466.22 from 2007/8WA function - subsidy $1,945.46