
LEGUMES Adelya Desi Kurniawati, STP., M.Sc., MP Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015



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LEGUMESAdelya Desi Kurniawati, STP., M.Sc., MPPengenalan Bahan 2014/2015What we study about...Legumes as high protein sourceLegumes as an ideal cropsLegumes general structre Nitrogen fixationProcessing

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

Beans, peas, and lentils are the seeds of legumes. They come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colorsIntroduction...In the tropics, they are the next important food crop after cerealsIn Indonesia the consumption is number 3 after cereals and tubers

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

Legumesbelong to the family Leguminoseaesources of low-cost dietary vegetable proteins poor mans meatSource of vegetable oils peanut and soybeanAn ideal crops since thousand years ago...

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MPLegumes as an ideal cropsSeeds easily harvested, have a low water content and, Dry seeds easily stored for long periods of timeHigh protein content and ease in growingCultivation of legumes enriches the soil rotation crops Nitrogen Fixation

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MPLegumes CharacteristicsLegumes dicotile familyFlowers bisexual flowers with five-petal are unequal in size, bilateral symmetry, and has been described as either butterfly shaped or boat shaped.

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

Legumes Characteristicsthe seeds contain two prominent food-storing cotyledons

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

The fruit is a pod, or legume, with one row of seeds. Some legumes have edible pod.

Legumes Characteristicsthe presence of root nodules, which contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria Rhizobium

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

Nitrogen Cycle

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

Legumes Enriched the SoilRhizobium enzymatic ability to reduce nitrogen gas to ammonium (NH4+) which cells can convert to other nitrogen-containing compounds.

Some species of nitrogen-fixing organisms can live freely in the soil or in symbiotic associations with higher plants, as in the root nodules of legumes.

After legumes harvesting, 50 to 2000 kg/ha of biologic nitrogen are accumulated in soil equivalent 10-20 t/ha compost.

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MPLegumes as Natures Super FoodHigh quality of protein provide a range of essential amino acids needed for growth and repairsource of antioxidants, B-group vitamins, iron, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and magnesiumrich in dietary fibre which is essential for the bodys digestive processessource of soluble fibre bind with cholesterol and carry it out of the body

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MPLegumes as Natures Super Foodlow glycaemic index (GI) excellent source of carbohydrate for people with diabetescontain a type of fibre known as resistant starch prebioticdont contain gluten and can add variety to a gluten-free dietExcept soy beans and peanuts, legumes are low in fat and provide plenty of fibre and bulk, which may help control appetite by keeping you feeling fuller for longer

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

Nutrition content

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

Peanuts (Arachis hypogea)nature's most nutritious seedsmajor source of edible oil and proteinone of the world's most popular and universal crops

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

Peanut Composition

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

Dry weight 25% shell and 75% kernel. Weight of kernel two fleshy cotyledons (93%), radicle (4% ) and the plumule (3%)

Peanut productdry or salt-roasted peanutsas honey-roasted peanuts,peanuts (roasted in-shell)as peanut cookies and candies as toppings to various dessertsPeanut butter

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

Nutrition componentsThe fatty acid composition of peanut oil is about 10 % palmitic acid, over 80% oleic and linoleic acids

High amino acid Aspartic acid, Glutamic acid, Glycine, Proline, Serine but low in sulphur amino acids

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MPAntinutrition trypsin inhibitor (Trypsinis an enzyme involved in the breakdown of many different proteins )

lectins (protein that can bind to cell membranes, which influence the cell interaction)

consumption of raw peanuts headaches and stomach cramps due to ingestion of these antinutritional factors present in the skin remove the skins as the initial step in further processing of peanuts.

A goitrogenic (substances that suppress the function of thethyroidgland by interfering withiodineuptake) in the testa (plumule) and some saponin-like compounds in the germ (radicle) give bitter taste

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MPAflatoxinbadly harvested and/or poorly stored peanuts infected with toxigenic microorganisms Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus produced aflatoxin cause cancer in animals

Removal of the toxins from the peanuts by extraction using polar solvents or solvent systems to which have been added 0.5% hydrogen peroxide or 0.2% sodium hypochlorite

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

Soybeans (Glycine max)Asal: asia timurBeberapa jenis varietas kedelai yaitu kedelai muria, tengger, meratus, orba, galunggung, lokon, guntur, wilis, bromo, argomulyo, anjasmoro, mahameru dan dempo.

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

CharacteristicKomposisi zat gizi kedelai bervariasi menurut varietas, keadaan tempat tumbuh, umur saat dipanen dan budidaya penanaman.

Kedelai 8% berat kulit, 90% kotiledon (keping biji) dan 2% hipokotil (embrio)

Mayoritas protein kedelai tahan terhadap panas saat pemanasan. Karena itu produk kedelai memerlukan proses dengan panas misal tahu dan susu kedelai

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MPNutritionKedelai adalah sumber protein yang mengandung asam amino esensial yang jumlahnya cukup banyak terutama lisin

sumber protein terbaik untuk vegetarian yang tidak mengkonsumsi protein hewani.

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

AntinutritionHeat labileprotease inhibitors, haemagglutinins haemagglutinins bind on to the glycoproteins on the cell surface causing agglutination of the red cells, goitrogens antivitamins phytates substance that reduces our absorption of minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MPVarietiesEdamame sweet tasting large soybeans that are harvested prematurely, when the beans are still green. Sweet and delicate in flavor, edamame can be added to salads or soups or rice dishes.Mature Soybeanstan-colored and are harvested when they have fully matured.Dried Soybeansavailable at most health-food stores, are dense, pea-sized beans that require a long soaking before cooking.Soy nutsroasted soybeans that resemble peanuts (like peanuts, soy nuts are high in fat).

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MPSoybean ProductsKedelai kuningtempe, tahu, kecap, kembang tahu dan susu kedelai.

Kedelai hitamkecap

Kedelai coklatBisa digunakan untuk pembuatan produk yang serupa dengan dengan kedelai kuning.

Kedelai hijaupembuatan makanan kecil dalam bentuk direbus atau digoreng.

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

Soybean productsSoybean oils in manufacture of mayonnaise and salad dressings.Lecithin as a by-product of vegetable oil has both a hydrophilic and a hydrophobic side chain formation of emulsionssoy protein concentrates used in canned meats to ensure a firm product while preventing fat separationSoybean milk replaced of cow milk (intolerant)

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

Soy milk VS. Cow milk

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

Mung Bean (Vigna radiata)dried beans are boiled and are eaten whole or after splitting into dhal (seed coat removed)

dried beans are soaked overnight, drained and placed in containers in a fairly warm, dark place. The beans are sprinkled with warm water every few hours and the sprouts are ready

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

Composition contentSeperti kacang-kacangan lainnya kaya akan lisin, tetapi rendah asam amino yang mengandung sulphur.

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

NutritionPati pada kacang hijau memiliki daya cerna yang sangat tinggi yaitu 99,8 % sangat baik untuk dijadikan bahan makanan untuk bayi dan balita yang sistem pencernaannya belum sempurna

Kacang hijau mengandung 20-25 persen protein pada kacang hijau mentah memiliki daya cerna sekitar 77 persen.

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MPAntinutritionprotease inhibitors, haemagglutinins, cyanogens (generate hydrogen cyanide), phytic acid, oligosaccharides (cause of flatulence ) and saponins

protease inhibitors, haemagglutinins, cyanogens inactivated by moist heat in autoclaving or cooking

Oligosaccharides, saponins heat stable, but soluble in water and are eliminated by adequate presoaking treatment

Germination and fermentation of the beans are known to reduce malnutrition

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MPProductsBubur kacang hijauTepung hunkweKecambah (sprout)

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

Kecipir (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)Kecipir tergolongtumbuhan penutup tanahdanpupuk hijauefektif karena pertumbuhannya sangat cepat dan termasuk sebagai pengikatnitrogendari udara yang paling baik. Dalam budidaya, tidak diperlukan sama sekali pemupukan N.

Di negara barat disebut kedelai bersayap (winged bean)

Biji kecipir memiliki kandungan protein, minyak/lemak dan komposisi asam amino yang sangat mirip dengan kedelai.

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

NutritionSemua bagian tanaman kecipir, kecuali batang, dapat dikonsumsi yaitu daun, bunga, polong muda, biji baik biji segar maupun kering dan umbi supermarket on the stalk

Tingginya kandungan protein pada semua bagian tanaman kecipir kemampuan akar tanaman ini untuk mengikat nitrogen dari udara bebas

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

AntinutritionKandungan fosfor tinggi tapi tidak dapat dimanfaatkan karena terikat dengan asam fitat sulit dicerna fermentasi seperti pada tempe menghasilkan enzim fitase (memecah fitat)

Anti tripsin larut air dan labil panas perendaman atau pemanasan dalam air mendidih

Tanin pada kulit biji

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MPProductDaun, polong muda lalapan (setelah direbus)

Konsumsi biji (polong) dalam bentuk direbus, dikukus, disangrai, digoreng, dipanggang batasi konsumsi mentah untuk menghindari senyawa anti gizi

Tauco kecipir ragi tempe

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

Keterbatasan LegumesMengandung anti zat giziMengandung senyawa off flavorBau langu (beany flavor)Rasa pahit dan rasa kapur (chlaky flavor)Namun dapat dikurangi dengan adanya pemanasan dan proses pengolahan

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP

Pengenalan Bahan 2014/2015 Adelya Desi K., STP., M.Sc., MP