1 de Noviembre

When I was a missionary in Los Angeles, California in 1969, we taught about faith, repentance, baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost as the saving ordinances that all had to have for exaltation. In fact, the novelty was teaching the reception of the Holy Ghost because there was so much emphasis on baptism. Little to nothing was said about our missionary purpose and very little attention was paid to the “Doctrine of Christ.” I can say without equivocation that, “enduring to the end,” wasn’t taught, wasn’t emphasized and little attention was paid to it, even though every scripture on the topic mentions it. It has been such a wonderful thing to see the changes that have taken place in missionary work since I was a tall, skinny missionary in the West Spanish American Mission tracting out the streets of Boyle Heights in L.A. working with President Homer F. Royle. One of those changes is the emphasis on “enduring to the end” as a requirement for exaltation. Perhaps it is just a little too easy to overlook this final step because it is such a relief to finally see some of our friends enter the waters of baptism and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Honestly, it is easy to think our work is done with that investigator when nothing could be further from the truth. In our Specialty Conferences in August, we talked about the Full Purpose Missionary. The Full Purpose Missionary is one who continues to work with his/her converts even after they have received the gift of the Holy Ghost. He/she teaches not only the 5 discussions post-baptism but leaves them with a spiritual thought weekly while they are still in the same area. When the missionary moves, they continue to stay in touch, sending scriptures, inspirational messages, statements of love and support, and encouragement. As Elder Russell M. Nelson of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles says, “We should envision our new converts who are currently dressed in white standing at the side of the baptismal font---now standing in front of the temple dressed in white.” The truth is that the blessings of exaltation don’t come unless we are blessed with all of the saving ordinances; in addition, eternal families can be sealed only in the House of the Lord. The Full Purpose Missionary won’t be completely satisfied until his/her convert enters the House of the Lord and receives exalting ordinances that prepare him/her for life with our Heavenly Father. Message From Presidente Dayton Teaching Converts that Exhaltation Requires Enduring to the End 25 de Octubre de 2015 El Clarín de El Faro


Weekly Newsletter

Transcript of 1 de Noviembre

Page 1: 1 de Noviembre

When I was a missionary in Los Angeles, California in 1969, we taught

about faith, repentance, baptism and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost as the

saving ordinances that all had to have for exaltation. In fact, the novelty was

teaching the reception of the Holy Ghost because there was so much emphasis on

baptism. Little to nothing was said about our missionary purpose and very little

attention was paid to the “Doctrine of Christ.” I can say without equivocation that,

“enduring to the end,” wasn’t taught, wasn’t emphasized and little attention was

paid to it, even though every scripture on the topic mentions it. It has been such a

wonderful thing to see the changes that have taken place in missionary work since I

was a tall, skinny missionary in the West Spanish American Mission tracting out the

streets of Boyle Heights in L.A. working with President Homer F. Royle. One of those

changes is the emphasis on “enduring to the end” as a requirement for exaltation.

Perhaps it is just a little too easy to overlook this final step because it is such a relief to

finally see some of our friends enter the waters of baptism and receive the gift of the

Holy Ghost. Honestly, it is easy to think our work is done with that investigator when

nothing could be further from the truth. In our Specialty Conferences in August, we

talked about the Full Purpose Missionary. The Full Purpose Missionary is one who

continues to work with his/her converts even after they have received the gift of the

Holy Ghost. He/she teaches not only the 5 discussions post-baptism but leaves them

with a spiritual thought weekly while they are still in the same area. When the

missionary moves, they continue to stay in touch, sending scriptures, inspirational

messages, statements of love and support, and encouragement. As Elder Russell M.

Nelson of the Quorum of Twelve Apostles says, “We should envision our new converts

who are currently dressed in white standing at the side of the baptismal font---now

standing in front of the temple dressed in white.” The truth is that the blessings of

exaltation don’t come unless we are blessed with all of the saving ordinances; in

addition, eternal families can be sealed only in the House of the Lord. The Full

Purpose Missionary won’t be completely satisfied until his/her convert enters the House

of the Lord and receives exalting ordinances that prepare him/her for life with our

Heavenly Father.

Message From Presidente Dayton

Teaching Converts that Exhaltation Requires Enduring to the End

25 de Octubre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

Page 2: 1 de Noviembre

Message From Presidente Dayton Cont.

25 de Octubre de 2015

What should we teach our new converts about “Enduring to the End?”

President Hinckley gave us a pretty good idea when he said that every new member of the

Church needs: 1) a friend, 2) a calling or responsibility, and 3) to be nurtured by the good

word of God. First, friendships that are forged in the teaching phase of conversion turn out to be of critical importance in keeping new converts on the path to enduring to the end.

Home teachers, quorum leaders, members with the missionary spirit all bless the lives of the

new convert when they form warm, loving relationships with these choice sons and

daughters of God. We should teach our new converts to be open and ready to form new

friendships. They should accept opportunities to get to know many members of their new

“family.” Second, we need to teach our converts that this is a faith where all members

participate in callings—something very different from the rest of the Christian world. Teach

them that a calling is a great blessing because service gives us all a chance to grow. Teach

them that, in general, we don’t turn down Church callings. Third, help them understand that

they have much to learn and that they need to continue to read the scriptures, great

Church books, and other faith-building literature. The spirit must be fed just like the body.

Reading and studying is important if they want to endure to the end.

New converts must have the importance of preparing for the temple

emphasized. Helping them prepare to do vicarious baptisms in the temple soon after their

conversion continues to be a powerful way of helping them endure. Beyond that, they

should set a goal to go through the temple in one year to take out their own endowments.

It is of absolute critical importance that our new converts understand that we go to Church

EVERY single Sunday without fail. Forming this righteous habit is one of the most important ways to help them endure to the end. We need to emphasize the value of the Sacrament

and renewing our covenants, the fortifying power of being around fellow disciples, and the

importance of continued gospel instruction that is found in Church attendance.

Finally, PMG states that, “By following the gospel path, we can draw closer to God,

conquer temptation and sin, and enjoy the gift of the Holy Ghost. As we patiently, faithfully,

and consistently follow this path throughout our lives, we will qualify for eternal life...this

lifelong commitment is often called, enduring to the end.” 2 Nephi 31:16 sums it up pretty

succinctly: “And now, my beloved brethren, I know by this that unless a man shall endure to

the end, in following the example of the Son of the living God, he cannot be saved.”

May we faithfully, without fail teach our investigators of the importance of

enduring to the end is my humble prayer.

Con amor para los misioneros del Faro,

Presidente Dayton

El Clarín de El Faro

Page 3: 1 de Noviembre

Attributes of Jesus Christ – Forgiveness

Message From Hermana Dayton

25 de Octubre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

Forgiveness is clearing the record of those who have wronged us and then not holding a

grudge. It is also choosing to bear any continuing consequences of the offense.

Christ makes it very clear in the scriptures that we should forgive others, "If ye forgive

men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men

their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses" Matthew 6:14-15. Jesus

also said, "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors". Matthew 6:12. When a

servant who was forgiven of a great debt refused to forgive a fellow servant who owed

him a small debt, the Lord said, "O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt,

because thou desiredst me: Shouldst not thou also had compassion on thy fellow

servant, even as I had pity on thee?" The more we comprehend how much we have

been forgiven, the easier it is for us to forgive others.

We know that a lack of forgiveness creates bitterness. Bitterness is like the disease of

leprosy. When one has leprosy they lose any sensation of pain; therefore, they are

unaware of when they are hurting themselves and others. Similarly, those who are bitter

are often unaware of how they hurt other people with their words, attitudes and actions.

St Augustine said, "If you are suffering from a bad man's injustice, forgive him lest there

be two bad men."

Page 4: 1 de Noviembre

About ten years ago, I had the opportunity to attend a three day seminar on creating a

life of joy and happiness. I became acquainted with a middle aged woman who looked

very elderly. She walked with a cane and had a harsh countenance. The first day, our

presenter taught the principle of forgiveness and challenged each of us to make a list of

people who had offended us. He then had us make a list of people we had not

forgiven. I noticed that this woman made two Very long lists. Next our presenter

challenged us to call each person on our list following our session. We were to ask

forgiveness, even if they were unaware of our feelings. I will always remember the final

day of our conference as this woman stood, without her cane. Her face glowed--her

entire countenance had changed as she reported that she felt true joy, happiness and

peace for the first time she had ever remembered. She left that day without her cane--

with new found energy, health and vigor, and she literally looked 20 years younger! I am

convinced that if we refuse to forgive others our health is impacted. "For this cause, many

are weak and sickly among you, and many sleep (die prematurely).” 1Corinthians 11:30.

We can apply the principle of forgiveness as missionaries by--

--Forgiving our companion when they are insensitive

--Discussing personal differences with our companions in order to learn more about the

their needs.

--Forgiving ward members, investigators, family and friends for their actions

--Viewing those who offend us as children of God and as instruments in the Lord's hands

--Looking for life lessons as we are offended and draw closer to the Savior

--Determining what character qualities Heavenly Father wants us to develop in and

through our offenses.

President Dayton and I feel so grateful for each of you. We are thankful for the way you

forgive us when we make mistakes. We love to see your goodness as you willingly forgive

others when they have offended you. We will continue to pray for you earnestly that you

will be happy and peaceful as you continue to diligently forgive others and as you

faithfully serve the Lord.

Hermana Dayton

Message From Hermana Dayton Cont.

25 de Octubre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

Christlike Attributes- Faith, Charity, Love, Virtue, Hope, and Humility,

Knowledge & Wisdom, Patience

Page 5: 1 de Noviembre


25 de Octubre de 2015

“Eran contados … y se

inscribían sus nombres”



























Bautismos 11 10 14 7 11 4 10 8 8 0 4 6 8

Confirmaciones 11 10 14 7 11 4 10 6 10 0 4 5 9

Fechas bautismales 123 118 90 105 105 132 123 136 95 77 129 133 114

Inv reunion sacramental 202 221 222 211 213 213 174 195 212 166 184 205 220

Lecciones con un

miembro789 735 742 698 722 762 731 738 681 562 684 802 748

Lecciones con un m. p. 51% 50% 52% 50% 48% 52% 51% 51% 51% 44% 44% 50% 48%

Nuevos Investigadores 554 532 480 440 515 474 444 487 455 441 572 566 522

Bautismos/Confirmaciones esta

semana 9

Bautismos/Confirmaciones este mes 18

Bautismos/Confirmaciones hasta la

fecha este año392

El Clarín de El Faro

Nathalie Herrera Alvarez Barcelona 3CHermanas Bastidas y


Joan Torres Siscar Sabadell 1A Élderes Ross y Bronson

Adrian Salas Zaragoza 1A Élderes Grau y Simon

Blessing Benneh Zaragoza 1C Hermanas Lee y Plant

Pablo Cesar Sanchez Escober Bilbao B Élderes Tonks y Dunn

Evelyn Mónica Revilla Serrano Vilafranca A Élderes Putt y Cushing

Moisés Rodas Apana Vilifranca B Hermanas Solos y Stilson

Enith Jeannine Antunez Miñano Valencia 2B Élderes McCarthur y Moulten

Ciorogar Estera Alina Palma 1B Hermanas Mayes y Johnson

Page 6: 1 de Noviembre

And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith.Doctrine & Covenants 42:14


CUATRO: Élderes Grau y Simon

Hermanas Lee y Plant

Hermanas Manotas y Ingram

Élderes Tonks y Dunn

Élderes Dunn y Baumann

Élderes Vickery y Alleman

Hermanas O´Neill y Moser

Élderes Streadbeck y Hamren

Hermanas Mayes y Johnson

TRES: Élderes Ponce y Ipsen

Élderes García y Bennett

Élderes León y Castro

Hermanas Vilariño y Perkins

Hermanas Wiseman y Roggiero

Hermanas Shake y Steinfeldt

Hermanas Handy y Arauco

Hermana Storer

Élderes Cifuentes y


Hermanas Leija y Zavala

Élderes Carballo y Kimball

Hermanas Burkett y Ratliff

Gloria Barcelona 1B

Maria Jose Sabadell 2B

Asparu, Aspen Badalona 1A

Yulbekis Badalona 1B

Angel Zaragoza 1C

Edson Lleida A

Aidyth Bilbao A

Blanca San Sebastian B

Daniela Santander A

Magdalena Valencia 3A

Phillip Valencia 1B

Alondra Gandía A

Eduardo, Dolores Valencia 2A

Erick Valencica 2C

Blessing, Precious

Richard Vitoria A

Francisco Vitoria B

Luisa Vitoria C

Mila Pamplona A

Jorge Logroño A

Mohamad, Auriela Burgos

Juan, Olga Palma 1A

Juan Palma 1B

Deivy Palma 2A

Melanie Palma 2B

Alesandro Ibiza

25 de Octubre de 2015

Compañerismos que lograron las pautas de excelencia:

Oremos por estos investigadores con fechas bautismales para esta semana:

El Clarín de El Faro

The Zone

Lleida is in The Zone!-With an average of 8.2 new investigators per

companionship!Vitoria is in The Zone!

-With an average of 2.1 fechas per companionship!

Page 7: 1 de Noviembre

things that were goingwrong. During her baptism as we were singing the special number I felt the spirit so strong and as she came out of the water, there was a moment were everything was just so quiet

that she looked at us with a wonderful smile and I knew she had felt that it was the best decision she could have made and how strong the spirit was in her baptism. The next day during relief society, she had he opportunity to do the closing prayer and as she

prayed the words she expressed were so power, I felt a strong conformation that she was going to be a strong women, and I just saw her with the eyes that our Heavenly Father seems each one of us His children.

This weeks miracle was Dahiana! We were incredibly blessed to meet her! From day one that we went to her house, she just told us she wanted to be baptized right away! We were able to give her all the

charlas and help her prepare. On the day of her baptism, her mom just looked at us and said, thank you. I've been waiting for this moment for a while. I've been waiting for this new opportunity to be able to get sealed with my family. It was such a blessing to be

apart of this moment. I love the fact that families can be sealed for eternity and for the new eagerness of her mom after the baptism!

Esta semana pasada ha

sido muy especial, hemos tenido el bautismo de Priscila que es la hija mayor

de nuestro converso reciente "Raúl" es maravilloso poder ver progresar a nuestros conversos pues Raúl gracias a su dignidad pudo recibir el sacerdocio y bautizar a su hija fue algo muy especial, también le vimos bendiciendo la Santa cena es todo un placer ver eso ....es un sentimiento único

Buenos días presidente! Esta semana ha sido muy buena llena de milagros.Primero, teníamos 2 fechas para este sábado pero todo parecía que ninguno se iba bautizar, entonces nos desanimamos un poco, el día jueves por la noche mi compañero llama a Xiomara para saber si la podríamos ver, y ella le dijo que ya estaba lista para ser bautizada y Xiomara por fin se bautizó! Tenemos 2 fechas para el día 31 y estoy muy animado por ellos. Están progresando muy rápido y tienen muchas ganas de seguir a Dios.

Well this weekend we had the blessing to see Katy (Jacinta)'s baptism. It was truly a miracle! About two months ago, Hermana _______ and I met her and she had a fecha two weeks after we gave her the first lesson but she had given us the news she was leaving to Lleida for a week but her trip extend for a month. After her arrival we meet up with her once again with Hermana _________ and gave her another fecha. She felt she wasn't ready but after seeing her twice and helping her recognize the spirit and she knew that was the next step she needed in her life especially with all the

13 de abril de 2014

The Miracle of Baptism

25 de Octubre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

Page 8: 1 de Noviembre

We are preparing for the baptism of Blessing this week. She is a nine year old girl from a menos activo family. On this family's old teaching record other missionaries had noted that they did not want Blessing to be baptized and that future missionaries should proceed with caution on the topic of baptism. But

we really felt that now was the time. We asked Eunice, her mom how she felt after her own baptism. She bore a powerful testimony and then we said "do you want that experience for your daughter?" And she replied "si, pronto." The Spirit was strong in the room as we

invited Blessing to be baptized and she said "yes!" I know that this work is in the Lord's time. We don't know how the Lord had worked in Eunice's heart but whatever happened Eunice was able to change her mind about Blessing's baptism. I'm just so grateful that we were the missionaries that got to witness such a change of heart.

So then Sunday we are walking and a guy leaves his piso right after we pass and we hear HERMANAS so we both turn around and we both knew it wasn't just cat calling so we just start talking to this 22 year old boy named Kevin who said he had been calling us all week but we never saw him. So we start talking and he told us four years ago he used to go out with the missionaries everyday and they were like best friends but stuff happened and he stopped going to church and wasn't ever baptized so we said well we are having a service the 7th, we can help you be prepared for this day? And he said yes! He is super prepared! Basically best miracle this week .

The Miracle of Baptism

25 de Octubre de 2015El Clarín de El Faro

This week has been really good. I wanted to start with a miracle that happened this week which is that

baptism of Martin. On Saturday we got the chapel all ready for the baptism, and talked with Martin about baptism one more time. When we showed him how he would be baptized he had a lot of trouble leaning backwards, and he told us that he had back problems! We were really glad that we had practiced beforehand and were able to show him how to go all the way under the water. The speakers gave great talks, and the service itself went really well. My favorite part was afterwards when he bore his testimony. He had told us earlier in the week that he was really nervous to share his testimony, but he did a great job. He said that he felt reallyclean and good, and thathe was grateful for all thethings he had learnedespecially about the Book ofMormon.