1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were:...

1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism

Transcript of 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were:...

Page 1: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



Age of Nationalism

Page 2: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars.

Unification ReformersWars


Page 3: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



Where unification took place in Europe

Page 4: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Unification took place in Italy, Germany, Ireland, France and England



Page 5: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



Important wars that took place during the age of


Page 6: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

The wars that occurred were the Austro-Prussian war, the Franco-Prussian war, the Austro-Sardinian War, the Russo-Japanese war, the Crimean war and the Danish War.

Austro-Prussian WarFranco-Prussian WarAustro-Sardinian WarRusso-Japanese warDanish WarCrimean War


Page 7: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.




Page 8: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Reformers during the age of nationalism were: Alexander II, William Gladstone, Nicholas II,

David Lloyd George, Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, Sergei Witte, Frederick List, Wiliam II, Jean Juare, and

Camillo Cavour


Page 9: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



The approaches to unifying Italy

Page 10: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

The first was Mazzini, second was Gioberti, with a federation of the states under the presidency of the pope. The third was Victor Emmanuel, Sardinia’s monarch with a liberal constituion. Garibaldi and Cavour also played large parts in unifying Italy.



Page 11: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



Garibaldi in Italian unification

Page 12: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

A super patriot and known as the sword of Italian unification. He personified the romantic, revolutionary nationalism of Mazzini and 1848. He liberated the kingdom of the Two Sicilies in 1860 with the help of his guerrilla band of Red Shirts. The new kingdom of Italy included Venice by 1866 and Rome by 1870, was a parliamentary monarchy under Victor Emmanuel.


Page 13: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



Camillo Cavour, the dominant

figure in Sardinian government

Page 14: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

His national goals were limited and realistic: He sought unity for only the states of Northern and central Italy. He used realpolitiks. He knew that Sardinia could not drive out Austria and unify Italy under Victor Emmanuel without an ally, so he formed a secret alliance with Napoleon III. He managed to trick Austria into attacking so France would come to Italy’s aid. He was known as the brain of Italian unification.

RealpolitiksNapoleon III


Page 15: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.




Page 16: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

He is known as the heart of Italian unification. He wanted a centralized democratic republic based on universal male suffrage and will of the people. He symbolized romanticism and inspired Garibaldi.

Related Ideas


Page 17: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



The Danish War

Page 18: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Prussia and Austria formed an alliance and went to war with Denmark, which was quickly defeated. Prussia got Schleiswig and Austria got Holstein. Bismarck began to provoke arguments with Austria, which led to the Austro-Prussian war.

Austro-Prussian WarSchleiswig-Holstein Question


Page 19: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



The Austro-Sardinian War

Page 20: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Cavour provoked Austria into declaring war so that French would come to Italy’s aid. Austrians were defeated and they pulled out of Lombardy, but Napoleon III backed out of his deal with Cavour and made a separate peace with Austria in the Peace of Villafranca.

CavourNapoleon IIIPeace of Villafranca


Page 21: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



The Austro-Prussian War

Page 22: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Also known as the Seven Weeks War. Prussia accused Austria of violating German confederation agreements, which provoked the war with Austria. The Prussians soon defeated Austria because Bismarck had skillfully neutralized Russia and France so Austria couldn’t make any major alliances. The war ended with the Treaty of Prague.

BismarckTreaty of Prague


Page 23: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



The Franco-Prussian War

Page 24: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

It began because of the Ems Dispatch. Bismarck realized that a war with France would bring the South German states closer, so he formed an alliance with them. Louis Napoleon Bonaparte was captured during the war and later a 3rd French Republic was proclaimed. In 1871, a starving Paris surrendered to Germany. The war ended with the Treaty of Frankfurt.

Ems Dispatch BismarckTreaty of Frankfurt


Page 25: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



The Treaty of Prague

Page 26: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

The Treaty of Prague ended the Austro-Prussian war. Prussia gained Schleiswig and Holstein. Prussia also annexed some Northern German states. The German confederation was dissolved and the new North German Confederation was created, led by Prussia. Austria was kept out.

North German ConfederationSchleiswig-Holstein Question


Page 27: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



The Peace of Villafranca

Page 28: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

This peace got France out of the Austro-Sardinian war. It also let Austria keep Venetia although Italy was given Lombardy. Furious that Napoleon III had done this, Cavour resigned, but returned to power in 1860 and achieved his original goal of a unified Northern Italy.


Page 29: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



The Treaty of Frankfurt

Page 30: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

This treaty ended the Franco-Prussian war. All the independent southern German states were added to Germany, completing German unification. France was forced to cede Alsace and Lorraine to Germany as well as pay a huge sum of money. William I was declared the Emperor of Germany in the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles.


Page 31: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



The Schleiswig-Holstein Question

Page 32: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

In 1863, the Danish parliament annexed Schleiswig, which infuriated German nationalists. Austria and Prussia formed an alliance to take action against Denmark. This led to the Danish war, which was the first of Bismarck’s wars.

Danish WarBismarck


Page 33: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



The Ems Dispatch

Page 34: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

In 1870, the foreign minister of France went to Ems to speak with William I of Prussia about who the new monarch of Spain was going to be. Bismarck edited their conversation, making it appear as if they insulted each other. As a result, Napoleon III declared war July 19, 1870.

Related Ideas


Page 35: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



Page 36: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

He used realpolitik and his goal was to secure power for himself and Prussia. In a speech he said that “blood and iron” would solve Germany’s problems. His attempts to annex Schleiswig-Holstein led to the Danish war, then to the Austro-Prussian war. Created the new North German Confederation, led by Prussia. He used the Franco-Prussian war to bring the German southern states into this union.

RealpolitikDanish warSchleiswig-HolsteinAustro-Prussian warNorth German ConfederationFranco-Prussian War


Page 37: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



The new North German


Page 38: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

After victory in the Austro-Prussian war, Bismarck created a constitution for the confederation. Each state had its own government, but the king of Prussia (William I) became president and Bismarck his chancellor. They controlled the army and foreign affairs. There also was a legislature of 2 houses. The lower house members were voted for by universal male suffrage.

Related Ideas


Page 39: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



How Italy was reorganized at the

Congress of Vienna

Page 40: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Lombary and Venetia were taken by Austria. (Venetia was later taken back by Italy as a result of the Austro-Prussian war. Central Italy and Rome were ruled by the papacy. Sardinia and Piedmont were ruled by Italian monarchs.

Austro-Prussian war


Page 41: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.


Realpolitik during the age of Nationalism

Page 42: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Realpolitik was the politics of reality. It was realistic and in a way, signified the end of romanticism.

Related Ideas


Page 43: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.


Louis Napoleon Bonaparte in the Second French


Page 44: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

He became involved in French politics in 1848, when universal male suffrage won him the presidency. He believed that the government should represent the people and that it should try to help them economically. (This was his greatest success) He created the Falloux Law and deprived the poor the right to vote. Elected to a 4-year term, but in 1851 he dismissed the National Assembly and got power in a coup d’etat. He later restored universal male suffrage, which made him president for 10 years, a 3rd vote made him emperor and he became Napoleon III.

Falloux LawPresidential election of 1848Economic reforms


Page 45: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



How Louis Napoleon Bonaparte won

presidential election

Page 46: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

He won because of 3 main reasons: His uncle, Napoleon I had become romanticized. Second, as Karl Marx stressed, middle-class and property owners feared socialism, so they wanted a tough ruler. Third, he wrote The Elimination of Poverty and Napoleonic Ideas.

Related Ideas


Page 47: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



Napoleon III and his reforms

Page 48: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

His greatest success was with the economy, especially in the 1850s. He encouraged new investment banks and railroad construction. He also encouraged a general economic expansion through rebuilding Paris and improving urban environment . He granted workers right to form unions and to strike in the 1860s. He also gave the National Assembly greater freedom as well as opposition groups.

Related Ideas


Page 49: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



Louis Napoleon Bonaparte’s two conservative measures passed after being elected

Page 50: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

He created the Falloux Law, which increased the role of the Catholic Church in children’s education. He also deprived the poor people the right to vote. The Falloux Law was taken away in the 3rd French Republic when Jules Ferry took power. Louis Napoleon brought back universal male suffrage in 1851.

Why he passed these laws


Page 51: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



Why Louis Napoleon Bonaparte created the two

conservative measures

Page 52: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

He created them because he wanted the assembly to vote for funds that would pay his personal debts. He also wanted to change the constitution so that he could run for a second term as president. When this failed to happen, Louis Napoleon seized power in a coup d’etat in 1851.

Related Ideas


Page 53: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



Napoleon III in Italian Unification

Page 54: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

He made a secret alliance with Cavour in the 1850’s against Austria. He helped Italy to bring glory France and was offered Nice and Savoy. Later he pulled out of the war because he was being criticized by the French Catholics for helping the enemy of the pope and he didn’t want to have such a strong state on his southern border.

CavourItalian unification


Page 55: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

January 1859 – June 1941


Wilhelm II

Page 56: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Wilhelm II was the last German Emperor and king of Prussia. He wanted to renounce socialism. He was greatly jealous of Bismarck and wanted his own followers.

Socialism Socialism Bismarck “Dropping of the pilot”


Page 57: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

March 1880


“Dropping of the pilot”

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Bismarck is asked to resign by Wilhelm II.



Page 59: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

1871 - 1878



Page 60: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Translation: Cultural struggle. Kulturkampf is German policies in relation to secularity and the influence of the Roman Catholic Church. Bismarck sought to decrease the power of the church’s influence on political issues.


Page 61: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



“Blood and Iron”

Page 62: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

“Blood and iron” was the title of a speech by Bismarck given in 1862 about the unification of the German territories.



Page 63: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

May 1868 – July 1918


Nicholas II

Page 64: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Tsar Nicholas II was the last tsar of Russia. Tsar Nicholas II was not very liked in the Russian Empire. He was known as the bloody tsar, and had many antisemitic pogroms.

Bloody SundayRusso – Japanese WarAntisemitism Duma


Page 65: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



Page 66: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

The duma was the parliament of russia. It was formed during the reign of the last tsar, Nicholas II.

Nicholas II


Page 67: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

March 18 – May 28 1871


Paris Commune

Page 68: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

The Paris Commune was a result of the uprising in France after the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian War. It greatly was influenced by the working class.

Franco-Prussian WarDreyfus Affair


Page 69: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

August 6TH! – November 1846


Friedrich List

Page 70: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Frederich List was a German Journalist and thinker. He developed the National system and the zollverein. He wanted high protective tarrifs that would encourage infant industries. He denounced British doctrine of free trade.



Page 71: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.




Page 72: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

The Zollverein was known as the German Customs Union. It allowed goods to move between the German member states without tariffs. It was created by Frederich List.


Page 73: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.


Social Reformers

Page 74: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Robert OwenEdward BernsteinJean JaureDavid Lloyd GeorgeBenjamin Disraeli


Page 75: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

January 1863 – March 1945


David Lloyd George

Page 76: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

David Lloyd George was a liberal that wanted to raise taxes on the rich to help the poor. He achieved this by the People’s Budget.

People’s Budget


Page 77: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



People’s Budget

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This organization helped increase spending on social welfare services. Parliament was able to pass more budget laws. This organization was greatly influenced by Welshman David George.


Page 79: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

September 1859 – July 1914

FlipSlide 4

Jean Jaurès

Page 80: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Jean Jaure repudiated revisionist doctrines. Jean Jaures was a French Socialist leader and was the leader of the French Socialist party.


Page 81: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

January 1850 – December 1932


Eduard Bernstein

Page 82: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Eduard Bernstein was a German social democratic theoretician and politician; he was a member of the SPO/ a found of evolutionary socialism



Page 83: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



Page 84: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Socialism is an economic and political theory based on public/direct worker ownership. It was against competition and capitalism. Socialism believed in equal/fair distribution of income in society.



Page 85: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



Page 86: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Capitalism is an economic system where there is free trade and competition. It is based off the ideas of the Industrial Revolution (Adam Smith) and laissez faire


Page 87: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

1804 - 1881

FlipSlide 12

Benjamin Disraeli

Page 88: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Benjamin Disraeli was an influential man in England. He believed in equal rights for everyone. He wanted to extend the vote to all middle class. He was the prime minister of Britain.

“Leap in the dark”Third reform Bill of 1884

FlipBenjamin Disraeli

Page 89: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



Leap in the dark

Page 90: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

“Leap in the dark” was an attempt to broaden the conservative party’s traditional base of aristocratic view.


Page 91: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



Third Reform Bill of 1884

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A bill passed by parliament that was greatly influenced by Benjamin Disraeli. This bill extended all votes to any male.

Reform Bill of 1832


Page 93: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

December 1809 – May 1898


William Gladstone

Page 94: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Ireland was divided into two main parties: Protestant Ulsterites (those who opposed self-government) and Catholic nationalists (Those who favored self government.) Gladstone worked to unify Ireland. He was the British prime minister after Disraeli.

Division of Ireland

FlipSlide 39

Page 95: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



Division of Ireland

Page 96: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Ireland was divided into two main parties: Protestant Ulsterites (those who opposed self-government) and Catholic nationalists (Those who favored self government.)


Page 97: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

May 1771 – November 1858


Robert Owen

Page 98: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Robert Owen was a social reformer and one of the founders of socialism.



Page 99: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

1899 - 1906


Dreyfus Affair

Page 100: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

The Dreyfus Affair was started when Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish captain in the French Army, was accused of treason. It started the split of Republicans and Liberals against Catholics and Anti-Semites. This affair showed the corruption within the government.



Page 101: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.




Page 102: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Anti-Semitism was the act/hatred of Jews. Anti-semitism widely spread in World War I. It was prevalent in many uprising countries such as Germany and Russia.


Page 103: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

April 1818 – March 1881


Alexander the II

Page 104: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Alexander the II was known as the reforming tsar of Russia. He realized Russia needed to reform after Russia’s loss in the Crimean War. He industrialized Russia greatly.

Modernization of RussiaIndustrialization of Russia


Page 105: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



Modernization of Russia

Page 106: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Alexander II wanted to catch up with the west so he decided to modernize Russia.

Freeing of the Serfs (1861)Human Bondage was abolished foreverPeasants received landThe making of the ZemstvoReformation of the legal system,Crimean War

Modernization of Russia

Page 107: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

October 1853 – February


Crimean War

Page 108: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

The Crimean was was fought between the Russian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. It seriously weakened Russia and Austria. It was the first war that was modernized. The Ottoman Empire withstood the fighting and won. This war made Russia realize that they needed to modernize.

Modernization of Russia


Page 109: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.




Page 110: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

A new institution of local government that took care of local problems. The idea of this was created by Nikola Milyutin.


Page 111: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



Fundamental Laws

Page 112: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

The Fundamental law says that the Duma could debate and pass laws, but the tsar had the ultimate decision. The tsar had supremacy over the law, church and duma. Issued by Alexander the II.



Page 113: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



Page 114: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Karl Marx and Frederich Engels created this philosophy. The three primary aspects of Marxism is:The dialectical and materialist concept of history: struggle between social classes.Critique of capitalism: Marx says that in capitalist society and economic minority dominate and exploit the working class. Advocacy of proletarian Revolution.


Page 115: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.


Industrialization of Russia

Page 116: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

In order to modernize Russia, Tsar Alexander II had to industrialize.

Industry and Transportation were improvedRailroads were being built.Military forces were strengthened.Industrialization spread ideas of Marxism.Economic reforms were carried out by Sergei Witte.


Page 117: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

June 1849 – March 1915


Sergei Witte

Page 118: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Sergei Witte was the minister of finance of Russia from 1892-1903. Witte was a strict, hardworking, tough, and competent minister. He was influenced by the ideas of Friederich List.

Built more railroadsRaised protective tariffsBuilt factoriesAuthor of October Manifesto


Page 119: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



October Manifesto

Page 120: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

The October Manifesto was issued by Tsar Nicholas II due to Bloody Sunday. The October Manifesto granted full civil rights to people and promised a popular elected duma.

DumaBloody Sunday


Page 121: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.



Bloody Sunday

Page 122: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Bloody Sunday was a peaceful attempt to petition the tsar, Nicholas II. Father Gapon led this petition. The tsar fled the land and had his armies attack the crowds. Due to the mass slaughter, many ordinary workers turned against the tsar. Nicholas II then issued the October Manifesto.

October Manifesto


Page 123: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Feburary 1904 – September 1905


Russo-Japan War

Page 124: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Russia wanted to take over Northern Korea but failed in doing so; Japan won. Leads to the Revolution of 1905.

Revolution of 1905


Page 125: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.


FlipSlide 72

Revolution of 1905

Page 126: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

The 1905 Russian Revolution was a wave of mass political unrest through vast areas of the Russian Empire. Some of it was directed against the government, while some was undirected. It included terrorism, worker strikes, and peasant uprisings.


Page 127: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

January 1859 - 1941


Wilhelm II

Page 128: 1830s-1890s Flip Age of Nationalism. The three key ideas of the age of nationalism were: unification, reformers and wars. Unification Reformers Wars Flip.

Wilhelm II was the last German emperor and king of Prussia. He wanted to renounce socialism. He was greatly jealous of Bismarck and “dropped the pilot”

SocialismBismarck“Dropping of the pilot”
