1 2 the Heart Structure2

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  • 8/10/2019 1 2 the Heart Structure2


  • 8/10/2019 1 2 the Heart Structure2


    Made of unique set of muscles called Cardiac muscle. They on contracting and relaxing without getting fatigue!

  • 8/10/2019 1 2 the Heart Structure2


    Inferior vena cavacollects blood from lower part of body

    Superior vena cavacollects blood from upper partshead, charms, neck

    Right atriumreceives blood from the vena cava, less muscular

    needs to send blood to ventricles Tricuspid valves- made up of three flaps hence known as atriove

    valve separates ventricles and atria, allows blood to ventricles ontough tendinous cords (tendons or heartstrings)

    Right Ventriclehas sufficient muscle to send blood to pulmona

    through the semi lunar valve which prevent back flow enroute to Pulmonary artery brings blood back to left side of heart to left a

    left ventricle through the bicuspid valve.

    Left ventricle- exrts the most pressure as it contracts. Sends bloothe semi lunar vale to aorta

  • 8/10/2019 1 2 the Heart Structure2


    Coronary Artery and veins supply the heart muscle with blooxygenate and nourish the tissues of the heart

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    How the heart works The cardiac cycle :

    Systolethe contraction of the heart can be divided into

    Atrial systole - when atria contract together forcing blood in

    ventricle Ventricular systolewhen ventricles contract . It happens 0

    atrial systole

    Diastoleor relaxationthe atrial fills with blood then one syone diastole makes a hearbeat. About 0.8s in humans this is

    a cardiac cycle The electrical activity of the heart is know as ECG Electrocar

  • 8/10/2019 1 2 the Heart Structure2


  • 8/10/2019 1 2 the Heart Structure2


    Needs of the heart can make it beat fasterphysical exersice rai

    oxygen needs of the body which inturn raises the heart beat to smuscles with oxygen for respiration

    Permissible drugscaffeine or nicotine

    Illegal drugs

    The daphnia experiment

    Intrinsic rhythmwhere the cardiac cells in an developing embryalready contracting and relaxing before the even form the actual h

    The heart muscles, though can have triggers from outside, have thrhythm, and this reduced the bodys energy resourses in maintaini

    heartbeat- The cardiovascular center in the brain responds to the variables

    the blood, the receptors in the blood relay this information to thcardiovascular centre which in turn sends signals into the heart, enables the heart to respond to changes such as fear, sleep relax

    - Hormones also affect the heart rate eg adrenaline

  • 8/10/2019 1 2 the Heart Structure2


  • 8/10/2019 1 2 the Heart Structure2


    Changing local blood pressure Constrictionand dilationis done through hormonesand ca

    change blood pressure. Eg during exercise constriction can tin some arteries, causing them to have less blood flow and m

    more blood flow to organs such as muscles that need the bl

    However health conditions such asartheroscrelosis can caupermanent raise in blood pressure leading to health problem

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    CVDs Cardiovascular diseases

  • 8/10/2019 1 2 the Heart Structure2


    CVDs Cardiovascular diseases Most CVDs are related to artheroscrelosis (hardening of arte

    buildup of yellow deposit of fat in the lumen. A plaque deporesult of damage of the endothelium starts and lipid depositwhich builds up

    Hi h bl d d h i l i k d h l

  • 8/10/2019 1 2 the Heart Structure2


    High blood pressure and chemicals in smoke can cause endotheldamage.

    Leucocytes respond to the site due to inflammatory effect of damcause accumulation of chemicals and mostly fatty deposit whichas atheroma. Fibrous tissue and calcium also make it harden anelastic than it should be. This is artheroscrelosis.

    This raises the blood pressure of the artery and it causes furtherelsewhere

    Problems caused by artheroscrelosis and blood pressure

    Aneurysm - severely weaken wall of artery due to plaque whichopen causing internal bleeding

    Raised blood pressure can cause damage to tiny blood vessels ekidney where blood filters, protein may filter through the kidneytubules..kidney damage shows protein in urine

    Bleedingin the brain causes a stroke

    Damaged blood vessels in the retina causes blindness

    ear sease

  • 8/10/2019 1 2 the Heart Structure2


    ear sease Two main onesAnginaand Myocardial Infraction ( Heart

    Anginaplaque build up slowly in the coronary artery,

    First signs noticed esp during exercise where due to more demandthe narrowed arteries supply less blood to cardiac muscles which

    respires anaerobically. Causing gripping pain in chest left arm and Helped by eating low fat diet more exercise and not smoking

    Taking drugs to dilate the blood vessels

    Heart Attackwhen a blood clot occurs in a coronary blood v

    starving that patch of tissue. Artheroscrerosis takes place harblood vessel causing it to crack. Platelets are released makingwhich is called thrombosis

    Symptomssevere chest pain last for several hours

  • 8/10/2019 1 2 the Heart Structure2


  • 8/10/2019 1 2 the Heart Structure2


    Strokean interaption of normal blood flowin the brain. Sodue to a clot that happens in the brain

    Symptomsdizziness confusion slurred speech, blurred visparalysis when severe

    If treated quickly a patient can survive the stroke and live lo