#14-001 URBAN RENEWAL PLAN - stoughton.org


Transcript of #14-001 URBAN RENEWAL PLAN - stoughton.org

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Stoughton Redevelopment Authority





APRIL 24, 2014

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The Stoughton Redevelopment Authority (“SRA”) is seeking design and planning services from qualified consultants familiar with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Urban Renewal Program as it embarks to create a new urban renewal district focused within Downtown Stoughton. Copies of the Request for Proposal may be obtained on or after Thursday April 24th at 9:00am on the SRA page of the Town’s website www.stoughton.org/Redevelopment/ or by request via email to [email protected]. The SRA will hold a pre-proposal information session on Monday May 12th at 10:00am in the Fitzpatrick Meeting room on the first floor of Stoughton Town Hall at 10 Pearl Street. The SRA intends to select a consultant on the basis of qualifications and price for the most advantageous proposal. The selected firm will be requested to perform design and planning services commencing in July 2014. The consultant team will provide a detailed scope/work breakdown and a not-to-exceed price estimate based on its price proposal. The consultant shall complete all work required in accordance with Federal, State, and Local requirements and obtain agency approvals and permits as necessary.

A proposed scope of services is set forth in Appendix B hereto, and made part of this proposal.


The Urban Renewal Program, a statutory program established by M.G.L. Chapter 121B, was created to assist communities looking to revitalize decadent, substandard, or blighted areas and to encourage sound growth. The Urban Renewal Program provides tools for communities to redevelop deteriorated and blighted areas – designated as urban renewal areas (“URA”) - for residential, recreational, educational, hospital, commercial, business, industrial, or other purposes. Under M.G.L. c. 121B, redevelopment within the designated URA must be undertaken in accordance with use limitations specified in an approved Urban Renewal Plan (“URP”). The URP is an application that will be submitted by the Stoughton Redevelopment Authority to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development (“DHCD”), for approval. DHCD is responsible for the operation and administration of the Urban Renewal Program.

The selected Urban Renewal Consultant (URC) will be responsible for the oversight, preparation, and management of all activities required for this new Urban Renewal Plan. Ultimately, the URC will assist the SRA in meeting all requirements set by DHCD, including meeting all criteria for plan approval and other regulatory requirements related to the submission to DHCD in accordance with 760 CMR 12.02.

Proposers must be familiar with the Commonwealth’s Urban Renewal Regulations. The chosen consultant will be expected to complete an Urban Renewal Plan that fully complies with DHCD requirements (see http://www.mass.gov/hed/economic/eohed/dhcd/legal/regs/760-cmr-12.html).

One (1) contract will be awarded through this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) process.

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2. COMMUNITY DESCRIPTION Stoughton, MA, population 26,962, is located 15 miles south of Boston and 25 miles north of Providence. It lies at the edge of Norfolk County, adjacent to several towns in Bristol and Plymouth Counties. Stoughton is a middle class suburban town with median household income ($78,100) slightly above the Boston metro average ($74,900). Housing costs in Stoughton are below cities such as Boston. Transportation for commuters is convenient and affordable. Downtown Stoughton is at the intersection of several state roads leading to other towns and cites which are within easy driving distance. Surrounding communities include Canton, Sharon, Easton, Holbrook, Avon, Randolph, West Bridgewater, Bridgewater and Brockton, each within a 15 to 20 minute drive. Additional towns within 20 minutes +/- depending on traffic include Abington, Mansfield, Norwood, and Dedham. In total, these towns represent a suburban population of approximately 340,000. The MBTA commuter rail, which stops in Downtown Stoughton, provides a forty (40) minute commute into Boston.

3. STATEMENT OF OBJECTIVES The Urban Renewal Plan for Downtown Stoughton will provide the Town of Stoughton with two or three options with clear action steps, costs, benefits and responsibilities (public and private) to achieve the vision for Downtown Stoughton (our Town Center) as expressed in Phase One of the Stoughton Master Plan dated May 2013:

“Town Center is the municipal, social and cultural heart of Stoughton. Anchored by restored and repurposed historic buildings and served by beautiful public gathering spaces, accessible sidewalks, safe streets, and convenient parking, Town Center is active with a mix of residential, commercial/retail and government buildings.”

From these options we must choose one option to pursue. As the Town approaches the end of Phase Two of the Master Plan, the clear message from residents at several public meetings, focus groups, and on-line surveys is that this same vision persists. We need to deliver this vision in a manner that does not change the basic character of the community. We need a well-documented, fiscally sound, defensible plan that defines the appropriate actions within the Downtown to leverage the Town’s resources with other public and private resources and that we can bring forward for Town and DHCD approval.

4. DEFINITIONS The following meanings are attached to the words used in the RFP.

A. “SRA” refers to the Stoughton Redevelopment Authority. B. “Proposer” means the person, firm, or corporation submitting a response on these

specifications or any part thereof. C. “Response” means the Forms, Documents, and Deposit (If applicable) submitted by the

Proposer related to this RFP. D. “Respondent” means the person, firm, or corporation submitting a response on these

specifications or any part thereof E. “Minimum Evaluation Criteria” means the criteria for determining responsiveness and

responsibility considered to be essential to satisfactory completion of the project. F. “Comparative Evaluation Criteria” means the criteria for determining the relative merits of both

the proposed plans and the proposer.

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5. GENERAL CONDITIONS Any prospective proposer requesting a change in or interpretation of existing specifications or terms and conditions must do so within ten (10) calendar days of the proposal submission date. All requests should be submitted via email to: [email protected] No changes will be considered or any interpretation issued unless the request is received within ten (10) calendar days before the scheduled proposal submission date. Exceptions may result in proposal disqualification. Nothing herein is intended to exclude any responsible proposer or in any way restrain competition. All responsible proposers are encouraged to submit proposals. It is understood and agreed that it shall be a material breach of any contract resulting from this RFP for the contractor to engage in any practice which violates any provision of Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 151B, relative to discrimination in hiring, discharge, compensation, or terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of race, color, religious creed, sex, age, or ancestry. The contractor will be required to indemnify and save harmless the SRA and the Town of Stoughton for all damages to life and property that may occur due to his or her negligence or that of his or her employees, subcontractors, etc. during the contract derived from this RFP. The proposer must certify that no official or employee of the SRA or the Town of Stoughton, Massachusetts, is pecuniarily interested in this proposal or in the contract which the proposer offers to execute or in expected profits to arise therefrom, unless there has been compliance with the provisions of G.L.C. 43 section 27, and that this proposal is made in good faith without fraud or collusion or connection with any other person submitting a proposal. The Stoughton Redevelopment Authority reserves the right to:

Cancel this request for Proposal at any time, with or without notice to prospective Proposers. Reasonable efforts will be made to give timely notice.

Accept or reject, in whole or in part, any and all proposals as permitted by law. Award contracts as it deems best serves the interests of the SRA. Waive or adjust any non-statutory proposal requirements before or after proposals are opened

in whatever way it deems best serves the interest of the SRA, while also being non-prejudicial to the interests of fair competition.

Subject to statutory compliance, any term or condition contained in this RFP may be waived or modified by majority vote of the SRA.

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6. SUBMISSION OF PROPOSALS Proposals shall provide all of the information in this Request for Proposal and attached forms, and may include additional information such as narrative summaries, business brochures, letters of recommendation, etc. The Non-Price Proposal shall be opened privately by the Procurement Officer in the presence of one or more witnesses on the submission date. The Price Proposals shall be opened and evaluated at a separate date and time by the Chief Procurement Officer of the SRA. The non-price and price proposals will remain confidential until a formal and final contract has been executed. All proposals and other documents relating to this RFP are subject to the public records provisions of M.G. L. c.30B. The SRA intends to review each proposal based on the comparative evaluation and selection criteria set forth herein before considering costs. Therefore, all reference to cost must be contained in a separate sealed package marked “Price Proposal” together with Attachment “A” – Price Proposal Form. Any reference in the evaluation document to the cost or financing of this project will be grounds for excluding the proposal from further consideration. Proposals must be submitted in two (2) sealed packages according to the instructions below. A sealed package containing one (1) unbound single sided original of all required documents and six (6) copies of the Non-Price Proposal, clearly marked as follows: Stoughton Redevelopment Authority, C/O Town Clerk 10 Pearl Street Stoughton, MA 02072

RE: RFP Urban Renewal Plan Downtown Stoughton – Non-Price Proposal A sealed package containing one (1) unbound single sided original and six (6) copies of the price proposal, clearly marked as follows: Stoughton Redevelopment Authority, C/O Town Clerk 10 Pearl Street Stoughton, MA 02072 RE: RFP Urban Renewal Plan Downtown Stoughton – Price Proposal Proposals must be delivered no later than Thursday May 29, 2014 at 3:00 PM local time. Late submissions will be rejected, regardless of circumstances. The SRA is not responsible for submittals not properly marked. Each proposal must remain in effect for at least 60 days from the deadline for its submission. All material submitted by proposers becomes the property of the SRA which is not obligated to return any such materials.

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7. EVALUATION AND SELECTION PROCESS The SRA reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals, whichever is deemed to be in the best interest of the SRA. Proposers may correct, modify or withdraw a proposal by written notice received by the SRA prior to the time and date set as the deadline for submission. Proposals received after the time fixed for receiving them shall not be considered and will be returned unopened.

Response Submission Requirements

Minimum Evaluation Criteria

Responses that do not meet the Minimum Evaluation Criteria will be excluded from further consideration. The Proposer must include the following information and attachments clearly identified and indexed:

A) A narrative that describes the respondents approach to the scope of services. B) A schedule of milestones proposed for completion of the work. C) Price shall be submitted on the Price Proposal Form, (Attachment “A“) in a separate sealed

package. D) An executed Tax Compliance Certification, (Attachment “B” (individual) or Attachment “C”

(corporate or other legal entity)) hereto; E) An executed Certificate of Non Collusion, (Attachment “D” hereto); F) An executed Acknowledgment of Solicitation Requirements, (Attachments “E” hereto); G) An executed Vote of Corporation Authorizing Execution of Corporate Agreements,

(Attachment “F” hereto) if a corporation submits the proposal;

Comparative Evaluation Criteria

Each proposal that meets the Minimum Evaluation Criteria will be further evaluated on the basis of the Comparative Evaluation Criteria outlined below. Proposers are advised to consider these Comparative Evaluation Criteria when preparing their submission and submit sufficient information under each category to permit the SRA to fairly and responsibly rate the proposals.

A) Experience with development of Urban Renewal Plans in Massachusetts B) Experience with development of Urban Renewal Plans in surrounding states C) Years of experience in urban design and planning D) Qualifications of key staff E) Demonstrated ability to complete projects on schedule with excellent deliverables F) Availability of Key Personnel G) Quality and depth of proposal H) Quality of Interview – If Necessary

The above comparative criteria will be evaluated by use of four rating categories as set forth by M.G.L. Chapter 30B, Highly Advantageous, Advantageous, Not Advantageous and Not Acceptable and further described on the following page. The SRA reserves the right to conduct interviews with one or more respondents in order to assist in the decision making process.

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Highly Advantageous


Not Advantageous

Not Acceptable

A. Experience in successfully completing projects of similar size, scope and complexity in Massachusetts.

Verifiable evidence of successful completion of at least three (3) similar projects in the past five (5) years.

Verifiable evidence of successful completion of at least two (2) similar projects in the past five (5) years.

Verifiable evidence of successful completion of at least one (1) similar project in the past five (5) years.

Does not include any verifiable evidence of previous projects completed in the past five (5) years.

B. Experience in successfully completing projects of similar size, scope and complexity in New England or surrounding states.

Verifiable evidence of successful completion of at least five (5) similar projects in the past five (5) years.

Verifiable evidence of successful completion of at least three (3) similar projects in the past five (5) years.

Verifiable evidence of successful completion of at least one (1) similar project in the past five (5) years.

Does not include any verifiable evidence of previous projects completed in the past five (5) years.

C. The number of years that the Proposer’s firm has operated in the field(s) of urban design and planning

The firm has ten (10) or more years of experience consulting with municipalities on projects of similar size and scope.

The firm has between five (5) and ten (10) years of experience consulting with municipalities on projects of similar size and scope.

The firm has fewer than five (5) years of experience consulting with municipalities on projects of similar size and scope.

Information provided is insufficient to make a determination.

D. Qualifications of key staff within the field(s) of urban design and planning.

Resumes reflect Exceptional qualifications of key staff with field(s) of urban design and planning.

Resumes reflect Moderate qualifications of key staff with field(s) of urban design and planning.

Resumes reflect Minimal qualifications of key staff with field(s) of urban design and planning.

Information provided is insufficient to make a determination.

E. Proposer has demonstrated the ability to complete projects on a timely basis and to provide excellent deliverables.

At least five (5) references indicate that projects were completed on schedule or with minimal delays attributable to the proposer and that project deliverables were excellent.

At least three (3) references indicate that projects were completed on schedule or with minimal delays attributable to the proposer and that project deliverables were excellent.

At least one (1) reference indicates that projects were completed on schedule or with minimal delays attributable to the proposer and that project deliverables were excellent.

References were unavailable or non-responsive

F. The availability of key personnel to begin as well as throughout the project.

Key personnel have been identified and committed to be available to begin the project and will be available throughout the project.

Key personnel have been identified and committed to be available to begin the project and may be available throughout the project.

Some of the key personnel may not be available to begin the project and may not be available throughout the project.

The proposer does not make a commitment to dedicate key personnel to this project.

G. The quality and depth of the proposal and technical approach to the Scope of Services.

All tasks are thoroughly addressed within the proposal. Proposer’s responses to tasks are clear, thorough, and timely.

All tasks are thoroughly addressed within the proposal. Proposer’s responses to tasks are adequate.

Some tasks are not thoroughly addressed within the proposal. Proposer’s responses are not clear, thorough, and timely.

Many tasks are not thoroughly addressed within the proposal. Proposer’s responses are not clear, thorough, and timely.

H. Quality of Interview

– If Required

The Project Manager and team members demonstrate a thorough knowledge and understanding of the tasks and demonstrate their ability to communicate effectively with municipal officials and the general public.

The Project Manager and team members do not demonstrate a thorough knowledge and understanding of the tasks and their ability to communicate effectively with municipal officials and the general public.

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Proposal Evaluation Criteria

Each member of the proposal evaluation team shall review and assign a rating to each non-price proposal, in accordance with the rating evaluation criteria specified above. The Chief Procurement Officer shall consider those non-price ratings together with the price proposals and shall determine the proposal that is in the best overall interest of the SRA. The SRA reserves the right to accept or reject any and all proposals, whichever it deems to be in the best interest of the SRA and the Town of Stoughton.

The SRA may, depending on the number and quality of proposals, elect to interview some or all of the proposers whose non-price proposals meet the minimum criteria specified in this request for proposal. If the SRA elects to follow this procedure, various aspects of the interview performance will be rated in accordance with the criteria specified in this request for proposal.

Rule of Award

The Chief Procurement Officer of The Stoughton Redevelopment Authority shall consider the ranking of proposals by the SRA members and evaluate the Proposer’s evaluation response and price proposals that are the subject of this request for proposal and shall determine the proposal that is in the best overall interest of the SRA.

8. CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT A service contract will be drafted by the SRA’s Legal Counsel in compliance with the terms of the RFP and the proposal selected. These conditions may include, but shall not be limited to: (1) Conditions and restrictions as specified by the SRA in this RFP and/or specified in the response and

agreed to by the Proposer and the SRA.

(2) A mutually agreeable schedule for completion of the scope of services detailed herein.

(3) The SRA is tax-exempt. Sales taxes and finance charges will not be paid.

(4) Selected proposers must direct all invoices to: Stoughton Redevelopment Authority 10 Pearl Street, Stoughton MA, 02072.

RE: Urban Renewal Plan Downtown Stoughton


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Each Proposer is cautioned to review their Proposal Packet prior to sealing and submitting. The following checklist should be followed when assembling the Proposal Packet:

1. Submission package must include the name and address of the Proposer, and reference to the

“RFP Urban Renewal Plan Downtown Stoughton”. Price information should be included in a separate, sealed package identified as “Price Proposal” with the name and address of the Proposer and reference to the “RFP Urban Renewal Plan Downtown Stoughton”.

2. Narrative that describes the respondents approach to the scope of services

3. Acknowledgement of all Addenda.

4. Fully executed Attachments – Items below.

5. Authorization to submit a response in the form of a legally binding proposal, if not an individual

or corporation.


6. ATTACHMENT A – Price Proposal – To be submitted in separate sealed envelope and marked as “Price Proposal”.

7. ATTACHMENT B—Commonwealth of Massachusetts Individual Certificate of Tax Compliance, (If Applicable)

8. ATTACHMENT C—Commonwealth of Massachusetts Corporate or other Legal Entity Certificate of

Tax Compliance (If Applicable)

9. ATTACHMENT D—Certificate of Non-Collusion

10. ATTACHMENT E—Acknowledgement of Solicitation Requirements

11. ATTACHMENT F—Vote of Corporation Authorization Execution of Corporate Agreements (If Applicable)

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PRICE PROPOSAL The undersigned hereby submits the attached Response to the Stoughton Redevelopment Authority in response to the Request for Proposal – Urban Renewal Plan Downtown Stoughton dated April 24, 2014.

Proposers Name: _____________________________________________________________ Owner Name (if different from Proposer): ________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________

_______________________________________________ Telephone: _____________________________________________ E-Mail: ________________________________________________ Fax Number: ____________________________________________

The price proposal form must include the following information:

Proposed Contract Price: $ __________________________________________ (Not to Exceed)

Amount in Words ________________________________________________________________

Additional Meeting Cost __________________________ (Per Meeting)

Additional Public Hearings __________________________ (Per Public Hearing)

Preparation of (ENF) __________________________ (Environmental Notification Form)

Signature of Proposer ___________________________________ Date____________________ Name (Print): ___________________________________________________________________

To be submitted in separate sealed envelope and marked price proposal”.

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Pursuant to M.G.L. c.62C. s.49A. I certify under penalties of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, I am in compliance with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes, reporting of employees and contractors, and withholding and remitting child support. Federal Identification Number or SS#: ____________________________ Company Name: ____________________________ Address: ____________________________ ____________________________

BY: __________________________________________________

Name of Company Officer (printed)

____________________________ ______________

Signature Date

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Pursuant to the requirements of G.L. c.62C. s.49A, the undersigned does hereby state the following:

I, _________________________________________ as the ______________________________________

Of ______________________________ whose principal place of business is located at

_________________________________________________________ do hereby certify under the penalties of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the above named corporation/firm is in compliance with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes, reporting of employees and contractors, and withholding and remitting child support. Federal Identification Number or SS#: ____________________________ Company Name: ____________________________ Address: ____________________________ ____________________________

BY: __________________________________________________

Name of Company Officer (printed)

____________________________ ______________

Signature Date

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The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this Proposal has been made and submitted in good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this certification, the word “person” shall mean any natural person business, partnership, corporation, union, committee, club or other organization, entity or group of individuals.

Signature of individual submitting bid _________________________________________________

Name of business/organization ______________________________________________________

Date ______________________________________

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As evidenced by the signature of the Proposers authorized signatory below, the Proposer certifies that it has read and understands the Request for Proposal and understands the requirements of the solicitation.

The Proposer expressly acknowledges RFP Addendum #s: ________________ and further expressly acknowledges that said Addendums have been read and this Proposal has been made in light of the information contained in said Addendums.

Proposer’s Authorized Signatory __________________________________________________

Printed Name ______________________________________________________

Date _____________________________________

Title _____________________________________

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At a meeting of the Board of Directors of _____________________________________________duly called and held on _________________________20_______ at which a quorum was present and acting throughout, the

following vote was duly adopted.

VOTED: That ____________________________________ the_____________________________________ of the

corporation, be and hereby is authorized to affix the Corporate Seal, sign and deliver in the name and behalf of the

corporation contract documents with the Stoughton Redevelopment Authority relative to the Request for Proposal

– Urban Renewal Plan Downtown Stoughton, the above mentioned documents to include but not be limited to

Bids, Proposals, and Contracts; and also to seal and execute, as above, surety company bonds to secure bids and

proposals and the performance of said contract and payment for labor and materials, all in such form and on such

terms and conditions as he/she, by the execution thereof, shall deem proper. A true copy


________________________________________________________ Name (printed) ________________________________________________________ Corporate Seal Signature

___________________________________ __________________________________ Title Date

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Appendix A - Downtown Redevelopment District

Appendix B - Scope of Services Urban Renewal Plan Downtown Stoughton

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Statement of Objectives of the URP: The Urban Renewal Plan for Downtown Stoughton provides the Stoughton Redevelopment Authority with two or three options with clear action steps, costs, benefits and responsibilities (public and private) to achieve the vision for Downtown Stoughton (the Town Center) as expressed in Phase One of the Stoughton Master Plan. That vision is:

“Town Center is the municipal, social and cultural heart of Stoughton. Anchored by restored and repurposed historic buildings and served by beautiful public gathering spaces, accessible sidewalks, safe streets, and convenient parking, Town Center is active with a mix of residential, commercial/retail and government buildings.”

From these options the Stoughton Redevelopment Authority (the SRA) must choose one option to pursue. As the Town of Stoughton (the Town) approaches the end of Phase Two of its Master Plan, the clear message from townspeople at several public meetings, focus groups, and on-line surveys is that this same vision persists. The SRA and the Town both need to deliver this vision, and do this in a manner that does not change the basic character of the community. The SRA needs a clearly documented and fiscally sound and defensible Urban Renewal Plan (URP) – (a plan which defines the appropriate actions within the Downtown to leverage the SRA’s resources, the Town’s resources, other public resources, and private resources) - that the SRA can bring forward for Town and DHCD approval. This Scope of Services identifies the tasks that will provide the products and services necessary for the SRA to apply for and receive approval of an Urban Renewal Plan (URP) that is consistent with the requirements of M.G.L. Chapter 121B. The development of the URP will provide the Town of Stoughton, through the Stoughton Redevelopment Authority (SRA), a valuable and powerful tool to facilitate revitalization in the Downtown Stoughton area; provide employment and economic development that will benefit the low and moderate income households in the Town; and eliminate blighted conditions in the area. The Consultant’s approach to preparing the URP for Downtown Stoughton should

(a) focus on building community consensus for the overall vision from the Master Plan for the Downtown Stoughton project area [note that an attempt to develop an Urban Renewal Plan failed in 1970 because of lack of community backing, which failure has not been forgotten],

(b) review and as needed supplement the Economic and Market analysis for Downtown Stoughton as part of the Master Plan [a critical portion of the URP in the publics’ eye will be its economic viability] and

(c) identify the urban renewal activities that will bring that vision to reality

The Consultant shall review the Economic and Market Analysis being prepared for the Stoughton Master Plan and advise the SRA of any additional information that it believes would be appropriate to obtain and analyze in order to provide a sound economic footing for the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan. If the SRA accepts the Consultant’s advice, the Consultant will provide a detailed proposal on what additional work is needed to supplement the Economic and Market analysis along with a separate price proposal. The SRA reserves the right to award this work to the Consultant through a change order or to seek bids on this additional work from others.

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To deliver a successful planning project, the Consultant will complete the following tasks and provide the Town of Stoughton, through the SRA, with the services and deliverables described below and any other separately bid deliverables included in the URP Scope of Work the chosen Consultant and the SRA agree to prior to the execution of the contract. 1.0 Pre-Planning - Work Plan, Site Analysis & Community Vision/Master Plan

The purpose of this Pre-Planning Task is for the Consultant to develop a work plan with the SRA, including a work schedule, meeting dates, public outreach program and responsibilities; conduct a site analysis for the Downtown Stoughton area and identify conditions that would qualify the area for inclusion in the URP; facilitate a community visioning process to achieve a consensus on a Master Plan; and define the Urban Renewal Area (URA). This will be accomplished using at a minimum the subtasks listed below.

1.A. Work Plan Administrative and Site Assessment Tasks

1. Attend kick-off meeting with SRA representatives. 2. With the SRA, identify key stakeholders (including but not limited to Town officials, constituency

groups/contacts/property owners) to include in the planning process. 3. Develop a schedule of meetings for each and all sections of the Scope of work.

Throughout the contract, the Consultant will prepare all materials for presentation to the SRA at least the Thursday prior to any scheduled meeting, and attend and participate in all meetings required by the SRA. The Consultant will

a) have monthly meetings with the SRA, weekly email progress reports and weekly follow-up phone calls as required by either the SRA or the Consultant.

b) from the work beginning in section 2.0 of this scope of work to the end of the contract period, have meetings every other month (as needed) with the SRA Advisory Committee referenced in section 1.B.1

c) have meetings as required to coordinate with DHCD to complete a URP for Downtown Stoughton

In addition, the section-by-section meetings proposed include in Section 1.0:

a) two (2) public forums to explain the planning process, the work to date, and to accept public input

b) one (1) coordination and presentation meetings with the Planning Board c) one (1) coordination and presentation meetings with the Board of Selectmen d) two (2) appearances on local TV to discuss the planning process and plan status

Section 2.0: a) two (2) public forums to show plans to date, and to accept public input b) one (1) coordination and presentation meetings with the Planning Board c) one (1) coordination and presentation meetings with the Board of Selectmen d) as needed one (1) public hearing to receive formal public input on the draft URP e) two (2) appearances on local TV to discuss the planning process and plan status

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Section 3.0: a) one (1) public forum to show plans to date, and to accept public input b) one (1) coordination and presentation meeting with the Planning Board c) one (1) coordination and presentation meeting with the Board of Selectmen d) two (2) public hearings one (1) with the Planning Board and one (1) with the Board of

Selectmen to receive formal public input on the final URP e) two (2) appearances on local TV to discuss the planning and plan status

Total meetings and hearings aside from required meetings throughout the contract period:

a) five (5) public forums b) six (6) coordination and presentation meetings c) three (3) public hearings d) six (6) appearances on local TV to discuss planning and plan status

The price of each “meeting” beyond these totals proposed will be provided as a separate item in the price proposal. The price of each “public hearing” beyond these totals proposed will be provided as a separate item in the price proposal.

4. The contractor will post all critical documents and presentations on the SRA Website. 5. Attend an initial meeting with Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community

Development (DHCD) staff to review the plan elements and establish a working dialogue.

6. Review the initial limits of the Urban Renewal Area with the SRA as shown on the attached plan.

7. Collect, assemble, review, update, and summarize existing information, reports, plans and data about the project area and assess the current building and site characteristics to make a determination of the extent of open blight, decadence and substandard conditions in support of URA eligibility. The limits of the URA may be adjusted based on these data.

8. Review and rate each property and the exterior of all structures within the project areas as

excellent, good, fair, poor, and then, in the rating category ‘poor’, inspect all properties in a rating category related to the need for demolition according to the rating requirements of M.G.L. Chapter 121B.

9. To the extent possible and in consultation with the SRA, inspect interiors of six (6) to ten (10)

representative buildings in the project area considered by the SRA as important for their reuse potential and the feasibility of rehabilitating these structures. Inspections will include overall conditions, existing connections to services, physical conditions, and mechanical and utility systems.

10. Using the Assessors records and as needed the consultants own resources, compile a

photographic inventory of the project area site analysis and exterior building condition assessment.

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11. To the extent possible, use the Town and State GIS information and the Master plan maps to

prepare base plans for the planning effort and supplement this information as necessary. Document and provide the supplementary information forthwith to the SRA and the Town.

12. Assume responsibility for maintaining all records of the engagement, those you produce and

those provided by the Town … e.g., meeting minutes, public engagements, letters of support, news articles supporting and documenting the process, presentations, etc. (i.e., those things that may help DHCD look favorably on Stoughton’s URP).


Catalogue all existing data used in this engagement as to location and accessibility and provide new data to the Town in electronic and hard copy.

1.B. Public Engagement Plan, Site Analysis, and Analysis Testing Tasks

1. With the SRA, update the key stakeholders list from item (1.A.2) and assist the SRA to develop an

outreach and involvement strategy to achieve Town and DHCD approval. This may result in the creation of an advisory committee to assist the SRA and the Consultant. Such an advisory committee created by the SRA will be involved as appropriate throughout the rest of the document without need for further reference to it.

2. Prepare site analysis plans showing improvement opportunities for development and creation of

amenities and the current and possibly attendant constraints associated with change within the study area and key links to other parts of the Town.

3. As agreed to in the negotiations of this contract, if supplemental work is needed on the Economic

and Market Analysis for Downtown Stoughton, this work will be completed. This task will result in a written report the results of which will be incorporated into the overall URP.

4. Review the design features proposed or incorporated within the Master Plan and determine

urban design character, essential urban design features, linkages/connections and related development. To the extent that Consultants’ work shows differences from the Town Master Plan, show these differences and explain the rationale for reaching the recommendations.

5. Propose potential buildout plans for the type, mix, and location of proposed uses, open space,

entertainment, parking, circulation and other key features of the plan, including: a. Define the proposed character of development to respond to market demands as identified

in the market analysis. b. Provide a definition of overall uses. c. Incorporate urban design elements, such as treatments at key intersection and gateways,

streetscape treatment, site furnishings and similar items. d. Define vehicular access, parking and pedestrian circulation. e. Show and define opportunities for open space and natural resource improvements. f. Analyze the regulatory context and potential impact on the various actions.

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6. Hold two public forums to indicate the proposed plan direction. Review the results of these forums with the Board of Selectmen, Planning Board, and DHCD. The Consultant will put the forum presentations on the SRA Website.

7. Participate in two local TV appearances to discuss URP planning and planning status.

Deliverables: The Consultant will actively assist the SRA to utilize the outreach and involvement strategy agreed to with the Consultant. The information, plus analysis, shall be compiled in an appropriate format for presentation at a Public Forum to review the opportunities and constraints and the conceptual URP and to seek public input. A second Public Forum will be conducted to present a conceptual URP to respond to initial public input in order to refine the plan. The SRA will tape the forums for appropriate rebroadcasting. The Consultant will participate in other outreach efforts including local TV appearances.

2.0 Urban Renewal Plan - Draft Document

The Consultant will work with the SRA, and others as appropriate, to finalize the URP boundary to conform to state requirements for an Urban Renewal designation and to insure that the plan appropriately connects to the rest of the community. The tasks described below are necessary to prepare the URP for the selected project area that meets the requirements of M.G.L. Chapter 121B. The methodology recommends that separate sections of the report be assembled as individual technical memoranda to allow for progress review by the SRA and DHCD. A complete draft will then be prepared for review and editing, including a checklist for compliance with urban renewal regulations. Once this draft is reviewed by the SRA and the Town Board of Selectmen, Planning Board and DHCD, a complete final plan will be prepared in section 3.0 for the local and state approval process.

Urban Renewal Plan Tasks 2.1 Prepare an Inventory of Site Characteristics. Update and complete the assessment and the

current building and site characteristics of the area. This task will be accomplished with extensive data collection from the respective public agencies, property owners and tenants, and (to the extent necessary) the inspection of a representative sample of properties within the urban renewal area. The collected information will be compiled and mapped by the Consultant in a common format for use as documentation for the URP. Specific categories of inventory and analysis will include the following:

2.1.a Maps of the area will be created showing existing conditions such as topography, land

use, building conditions, zoning and streets. The Consultant shall use Town maps, GIS data sets, and assessor's information. Property lines and the footprint of existing and proposed buildings and parking areas on each lot will be shown. Existing and proposed land uses, activities, zoning, right-of-way, public rights-of-way, easements, and other activities will be mapped.

2.1.b Maps of the area will be created showing proposed conditions such as topography, land

use, building conditions, zoning and streets. The Consultant shall use Town maps, GIS data sets, and assessor's information. Property lines and the footprint of proposed buildings and parking areas on each lot will be shown. Proposed land uses, activities,

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zoning, right-of-way, public rights-of-way, easements, and other activities and will be mapped.

2.1.c Parcels to be acquired and lots to be created for disposition will be mapped and

appraised as required by DHCD (estimated to be 25 properties). Boundaries of areas proposed for clearance will be determined. Buildings to be demolished, rehabilitated, and constructed will be identified and mapped. This information will be determined from meetings with the SRA, and Town staff.

2.1.d Information prepared by other consultants, including Master Planning work, roadway

studies, parking studies, Brownfield assessment and mitigation actions plans, open space plans, zoning recommendations, design guidelines and similar studies, will be reviewed and incorporated into the report as appropriate. Depression of the South Coast Rail shall be incorporated into the plans and report.

2.1.e The following required plans will be prepared as part of the Plan

1. URP District Boundary and Topography 2. Boundaries of Areas Proposed for Clearance and Rehabilitation 3. Existing and Proposed Property lines, Building Footprints, and Parking Areas (2

plans)* 4. Existing Land Uses and Zoning (2 plans)* 5. Proposed Land Uses and suggested adjustments to Zoning (2 plans)* 6. Existing and proposed Thoroughfares, Public Right-of-ways and Easements (2

plans)* 7. Parcels to be Acquired 8. Lots to be Created for Disposition 9. Buildings to be Demolished 10. Buildings to be Rehabilitated 11. Buildings to be Constructed 12. Proposed Public Improvements (open space, utilities, parking, street

improvements, parks, monuments and other visual improvements) 13. Incorporate from the Master Plan appropriate elements that relate to streetscape,

walkability, traffic circulation, street activity and vitality. 14. Proposed consolidated Redevelopment Plans

* Graphical depiction of information may require 2 plans

2.2 Determine and Affirm the Eligibility of the Plan. Consultant will document studies, analyses, inventories, inspections, and other data gathering methods which demonstrate that the project area is a blighted open area, decadent area, and/or substandard area as defined by M.G.L. c. 121B, § 1. To determine whether clearance, spot clearance, and/or rehabilitation are proposed and/or necessary, the following analyses will be performed:

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2.2.a The "fit" between potential redevelopment and the goal of the plan will be discussed in relation to the Objectives of the Plan, including specific discussion of the physical relationship to the overall plan and surroundings.

2.2.b Justification for public clearance, acquisition, and rehabilitation activities for the Area’s

redevelopment. 2.2.c Statements of conformance to surveys and local plans will be prepared.

2.3 Prepare a Statement of Objectives of the Plan. This task will create a formal statement of the

objectives to be accomplished by the plan. These objectives will address redevelopment specifications, jobs and site criteria.

2.3.a Using the recommendations from the most recent version of the Downtown portion of

the Stoughton Master Plan, Consultant will work with the SRA, and other interested parties to review earlier statements of the objective of the plan and revise the “Objective” as necessary, provide a clear statement of why the revisions are needed, and clearly indicate the changes and rationale. Develop an overall implementation plan necessary to achieve the URP's objectives. This implementation plan will identify public and private actions (to include financial, regulatory, outreach, and other actions) that will lead to the revitalization of the project area. The URP will evaluate specific actions in strategic locations that will achieve the objectives of the Plan and encourage private and public investment.

2.3.b The Plan will indicate the type and location of proposed uses and the anticipated results

in terms of employment, economic development and types of industries and businesses. 2.3.c Design guidelines and suggested adjustments to zoning provisions that will govern

development consistent with the vision of the Plan within the Urban Renewal Area. The Urban Renewal Area (URA) is as defined in the initial Scope of Work or subsequently modified in consultation with the SRA in phase one (1).

2.4 Prepare a Financial Plan for the Project. The financial plan will include the following:

2.4.a Cost estimates of site preparation and all public improvements will be compiled by the Consultant.

2.4.b Cost estimates to establish the gross and net project expense will be compiled from

estimates, including any land disposition income. 2.4.c An overall project budget including administrative expenses and reserves for

contingencies will be prepared. The final budget will also identify potential funding sources and strategies for securing funding.

2.4.d A financing strategy for project elements will be prepared identifying costs, sequencing,

and likely public and private sources, and incentives, where appropriate.

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2.5 Municipal Approval. Consultant will make presentations at the requisite public forums, public hearing, coordination meetings and TV and other outreach appearances. The SRA shall be responsible for conducting the public hearing including the transcripts, securing the requisite municipal approval and certifications with the assistance of the Consultant.

2.6 Site preparation. Consultant will prepare a description of all site preparation actions for the URP

area necessary to prepare sites for redevelopment and/or public improvement, including items such as land protection, measures to address environmental, soil, or topographic problems.

2.7 Public Improvements. Any public improvements included in the plan will be identified by

Consultant including general specifications, general design concept, and how the improvement will help achieve the objectives of the URP.

2.8 Acquisition and Relocation. As acquisition and relocation plans have a limited shelf life due to

the vagaries of market conditions, the URP will not contain relocation plans for specific properties; however the URP will include a commitment to comply with all federal and state laws and regulations. The Consultant will provide this service and submit a price proposal to prepare and provide an acquisition and relocation plan on a per-parcel basis.

2.9 Redeveloper’s Obligation. The Plan will include a description of the obligations that have or will

be imposed on redevelopers for construction of improvements.

2.10 Disposition. The plan will contain a commitment on behalf of the Stoughton Redevelopment Authority and the Town of Stoughton that the sale or lease of property under MGL Chapter 121B and MGL 30B shall be done in accordance with the provisions of the URP and in the best interest of the Town of Stoughton.

2.11 Citizen Participation. Consultant will document citizen participation in the process for developing

this plan. The names of all the members of the citizen’s advisory committee referenced in section 1.B.1, a description of the process resulting in their selection, and documentation of their participation will be included. Mandatory public hearings will require transcripts or video documentation.

2.12 Consultant will meet with DHCD to review sections of the plan and a draft of the plan for

preliminary review and comment prior to submitting the final copy for official approval. Deliverables:

Draft URP Graphics and presentation material will be prepared and provided for public outreach and public input (public forums, coordination meetings, TV and other outreach appearances, and a Public Hearing); preparation and consolidation of all documentation of activities to this point in the contract needed for approval of the URP by DHCD will be provided; and bound copies of the Draft URP for SRA members, the SRA file, a copy each for the Board of Selectmen and the Planning Board and appropriate copies for DHCD will be provided.

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3.0 Plan Approval

Once the URP is in a draft form (from Section 2.0 above), the Consultant will work with SRA to obtain the necessary local approvals from the Planning Board and Board of Selectmen. Public outreach and requisite public hearings will be held. Concurrently, meetings with DHCD will be held to review further drafts of the plan (beyond the review in Section 2.0 above) for preliminary review and comment prior to submitting the final copy for official approval. The Consultant will work with the Town, and the SRA in making plan modifications, revisions, and/or providing additional information in response to comments raised by DHCD during the URP review process. The Consultant will prepare a URP in final form that will be suitable to receive Municipal and DHCD approval. The Municipal Plan Approval will consist of the following Certifications and Exhibits:

3.1 Declaration of Necessity by the Stoughton Redevelopment Authority.

3.2 Evidence of public hearing before the Planning Board and the Board of Selectmen including

public hearing notice, hearing minutes, video recording (if available), sign-in/attendee sheet, newspaper accounts.

3.3 Approval of the URP by the Board of Selectmen.

3.4 Planning Board determination the URP is based on local survey and conforms to the Stoughton

Master Plan.

3.5 Evidence of Massachusetts Historical Commission receipt of public hearing notice.

3.6 Certification by SRA Counsel that the proposed plan is in compliance with applicable laws 3.7 All supporting documentation including local letters of support, newspaper articles, etc.


Final Approved URP

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4.0 Preparation of Environmental Notification Form (ENF)

Once the plan is ready for submittal to the State, the Consultant will review the MEPA Regulations to determine if an ENF is required. If an ENF is required, the Consultant will work with the SRA Counsel to prepare the required Environmental Notification Form for this project. The price to complete the ENF will be provided as a separate item in the price proposal. This will include the preparation of a standard Environmental Notification Form and supporting documentation relying on the data collected and plans generated during the preparation of the Urban Renewal Plan. The ENF will be filed with MEPA and the Consultant will attend one review meeting with MEPA Staff and prepare a response to requests for additional information or questions. If during the preparation of the ENF, or during the MEPA review, it is discovered that one or more review thresholds will require additional research or analysis that was not performed in conjunction with the preparation of the URP, the Consultant will identify the additional tasks that are necessary to complete the ENF application or respond to MEPA requests for additional information and outline a recommended strategy or course of action to satisfy the MEPA requirements.
