16950 Testing and Commissioning

SECTION 16950 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED DOCUMENTS A. Gen er al prov isi on s of Co ntract , inclu di ng Genera l an d sp eci al C ondit ions and Division-1 (General requirements), apply to wor of t!is section. ". Gen er al #r ovisi ons fo r $le ctr ica l % or, &ec tio n 1'1 , app li es to wor o f t!is &ect ion. C. &pe cif ica tio n &ec tio n 1 *+ ou nt ing and so lat ion o f ec !an ica l a nd $le ctr ica l &ystems and related contract drawings, apply to t!is section of t!e wor. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK  A. %or in clu de s pro vi di ng all mate ria ls, eq ui pmen t and a ccesso ri es, re quire d for test in g and commissioning of all systems, equipments and services relating to t!e electrical wors. 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. &tandards Compl iance Comply wi t! r equir ements o f ap pli ca/le local codes, D02D$, $C, 0$C, 0$A, A0& and $$$ &tandards, pertaining to t!e testin g and commissioning. ". n c ase o f co nf lic t am ong t! e re fer ence d s tandar ds an d co de s, t! e mor e str ing ent  provision will g overn. 1.4 SUMITTALS A. $qu ipm ent Data &u/ mi t manu fac tur er3 s da ta f or tes tin g and c ommi ssi on in g mo de l  0o., type, si4e, range , ... etc. ". 5e sti ng &!eets &u/mi t a r eco mm ende d tes t an d commi ssionin g s!e et s as p er $$ wiring regulations 1't!. $dition. PA RT 2 - TESTING 2.1 WORKS TESTS A. 5!e consu ltant s!all ins pe ct and test at t! e maers3 wors , durin g m anufacture and after completio n, all or any particular manufacture d material, apparatus or equipment ordered /y t!e contractor for incorporation in t!e wors, in order to prove t!at t!e material, appar atus or equipm ent meets t!e requirements of t!is specification. 5!e contractor s!all notify t!e 6wner3s aut!ori4ed representative in advance of all suc! inspections and tests. 5!e contractor must arrange on !is e7penses for wors tests to /e attended /y t!e 6wner3s consultant for all tests specified in different sections of specifications. ". 5!e Contr act or s! all su/mi t to t!e 6wner3s a ut!or i4e d 8eprese nta tiv e, a t t!e tim e o f issue, t!ree copies of eac! and every order for /oug!t in material, apparatus and equipment intended for incorporation in t!e wors. M!"# $%&'! O(!)%* R!"%+#,*%" %/ A T!',*" A" C%*''*%"*" D#,! Oct 200. T! "!) I''&! R!+. 0 16950- 1

Transcript of 16950 Testing and Commissioning

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A. General provisions of Contract, including General and special Conditions andDivision-1 (General requirements), apply to wor of t!is section.

". General #rovisions for $lectrical %or, &ection 1'1, applies to wor of t!is &ection.

C. &pecification &ection 1*+ ounting and solation of ec!anical and $lectrical

&ystems and related contract drawings, apply to t!is section of t!e wor.


A. %or includes providing all materials, equipment and accessories, required for testingand commissioning of all systems, equipments and services relating to t!e electricalwors.


A. &tandards Compliance Comply wit! requirements of applica/le local codes,D02D$, $C, 0$C, 0$A, A0& and $$$ &tandards, pertaining to t!e testingand commissioning.

". n case of conflict among t!e referenced standards and codes, t!e more stringent

 provision will govern.


A. $quipment Data &u/mit manufacturer3s data for testing and commissioning model 0o., type, si4e, range, ... etc.

". 5esting &!eets &u/mit a recommended test and commissioning s!eets as per $$wiring regulations 1't!. $dition.



A. 5!e consultant s!all inspect and test at t!e maers3 wors, during manufacture andafter completion, all or any particular manufactured material, apparatus or equipmentordered /y t!e contractor for incorporation in t!e wors, in order to prove t!at t!ematerial, apparatus or equipment meets t!e requirements of t!is specification. 5!econtractor s!all notify t!e 6wner3s aut!ori4ed representative in advance of all suc!inspections and tests.

5!e contractor must arrange on !is e7penses for wors tests to /e attended /y t!e6wner3s consultant for all tests specified in different sections of specifications.

". 5!e Contractor s!all su/mit to t!e 6wner3s aut!ori4ed 8epresentative, at t!e time ofissue, t!ree copies of eac! and every order for /oug!t in material, apparatus andequipment intended for incorporation in t!e wors.

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$ac! suc! order s!all clearly state w!et!er t!e item(s) w!ic! it covers is or are su/9ectto inspection or test /efore despatc! to site.

C. :pon completion of manufacture, or /efore despatc! in t!e case of stoc items, allmaterial, apparatus and equipment intended for incorporation in t!e wors s!all /esu/9ected, to t!e tests specified in t!e relevant 0ational &tandard or elsew!ere in t!is

specification toget!er wit! suc! additional tests as may /e required in order to provecompliance wit! t!is specification. %!en no relevant "ritis! &tandard e7ists, or t!eappropriate 0ational &tandard fails to specify tests, t!e Contractor s!all su/mit !is

 proposals for t!e tests !e requires to provide compliance wit! t!e specification.

D. 5!e results of eac! and every test carried out in accordance wit! t!e provisions of t!isspecification s!all /e accurately and compre!ensively recorded on a form of testcertificate signed /y t!e person in c!arge of t!e testing procedure and countersigned /yt!e contractor and four copies of every suc! test certificate s!all /e su/mitted to t!e6wner3s Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative.

$. $very test certificate s!all include, in addition to all ot!er requirements t!e date andtime of t!e test, t!e am/ient conditions, a fully detailed description of t!e test(s) carriedout, t!e results o/tained, and any relevant performance curves.

;. 5!e Contractor s!all /e responsi/le for ensuring t!at t!e 6wner3s aut!ori4ed8epresentative is advised in writing w!enever material, apparatus or equipment isready for inspection or test at !is own or !is suppliers3 premises. At least seven daysnotice s!all /e given, and due allowance s!all /e made for t!is period of notice indrawing up t!e program of wors.

G. n cases w!ere t!e manufacturer or supplier of material, apparatus or equipment reliesupon type tests to prove, eit!er w!olly or in part, t!e suita/ility of !is product(s), t!ent!e Contractor s!all arrange for triplicate copies of certificates giving t!e results ofsuc! type tests to /e su/mitted to t!e 6wner3s Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative at t!e time t!e

order is placed.

<. 0o material, apparatus or equipment, from w!atever source, s!all /e despatc!ed to siteuntil t!e 6wner3s Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative !as !ad t!e opportunity to inspect it or !asgiven written aut!ori4ation for despatc!.

. 0o inspection or testing /y t!e 6wner3s Consultant nor t!e witnessing of satisfactorytests nor t!e aut!ori4ing of despatc! to site s!all in any way relieve t!e contractor ofany of !is o/ligations under t!is contract, nor s!all it in any way limit t!e rig!t of t!e6wner3s aut!ori4ed representative to re9ect suc! items after delivery to site if t!eysu/sequently prove to /e defective or unsatisfactory or unsuita/le for t!eir intended


=. %!en t!e contractor !as ordered equipment from a manufacturer w!o, in turn, !as /oug!t-in ma9or components from a secondary supplier, t!e 6wner3s Consultant s!all!ave t!e rig!t to elect to inspect suc! components at t!e wors of t!e secondarysupplier, and t!e contractor s!all ensure, w!en placing !is orders, t!at suc! rig!ts aresecured.

;or t!e purposed of t!is clause, inter-departmental orders wit!in t!e same organi4ations!all /e treated in t!e same manner as orders involving separate organi4ations.

>. 5!e 6wner3s Consultant s!all !ave t!e rig!t to waive, at !is sole discretion, t!erequirements relating to !is inspection of materials, apparatus, and equipment at t!emaers3 wors. 5!e e7ercise /y t!e 6wner3s aut!ori4ed 8epresentative of t!is rig!t

s!all not in any way relieve t!e contractor of !is o/ligation to carry out t!e prescri/edtests and to su/mit test certificates.

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?. 0o wor s!all /e painted or ot!erwise prepared for despatc! until it !as /een inspected /y t!e 6wner3s Consultant, or inspection !as /een waived and despatc! !as /eenaut!ori4ed.

. %!en one or more of t!e Contractor3s purc!ase orders covers t!e supply of a num/er

of lie components or items of equipment, t!e 6wner3s aut!ori4ed representative s!all!ave t!e rig!t to select t!at one item or component of eac! type and rating /e su/9ectedto type tests as descri/ed in t!e relevant 0ational &tandard. 6t!er similar items mayt!en /e su/9ected only to routine tests.


A. 5!e Contractor s!all carry out all necessary c!ecs and tests to prove t!at t!ecompleted installations fully comply wit! specified requirements.

". :pon completion of t!e electrical installation, or any su/stantial section t!ereof, t!einstallation, or any su/stantial section t!ereof, t!e installation or t!at section and all of

t!e associated electrical equipment s!all /e su/9ected to t!e tests specified in t!erelevant 0ational &tandards and in t!e $$ %iring 8egulations, toget!er wit! suc!ot!er tests as may /e specified in order to prove compliance wit! t!e &pecification.

C. All of t!e required c!ecs and tests s!all /e carried out in accordance wit! a programto /e agreed wit! t!e 6wner3s Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative, and facilities s!all /e madeavaila/le for t!e 6wner3s Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative to /e present at all suc! c!ecsand tests if !e so desires.

D. 5ests not carried out in t!e presence of t!e 6wners3 Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative s!all not /e regarded as valid for t!e purpose of t!e Contract, unless t!e 6wner3s Aut!ori4ed8epresentative s!all not /e regarded as valid for t!e purpose of t!e Contract, unless t!e

6wner3s Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative s!all !ave aut!ori4ed t!e Contractor to proceedwit! t!e testing process in !is a/sence.

$. $very test certificate s!all include, in addition to all ot!er requirements, t!e date andtime of t!e test, t!e am/ient conditions, a fully detailed description of t!e test (s)carried out, t!e result o/tained, and any relevant performance curves.

;. 0o material, apparatus, equipment, or installation s!all /e covered or ot!erwise permanently concealed from view instil t!e 6wner3s Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative !as !adt!e opportunity to inspect it, o given written aut!ori4ation for covering to proceed.

G. 0o wor s!all !ave a final paint finis! until it !as /een inspected /y t!e 6wner3sAut!ori4ed 8epresentative or painting !as /een aut!ori4ed, unless t!e final paint finis!

is necessary to provide t!e necessary climatprotection.

<. 0o apparatus, equipment, plant, or installations will /e recogni4ed as complete until allof t!e specified inspections and tests !ave /een satisfactorily carried out.

. 5!e 6wner3s Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative s!all !ave t!e rig!t to waive, at !is solediscretion, t!e requirements relating to !is inspection of materials, apparatus equipmentand installations and t!e witnessing of tests t!ereon. 5!e e7ercise /y t!e 6wner3sAut!ori4ed 8epresentative of t!is rig!t s!all not in any way relieve t!e Contractor of!is o/ligations to carry out t!e prescri/ed tests and to su/mit test certificates.


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A. As soon as is practica/le after t!e completion of installation and 9ointing of t!e ca/lesspecified !erein, or of any usa/le group of suc! ca/les, t!e Contractor s!all carry outt!e tests descri/ed /elow, toget!er wit! suc! ot!er tests and measurements to provecompliance wit! t!is &pecification and wit! t!e requirements of t!e $$ %iring8egulations.

". An insulation resistance test, carried out wit! a 3egger3 insulation tester or ot!ersimilar type of testing instrument, to measure t!e insulation resistance /etween eac!conductor and t!e remaining conductors and /etween eac! conductor and t!e metallics!eat!, if any, and armouring. 5!e test voltage to /e applied s!all /e as follows

?ow voltage ca/les - volts<ig! voltage ca/les - not less t!an 1 volts

C. 5!e a/ove tests s!all /e carried out /ot! /efore and after any voltage tests and t!einsulation resistance s!all not /e less t!an t!e figures in "& '@*', 5a/le, ', for allca/les up to @.@v. 5!e Contractor s!all su/mit insulation resistance figures forca/les a/ove @.@v.

D. A voltage wit!stand test of 1 minutes duration s!all /e applied in accordance wit! t!erelevant "ritis! &tandard, at t!e test voltage indicated in

"& *'+, 5a/le +, of for ca/les wit! t!ermosetting insulation.

"& @*', 5a/le , for #2C insulated ca/les, or

$. 5!e Contractor s!all su/mit proposals on t!e appropriate test voltage in respect ofot!er types of ca/le.

;. An eart! continuity test s!all /e carried out to verify t!at t!e ca/le armouring and

metal s!eat!, if any, !ave /een properly /onded to eart!. 

G. #!ase-rotation, and p!ase-correspondence s!all /e tested to prove t!at t!e ca/les !ave /een correctly connected.

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A. ?ow voltage switc!/oards s!all /e t!oroug!ly c!eced for correct functioning in everyrespect and s!all /e su/9ected to t!e following tests

%it! all control circuits disconnected /ut wit! all isolators closed and power fuses

fitted, t!e panels s!all /e su/9ected to a voltage test across t!e following points

(i) #!ase to p!ase(ii) #!ase to neutral(iii) #!ase to eart!(iv) 0eutral to eart!

5!e voltage levels and test direction s!all /e in accordance wit! t!e relevant 0ational&tandard for t!e equipment provided.

5!is s!all /e followed /y an insulation resistance test wit! an approved type of 2test instrument. %it! all electronic components and time switc!es removed or isolated

and wit! all min isolators closed and power fuses fitted, an insulation resistance of notless t!an ego!ms s!all /e o/tained /etween eac! of t!e following points

(i) #!ase to p!ase(ii) #!ase to neutral(iii) #!ase to eart!(iv) 0eutral to eart!


A. 5!e Contractor s!all inspect and carry out tests on all t!e system and equipmenteart!ing provisions in accordance wit! t!e requirements of t!e $$ %iring 8egulations.

". 5!e met!od of test and t!e selection of suita/le test instruments s!all conform to t!eguidelines given in t!e $$ %iring 8egulations, 1' t!. $dition.

C. 5!ese tests s!all /e carried out on all system and equipment eart!ing supplied, installedand connected under t!is Contract.

D. %!ere an e7isting installation !as /een effectively e7tended in relation to t!e systemand equipment eart!ing provisions supplied under t!is Contract, t!e e7isting systemand equipment eart!ing s!all /e inspected and tested for compliance wit! t!e $$%iring 8egulations.

$. 5!e Contractor s!all inspect and re-test t!e system and equipment eart!ing providedunder t!is Contract t!irty days prior to t!e end of t!e Defects ?ia/ility period. 5!eContractor s!all give t!e 6wner3s Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative seven days notice of !isintent to carry out t!ese tests.

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A. ;ollowing t!e satisfactory conclusion of inspections and tests on completed sections of t!e%ors, t!e Contractor s!all duly commission eac! section of t!e electrical installation and leaveit in full woring order. 5!e term 3Commissioning3 s!all /e deemed to include

(i) 5!e energi4ing of electrical distri/ution circuits and equipments w!ic! !ave previously /een inspected, tested, found to /e satisfactory and capa/le of /eing energi4e wit!complete safety.

(ii) 5!e setting of electrical protective devices and systems, w!ere relevant, in accordancewit! t!e directions of t!e 6wner3s Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative or, failing suc! directions,in accordance wit! sound electrical engineering practice.

(iii) 5!e starting up of all electrically powered plant and equipment.

(iv) 5!e verification of t!e performance of all suc! plant and equipment /y t!e carryingout, w!ere required, of furt!er tests and t!e maing of all necessary ad9ustments so asto o/tain optimum performance.

". Compliance wit! t!e requirements of t!is &ection of t!e &pecification s!all not, /y itself, in anyway relieve t!e Contractor of any of !is o/ligations under t!e Contract.

C. 5!e Contractor s!all ensure t!at all connections and ad9ustments are made correctly, and t!att!e installations and equipment are in a completely safe and satisfactory condition.

D. All activities carried out /y t!e Contractor in pursuance of t!e requirements of t!is section oft!e &pecification s!all /e carried out, or continuously supervised, /y a competent ande7perienced commissioning engineer.

$. f considered necessary, t!e 6wner3s Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative will set up a Commissioning#anel to oversee all activities relating to commissioning of installations, plant and equipment.

5!e Contractor s!all provide appropriate representatives as mem/ers of t!e #anel to act in anadvisory capacity assisting t!e 6wner3s Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative in all matters relating to t!ecommissioning process.

;. 5!e 6wner3s Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative s!all !ave power to appoint and independentCommissioning $ngineer to act on !is /e!alf in t!e control of all activities relating to t!ecommissioning process, and in suc! matters t!e said Commissioning $ngineer s!all /e deemedto /e and aut!ori4ed representative of t!e 6wner3s Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative

G. 5!e Contractor s!all /e w!olly responsi/le for ensuring t!at all switc!ing operations and allwor on electrical circuits and equipment w!ic! !ave once /een energi4ed are carried out in at!oroug!ly safe manner and s!all operate, and rigidly ad!ere to, an approved 3permit-to-wor3system. ;or t!is purpose, t!e Contractor s!all appoint an 3aut!ori4ed person3 as defined in t!e

$lectricity (;actories Act) &pecial 8egulations, and s!all communicate t!e name of suc! personin writing to t!e 6wner3s Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative.

<. n appropriate cases t!e Contractor s!all nominate a particular employee as 3&witc!gear6perator3 and s!all ensure t!at all switc!gear operations are carried out /y t!e nominated

 person and t!at suc! person is always availa/le for t!is duty w!en required.

. 5!e Contractor s!all prepare a commissioning sc!edule detailing t!e plant to /e commissioned,t!e operations to /e carried out, t!e time scale, wit! e7act dates for specific operations, details

of requirements for water and power services, and attendance or provisions /y ot!ers. 5!is

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commissioning sc!edule, in draft from, s!all /e su/mitted not less t!an four wees in advanceof t!e date on w!ic! commissioning is to commence.

=. f required /y t!e 6wner3s Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative, t!e Contractor s!all present t!einformation from t!e commissioning sc!edule in t!e form of a flodiagram or a #$85 (3Critical#at!3) c!art.

>. 5!e procedures to /e followed /y t!e Contractor for commissioning t!e electrical equipmentand installations s!all /e as directed /y t!e 6wner3s Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative or, in t!ea/sence of suc! directions, s!all /e proposed /y t!e Contractor and su/mitted to t!e 6wner3sAut!ori4ed 8epresentative for approval.

?. 0o connections or ad9ustments s!all /e made to plant or equipment w!ic! !as already /eencommissioned and set to wor, e7cept wit! t!e prior consent of t!e 6wner3s Aut!ori4ed8epresentative.

. 0o plant or equipment s!all /e c!arged, energi4ed or operated wit!out t!e prior agreement oft!e 6wner3s Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative. All applica/le test certificates s!all !ave /een firstsu/mitted to t!e 6wner3s Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative.

 0. All commissioning procedures s!all /e carried out in a safe and satisfactory manner and inaccordance wit! t!e provisions of t!e ;actory Acts, t!e <ealt! and &afety at %or etc. Act, andt!e $lectricity 8egulations.

6. ;ollowing completion of commissioning, eac! item of equipment or, w!ere several items ofequipment are interdependent, t!e complete plant s!all operate continuously and satisfactorilyunder normal operating conditions for a period of + !ours wit!out defect of any ind. n t!eevent of any defect or mal-operation /ecoming apparent during t!is period t!e Contractor s!allfort!wit! determine t!e cause and rectify it /y means of repair, replacement, ad9ustment ormodification and t!e relia/ility run s!all /e re-commenced. All materials, equipment and la/ourrequired to locate and rectify any suc! defect s!all /e provided /y t!e Contractor at !is own


#. 0o plant, equipment or installation will /e considered as complete until t!e prescri/edcommissioning procedures !ave /een satisfactorily carried out and t!e relia/ility run !as /eencompleted wit!out untoward incident.

B. 5!e 6wner3s Aut!ori4ed 8epresentative s!all !ave power to require t!at t!e !ole of t!e plant,equipment and installations, or selected parts t!ereof, /e re-inspected and, if necessary, re-testedimmediately /efore t!e end of t!e contractual maintenance period, and t!e Contractor s!all /eresponsi/le for maing all necessary arrangements wit! t!e 6wner.


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