10 Productivity Pillars of a Successful Company

Tips by Weekdone

Transcript of 10 Productivity Pillars of a Successful Company

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Tips by Weekdone

Page 2: 10 Productivity Pillars of a Successful Company

“If you’re stretched and overloaded, you can’t think strategically about your own

time let alone anyone else’s” Elizabeth Grace Saunders

Make time for work that matters, so your team can

follow your lead.


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“You never want a serious crisis to go to waste. It provides the opportunity for us to do things that you couldn't do before” Rahm Emanuel - former Chief of Staff

A company with dysfunctional habits won't change simply because a leader orders it. Make use

out of crisis to cultivate the need for change and new

productive habits.


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People with goals achieve 10x as much as people with no goals

Use Objectives and Key Results to show what success looks like (used by Google, LinkedIn etc.)

1. Define 3-5 key objectives. 2. Under each define 3-4 measurable results. 3. Set and monitor weekly plans according to your objectives.


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Leads to quicker problem solving and improved engagement.

Ask your team to share and implement personal

productivity tips to increase employee buy-in and overall



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“The key to improving individual productivity is to eliminate or delegate

unimportant tasks and replace them with value-added ones”

Jordan Cohen - Productivity Coach

1. Describe the outcome you want to achieve2. Say how much time you expect people to spend on a particular task3. Get out of the way and give people permission to make decisions


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� Get real-time progress updates� Set and monitor goals� Give feedback and more


Increase your team's productivitywith Weekdone


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Good decision principles help managers to let go without losing control and enable people make everyday decisions in diverse settings.

Create a doctrine to empower decision making across the organization.

1. Frame a mission statement that has a shared purpose and explain how the purpose will be fulfilled.2. Transform your existing values into decision principles. 3. Find real-world decisions and reverse engineer the most effective principles.4. Help people apply them to daily decisions.


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Save a lot of time and energy by offering a reliable place where people

can easily find, edit and share all the necessary information. (Google Docs,

Dropbox, Slack etc.)

86% of employees cite lack of

collaboration for workplace failures


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Multitasking makes people slower and dumber. Productivity falls 40%.

1. Identify your high priority tasks according to your OKRs2. Break tasks down into chunks and block out a time for each3. Use a calendar or a tool to visually block your time4. Schedule breaks and turn off all the distractions


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Evolutionary psychology has taught us that human beings are hard-wired to

over-analyze the negatives.

1. Set yourself up for success. Before a task, imagine possible roadblocks and plan how you will get over them.2. Shift the focus from failure to possibilities. After a setback, help people identify the problems and ask what they learned.


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Productivity is measured in terms of the rate of output per unit of input.

1. Define key metrics: hours worked, productivity per hour, reports produced, priority followed2. Use an accountability system/tool: scoreboard, time tracking, progress reporting


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� Get real-time progress updates� Set and monitor goals� Give feedback and more


Increase your team's productivitywith Weekdone