128391573 Lesson Plan Reading KSSR

LESSON PLAN Focus: Reading Theme: World of Stories Topic: The Princess and The Dragon Content Standard: 2.2 Pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of li near and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to construct Learning Standard: 2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph with simple and compound 2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph of 5 – 8 simple sentences. Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and Time : 30 / 60 minutes Teaching Aids: picture cards(figurines), phrase cards(a king, a princess etc), power point presentation (story ‘The Extra- Curricular Elements: Constructivism, Critical Thinking Skills (Generating Ideas) Stage/ Time/ Activity Teaching & Learning Notes SET INDUCTION (5 mins) 1. Pupils are given figurines of characters. 2. Teacher pastes phrase cards on the board. 3. Pupils match the figurines to Read and match Figurines and phrase cards. PRE-READING STAGE (10 mins) 4. Pupils read aloud all the phrases. Reading a king, a queen, a princess, a prince, an ogre, a knight, a dragon, a castle, a tower, a bag of


The Princess and The Dragon2.2 Pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding of avariety of linear and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning.2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph with simple and compound sentences. 2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph of 5 – 8 simple sentences. Objective: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read andsequence the story correctly. (explicitly written)

Transcript of 128391573 Lesson Plan Reading KSSR



Theme:World of Stories

Topic:The Princess and The Dragon

ContentStandard:2.2Pupils will be able to demonstrate understanding of avariety of linear and non-linear texts in the form of print and non-print materials using a range of strategies to construct meaning.

LearningStandard:2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph with simple and compound sentences.

2.2.4 Able to read and understand a paragraph of 5 8 simple sentences.

Objective:By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read andsequence the story correctly. (explicitly written)

Time :30 / 60 minutes

Teaching Aids:picture cards(figurines), phrase cards(a king, a princess etc), power point presentation (story The Princess and the Dragon), sentence strips

Extra-CurricularElements:Constructivism, Critical Thinking Skills (Generating Ideas)

Stage/Time/ActivityTeaching & LearningStrategyNotes

SET INDUCTION (5 mins)1. Pupils are givenfigurines of characters.2. Teacher pastes phrase cards on the board.3. Pupils match the figurines to thephrase cards.Read and matchFigurines and phrase cards.


4. Pupils read aloud allthe phrases.

Readinga king, a queen, aprincess, a prince, anogre, a knight, a dragon, a castle, a tower, a bag ofgold, the kings land

ActivityTeaching & LearningStrategyNotes

READING STAGE(20 mins)5. Teacher reads thestory, The Princess and the Dragon.PresentationPower point presentation

6. In groups, give pupils sentence strips of the story, The Princessand the Dragon.7. Teacher picks a group to start a storychain. (This groupidentifies and reads the first sentence of the story).Practice by recallingSentence Strips(Appendix 2)

8. The first group to identify the secondsentence continues the story chain.(This activity is repeated until the whole story iscompleted.)Practice by recalling

9. Invite pupils to readthe story with the correct pronunciation and intonation.Reinforcement

WHILE-READING STAGE (20 mins)10. Distribute worksheets.Pupils complete them.

Assessment of comprehension

Level 1 (Appendix 3)Level 2 (Appendix 4) Level 3 (Appendix 5)

CLOSUREPOST-READING STAGE(5 mins)11. Tch discusses the moral values in the story.

Pupils respond.


Assessment:Able to read the story with the correct pronunciation and intonation.

The assessment is carried out as step 7 is carriedout.

Remedial:Pupils are able to re- arrange sentences correctly.

Appendix 4

Enrichment:Get pupils to talk about a person they liked or dislike in the story.

person they liked or disliked in the story.

Critical Thinking Skills

Generating Ideas