12 Angry Men Answers

12 Angry Men: Matching Ch. 18 terms to the movie Some suggestions for answers


12 Angry Men Answers12 Angry Men Answers12 Angry Men Answers12 Angry Men Answers

Transcript of 12 Angry Men Answers

  • 12 Angry Men: Matching Ch. 18 terms to the movieSome suggestions for answers

  • Juror No. 10 is prejudiced Makes racial

    statements Prejudice: he

    referred to people in slums as trash

  • Juror No. 3 has an attitude Lee J. Cobb He clings to the

    guilty verdict.

    Attitude:expressed toward Juror 2 before they began deliberations

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    Demonstrated when

    they all raised


    hands to

    vote guilty---just to

    get along---at the

    beginning of the

    jury deliberation


    Normative Social Influence

  • Juror No. 8uses his footJuror No. 8

    uses his foot Mr. Davis (Henry Fonda) He casts the first not guilty

    vote Foot in the door

    phenomenon: on the way to convincing more jurors he gets to just agree to listen to the evidence

  • Juror No. 8 uses Group think If everyone votes

    guilty I wont stand alone

    This was before the second vote.

    He wants harmony in the group. Which ever way they all vote, hell vote.

  • Juror No. 5 is influenced by information (conformity)

    Hes outraged at racial remarks

    Informational social influence: He becomes the second juror to change his vote after hearing more evidence

  • Juror No. 3 is deindividualized Lee J. Cobb He clings to the

    guilty verdict. Deindividuation: He loses his cool

    defending his the guilty verdict and wanting to fight about it

  • Juror No. 3 scapegoats the defendant

    Lee J. Cobb He clings to the

    guilty verdict. Scapegoating:

    blames the defendant when hes really mad at his son

    rotten kids, you work your life out

  • Juror No. 10 espouses racism Makes racial statements Racism: its born in them Thats the way they are,

    by nature Calls the defendant a

    common, ignorant slob who cant even speak English

    Theyre no good; theres not a one of emthats any good. (after the 9-3 vote)

  • Attribution error Background: Two factors influence our

    behavior-- our disposition and our situation. Several jurors, particularly No. 3 and No.

    10 overemphasize the personal factors of the defendant and overlook the situational factors that influence the behaviors

    This is known as Fundamental attribution error

  • Juror No. 3, Attribution error Lee J. Cobb He clings to the

    guilty verdict. Commits the

    fundamental attribution error

  • Juror No. 10, Attribution error Makes racial


    Commits the fundamental attribution error

  • Conformity examples They can be either normative or

    informational Normative if they just went along to

    conform to the norm of the group (what everybody else is doing)

    Informational if they changed their vote based on evidence/information from the discussion

  • Juror No. 4 The


  • Cognitive dissonance example If our actions and our attitudes dont

    coincide (agree) we experience tension and try to reduce it by changing our beliefs or our actions.

    Juror No. 4 is an example with the movie memory scene

  • Juror No. 9, Mr. McCardle

    Tries to create cognitive dissonance in Juror 4 by referring to his eye glass marks as they relate to a key witnesses eye marks