1617 AIESEC NCCU LCP Application Booklet

Have Faith, Now or NeverAIESEC NCCU 1617 LCP Application Booklet Qpxfs!cz



Transcript of 1617 AIESEC NCCU LCP Application Booklet

Have Faith, Now or Never!

AIESEC NCCU 1617 LCP Application Booklet

Before You Die, You Should Be a LCP!

The Best Job in the WorldNo Matter How, Trust Me,

You Won’t RegretNever, Ever

Words from 1516 LCP

I am Vincent, your 1516 LCP. If you want me to choose one word to

describe LCP experience, “life-changing” will be my answer. It makes me

know that I should face the imperfect me so that I can start to pursue the

perfect one. It forces me to face my fault, destroy it, and reshape it.

I think what I learn in this experience is about attitude. The maturer

attitude to face everything. No matter what you give

me to exchange my LCP experience, I definitely won’t,

because it’s really too valuable . Now, I want to

invite you to experience what I have experienced!

Have Faith, Now or Never !


History Has Shown Us What A Great Leader Can Do

LCP Role

Spiritual Symbol Leading & Management


。CoW (AIESEC Value Understanding)。Shape Organization Culture。Empower -> Purposeful

。Govern Whole AIESEC NCCU。EBt (Coach, Mentor, Manage)。Stakeholders Manage

Strategy Making

。LC Direction & Planning。Review & Tracking。Developmental & Sustainable

。Chief Brand Ambassador to External。LC-MC Relationship。International Relationship

Election Timeline

Oct. 19Oct. 19

- Nov. 2Nov. 3

Nov. 4 - Nov. 22

Nov. 23Jan. 22 - Jan. 25

Application Open

Other important timeline for reference (might be adjusted with LCPe)LCVP Election will Happen during Nov. 25~Dec.31Middle selection will Happen in Next SemesterTop AIESECer Day x NTU:Nov. 28~Nov. 29

Candidate Consult & Prepare for Application

Show Interest

Subcommittee Interview Process

Final Election

National Transition (LCPm)

Election Process

Step 1. Application Submission

*First round application deadline:2015/10/31 *If there are further applications open, the new timeline will be released by announcement. *Please transfer all the documents into pdf and archive them into rar./zip. *Mail to 1516 LCP_Vincent Tu and 1516 VP TM_Sabrina Chang. [[email protected]], [[email protected]] *Late submission and wrong email delivering will NOT be accepted. *Application will be pre-screed. Only qualified applicants will enter the interview.

Step 2. Show Interest Speech

*Both show interest speech will be hold on 2015/11/03 LCM. *Criteria:submit “General Question”, “Motivation Post x 2”, “Show Interest Video”. *Further detail about the day will be announced with further announcement.

Step 3. Subcommittee Interview

*The interview will be hold during Nov. before final election day. *The candidates need to dress formally. *Interview board and further detail will announce in further announcement.

Step 4. Final Election

*The final election day will be hold on 2015/11/23, Mon. *The final election will be voted by all current AIESECer who own membership of AIESEC NCCU (EB, MS). *Further detail about the day will be announced with further announcement.

Application Package

1. General Question

2. Functional Question

3. Motivation Post x 2

*Applicant should show motivation on FB group:[AIESEC in Taiwan 政⼤分會] *Applicants should post 2 articles at least. *The content should be post on two FB groups and be put in your application.

4. Manifesto

*There would be no format restriction, you can use your own way to show your manifesto *The manifesto shouldn’t exceed 15 pages. *Reference content:SWOT, LC historical stage, bottleneck, vision, focus area, KPI & goal, strategy, EB structure…

5. Show Interest Video

*Please upload the video to youtube.com and put the link in your application. *The video should more than 1 min and less than 4 mins. *The objective of video is to make LC’s MB believe in you.

6. Endorsement Letter x 3

*One from AIESEC NCCU’s EBt (current or alumni) *One from MC member (current or alumni) *One from external (non-AIESECer)

1516 Culture


Purpose Do & Learn


General Question

General Question

1. Personal Value

a). Please share 3 important values that always support you. (don’t need to explain) b). What’s your personal goal in the future? What’s your plan to achieve the goals?

2. Motivation

a). Please write a letter to yourself to show your motivation. b). What is the most important personal development you have made through your leadership experience in AIESEC so far and what do you expect to learn and achieve for yourself during your LCP term?

3. Self-awareness

a). Please list your 3 strengths which you believe can make you suitable as EB of AIESEC NCCU 1617. b). As a team member of CCLC EBt, what kind of issue do you think you will face? How will you solve it?

4. Organization Understanding

a). What do you think makes AIESEC as an organization survived and succeeds for more than 60 years? b). What will be the one change/initiative you want to make for exchange growth in 2016?

Functional Question

Functional Question

1. Spiritual Symbol

a). Why LC need Local Committee President? What is LCP’s job description? (If you think LCP is spiritual symbol to a LC, tell us more. If not, feel free to tell us your opinion.) b). What’s your opinion about 1516 culture (P10)? If agree, how will you do? If not, what’s your opinion?

2. Leading & Management

a). Please list the main stakeholders closely relevant to you as an LCP, and how will you manage them? b). What challenges 1516 EBt structure face? What 1617 EBt structure will be if you are elected? c). Describe strength and weakness of 1516 EBt. If you were LCP 1516, how can you improve weakness?

3. Strategy Making

a). Please analyze the current LC leadership pipeline situation.What’s your strategies to enhance talent capacity and maintain sustainable leadership pipeline? b). If we want our total X have 300% growth in 1617, what kind of strategy you will initiate in your term? (Please come out at least two strategies, and each strategy contain at least three projects.)

4. Representing

a). How do you position CCLC in national plenary? And what’s your job as LCP to represent the LC? b). What is your ideal state of MC and LC cooperation?

Before I Die, I Want to Be a LCP!

~The Best Job in the World!~