1 earliest human societies

The Earliest Human Societies to 2500 BCE HI 101 Origins of Civilization

Transcript of 1 earliest human societies

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The Earliest Human Societies to 2500 BCEHI 101 Origins of Civilization

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Study Questions:• How did humans evolve and where did they migrate?• What were the key features of Paleolithic Society?• How did the Agricultural Revolution develop and how did it

effect human society?• How did growing social hierarchies increase the complexity

of humans society in the Neolithic Period?

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• Human history before the invention of writing & the keeping of written records (about or circa (ca.) 3,500 BCE)• Lasted over 10 million years!• Hominids: immediate ancestors of Humans appeared

ca. 10 million plus years ago in Africa• Hominids—species family that contains Humans,

chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans

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Prehistory• Four Key Elements:1. Ancestors of Humans appeared in Africa2. Homo Sapiens (our species of Hominids or “Modern

Humans”) appeared ca. 200.000 BCE3. Homo Sapiens migrated out of Africa 4. Humans began to invent culture—or modify the

environment to fit their needs & transmit culture to future generations

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• Culture: ways of living built up by a group and passed on from one generation to another, including behavior, material things, ideas, institutions, and religion. The combination of speech and material invention was necessary for the development of human culture.

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PreEvolution and Migration

• Early Hominids:•Australopithecus (“Lucy”)•Homo habilis•Homo erectus•Homo sapiens

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AFRICA: Modern Human Beginnings• Australopithecus• Oldest bipedal

hominid found• 3.2 Million Years Old• Walked upright• Carried & used tools

—led to larger brains• Evolved into Homo


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“Lucy,” Hadar, Ethiopia

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Homo Habilis (Handy man)• Lived 2.5 million

years ago• Made and used

sharpened stone tools• Increased intelligence• Evolved into Homo


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Homo Erectus (upright human)• 2 million years ago• Improved tool-

making skills• Better hunting

• Increased vocal ability, mobility• migrated out of east

Africa to Eurasia

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Homo Sapiens (Thinking Humans)• Emerged in East Africa• Larger brains•Better language ability•Migrated across Africa to Eurasia• Interbred with and replaced Homo

Erectus—colonized the globe

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Why are Big Brains Important?

• Language=social organization• Better for attracting a mate & passing big brains onto

later generations

• Make better weapons—fish hooks, harpoons, snares, traps• Get more food!• Bigger brains need more energy and require more


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Human Migration & Differentiation• Pre-Historic Man•Migrated throughout the world by raft or

crossing land formations• Racial Differentiation

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“Racial” Differentiation• If we all started in Africa, then why do we look so

different?• Migrating groups became isolated & mated within the

same group• Environment and breeding led to differences in skin and

hair color, eye and body shape• Created different cultural practices

• The term “race” and “racial” categories were developed in the 1700s in Europe• HUMANS ARE ALL MEMBERS OF THE SAME SPECIES!

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PrehistoryThere are 2 important time periods in Pre-history1. Paleolithic: 250,000-9,000 BCE2. Neolithic: ca. 9000 BCE

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Paleolithic Society250,000-9,000 BCE• Humans completely dependent on their environment• Foraged for food—mostly plants, fish, seafood, small animals• Hunted some large game with spears and bows

• Art & Culture:• Evidence suggest body ornamentation, ceremonial burials,

paintings, decorations, musical instruments, & expressions of self-identity

• Spirituality:• Careful burials suggest belief in afterlife• Animism: everything around them had a spirit

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Neanderthal burials

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Neolithic Era, ca. 9000 BCE• Development of Agriculture—Humans became independent of


• Agricultural Revolution: Began in “Fertile Crescent” of Mesopotamia• Planting of seeds• Domestication of animals• Increased human population • More settled lifestyle—permanent housing, food storage• Specialized labor—tool makers, Pot makers, home builders, etc.

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Social Hierarchy & Slavery• Stored food—• Valuable• Source of conflict• Required more complex rules—led to formation of power structures• People with power became elites in society who controlled

resources• Needed force to maintain power• Eventually bought the labor of others or other people

• Allowed for rise of Priestly class—responsible for rituals to ensure good harvest

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Development of Trade Networks• Settled societies began to trade goods with one another