09 Sterilization

Sterilization Sutanti Siti Namtini Seminar ISPE Bintaro, 10 Nov 2015



Transcript of 09 Sterilization


Sutanti Siti Namtini

Seminar ISPE

Bintaro, 10 Nov 2015


• A process designed to remove or destroy all viable forms of microbial life, including bacterial spores, to achieve an acceptable sterility assurance level*.

• Sterility is measured by probability expressed as sterility assurance level (SAL). It is generally accepted that a sterility assurance level (SAL) of 10-6 is appropriate for items intended to come into contact with compromised tissue, which has lost the integrity of natural body barriers.

• A sterility assurance level (SAL) of 10-6 means that there is less than or equal to one chance in a million that a particular item is contaminated or unsterile following a sterilization process.

*The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI)

Key Essentials of Sterilization

Process The efficacy of any sterilization process is contingent on the following three essentials:

1. Conditions must be present to effectively destroy living organisms. In other words, the sterilant and sterilizing equipment must be validated and appropriate in design and operation to achieve the correct combination of temperature and sterilant combination to be lethal to microorganisms.

2. Devices to be sterilized must be thoroughly cleaned to reduce bioburden (soil) in order to ensure the effectiveness of the sterilization process. The higher the bioburden the greater the challenge to the sterilization process. If bioburden is too great the established sterilization parameters may not be adequate rendering the sterilization process ineffective.

3. There must be intimate and adequate contact between the steriliant and all surfaces and crevices of the device to be sterilized.

Sterilization Methods and


• Sterilization involves the use of a physical or chemical procedure to destroy all microbial life, including highly resistant bacterial pores.

• The major sterilizing agents commonly used in healthcare facilities: saturated steam, ethylene oxide gas, hydrogen peroxide gas plasma, liquid chemicals, dry heat, and a new sterilizing agent, ozone.

Methods of Sterilization

The various methods of sterilization:

1. Physical Method

(a) Thermal (Heat) methods

(b) Radiation method

(c) Filtration method

2. Chemical Method

3. Gaseous method

Heat Sterilization

• Heat sterilization is the most widely used and reliable method of sterilization, involving destruction of enzymes and other essential cell constituents.

• This method can be applied only to the thermostable products, but it can be used for moisture-sensitive materials for which dry heat (160-1800C) sterilization, and for moisture-resistant materials for which moist heat (121-1340C) sterilization is used.

• The efficiency to inactivate microorganisms is dependent upon the degree of heat, the exposure time and the presence of water. In the presence of water much lower temperature time exposures are required to kill microbe than in the absence of water.

Heat Sterilization A. Dry Heat Sterilization:

1. Incineration

2. Red heat

3. Flaming

4. Hot air oven

• Employs higher temperatures of 160-1800C and exposures time up to 2


• The benefit of dry heat : good penetrability and non-corrosive nature which

makes it applicable for sterilizing glasswares and metal surgical

instruments, used for sterilizing non-aqueous thermostable liquids and

thermostable powders, destroys bacterial endotoxins (or pyrogens) which

are difficult to eliminate by other means and this property makes it

applicable for sterilizing glass bottles which are to be filled aseptically.

• Dry heat sterilization is usually carried out in a hot air oven.

Heat Sterilization B. Moist Heat Sterilization:

1. Dry saturated steam – Autoclaving

2. Boiling water/ steam at atmospheric pressure

3. Hot water below boiling point

• Moist heat sterilization: use of steam in the range of 121-1340C.

• Steam under pressure is used to generate high temperature needed for


• Saturated steam (steam in thermal equilibrium with water from which it is

derived) acts as an effective sterilizing agent. Steam for sterilization can be

either wet saturated steam (containing entrained water droplets) or dry

saturated steam (no entrained water droplets).

Heat Sterilization B. Moist Heat Sterilization:

• Autoclaves use pressurized steam to destroy microorganisms, and are the

most dependable systems available for the decontamination of laboratory

waste and the sterilization of laboratory glassware, media, and reagents.

• For efficient heat transfer, steam must flush the air out of the autoclave


• Autoclaves should be tested periodically with biological indicators like

cultures of Bacillus stearothermophilus to ensure proper function.

• Works well for many metal and glass items but is not acceptable for rubber,

plastics, and equipment that would be damaged by high temperatures


Gaseous Sterilization • The chemically reactive gases such as formaldehyde, (methanol, H.CHO)

and ethylene oxide (CH2)2O possess biocidal activity.

• The mechanism of antimicrobial action is assumed to be through

alkylations of sulphydryl, amino, hydroxyl and carboxyl groups on proteins

and amino groups of nucleic acids.

• The concentration ranges (weight of gas per unit chamber volume) are

usually in range of 800-1200 mg/L for ethylene oxide and 15-100 mg/L for

formaldehyde with operating temperatures of 45-63°C and 70-75°C


• Potentially mutagenic and carcinogenic, produce acute toxicity including

irritation of the skin, conjunctiva and nasal mucosa.

• Ethylene oxide is a colorless, odorless, and flammable gas. Has been used

widely to process heat-sensitive devices, but the aeration times needed at

the end of the cycle to eliminate the gas.

Liquid Sterilization A. Peracetic Acid liquid sterilization:

• Sporicidal at low concentrations.

• Water soluble, and left no residue after rinsing, no harmful health or

environmental effects, disrupts bonds in proteins and enzymes and may

also interfere with cell membrane transportation through the rupture of cell

walls and may oxidize essential enzymes and impair vital biochemical


• The disadvantages of this method: the devices must be immersible, must fit

in the appropriate tray, and must be able to withstand the 55°C temperature

the process uses.

Liquid Sterilization B. Hydrogen Peroxide Sterilization:

• This method disperses a hydrogen peroxide solution in a vacuum chamber,

creating a plasma cloud.

• This agent sterilizes by oxidizing key cellular components, which

inactivates the microorganisms. The plasma cloud exists only while the

energy source is turned on. When the energy source is turned off, water

vapor and oxygen are formed, resulting in no toxic residues and harmful

emissions. The temperature of this sterilization method is maintained in the

40-50°C range, which makes it particularly well-suited for use with heat-

sensitive and moisture-sensitive medical devices. The instruments are

wrapped prior to sterilization, and can either be stored or used immediately.

Radiation Sterilization

• Many types of radiation are used for sterilization like electromagnetic

radiation (e.g. gamma rays and UV light), particulate radiation (e.g.

accelerated electrons).

• The major target : microbial DNA.

Gamma rays and electrons cause ionization and free radical production

UV light causes excitation.

• Radiation sterilization with high energy gamma rays or accelerated

electrons useful for sterilization of heat sensitive products.

• But some undesirable changes occur in irradiated products, example:

aqueous solution where radiolysis of water occurs.

• Applied to articles in the dry state; including surgical instruments, sutures,

prostheses, unit dose ointments, plastic syringes and dry pharmaceutical


• UV light (much lower energy, and poor penetrability): sterilization of air,

surface sterilization of aseptic work areas, treatment of manufacturing

grade water, but is not suitable for sterilization of pharmaceutical dosage


Radiation Sterilization A. Gamma ray Sterilizer: usually derived from cobalt-60 source, the isotope

is held as pellets packed in metal rods, each rod carefully arranged within

the source and containing 20 KCi of activity. This source is housed within

a reinforced concrete building with 2 m thick walls. Articles being

sterilized are passed through the irradiation chamber on a conveyor belt

and move around the raised source.

B. Ultraviolet Irradiation: The optimum wavelength for UV sterilization is

260 nm. A mercury lamp giving peak emission at 254 nm is the suitable

source of UV light in this region.

Filtration Sterilization • Filtration process does not destroy but removes the


• Used for both the clarification and sterilization of liquids and

gases, capable of preventing the passage of both viable and

non viable particles.

• The major mechanisms of filtration are sieving, adsorption

and trapping within the matrix of the filter material.

• Sterilizing grade filters are used in the treatment of heat

sensitive injections and ophthalmic solutions, biological

products and air and other gases for supply to aseptic areas.

• Used in industry as part of the venting systems on fermentors,

centrifuges, autoclaves and freeze driers. Membrane filters are

used for sterility testing.

Filtration Sterilization • Application of filtration for sterilization of gases: HEPA (High efficiency

particulate air) filters can remove up to 99.97% of particles >0.3

micrometer in diameter. Air is first passed through prefilters to remove

larger particles and then passed through HEPA filters. The performance of

HEPA filter is monitored by pressure differential and airflow rate


• Two types of filters used in filtration sterilization

• (a) Depth filters: Consist of fibrous or granular materials so packed as to

form twisted channels of minute dimensions, made of diatomaceous earth,

unglazed porcelain filter, sintered glass or asbestos.

• (b) Membrane filters: porous membrane about 0.1 mm thick, made of

cellulose acetate, cellulose nitrate, polycarbonate, and polyvinylidene

fluoride, or some other synthetic material. The membranes are supported on

a frame and held in special holders. Fluids are made to transverse

membranes by positive or negative pressure or by centrifugation.

Filtration Sterilization

• Application of filtration for sterilization of liquids: Membrane

filters of 0.22 micrometer nominal pore diameter are generally

used, but sintered filters are used for corrosive liquids, viscous

fluids and organic solvents.

Methods Mechanism of action Comment Preferred Use

Mechanism Merits Demerits Applications

Heat sterilization Destroys



Most widely used

and reliable

method of



destruction of

enzymes and

other essential

cell constituents.

Can be applied

only to the



Dry heat is

applicable for


glasswares and

metal surgical

instruments and

moist heat is the

most dependable

method for


of laboratory

waste and the

sterilization of


glassware, media,

and reagents.



Alkylation Penetrating

ability of gases

Gases being

alkylating agents

are potentially

mutagenic and


Ethylene oxide

gas has been used

widely to process





Ionization of

nucleic acids

It is a useful

method for the


sterilization of

heat sensitive



changes occur in



example is

aqueous solution

where radiolysis

of water occurs.


sterilization is

generally applied

to articles in the

dry state;





prostheses, unit

dose ointments,




Does not destroy

but removes the


It is used for both

the clarification

and sterilization

of liquids and

gases as it is

capable of

preventing the

passage of both

viable and non

viable particles.

Does not


between viable

and non viable


This method is

Sterilizing grade

filters are used in

the treatment of

heat sensitive

injections and




products and air

and other gases

for supply to

aseptic areas.

Kinetics of thermal death of microorganisms

• Steam (or moist heat) is used almost universally for the sterilization of fermentation media.

• Except the use of filtration for the sterilization of media for animal-cell culture – because such media are completely soluble and contain heat labile components making filtration is the method of choice for sterilization.

• The destruction of microorganism by heat is considered as loss of viability not destruction.

• The destruction of micro-organisms by steam (moist heat) at specific temperature can be described as a first-order chemical reaction provided if we considerer loss of viability not destruction.

• The thermal death kinetics may be represented by the following equation:

-dN/dt = kd N 1

• Where,

– N, is the number of viable organisms present,

– T, is the time of the sterilization treatment

– kd, is the reaction rate constant of the reaction,

or the specific death rate per time.

• On integration of equation (i) from t=0’ to t=t,we have the following expression :

Nt/N0 =e-kdt 2

• where

– No is the number of viable organisms present at the start of the sterilization treatment,

– Nt is the number of viable organisms present after a treatment period, t.

On taking natural logarithms, equation (2) is reduced to:

ln(Nt/N0) = - kd t 3

The graphically equations (1) and (3) are represented as,

Fig: Plots of the proportion of survivors and the natural logarithm of the proportion of survivors in a population of microorganisms subjected to a lethal temperature over a time period.

The relationship observed in the above graph would be found only with the sterilization of a pure culture in one physiological form, under ideal sterilization conditions.

From Principles of Fermentation

Technology,- Peter F. Stanbury,

Allen Whitaker, Stephen J. Hall,

Second Edition,

We have got two predictions from this kinetic


– (i) An infinite time is required to achieve sterile

conditions (i.e. Nt= 0).

– (ij) After a certain time there will be less than one

viable cell present.

• The ratio of No/Nt is the inactivation factor,

• The ratio of Nt/No is the survival factor and

• the In of No/Nt=V is the design criterion, a parameter which encompasses the contamination level of the medium to be sterilized, No, and the desired sterility level, Nt.

• In the above equations,

– k is a constant which expresses the specific death rate.

– It increases sharply with temperature and

– can be experimentally determined far an organism using equation 3.

If the experimentally determined Ink value from this equation is plotted against the reciprocal temperature (1/T) value, a straight line should be obtained from which the k value can be calculated for a desired temperature.

The value of k is not only species dependent, but dependent on the physiological form of the cell (i.e. vegetative and spore form)

From Principles of Fermentation

Technology,- Peter F. Stanbury,

Allen Whitaker, Stephen J. Hall,

Second Edition,

Initial population increase resulting from the heat activation

of spores in the early stages of a sterilization process

From Principles of Fermentation

Technology,- Peter F. Stanbury,

Allen Whitaker, Stephen J. Hall,

Second Edition,

An initial stationary period observed during a sterilization

treatment due to the death of spores being completly

compensated by the heat activation of spores

From Principles of Fermentation

Technology,- Peter F. Stanbury,

Allen Whitaker, Stephen J. Hall,

Second Edition,

Initial population decline at a sub-maximum rate during a

sterilization treatment due to the death of spores being

compensated by the heat activation of spores

From Principles of Fermentation

Technology,- Peter F. Stanbury,

Allen Whitaker, Stephen J. Hall,

Second Edition,

The effect of a sterilizaIion treatment on a mixed culture

consisting of a high proportion of a very sensitive organism

From Principles of Fermentation

Technology,- Peter F. Stanbury,

Allen Whitaker, Stephen J. Hall,

Second Edition,

The effect of a sterilization treatment on a mixed culture

consisting of a high proportion of a relatively resistant organism