1st Sunday After Christmas 2013MP.litany

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Transcript of 1st Sunday After Christmas 2013MP.litany

  • 7/22/2019 1st Sunday After Christmas 2013MP.litany


    December 29, 2013First Sunday after Christmas


    Celebrant: The Rev. Gary R. BlaylockLay Reader: Pete RostenUshers: Sally & John BridgesAltar Guild: Kathleen Rosten

    Please remember in prayerthe sick and homebound of the parish and all who

    are in need or who are alone. In particular, your prayers are requested forBarbara, John,Carl, Sonya, Adelbert, Pat, Kimberly, Yolanda, Helen,Clayton, Sawyer, Delores, Sandra, baby Lucy, Mary Lou andour armedforcesserving at home and abroad.

    Note:Please let Fr.Gary know if you have someone you would like to add to thelist, remove a name, or request continued prayer.

    After todays service, anyone wishing to take home a poinsettiaplease feel freeto do so. On Sunday January 5

    th, we will remove all Christmas decorations after

    the service. What a joyous time we all had in celebration the birth of Our Lordand Savior, Jesus Christ. This is the last day before Epiphany on January 6


    All children are invited to join Fr. Gary at the steps for a talk after theannouncements

    As a note,we will not have a service during the week of the New Year.

    The Anglican Womens Guild will hold its first meeting of the New Year onSaturday January 4

    th at 9:00 am in the parish hall.

    The Vestry plansto hold their first meeting on Tuesday January 14that 2:00 pm.

    The Annual Parish meeting is currently planned for Sunday January 26th2014

    after the Sunday service. We will have a brunch before the meeting, Please planto be there.

    The December collection items for Prodisee Pantryare canned soups. Thereis a receptacle and information in the parish hall.

    Welcome visitors! We would love for you to sign the visitors book with contactinformation. It is located in the Narthexjust inside the front door.

    Hearing devicesare available in the Narthex. See an usher for assistance.

    In Anglican worship it is customary tostand for praise, kneel for prayer, and sit

    for instruction.

    Morning Prayer & The Litany10:00 AM

    Hymnal Prayer BookMusical PreludeOpening Prayer

    #28 Processional Hymn: Angels From the RealmsOpening Sentences for Christmas p. 3

    A General Confession (in unison) p. 6The Declaration of Absolution p. 7

    The Lords Prayer(in Unison) p. 7Versicles O Lord, open thou our lips p. 7&8Invitatory Antiphon (sung by the choir)

    #608 Venite (sung in unison) p. 9Psalm 145 p. 520Gloria Patri (in unison) p. 9The First Lesson: Isaiah 9:2-7 (NKJV)

    #623 Benedic tus , es Domine (sung in unison) p. 11The Second Lesson: Luke 2:1-20 (NKJV)

    #645 Jubi la te Deo (sung in unison) p. 15The Apostles Creed (in unison) p. 15Versicles and Responses p. 16

    The Collect for the First Sunday after Christmas p. 104The Collect for Christmas Day p. 96A Collect for Peace p. 17A Collect for Grace p. 17

    The Litany: p. 54The Litany ends with the Lords Prayer p. 58The Litany closing Prayer We humbly p. 59

    A Prayer of St Chrysostom p. 20Greetings and AnnouncementsChildrens Sermon

    #30 Sermon Hymn: The First Noel

    The Sermon: The Rev. Gary R. BlaylockOffertory Sentences p. 72The Offertory Anthem - ChoirThe Offerings of the People

    #139 Doxology (Old 100th

    traditional)#141 v4 America Our Fathers God to Thee

    Prayers for the Church p. 37Prayer of St. Francis (unison) (back of bulletin)Benediction

    #27 Recessional Hymn: Hark! The Herald Angels SingClosing SentenceResponse: Thanks be to God. Alleluia! Alleluia!Musical Postlude

    Please join us for coffee and goodies in the parish hall after the service.

  • 7/22/2019 1st Sunday After Christmas 2013MP.litany


    Welcome to St. Francis at the Point!

    Our ministry is to welcome one and all to worship God in Spirit and

    Truth according to His Holy Word. Our mission is to grow the parishby sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and serving the spiritual needs

    of the people we touch by preserving, promoting and operating

    within our traditional Anglican heritage. We believe The HolyScriptures to be the Word of God, inerrant infallible andauthoritative for the holy Catholic Church. The 1928 Book of

    Common Prayeris the historic expression of the faith of ourProtestant forefathers as established in 1549, further revised in 1662

    and 1789.We offer you the chance to worship the Lord Jesus Christ

    in peace, honor and dignity.

    Pari sh Prayer:A Prayer attributed to St. FrancisLord, make us instruments of thy peace. Where there is hatred, let us sow

    love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; wherethere is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness,

    light; where there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seektobe consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be

    loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning thatwe are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.


    Mrs. Maureen Moreland, Senior Warden 928-6375

    Mr. John Bridges, Jr. Warden 929-2901

    Mr. David Smith, Treasurer 980-1230

    Mrs. Elizabeth Kendley, Secretary 990-6499

    Mr. Richard Jones, Assistant Jr. Warden 928-9235

    Mrs. Betty Riley, Assistant Secretary 928-9110

    Anglican Womens Guild

    Mrs. Barbara Calametti, President 990-5400

    Ms. Kathy Justiss, Vice-President 205-914-4036

    Mrs. Jeanine Wickham, Treasurer 367-4340

    Mrs. Betty, Riley, Secretary 928-9110

    St. Francis at the PointAnglican Church

    P O Box 9161728 Scenic Highway98

    Point Clear, AL 36564-0916

    Sunday Service: 10:00 am

    Church Office 251.928.1255 /Fax 251.928 5793

    e-mail:[email protected]

    Like us on FacebookWeb Site:stfrancisatthepoint.com

    The Rev. Gary R. Blaylock, RectorCell Phone number 904.226.7007