0iuS BAZOUKS MASSACRE ?:L E AND iAZE TOWN...defeated for the second time.. by--Young" Corbett, the...

if 4 A ! 1 A. Hi "J ill i I i f V - i f 63 i H VEATHER FORECAST X FOR TODAY. SUGAR-- 96 Ccntrlfujib. 3.625 in m Maei..flr and ,hiw, :rs. New York. ESTABLISHED JTJX.T 1. MM MM M M M M H HONOLULU, HAWAII TERRITORY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 3, 1903. PRICE FIVE 'CEHTS '. I. r . V a ; UMDLESS TELL: BAZOUKS 0iuS I t I AN ATT EMPT TO k inn n a B I MASSACRE ' ?:L AND iAZE TOWN b - it ::1&k&&-:- I Refusal to Pafc ; E HIM j. BULLDOZ i - I? x. t .J. i 8 r Says Booth Threatened () () I P i Taxes Ends In Riot. 1 II the Winston Railroad Measure ( V..' wl for I Abaditchs Wiped Out. and Hundreds Arc , Killed. J Legislator the Choice of Voting f Water Measure or Having Re- - venge Taken in the House. ( i Albanians Beaten Back in BatiS . With the Turks in Bosnia. . fy Water farnisLed a sensation in the upper Louse yesterday and! TURKISH TAX GATHERERS SURROUND A HOUSE YOUNG CORBETT WINS IN ELEVENTH ROUND - charge was openly made, by Senator McCandless, that Charles ; oth, the oner of the Panoa springs, had made the threat that if . Senator did not vote for the springs sale bill, the friends of that ;position, in the House, would kill the Winston railroad bill, of icli Senator McCandless is an earnest advocate. . Immediately Senator MeCandless proposed that there be asked ;lhe Superintendent of Public Works and the Superintendent i ; Water Works a series of questions, as to the present supply of er, the V?ost of securing it, the increase in the consumption the r available sources of supply and what are the plans of the qfti-i- n question for the security of a better supply for the future. ' ommittee on the water purchase bill was given the resolution, ,)il! make a report soon, or the Senator will ask to know why. Inhere was a little breeze over water in the House as well, for Harris wanted the Pahoa proposal sent to the Ilnance Com-,V- , Vida objected, saying that Hariris had'ihown his opposition A pian. The feature -- of the day in a legislative sense of yes-1- 1 ' ? vas the reporting of the County bill iu the nouse, and its , V'made the order for today. It is hardly likely that it will ached before Friday, however. The Senate took up the City 'n night session, and iassed it. Terry McGovcrn Is Bested for the Second Time By the Fast Youngster of the West. (A8300IATO PB.E33 CABJuEGEAtlSi SOFIA, Marth 31. Battles and disorder are increasing all through Macedonia. News comes today of a raid by IJashibazouks upon the village of Abaditchs. The tax officials have been having considerable trouble there and the people have been doing all In. their power to make their resistance effective. A party of ISazbuks descended upon the little village and after a massacre of nearly -- every 'person, in it the town was destroyed by fire. The people had no chance to make defense and the loss oMive will reach several hundred. A few survivors have reached Bulgarian frontier posts with the news. :: ; ST. PETERSTiTJKGIT, March 31. A battle between Turks autj Albanians has taken place at Metrovitza just across the border ia. The Albanians attacked a marching body of Turkish, in-- . fantry and were repulsed with heavy loss. . . o ; f mm jHnd the , ; pewrlt- - i:i. .. f..;-r-a- . ,';.". S'-'.'-- ia't ' ' Jon .'..or ' the ' '.'iat ' 't.he i '' !a-- he flilil i h. ' 'ft. te ' .si I KJ l a. f 1th ' pa til. .'. i i i U me ills , ase 7. I to uld KING OSCAR RETURNS TO THRONE AFTER ABDICATION revenu?, and It Is the duty of the com- mittee 10 go Into the matter and In- struct the House. We ar-- i entitled to Is Auch Improved in Health by His Rest of IN THE HOUSE. House was called o order yes- -. y by Vice ?ieaker Knudson. A nunlcatlon was real from Secre-Cart- er to the effect that the Gov-- r had slgTied two billj amendatory ie Territorial code. Jlllogworth, from t'.ie committee public health, rtTorted adversely on "e BHI 23,' the 'effect of the passage ,'hlch. he said, irould to do away ) the leper c.t:lemenc at Slolokal. ' the Isijlation of lepers, and scatter .'disease broadcast over the Islands, Two Months Crown Prirtce is Unpopular. tho evidence takon before the com- mittee." "I have the evidence," taJd Kupihea, g' a mass of document above his head. "Here are the minutes of the committee's meeting." ? "Then the House shou'.l have them," snapped Harris. 5 "I oxTer them." raid Kap'hea. Harris read from the rules, showing: that committees ;nust meet and .dili- gently consider a.!l billi referred to them, And that all reports must be signed hy the majority of h commltee. report was tabled, to be taken up -- Now." he said, there art? peven mem- - bers of the land committei Mr. Kupihea (;: thvj consldenjlon of the bUL is TERRY M'GOVERN. ;g ' f Jui'clary .ommittee reported YOUNG CORBETT. (saSXE 5)5&SxS2)S)S 22 S 2222)5X&222) (ASSOCIATED PRESS OABLEOHAM.) cannot come here claim ris that he is the majority of that committee, for he isn't." j Kupihea was still 'waving his docu- ments aloft, and the Spe.iker was about to accept them, when Kmialae said that under the ruling c.' thehalr the re- port had, already ben rejected. Knud- - rlJ ;Jly on the Fenati bill for the i n of cruelty to children. ! - fted. J ! . jplhca handed in a document, slgn-- j . jily by himse!f.ivhich he presented t, - i report from tie committee on '. "y STOCKHOLM, Sweden, March 31. King Oscar resumed control of the government of Sweden and-Nor- way today. The King is grealtly improved in health. For more than two months the King has been, in retirement. On January 23 of the year he abdicted the throne because of mental and physical weakness. He immediately left the capital and has spent the time on his estate where he has had the best of care and has steadily improved. i It had not been the intention of the King to return to his duties so soon but the unpopularity of the Crown Prince Gustavue Adolphus had much to do with his resolve. There 'are rumors of plots in Norway and the discontent is thought to have caused th King's quick return. -- o . Street Railway Strikes Off. TACOMA, Wash., March 31. The strike of street railway em- ployees has been settled. sc then stated that IX 1h3 committee V Y lard reconi?!en-Ji-- g that House ' va8 unable tQ do My M..K lf the SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., March 31. "Terry" McC.overn was defeated for the second time.. by -- Young" Corbett, the fast and furious Denver fighter, tonight. A crowd which filled the Mechanics "Pavilion 'saw the match, Mhich was a fast one from the start. Both men entered the ring in superb condition and both felt confident of success. The battle ended in the eleventh round. The betting was prin storige of lumber chairman said, he could not get . the 1r 1 ' -- .oal within tho nre llnjlts of Hono- - ! members to sign reports and everj'tldng 4 be reff-rre- to the c ftmmittee of , upside down, then would rec- - ivhole huse. tmmend that the committee resign and one that . ils is n reprt at aJl," said Knud- - 'r'rnit ' the appoint "It Is only signed by one member, wcjld work. lpil.ea hd remarkeed cipally with McGovern favorite though Corbett money came in at committee. I IH 1 eject K. Be-jr''o- 'e this that there wis r.othing be- - the end. Eddie Granev was referee. , .nx: irvuiiKurimaun-- j t reier to n re 1 lie iioufe, aii.i ine ijciueiu viwoirii. committee of the wixie hous is riNANCE. COMMITTEE REPORTS. U report. Cut I woun. 90rne ! ., ... I A number of reports "Terry" McGovern thought that the fight would be a long drawn -- The strike of the street car men SEATTLE, Welsh., March 31. , frn the finance ccmmlt. the first out battle and trained accordingly. Corbett expected it to be a las been settled... iiltt..- - on public Unas, 'v., ,e being accomparded 1 ln"nt frum the T- - sbout thi- s- rommlssioner tion of affairs i -- .tr.t i., . Uhowir.g the general con i - lion. Italian Recluse Murdered. Uiscusslng In that functionary's ofn short fight and the result bears put his opinion. Great enmity has existed between the two fighters sinct "Young" Corbett knocked out the champion at Hartford, Conn. Since that time McGovern has repeatedly declared that Corbett won yfect of which-wa- s that he ! ,ng at all about It. t.ever- - hay, ',h,s' on a motion to tat'o the report i to be considered with the appropriation ' the Hi rep-ri- - lvurrav HOME, March 31. The Countess IVOnigo, a recluse for many years, was found dead in her apartments this morning. She had Mil, and until the schedules in the " .. v" t .... ht v.,,1 ;V-n- commission-r-- s reoort could be ; by luck. Both lads have been anxious to meet again. been murdered during the night. She leaves a fortune of f 4,000,000. NT- r.mar.fiM ! r mted for : the information of the 'Tn hpnr McGovern talk it niijrht be Kecentlv Corbett said: o Tw-nrn- thoueh. i rTernt'r tf the Iloufe, Iftarris said the . . rr of the the report, thought liSthedult!" Rc Its of varying imagiiieu uuu nt ;is reauiug u m:wnwici mo ivm i y. r j Denver Restaurants Closed. lsicners office, on ,1 thrtt T slinrxl nr Iwdiiml li?m nnd fplletl him With a Club. 113 i tn th Land Ccmiui ro ta the committee of i $:.ooo. which! . . . .I.. Tnin .mrunn flrwi.ihflt h 1 DENVER, Colo J March 31. Cooks and waiters of the city have tnn s.such deficits aggregatlo amount should be paj. l i ; to the Ter- - " - ' : .. . ' . - ' - ! f T TUr fYlvXTTTTI- - K gone on strike. Seventy-fiv- e of the largest restaurants are.cioseri - tutorial Treasurj-- . end b was defeated because he acted carelessly. .vas Important i srens to m, ill Knudse, ok4vMlH. SK, ' down. Id be In such rhis cornmnue JM.ua oe ao.e vhlpe that merr,b. -- o- some aeiiiuip .iKiwii, iui 'The result of the fight was a surprise to MeOoyern, of course, and also to his friends. I want to say, though, that it was no sur- prise to me. There was never a day during my training that I didn't atters understa.ndlngr could discuss Afterwards, the reporters' the Vli: . Harris went ver committee must, under thej. ills was not a ic io explain xcat - f - said Harris. "Thi coal anj'pable shortage In , "' rare v his mot Qp-- I obiected that hejJj Qlf. Ranges on a newspaper! COLORADOaiiy. consideration of the 31. The strike of smelter ' ' ' . . ' i men has ben2 ; ' - ' . '''.':' ie Land Com- - figure out I could beat hini. I always felt that I was his master, and : the finish was exactly what I looked for." irds trmg in a ' Contlnned en . r y ' 4 V Hi-"- '

Transcript of 0iuS BAZOUKS MASSACRE ?:L E AND iAZE TOWN...defeated for the second time.. by--Young" Corbett, the...

  • if4 A

    ! 1


    "J illi I if


    - i f63


    H VEATHER FORECAST XFOR TODAY. SUGAR-- 96 Ccntrlfujib. 3.625 inm Maei..flr and ,hiw,:rs. New York.ESTABLISHED JTJX.T 1. M M M M M M M M H




    AN ATTEMPT TO k inn n aB I


    ?:LAND iAZE TOWN b

    - it

    ::1&k&&-:- I Refusal to Pafc ;

    E HIMj. BULLDOZi -I?




    r Says Booth Threatened ()()IPi

    Taxes EndsIn Riot.

    1II the Winston Railroad

    Measure (


    for IAbaditchs Wiped Out.

    and Hundreds Arc ,


    J Legislator the Choice of Votingf Water Measure or Having Re- -

    venge Taken in the House.( i

    Albanians Beaten Back in BatiS

    . With the Turks inBosnia.

    . fyWater farnisLed a sensation in the upper Louse yesterday and!



    - charge was openly made, by Senator McCandless, that Charles; oth, the oner of the Panoa springs, had made the threat that if. Senator did not vote for the springs sale bill, the friends of that;position, in the House, would kill the Winston railroad bill, oficli Senator McCandless is an earnest advocate.

    . Immediately Senator MeCandless proposed that there be asked;lhe Superintendent of Public Works and the Superintendent i; Water Works a series of questions, as to the present supply ofer, the V?ost of securing it, the increase in the consumption ther available sources of supply and what are the plans of the qfti-i- n

    question for the security of a better supply for the future.' ommittee on the water purchase bill was given the resolution,,)il! make a report soon, or the Senator will ask to know why.Inhere was a little breeze over water in the House as well, for

    Harris wanted the Pahoa proposal sent to the Ilnance Com-,V-,Vida objected, saying that Hariris had'ihown his opposition

    A pian. The feature --of the day in a legislative sense of yes-1- 1'

    ? vas the reporting of the County bill iu the nouse, and its, V'made the order for today. It is hardly likely that it will

    ached before Friday, however. The Senate took up the City'n night session, and iassed it.

    Terry McGovcrn Is Bested for the Second TimeBy the Fast Youngster of

    the West.

    (A8300IATO PB.E33 CABJuEGEAtlSi

    SOFIA, Marth 31. Battles and disorder are increasing all

    through Macedonia. News comes today of a raid by IJashibazouksupon the village of Abaditchs. The tax officials have been having

    considerable trouble there and the people have been doing all In.

    their power to make their resistance effective.

    A party of ISazbuks descended upon the little village and aftera massacre of nearly -- every 'person, in it the town was destroyed by

    fire. The people had no chance to make defense and the loss oMive

    will reach several hundred. A few survivors have reached Bulgarian

    frontier posts with the news. :: ;ST. PETERSTiTJKGIT, March 31. A battle between Turks autj

    Albanians has taken place at Metrovitza just across the border ia.

    The Albanians attacked a marching body of Turkish, in-- .

    fantry and were repulsed with heavy loss. .. o ;



    jHnd the ,; pewrlt- -


    .. f..;-r-a-.



    ia't '' Jon


    the '

    '.'iat ''t.hei

    ''!a-- he





    .siI KJl a.f 1th' pa


    .'. iii


    , ase7.

    I tould


    revenu?, and It Is the duty of the com-mittee 10 go Into the matter and In-struct the House. We ar-- i entitled to

    Is Auch Improved in Health by His Rest of


    House was called o order yes- -.y by Vice ?ieaker Knudson. A

    nunlcatlon was real from Secre-Cart- erto the effect that the Gov--r

    had slgTied two billj amendatoryie Territorial code.Jlllogworth, from t'.ie committeepublic health, rtTorted adversely on"e BHI 23,' the 'effect of the passage,'hlch. he said, irould to do away) the leper c.t:lemenc at Slolokal.' the Isijlation of lepers, and scatter

    .'disease broadcast over the Islands,

    Two Months Crown Prirtce isUnpopular.

    tho evidence takon before the com-mittee."

    "I have the evidence," taJd Kupihea,g' a mass of document above his

    head. "Here are the minutes of thecommittee's meeting." ?

    "Then the House shou'.l have them,"snapped Harris. 5

    "I oxTer them." raid Kap'hea.Harris read from the rules, showing:

    that committees ;nust meet and .dili-gently consider a.!l billi referred tothem, And that all reports must besigned hy the majority of h commltee.

    report was tabled, to be taken up --Now." he said, there art? peven mem- -bers of the land committei Mr. Kupihea (;:thvj consldenjlon of the bUL

    is TERRY M'GOVERN. ;g' f Jui'clary .ommittee reported YOUNG CORBETT.(saSXE 5)5&SxS2)S)S 22 S 2222)5X&222)


    cannot come here claim ris that he isthe majority of that committee, for heisn't." j

    Kupihea was still 'waving his docu-ments aloft, and the Spe.iker was aboutto accept them, when Kmialae said thatunder the ruling c.' thehalr the re-port had, already ben rejected. Knud- -

    rlJ ;Jly on the Fenati bill for thei n of cruelty to children.

    ! - fted. J! . jplhca handed in a document, slgn-- j

    . jily by himse!f.ivhich he presentedt, - i report from tie committee on

    '."y STOCKHOLM, Sweden, March 31. King Oscar resumed control

    of the government of Sweden and-Nor- way today. The King isgrealtly improved in health.

    For more than two months the King has been, in retirement.On January 23 of the year he abdicted the throne because of mentaland physical weakness. He immediately left the capital and hasspent the time on his estate where he has had the best of care andhas steadily improved.

    i It had not been the intention of the King to return to his dutiesso soon but the unpopularity of the Crown Prince GustavueAdolphus had much to do with his resolve. There 'are rumors ofplots in Norway and the discontent is thought to have caused thKing's quick return.

    --o .

    Street Railway Strikes Off.TACOMA, Wash., March 31. The strike of street railway em-

    ployees has been settled.

    sc then stated that IX 1h3 committeeVY lard reconi?!en-Ji-- g that House ' va8 unable tQ do My M..K lf the

    SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., March 31. "Terry" McC.overn was

    defeated for the second time.. by -- Young" Corbett, the fast and

    furious Denver fighter, tonight.

    A crowd which filled the Mechanics "Pavilion 'saw the match,Mhich was a fast one from the start. Both men entered the ring in

    superb condition and both felt confident of success.

    The battle ended in the eleventh round. The betting was prin

    storige of lumber chairman said, he could not get . the1r 1 '

    -- .oal within tho nre llnjlts of Hono- - ! members to sign reports and everj'tldng4 be reff-rre- to the c ftmmittee of , upside down, then would rec--ivhole huse. tmmend that the committee resign and

    one that. ils is n reprt at aJl," said Knud- - 'r'rnit ' the appoint"It Is only signed by one member, wcjld work. lpil.ea hd remarkeed cipally with McGovern favorite though Corbett money came in atcommittee. I IH 1 eject K. Be-jr''o- 'e this that there wis r.othing be-- the end. Eddie Granev was referee., .nx: irvuiiKurimaun-- j t reier to n re 1 lie iioufe, aii.i ine ijciueiu viwoirii.

    committee of the wixie hous is riNANCE. COMMITTEE REPORTS.U report. Cut I woun. 90rne !., ... I A number of reports "Terry" McGovern thought that the fight would be a long drawn --The strike of the street car menSEATTLE, Welsh., March 31.

    , frn the finance ccmmlt. the firstout battle and trained accordingly. Corbett expected it to be a las been settled...iiltt..- - on public Unas, 'v., ,e being accomparded 1

    ln"nt frum the T--sbout thi- s- rommlssionertion of affairsi --.tr.t i., . Uhowir.g the general con i- lion. Italian Recluse Murdered.UiscusslngIn that functionary's ofn

    short fight and the result bears put his opinion.Great enmity has existed between the two fighters sinct

    "Young" Corbett knocked out the champion at Hartford, Conn.Since that time McGovern has repeatedly declared that Corbett won

    yfect of which-wa- s that he !,ng at all about It. t.ever- - hay, ',h,s' on a motion to tat'o the report

    ito be considered with the appropriation' the Hi rep-ri- - lvurrav

    HOME, March 31. The Countess IVOnigo, a recluse for manyyears, was found dead in her apartments this morning. She hadMil, and until the schedules in the

    " .. v" t .... ht v.,,1 ;V-n- commission-r-- s reoort could be ; by luck. Both lads have been anxious to meet again. been murdered during the night. She leaves a fortune of f4,000,000.NT- r.mar.fiM ! r mted for : the information of the 'Tn hpnr McGovern talk it niijrht beKecentlv Corbett said: o

    Tw-nrn- thoueh. i rTernt'r tf the Iloufe, Iftarris said the . .rr of thethe report, thought liSthedult!" Rc Its of varying imagiiieu uuu nt ;is reauiug u m:wnwici mo ivm i y. r j Denver Restaurants Closed.lsicners office, on ,1 thrtt T slinrxl nr Iwdiiml li?m nnd fplletl him With a Club. 113i tn th Land Ccmiuiro ta the committee of i $:.ooo. which! . . . .I.. Tnin .mrunn flrwi.ihflt h 1 DENVER, Colo J March 31. Cooks and waiters of the city havetnn s.such deficits aggregatloamount should be paj.l i ; to the Ter-- " - ' : .. .

    ' . - ' - !fT TUr fYlvXTTTTI- - K gone on strike. Seventy-fiv- e of the largest restaurants are.cioseri- tutorial Treasurj-- . end b was defeated because he acted carelessly..vas Important

    i srens to m, ill Knudse, ok4vMlH. SK, ' down.Id be In suchrhis cornmnue JM.ua oe ao.e vhlpe that merr,b. --o-

    some aeiiiuip .iKiwii, iui'The result of the fight was a surprise to MeOoyern, of course,

    and also to his friends. I want to say, though, that it was no sur-prise to me. There was never a day during my training that I didn't

    atters understa.ndlngrcould discuss

    Afterwards,the reporters'the Vli: . Harris went ver

    committee must, under thej. ills was not aic io explain xcat -f - said Harris. "Thi coal anj'pable shortage In ,

    "' rare v his motQp-- I obiected that hejJj Qlf.Ranges on a newspaper!

    COLORADOaiiy. consideration of the 31. The strike of smelter' ' ' . . ' imen has ben2 ; ' -


    . '''.':'ie Land Com- - figure out I could beat hini. I always felt that I was his master, and


    the finish was exactly what I looked for."irds trmg in a ' Contlnned en .r y' 4 V Hi-"- '

  • mA I

    .,' .. . '

    ; J .1 I( ' if, I,,,, ' " :, imliiwin"


    14- - 4- - 4IS DEAD m PORTLAND

    Some Good Opportunities4. 4. " I

    2 1 2--J14-- 4w 1 1 1mJLm 4 91--4JU e

    2, ? 4&. A. A'4 4v 4 AJit 2

    1 JW

    4 ! JJ

    The most essential feature in buying

    Hixed Paints is QualityColor cards that look very attractive mayrepresent paints that will not stand evenordinary wear. The opportunity to buy

    Sherwin-Willia- ms Paintsis appreciated by all who have ever usedthem and they will use, no other. Theguarantee is on every can of S W PYour money back for cost of material andapplying same if paint is not just as rep-resented. Call or send for a color card,they cost you nothing and are well worthlooking at.


    $ 2jr "'-i-? 2 $ Jt .


    I GlotJifFi

    n 'W ; ' -J I WTTTv "R .


    4" 4 4" w.- AS 24" 4 4

    eZ, X4

    E. 0. Hall & Son, Ltd.Cor. Fort "and King Streets.

    JS- -

    MPWDV mivc 1 rur rnnocTTCUT PRICES ON


    ifC0NT e tnc(ASSOCIATED PEEa8 C13LZQBAM.)PORTLAND, Ore., March 31. Henry Winslow Corbett, a ret)ur inducements this week should merit your special auoctired banker and former member of the United States Senate, has

    died here. v . OneEx-Senat- or Corbett was born in Westboro, Mass., in 1827. He

    received his education in the East and engaged in mercantile pur-suits there until 1850 when he removed to Oregon. He encased inbusiness in that State, and during most of the time since 1SG7 has

    White Striped Dimities 1Formerly 35c yard; this eek 20c.

    Satlne UnderskirtsLatest style in black, special this week, $1 50.

    The Celebrated Salem SheetsThe38 this week at wonderfully low prices

    10 4, this week - - - - - - 75 cents.8 " " "4, - - - - - - 65

    Pillow Cases to match at $1 50 and $2.50 per dozen.

    been engaged in banking. He has been a prominent member of theRepublican party since its organization and served in the UnitedStates Senate from 1867 to 1873. He was again a candidate for th



    United States Senate in 1898 but was defeated, and thouch aDDoini- -ed by the Governor to succeed Mitchell was not seated.


    Afternoon Dispatches From Associated Press.prooo QllcFort Street. JOJsDO, March 31. King Edward has decided upon a visit to

    President Lou bet of France. . FF&CO., IM. . .OOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXDXXXXXXXXXXXDOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXD ASHINGTON, D. C, March 31. Ratifications of the Cuban TEMPORARY PREMISES, Fort and Queen Ststreaty have been exchanged by cable.

    MaR ISIF fi WASHINGTON, D. C, March 31.-M- ajor Long has been pro--t .h IRE AND A m.M. a M x x moted to be in chartre nf) l: o- - v pci 1 n,c Ui iuc aXUijr. GHnton Jm1WASHINGTON, D. C, March 31. Governor Taft is verv ill. WOE, - :':lnere is a possibility that he will tender his resignation as Governor01 tne I'miippines. ite


    LONDON, March 31. Marconi's Wireless Telegraph ComDanvhas increased its capital stock and will extend its plant to enter thefield for commercial business.

    NEW ORLEANS, March 31. The Mississippi floods are worso.Marine Insurance covered to all parts of the World on OPENPOLICIES underwritten by FIFTEEN COMPANIES. Laborers working at the. levees and elsewhere to prevent damage ars

    exhausted, and money is needed by the stricken districts. Fir1 6

    CHARLESTON, S. C, March 31. Dr. Crum, the neero. assumHackfe & Co., ed the office of Collector of the Port today. There is a possibility ilhwrny look, fovfe 3Stnat legal proceedings will be begun to prevent his continuing in his"rczo.position.AGENTS.

    Honolulu and Hilo.PTTfP A T r r 1- - o t nm ... .m OI "Lirinw, --uiirai 3A. xne veraict or tne lurv in the Hnrnifk ZftKI, murder case is to the effect that the identity of the murderer is un- -

    - - ....' proved. 31rs. Burdick, widow, and Arthur Pennell, are censored bv

    CITY LOTQ OAWCD UPand Oqw-.'Loc- o Gold w GLASGOW, March 31. Shamrock the Third has beaten Sham

    J "Waverley Block, 178 Hotel Street.QDOBBSOD

    Has on Display a fine line of

    I 8ilk! Kimonos, Silk Pajamap, Silk Qowne,

    rock I in a race held here. Experts are delighted with the sailingqualities of the new competitor for the America cud and sav thatsue is a wonderful boat.

    Four larcre beantifal lots on Beretanifl ATenne FOR SALE nut fin o in great variety of colors and figures.ite B. F. Dillingham's. Best chance to make money in Honolulu. ilfshed in all the English news- -BELLIGERENT JAPSend seet papers in the Territory.

    BEAT CARMEN COMMON SENSE '.AMPk;Tifm RJlm Compboll,At his office on premises, 1634 Young Street, or. A EV3. .Cinin-fcori- pPhone White 2111. Judd Building. A . Rapid Transit conductor and anotorman Incurred the displeasure of The treatment of consump--?QCXy3000O000O0000000000CXX3OO a dozen Japanese passengers

    on a Punahou car of. that line on tion is every year becom--.Good Printing

    Alwoyoi '

    ' '

    successful. The rMonday evening1 about 6 o'clock, ingf morewhile enforcing a compiny regulation, i jend suffered drubbings. When the car ucPelicious Salmon Beflies came to the Alexander atd Beretanla if taken in time. Not morestreet Evvitch, one of tte Japanese medicine but more common A iProfitable Imrestmenlrianiea nis root on tne set in rront or .

    !him. and the conduct aftr hi, sense is the cause of the 1m- -tuest to desist had bee.i met with approvement.They just came on the Sonoma and

    are simply delicious. At our delicacycounter.

    sneer,, threw it off. at the samecollar! FfSh -- "r.good climate, food,Jerking the owner thereof by the

    straight up on the seat. The offense clothing, exercise, all these are st,was again committed, and the conduct- - important features of COmmOll

    sense treatmentinstant a Japanese had caught his azette CcThe; Hawaiiaarms from behind. The ethers in the As a builder of flesh andrestorer of streneth ScottVitan Meatetrppol car "all tcok a hand, and In quick order0, .tod.had landed the conductor cut upon theE:nulsion is still unequalground,' bruising him considerably in

    the operation: - The motorman came ed. The special act'o: Art Frintinnd Engravingback to asstft his comrade, and theTEIiEPHONE MAIN 45- - of Scott's Emulsion on theJaps turned their attention to him andleft him considerably the worse for the I. IWIanln 0 mi . ,lungs is as much cf a mvstcn

    ; 5.experience. The Japanese then took to as ever but an undoubtecFrod (tItiMBeliablear? tmfWrmfact.their heels. .The Commercial and Official

    Record contains all official,Common sense and Scott's SHAcivertiseEmulsion is good treatment.court, corporation, foreclosuiari ? to try, if you like.

    and partnership notices putf ' cogr- - ?fi e. , :,...


    LESS TELLS& A 4. 4,1 , s

    ' - I:m mf il 1 i tl - JK. I 11 fOF AN ATTEMP'

    ULLDOZIE HIM fvt-- j . -1 case Whita Be4 Quilts, fall si. t

    who can penetrate a "elick" finishand distinguish fihoddy and filip-Bho- d

    tailoring in a euit, especiallywhen accompanied by a smooth-tongued clerk. If you can't do it,don't "run chances"; they are gen-erally costly when it comes toclothing. There is one make thatyou might safely choose froir withyour eyes shut; it bears this label:

    72x90 HEMSTlfCHED ShetU, ironed,ready for us7best brand; epecial at


    70c- -(Continued from page 1.)mis8loner8 office. The shortage con--PacificImportComp'y,Ltd.

    "I appeal from the decision of thechair,-- ' cried Kupihea.

    The appeal was put to vote, and Ku-rih- eawas voted down. The discussion

    90x90 HElTSlOTCnED Sheets, ironedtisted in amounts due that office byoutside parties, which amounts should id iur unr voei orana: special at

    1j'Kent on for some little lime farther.have been collected. .The committee presented majority 'and then the report of the committee! 75c1and minority reports for and against .vus adopted 18 to 7, thus passing the

    this week only.


    MiTao teathe Senate bill calling for a loan of, bill to recond reading. Prices for above"Ja.noo.OOO, and they were sent to the IN'COME TAX EXEMPTION.

    Then " the routine passage of billsrrinting committee.Model Block,

    Fort Street.The committee reported adverselyupon the petition to VefunJ $956 to L. CAbies, "that amount beinj prt of the ir k hllyuor license paid for the Pantheon wj.paloon, which resort had been destroyed

    We announco our Sit shipment of Ladies' WhitaShirt Waists, LaJiJ WLiue P. K. Dress Skirta,Ladies' Brown Linen press Skirtii, newest etylea.

    We be? to catt atention that we have txcellentralues in new style ShM Waists.

    By the Alameda we wived an immense slupment

    went on, the next enag strcck being intU consideration of the income taxexemption bill, raising the figure ofoxemption to J2.500. which was reachedon the report of the finance committeethtt it be, rejected. The report was re-jected, instead, and after the bill hadbeen amended so that the exemptionshould be placed at $2,000 the bill waa

    Piby fire in bubonic plague times before 3the license paid for had expired.

    and embraces all that is good infabrics and tailoring. It costs atrifle more than ordinary ready-to-we- ar

    clothes, bat has

    the quality, style fit anJ --lailvlJaxllty of the Hi bestclass of custom-tailor- s' proJncts

    Think this over carefully and letyour common sense guide you to

    Adopted. 4 U 4 4 of the latest Wash Dresa Fabric; We inritoIhe committee reported adversely i4 2 2. --1. inspection.on the Kumaiae cm to grant liquorj . si ; v - - 4. 4.. 4. 4.

    5. 4 2.lcenses to restaurants In Honolulu,Lehalna, Woiluku end Hiio on paymentpassed to second reading.- - COUNTY BILL. REPORT.

    Then Chairman Aylett, of the specialof $500 a year. The report was adoptedcommittee to which had been referred THE NEW UNDERWEARSYMPATHY WITH PALI. the Senate county bill, subrritted a long

    OThe Judiciary committer presented a

    j this store, where you will now finda complete assortment of these fam- -ous Stein-Bloc- h Wholesale-Tailore- dClothes.

    report containing many proposedamendments,, whosi adoption will, it islot of reports, all of which were adopt mened, 3ave the bill lor the preservation 1 iieved, harmonize thi House andSenate bills and secure speedily theof forests, and Kupihea' bill to pro--;

    hibat aliens fishing In Island waters. IT'S COOL AND INEXPENSIVEPnal passage of the measuio. At onceafter th conclusion of the reading of


    These reports, the one favorable andtUt . other adverse, were tabled to be the report it was adopted, thus passing f1.00, ?1.50 AND 52.50 A SUIT ATtcken up with the bllL trc bill to second reading, and it3 con

    Kelilnol introduced the following res sideration made the orler for today.although several members of the comolution, which was adopted under sus-pf-nsi- en

    of the rules:

    Suits and Top Coals. - $15.00 to $35.00AND TOUB MONEY BACK FOR THE ASKING.

    OL.OTWIERGIF'crt a.n,c3. erclian.t Streets

    1071 BISHOP ST.Alex..YoTtD Bldgi LBVIHGSTOM'Smittee said that the county bill and"iVhereas, It ha3 pleasod Almighty Its amendments could not possibly be

    Gocl ro remove from our midst themuch beloved mother of Hon. Philip pcneraliv einreRsl dpalrf hnwever toltion be adopted. Senator C. Brown

    have the House in a position to take j w anted It referred to the special waterPali, an honored representative of Mauiand an esteemed member of this House up the bill at the earliest possible mo- - J committee. Senator J. T. Brown

    rr cit that the committee could report 2 nttd the resolution laid On the table.of Representatives; be It '

    t ill was "postponed until tivlay, and the.clerk was instructel to have typewrit-ten copies made.

    .CORPORATION BILL. PASSED.The bill amending the law relating;

    to foreign corporations andpaired unanimously, with 14 u.yes.


    "Resolved, That the House of Representatives extend its most uincere sym

    uj.on it, the motion to put it In the orderof the day prevailed, leaving the Houseready to move at i nce wn?n the com-mittee is ready.EWH palhy and condolence to t!i? Hon. PhilipPah in this, his hcur of bereavement

    and be it furtherResolved, That a copy j these reso

    EXCHANGE OF. COMPLIMENTS.Stnator McCandlcss said Le hoped the

    resolution would be adopted. He didn'twant the Information smothered by thecommittee.. Senator C. Brow.i, as a member ofthe committee, said he objected to theaspersion cast upon, the tot:rnittee, andthat while 'It might be tha practice inSenator McCandless's . cummittee tosmother information, !t wasn't the

    Tne House then adjourned until this


    Ihe Senate did r ot meet until 10:30lutions be sent to the H.ni. Philip PaliT. ABADIB Prop,.

    858 Beretania Street. Phone Blue 3552. Opposite Hawaiian Hotel. and that the asme be spread on theJournal of the House,


    The bill exempting coffee and rarr.iafrom taxation failed on third readir.f;Vy a vote of 6 to 7.

    Senator Achi said the Konas couldn't .stand the loss from coffee taxationwith county governmtnt. v SenatorParis, the Introducer, sai i tiie coffeelands formed but "a small part of thetaxable projerty In Kona, and thatKona was a very small portion of thedrtricts affected.

    The House then took a recess.AFTERNOON SESSION. The clerk read a cdmraanicatlon' from

    Secretary Carter regarding the signing j pi notice in his committeespro ZXJ RODA, Kupihea got the floor immediately of thatrf Arts 8 and 9- - alar, one from, the '"I didn't mean anythingafier recess to submit several reportsEoblnaon Block. Phone White 2421. 14 Hotel Street.House clerk telling of the passage offrom the public lands committee. The

    kind," said Senator McCandiess."Then you don't want to make any

    statements of that kind on the floor offirst favored the Maklki Park, project, the bailiff act repealand wm adonted' The 4econd favored IS"' i i Senator Kaohi said he v.as a kamaa--Senator wilcox. for the lealth com- - t)i, Senate," retorted Senator C.Brown.

    the extension of certain streets in HoL . .. .... , . ,k:0,0 lna m Kona-- ttnd Parl was atable. TlMir-- ttiie' reportea ravoraoiy tne dui un

    wj maUhlni. and didn't know about thenolulu, and was laid on the


    strengthening the law to prohibit the Dy N"4wr "u'" w" T - coffee lands. Senator J. T, Brown fa- -Silk and CottonKimonosJapaneseFancy Good3 '

    1 . efllUfcn t. I 4kA kill TV, V. .third was the report that had been

    at the morning session, properly adulteration of foods and drugs. A'Ar m

    Senator McCandless stated that heA standard for milk: ir fixed, Judge. Gear Ld no. menn that the committee hUl on the table wag lost, and the billv.os put on its passagre. It waa lost onpigned, and It went this time all right.v Andre de reported on the code bdll, having rendered nselesa the present I pmother information.

    'President Crabbo left the chair. andharmonizing the House and Senatemeasures. Tabled, to be taken up with law. The report was adopted and thebill will be read tor the 1 bird time on sa d that Senator McCandless originally

    wanted the Pahoa water matter giventhe bill.Ccstle & CooRe, Ltd. Thursday. . to a special committee, and he had noThe House then took up the order ofthe day, which was the advancementof a number of Senate ani House bills

    Senator McCandless, for the: public right to charge the committee with sup-trcssl- nginformation. He said if he

    Swell MillineryNEW 8TOBE.

    MISS CANTORof San Francisco. Formerly at Whitney

    Marsh, Ltd.

    lands committee, reported favorably the

    the following vote: Ayes, J. T. Brown,Baldwin, Paris, Dickey, Xalauokalanl,and Crabbe; 6. Noes, Achi, C. Brown.Kaiue, Nakaapahu, Kaohi, McCandlesa,and Wilcox: 7.

    The bill amending the vaccinationlaw passed third read-ng- , w 1th thecommittee amendments, providing arenalty for a school teacher admittingchildren to school without vaccination,and also giving the Board of Healthpower to order a general vaccination,in case of epidemic. The bill was pass

    on the legislative stage of recond read thought it for the public interest nebi:i vequirtng a $1C,000 Uond from thewould vote for the purcr-f.s- or tneing. Thlj work advanced steadily un-

    til House Bill 123, vrhich i- - the measure chtef clerk in the Public V.'orks office.Senators Paris and Kaohi concurred,


    Commission Merchants,CUGARFACTOn3.

    AoxsTs roiiTkA Ewa Plantation Co.Ck Walalua, Agricultural Co, Lt.T Kottala 8ugar Co.

    "Waimea Burar UII1 Co.

    empowering the Pahoa Water CoraPauoa springs and the Gear-Lansi- ngwaterworks."

    Senator Achi wanted the resolutionp.my to lay pipes and mains, wasreached. This went, at M-s- t, to the adopted. Senator Dickey opposed ims.

    tut wanted all government employesbonded.. An, amendment is offered,making the bond cne of a surety com-pany accepted by the United States.

    ppeoial committee considering the PaGRAND OPENING

    Wednesday April 1st.No old Btock New York Pattern Hats

    No Duplicate.No. lHlFort St next to Sifltere School

    1 oa proposition, but there was at onceTl Falton Iron Works. Ft. T.tand Senator Dickey said It would be arelection upon the committee.


    Senator McCandless denied any in

    Senator Baldwin said te bill introa motion to recon3lder, an I the matterd:ew out some hent. Vld wanted the duced by the ways and means com

    ed third reading on a etrlc4 party vote,J. T. Brown, Kaiue, KaiauokaJanLKaohi and Nakaapahu voting no.

    AFTERNOON SESSION.-i-the afternoon the bill amending

    the law relating to buttciine passed

    mittee covered bonds for a'l departmenthill to to to the public laud? committee.Taa Btandard Oil Co.TT Oeorg F. Blak Steam Pump.Waaton'a Centrifugals.Ta Nw England Mutual Ufa Xa

    vraac Co. of Boston.'roads, while the present law permitted ttrUon to reflect upon the committee.n nd Harris to the finance committee.

    as. a measure aff?rtlng the revenue.STAR 80DA U0RX8 eOEIPH hads of departments to fxact bonds ' On Saturday morning, m.I ji... t'T arrta mat hv nnp of thenr mm l.VArHlnfltP9. The reiKrt 'M fllCL.Wiuiwa,"I object to that," said Vida, becausen Aetna Fir lasuranc Co. ofHartford. Conn. partles who owns these springs, Mr.laid on the table, tc be considered withTfc AHlane Assuraac Co. of Lon- - Booth, and he saidthe Baldwin bill.

    Harris is chairman of that committee,and he Is opposed to this bill."

    Knudson called "Vida to rder for this,and ther- - was more talk, in the course

    Senator J. T. Brown obiected to anystatement, and McCandless claimed a

    ,:o.4rvn rersonal Drivilge. SenatorWATERWORKS QUE3TIONS.r

    Senatcr McCandless Intrcauced a res- -

    third reading unanimously.Action- on Senate Bill No. 45, the

    Winston franchise, was deferred untilApril 2 cn motion of Senator MeCand-- h

    rs.House Bills No. 2, 6, 26, 78, 99, and 81

    firet reading. Several of tjieseMlia arc exactly similar t-- j Senate bills.pased several weeks ago, and the Sen-a- te

    will have to pass each of them sixtimes. "We ought to be glal the House

    olution calling upon the Surlntendent J Brown tnfg was only a personalof Public Works and the Superintend


    Is new tinder tna mana-emen- t of D.r. Batler. S. I Horner and JobsIckllef, and ar prepared to furniiaLEMON SODA,







    C Versa and OfScea Repaired.

    e?.l of the Honolulu Waterworks rorinterview, and not a public or news-paper statement. In spite cf repeatedInterruptions, Senator McCandless concertain information in yiew of the bills

    of which Wright accused Harris ofhiving fought this bill, v.hich he nowwanted referred to his committee. ThenHarris arose to a Question of personalprivilege to deny that he had done ascharged, and to vindicate the Integrityof his intentions. The previous ques-t'o- n

    was called, the motion to refer to

    for the purchase of Pauoa Valley tained to tell about the Booth interview.He said to me: You nave goisprings for $250,003 and of the Pahoa

    waterworks for J 100,000.V. W. 1 . PATY in the Senate for a railroad on the other., o. Telan1 and 1'Vi got a billui all other popular drink. The two officials named are required

    answer the following questions :Will deliver to all points la the edrvthe finance committee was lost, and thetill went to the committer on public

    B.UC VI V. l -in the House for the purchE.se of water.

    If you vote for this bill. I'll"and suburbs. '

    lands.AH orders receive our prompt atten- -H-r- e followed another discussion overdoa.

    First What is the present daily aver-age consumption of watrr, in millionsof gallons, in the city of Honolulu, fur-n.sh- ed

    by the Honolulu waterworks?Second At what rate it such con

    of Drivileg?. Senator

    " iy Of2oe 1048 'Alakea street,bet-rrec- a King and Hotel.

    Phone Blue 1801.

    Union OH Co.PHONE BLUE 871. tll


    Pans, who was in the cbiir. ruled that

    did that much," said Senator Dickey,adding that the Senate wculd have torass the bills again, as the House wouldnot pass the Senate bills,

    SEWER. RATES.During the consideration of the till

    es.'sblishing the sanitary districts ofHonolulu and making plumbing regu-lations. Senator McCandteea rep-rte-upon th Iser.berg resolution calling forInformation regarding sewer rates. Hestated that from December, 1300, tobeen made, for which J 1.1 12 In fees hadhen made, for which tl,:.U In fes had

    this was not a question of privilegeSenator McCandless appealed from the

    HELP SMALL FAfJMERS.Then the House proceeried with the

    routine work, advancing tills by reg-ular stages, until House i?ill ST4, whichis the bill to encourage diversifiedindustries by exemption from . taxa-tion for a period of ten years,- cameup for second reading cn a reportsuggesting certain technical amend-ments, and recommending the passageCf the b:ll. Keliinol snnV--e in snniwrt

    of Ce!if6rnra riling and called fr theeyes and noes,

    but did r.ot pres the qussOon. He saidfurther: "If a man tell3 me that if Idon"t vote for his bill he'll kill mine, I


    5. D. C.Sturtevanfs Dental Cream.Fuol Olio

    sumption Increasing? Giva averagedaily consumption during the past tenyears.

    Ihird What sources of ater supplyare now available to the government,naming each, and the maximum, mini-mum and. average ' amount of waterwhich can be obtained from eachsource?

    Fourth What is the average cost to

    think I have a right to give my reasons.OGce of Hawaiian department, collected, and J29,5-"X3- i as stwerrates.

    rf the report, in the interest of theOrder From PLUMBING BILIThe sanitary bill was then taken up.of the Islands. Andrade

    room JU7, Stangenwald Bldg.C. C. PERKINS, 8cpt.

    Min office, Milla Bldg, SanFrancisco.

    ; JNO. BAKER, Jr., Mgr.

    e appeared as the champion ofJm G. QOGA3 the government, per million gallons,, to section by section. Senator Isenbergsuggested that the whole of Kalmuklol tain water from each of said. sources?

    I only wanted this informntion for theSenate. I am told that only one-fif- th ofthe pumping capacity of the 5.000,000gallon plant at Kalihl is used now be-cause of lack of pipe."

    The motion to refer the resolution tothe' speoial water committee was car:

    'rled. . ''''


    Senator Dickey moved to have the

    Some of these Fifth What other sources of water hocld be Included in the sanitary disfor the furnishing ct the city of trict. Senator Brown wanted the v,hole

    of Kona Included. Senator Achi askedHonolulu are there? How muchon an

    average: can be obtained from each ofsuch sources? What are rrivate rights

    the small farmer, who wouid be bene-fited if this bill became a law and whoin turn would increase the taxablewealth of the Territory far more thanthe amount of this exemption. . Kanihoopposed the bill, and of course Kupiheav.-e-s heard, arising to a ,xlnt of infor-nrtio- n

    to ask Keliinol why he did notamend the bill so &a to include growers

    that the bill be deferred intll after the

    BEAVER LimCH ROOMn-- KOLTE. Proprietor.

    Port 8tret, Opposite Wilder Ca.FIRST --CLASS LUNCHES SERVXTWith Tea. Coffee. Soda Water. GlajrAle or Milk. .Open from 4 a. m. to 10 p. m.

    . Emokers R;uiit , Specialty.

    IF,in.C37- - G-ood- sHeinz Sweet Pickles, HeinxCatsup, Heins OliTea, HeiniWhito Onions, Heinz Chilifiance, Heinz India Relish,Heinz Tomato Chutney,Queen Olives, Pim-Ola- a,

    tw-- m worth, and how much will It hem bill printed. Senator Achi wantedcounty bill had been passed. SenatorMcCandless thought the boundaries Inthe bill sufficient, and the w-ctl- passed as in the bill.

    Senator C. Brown cbjcted to theof taro, bananas and several otherthings.Tel. Blue 2312. Beretania opto. Alakea.

    cost "to develop and make available the jt taken up right . way, and producedwater 'rem the said several additional copy of the Governor's message fromsources? ths Advertiser,? saying this was sum-Six- th

    Have the officers named any cient. He object?! to delay, and saidplans or recommendations for the im- - the estimates were given also in the

    and increase of the system report of the Public "Voi ks Depart-fo- rfurnishing Honolulu with water? ment

    If so, they are requested to present Senator Dickey withdre v his motion,

    If you wish to offer that as ancommittee amendment that the boardto examine plumbers for fbouldbe composed of a health oJTcer, plumber

    SrRIXQ MILLINERYAlways the very latest New Goods amendment" said the Speaker,

    -- youwive on every steamer for iid a disinterested citin. He aid


    HOUSE3 TO RENT,Etc, Et Eta.

    Ofiee eorner King and ICasnakaarhene Uln 12S,

    that only the plumber was a prac- -Eiwl:y's Mffllscry Parlcrscan do so. If not, you are out ofoider."

    "It is a question," said Kupihea.--Then it is out of order." replied


    ticol man. Senator McCandless ex- -them to the Senate as soon asreason-p- t Senator Baldwin obiected mat ne

    ably practicable. " couldn't make changes on a newspaperM Boston Block, Fort Street. Continued on page 8.)Senator Achi znved that the resolu- - 1 clipping. Finally, considiration of the


    TT ir

  • i


    , MISERABLE BUSINESS. dware'C ompany,HillkYou vote for my water bill and I will help yoiir railroad bill.AIf you don't Til kill your rail roadJbill." . .Commercial Advertiser BETHEL STREET.HOUSEHOLD DEPT.

    xrjxTEa o. S2irm - - zditcsJapanned Bread and Cake Boxc


    Get the MostOut of Your Food

    Yon don't and can't if your stom-ach is -- weak. A weak stomachdoes not digest all that is ordi-narily taken into it. It gets tiredeasily, and what it fails to digestis wasted. -

    Among the signs of a weak stom-ach are uneasiness after eating, fitsof nervous headache, and disagree-able belching. .

    "I have taken Hood's Sarssparllla atdiilerent times for stomach troubles, and arun down condition of the system and barebeen greatly benefited by Its use, I wouldnot be without it In my family. I am trou-bled with weak stomach and nausea and


    With a series of Insurance bills de

    This is the threat made by C. W. Booth to Senator McCandless.Booth is the man who claims to. own most of the water in Pauoa,which he is trying to sell to the Legislature for ?2."0,000. .

    The proposition has had a shady look from the beginning.There has been no public demand for the water; no suggestion byany public official having charge of this .branch of the public busi-ness that it was needed; no public discussion of the measure, or sug-gestion even, that it-wou- ld be of public benefit, until a bill was pre-sented in the Legislature providing for the payment of ?230,000 ofpublic money for the water. The bill makes no provision for "ap-praisement, for ascertaining how much water can be depended onnor does it provide any of the procedure or safeguards usual in con-demnation proceedings. ', .

    It is common knowledge that the statements which have been

    manding attention in the Legislature

    the features which they aim to In

    Table spoons made of heavy tin, al-ways sold at 45c. dozen.

    Now 25c dozen.Five-inc-h Butcher Knives, steel blade

    and hardwood handles, made in En-gland.

    Now 15cX-R- ay Raisin Seeders, the very best

    made, always $1.25. Special bargain

    25c.Coffee Mills with drawer, very useful.

    troduce Into the laws of the Territory

    neatly lettered, large sixes, worth

    Choice, 50c;Japanned Bound Flour Boxes decor-

    ated and lettered, retailed at ?3c. 'and$1.00. .

    Now 40c and 60c.Painted Chamber Pails with covert,

    always sold at 75c Tour choice,

    35cTin Tea Kettles, large efze, copper

    bottom, usual price $1.00, Half prle

    may well be closely scanned before en. oMment And of ail none would seem

    useless than that which retn he morenalres the making. of a deposit by he

    rroratlons before they are find Hood's Sarsaparllla invaluAble, E. B.HicxxAjtj W. Chester, Pa.

    published, emanating from Jlr. Booth, concerning the average quan Hood's Sarsdparilla cheap at 50c.tity or water avanaoie irom tnese springs are gross exaggerations.In dry seasons all the water in" Pauoa Valley is insufficient foi 50cNow Only 30c. 'and PillsStrengthen and tone the stomach

    and the whole digestive system.the taro patches there, let alone any surplus for the .water works.

    It is common knowledge that ilr. Booth has already sold an interest in these springs to Mr. Desky, and that the water is beingtaken to racific Heights.. ,'It. probably is not common knowledgehowever that the water does nbt belong. to Mr. Booth, but belongs Pleases the Palate

    permitted to do business within, theTerritory.

    such deposit isTh custom of asiinga, recent one. having its origin prin-cipally in the West and its object inthe desire to secure the investment offarida in the real estate r Improve-ments of the States and Territories.necessary and inIn Oregon $50,000 isNew Mexico the deposit must be in-

    vested in the bonds of the' Territory

    or of a county or city. Th object theres plain, that the money of the corpora-

    tions shall be used within the com-monwealth, but it is not apparent thatany other good comes beyond that sim-

    ple enforcement of Investment.It is conceivable that there might

    well be a demand made on foreign cor-

    porations where there Is no court withcompetent Jurisdiction in which to en-

    ter suit, but where the company i3 ahome organization, with a habitat inthe TJalted States, the Federal courts

    oCerlns ample opportunity for rutt

    Ex Sonoma"in common to all the people owning land on the Pauoa wafer shed,clear down to School street, and that the government is one of thelargest of these owners. If . Mr. Booth has bona fide valuable water

    . A new Eupply ot,rights, why does he not take steps to have them valued and con' o

    Its the rich hop flavor that does itand the malt is a food that gives

    t strength and health. ' .TraV'-pU- '"''

    Manilla Anchor LagerIt pleases millions and will please you.

    .3Fresh Vegetable nddemned by a board of appraisement? The law provides fully forsuch a course. He is not following the usual legal course, but is

    Flower.spending day after day hanging about the legislative lobby trying t

    force a bill through which transfers bodily, without investigationor proof of title, a quarter of a million dollars from the public treas fcfcBSnry to the pockets of himself, and companions, if there are any com

    ESCMatpanions. 'against the company to recover, any

    Nuuanu Street corner of Merchant. Tel. Main S03.The bull dozing tactics adopted by Booth toward Senator Meloss, the making of a deposit or investment of any amount like that" which

    the Senate seems to favor, $12,000. would

    . Just Received.

    53 Per Package

    and guaranteed fresh.

    Candless ''Vote for my bill and I will support yours. Vote againstmine and I will' kill yours" are not those of a man with an aboveto the comannoyancebt-- purely anboard proposition. They are the tactics of a man with a job, whichcanv and no added security to the in

    sured. he is trying to put through by illegitimate means.-- 3-

    fpljy'luand Territory inStateIn case every floHisterfh Union should decide to exact ii r in IihiIijM f ... , L.,;i.iVii. liWiLi.. ii uniwtoi An iiln-- i Afor the executive officer Is only the

    operating official while the president isdeposit It will be seen at once that theentire capital and reserve of the insur

    (From Puna, Hawaii)

    Best Table Water In the WorldCOMPANYDrug Bottled direct atthe Springs. . .the working-- ' head.... -ROMANCING NOT ACCOUNTING.

    "I am unable to determine whatamount should have been charged

    but have come to the con-clusion that the government has beenInadequately reimbursed for the ser

    ance companies would be tied up. lorty-fl- ve States, with not more than two

    . All orders delivered free of charge.Fort Street. FOR PRICES, INQUIREThe time is rapidly . approachingP. O. Box 5G5. Telephone Main 270.when Treasury watchdogs will keep

    the wolves so worried, that ' they willor three where, the amount of business

    that done inexceed,does not greatlyHawaii, three Territories where it mustbe close to the same total, would absorb

    vices rendered In the work.




    overlook a few i&t appropriations."

    . f .VW. R. SIMS,

    Accountant of House of Representat-ives."- '

    In this form, a report written for

    millions of investment and so tie up

    the assets of the companies that they Itmight be remarked in passing that

    ?VL1. 0. IHYIH & CO., Ltd.


    Fine Decorated China Ware,Rittan Furniture, Steamer Chairs,

    ' Hand Carved Ebony Furniture and Curios.Nuuanu between Merchant and King Streets.

    iMJW'Wia.wiMl.uii :u wiiaiwewwiwi ji.m.i. . nmtmm . i.nn n iilmw w. tnurn tmnmmm$t Mit.ymnmm

    Kentucky seems to 'have kept up itsreputation while neighboring stateswould be

    In fact insecure. With 2.wu.-00- 0

    of a company's- - assets as deposits itwould be necessary .to withdraw from

    submission to the lower House of theLegislature, closes reference to the have taken water. Wm. O. Irwin... President and Manager- Claus Spreckels.... First Vice-Preside- ntsome States to realize quickly on bonas W. M. dffard... Second Vice-PresidentStreet car men of the mainland mustmuch discussed macadam walks at theresidence of Superintendent of PublicWorks Cooper.

    la meet calls. - H. M. Whitney, Jr..Treasurer and Seci .'

    ! :

    u W. G. IRWIN & COMPANY, LInow keep a slate to tell whether to goThe Question of what is the good George W. Ross.... ......Auditorto work or to arm for battle each mornThere are two pieces of informationcomes up and the face' of the matterwould seem to show that no possible

    Sugar Factors and Commission Agentsing. "in the paragraph, one that the employee0V AGENTS FOR. THE JLGENT3 F03 ,

    Western Surar Rcftnlns . C E4could not get at facts which cannot be'pood could oome from the small eposn,when It is taken into consideration that Oceanic Steamship Companymore than three months old and the That St. Louis bacteriologist shouldcopyright his brand when he again triesother that an expert accountant, bysome companies which. --womJ ba calledon to make, it have pollcl In the Ter

    Of San Francisco, CaLAGENTS FOR THE

    this sign, is not a man whose creed isfigures but who likewise must have anritory to the amount of $300,000 ana Scottish Union & National InsuranceImagination. The receipts show that

    Francisco, CaL "Baldwin Locomotive Wor&a, TUmAU

    phia, Pa.Newell Universal Mill Co Manufac-

    turers of National Cane Bkreddtr, NewYork. N. Y.

    Parafflne Paint Compur, Era TrM--clsco, CaL

    Ohlandt & Co., Ban rraaclsco, CaJ.Pacific Oil Tiajaaportatioa Cat, ftJi

    Franclaeo, CaL

    Company of Edinburgh.even of $700,000. 4 Mr. Cooper paid $44 for rock, and, be "Wllhelma of Magdeburg General InLAW ALL THE TIME. surance Company.

    " )Associated Assurance Company ofcause charges for $30 worth alone canbe discovered on the books, and someemployes remember that other workwas done, perforce it must be to the

    Munich & Berlin.Mr. E. P. Cole's supplementalbrief

    ara-umen- t before the Supreme Alliance Marine & General AssuranceCo., Ltd., of London.

    Royal Insurance Company of Liverdiscredit of the Superintendent.

    a i - -

    Court of the United States In theMan-klc- hl

    case has been received. It Is anable Paper, remarkably clear, and con

    pool, Alliance Assurance Company ofIt might not be out of place for his

    We bow to the verdictof the people that wehave the finest line ofovershirts ever offeredfor the money.

    London.committee to investigate the man whoclusive. It Is addressed mainly to. the Rochester German Insurance Comwrote such a report. Did he visit the pany of N. T.ground and measure the amount ofmacadam put down? If not why not?Does he suspect that the Superintend-ent abstracted some of the rock fromthe roadways and has it hidden in his

    M.CHIYAJapanese Cnrios,



    Sili KimonosCor. Nuuanu andHotel Sts. :Phone White 3311

    THE " or :?

    turning loose microbes in a ' river.. - r

    The Pake gambler pulled out of acoffin and sent to Jail has learned thatit Is the pull that's dead. "'

    IT'S ALL TALK,Yes, But it is Honolulu Talk

    the Kind that Counts in f' Honolulu.

    Talk that tens.Talk that's endorsed.Every day talk by people who know.City talk, kidney talk.Do kidneys talk?Well, yes, both loud and long.Tou should learn the kidney lan-

    guage.Backache In kidney talk means kid-

    ney ache.Lame back means lame kidneys.A bad back Is simplyThe kidneys talking trouble.Here's Honolulu talk and kidney talk:Mrs. Grace Dodd of C24 Young street,

    thlscity, Informs us: "My sufferingswere of a complicated nature; I had

    safe? If so. why so? would It be be-neath his dignity a3 romancer to meas von Hamm-You- ngure the depth of the macadam and thuslearn exactly how much was placedthere? And If beneath, why beneath?

    If this is the kind of reiKrrt uponCOMP'Y, LTD.

    Alexander Young Building.



    which criticism of officials must restwhy spend the public money hiring- - expert accountants. The men .on thebenches in the Capitol ground grind outsuch conclusions gratis.



    With the many measures for reorganization of the Board of Public Health Honolulu Iron Works Co

    STKAM ENGINESiow before the Legislature being press- - J

    "VjSftfl Such as ear- -eX ried by na leaveAVj no room for

    I C j criticism.I &Al Tou wiI1 fiodI 1 . V jfc stock, mounted

    : A Ar J to perfection.

    rJ V new ttiaflrIf tf escapes our1 W V notice, likewise

    I &0 we originateIvi ii I new pieces on

    !) new lines, andMutx!' can please in

    H. F. Wichman,

    cd for action, the greatest vigilance is enlargement of the liver, according tonecessary n ucre js iu i vuucu a me aoctors diagnosis, and besides BOILERS. SUGAR MILLS. COOL

    t''! - ' T.

    fw i !weakening of this branch of the gov- -, this was troubled with severe pains ineinment. on which depends so much the right side, and a lame back. Iresponsibility, with epidemics to the had these backache pains for . two

    ERS, BRASS AND LEAD CASTINGSand machinery of every descriptionmade to order. Particular attentionpaid to ahlp's blacksmlthing. Job worksouth, west, and sometimes to the

    point, that lrthe Organic Act, Con-re- 3did not intend to hang this ter-

    ritory up in the air. and leave the ad-ministration of law in the Territory, in

    confusion, or chaos.We lawyers hesitate to prophesy re-

    garding the decisions of courts. Ato lose bynewspaper has no reputation

    pues.-in- g at. results. The Supreme Court

    looks beyond laws, and technical ques-

    tions, and makes Judgments so as topreserve order in communities. Though

    the constitution made gold and sliverthe only coin of the Republic, it de-

    cided 'that paper was a legal tender,because, if it had not done so, the peo-

    ple would have been thrown Into bank-ruptcy.

    Where there is no clear law govern-

    ing a case, this court makes law. Itcouples with its Judicial power, a cer-

    tain rolitlcal power, so as to save theorder. The Adver-

    tiserState, and preserve

    'predicts that the Supreme Courtwill declare that the conviction of Man-klc- hl

    was In due form and correct.

    While franchises are being eought on

    all sides, carrying with them Immunltyfrom taxation for years, the Organic

    Act. usually so much quoted, seems to

    have been overlooked. That Congressis opposed to special privileges Is shownby the fact that in Section 55 occursthis limitation; "but the legislatureshall not grant to any corporation, as-

    sociation or individual, any special

    or exclusive . privilege, immunity orfranchise without the approval of Con-

    gress." It might be well for promotersto stop and think a moment before in-sisting on such immunities for Congressmay decide to tie up the entire proposi-


    First Mr. Cleveland announces Msunalterable determination to stay out

    Next hia old time friendsof politics.declare he will leadcountryall over the

    if called to take the standard. It lookslike a boom, and as Bryan is

    becomingreally seems to havenasty about it.

    some weighty .

    for mayors andRather hard lineschiefs of police these days, but still

    seekers willing to under-

    takethere are office

    keeping out of court.

    ast. executed on hoi test notice.The statement made by Speaker

    CHICHCSTER'S ENGLISHBeckley of the IIoue. that the way toavoid an epidemic was to refuse appro-priation would have been overlooked PEnnYROYAL. PILLS

    years, and so severe were they at timesthat they prevented me from sleeping.All the medicines I tried were ot noavail until I got some of Doan's Back-ache Kidney Pills at the HollisterDrug Co.'s store, and used them. Thebenefit obtained, was wonderful; thebackache was entirely relieved and Icannot be too grateful for this since Inow enjoy good sleep one of the chiefof Nature's blessings."

    It Is important to get the same medi

    ad it n made by one of the Home tor CHltHtSTEK'S J.XiLlSilFort Street. r-- a KED n4 Cold mrt:llr bom. Mied'. 2 wilk binrittOB. Takr Ho atkrr. Brfn.ij nsrmu btitcl.ti ax 4 lontta.Rule country members, but he

    spendsso much time here that he is lookedupon as a city man. It seems strange

    Uo.t- - Baj or year lruist. . sia .ataaM tor Partiealara, Tct;jawJaiaaa4 " Jlt-Hr- f frr I.allca,"a Utttr, r re.tan Mali. 1 . 1 0TUniataia. ti4 bthat he does not know that every busi all Ciuiim. i alrinKr Okaileal r- -U papv. Ma41aM licun, fUlUL Vh .ness man in the city Is now taxed to

    carry forward health work, the Home ZIEMcine which helped Mrs. Dodd DOAN'S 'Rule Legislature having' failed to make FINE DISPLAY

    Hawaiian Coat of Arms burned inadequate provisions.

    The legislative sentiment for a paid leather for card cases, pillow, citrar

    BACKACHE KIDNEY PILLS. There-fore ask for Doan's Backache KidneyPills.

    Doan's Backache Kidney Pills aresold by all chemists and storekeepersat 60 cents per box, six boxes $2.50. or

    rVrArVVArrV,tA1rVVirPresident of the Board of Health wouldappear to be based on a sincere desire

    cases, stamp boxes, etc. NapWn ringsmade of koa. Hand painted cups andsaucers with Hawaiian crest. Ato secure the highest - service, but a

    casonabVe doubt may be cast on this wm De mailed on receipt of price by THE MISSES KING'S STUDIO.SOS Boston Building-- .when it is noted that the Senate cut

    If 70a are going away, andhave some real estate orpersonal property thatwill need attention duringyour; absence or somevaluable papers that youwould like to leave in safehands make use of ourtrust department.


    Fort and Merchant Sts.

    the Hollister Irug Co., Honolulu,wholesale agents for - the HawaiianIslands. . .

    out the executive officer. That wouldhe an equivalent of a plantation with


    HEW YORK LITISRegnlar Packets

    .Sailing froraNEW TOBK to HONOLULU

    at regnlar intervals.For freight ratea xpl7 to

    CIIAS. BREWER & CO.27 Kilby St., Boston.

    oaC. BREWER & CO..

    C Q. YeeHop&Co.manager and no head luna. No pro- -Kahikinul Meat Marketfesslonal man could devote all his timeto the office, nor could he hope to do

    It is reported that Mrs. Leiter and!!ss Daisy Lei tor, the mother and

    sister respectively of Lady Curzon, theall the work now falling on the exec- -utive officer. The necessity for careful , Vice Reiiue of India, will jass through

    and GroceryFRUITS AND VEGETABLES.Beretanla Street, corner Alrkea.

    Phone Blue 25LJ--


    Jcrutiny exists and the value of the Honolulu shortly on their return to the hwo of3cers must not be lost to sight , United States from the Lhu-bar- .


    AI If

  • THE PACIFIC UOMMERCISC ADVERTISER. HONOLULU APRIL 1, 1903. 0mi- - in, ... , .. .tmmimmmm mmmjmm9mmmm.rmm'm-mz- k111 -- "Jjt



    )! iiJrA 14) i1 1

    1- -BW? f. V'.- - . ,t ,

    II I .'-- 1 V - y--' ,t.

    FuNCRAL PR OC EL S s7 O O F.i Du FMMr.- Vi;"'4iJ , f ' VT , . n - II 1 .Virrr??! f5

    ?- - V - i , ..." V V.i.B : !'.- - - it

    ... ...b V-;- , i F ftl QUEEN EMMA 'JJ --JS if1

    . V-- j.J. ,i o' --i I "' , ,


    L. ("ATtiOLic , Clergy, CM.0'.8)'S B;'Quis'C'-tW.Y'i,'C,WMBEARf;f;- 4; 'ij-am- M y-- a. minim . mir -- ,im.i r

    j "p feillS OF'QurtN MMA yiNG INSTATE. IS JWAJAfAO tQtUCfH.fflr..; j L.(Photos published by the courtesy of H. A. Parmelee.)THE BURIAL OF QUEEN EMMA, MAY 17. 1885.f

    oosed to temptation.' In the States theygo back to nice or respectable homes.Here It is quite different.- - While their

    - - pepo mamndm wmmyteachers keep some general watch overthe graduates, they cannot take themfieial and Ooawial Eeeorl


    Editor Advertiser: I thlnik ithe dis-cussion about the Kameharoehaschools, in your paper, is interesting

    out of bad surroundings while the girlsEven unto old age yon may feel thovigor of youth, with its light heart,

    elastic step, courage andtireless energy, You maybe lree from pains and

    IM 1


    are looking for places.It. has been proposed that there be a

    building connected'- - with the girls'school where the graduates can tem-porarily live while seeking work andfor which they should pay. This Isdone in the States. I am told that thetrustees will not listen to this sugges-tion. At any rate they do . nothingabout it. I wonder whether- - they evertake the time to look into the matter.The idea of the trustees seems to bethis, "We give the girls an educationand when they graduate they are offour hands, and it is none of our busi-ness if they do not turn out well."Perhaps the trustees know more abouteducating the girls than I do, but they

    ov --run

    aches and defy your years.There is a fountain of perpetual, youth, and

    you have odIv to reach out your hand and takeit. You can drink of it until your heart shoutswith gladness, and with all your might you willproclaim, as ovher men Lave,

    "I Am a Man"Like the giants of old, you can be in your

    prime at sixty strong vigorous and fall ofyouthful enthuaiasm.

    GOTTVILT E, KIPKIYOU CO., CAL.DB. M.O McLAUOHLIN Dear eir: fiince using your

    electric belt the pain in my &rm and buck have gon,My son also was helpless from pain in the armi andfeet and unable to feed himself. Your belt in a twhours enabled him to ret up and walk "nd la threedm be wai at his work OBcenwte. This was iochurprise that we are commending yoor belt to other

    who are Interested. Yours truly, JoHNNKLSON.

    Hawaiian Gazette Co., Ltd;KING ST.TON HOLT BLOCK,

    have not got any more aloha for themthan I have.


    Lame Back, Sciatica, Lumbago, Kidney andIt cures Rheumatism,Stomach Troubles quickly.

    1ST TELE HOUSE.There was hardly anything of a send for free book about it. I will send itCall and see it today, or

    sealed if you send this ad.0 Market Street.

    strictly new. variety to disturb thepeaceful deportment of the house yes-terday. Considerable argument was in Dr. 3. C. fcLaughliri, Ban Francisco, uaiiiornidulged in by two members which Office hours: 8 a. m. to 8:39 p. m.; Sunday 10 to 1. P

    . Nevef sold by Agenu or Drug Stores. $

    CONTENTS,All Territorial By Authority Notices.Seasioo Laws of 1903.Probate and Other Court Notices.

    ' Foreclosure of Mortgage Notices.Partnerships, Notice to Creditors, EtcReal Estate Transactions and Deeds Filed.Plantation Directory.List of Attorneys and Notaries.Sugar Stocks and Quotations.Commercial Matters of General Interest.

    brought forth some hot interchange ofsarcasm, and personalities were alsoflung about to a shameful extent. Thecause of this warm "debate" (?) arose

    A friend fin need is a vvfriend in-- &r:dreA 'This . .?.

    and valuable. "We are all so used tothem that we do not pay much atten-tion to them, and the trustees do withthem as they please, which, they havethe right to do.

    I do not know much about race ques-

    tions, and the competition of the na-tives with the other races. But I dofeel that there is something wrongabout the girls' school. Many womenwfho are interested in the girls feel thatmuch of the advantage of the girls'education is of no use because it is notIn the right direction. The native girlsneed a enecial training owing to thesad physical condition of the nativepeople. The girls will generally marrypoor men on small wages, and they willdo their own "doctoring," as all poorwomen do. They must tend their ownchildren, and ihelp their neighbors insickness.

    A doctor told me that much of themortality among native children wasdue to the gross ignorance of the moth-ers who know nothing about simplemedicines or nursing, and the only waythey could obtain any. education ofvalue in the treatment - of the sickwhich would always be about them,was to give them some hospital train-ing which would be much greater usethan music or algebra. He said thatthe trustees of the school preferred tosee the girls with frills on because itlooked nice. I do not quite believe thistalk about the trustees, but I do thinkthey have not paid much attention tothe real needs of the girls. But why,I do not know.

    I am told that the trustees snubthose who ask them to give the girlsthis most important part of education.At any rate they do nothing about it.The natives are not now a healthy peo-ple, and they are growing less so everyyear. Girls cannot be educated to takeordinary good care of children and thesick without some practical experience,so that there should be a hospital an-nex connected with the school. Theschool should not be a mere imitationof a school in the States but one whichspecially meets the needs of the nativefemales.

    There Is another matter which is ofvital concern to the girls. They areusually poor ard when they leave theschool they j.fct take care of them-selves. Ttyf have at best poor homesto go to, and we now how they are ex- -

    is an oldproverb,but as truoas it is old.Here is just fThe RECORD will

    be-foun- d a convenient reference for BusinessMen, Plantation Agents, Attorneys and Notaries, etc sack a friend, fjj

    Never "be


    from the fact that an opinion expressedby one of the parties was promptlylabeled as a "thought of inane ab-surdity, the child of a vacuous cra-nium, a subtle scheme to Infect thepublic with the germs of a ravagingpoison."

    The house was hushed. For a momentthe silence like that preceding a storm,reigned. The sponsor of the measurelooked pale and Worried. And thoughit was his own house he submitted tothe Inevitable. The "measure" thenopened on him, thus:

    "If you would put in a good fixturea Douglas Patent closet we wouldn'thave all this trouble?"' And the vanquished saw Bath, theplumber, and he din the work. Themotto nw of the house is "Douglas orDisruption."

    THE FIREMAN is in great dangerfrom falling bricks or timbers as weUas from the flames. No fire departmentis properly equipped without a supplyof Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This lini-ment is unexcelled for burns andbruises. , One application gives relief.Try it. Benson, Smith & Co., Ltd.,wholesale agents, sell it. "

    The Commercial and OfficialRecord has come to stay. It isfilling a long felt want,

    Subscribe Nov and Obtain a CompleteFile. Issued Hondays and Thursdays.

    Subscribe for the Sun-da-yAdvertiser. 25 cents

    a month, delivered bycarrier.

    Ayer'sCherry Pectoral

    It will prove a good friend when younave afresh cold, bringing immediaterelief. You will find it equally truain old' colds, bronchitis, whooping-coug-h,

    asthma.And you will declare it "the best

    friend in the world" if you will useit for an irritable throat or weak lungs.It acts as a strong tonic, clearing upthe throat, giving tone to the relaxedtissues, and greatly strengthening thelungs. ' . '

    There are many substitutes and imi-tations. Beware of them! Be sure youget Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.

    Two sizes. Large and small bottles.


    THERAPION.mtri, uned in tae Continental Hrwpitala by Bicord,Kotan. Jobert, Velpcau, and others, combine allthe dciiderata to be sought In a medicine of thekind, and surpasses everything hitherto employ.THERAPION NO. I maintains its world-renuwue- d

    and weU mentad reputation for derangemenu of the kidneys, pains in the back, andkindred salmon ts. affording prompt rebel whereither well-trie- d remedies have been powerless.THERAPION No 2 for impurity of the blood,cunry. punples, spot, blotches, pains and swelling

    of lomis, gout, rheumatism, aildiseases for whichit hs been too much a fashion to employ mercurv.mrsaparula e.. to the destruction of uSerers-

    - teethand ruin of health. This preparation purifies tliowhole system through the blood, and thoroughlyeliminates all poinonous matter frcrn the body.THERAPION NO 3 for exhaustion, sletp-lewnes- s,

    and ail distressing consequences ofdissipation, worry, owworlt, Ac. It possessessurprising power in restoring strength aud vigor tothose suffering from the enervating influence oflone isidrice i n hot. unhealthy climates.THERAPION w sold by the pnncipUCheuiuit and .Mcrcliaots throughout the world.Price in England. 2s. sd. and a. 6d. In

    order-Jrji- f

    state which of the three numbers isand observe that the word " Therapio

    aYpeim on the British Government Stamp (ntWhite letters on a red ground) affixed to everyroouine package by rfsr of His Majesty s H jr.Commiastauirs, and wSiout which it is a forvtV. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ajet Co., Lowell. Mass., t'.SO.




    Jin the entire assets. These assets aremortgages on people's homes.

    (first loaned is one-ha- lf of cash valueDevelop-- FOR NAVAL

    ACADEMYBanking Department.

    Transact business In all departmsats

    of property and repayable monthly.We are not only getting better securityby this installment method but are us-ing the money half over again makingmore profits for you as an Investor.This means if we were loaning at eightsod Collections carefully attended to,VnV n v. ..--. .nT

    Commercial and Travelers Letters fCredit Issued on the Bank of CaliforniaPrinting

    per cent, (we are) per annum, that ourearning power .is twelve per cent. Theborrowers do not feel the hardship asthey have txi easy method of repayingloan and in many cases have savedrent. Dividends have been from nine

    Prince Kuhio InvitesYoung Men to Take

    and. N. M. Rothschild & Sons. Londoa.Correspondents; The Dank o.t Csllfor

    nla. Commercial Banking Co. of 8yVney, Ltd., London.Examinations.

    Drafts and cable transfers on Cains)to twelve and one-ha- lf per cent accord-ing to Class and time remaining. Twenty--one thousand of the 25,000 originally

    have aches and pains and troublesIf you are sick if youwith yourself, you want to get well, don't you ?

    You want the pains to stop hurting you you want your

    Illness to leave you you want to get well and thoroughly enjoy

    the blessings cf good health.That is what every sensible sick person

    and Japan through the Hongkong-- andShanghai Banking Corporation andChartered Bank of India, Australia andPrince Kuhio Kalanlanaole, DelegateChina.to Congress, desires applications from V)

    young men of good physical develop Interest allowed on term deposits at

    intended to be placed in Hawaii Ter-ritory have been sold. Hawaiian De-partment, Phoenix Savings B. & L. As-sociation. Robert Slaughter, GeneralAgent, Judd Building. Fort street en-trance, ground floor, Honolulu. H. T.


    the following rates per annum, vis:

    We do gocd workand do it quickly. . .

    AH kinds of photo-graphic apparatusand supplies alwayson hand. ......

    ment and sound mentality for appoint-ment to the United States Naval

    Academy at Annapolis. Speaking of

    wants, and Halpruner's Wonderful Medi-

    cine Is the right medicine for you It Is

    a medicine different from any other medi-cine ever prescribed and compoundedand being different, it cures illness andrelieves pain in a short time. It is amedicine of remarkable merit

    Halpruner's has cured hundreds ofpeople suffering from all the troubles and

    diseases resulting from an Inflamed con

    me matter yesterday iTince naiani--Most Hair Preparations are Merely

    Seven days notice, at 2 per cent.Three months, at X per cent.Six months, at t per cent.Twelve months, at 4 per cent.

    Trust Department.Act as trustees under mortgages.Manage estates, real and personal.Collect rents and dividends.Valuable papers, wills, bonds, eta.

    anaole said:Desiring that my nominations to

    the Bureau of Navigation. Navy De

    Scalp Irritants, of No Value.Most hair preparations are merely

    scalp Irritants, miscalled hair tonics.When hair Is brittle, lusterless and be-gins to fall out, the dandruff germ is

    partment, for the position of midshipreceived for safe keeping.dition of he membranes, muscles and other parts

    of the body.

    Honolulu Accountant Department.Auditors for corporations and prf

    getting in its deadly work at the root,sapping the vitality. Since science dis-covered that dandruff is a germ dis

    man from our Territory shall be of thevery best available, I invite the ap-plication of any young man who be-lieves he can pass the examination.

    "The eligibility is from 15 to 20 yearsvate. firms.Photo Supply Co.

    Halpruner's will give you the relief you sees youcan depend upon it you can rest assured that ifyou take it as prescribed that you will soon beover your sickness that you will be over yourpain almost immediately that you will get the

    relief you ought to have, and get It at once.There is positively no doubt

    Books examined and reported a.Statements of affairs prepared.

    Trustees on bankrupt or insolventTort Street. and the qualifications are laid down inthe department rules. ' - tates.

    By calling upon me at the Kapio- - OSce, 924 Bethel street.Savings Department,

    Deposits received and Interest allow

    about Halpruner's you can takeIt Internally or you can rub it inexternally it cures both ways.

    lanl Estate offices at any time beforeApril 10 all applicants will be furnish-ed with any and all Information de-sired."

    The Delegate has asked the Super


    ease there has been only one prepara-tion put on the market that will actu-ally destroy the dandruff germ, andthat is Newbro's Herplclde. It allaysitching Instantly, destroys the germ;and the falling hair stops, and hairgrows luxuriantly. Ask your druggistfor Herplclde. It allays itching In-stantly; makes hair grow.

    A PAIN IN THE CHEST is nature'swarning of a threatened attack ofpneumonia. Dampen a piece of .flannelwith Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bindover the seat of pain, and another onthe back between . the shoulders. Oneapplication gives relief. Try it. Ben-eo- n,

    Smith & Co., Ltd., wholesaleagents, sell it.

    ed at 4 pe? cent per annum, in ac-cordance with rules and regulationscopies of which may be obtained aaLlinTXD. application.intendent of Public Instruction to coh;m CcnniissicD" ttmMi operate with him in notifying eligible Insurance Department

    Agents for FIRE. MARINE. LIJTLyoung men in the schools of the Ter

    For instance:.Colds, Rheumatism, Sore throatyCatarrh, Burns, Bruises, Chil-blains, La grippe, Malaria,Pneumonia, Neuralgia, all pain

    J-hlpruner- 'B


    ritory of the opportunity at hand, andseveral young men of the High School

    Insurance office, 924 Bethel street.are already buckling down to hardstudy in anticipation of the THEThe Commercial and Official

    BOLE agents ron

    Little JackSmoking Tobacco

    Co and 10c packages

    Superintendent of Public Instruction Bank of HawaiiAtkinson is sending copies of the fol AH dnieelsts 50c and $1 tfco largo size contains three times the quantityof tfcejJn.-- s jj ,oct prepaid t0 any address upon receipt cf price. KalprunerMedical Manufacturing Co., 28 California St., San Francisco.

    Record contains all meetingnotices and all corporation no-tices of every kind and descrip-tion. It is invaluable to thebusy man.

    lowing letter to all the school prin LIMITED.cipals in the Territory:Incorporated under the Laws of taDelegate Kalanlanaole will on April Territory of Hawaii.11th make a nomination for a midship

    man from the Territory of Hawaii. If k JM M.PatM'S Cajpltal .


    COMPANT, of Toronto. Ontarla.DELAWARE INSURANCE CO. i


    you know any youth aged between 15SsrplBS . , j .UcaiYttcfl Profits


    and 20 who will fill the requirementsenclosed I will be happy to submit hisname to the Delegate for selection. Anexamination . will have to be passed,and on the event of the principal nom S feocery Store!inee failing, there will be three alternates to be examined. You will kindlyreply immediately, as the time Is veryAs a HealthfulStimulantFor the system a good beer cannotbe excelled It is the dally medicine

    for people who are never 111. If youhave that "all gone" feeling-- , ordera case of . .


    OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS.Charles M. Cooke PreeldentP. C. Jones ..Vice-Preaide- nlF. VT. Macfarlane..2nd Vioe-Preslde- ntC H. Cooke CashleF. C. Atherton. ..Assistant Caalilex

    H. "Waterhouse, E. D. Tenney, J. A.McCandless, C. II. Atherton and E. F,Bishop. -

    Commercial and Savings De-partments,

    Strict attention given to allbranches of Banking.

    The examination , for appointmentconsists of the candidate being able toread and write understanding. He Not only everything: in the line ofmust be able to write from dictation,.paragraphs from standard pieces of En- -glish literature, both prose and poetry.Candidates must exhibit thoroughfamiliarity with English grammar.They must pass a satisfactory exami-nation in descriptive geography, partic tit also - ---- -- -- ; Fort StreetTon will .be surprised how quicklyyou recover your former good. ularly of the United States. Questions THE FIRSThealth.2 dozen quart bottles delivered to will be gtfen under the following heads:definitions 4t latitude and longitude; BH0LBany part of the city $3.75. We al-low for the return of quart bottles25 cents per dozen, making the .net illthe zones, grand divisions of land and fCITGHBN and .HUTENSILS"water; character of coast lines; tradeprice J3.25. winds, direction and position of Impor OF HAWAII, LTD.tant mountain ranges; principal rivers,Eainier Bottling BAS- -tributaries and bodies of water into CUTLERY. ICE CREAM FREEZERS, BRUSHES,

    KETS, BROOMS. Capital, IJ50.0C0.0O.which they empty; position of inde-pendent states, boundaries and capital r f m aWorks, aftr

    Phone White 1331.P. O. Box 517.

    cities; positions and political connec.rresiaeni ..Cecil BrowaVice-Preside-nt ......M.P. RobiaoCashler ..W. O. Coopa

    Principal Offlce: Corner Fort andKing streets.tions of colonial possessions, etc. Thereis also an examination on United Statesand world history, arithmetic, algebra

    Will Mafce Your Glotlio and geometry.







    SAVINGS DEPOSITS received aainterest allowed for yearly deposit atthe rate of 4 per cent per annum.Rules and regulations furnished udoapplication.

    Fire InsuranceIE B. F. DILLKGEiM ID.

    General Agents for HawalL

    A delightfully - informal social affairtook place on Friday afternoon In D.jy YOTJ TAKE THEM TO TUBHoward Hitchcock's studio in the Boston Block, when members of the Pic-torial Circle of the Kllohana ArtCleaning and Dyeing Works League met: to discuss coming exhibitions, future meetings, sketching tripsTort Bt, Opposite Star Block.

    Tel. Whito 2362.Phoenix Assurance Company of lS

    IUnd-cy- .and general topics of Interest to artworkers. The Misses King presided atthe tea table while Chairman Hitch

    Conan;. Insurecock gave an informal talk on the comPhoenix Insurance Company of Brook- -radeship and the mutual help the memPAHA HOTEL . . bers will gain from . these meetings

    when inaugurated. Dates for the com ALBERT RAAS.3 Insurance Departmer, , .ing spring exhibitions were given out floor. SUngenwald buUalng.as follows: GET-0O- R PRK2ES- -WAIKIKIBEACH Work to be received May 9; varnishday, for exhibitors only, on May 16;first view. May 18.

    Hawaii Sliinpo 8haTHE PIONEERThe sketching members will take an

    EtAPTD TRANSIT ELECTRIC CARSArrive at. and depart from, the mainstrance of the Moana Hotel every ten lng office. The h.V" mT"outing next Saturday afternoon for tfrii Shlnpo. the onlv daiiVT.V .r "waufNoutdoor work. published in the Te'7T"F"Those present at the 'meeting were:MOANA HOTEL CO., LTD.

    T. K. JAMES,Manager.

    Mrs. A. B. Tucker, Mrs. S. Kinney, Mrs. EdItortalT'an8dOGl0TELEPHONE MA'N 240 169 King: St., Lowers & Cooke Building.Helen Kelley, Miss Parke, Miss Tabor, Smith St.. above OTelephone Main 97. m'Miss Furbur, Miss Marshall. Mns.Heapy. Mrs. Thompson, Miss ThompTHE son, Miss Nolte, Miss Nettie King, Miss riOTicg.E, A. King, Mr. A. R. Gurrey, Sr., Mr.

    A. R. Gurrey, Jr., W. C. Dickey. D.heln or ftrtvt i. 1Howard Hitchcock. P. H. Dodge, Julian A tl vea to communi-cate,Green welL either In Vperson or by letter witaEnslen .Nora M. TTn...K. :

    T. EL JAMES, Proprleto.

    Prorata apartments en suite and aln-- e Advertisera oi the. Salvation A;. .AN EQUAL DITISION.Of all profits besides those absolutelyTinMt annolnted and furnished trial Home. Young ""imu AnOJOS'n Ar-tesian JrJzl.and McPniImbm In Hawaii. Mosquito proof www, mauuside, Honolulu.Lkpooarhout. Hotel street, near Alakea, guaranteed is given by us. Our com-panies are the only ones of this classhaving theee features. Tour money is $20 Belt for S5.Wo rld's News --Dr.Alden's Oectrtc Belt."UOCAsti Wines handled by expert financiers, who havebeen particularly successful In their arrnted genuine. Not awithout druira. OirniU (mcdifferent lines. They put up a largenon-withdra- Reserve Fund to fuar- -

    Beol by mail on receiDt of S5.Try Electrktitr NoAp.nl.--Dai' 2J1 vPlSEOE ELECTKIC Co.r AlJtz 206 Post St.. IH FDiirirn r n- - ...Best Table Wines in Ubs. Sold by J yChU &galnat ,OSO is an addl." all Liquor Dealers. tio pi capital besides your ownership Wtita 33 wrest 24 fh s.rt,i kFwvn 'r.


    ELECTION OF OFFICERS. COURT NOTICEStons of nitrates consigned to Alexander& Baldwin, About 650 tons will be dis-charged here and the remainder at Ka--



    HEALTHY BLOODThe blood Is the source of strength.

    If you are weak you need a medicine totone tip your stomach aad make plentyof rich red blood. The .medicine todo this la Hostetters Stomach Bitters.It will not shock the system, and Itcures INDIGESTION. DYSPEPSxA.HEARTBURN, BELCHING AND kA--LARIA. FEVER AND AGUE. A fairtrial will convlne you of ita value.


    1 1

    ' Globe Bakeryi Fort 8k, above Vineyard,


    IS SELLINGf . Buns, Doughnuts, Scons.

    Ginger Biscuits,Cup Cakes at

    !' IOo a Dozon

    FiealOo ech; Boston Brown BreadIOo a loaf. Try our famous bread.

    ; Phone White 3851..


    Captain of Ship Emily

    Whitney Had His

    Hands Full.

    "With the .green sea moss of the bay

    of Caleta Buena, Chile, clinging: thickly

    to her wooden sides, the American ship

    Emily F. Whitney, Captain Wirchuleit.came Into port shortly after noon yes-terday and was berthed at the Railwaywharf by the Fearless. The- - EmilyWhitney had a voyage of fifty-si- x days,

    featureless as to Incidents occasionedby the weather, for it was fine weathernearly all the way. with occasionalcalms. Captain Wirchuleit had a finecrew aboard with one exception. Thatexception is first mate Gilman who was

    taken aboard the veseel at Caleta Buena, a nitrate port near Iquique. Gilman is said to be almost everythingbut a seaman, and as for his beingmate he Is alleged to be a total failure. He was such a failure that he issaid to have even forgotten that thecaptain Is supreme aboard his ship, andfor this reason he speedily got himselfinto trouble.

    The past ten days have been spenby Gilman in his cabin, where he waslocked up by the captain, and on another occasion he had to be placed Inconfinement. No blows were Btruck bythe captain and his mate, the formerkeeping a level head on his shoulders,and mrrely placing the recalcitrant inconfinement In his room. CaptainWirchuleit's former mate had to leavethe vepsel at Caleta Buena because helooked upon the wine cup when it wasa deep, dark. red. unman was tanenon on his place. Instead of carryingout the captain's orders, Gilman attimes, is said to have openly , defiedthem and he would order the' men todo certain work in his own way. Themen, however, relied upon the captainand stood by him, and the result wasthat Gilman soon found himself anarmy in which he was general and private all in one. Words were passedbetween the captain and Gilman andwhen the former found that the discipline of his vessel was at stake, hetook the only safe course open to him.

    The Emily Whitney has about 1800

    Rescued from Sufferingand Death by

    PAINE'S;Celery Compound



    A Prominent and Popular Citizen, Says :"After the Use of Paine's Celery Compound,

    I Am Now in tbe Best of Health."

    The rreatest of modem physicians," Prof.Edward E. rhelps, M. D., LL. D., after yearsof long practice and close scientific study, gaveto suffering and diseased men and women hismarvelous, life giving prescription, with theconviction and positive knowledge that it hadpeculiar virtues and ample powers to cure.

    Thousands of the strongest testimonials fromthe best known and most reliable men andwomen of our country fully sustain tbe claimsmade by Dr. Phelps regarding his incompar- -

    Die i aine s teiery compound.One of the most convincing proofs furnished.

    comes recently from a gentleman widelyknown in the capital city of the Dominion ofCanada. We refer to Mr. Alfred Brown, 91O'Connor St., Ottawa, Ont. Mr. Brown'sletter fully demonstrates the fact that thegreatest sufferer may cast off his or her burdenof disease and become well, strong, and happy.It proves, too, that the great medicine main-tains more fully than ever before its unrivaledplace in the estimation of people of wealthand social standing as well as with the masses.Mr. Brown says :

    " I acknowledge with thankfulness andpleasure the fact that I have been cured of avery painful illness of eight years standing byuse of Taine's Celery Compound. I had,during the years of my illness, tried almost allthe advertised medicines without deriving anygood results. I was also treated by several ofthe best doctors of this city, hoping to findthat one of them, at least, would understandmy case.

    I was getting worse, and was told I was' trincurable. I was indeed in a cntical condi - !tion. I could not go from the house alone,


    AT THE ADJOURNED ANNUALmeeting of the Uhue Plantation Co..T . , , I-- . 1 . . ... .1 -uem on ine nisi oay ot March.1903. the following pfHcer and direc-tors were eletfd m tn . .i--.suimr vr- -


    Hans Isenberg ...... ...President

    J C Parke. i.... SecretaryJProtenhauer Treasurer

    A- - Hanneberg .............. .AuditorDIRECTORS:

    Hans Isenberg; C. M. Cooke. D. P. R.Isenberg. W. C. Parke, W. Pfotenhauer,A-- S. Wilcox and H. A. Isenberg.

    W. C. PARKE,Secretary Lihue Plantation Co., Ltd.

    Honolulu, March 31st, 1903. A6442


    AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OFthe Lihue Hospital, held on the Slstday of March. 1903. the following offl

    jeers and directors were elected for theensuing year:

    I Hans Isenberg ................PresidentG. N. Wilcox... .TreasurerF. Weber '

    I w c Park'""'"': TudiTorThe above officers, with A. S. Wilcox.

    I constitute the Board of DirectorsW. C. PARKE,

    Secretary Pro Tem Lihue HospitalHonolulu, March 31st, 1903. A6442


    AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF ,the stockholders of the Union ExoressCo.. Ltd., held March 31 st, 1903. the fol - jlowing officers were elected to serve forthe ensuing year: jW. Wolters President'iCapt. C. J. Campbell.. Vice-Preside- ntC. C. Conrad t rr..


    W. J. White . tawN. E. Gedge. ........Auditor

    The above officers constitute theBoard of Directors.

    W. J. WHITE,A6442 . Secretary.

    E. PECK & CO., LTD.

    AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OFthe stockholders of the E. Peck & Co.,Ltd., held March 27th, 1903, the followlng officers were elected to serve for theensuing yearE. Peck ...PresidentW. Wolters Vice-Preside- ntC. C. Conradt.. Secretary and TreasurerN. E. Gedge Auditor

    DIRECTORS:E. Peck, W. Wolters. C. Q Conradt,

    Capt. C. J. Campbell and W. II jjcllnerny.

    C. C. CONRADT,A6440 Secretary. ,

    M'BRYDE . SUGAR COMPANY. LTD. 'jIat Tnv. a "W vt tat. MPPTivn nw

    tha ctnnbhnMor. of .ho ,f Su- -gar Company, Limited, held on the 2thinst.. at the rooms of Messrs. Castle & .Cooke, Ltd.. Honolulu, the followingOfficers and . Directors were elected toserve for the ensuing year:President.. Mr. D. P R. IsenbergVice-Preside- nt Mr. B. F. DillinghamTreasurer... ....... Mr. F. M. 3wanzySecretary. ..Mr. T. Ciive DavlesAuditor.:.-';- ....... .Mr. Donald M. RossDirector..... Mr. A. M. McBrydeDirector:::::::::::::.Mr. ai wDirector...... ..Mr. R. W. T. Purvis 1Director........... ..Rev. J. M.r LydgateDirector... ....Mr. T. R. Keyworth

    T. CLIVE DA VIES,Secretary, McBryde Sugar Co., Ltd.



    PCIFiC f OOGE KQ. 822,A. F. & A. fl.

    THERE WILL BE A SPECIAL.meeting of Pacific Lodge, A. F. & A.M.. at Masonic Temple, this V ednes- -day, April 1, at 7:30 p.m.WORK IN THE SECOND DEGREE.

    Members of Hawaiian Lodge, LodgeProgres, and all sojourning brethren

    are fraternally Invited to attend.By order of the K. W. M.



    THERE WILL BE A EE-gula- rconvention of the above

    named Lodge Saturday even-ing, April 4, in Harmony ofHell, at 7 0.

    WORK IN SECOND RANK.Members of Oahu No. 1 and Mystic

    No. 2 and aU sojourning brothers areinvited to attend.

    A. S. PRESCOTT,X of R. ft


    TTTFl RrfilTLAR MEETING OFHonolulu Aerie No. 110. F, O. E., will beheld this Wednesday evening, at 7:30o'clock, at St. Antonio Hall.

    REGULAR BUSINESS.All visiting Brothers are invited, and

    members requested to attend.By order.

    II. T. MOORE,Secretary.

    CAPT. C00KL0DUE.


    above Lodge will b