11 Tl - Springer978-3-642-72885-3/1.pdf · 130 Kommer, D. & Schwarz, N. (1984). panem et...

11 LI TERA Tl.JR Abele, A. (1985). Thlnklng about thinklng. Journal of Soclal psychOlogy 315-332. Anderson, & Bower, G.H. (1973). Human assoclatlye memory, Washington, O.C.: Wlnston. Anderson, N.H. (1974). Cognltive algebra: Integration theory appl led to soclal attribution. In L. Berkowitz (Ed.), Adyances In ex- perimental soclai psychOIOgy, Vol. 7. New York: Academlc Press. Andrews, F.M. & McKennel, A.C. (1978). Measures of self-reported wel I-belng: Thelr affectlye cognltlye and other components. Institute for Soclal Research, The Unlverslty of Mlchlgan. Worklng Paper Serles. Andrews, F.M. & Wlthey, S.B. (1976). Soclal Indlcators Of wel 1- belng: Amerlca's perceptlon Of I Ife Qual Ity, New York: Plenum. Averl I I, (1975). A semantlc atlas of emotional concepts. Catalog Of Selected pocuments In psychOIOgy, 5, 330, Ms # 1103. Baltes, P.B., Reese, H.W. & Nesselroade, (1977). Llfe span deyelopmentai psychOIOgy: Introductlon to research methods. Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole. Baumeister, R.F. (1982). A self-presentatlonal vlew of soclal phenomena. Psychologicai Bulletin, 8.1, 3-26. Birnbaum, M. (1981). Fee I Ing and thlnklng: A sceptlcal review. Amerlcan PsychOloglst, ae, 99-101. BIttorf, W. (1977). Rauchen und Nicht-Rauchen. Fernsehfl Im, produziert für die ARD. Bless, H., Bohner, G., Schwarz, N. & Strack, F. (1986). Macht gute Stimmung denkfaul? Vortrag bel der 3. Fachtagung der Arbeitsgruppe Sozialpsychologie, Erlangen, Aprl I 1986. Bless, H. & Schwarz, N. (1984). Ist schlechte Stimmung die Ausnahme? Eine Metaanalyse von Stimmungsuntersuchungen. Beitrag zur 26. Tagung experlmentel I arbeitender Psychologen, Nürnberg, Aprl I 1984. Bollnow, O.F. (1956). pas Wesen der Stimmungen. Frankfurt: Klostermann. Bower, G.H. (1981). Mood and memory. Amerlcan psychologlst, ae, 129- 148. Bower, G.H. (1983). Affect and cognltlon. Phi losophical Transactlgns gf the Royal Soclety London Bower, G.H., Black, & Turner, (1979). Scrlpts In memory for text. Cognltlye PsychOIOgy, 177-220. Bower, G.H., Montelro, K.P. & GI I I Igan, S.G. (1978). Emotional mood as a context for learnlng and recal I. Journal Of Yerba I Learnlng and yerba I Behaylgr, 1Z, 573-585.

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Abele, A., 24,119. Anderson, ~.R., 26,27,28,102. Andrews, F.M., 11,12. Averi 11, ~.R., 22. Baltes, P.8., 109. Bargh, ~., 34. Baumeister, R.F., 119. Bechtel, G., 96. Birnbaum, M., 35. BIttorf, W., 114. Black, ~.B., 90. Bless, H., 23,83,122. Bohner, G., 122. Bollnow, O.F., 2,3,14,19,20,32,59,61,62,92,113. Bower, G.H., 14,21,25,26,27,28,29,30,60,90,112. Bradburn, N.M., 10,107. Brady, ~. V ., 2. Br lekman, P., 7, 102. Brock, T.C., 121. Byrne, 0., 17. Calvert-Boyanowsky, ~., 58. Campbe I I, A., 6,8, 10 ,43 ,57 , 82 , 93 , 100, 101 , 106 , 110 . Campbe I I, O. T ., 102. Cantor, N., 124. Carlston, 0., 17,21,22,59,60,111,116,117. Carp, A., 6, 102 . Carp, F.M., 6,102. Cisneros, T., 22. C I ark, M. 8., 2, 14 ,31 ,60, 112 . Clark, M., 25. Clore, G.L., 17,18,21,22,28,33,44. Coates, 0., 7, 102 . Converse, P. E., 6, 100, 101 . Corty, E., 56,62,91,93,95,96,101,110. Cunnlngham, M.R., 38. Oav I son, L., 22. Oebus, G., 23. Oermer, M., 7, 102 . Deutsch, B., 7, 101 , 108 . Diener, E., 5,9,10,11,23,64,103. o I rnag I, K., 38. Oodson, ~. 0., 25. Oörner, 0., 16. Easter I In, R. A., 6. E I eh, ~. E., 27. Eider, G.H., 82. Emmons, R. A., 6, 10 , 11 , 102, 103 . Ewert, 0., 2,3,14,19,20,34,59,92. Fi II ip, 8.H., 82. Fiske, 8.T., 113,118. F i üge I, ~. C . A., 23. Fogarty, 8.~., 27. Forgas, ~.P., 16. Frank, ~.O., 22. Fromlng, W.~., 10. G I I I I gan, ~. C., 27. GI I I Igan, 8.G., 21,25,26,28. Glatzer, W., 6,99,100,104,110. Goodhart, O.E., 99.

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Greeley, A.M., 103,109. Greenberg , .J., 23. Gr I ce, H., 119. Gr I f f In, 8., 5. Grossart, F., 2,22.


Gschneldlnger, E., 22,78,90,91,98,100. Hagstotz, W., 107. Halal, M., 27. Hastle, A., 29. He I son, H., 7, 102 . Hlgglns, E.T., 18,33,78. HIppier, H . .J., 7,99,101,108,110. Hossay, .J., 22. Hu I I, C. L., 25. Hyman, H.H., 8,7. I sen, A. M ., 2, 12, 14,25 ,28 , 29 ,30 ,31 ,57 ,80, 112, 120, 121 , 122 , 123, 124. Itkln, 8.M., 17. Izard, C.E., 22,83 . .James, W., 22 . .Janke, W., 23 . .Janoff-Bulman, A., 7,102 . .Johnson, W.B., 23 . .Jones, C.A., 18,33. Kahneman, 0., 14,95. Kamman , A., 8. Kanouse, o.E., 98. Karp, L., 25. Kellett, 0.8., 5B. Kelley, H.H., 38,44,45,58,115. Kenny, o.A., 113. King, G., 78. Kirsch, .J., 28,33. Kommer, 0., 98. Krug I ansk I, A. W., 43,45. Kuh I, .J., 22,24,57, 120, 122 . Kuhn, M., 3B. Kullk, B., 38. Kumpf, M., 114. Kunst-Wllson, W.A., 35. La I rd, .J. 0., 27,29. Larsen, A . .J., 9, 10, 11 ,23, 103. Lazarus, A.8., 22,25. Lersch, P., 3. Leventha I, H., 58. Levlne, 8.A., 10,84. Levln, P.F., 12. Leyens, .J., 22. Llngle, .J.H., 113. Marcuse, L., 5. McG I I I, V . .J., 102. McGulre, W . .J., 113. McKennel, A.C., 12. McKoon, G., 27. Mlchalos, A.C., 8. M I sehe I, W., 27. Mohr, H.M., 99. Montelro, K.P., 21,25. Mordkoff, A., 22. Moreland, A.L., 35. Nasby, W., 29. Nesselroade, .J.A., 109.

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Nisbett, R.E., 14,62,78,91,95. Nowlls, V., 2,23. Ost rom , T.M., 113,121. Parduccl, A., 102. Petty, R.E., 121. Pletromonaco, P.,34. P I nto, L . .J., 103. 109 . Posner, M . .J., 14,31. Presser, S., 108. Pyszcynsk I, T., 23. Rate I I f f, R., 27. Reese, H.W., 109. Rholes, W.S., 18,33. Rodgers, W.L., 6,100,102. Rosentha I, R., 13. Ross, L., 14,62,78,91,95. Rune Iman, W.G., 6. Runyan, W.M., 82. Russe I I, T., 30. Ryle, G., 2. Schale, K.W., 109. Scherer, K.R., 16. Scheuring, 8., 8,102. Schlenker, 8.R., 119. Schuman, H., 108.


Schwarz,N., 7,8,9,18,21,22,23,28,33,62,64,78,90,91,93,96,99,100,101, 102,103,108,109,110,114,116,122. Servay, W., 114 . She I ker, T. E., 25. Sherman, S . .J., 56,62,91,93,95,96,101,110. Showers, C., 124. S I I ver, R., 7. Simon, H.A., 24,96. S I nger, E., 6,7. Slovlc, P., 14,95. Smlth, T .W., 103,107,109. Snyder, C.R.R., 16. Snyder, M., 26,27. Sommers, S., 23. Spe I sman , .J.C., 22. Sru I I, T. K., 33,78,98, 113. Stäudel, T., 25. Staub, E., 58. St I I I man, R. C., 27. Strack,F., 7,9,22,23,71,78,83,90,91,93,95,96,99,100,101,103,108, 109,122. Strasser, S., 19,20. Sudman , S., 103,107,109,110. Szegda, M., 27. Tatarklewlcz, W., 5. Taylor, S.E., 91,113,118. Teasdale, .J.O., 27,30. Thomson, S.S., 113. Trometer, R., 108. Turner, T . .J., 90. Tversky, A., 14,95. Underwood, 8., 10. Upshaw, H., 103 . Wagner, 0., 7,71, 101 , 102 . Wagner, .J . .J., 27. We I ner, 8., 23.

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Welngartner, H., 27. Whlte, P., 28,27. Wllson, W., 102. Wlthey, 8.B., 11. Wong, P., 23. Woodworth, R.8., 25. Wortman , C., 7.


Wyer, R.8., 17,21,22,33,59,80,82,78,83,90,98,103,111,113,118,117. Yando, R., 29. Yerkes, R.M., 25. Young, P.T., 25. Zajonc, R.B., 14,18,17,32,34,35,37,43,58,80,83,113. Zapf, W., 5,8,100,104,108,110.