10 new things we need to know as communication leaders after my trip to San Francisco



In November 2013, I attended GigaOm's Roadmap 2013 ("The Intersection of Design & Experience) in San Francisco. It featured high level talks with tech leaders, including the founders of Twitter, Tinder and Instagram. I also enjoyed a tour of Facebook HQ, thanks to a former student of mine. Rather than blog my findings, I decided to go visual and list them in a presentation.

Transcript of 10 new things we need to know as communication leaders after my trip to San Francisco

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1 0 N E W T H I N G S W E N E E D T O K N O W A F T E R M Y T R I P T O S A N F R A N C I S C O

M E M O T O A L L # C O M M L E A D ’ E R S F R O M @ H R H M E D I A

Page 2: 10 new things we need to know as communication leaders after my trip to San Francisco

1 . N E W D E S I G N T H I N K I N G E M E R G E S E A C H T I M E T H E R E ’ S A N E W S O C I O -E C O N O M I C S H I F T

• Technology’s “magic is going, going gone. It’s all plumbing & toasters now”

• “Design is what defines relationship” — it’s the interface between companies and the outside world

!~Robert Bruner, chief designer “Beats by Dr. Dre”

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2 . T H I N K “ E X P E R I E N C E D E S I G N ”

actions (the world of the body) +

emotions (cognitive science, the world of the mind) +

relations (the world of people) =confusion, opportunity

(or convergence of physical+digital+social) !~ John Maeda, Rhode Island School of Design

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3 . C O M M E R C I A L T R A N S A C T I O N S C A N B E A F O R M O F E N G A G E M E N T

• “From the early days we saw the receipt as an often-played down communication channel”

• In this way, we can abstract the “bad feeling” about money away. Square is trying to meet the customers where they are

!~ Jack Dorsey, Square (& Twitter)

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"The app is simple: You’re served a succession of photos of people who meet your age, gender, and location criteria. You swipe right if you want to meet someone, and swipe left if you don’t. If you both swipe right, you can message each other.” NYMAG.com 10/23

4 . T R U S T T H R O U G H “ D R O P D E A D S I M P L I C I T Y ” A N D “ D O U B L E O P T I N ”

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5 . W H E N 5 0 B I L L I O N M A C H I N E S C O M E O N L I N E , W E ’ L L N E E D T O M A K E S E N S E O F A L L T H A T D A TA

• The Internet of Everything needs data scientists: “We’re embedding software with our hardware”

• Engineers, UX designers and marketers work in tandem. GigaOm Jobs of the Future

!~Beth Comstock, CMO GE

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~ @ K E V I N

6.“Instagram is a communications company, not a photography one. The content shared is for


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Our Fit Quiz is like Cosmo, asking incredibly personal questions. An algorithm combines Quiz inputs with inventory metadata, classifies them to 6,000 different body types. Then women receive a “try-on” box, which is how we measure success (80% accuracy) ~ Michelle Lam True & Co

7 . C O M B I N E D E S I G N A N D D A TA F O R A B E T T E R U S E R E X P E R I E N C E

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Our focus is on collaboration and mobile. ~ Bret Taylor, Quip

(AllThingsD: building a productivity suite for the mobile era)

8 . M O B I L E I S S E R I O U S LY I N F L U E N C I N G P R O D U C T D E S I G N

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9 . C R E A T I V E P E O P L E N E E D T O C O N S I D E R T H E M S E LV E S B U S I N E S S E S N O W

• “Kill everything that’s not directly related to mission. Be medium-agnostic.”

• “Ask about the problem you’re trying to solve”

!~Scott Belsky, Behance, Adobe

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How San Francisco’s new entrepreneurial culture is changing the country (New Yorker Oct 14 2013)

The Internet Won’t Save Us (The Daily Beast Mar 5 2013)

1 0 . E M B R A C E T E C H E N T R E P R E N E U R I A L I S M , O R B E W A R E T E C H S O L U T I O N I S M

Page 12: 10 new things we need to know as communication leaders after my trip to San Francisco

– W W W. C O M M L E A D . U W. E D U

Created by Hanson Hosein, Director Communication Leadership graduate program at

the University of Washington ~ Nov 2013