10 rules on running a good workshop

on running a good workshop 10 rules Based on an article written by Scott Berkun

Transcript of 10 rules on running a good workshop

on running a good workshop


Based on an article written by Scott Berkun

Rule #1: A 3 hour lecture is not a workshop

This is a lecture…

not a workshop.

Rule #2: The more students you have, the less of

a workshop it is

Rule #3: Work the triad: explain, exercise, debrief

Rule #4: Stay out of the center

Ask students who are good at something…

to help students who have questions on that thing.

Rule #5: Beta test your exercises

Rule #6: Match promises to exercises

Rule #7: Always have a whiteboard or flipchart in

the room

Rule #8: The room should look like a workshop

when you are done

Rule #9: Build a workshop checklist

Rule #10: Give students the next thing to do after

they leave

http://scottberkun.com/2013/run-a-good-workshop/Click the link below to read the entire article written by Scott Berkun