100brainteasers Solution

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  • 100 Brain Teaser Answers

    1. They are all married

    2. [t][e][n] [h][o][r][s][e][s]

    3. Too wise you are too wise for me I see you are too wise for me

    4. I am the letter E

    5. Wake up

    6. I am a mirror

    7. She is 22 years old

    8. I am a table

    9. There are two Ts in that

    10. Thanks

    11. It is joy

    12. It is silence

    13. It is snow

    14. It is a comb

    15. The letter Y

    16. They have baby rabbits

    17. Look before you leap

    18. It is a surname

    19. It is a wedding ring

    20. Any animal can jump higher than a house. Houses cant jump

    21. Smiles is the longest word because there is a mile between the Ss

    22. It is the letter V

    23. They are footsteps

    24. It is water

    25. The word SWIMS

    26. I am a snake

    27. It is a mushroom

    28. One is a grandmother, one is a mother and one is her daughter

    29. In the dictionary

    30. It is coal

    31. I am a bridge

    32. It is advice

    33. It is a river

    34. The letter N window = widow, door=donor

    35. I am a joke

    36. The letter N for November

    37. When it is a roman numeral F(IV)E

    38. It is their breath

    39. She is your mother

  • 40. It is noise

    41. You can stop imagining

    42. Month Everest was but it has not been discovered yet

    43. Half way then you are walking out of the woods

    44. She crosses with the rabbits then returns empty. She crosses with the doges and returns with

    the rabbits. She crosses with the lettuce and returns empty. Then finally she crosses with the


    45. None, it is a hole

    46. The word is short

    47. It means a friend in need

    48. It means once in a blue moon

    49. The easiest way would be to pull the plug

    50. The collar is a nickel and the dog is $1.05

    51. The name of her fourth child was Lilly

    52. A pound of feathers is heavier for they are measured in Avoirdupois points (16 ounces). Gold is

    measured in Troy pounds (12 ounces).

    53. Eggs came first dinosaurs laid eggs long before there were chickens

    54. You can fill a room with light

    55. It is darkness

    56. A square manhole cover can be turned and dropped down the diagonal of the manhole. A

    round manhole cannot be dropped down the manhole. So for safety and practicality, all

    manhole covers should be round.

    57. The word is dozens

    58. I am time

    59. It is your word

    60. Friday was the name of his horse

    61. It is the temperature

    62. I am sand

    63. I am the letter R

    64. It is a towel

    65. I am the past

    66. I am an hourglass

    67. It is the letter M

    68. I am a match

    69. It is a keyboard

    70. I am a ton

    71. Your would light the match first

    72. I am a dentist

    73. I am a windmill

    74. I am fire

    75. I am an icicle

    76. It is a tissue

  • 77. The paragraph does not contain any instances of the letter E, the most common letter in the

    English alphabet

    78. I am an eye

    79. Throw the ball straight up

    80. I am the wind

    81. I am a shadow

    82. It is a bed

    83. It is a hole

    84. It is a bell

    85. Yes they are

    86. You can see a seal or a donkey

    87. You can see a chiefs face or a persons back wearing a parka

    88. You can see two faces or a candlestick holder

    89. You can see the word liar or a persons face

    90. Yes they are the same shade of grey

    91. You can see a young girl or an older lady

    92. You can see a young girl or an older lady

    93. You can see a seal or a bear in the water

    94. You can see a bunny or a duck

    95. You can see a saxophone player or a womens face

    96. You can see either defeat or victory

    97. You can see the word WEST

    98. You see either a mans face or a lady walking in a park

    99. You can see either a fish on a plate or a womans face

    100. You see either Wolverine or two Batmen