1.Some bloodsucking insects insert their mouthparts · PDF fileA)dehydration synthesis...

A) autotrophic nutrition B) heterotrophic nutrition C) regulation D) excretion 1. Some bloodsucking insects insert their mouthparts directly into a blood vessel and withdraw blood. Other bloodsucking insects have mouthparts that cut through the skin and blood vessels and produce a small pool of blood from which they feed. Both mouthpart types are specialized for 2. Base your answer to the following question on The series of diagrams below represents a process carried out by a unicellular organism. A) autotrophic nutrition B) replication C) sporulation D) phagocytosis This process is known as A) B) C) D) 3. All of the cell shapes shown in the diagrams below have the same volume. Which form could absorb nutrients most efficiently and quickly? 4. Two organisms are shown in the diagrams below. A) carry out respiration B) carry out photosynthesis C) obtain food D) excrete wastes In the diagram, what do the structures indicated by arrows help these organisms do?

Transcript of 1.Some bloodsucking insects insert their mouthparts · PDF fileA)dehydration synthesis...

Page 1: 1.Some bloodsucking insects insert their mouthparts · PDF fileA)dehydration synthesis B)excretion C)mechanical digestion D)diffusion 15.Which process increases the surface area of

A) autotrophic nutritionB) heterotrophic nutritionC) regulationD) excretion

1. Some bloodsucking insects insert their mouthpartsdirectly into a blood vessel and withdraw blood. Otherbloodsucking insects have mouthparts that cut throughthe skin and blood vessels and produce a small pool ofblood from which they feed. Both mouthpart types arespecialized for

2. Base your answer to the following question on The series of diagrams below represents a process carried outby a unicellular organism.

A) autotrophic nutrition B) replicationC) sporulation D) phagocytosis

This process is known as

A) B)

C) D)

3. All of the cell shapes shown in the diagrams below havethe same volume. Which form could absorb nutrientsmost efficiently and quickly?

4. Two organisms are shown in the diagrams below.

A) carry out respirationB) carry out photosynthesisC) obtain foodD) excrete wastes

In the diagram, what do the structures indicated byarrows help these organisms do?

Page 2: 1.Some bloodsucking insects insert their mouthparts · PDF fileA)dehydration synthesis B)excretion C)mechanical digestion D)diffusion 15.Which process increases the surface area of

A) a large stomach, which secretes hormonesB) infolds, which add surface area to the digestive tubeC) the pancreas, which secretes digestive enzymes into

the intestineD) the liver, which absorbs excess sugar and stores it

as glycogen

5. In the grasshopper and earthworm, the efficiency of foodabsorption is increased by the presence of

6. Which activity is illustrated in the diagram of an amebashown below?

A) egestion B) synthesisC) respiration D) ingestion

7. Which activity is illustrated in the diagram below?

A) a virus destroying a cell by extracellular digestionB) a member of the bryophyte phylum performing

intercellular digestionC) a protozoan ingesting food during heterotrophic

nutritionD) a lysosome egesting a food particle into the


8. Which process can be performed by organism A but not by organism B?

A) mitotic cell divisionB) aerobic respirationC) transport of needed materialsD) ingestion of organic molecules

A) ingestion ®digestion ®absorption ® egestionB) digestion ®absorption ®ingestion ®egestionC) digestion ®egestion ®ingestion ®absorptionD) ingestion ®absorption ®digestion ®egestion

9. A student has a hamburger, French fries, and soda forlunch. Which sequence represents the correct order ofevents in the nutritional processing of this food?

A) rhizoids, which secrete hydrolytic enzymesB) cilia, which sweep food into the oral grooveC) flagella, which move the organism toward foodD) pseudopodia, which surround and engulf food

10. An ameba accomplishes ingestion by means of

11. Base your answer to the following question on Whichprocess is illustrated in the diagram below?

A) egestion B) ingestionC) synthesis D) respiration

A) ingestionB) egestionC) dehydration synthesisD) mechanical digestion

12. Which process is used by heterotrophs to obtainpreformed organic molecules from the environment?

A) chemical digestionB) ingestionC) egestionD) mechanical digestion

13. Which process is illustrated when certain insects usespecialized mouth parts to suck plant juices?

A) contain a tube-like system with two openingsB) contain a long, coiled intestineC) mechanically break down food in a mouth cavityD) chemically digest food in Malpighian tubules

14. The digestive systems of humans, grasshoppers, andearthworms are similar in that all three

Page 3: 1.Some bloodsucking insects insert their mouthparts · PDF fileA)dehydration synthesis B)excretion C)mechanical digestion D)diffusion 15.Which process increases the surface area of

A) dehydration synthesisB) excretionC) mechanical digestionD) diffusion

15. Which process increases the surface area of foods priorto chemical digestion?

Base your answers to questions 16 through 18 on the diagram below and your knowledge of biology. Thediagram represents an ameba, a single-celled organism, carrying out an essential life process.

A) endocrine and immune B) respiratory and reproductiveC) digestive and circulatory D) nervous and excretory

16. Which two body systems allow humans to carry out the same life process as the ameba in the diagram?

A) provides materials used in cellular respirationB) removes pathogens from the environmentC) supplies the raw materials for photosynthesisD) protects the organism during development

17. This process is essential to the survival of the ameba because it

A) asexual reproduction B) heterotrophic nutritionC) photosynthesis D) diffusion

18. This process represents a step in

A) It manufactures its own food.B) It divides by mitosis.C) It transforms light energy into chemical energy.D) It obtains nutrients from its environment.

19. Why is a mushroom considered a heterotroph?

A) It produces nutrients by photosynthesis.B) It must grow in bright locations.C) It consumes preformed organic molecules.D) It remains in one place for its entire life.

20. Dodder is a creeping vine that is parasitic on otherplants. Which characteristic does dodder share with allother heterotrophs?

A) mushrooms B) algaeC) bryophytes D) tracheophytes

21. Which organisms are not able to make organicmolecules from inorganic raw materials?

A) Various parts of the system perform differentdigestive functions.

B) The shape of the system allows food to beprocessed by intracellular digestion.

C) The shape of the system eliminates the need foregestion.

D) Digestive enzymes are not used in the system.

22. Which statement correctly describes one characteristicof the tube-like digestive system of an earthworm?

Page 4: 1.Some bloodsucking insects insert their mouthparts · PDF fileA)dehydration synthesis B)excretion C)mechanical digestion D)diffusion 15.Which process increases the surface area of

A) Food is ingested with the help of cilia.B) Food is digested in a crop.C) Phagocytic cells lining the digestive cavity digest

food intracellularly.D) Salivary glands are involved in the digestion of


23. Which statement best describes nutrition in the hydra?

A) chemical breakdown of food in the digestive tubeB) transmission of impulses by the nerve cordC) taking in of air by the spiraclesD) release of hormones into the transport system

24. If a grasshopper's gastric caeca stopped functioning,which activity would be affected first?

A) It occurs as a result of the dehydration synthesis offoods within these organisms.

B) It results in the production of starch and proteinmolecules.

C) It occurs as a result of the enzymatic hydrolysis offoods outside these organisms.

D) It occurs within a highly specialized digestivesystem.

25. Which statement best describes the process ofdigestion in fungi and bacteria?

26. The diagram below represents a microorganism as seenunder high power (430×) of a compound lightmicroscope.

A) A B) B C) C D) D

Which organelle should be observed to determinewhether the paramecium has recently ingested stainedyeast cells?

A) Large insoluble molecules are converted to smallsoluble molecules outside the cell

B) Large insoluble molecules are converted to smallsoluble molecules within the cell.

C) Small soluble molecules are converted to largeinsoluble molecules outside the cell.

D) Small soluble molecules are converted to largeinsoluble molecules within the cell.

27. Which statement best describes extracellular digestion?

A) protein B) starchC) fat D) glucose

28. Which molecule can diffuse from the digestive tractinto the human bloodstream without first beingdigested?

A) break down food in the intestineB) prevent food from being digested in the intestineC) degrade the intestineD) preserve the structure of the intestine

29. The pancreas, an organ which secretes enzymes directlyinto the intestine, helps

A) the stomach B) the mouthC) the intestines D) the heart

30. All of the following are organs of the digestive systemexcept

A) circulationB) chemical digestionC) excretionD) mechanical digestion

31. Enzymes and acidic juices in the stomach, which breakproteins down into smaller molecules, is known as

A) chemical digestionB) circulationC) mechanical digestionD) regulation

32. Teeth chewing food into smaller digestible pieces isknown as

A) digestive and circulatoryB) reproductive and excretoryC) immune and nervousD) respiratory and muscular

33. The interaction of which two systems provides themolecules needed for the metabolic activity that takesplace at ribosomes?

Page 5: 1.Some bloodsucking insects insert their mouthparts · PDF fileA)dehydration synthesis B)excretion C)mechanical digestion D)diffusion 15.Which process increases the surface area of

A) mouth B) stomachC) gallbladder D) small intestine

34. The digestion of starch begins in the

35. Base your answer to the following question on Thediagram below represents a portion of the human body.

A) produce salivary enzymesB) secrete sex hormonesC) absorb waterD) digest bile

The principal function of structure X is to

36. Base your answer to the following question on the diagram and graph below and on your knowledge ofbiology. The diagram represents the human digestive system. Pepsin and trypsin are human digestiveenzymes.

A) mouth B) stomach C) small intestine D) large intestine

The graph indicates that pepsin would function best in the

Page 6: 1.Some bloodsucking insects insert their mouthparts · PDF fileA)dehydration synthesis B)excretion C)mechanical digestion D)diffusion 15.Which process increases the surface area of

A) ducts of the pancreasB) cells of the esophagusC) villi of the small intestineD) muscular folds of the gallbladder

37. In humans, structures that absorb most of the productsof digestion are the

Base your answers to questions 38 and 39 on thediagram below.

A) A and D B) B and CC) C and E D) E and F

38. Peristalsis occurs in structures

A) salivary amylase B) proteaseC) hydrochloric acid D) bile

39. A digestive function of organ C is the synthesis andsecretion of

A) mechanical digestion, onlyB) chemical digestion, onlyC) both mechanical and chemical digestionD) neither mechanical nor chemical digestion

40. Which type of digestion occurs in the mouth when anindividual chews a piece of bread?

A) Specific enzymes break down proteins into aminoacids.

B) Specific hormones break down proteins intosimple sugars.

C) Specific hormones break down proteins intocomplex starches.

D) Specific enzymes break down proteins into simplesugars.

41. What occurs during the digestion of proteins?

A) diaphragm B) nasal cavityC) bronchial tubes D) epiglottis

42. Choking on food is most likely caused by aninterference with the proper functioning of the

43. Base your answer to the following question on Whichlettered structure in the diagram below producesenzymes for the digestion of nutrients in the smallintestine?

A) A B) B C) C D) D

A) esophagus B) stomachC) small intestine D) gallbladder

44. In humans, chemical digestion is accomplishedby enzyme action that begins in the mouth and ends inthe

Page 7: 1.Some bloodsucking insects insert their mouthparts · PDF fileA)dehydration synthesis B)excretion C)mechanical digestion D)diffusion 15.Which process increases the surface area of

Base your answers to questions 45 through 47 on on thediagram below of the human digestive system and onyour knowledge of biology.

A) G B) B C) C D) E

45. In which structure does extracellular chemical digestionof protein begin?

A) F B) H C) C D) E

46. From which structure are glucose and amino acidsnormally absorbed into the circulatory system?

A) A B) E C) C D) D

47. In which structure does the initial hydrolysis ofcarbohydrates occur?

Base your answers to questions 48 through 51 on thediagram below, which represents the human digestivesystem.

A) F B) G C) C D) D

48. Most reabsorption of water occurs within structure

A) A and F B) B and GC) C and E D) D and G

49. Most chemical digestion of proteins occurs in the areasrepresented by letters

A) It begins in A and ends in G.B) It begins in B and ends in C.C) It begins in G and ends in D.D) It begins in A and ends in E.

50. Which statement best describes the chemical digestionof carbohydrates?

A) B, C, and D B) B, C, and FC) A, C, and G D) D, F, and G

51. Peristalsis occurs in the structures represented by letters

A) stomach B) small intestineC) pancreas D) esophagus

52. In humans, villi that absorb monosaccharides andamino acids are found within the

Page 8: 1.Some bloodsucking insects insert their mouthparts · PDF fileA)dehydration synthesis B)excretion C)mechanical digestion D)diffusion 15.Which process increases the surface area of

53. Base your answer to the following question on Whichprocess is illustrated in the diagrams below?

A) circulation B) absorptionC) peristalsis D) ingestion

A) the transmission of nerve impulses throughout thebody

B) the movement of food through the gastrointestinaltract

C) the flow of blood through the lungsD) the removal of excess amino acids from the blood

54. Which process in humans would be most directlyaffected if peristalsis were to stop?

A) salivary gland, esophagus, and stomachB) stomach, small intestine, and pancreasC) esophagus, stomach, and small intestineD) esophagus, small intestine, and liver

55. In a human, peristalsis occurs in which organs?

A) passive transportB) phagocytosisC) dehydration synthesisD) peristalsis

56. Food is moved through the small intestine by amuscular process known as

Base your answers to questions 57 through 61 on yourknowledge of biology and on the graph below whichshows the extent to which carbohydrates, proteins, andfats are chemically digested as food passes through thehuman digestive tract. The letters represent sequentialstructures that make up the digestive tract.

A) A B) B C) E D) D

57. Water is removed from the undigested material in

A) F B) B C) C D) D

58. The final products of digestion are absorbed almostentirely in

A) E B) B C) C D) D

59. Enzymes secreted by the pancreas enter the system at

A) esophagus B) stomachC) small intestine D) large intestine

60. The organ represented by letter C is most probably the

A) A and B B) B and CC) C and D D) A and C

61. Proteins are digested in both

A) hydrolysis of proteinB) process of peristalsisC) secretion of amylaseD) absorption of cellulose

62. Which activity normally occurs in the esophagus of ahuman?

Page 9: 1.Some bloodsucking insects insert their mouthparts · PDF fileA)dehydration synthesis B)excretion C)mechanical digestion D)diffusion 15.Which process increases the surface area of

63. Base your answer to the following question on Whichstructure represented in the diagram below absorbsmost of the fatty acids and glycerol from the smallintestines

A) A B) B C) C D) D

A) glucose metabolism B) protein synthesisC) enzyme secretion D) water reabsorption

64. Extensive damage to the large intestine would have thegreatest effect on

65. Base your answer to the following question on Thediagram below shows the digestive system of a studentwho has eaten a sandwich consisting of two slices ofbread, chicken, lettuce, and mayonnaise.

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 5

The final reactions for the complete hydrolysisof the bread would occur in organ

A) lungs B) kidneyC) liver D) stomach

66. In the human body, hydrochloric acid is responsible forthe low pH of the contents of the

67. Base your answer to the following question on Whichstatement best expresses the information represented inthe graph shown below?

A) The action of enzymes varies with pH.B) A pH of 7 provides the optimum environment for

digestive enzymes.C) Gastric juice is active at a pH extending from 0 to

12.D) Acids have a pH greater than 7.

A) alveoli B) neuronsC) villi D) nephrons

68. The absorptive surface of the small intestine is greaterthan that of other human digestive organs because of itslength and the presence of

A) mouth B) esophagusC) gall bladder D) stomach

69. In which human digestive organ do proteases function?

A) They break down food chemically, aiding themovement of the food through the esophagus.

B) They break down food chemically, mixing salivawith the food for easier digestion.

C) They break down food mechanically, increasingthe surface area of the food for enzyme action.

D) They break down food mechanically, stimulatingenzyme synthesis in the food.

70. What is the role of teeth in digestion?

Page 10: 1.Some bloodsucking insects insert their mouthparts · PDF fileA)dehydration synthesis B)excretion C)mechanical digestion D)diffusion 15.Which process increases the surface area of

71. The diagram below represents a portion of theesophagus.

A) It transports nutrients within the digestive tract.B) It must occur prior to mechanical digestion food in

the oral cavity.C) It emulsifies fats for hydrolysis in the small

intestine.D) It increases water absorption by the esophagus.

Which is a correct statement about the process shown inthe diagram?

A) large intestine B) small intestineC) stomach D) anus

72. Adult humans normally produce feces with low watercontent due to the activities of the

A) bile, pancreatic juice, and intestinal juiceB) hydrochloric acid, pancreatic juice, and intestinal

juiceC) salivary amylase, intestinal juice, and pancreatic

juiceD) bile, hydrochloric acid, and salivary amylase

73. Which substances are released into the small intestineof a human and aid in the digestion of the intestinalcontents?

A) mouth, esophagus, stomachB) stomach, small intestine, large intestineC) mouth, stomach, small intestineD) esophagus, stomach, large intestine

74. Into which parts of the human digestive system aredigestive enzymes secreted?

A) pituitary gland B) thyroid glandC) sex gland D) salivary gland

75. Which gland does not secrete hormones?

A) They form proteins needed in the stomach.B) They form the acids that break down food.C) They change food substances into molecules that

can pass into the bloodstream and cells.D) They change food materials into wastes that can be

passed out of the body.

76. The pancreas is an organ connected to the digestivetract of humans by a duct (tube) through whichdigestive enzymes flow. Why are these enzymesimportant to the digestive system?

A) complex carbohydrate that is often stored in redblood cells

B) complete protein necessary for the synthesis ofcell membranes

C) polysaccharide that is synthesized and storedwithin the human liver

D) by-product of sucrose digestion within thepancreas

77. Glycogen is best described as a

A) liver and pancreasB) glomerulus and villiC) esophagus and alveoliD) gallbladder and pharynx

78. Which structures secrete chemicals utilized for thecompletion of digestion within the small intestine?

A) liver B) gallbladderC) salivary glands D) pancreas

79. After food enters the small intestine, lipases, proteases,and amylases are secreted into the small intestine by the

Page 11: 1.Some bloodsucking insects insert their mouthparts · PDF fileA)dehydration synthesis B)excretion C)mechanical digestion D)diffusion 15.Which process increases the surface area of

Base your answers to questions 80 and 81 on thediagram below of some human digestive organs and onyour knowledge of biology.

A) A B) B C) E D) D

80. Which organ is the initial site of the extracellularchemical digestion of proteins?

A) A B) E C) C D) D

81. Which organ synthesizes both urea and bile?

A) liver B) thyroid glandC) testes D) pituitary gland

82. Which structure produces a substance that aids in themechanical breakdown of fats?

A) salivary glands and the pancreasB) gall bladder and the lactealsC) villi and the salivary glandsD) pancreas and the gall bladder

83. In humans, structures that release digestive secretionsdirectly into the small intestine include both the

Base your answers to questions 84 through 87 on thediagram below. For each statement select the organ, thatis most closely associated with the statement below. [Anumber may be used more than once or not at all.]

A) 5 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

84. Materials to be egested are stored in this organ.

A) 1 B) 2 C) 5 D) 4

85. The chemical digestion of protein begins within thisorgan.

A) 5 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

86. Gastric juice is produced in this organ.

A) 6 B) 2 C) 5 D) 4

87. This organ stores bile.

A) stomach B) gall bladderC) villi D) lacteals

88. Emulsification of fats in the small intestines is due tothe action of bile, which is released into the intestinefrom the

Page 12: 1.Some bloodsucking insects insert their mouthparts · PDF fileA)dehydration synthesis B)excretion C)mechanical digestion D)diffusion 15.Which process increases the surface area of

Base your answers to questions 89 and 90 on thediagram below which represents the pathway of theblood throughout the body.

A) 10 B) 2 C) 5 D) 4

89. An acid necessary for enzyme action to occur is foundwithin structure

A) 1 B) 6 C) 7 D) 9

90. Within which structure are red blood cells brokendown?

91. Which process is represented by the diagram below?

A) emulsification B) excretionC) absorption D) peristalsis

A) lipids B) proteinsC) saccharides D) starches

92. Bile is a secretion which aids in the digestion of

A) emulsificationB) manufacturing more bileC) converting glycogen into glucoseD) releasing iron

93. If no carbohydrate ingestion occurs in the body during a24-hour period, liver activity provides for the body'sneeds by

A) Sugars are required to maintain the structure of thecell

B) Simple sugars are not required by the brainC) Simple sugars are required for metabolismD) Sugars are responsible for all cellular

communication in the body

94. The digestive system breaks carbohydrates down intosimple sugars. This is important because

A) absorbed food is toxic to the bodyB) absorbed food stimulates reproductionC) absorbed food is the raw material for metabolismD) absorbed food aids in respiration

95. The digestion of food and subsequent absorption intothe bloodstream is important because

A) glucose B) proteinC) starch D) oxygen

96. Three days after an organism eats some meat, many ofthe organic molecules originally contained in the meatwould be found in newly formed molecules of

A) carbohydrates B) incomplete proteinsC) saturated fats D) water

97. Which nutrient should provide the largest percentage ofcalories in a well-balanced diet?

A) saturated lipidsB) complete proteinsC) complex carbohydratesD) nucleic acids

98. A source of roughage in the human diet is supplied bycertain

A) meat and eggsB) fruits and vegetablesC) minerals and milkD) water and vitamins

99. Which components of the human diet contain thegreatest amounts of sugars and starches?

Page 13: 1.Some bloodsucking insects insert their mouthparts · PDF fileA)dehydration synthesis B)excretion C)mechanical digestion D)diffusion 15.Which process increases the surface area of

A) too many nucleic acids in the dietB) an overconsumption of complete protein foodsC) not enough carbohydrates in the dietD) a lack of essential amino acids in the diet

100. In some regions of the world, children suffer from aprotein deficiency known as kwashiorkor. Thisdeficiency occurs when a child's diet is changed fromhigh-protein breast milk to watery cereal. Even thoughthe child is receiving calories, the child becomes sickand less active, and growth ceases. These symptomsare probably due to

A) oxygen B) carbon dioxideC) water D) roughage

101. Which substance is a nutrient in the human diet?

A) red meat and poultryB) fresh fruits and vegetablesC) eggs and milk productsD) animal fat and plant oil

102. Which foods should be included in a balanced diet as agood source of roughage?

A) baked fresh fishB) lettuce-and-tomato saladC) fried chicken breastD) milkshake

103. Which food would provide the most roughage for thebody?

A) coenzymes B) auxinsC) hormones D) neurotransmitters

104. Some vitamins are essential to an organism becausethey function as

A) a polypeptideB) a coenzymeC) a substrateD) an inorganic catalyst

105. Vitamin B1 assists an organic catalyst in cellrespiration. This vitamin functions as

A) lean meat B) green vegetablesC) whole milk D) table sugar

106. Which type of food in the human diet provides thegreatest amount of roughage per gram?

A) carbohydrates and polypeptidesB) proteins and vitaminsC) minerals and polysaccharidesD) vitamins and minerals

107. Which nutrients can be absorbed without first beingdigested in the human gastrointestinal tract?

A) excretory system B) digestive systemC) circulatory system D) respiratory system

108. In gastric bypass surgery, the stomach is reduced tohold 1 ounce of food, instead of 3 pints. This surgerywould drastically impact one's

A) there is a malfunction with the digestive systemB) there is a malfunction with the excretory systemC) there is a malfunction with the reproductive

systemD) there is a malfunction with the circulatory system

109. If a person was unable to break down food particlesinto molecules that could be absorbed by the body,you would predict

A) predatorsB) pathogenic organismsC) parasitic fungiD) decomposers

110. Salmonella bacteria can cause humans to havestomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. Theeffect these bacteria have on humans indicates that Salmonella bacteria are

A) appendicitis B) gallstonesC) constipation D) diarrhea

111. A disorder of the digestive system that can causesevere dehydration is known as

A) ulcers B) appendicitisC) diarrhea D) constipation

112. Feces is usually about 40 percent water and 60 percentsolid matter. Reducing the water content to 20 percentwould most likely result in

A) diarrhea B) appendicitisC) gallstones D) ulcers

113. A branch of the nerve regulating the secretions of thestomach can be cut surgically. The decrease inhydrochloric acid secretion that would result from thisprocedure would be most helpful to an individual with

Page 14: 1.Some bloodsucking insects insert their mouthparts · PDF fileA)dehydration synthesis B)excretion C)mechanical digestion D)diffusion 15.Which process increases the surface area of

A) gallstones B) ulcersC) goiters D) allergies

114. Hardened deposits of cholesterol that accumulate inthe structure that stores bile are known as

Base your answers to questions 115 through 117 onselect the organ, chosen from the diagram below, that ismost closely related to that malfunction.

A) 1 B) 3 C) 2 D) 4 E) 5

115. A painful condition results from erosion of the surfaceof this organ by gastric juices.

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 5

116. Accumulations of hardened cholesterol deposits formgallstones in this organ.

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

117. Too much unabsorbed water in this organ results indiarrhea.

A) bronchitis B) goutC) goiter D) gallstones

118. Which disorder would most directly interfere with theemulsification of fats?

119. Base your answer to the following question on Whichdisorder is most likely represented by the "festering"pit shown in the cartoon below?

A) a gallstone B) an ulcerC) appendicitis D) a goiter

Page 15: 1.Some bloodsucking insects insert their mouthparts · PDF fileA)dehydration synthesis B)excretion C)mechanical digestion D)diffusion 15.Which process increases the surface area of

Base your answers to questions 120 and 121 on theorgan, indicated in the diagram below, that is mostclosely associated with that statement.

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 5

120. When the surface of the alimentary canal is eroded inthis organ, ulcers may occur.

A) 1 B) 3 C) 5 D) 6 E) 7

121. Diarrhea results from decreased water absorption inthis organ.