· Z-Ire dar lnspfres the Pen E. L. Fields, La Canada, California Sirs: I certainly enjoy reading...

PROGRAMS for WEEK BEGINNING SEPTEMBER 16 -Better If Married" fa se 4 WHERE THE STARS RUB FENDERS! "ZING" IS THE WORD FOR IT! www.americanradiohistory.com

Transcript of  · Z-Ire dar lnspfres the Pen E. L. Fields, La Canada, California Sirs: I certainly enjoy reading...


-Better If Married" fa se 4




Z-Ire dar lnspfres the Pen E. L. Fields, La Canada, California

Sirs: I certainly enjoy reading Radio Life, and would appreciate it if you would tell me why no pictures or writeup has ever been made of the Lone Ranger and his cast. I think it is a very good program not only for grown -ups but also for children. I

think many others would agree with me, and would like to see their pic- tures in Radio Life. Here's hoping.

llupe you didnt miss our is.ute ul March 11. /915.

Carol Plena*. I108 Wilshire Bled., Santa Monica, Calif.

Sirs: Why is it seemingly so im- possible for radio scripters to deviate from tried and true plot lines? Radio, of all mediums, should be perfect for experimentation and innovation, but it seems to grow closer and closer to the plot formulas established by the movies. Is it true that radio audiences cannot be trusted to understand any- thing but true -confession soap operas and reworked who-dunits? If this is true, then logically we can expect no great classic literature to arise from radio as it has from all other

Four Hits for You in


BROADWAY NEWS . . . hot off the wire . . . KHJ, every day at 12 noon, and the night edition 10:15 p.m. Monday thru Friday. KMPC, every day at 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.

SEWING SCHOOL OF THE AIR KMPC, 1:45 p.m. Tuesdays.

FASHION FORUM . . . KMPC, 1:45 p.m. Thursdays.

HOME CHATS . . . for the homemaker by Miriam Lane. KMPC, 10:45 a.m., Monday thru Saturday.

FELIX DE COLA and His Musi- cal Notebook. KHJ, 1:15 p.m., Saturday.

Broadway, 4th and Hill \Vhere Iw.e Angeles Shops with l'nnfidenre

- Page Two

mediums -yes, even the movies. So far, there seems to be no attempts in fantasy, high drama i or comedy), poetry, or prose. Music on radio has appreciation. Then isn't it quite pos- new and intelligent perception and appreciation. Then isnt' it quite pos- sible that the same people could come to appreciate intelligent drama which, by virtue of the great dramatic heritage of the English language, should be theirs?

Norman Corwin, the "Suspense" show, and now I hope, "Twelve Players" can show us the way -let's hope that radio can follow it, and drag its audience along.

* Mrs. Edward LaVoy, 232 Illinois Avenue.

Aurora, Illinois.

Sirs: "Dr. Christian" has long been a particular radio favorite of ours, and we think the dramatizations pre- sented on the progam have been es- pecially good in recent months - -an item to note since it is the audience who writes this show. Jean Hersholt always warms our heart with his lov- able characterization of the country doctor, and Rosemary De Camp is consistently charming as his capable assistant. Our only wish is that she be featured more prominently in the stories. Sometimes she has little more to say than "Dr. Christian's office."

Mrs. Robert Shotwel* SOS Paints. Beverly Hills, Calif.

Sirs: I think the newsmen, com- mentators and correspondents who have done such a splendid job of covering and reporting this war. should be given special recognition. Especially those tireless workers who have covered thousands of miles of battlefront along with our boys. May we never forget their service to us.

Also a heap of praises should be sung in behalf of the work RADIO itself has done in reporting this war. Where would we be today if we hadn't been able to keep abreast of each world- shaking event as it oc- curred. Thanks and thanks again to all concerned.

Mrs. Ray Winship, 611 Grove Place, Glendale, Calif.

Sirs: We were indeed sorry to learn of trouble between "Gilder- sleeve" and his sponsor. It was later denied by both parties, much to the relief of our whole family.

"Gildersleeve" has long been a fa- vorite in this household and we were aghast to hear that Gildy might not return to us this fall. Or if he did. he might be somebody else. Can you imagine anybody but Hal Peary in

the role? We couldn't. Let's not have any more disturbing reports and hope for the quick return of the grandest show on the air.

* Elisabeth Swanson, 1215 Lodi Place, Holly-

wood 38, Calif.

Sirs: Can you tell me something about my favorite soap opera, "Aunt Mary "? Is it broadcast from Holly- wood? Who plays the roles of Ben, the father, Kit Calvert, and Paul? I

have been Iistening to this show al- most since the beginning, and have never heard any name credits given. Don't the stations realize that when someone has really been following a program for a long time, they are in- terested in at least once hearing who is playing the different parts?

".1 unt 1/urp is broadcast f . \I1(. sludius in Hollywood. lien is flayed by Pat f/rGeehan, Kit by Jn Gilbert. awl Paul is Gavin Gordon.

Michael Anthony, 1549 North Detroit Street, Hollywood, Calif.

Sirs: Radio actors arise! Break the chains that bind you to absolute drivel. Is this what you went to dra- matic school to learn? Was it for this that you studied your Shake- speare and Stanislayski? Where are




exciting on salads

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the ambition and the ideals that drove you to undertake this most danger- ous and noblest of professions? As you step up to a mike and utter in- spiring words like "Gee, Mary-belle, you look keen since you've used Clutter -up face powder," don't your dreams come back to haunt you?

Most radio actors are so darn good that it's maddening to have to hear good acting combined with basic - English monologues on the few sub- jects that radio dares to mouth- - "soap -praise," "who was the lady I seen you with last night," and the "Geewhat'll- we- donow" stories.

Mrs. R. N. Priestly, 172 North Edgemont, Los Angeles 27, Calif.

Sirs: Aren't you hep to the excel- lent new show on KFWB at 1:00 p. m. on Saturdays called "Can You Tie That "? Anyone who collects popular records, or even likes popular music, should catch this show. The guest stars are swell, and it's a peach of a program.

Also wish to add my voice to the plea for the return of "Those We Love." It was a fine program.

We enjoy your magazine im- mensely, and wouldn't miss an issue. However, don't forget the record en- thusiasts. They comprise a big au- dience, and any show appealing to them is bound to go over.

How about reviews of the new pro- grams? Seems to me that would be right up your alley.

* Mrs. Ann Murphy, 1051 Kains Street,

Albany, Calif.

Sirs: I enjoy your Sunday evening programs very much. Your stories are refreshing and well worth listen- ing to. It is good not to have to listen to an account of divorces and more divorces.

* * RADIO LIFE * * September. 11i, 1955 1nlume 12, Number Y

Pulrli»hed weekly nt Loo Angeles 15, l'nlifornl. itu.inr., Office.: 11W.Á Weot wa.hington Blvd.. Phone Richmond 5212. F.ditorinl Offlee », 155M North % in,, Hollywmod ea, Phone Ul mp- »tend 'LIWS. _

Radio Life to entered n» Sr,wnd ( 'In»» Matter May M, 11112 at i o,. .tn.ieles, under Act of March S, DM. Post paid Sub»eription», f1.:5 year, 51.50 sit, month.. Single Coyle. on »ale at leading independent Gn,,er, in Southern California at ..1c each. Reprinting in whole or in part w it hoot prrntiu.ion ut rictly forbidden.

l'ubli »her, Carl M. BlK »by: Editor, I.:* rive A. Iti K.by: Bu.inr»» Manager, \ Moon \ nughan; Office Manger, Georgia l'aywtwwl: Art 1)i- rector, Allen Kick.: Log Editor, Pearl Rail.

Adtertiming Krpre»entatlte, l'ulbreth Sadler. All material surd b) Radio Life l» .perilly

prepared by its non staff writer., and re- printing in whole or In part oithmrt pub- Roller's permission .triol, forbidden,

Circulation now limited by paper restrictions to



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$AS JIM LAU.GHTON, independent movie producer with a (lare for solving crimes, Dennis O'Keefe is provins him -

sell a "natural" tor radio.

fill in for the missing Pendleton. "I wouldn't go near a mike for

three years," grimaced Dennis. "My next attempt was for a 7 A.M. Dari- Rich show in which I was an ama- teur detective. I think for some rea- son or another I sang. It was pretty awful, too."

"But my prize boner came on 'Screen Guild.' I was supposed to say You are my pretty sweet' and of course, said 'You are my pretty seat.' The audience died and all I could do was roll on the floor ... what do you suppose radio does to me?"

a. :';:,, , ; ::,;:

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RY $ettY


.,urulau. n..20 m. 4 ec -K1 c.t

M SO LAZY." grinned Den- nis O'Keefe, "that I don't know how come I'm an actor at all. Everything is an ef- fort. And radio" - with a

- shudder -"is the biggest ef- fort of all. Besides, it scares me to death!"

Watching the tall, blond star at a recent Sunday afternoon rehearsal of "Hollywood Mystery Time," we noted that things weren't as unfor- tunate as he would lead you to be- lieve. Adhering to solid comfort, O'Keefe worked at the mike in an open - necked sports shirt and beige slacks. He puffed nervously on several cigarettes, fluffed occasion- ally, ad libbed constantly, yet gave an impression of sounding very calm indeed. Co -star Connie Moore and he threw gags back and forth at one another until the director in mock severity ordered an end to the game.

When we cornered Dennis between breaks, we began throwing questions at him concerning old friend Connie. "She's a tremendous -help to tne," he pointed out. "this radio business can Page Four

Besides. It Scares Dennis O'Keefe Nearly to Death!

still throw me and it's a pleasure to wurk opposite someone you know un- derstands you."

Firm Friendship Their friendship stems from the

old days when Connie's husband, Johnny Maschio, and Dennis worked together. After the Maschio and the O'Keefe -Steffi Duna nuptials, the foursome became best buddies and today follow many of the same prac- tices. For instance, Dennis, also, takes his daughter, Julie, merry -go- rounding once a week as does Mas- chio. And Dennis' baby son, Jim- my, is about the same age as .Con -

nie's daughter, Gina. Back to the subject of his "fear"

of radio, O'Keefe related his first air experience in 1938. It was in the days of the old Maxwell House show when Robert Taylor was emcee for the all -star cast. Dennis had just been signed by MGM and was being heralded as a new "find." During the course of the script, actor Nat Pen- dleton thought he was finished and left the studio. For three long pages Taylor and O'Keefe ad libbed, joked and literally stood on their heads to

Contrary to the fact that he feels radio doesn't bring out his best qual. sties, he's a natural for fast -talking, fast- thinking Jim Laughton. "That Laughton's a pretty slick guy."

Likes No Audience More radio -wise than he realizes,

Dennis likes working with a non -

audience show. "It's much better," he explained. "If I'm in a closet, for instance, and a feather is tickling me, I can ham all I want to without amusing a studio audience while the radio dialers can get a kick out of it, too, by visualizing it in their own way."

As a former writer this pen name was his own, Edward James Flanni gan) O'Keefe has in mind a story for "Hollywood Mystery Time." He also feels that Jim Laughton and Gloria bean (Connie Moore) should be married for a more Intimate and more humorous script.

In appearance, O'Keefe looks just like the fellow you've seen so often in your local movie. He's around 6' 2" blond, blue-eyed and blunt- featured. He prefers sports clothes

/Please Turn to Page 9K,


Sunday. 6:2a p.m. .4 RC -1k F.C.4

INDERELLA'S got nothing on Constance Moore.

Cinderella had a fairy godmother who waved a wand ad made every wish come true.

Constance had a real life godfath- er, Jack Marvin, who bought a fif- teen- minute radio program to start Connie out on her professional ca- reer. And when the program series was over, unlike Cinderella's fabu- lous coach and clothes, it didn't leave Connie forlorn and stripped of her happiness. From that chance. the young singer went on, a year later in 1936, to Hollywood to star in pictures and to make a name for her- self in radio, first as singer -actress on "Ceiling, Unlimited" with Joe Cotten and now as co -star with Den- nis O'Keefe on "Hollywood Mystery Time."

Connie's just the type of girl a god- father would love. She's a classic

THIS IS HOLLYWOOD Cinderella, Connie Moore (and co-star with Den- nis O'Keefe) with husband, Johnnie Maschio, and daughter. Gina.

s Gor g LLA i flV 1iG O jlt oTs

ill Mar 'Marcia Sinclair

beauty, with sensitive features, blue eyes, and blonde hair (must be nat urally brown, for her mother and two sisters are brunettes). Connie's 110 pounds are nicely distributed over five feet four inches and she's one gal who can wear shorts and a mid -rift top and make even the la- dies look twice---and enviously. But more appealing than physical charm is Connie's warm personality. When we paid her a visit in her Beverly Hills' home, she melted away any first - meeting reserve like butter on a hot- steak.

Not Lazy "I'm supposed to be lazy because

I was reared in Texas," she shrugged, "but I work best when I'm under pressure. I've gotten now so that I can dress for dinner in fifteen min- utes."

Which gives ope the key to a very alert young lady, who is running a home, raising a three -year -old daughter, Gina, swimming, bowling, and riding with her agent -actor husband, Johnny Maschio, playing in movies (she's made more than 24 so far) and going to plenty of par-


.I Real Life Godfather Made Connie's Dreams Come 7ruc!

ties, because she's the friendly kind of guest who fits in and gets asked a second time.

The only thing to worry about, when you see a person like Connie Moore, is whether her body will be able to keep up with her racing mind

she has so much she wants to do for so many people she's apt to get spread out so thin she'll crack. Being about 25, our guess, she has the youthful vigor to ride the mer- ry -go -round without falling off.

Right now she's entertaining her mother, Mrs. J. G. Smith, and her sisters, Shirley, 17, and Betty, 15, from Texas.

"I borrowed your blouse," Mrs. Smith remarked to Connie as she joined the interview in the den. "Mother's only 43," Connie explained. "and she's more like my sister than my mother. I'd rather go out with her than any of my girl friends." Connie also has a brother, two years older. in the South Pacific. "Mother real

ly WAS a child bride!" she laughed. Conversationalist

An interview with Connie isn't one bounded on all sides by radio talk. Instead, the talk leaps from one con- versational island to the next. First precocious little Gina, who was shrieking gleefully at being carried off by her daddy for her weekly visit to the circus grounds at Fairfax and La Brea . . then the sad story of Lovey, the colored maid, who dis- appointed her mistress so much when sh0. walked out without giving adequate notice ("That's why this rug isn't vacced! ") worried Connie

Then.we heard about sister Shir- ley, who's had a movie offer . . followed by a discession of clothes. Connie admitted to loving very frilly things, completely feminine espe- cially in the summer time, but to liking suits the minute the air gets a nip in it . Clothes, she thinks. and houses, should be handled with

(Please Tarn to Page 21,

Pose Five


THIS IS HI BROWN, director and producer of CBS' "Adventures of

the Thin Mn, calling lot some al that slick and smooth acting that marks the es-

capades of Nick and Nora Charles.

MISS BETTY PRATT, attractive radio star, is heard on Colum

bias "Young Or. Malone," as mem ber of the supporting cast.




VETERAN STAGE ACTOR Martin Wollson, is narrator for CBS' Sat-

urday "Assignment Home" series on the rehabilitation of returned servicemen.

DANNY O'NEIL, popular tenor heard lour times weekly on his own CBS pro- gram of songs, seems quite the family man. He's getting his lourteen- month -old

son, Billy, off to flying start in the pursuit of literature, with O'Neil's attractive wile, Gerrc, lending a hand.

Apr FLORENCE FREEMAN, who plays the leading role in CBS' daytime

serial, "Valiant Lady," is a native New Yorker with e BA Iron Wells College and an MA Iron Columbia.




RADIO: West * National and International

New _Network Sunday, September 16, marks the

birthdate of a new national network, the Associated Broadcasting Corpora- tion- making a total of five transcon- tinental air chains. A special dedica- tory show is scheduled to be heard on the net's initial day of broadcasting, and one of its leading regular pro- grams will be in hour -long Monday - through- Friday show featuring news, narration of missing persons cases, and a half -hour variety offering by Al Jarvis and guest stars.

At this writing, Associated has no Los Angeles outlet, but will be heard in this area over KFOX, Long Beach. Hollywood business headquarters 'of the new chain are located in the Wil- shire Center Building.

RIFTS Yule Fund It was a stern reminder that the

world is far from normalcy when we received a request from the Radio Women's War Service for Christmas donations. Many of our boys won't be home for the holidays and some of us might easily forget.

The RWWS is going to see that they have a merry Christmas with presents and news from home. Organizing in the early days of the war, the organ- ization has faithfully kept its "boys," ex- radiomen, informed of the latest Radio Row happenings. With the war over, members more strongly feel the need of keeping in close contact with those servicemen still abroad. Radio Row is, indeed, proud of this, the only organization of its kind.

Communique Our mailman brought us an inter-

esting letter last week, which we

thought you Radio Lifers might like to read over our shoulders. It's from Anita Weber, former Hollywood radio - Ite who is now a Red Cross worker overseas, at the Casino Club in Nice, France, where she aids in arranging entertainment and recreation for the ten thousand servicemen who arrive there weekly for seven -day furloughs.

Writes Anita: "This nest( existence for me is a far cry from Catalina (and 'We Deliver the Goods'), 'This Is My Story' and 'Midland. U. S. A.,' but it's a wonderful life in spite of being away from my friends and seldom see- ing a microphone.

"While I may be away from actual radio production, I never seem to be completely removed from the airlanes. There are several boys stationed here who did announcing back in the States, and I'm official (!) mascot of the 66th Artillery Division Chorus (you've never heard anything so glor- ious as those thirty -two boys), which is under the direction of Lt. Richard Uhl, who produced the Lanny Ross radio shows back in New York. Uhl is remarkably talented as a compos- er in addition to his leading the group.

"Bob Hope 'slayed' the boys when he made his second appearance (with Maurice Chevalie ) at Velodrome last week. It started to rain three times, and each time they scurried for cover =but finally Hope came out for an hour! What a lad!"

Claudia's Bablt Fans of "One Man's Family" will be

glad to know that Kathleen "Claudia" (Please Turn to Page 25)

Wake Up! Start the Day Right


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iKECA mike memos

Remember when they used to give everything away including the kitchen stove un the air ?.'Them' days are here again! Now that the war is over and rationing is relaxed, Perry Ward plans to garnish the stage of the "What's Doin' Ladies" show, aired over KECA Monday thru Friday at 2 p.m., with stoves, refrigerators et al -maybe someday even a furnished plastic house - come the new era. By the way, will the new era carpenter be called a plastic surgeon? Speaking of Perry Ward, did you know that his native state, Okla. homa, has awarded him their Annual Progressive Medal for being the out- standing young man in any field of endeavor for the year? Pretty good, Perry'.

... Tune KECA ... Stay All Day .. .

Go to sleep well informed -if you are u midnight "go -to- bedder," tune in 790 ut 11:55 p.m. for five minutes of 11th hour news, and you can hit the -linen well posted! Then without touching the dial, just switch on the power when you wake up in the morning, and hear the latest developments on ''Breakfast News" at 7 a.m! Williams Hall has all the ut er -night news ready for you! Be a "well -informed listener!"

.. Tune RECA ... Stay All Day ... A listener in North Hollywood declares, When I get up I tune in KECA

for my favorite news knd breakfast programs. I have found that it is needless to move the dial for the rest of the day. My husband says, 'Why don't .you. have It soldered on KECA and American!' He likes it too!"

... Tune KECA ... Stay All Day ... Another great first for American) Last Sunday night, The Theatre Guild

on the Air started as a new series for U. S. Steel, bringing for the first time to radio listeners many of the famous legitimate theatre plays. In many instances, the same Theatre Guild stars that made the show stage history, will appear in the radio version. You will be interested to know that George Hicks. ABC Invasion Front Reporter, has been made a permanent member of the cast as "the Voice of U. S. Steel." The Theatre Guild on the Air is a 7 o'clock Sunday night speciaL ... Tune KECA ... Stay All Day . . .

Martha Tilton, recently returned from her fourth overseas USO tour, has been signed as a permanent member of the cast of the "Radio Hall of Fame" which returns October 7th, for its third consecutive year, aired Sundays at 3 p.m. With Paul Whiteman conducting the orchestra and chorus, Miss Tilton will welcome a famous guest, whose career will be reviewed in song and story. "Liltin' Martha Tilton," a Texan, is one of the top fem vocalists in the record collector's albums and all the G.I.'s place her high on their preferred list. ... Tune KECA . . . Stay All Day . . .

If you are an avid mytery fan and . fancy yourself an amateur detective, tune in "Murder Will Out," sponsored by the Rainier Brewing Company, and heard over KECA every Tuesday night at 9:30 - or, better still, write for tickets to this show and get in on the fun! William Gargan plays the part of Inspector Burke, and has as his side -kick Detective Nolan, played by .Eddie "Tell- you - what -I'm- gonna -do" Marr. Eddie is emcee of his own show, "Win, Place or Show" aired over KECA on Monday at 7:30 p.m. This is a hilarious audience - participation show built .along race track lines and unless we miss our guess, it will top any new idea in quiz shows for the coming season. Sponsors take note!

... Tune KECA ... Stay All Day ... In closing, let us remind you, Friday is Lively Listening Night) On Friday

Alights KECA will bring you Famous Jury Trials at tì, followed by The Sheriff at 6:30. 01 course you mustn't miss that 5 minute top spot of the evening, The Coronet Storyteller at 6:55. You will hear the Gillette Fights from Madison Square Gardens at 7 and Arlene Frances with her wit and woo session, "Blind Date" at S. This. is Your F.B.L will bring you interesting dramatizations from authentic Federal Bureau Files at 8:30. How's that for a Friday night line up- Don't íA+5á itl ... Tune KECA ... Stay All Day ... - !tduertrsement.



Sunday, September 16 - "This Is My Story," KNX, 9:30 p. m. (30 min.) formerly KNX, 9:00 p. m. Saturday.

Sunday, September 16 - "The Sealed Book," KHJ, 9:30 p. m. (30 min.) Formerly KHJ, 9:30 p. m. Thursday.

Wednesday, September 19 - "Maisie," KNX, 7:30 p. m. (30 min.) Former- ly KNX, 8:30 p. m. Thursday.

Thursday, September 20 - "Hobby Hours," KECA, 6:00 p. m. (15 min.) Formerly KECA, 9:45 p. m. Friday.

Thursday, September 20- "Wings Over the Nation," KHJ, 9:30 p. m. (30 min.) Formerly KHJ, 10:30 p. m. Saturday.

Friday, September 21 - "Freedom of Opportunity," KHJ, 8:30 p. m. (30 min.) Formerly KHJ, 9:30 p. m. Fri- day.

WHAT'S NEW music

Sunday, September 16 -"The Electric Hour," KNX, 1:30 p. m. (30 min.) Nelson Eddy returns for fall series. With Robert Armbruster's orchestra and chorus and Frank Graham, an nouncer.

Monday, September 17 - Ford Bond, KMPC, 7;05 a. m. (10 min.) Morn- ing musical, transcribed.

Thursday, September 20 -Andre Kos - telanetz, KNX, 6:00 p. m. (30 min.) Maestro Kostelanetz takes over from Don Voorhees, will feature his well. known symphonic arrangements of po_)ular and light classical music.

Satu. day, September 22 - Palisades Ballroom, KFI, 4:30 p. m. (30.min.) Po; ular and western music by Deuce Spr:ggen's band, and entertainers.

Variety WednE.;day, September 19- "College of

Musical Knowledge," KFI, 7:00 p.m. (30 tain.) Kay Kyser, back from overs as, takes over the reins from "Prou ssor" Phil Harris, for the first fall st mester.

Wednesday, September 19 -"The Jack Canso Show," KNX, 9:00 p. m. (30 min.( Carson returns from overseas tour fo: fall season. With Dave Wil- lock. : hirley Mitchell and Freddy Martin ., orchestra.

Thursday September 20 - "Maxwell House ('l,ffee Time," KFI, 8:30 p. m. (30 mini George Burns and Gracie Allen comedy- variety show. Mere- dith Willson's orchestra.

Friday, Se )tomber 21 - "Duffy's Tav- ern, KFI, 8:30 p. m. (30 min.) Ed Gardner as "Archie," with Sandra Gould, Eddie Green, and Charlie Cantor.

Thursday, September 20 - American School, K!-IJ, 10:15 p. m. (15 min.) Talk and records.

* Discussion

Friday, September 21 - "Leave It to (Please 1 urn to Page 9J



s FIRESTONE'S three -hour concert

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BALLARD JOINS KGFJ KGFJ news bureau has announced

the appointment of David Ballard, staff announcer, as chief newscaster. Ballard Will air two news periods daily for KGFJ -at 9:00 a. m. when news from Europe is highlighted, and at 12:50 p. m. when domestic news and reports from the Far East are empha- sized.

A veteran of this war, David Ballard began radio work in Seattle, and comes to KGFJ from Twentieth Cen- tury -Fox. He currently appears in "A Bell for Adano," 'and "Captain Eddie." Along with his news broadcasting at KGFJ, he is also featured on various musical programs.

Tune in


* i );* BASEBALL KMPC rues. thru Fri. Saturday Sunday

8:15 P.M. 2:15 P.M. 1:30 P.M.


Sponsored as a BEE R Public Sernce by

247s4rei J .inatoLr -1 t. w, ..,G,J,

PRECASTS (Cuntir,ur,1 Irum Pugs J1

the Girls," KHJ, 9:30 p. m. (30 min.) Round table discussion for and about women. Well -known authorities will take part.


Drama Sunday, September 16 - "The Adven-

tures of Professor Cosmo Jones," KECA. 10:00 p. m. (15 min.) Corn -

edy drama. Thursday, September 20 -"The F.B.I.

in Peace and War." KNX, 8:30 p. m. (25 min.) True stories of the F.B.I.

Friday, September 21 - "Your AAF," KECA, 9:30 p. m. (30 min.) Stories of Americans at war.

* Commentary

Sunday, September 16- Fulton Lewis, jr., KHJ, 3:45 p. m. (15 min.) New spot for popular commentator.

Saturday, September 22 -Galen Drake, KECA, 10:00 a. m. (15 min.) Popu- lar commentator. *

Quiz Monday, September 17 -"Try and Find

Me." KNX, 12 noon (15 min.) New quiz program. *

Sports Monday, September 17-"The Inside of

Sports," KHJ, 5:45 p. m. (15 min.) Monday through Friday. Fall sport commentary. *

Forum Monday, September 17 - Reconversion

Forum, KECA, 7:00 p. m. (30 min.) Post -war problems.


Variety Sunday, September 16 - Evelyn Bigs-

by, KECA, 9:15 p. m. (15 min.) Hed- da Hopper is guest.

Music Monday, September 17 - "Telephone

Hour," KFI, 9:00 p. m. (30 min.) Pianist Oscar Levant is guest.

SKIPPY RENEWED C. P. MacGregor Studios announces

that they have just received a renewal of the contract for their Skippy Pea- nut Butter program for the fifth year with a number of added stations throughout the country. Through the summer, Skippy's "Hooper" has risen steadily on all stations and big name stars are assured on this transcribed series for the coming season.

* * s

SNAPPY SERENADER A;thur Todd, the "mister" of Colum-

bia's musical Todds, is known as one of the fastest guitar technicians in the country.

Grcinc fcm !

KFI Joining "Senator" lord on one of

radio's best loved programs are Harry Hershfield and Joe Laurie, Jr., for "CAN YOJJ TOP THIS" heard each Saturday at 6:30 over KFI. These three masters of wit crack jokes at

a rollicking rate of speed and outdo each other to keep the audience in stitches. As you probably know, these gents h a v e organized a "O n e Thousand Club" for contributors' jokes that hit the top of the laughmeter which is the one thousand mark. We are happy to state that recently a Mr.

"Sen." Ed Ford Joseph G. Janossy of Hondo, Calif., was

admitted to the Club for his joke con tribution which goes something like this: Two men were taking physio- therapy treatments (if you've heard it, stop us) for the same ailments. One was yelling his head off, while the other was calm. The therapist kept twisting the patient's leg back and forth, and the calm one just took it with a smile, while the other pa- tient kept yelling. In the dressing room, the fellow who had been doing all the yelling asked, "Listen, you have arthritis, haven't you ?" "Sure I've got arthritis," he answered. "Tell me." the first one asked, "how can you stand all that treatment and never let out a whimper? Doesn't it hurt you when he works on your leg ?" "Nope," said the calm fellow. "You know," said the man who had been yelling, "arthritis is painful. Will you please tell me how you let the Doc work on you without crying out in pain ?" The calm one answered, "Listen, Buddy, do you think I m fool enough to let him work un my sore leg ?" Incidental- ly, these three men have written a book entitled "Can You Top This ?" which is to be published by Didier this week. Sounds like something every library should have.

This Thursday at 8:00 p. m. on KFI, GEORGE BURNS AND GRACIE ALLEN return to the air as the inimitable married couple of radio as well as real life. The couple, radio veterans of 15 years, will continue with the hilarious format of life in the Burns household, originated in 1942, when, for the first time, Burns and Allen of stage and screen fame, carried their married status over to their profession. With them will be Meredith Willson, noted musical conductor and composer, who returns to the air after three years' service as head of the Armed Forces Radio Division.

OTHER RETURNS: Ed Gardner as Archie of DUFFY'S TAVERN comes back this Friday at 8:30 p. m. . . .



SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 * Indicates News Broadcasts,

KFI -The Eternal Light. *KNX. KPAS, KGER -Yews. *KEC'A -News.

KHJ, KGB, KF\11, Wesley Radio league.

*KM PC -News. KFWB- Funnies.

*HMTR -Neu +, Meditation. KFAC - ountry Church, KR/ID-Ranch Program. K WKW- Pan- .tdtterlcaa

Revival. KGFJ -Rent Chair Concert. KFVD-Tempo Tunes. KFSD -Cull to Worship. KFOX -Rev. Dean Reed.

$:03 -KNX -Blue ,Jacket Choir. HGER -Kingdom WLhio.

9:15- KECA -Rev \laupiu Orch. KMPC- Institute for the

Blind. KMTR -Rev K. (i. Egertsuu. KFXM -Sunday Serenade.

$:30 -KFI -World News Roundup. KNX- Invitation to Learning. KHJ, KGB, KFNM, K\ -0E-

\ nice of Prupherv. KECA -Hour of Faith. KMPC- Wesley Radio League. KFWB -Union Rescue Mission. KMTR -W. B. Record. KPAS- Immanuel Baptist

Ch urch. K KW- Buenas Nues es, KFAC- Strollin' Tom. KFYD- Church of Christ. KFOX- Morning Bible Hour.

I:45 *KFI, HRKD -News. KGFJ -quiet )Inments. KGER -House of Dawn.

9 KFI -Chicago Roundta hie. KNX -Salt lake Tabernacle.

*KECA -ABC World Correspondents.

KHJ. KGB, KF \M, KYLIE- Pilgrim Hour.

*KMPC -News. Dhythmic Houndup.

*HMTR -News, Chapel 'l'ime. KRKD -Sunday Serenade. KFAC -Liberal ('tetholit Hour. KFYD -Waltz Time. KGFJ -MId -Morning Meloiiee. KPAS -Pop. Swing Tunes, KWKW- Little Italo. KPPI'- Dev(Atonal Service.

*KGER -News, Dr. Springer. *HFSD- Car%eth Wells.

9:15 *KF -CA -News. KMTR -Swedenborg Hunt, KFAC- Concert ,

EPPC- Prelude to Wonkin. KGER -Rev. J. A. I.ur ell. HFSD- America United.

9:30 -KFI- Echues t Encores. *KNX- Transatlantic ('all.

KHj, KGB, KFX- \l, KYOE- Lutherau Hour,

KECA- Friendship Ranch. KFWB -Peter Potter.

*KMTR -The World Tomorrow.

Complete Gilbert & Sullivan

Works KFAC -9:30 - I l A. M. Sun.

J'ponsorerl by Marshall á Clampett

FA('- Gilbert S Sullivan. mort -Sunday `turning Club. KIND-\ ictory Parade 'til 1 p.m

KGER- Ktldio Hel aval. KFSD- Sunduv Convert.

9:45- KECA- Hesrrs e.

1 0 *K", KFSD- Luynman's V'lews of News.

KNX-Church uf the Air. *KEGA -.John Kennedy, News. *KHJ, E(flt, KF \31, K\'l1E-

News, Glenn Hardy. *KMPC -News, Western

Federal Music Houe, *KFWB, KGER, KFOX -News. *KMTR -News, l'annir Rein-

hart. KPAS -Slur le Program. KWKW- Hollywood Lutheran.

10 :13 -°,11. KF'D- Parade of States. *KECA -Orson Welles Comment

KF' 118-1eter totter. KFOX -Fes. Russell. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Cummander Scott.

lu :30- EFI- )Ludirai lilestuoes, *KNX -Sews.

KECA- Taylor Made \lelodies


The Romance of the Highways

"Unreal Realities" KHJ -KVOE

10:15 A. M. Sundays

KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOF:- Sweetheart Time.

KFWB -Peter Potter. KPAS -Czech Polkas. KPP('- Church News. KWKW- Hungarian Baptist. HFSD -Chicago Kuundtable.

10:43 *KNX -Edward - R. Murruw, *PPC -TÓwer Chimes. EFO \- Cumberland Church.

10:35 *KECA- George Bunn, News.

11- KFSD -Ford Show.

KN \-St rad(vari's tirets. KECA -Washington Inside Out KHJ. KGB -Sunday Concert.

*KMPC -News, Same the Tune *KFWB- News. *KMTR -News, Church of

Christ. KPAS -Church of Open Door. KFAC -1st Methodist Church. KWKW- Lincoln Av. Presb. KGFJ- Especially for You. KFXM -First Congregational

Church, Service,

Dr. Lugeur ('arson Blake, K\'UE- Concert Miniature. KFOX- Presbyterian Church. KGER- Esangelists' Heur.

11:13 -KECA -String Quartet. KFWIt -Peter Putter. KYOE- Concert Miniature.

11:30 -KFI, KIND -Westinghouse, John ('harles 'fhounas.

*KNX -World News Today. KECA- Remember Hour.

*KIIJ. KGB. KFXM, HAVE- Bill Cunningham.

KFWB -Peter Putter. KGFJ -Song of Islands. K %KW -All Saluts Episcopal. KFOX -Flat Christian

Church. 1145 -HIIJ, KGB -Jale Carnegie.


TSDTKMPCTIEVTKFWBTKNZ KRK() TiWKFOXTKG8T T 510T640T790T9i0T1020T 1u50 I40 T1330T1390 i

600 710 870 980 1070 1110 1230 1280 1360 14301490

KMTR -Frank uud Ernest. KYOi -organ .Melodies.

11:55- KN \ -Oliu Downes.

12 *tiF' HFSD -World Parade.. KNX -CBS Symphony.

*KHJ ay News. KECA- Musicasi Bouquet.

*KMPC- News, Frank Hemingway.

*KFWB, KY(IE, HGER -Neu. *KMTR -News, Boys' Choir.

KGFJ -Say It With Musli, KWKW- Servie Finance

Musicale. KGB- Strange As It Seems.

12:13 -KHJ, KYOE -Ilka Chase. KMPC -Off the Record. KFWB -Peter Potter,

*KF'AC, KFXM -Sews, KPPC -Music of Musters.

12:3a -KFI, KFSD -One Mates Family.

HEC' A- National Yes pers. KH4-Menory Music. 'fed

Bacon. HIY B -Jean Leonard. KWKW- American Jewish

Hair. *HRKD -News. Browning.

KGB, HF\dI, KYOE- Huukey Hall.

HGER - Gospel Truth. 12:43 *SPAS -News.

1 HFI Army rmy Hour. KECA -Darts for Dough. KHJ, KGB, KFX -\l, KVOE-

Yuur America. *KMPC -News\ Manhattan

Highlights. KI'wit- "This and Thal ".

*KMTR -News, Pianos. KGFJ- Romany Time. HRKD- Sunday on Ranch. KFAC -liberty Players. KPPC- Chamber Music. KFOX -Dick Ross.

*KFYD- Yew's, McKee Piano. *KGER -News. Key, Storpo.

1:15 -KFWB -Help Wanted. KMTR-For Morn & Dad.

*KFAC -News. KGFJ -Console Encores. KPAS -Church in Barn. Kl'VD- Musical Revue.

1:30 *KFJ -Theke Make History. HNX -Nelson Eddy. KECA- Andreas Skiers.

SUNDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear in Lightface Type: Ariel..w i and

Evening Programs Iu Boldface.

Variety 1:30 -Andrews Sisters, HTCA. Y :3U- Charlotte tireeu wuud.

KECA. 3:00- Ozzie ,[ Harriet, KNX. 3:30- Sunday Party, KECA. 4 :nu-SS a_ nr King. RF'i. 5:1/0--Bergen-McCarthy, KFI, 3 :00- Beulah, (Marlin Hurt ),

KNX. 5!:311 -Tumor) Dorsey, KFI. 6:W -Radio Readers' Digest.

R N X. 5:30- Tesaro Theatre, KN X, 6:45 -Jimmie Iidler. RECA. ::3U -1Panny Brice. KN't.

:30 -Meet Me at Park's HFI. 9 :13- Evelyn Rigsby, K9:('., 9:30-Romance of Ranchos,


¡Var I :0U -Army Hour. HFI. 1:011--Tour America, KHJ.

11:15- Pacifie Story, KFI.

Quiz Programs 1:00-Uurts for h ourls, RECA. 3:30 -Money on the Line, KNX 4:011- Better Hull, KHJ. 6::30 -Double or Nothing. KHJ, ::00- 'fake It or Leave It. KNX. î:3i) --Saute 'l'hul Song. RHJ. s:30 -quit Kids. KECA.

Drama si): t5- Commander Scott. KHJ. 18:30-One Man's Family. KFI.

::ill -'irk Carter. KHJ, 4:10 -This is My Story, KNX. ii 2U- HoiIyssued .Mystery ' l'ime.


5:00 -Great Gildersleeve, HFI. 8:00- ('rime Doctur. KNA. 8:30-Murder, M! Hobby, "KHJ. 8:30- Blondie. KNX. 9 :00-Thin Man, KNX. 9:3U -The Sealed Book, KilJ. 9:30-Haunting Dour, e( 9 1.

Outstanding Music 9 :00 -Salt Lake Tabernacle,

KN X. 9 :30-Gilbert & Sullivan. KFAC.

11 :ou- Siradivari's Urch KSN, 11:30-John Charlen Thomas, KFI 12:11(1 -N. Y. Philharmonie, KNX. 1:3is-- Nelson Eddy. KNX. 8:00-NliC Symphony, KFI, Y :OU-Fu ntily Huur. KNX. 3:110-Summer Huor. KECA. 4:011-Inglewood Park Concert.

KS X. 6:00- Maohattur. Merry -Go-

'1to11nd, Kll. 6:30- .Clbnm of sF'umiliar Musk,

KFI. .1:00-Hour of Charm, KFI, 8:30- Standard Hour, KFI.

IU:UU- Newslcttl, KFYD. lu:UO- l.urky Luger Time, KF.t('. 11:15- Bridge tu l)renn,land.


Public Affairs 11:04 -Washington Ittdlde Out.

KECA. 6:15 -Raymond Maley, KECA. 6 :45 -Mayor Bowren. KMPC, 1:15-Paul McNutt, KHJ. 5:00- Chicago P.uuudtauie, KFI.

SYSTEX Presents


Your Dial 1:30 to 2 P. M. Sunday

starring Jene Lockhart and Kathleen lockhart

KHJ, HGB, KFXM, The Nebbs.

KMPC -Baseball 'fil G p.m. *KFWB-Peter de Lima,

KMTR, KFOX -Stung Peu - ples' Church.

K(iFJ- lu)ermissiun, KWKW -Hoyos Hour. KF'A(' -Goal Neighbor Salute. KFYD -Musical Revue. KGER -Light and Life. KFSD -With Tommy Dorsey.

I:43 *KFI- Edward Jorgenson. KHJ. KGB, KFXM- Harvey

Harding, Songs. KFWB- Musical Sweets, KFVD-Vocal Varieties. KPAS -Church of Christ.

*KVOE- ('herue, HI11mnu, Schubert,

2 KFI, HFSD -Symphony Haur. KNX- Famllÿ Hour. KECA -Mary Small Revue. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, EVOE-

The Shadow, KM PC-Baseball.

*KFWB-News. *KMTR -News, Trinity M. E.

Church, KGFJ -Eusy Rhythm. KFYD- Informed Deniocracy. KPAS -Lamplighter Jazz

Session. KPP(' -Hour of Song. K FOX -Good News. KGI:lt-(song Beach Band.

Y :15- KFWB- Strollin' Tom. KFIIX- ('ivoru Group.

s- :30- KECA- Charlotte Greenwood. KH.I, KGB. KF7LM, HVOE-

Nick Carter. KFWB- Musicale. K\TR -Wings of Healing. KPAS -Challenge to Youth. KWKW- Italian Melodies. KFOX-'ttes. Billy Adams. KFYD -Timely Tunes. KI:F :R- Between the Linea.

X- William L. Sharer,

3 KFI- Catholic Hour. KNX -Ozzie and Harriet. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

quick as a Flash. KECA -Summer Hour, KMPC- Baseball. KFWB -Charles Cransille.

*KMTR -News, This Rhythmic Age.


Peter de Lima us your lies(

KFAC- Sundays -3 -5 P.M.

famous Musical Favorites" 19u heard Mon. th ru Sat..

45 Y.M.

presented by

The 7 Famous Dept. Stores KFAI'- Famous Musical




HPAS- Caliturnia Council Table.

KPPC -Musleal Vurletles. KGFJ -Remembrance. KF\'D- Popular Fat otites. KF':U- Convair Entertains.

*KGER -News. KFUX -Rev. Earl Isle.

3:15 -KMTR- Hollywood Trends. KEVD- Colored kesur.

3:30 *KFI, KFSU -Seas. Lough with JACK RAILS


ON THE LINE" Sunday, 3:30 p.m.

KNX KNX -Muney un the hue. KF:(:A- Sunday Party.

*KHJ, KGB, KFNM, Hl'Ol:- Cedric Foster.

KMTR -Bible Treasury Hour. KF\'D -Hank, Night

Watchman. HPAS -Lutheran Gospel Hour HNKW-Rev. Gagnon. KGER -Bark to Gud,

Interested In Radio Broadcasting

Wanted for Immediate Interview unen and wumeu at once, with good speaking voices to be. au- ditioned for training in radio acting and announcing. Nu exp. needed. Apply 1 to 9 p.m. to Program Director Hal Styles.


BROADCASTING SCHOOL 5500 Wilshire Ittud. cor Robertson newel) Hills IIR- -1540

Listen Sun. 3:30 4 P.M.


HFW11 -Rant tu Ise in Radio?

3:45 -K}t- Meludy Parade. KHJ. KGB, KF \ill. KVOE-

Fliltun J. Lewis, jr. KF'SD- VlueIo Masquerade.


MALE QUARTET Concert Orchestra

Earl Towner, Conductor KNX- Sunday, 4:00 P. M.

Inglewood Park Cemetery Assn.

4 b.F7, KF&I)- Rasur King. KN. \ -Ingle seuud Park C'uuvert

*KECA-Drew l'rars.iu. KHJ, KGB, KV 0E-Bet ter Half.



Charles E. fuller,

Director, P. 0. Rar 113,

I.os Angeln, t

:0U-5:00 P. M. PAS--4 :00-3:00 P. \I.

KGER-4 :0U-5:110 P. M.

I: F: ti I t 11.1! ) l' .t S'l' K PAS-!1:1111 I'. M. KPRO-!1:1 5 P. H. KFI/X-10:00 l', NI,

K\'UF:-lU:110 P. M.

KFX\I-10 :IIo P. M. KMPC-lU:05 P, M.

HPAS, KGER -Old Fashioned Revisal.

KMPC- Baseball. KFWB -Billy Berg Club. KGFJ- Curtain Call.

*KMTR, -Ness, Old Fashioned Revisal. PP('- Alhambra Pres Ch.

I KWKW -Sunshine Hlssioo. *KGER -News, Pilgrim's Hour

RevIvah KFOX- Sunshine Pastor. KI _ \\I- Sucred Harmonie..

1:13 *KECA -Don Gardiner, Neue, 4:3u -KFI, HFMU- Bandwagon


fF ñ Z O In


4:30 P. M. KNX AI,. the and romance of stories' written by actuol per- sans! The elromà of teal human(.

O o - Presented by.


KNX-This ly )ly Story. HH.1, KGB. Kl'OE-Ken

('arson Show.

"Songs of ITALY)) KECA

Sunday 4:30 P.M. Sponsored by Edwards Bruthers

Colonial Mortuary

KECA -Songs of the Nations. *KFWK -News.

RENO-90-91 Club. HPPC -('Ian +iss HFXM -ABl'- King's

Ambassador.. 4:45- KFWB- Stunrt Hamblen.

KF1'D- Carter N right.

5 -HFI, KFSD- Bergeu- McCarlby.

K NN- "Beulah," (Martin Hurt).

KECA-Gen. Junius Pierce. KHJ, KGB- Medlutlou Hard. KMPC- Baseball.

*KMTR -News, Music. KWKW- Italian Nos rifles. KEA('- Bawling News KGFJ -Twilight Time. KRKD -Books Bring Adsen-

tltre. KFVD- Hartem Holiday. KF'OX -Rev. Ullbeck. KFXM -L. D. B. S. Hymns. KVOE- Bethel 'Tabernacle. iLIiER -News, Rev, Draper.

5:15-KECA-Raymond Mole .

KPAS -Old Fashioned Girl. KGFJ- Today's Hits. KFOY -Rev. 1.yle Mule.

5:30 -K1I, KFSU -Tammy Dorsey und Company.

KN\ -Art Baker. KNIT FI- Reformed Witness

Hour. KECA -Guy Lombardo J4

l'unudiaos. KFA('- ('brist Jan Science. KKKU -Hour of l'lie6r. KVAS- Christian Memory Hr. KPP(' -Lieht Classics. KFOX- Calvary Eihors. KFXM -Made In America. K %'OE -Chub Interest. KGER- Colonial \ rspers.

5:45 *RHJ, KGB, KFXy1, KI 0E- Gabriel Heutier.

RWKW- Variety. 5:35 *KNX -Ned Calmer. 6 -KFI, KFSD -Manhattan

Merry -Go- Round. KN\ -Radio Renders Digest.

*KECA- Walter N'iochell. KHJ, KGB -Steel Horizons.

*KMP(', KFtiV "It, KRHU, KFI)X -News.

"WORD of t6 s

PROPHECY" (current ,Tent. In the

light ut the Script ore)

Louis S. Bauman Sondas., n'u: P. tt. - RGER

*KGER -News, .Word of Prophesy. Louis S. Bauman.

*H.\ITR -News, Bethel Chanel. KFAC -Music fur Everyone. KGFJ -House Party.

*K PAS-New s. KW'HW -ymine People's

Hour. KF _XM -Ase Muria Hour. KVOE- Minister's Hour,

8:1.', -KEt. A- Lmirllu Parsons. Hollywood Mystery Time.

KM PC-Ha rry Horlick-. *KFIVB -Henry l'harles.

KI'AS- Tnisersity Explorers. 5:30 -KFI. HFSU- Album of

Familiar Music. KMT- Texaco Star Theater. KHJ, KGB, KF,X.\I, KVOE-

Double or Nothing. KMPC- Mother's Album. KFWB- Gospel at Song. KMTP, -Radio Bible Class. KRHU -Rev Matthews. KFVD- Es etiing Serenade. KPAS- Beyond Tomorrow.

. KWKW -Cniun Rescue Mission.

HPI'C- Clulldren's Iluur. KFIIX -Hal's Memory Boons. KGER- I.utlieran Layman'

l.eague. g:$5 -KECA -Jimmy Fldler.

KIIP('- \favor Bowron. HI'PC -Leora Fuller. (Story

Hour). HFI, KFSD -Hour of Charm. KNX -Take It or Lease It. KECA-Theater Guild. KHJ -This t'Imagio World.

*KMPC -News, Adoht Golden Hour.

KFWB -Vets Talk It Over. *KMTR -News, Esentide

Echoes. KPPC- Sacred Song Recital. KPAS-Ethel aubier. Hf"KN' -Jame'. Tuansend. KGFJ- (Ivert tire to Et cuing. KGB, KFX.M, K OE- Brown-

stone Meuler. KF'OX -111ga Graces

*KGER -News, Bostrom. 7:15 *HHJ -Paul McNutt.

KMTR- Bahu -1 Peace Hour. KI'AS -I.ife and 'tralth. KPP('- llrgan Recital.

1:30 -KFI, KFSU -Meet Me at Purky's.

KNX -Fanny Brice Show. KHJ, Rf.B, KFX\l, KV'IIF.-

Nanie That Song. KFWB-Rabbi Magnin. KMTR- Southwet Church of

Christ. KPAS- Church of Open Dow. KPP('- Masterwurks.

7:15- RFWII- ('atholic Answers. KWKW -Suugs at 'Pus Slight,

Q HFI -Great Gildersleet e. KNX- ('rime Doctor. HEI'.t- l'layit'use of

l'asorite.. KHJ. KGB, KFN,M- Prevlew-

log Stand. *K1tPC -News, Frank



and King's Ambassador Quartet

KMTR -8:05.9:00 P. M. Also itu:30 -10:15 A. M. Monday Ilirough Friday

*Kyl'l'R-Neu a, F'loyd B. .luhnsun

KF\VIS-Hollywood Presbyterian ('burr+.

KG F.1-Waltz Insitulion. KFAI'-1'irst Methodist

Church. KFOX-('hristian Science. KI'PC-Sunduy F:srning Hour. KV-OE-('hristiaa Tuuth.

13:15-KFI-\asier tuent. *KMI'('-Ueune I)Ickusun, *KGF:K-Ness, l'halauyuu.

g:5-KNX-'The Tudds. a:30-KFI. KFAU-Standard Hour.

KNX-Blondie. KF:('A-Quiz Kids KH.1, KGB-Murder t. My

Hubby. KMI'l'-F.yerybady's Houe. KGF.1-Dancing Rhythm. KI'l'('-Wurd uf I.ifr. KCX\I-('ab ('nllowuy Orch. IiVOE-Grace S: Truth.

11:45-KPPI'-Rellslous News, K ENSI -Harry Cool Ilrch. KVOErOrgan ]ieludies.

11 SUNDAY LOGS F.NX -Thin Man.

*KECA -Sum Hayes. News. *KHJ, KGB, HFXM, KVOE-

News, Plena Hardy. *KMP(' -News, OI ;en Forum.

KF\VII- ('Dion Rescue \llsfon *KMTR -News, Figueroa

Christian Church. KGFJ -Ave Maria Time. KPAS -Old Fashioned Revival KFAC- St:nday Evening Club.

*KGER -News, Bethel Church. KFOX- County Baro Dance.

9:13 *KHJ, KGB, KVOE -Rea Miller.

KEt'.t- Evelyn Bigsby, KF'XM- Letters Front

Seri icemen.

lsten To Newest CM,'I.



Sund" Sünd Niy!ft ' 9:30P.(.¡

$pnnsaryd b4 Yeur, nei3j'hpthod THRIFTY DRUG STORE

11:30-KFI, KFSU -'elle Haunting Hour

KNX- Romance of the Ranciras.

KHJ. KGB, KFAM, KVON,- The Sealed Book.

KE('A- Washington Story. KFW B- Angelica Lutheran

Hour. KMTR -Voice of Prophecy. KFAI'- Gateway W Music. KGFJ -Show Mue. KFOX -Rev, Eddie Driver. KGER- Tuckin In Hour.

10 *KFI, KFSD- RIchtield Reporter.

*KNX-Chet Huntley. KH,I, KGIt -Army Air Fores. KECA -.ids entures of Cosme

Jones. *KM P(' -News, Old Fashioned

Res it al. *11E1'18-Henry ('harles. *KMTR - New s, Texas Jiui

Lewis. KL'.A`- -Volee uf Calvary. KGF.1- Western.

*HF'\'D- Newsicul. 3 Hours. KI'OX -Res. Fuller, KFXM, 11\IIE -Old Fashioned

Revisal, *KI:ER -News, Della Collins.

10:15 -HFI- Reserve. KNX-Discussion. KECA-Another Season's

Sung.. KFAVB -1,oud News Hour.

*KFAC -News.

Inside tbe News

with Mr. Carveth Wells

10:30 P: M. - KFI


10:311 *HFI- ('arveth Neils, !oside Ille News.

KNX- Holly tcuod Open Houle. *KECA-News.

KH.1, KGB -('het Stewart'. Ilrih,

KMTR -!tub Brooks KFAC -Music for Listening. KPAS- Itrlght l'orner Church. KGER- Sncred Harmonies.

10:45*KFI, KFSD -News. KEr'A- \Seek -end Feature. KHJ -Carmen Ca voltant'.

Orch. KFWII-- Musicale.

11 FI K- Amerlcn United. *KNX-News. Les Bronu.

KECA- ('larrniuut Ilrrh. KHJ. HG13- Ellmoos' Auction

Gallery. *K \I Pl'- Nest's. N'astets' Hour.

lCFWB- Gospel und Sung. *Fi. NI TH-New.. Antioch Church

KFAI' -Lucky Lager Dance 'rime.

Kt:l'.1 -Itlue of Evening. *KEN O- New.irul, 'l il t a,m.

KFOX -Merl Lindsay'. Band. 11:15- KFI- P:scifir Story.

KECA- Itridge to Dreamland. 1l :3U- KNX -Louis Armstrong.

KHJ-Hobby Ramos Orch. HPAS- Shep's flay bouse.


MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 * Indicates News Broadcasts.


íurniltg Vible oltr

KFOX Mon.threSat. 7:30-8 A.M.

Wilbur Nelson

30 =mass with the Hymr. Book ana the B.bie

Sunday 8:30 A. M.


8 -KFI, KFSD -Fred W iring's l'enusyl,, Mans

KNX-Joli ny Murray. H'A -no McNriu s lireakfns Club.

*KHJ, K(.tt KFX)I, KVOE- Artlhur Gaeth, News.

*K_IPC -Ne vs, Norman Nesbitt *KFWB- Pennell Reports. *RM ï R -News, Western Stan.

KGFJ-Concert Pastelle. *KPAS, HGER -News.

KAKI), KFOX -Dr. Louis T. Talbot.

6WKW- Morning Devotions. &F1'l)- Covered Wagon

Jubilee. 8:10-KEW'S-Bands to Review.

HGER -Soul Patrol. 8:16 -SNX- Valiant Lady.

*KHJ, KGB, KVOE- Frazier Hunt.

K.MP('- Marl.-et Reports, Sports.

KWKW- Hastea the Day. KFKM- Morning Meiodles. KGER- Mi::tah.

$:30-KFI-Dr. Paul. KNX -Light of the World. HHJ, KGB, KF.X11, 6V'Oêr-

Take It Easy. KMPC -Don Otis, KFWB -Help Wanted. KWTR- Chri.t Church Unity.

*KFAC, KFSD -News.

KPAS, 8:30 A. M.


Mon., Wed., Fri. First Mate Bob and the

Good Ship Grace

KPAS -Haven of Rest. *KRKD -New Headlines. *KWKW-News, OPA.

KFOX -Rlv. R. E. Reid. 8:45- --&F1, HFSD -David Harum.

KNN -Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories

KHJ -Radio Billboard. *KFWB -News.

KFAC-Show Time. KFVD -Vocal Favorites. HWKW- Reveille Revue. K% 0E -Bing Crosby. KGER -New Tribes Mission.

8:55 -KGB, KFXM, K%OE -Cliff Edwsrde.

9 *KFI, HGFJ -News. KNX -Kate Smith.

*KHJ. KGB, KFXM. KVOE- William Lang, News.

KECA- Glamor - Manor. a *K.MPC -Newa, Future Cu-

limited. HFWB -Dr. Reynolds.

*HMTR -News, Scriptural Gems.

KRKD- Sagebrush Serenade. KPAS- Yesterday's Hits. KWKW- Message of Life. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus. KFVD -Waltz Time.

-}KGER -News. -KFI -Edward Jorgenson. ;F 1, HFSD -Larry Smith.

;NN -Big Sister. HHJ, KGB, KFX3I, KVOE-

Morton Downey.


California's Favorite Home Economist

Arden Farms Co.

KMPC -Polly Patterson. [(FWD -South ut the Border. KFAC -Voice of Health. KGFJ-Medical. KPAS-Waltz Time. HWKW- Treasury Salute.

HGER -Dr. J. A. Locell. 9:30 *$F: -News.

KNX- Romance of Helen Trent.

KHJ -Time Out. KECA- Breneman's Breakfast

in Hollywood. KMPC-Hits fur the Missus,


KMTR -Bible Treasury Hour. KPAS- Harmony Homestead. KGFJ-Open Album. KFVD -Show 'l'unes. KGB- Serenading lus, KFXM- Future K V O E-(' nsched uled. KND -Ann Gibson. RGEH -Radio Revisal.

9:40 -K11- Living in Hollywood. 9:45- KFI -Ronny Mansfield, Songs.

KNX -Our Gal Sunday. KHJ- Mystery Chef.

*KEW It -Henry ('harles. EMIR -Just Relax. HFAC -Musical Comedy.

*KRKD-News. KFVD -Here Comes Parade. KWKW-Rev. Graves. KGB -Molly Morse. KFÏM- Design fur Listening. HYDE- Service Band. HFSD- ï ois e of a Nation.

10 KFI- )Brandy. KNX -Life (an Be Beautiful.

*KECA -Gil Martyn. *KILL KGB, KFXM, KV'OE-

N ws, Glean Hardy. *KMPC -News, Hits for the

Missus. H11äì -Kitchen Kollege, Chef

Milani. *KMTR -News, Marching tu

Victory. HFAC- Midmorning Serenade. KGFJ-Racing News. KFVD -Morning Serenade. HWKW- Metropolitan Scratch

Sheet. *KPAS, KFOX -News. *KGER -News, Res. Burp,

10:15 -KFI- Hollywood Fan Magazine KNX-Ma Perkins. KECA -Ted Malone. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Something to Talc: About. KSITR -King's Men. KGFJ-Bing Crosby Sings. KRED -Dr, O. M. Richardson. KWKW- Morning Melodies. KGER -Kingdom Within. KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor.

10:30 -KFI KFSD-Albers Hour. *KNX- Margaret MacDonald,

News. KECA-My True Story. KHJ, KGB, KFX3I, HVOE-

The Mountaineers. K'IPC -Pan Americana. KSITR -Floyd B. Johnson,

KFWB -MId- Morning Melodies *KF.IU -News and Rations.

KtiFJ- Upbeat Session. *KWKW-News, Symphonic

Strings. KPAS-Woman's World. KFVD- l'nion Rescue Mission. KGER- Sunshine Pastor.

10:45 *KFI, KFSD-Art Baker, News 'KNX -young Dr. Malone. KHJ, KGB, KVUE -John J.

Anthony. KlIPC -Hume Chats. HFWB -Science of Mind. KMTR -Care of the Body. KFAC- Between the Lines. KRKD -Midnight Mission. KWKW- Gaucho Serenade. KI .X31 -Voice of the Army. KFOX -Ur. A. I'. Michelson.

11 KFI, SFSI)- Guiding Llgltt. KNX -Tvvo un n Clue.

*KHJ. KGB, H10E- Cedric Foster.

*KECA- Bankhage Talking. *K'IPC -News, Mail ,Bag

Requests. KFW B-AI Jarvis.

*HMTR -News, Dr, Louis Talbot.

HFAC -Pan Americana. KGFJ- Stylings in Blue. KRKD -Light Concert. KI'AS -J. Newton Yates.

*KWKW- Ituseball, Fighting Americans.

*KFVD, KGER -News. KFXM -Voice of Experience.

11:15 -KFI, KFSD-Today's Children KNX- Rosemary. KECA-Ethel and Albert. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, EVOE-

Victor Lindlahr. KFAC -Music for You. KFVD- Musical Revue. KFOX- Spotlight Bands. HGER -R. B. Hammond.

11.311 -KFI, KFSD-Woman In White.


Queen for Today. KECA- Popular Profiles, KMPC- Boulevard Quiz. KMTR-Songs to Remember.

*KRKD, KPAS, KFOX -News. *KWKW-News, Instrumelodles

HGER- ('artis Springer. 11:45 -KFi -Hymns of All Churches.

K "X -Tena and Tim. *KECA-ABC World

Correspondents. KMPC- Garden flints. KFAC -Plano Briefs. KPAS- Painted Post. KF V D- Violet Schram. HARD-Vocal Varieties. KFOX -Varieties.

12 HF[ -Farm Reporter. KNX -Try 'n' Find Me.

*KHJ- Broadway News. *KECA -John B. Kennedy. *KMPC- News, Frank


MONDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Light face Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety 8:00 -Fred Waring, KFI. 8:01- Johnny Murray, KNX. 8 :00-Breakfast Club, RECA. 9:00-Kate Smith. KNX. 9:30- Breneman's Breakfast,

KECA. 12:15-- Couetan e, Bennett. KECA. 8:08 -Hoagy Carmichael. KFI. 8:30- Spotlieht Bands, MILL 8:00 -Jack Kirkwood, KNX. 8:un)- slipper Club, KFI. 8:15 -Hedda Hopper, KECA. 8:30-Joan Davis, KNX. 9:35 -Vox Poe, KNX.

War 1:00 -War Criminals Trials,

KHJ. 8:00 -Renter' News Dispatch.

HFWB, 10:15- Pacific War Analysis,


Outstanding 11 4:00- SlnslutI Masterpieces,

5:30 -Voice of Firestone, 'EFL 6:UO- Musical Digest, KGFJ. 7:U0- Miniature 1 oncert, KFM'.

:1111 -Contented Hour, KFI. 8:00 -Evening ( oncert, KFM). 9:Ott- Teleph,.ne boor KFI. 9:30 -Light Opera, HFL.

IU:uU -Corky Luger Dance Time. KFAC.

10:00- Newslcal, KFVD. 10:00- Eastside Club, KFWB.

Drama 6:00 -Lux Theater, KNX. 0:15 -Real life Stories, KHJ. 7 :00- Screen Guild Players.

HN3:. S:00- Michael she roe, KR,I. 8:00-Lune .t Abner, RECA. 8:30 -Cavalcade of America, KFI 8: 30- Hawt4orae House, HEC A 9:181 -The Whistler. KNX. 10:15- Charlie Chao. KECA.

Quiz Programs 6:30 -Information, Please, KFI. 7:341- Thanks to the tanks. KAN 7:30 -Win, Place or Show,

KE('A. :30 -Dr. I. Q., KFI.

8:30 -Pay Day Quiz, KMPC,

Public Affaire ?:00 -O W. Ideas, RRHD, 5:00-Books Bring Adremure,

KRKD. 7:00 -Reconversion, Jobs, KHJ.

Sports -Comment 10:00 -Met. Scratch Sheet,

K WKW 111:041- Racing, KGFJ. 5:30 -Race Results, KGFJ. 5:45 -Race Results, KRKD. 6:45- American 'spurts. KECA. 7:25 -Spurts Resume, KWEV%

KFWB-Make Believe Ball- room.

*KM'1'R -News, Trading Post. KFAC- Luncheon Concert. KPAS -Dixie Darling's Show. KWKW -Blue Room. KGFJ -Calling All Zones.

*KFVD- Editor of Air. KRKD- Pralrie Schooner.

*HGER -News, Music. *KGB, KVOE -News.

KFSD -Woman of America. 12:15-KFI, HFSD -Ma Perkins.

*KNX -Knox tC tanin .', News. KM- Johnson Family. KECA -Constance Bennett. KMI'Ç- Norman Neshitt. KGFJ-Keyboard Magie. KFVD- Lanrirenn Musical.

*KFOX -News. *RF'XN, KVOE- Harvey Hard-

ing. 12 :30 -KFI, KFSD- Pepper Young's

Family. ANN -A Woman's Life. KHJ -Mild and Mellow. KECA- ladles, Be Seated. KMPC- Bridge Club, Robert

I.ee Johnson. *KFWB -News.

KGFJ-Notes for You. SPAS-Tex Tyler. KFVD- Luncheon Music.

*KWKW-News, Variety. KGB -Club Reporter. KFX- 1 -Farnt Front. K VOF.- Sm,othi es.

1.2:45 -61I, HFSD -Right to Happiness.

KNX-Bachelor's Children. HHJ. KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Frolics. KMPC-Jack Sherman. HFWB -Al Jarvis.

*KFAC -News. KFVD- Violet Schram. $PAS- University of Calif. KFOX -Lucky Lady, KGER -Gardening School.

1 KFI, KFSD -Backstage Wife. KNX -G. E. House Party.

KHJ -War Criminals Trials. KECA -Jack Berch Show.

*KNIP(' -News, Symphonettes. *KSITR -News, Planos.

KFAC -Melody Matinee. KGFJ -Easy Rhythm.

*KFVD, K(iER -News. KGB. KIXM, KVOF -Songs

for You. 1:15 -KFI, KFSD- Stella Dallas.

KECA-Radio Parade. KHJ, KFXM -14111 Hay

Reads the Bible. HMTR -Latin Legato. KFAC -Melody Matinee. KFVD -Moods In Music. KGB, KVOE- Johnson Family.

*HGER -inquiring Reporter. 1:25 *KNX -News. 1:30 -KFI, KFSD-Lorenzo Junes.

KNX- Feature Story. KHJ, KGB, KFNM- Sum- mertime Melodies.

*KECA -This Moving World, Gil Martyn.

KMPC -Lady of Charm K3tTR -Dance Time. KGFJ-Intermission.

*KRKD -News, Music. KFVD- Hawaiian Music.

*KPAS-Listeners' Digest. *KWKW -News, Memories.

KVOE-Radlo Tour. 1 :5 -HFi, KFSD-Young Widder

Brown. KNX-Gene Baker. KECA -Hymns of All

Churches, KMPC -Hing Crosby. AHED-Singing Waiters. KFVD-Music City. KFOX- Concert Master.

2 KFI, KFSD -When a Girl Marries.

KNX- Evelyn Winter. *KH.1 -This ('hanging World.

KECA- What's Doin', Ladles? *KMIPC -News, Don Otis. *HMTR -News, Meet the Band

KFAC-Memory Musicale. KRKD -O. W. Ideas. KGFJ -Town Crier. KFVD -Tamely Tunes. RPAS- Gardening. KWKW -Club 60. KFXM -Our Town, Social

Security. *KGB. KV0E -News.

2:15 -KFl, KFSD- Portia Faces Life.

KNX- Treasury Star Parade. 101.1 -It happened Tomorrow. KVOI'r'leet A Friend. KFOX- Public Bulletin,

2:30 -KFI, EFSD -Just Plain BIB. KNX -Meet the Missus. KHJ- Modern Music. KECA -Best Sellers. KFW'B -Three 31en on a Mike EDITH- Eddie Lawrence. KRKD -Baseball Scores.



SPAS -Personality School. *1 %EW -News.

KFOX- Western Songs. HVOE- Sketches, HGER -Between the Lines,

2:45- --KFI, HFSD -Front Page Farrell.

*HFW'II. EF1'D -News. KRK l )- Pan - Americana. KVOE- Sketches.

411-1111-Road of Life. KNX -Housewives Protective

League. *KECA -Three O'clock News. *KHJ. EGER, HFSD -News.

HFAC- Famous Musical Fits orites.

*KMPC- News, Don Otis. KM'S- Melody Matinee. *KMTR -News, Dial and Win.

KGFJ -Jack Pot, KFVD- Popular Favorites. KRHD- Matinee Melodies.

*KPAS -News. RWKW- Studio Center. KGB. HVOE- Griffin

Reporting. KFXM-Prayer. News,

Brevities. HFOX -Roddy Cole.

3:15 -RIFT-Joyce Jordan. M.D. KECA- Walkie Talkie. KHJ-Happy Borneo, Norma

Young. KPAS -Juke Box Matinee Ill

5 p.m. K VKW- Reflections in Music. HGB -John Kirby's Oreh. KVOE -Of Chic Interest. KFSD-Road of Life. KFOX -Mr. & Mrs. America. KGER -Capt. Rapes.

3:30- KFI -Aunt Mary. KNX -Jimmy ( arrol! Sings. KECA- Frances Scully. KFWB -Tempo Americana.

*KRKD -Dews, Music. *KWKW -Off the Press.

KGB, KFXM, KVOE-- Musical Matinee.

KFOX- Hollywood Salon. KGER- Cheerful Chat.

3:45 -KFI, HFSD -W omau of America.

KNX-The World Today. KHJ. KGB, KFXM. HVOE-

E!sa Maxwell's Party. KECA- Footlight Favorites. H.MI'C -Peter Potter. KFW'B -Jazz. HWTW -Swing Session. KF4D- Rhumba.

3:55 *KNX- Joseph C. Harsch. 4 -KFI, KFSD -This Woman's

Secret. KNX- Potluck Party.

* HE( 'A- Headline Fait ion. *KH.1. KGB, KFX..W K{ OE-

Fulton .1. Lewis, Jr. *HMI'(' -News, Music.

M.'WB- Woman's Page. *KMTR -News. W in Morro.

KFAC- Musical Masterpieces. HF V D -Plano Selections. KGFJ -Swing Serenade. KRHD -Piano Paintings.

*HGER -News, Helene Smith. 4:15 *KFI, HFSD -News of the

World. *H . Raymond Gram

*HHJ, KGB, KFX3I, E\'OE- Rex hillier.

KMPC- Garrett's Varieties. kKFW P Vocal Varieties,

News. KW KW- Theater Guide,

Music. *KFVD -News.

KRSD- Movieland Quiz. 4:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook.

KNX -Open House. KECA-Gen. Junius Pierce,

( mment. HHJ, KGB, KVOE- Erskine

Johnson. KMPC -flit Parade Tunes. K RIM- 'tunes of t he Day. KGFJ- Air- o- turials, Orehes-

tre du .lour. K WKW -Cit urns Committee. KGB-Songs f Praise. KFXM -Dr, Philip M. Lovell. KFSD- Itlark & White.

4:45 -KECA -llnp Harrigan. KM PC-Modern Romances. KFW8- Stuart Hamblen.

*KRHD -News. KWKW -Piano Moods. HFOX -Art Dickinson.

*KFSD-H. V. Haltenborn. I:S5 -ENX -Organ Interlude.

5 FI *K-H. V. Ha!tenborn. *KNX -Major Knox Manning.

KECA -Terry and the Pirates. *KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KI OE-

Sam Hayes. *KMPC -News, Teen and

Twenty. *KSITR -News, Sunset

Rhythms. RGFJ -,lice at R.

KRKD -Songs of the Ssddle. KFVD- El cuino Serenade. KWKW- ,pen kinc of Sports.


World's Lnrgcst Baby Portrait Studio

UNCLE HARRY and the Little Engine

KPAS -S P.M. Monday thru Friday

KPAS -Uncle Harry. *KGER -News, Music,

KFSD-Ok for Release. 5:15 *KFI, KFSD -News.

KNX- Through a Woman's Eyes, Barbara Tate.

KECA -Dirk Tracy. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

Supermen. KNIT R-Show Tunes.

*KFAC. KM), RFSD -News. KWEW- Today's Hits. KPAS -It Pays to Know.

5:30 -KFI, HFSD -Dolce of Firestone.

*KNX -Harry Flannery.' KECA -Jack Armstrong. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

Adventures of Tom Mix. KMTR -Irwin Allen. KFAC -Whoa Bill Club. KGFJ -Race Recap. KFVD --0O -9O Club. KRHD -South Sea Serenade. KPAS- Service Men. KWKW- American -Jewish Hr.

5:45*KNX -News, Truman Bradley. *KECA -News. *KHJ. KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

Ioside of Sports. KM PC-Sunset Club.

*KMTR -K. Louis /latent. KGFJ -Show Time. KRKD -Rare Results. KPAS -Ring Crosby. KFVI)- -Et suing Concert.

*KGER -Nais News. 5:55 *KNX -Bill Henry. 6 -1EFP. KFSD -Hoagy

Carmichael. KNX -Lux Radin Theater.

*KHJ, KGB, KFXM. KTOE- News, Gabriel Heatter.

KECA -Itex Maupin's Orch. *KMl (- Nevys, Norman Nesbitt *KFWB, KFOX. HGER -News. *KMTR -News, Tomasso En-

semble. KFAC-Music for Everynne. KGFJ- Musical Digest 'tit

A p.m. RWKW- Italian Melodies.

8:15 -KHd, KGB, 111-X31-Real Life Stories.

KMPC -Ozie Waters. *HFRB -John B. Hughes.

KFOX- Miracles of Science. K1'OE- Hasten the Day.

8:30-KFI. EFSD- Inf Bernet ion, Please.

EEC: A-Johnny Forrest's Radio Review.

HHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Spotlight Bands.

KMPC -Floyd A. Allen. EFWB- America Dances. H.MTR- Concert Moderne. EFA'D- Vaudeville. KPAS -Church of Christ. KWKW- Better Vision. KFOX -Hat's Memory Room. HGER -Victorious Lit ing.

8:45- TiE('A- American Sports. KMPC. -Coast Guard. K It KD -I I olly-wood

Tnnesm it Its. Kl'AS- Inside Facts. KWKW'- Evening Serenade. KGB-Ships of War.

8:55-K ECA-Coronet Story Teller.

7 -KFT. KIND -- Carnation Contented Hour.

HNX Screen Guild Players.

FINE IY)\'1(HIT :s1 7

('l )\('1:12T IN Nl I \ LA Il' 121's

h FA 1:1311 ON l'Ot'I2,.ULt1.

SFAC- Concert to Miniature.

KECA- Rerenversion Forum. KHJ. RN OE- Reconserslon

and Jobe. *BM PC -Messes Dinner Dance. *KMTR -News, Music. *RRKD. HGER+ -News.

KWKW- llauriee Johnsen. KPAS -Help Wanted. KGB -Eddy Orcutt.

:15 *HHJ, KGB. KFXM, KV0E- Jim Doyle, News.

KMTR-W. B. Record. KRKD -Three Quarter Time. RWEW- Evenlog Musical.

*KPAS -News. :30 -KFT, RFSD -Dr. I. Q.

KNX- Thanks to the banks. KECA -Win, Place or Show. KHJ, KGB. KFNM, KVOE-

bone Ranger, *KFWB -Newa.

KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KFAC- Flnretta's Jewel Box. KFVI)- Evening Convert. RRKD -Do You Know? RWKW -Dr. ('lem Davies. HGER -Rev. Burton.

7:45 *KFWB, KFOX -MaJor Hubert Turner. Comment.

*KFAC -News. KFI, SFSD- Sapper Club. KNX -,lack Kirkwood Show. KECA -I.um A Abner.

*KMPC -News, Frank Hemingway.

*KFWB-Reuters News Dispatches.



SHAYNE Private Detective" Adventure Intrigue

KHI 8:00 P. M.

KILL KGB, KFXM, HTOE- Mirhael Shay ne.


and King's Ambassador Quartet

KMTR -8:05 -9:00 P. M. Also 10:30- l0:45 A. M. Monday through Friday

*IL11TR -News. Floyd B. lohnscn.

HFAC -Evening Concert. .F.' -Of Words and l'erse. 8:15 *REP, KFSD -Fleetwood

Lawton. E tN -Jack Smith. KECA -Hedda Hopper.

*KMPC -Harry Horne k. KFWB- Warner Bros. ()rely. KGFJ- Serenade for You.

8:311-KFI, RFSD -Cavalcade et America.

KNX-Joan Davis Show. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOR-

Sherlock Holmes. K EC A- Hawthorne flouse.

ïK( /J

Qvít yó

Mon - 8 :1 OPM. KM PC KMPC -Pay Day Quiz.

*HFWB -News. RGFJ -Dancing Rhythm. KPAS -TexaM1 Jim Lewis. HGER -Church of Naaarens.

8:55 *KNX -News.

9 KFI, Kt-SD-Telephone Hour. HNX -The Whistler.


*KHJ, KGB. KFX.M. HVOE- News, Glenn Hardy.

*KMPC -News. Music. *KFRB -Peter de Lime. *KMTR -Neue, Concert Master

RGFJ- Sal udos Amigos. KPAS -Music Box.

*KGER -News, Music. 8:15 *KHJ. KGB. KFC.M, BVOE-

Cecil Brown. News. KFWB-Manpower.

9 :30-KFI-Light Opera. KNX -Sox Pop. KHJ. KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Jimmy Fidler. KECA-Man from G -2. KMPC - Preview Time. KMTR- Modern Moods.

9:45 -KECA -Hobby Hours. *KFT1'B -Sam Baiter.

KMTR -Modern Monds. KH.1, KGB, KS0E- Feeling

Is Mutual. *BF!, KFSD- Richfield

Reporter. *KNX -Chet Huntley.


Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M.-KECA

Inside the News with

Mr. Carveth Wells

10:30 P. M.- KFI


*KECA- Hollywood Spotlight. George Fisher.

*KANIN KGB. KFXM, RVOE- Fulton .1. Lewis, Jr.

*KMPC -News. Music.


10 fo 12 P. M. every Noe [weep+ Suedey

KFWB America', Finest seeds

KFWB -i astride Club. *KMTR -News, Merle Lindsay.

KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KG FJ-West ern. KFVI)- Newsicnl, 3 Hours. KPAS -Bert Phillips.

10 :15-KFI-Sincerely Yours. KSX- Par!fie tsar Analysts. II:MCA- Adventures of Charlie

Chan. *RH.), KGB. KFXM -News.

KMPC- Samuel B. McKee. 10:30*HF 1-Cact eth Wells, Inside

the News. KNX -4World's Most Honored

Music. *KECA -News.

KH-I- Johnson Family. - KMPC- Rhythm Roundup.

l MTR -Bah Brooks. 10:45 -AFI -Ole Corral.

KECA -Jimmie Lureetard. RAJ. KGB. KPNM. HVOE-

Organ Melodies.

11 *KFT, KHJ-News. *KNX -,Jim Wyatt.

KECA- Haceraf tors. *AMP(' -News. Headline Bands

KFW'II- Enstside Club. *RMTR -News. Win Morro.

KGFJ- Tintypes. KP:4S- Shep's Pia, house.

*K Ft D- Sen'sical, 'til I a.m. :15- K1I -110113 wood Rows

Reporter. KIL1. KGB. KVOE- ('armen

Col all nrns Orch. RGFJ -Blue of E. KFAC' -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. :20- KFI -It Happened Today.

RN X--Jos Venuti. :30-EFT, EFSD- Digest, Dance

with Peluso. AECA -Swing Soiree. KHJ. KGB. KS'OE- Bobble

Ramos Oreh. KMPC- Starl(sht Terrace.

:4S*HHJ. KGB. HFSD -News. KGFJ- What's Cps

:SS *KFI. EEC A. KNX, KFW8- News.



TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 * Indicates News Broadcasts.



7Á M

KHJ Scotch Ir;p/e Aet!o (Weimer

6F'I. EFSD -Frwl Waring. BNX- Johnny Nlttrray. KECA-Don McNeill's

Breakfast ('luth. *KA.f. KGB. IMAM, KVOE-

Arthur Garth. *RMPC -News. Norman Nesbitt *RFWB- Pennell Reports. *KMTR -Newa, Western Stars.

RFAC -Country Church of Hollywood.

KGF.1- Concert Pantelle. *KPAS.

KRKD 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thurs., Sat.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KRIM. K!'tt \ -fla,en of Rest KWKW- Morning De.otion.. KFVD- Co, ered Wagon Jubilee.

1:1S- RNX -S- ahnt lady. *RHJ. KGB, KVOE- Frazier

Hunt. KMPC- Market Report. Sports RFWB -Bands in Re trw RWKW -Rev. Patterson. KFXM- Morning Melodies. HGER- Mizpah.

0:30- KFI -Dr. Paul. KNI -Light of the World. RAJ, KGB, HVOE -Take It

Easy. R31 PC-Don Otis. KFWB -Help Wanted. KMTR- Christ Church Unity.

*KFAC, KRIM. RFSD -News. KPAS- Baptist Brother.. AWKW -New.. Rr.eille. KFXMM- Sunshine Ser. ice. AFOX -Re.. R. E. Reid.

0:45 -KFI. RFSD -Da.td Hamm. KNX -Aunt .fenny'. SIoriee. KRJ -Radio Billboard.

*KFWB -New., RFAC -Show Time. RrVD- 1'oral Fn.ortle.. HVOE -Bing Crosby. K(.ER -New Tribes Mission.

1:55 -KH.I. RGR. RFSM, WVOE- COff Edwards.

RGFJ -News. e7 FINN-Kate Smith.

*RAJ. HGB. KF151, 111.0E-- William Lang.

}MCA-Glamor Manor: *HMPC -News, Hollywood

Melodies. 'FMB-Health Talk.

*KMTR -News. Christian Fundamentals.

KRIM-Sage Brush Serenade. RrAS- Yestrrday'a Hits. KWRW- Rltaprody In Rhythm. 111-1 IT-Waltz Time. KFOX- Firehrand. for Jesus.

*RGER -New.. :eS *KFl- Ldward Jorgenson.

Comment. KGER -Dr. Curtis H. springer

0:13 *AFT. RFSD -Larry Smith, Commentator,


Morton Downey. HMPC -Polly Patterson. KFWB- Snutl) of the Border. RFAC-Voice rat Health. RGFJ- Medical. SPAS -Waltz Time. KW-KW-Morning Song Parade HGER -Rrv. J. A. Lovell,

0:30-- RFT- Reserve. ENN- Romanre of Helen

Trent. KECA- Breneman's Breakfast

in Bellywnnd. RAJ -Time Out. HMPC -Hits fof Missas,

*HFRB, RFA(', RWRR' - New..

KMTR -Rille Treasury Hour. KGF.I -Open Album. KFVD-Show Tune.. KPAS -Harmony Homestead. KGB- Serenading Vnu. RFX.M- Future Unlimited. K 5'O F. -l' nsrheduled. HGER -Radio Revs. al. RFSD -Ann Gibson.

0:45) -KFI- Lining in Hollywood. 0:4, -KFI -Ronny Mansfield. Snap. KNX-Our Gal Sunday.

RAJ-Mystery ('het. *KFWB -Henry Charles.

KMTR -dust Relax. Kt-AC-Musical Comedy.

*FIRMS-News. Clifton. KFVD -Hire Comes Parade. KGB-Molly Morse. KWAW -Rev. (:noce.. KC.ER-- Colonial TA bernacle. HFSD -Voice of A Nation.

10 HF y I- Mirand KNX-Life ('un Be Beautiful.

*ICH.1, KGB. KFXMM. KVOF.- News. Glenn Hardy.

*KECA -(:il Martyn. *KMPC. News, Hits for the

M lessi. KFWB- Kitchen Kollege. Chef

Milani. *KMTR -New., Marching to

victory. RGF.1- Racine News.

RFAC- Midtnnrninc Serenade. KFVD- Morning Serenade. *KGF.R -News, Rev. Burpo.

KWAS' -Met. Scratch Sheet. *RrAS. RFON -News. 10:15- AFI- Hollywood Fan Magazine

RNX -Ma Perkins. KECA-Ted Malone. KHJ. KGB, RFXM, HVOE-

Luncheon with Lopez. KMTR -King'. Men. KGFJ -Bing Crosby Sings. KWHW- Morning Melodies. ARRD -Dr. O. M. Richardson KFOX -Rev. Emma Taylor. K(iF,R- Kingdom Within. HFSD- Heaven on Earth Club.

10:30 -RF!. Kt-SD-Albers Hour. *ANN- Margaret MacDonald, News.

RECA -My True Story. KRJ, KGB. KFNM, KVOE-

Paula Stone. John' Britt,. KMPC-Pan Americana. KFRB- .Nid - Morning Melodies KMTR -Floyd R. Johnson. *RFAC -News. Rations. *RRT(W -News, Symphonic

Strings. KGFJ- Upbeat Session. KFVD- inion Rescue Mission. RGER- Sunshine Pastor. ;;


WOMAN'S WORLD 10:30 -11:00 a.m.

KPAS Monday thru Friday

KPAS- Woman's World. 10:43 *AFL HFSD -Art Baker. News

KNX-Young Dr. Malone. HH1. KGB. HTOE -John J.

Anthony. R511'í' -Home ('hale. KFWB- Science of Mind. KMTR -Soldiers of the. Press. RFAC- Between the Lines. KWRW- Western Serenade. KRAD- Midnight Miealon. KFXM -American Mercury

Theater. RFON -Dr. A. U. Michelson.

11 KFI. HFSD -Guiding Light. KNX -Two on a Clue. *KECA- Baukhage Talking.

*HHJ. KGB, KYOE- (edric Foster.

*KMrC -News. Mall Bag Request..

RFWB -AI Jarvis. *KMTR -New,,. Dr. Louis

Talbot. KFAI' -Pan Americana.

' KRKD -Light Concert. KPAS -J. Newton Yates. KWKW- Baseball. Fighting

Americana. K(.F.1- Styling. in Blue.

*KFVD. RGER -New.. KFN31 -Voice of Experience.

11:13 -KFI. KFSD- Today's Children KNN- Rosemary. RECA -Ethel and Albert. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, HVOE-

Victor 1.indlahr. RFAC -Music for You. KFVD- Musical Revue. KFOX -Spotlight Band.. KGER-R. B. Hammond.

11:30 -AF! RFSD -Woman in White RNX- Perry, Mason. 'MCA- Listening Post. HHJ. KGB, KFXM, HVOE-

Queen for Today. KMPC- Boule.ard Quiz. KMTR -Songe to Remember, KFVD- Violet Schram.

*RRRD -News, Douglas. *RrAS. HFOX -News. *K%VKW -News, (nstrumelodiee

KGER -Curtis Springer. 11:43 -KFI -Hymns of All Churches. ANI -Tenn & Tins.

*KECA -ABC World-Corres- pondents. . i

KMPC-Garden Hints. RFAC-Piano Briefs. K RAD -Vocal l'arietle.. KPAS-Painted Poet. KFON- Varieties.

TUESDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Arrear In Lightface Type; Afternoon and Evening Programs in Boldface.

Paricty 0:íp -Fred Waring. EFI. S OP- Johnny Murray. KNX. 11:00- Breakfast Club. KECA. A;nn -Kate Smith, KNX.. 8:30- Breneman's Breakfast

Party. ICECA. 1n:00 -Chef Milani. KFRB. 10:30 -Paula Stone. KHJ. 4:30 -Art Baker's Notebook. HFI S:30 --Date with Judy. AFI. 6:30 -Victor Borge. AFI. 7:00 -Bob Hope. AFI. 7:30 -- County Fair, RECA. 7:30- Hildegarde. AFI. 11:00- Snpper Club. RFI. 5:30 -Alan Toting Show. KECA. 9:00-For the Boys, AFI.

War 1:00 -War Criminals Trials.

RAJ 10:15- Pacific War Analysis,


Drama 6:110 -Inner Sanctum, ANN. 7 :30- Hollywood Pre. iew. ANT. g:00-Count of Monte Cristo,

RAJ. 0 :00 -Lum & Abner. KECA. 8:30 -The Falcon, RAJ. 0:30 - Skinner -Young. AFI. 0:60 -Big Town, ANN. 0:01 -Dark Venture. RECA. 0:30- Caiverse on Parade, EFL

3:311 -Murder Will Out. AECA. 8:30 -Nero Wolfe, HHJ.

Quiz Programs 12:00- Calling All Zones. KGFJ.

Outstanding Music 4:00- Musical Masterpieces,

/MAC. 4:30- American Melody Hour,

KNX. 6:00 -.Musical Digest. RGFJ. I:flit- Miniature Concert. RFAC.

11:00- Evening Concert, RFAC. 10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time.

RFAC. 10:011- Newsical, AFVD. 10:00- Eastside Club, HFWB.

Public .41 /airs 12:45- Books. AVOE. 6:30 -American Forum. RH.1. 10:30- Congress Speaks, HNC.

Sports -Co ni ment l().00-Met. Scratch Sheet,

KR'1\tr. IO:f O- Raring. KGFJ. 5:15 -Belle Martell, KMTR 5:30 -Race Results, KGFJ. 5:45 -Race Result., ARSD. 6:30- 11ollyweod Park. K31PC. 5:45- American Sports, /ECA. 10:00- Olymplc Fights, KMTR.

t I :55*K RTiW-rN ews.

12 -HFI -Farm Reporter. i. KNX -Try 'n' Find Me. *RAJ -Broadway News. *KECA -John B. Kennedy. *KMPC- News, Frank

Hetoinrwsy. KFWB- Make- Belle,e Ball-

room. *KMTR -News, Trading Post.

KPAS --Didn Darlings Show. KWKW -Blue Room. KI'.1C- Luncheon Concert. KGFJ -Calling All Zone.. RRRD -Prairie Schooner. KFVD- Editor of Air. RFNM- Diagnostic Group. RFSD -Woman of America.

*KGlt. ATOP, HGER -News. 1 ".:15 -AFJ. RFSD -Ma Perkins.

*RNX -Rnm Manning. RAJ- Johnson Family. KECA- Constance Bennett. KM'S -Norman Nesbitt. R(;F.1- Keyboard Marie. RF%l)- Luncheon Musical. R(.13. 11%0E-Palmer House.

RFSD- Pepper Young's Family.

RNX -A Woman's Life. RAJ. 111'0E-Mild and

Mellow RE('A- Ladies Be Seated. HMPC- Bridge Club.

*KFWB -News. KFVD- Violft Schram. K( ;F.1 -Notek For You. KPAS -Texas Tyler.

*RWKW -News. Variety. KGB. KFXM- Smoothies.

I::!5 -HUI HFSD -Right to Hap - pioa. RNX-

esBachelor's Children.

RAJ. KC.B KFN.M- Frolics. RMPC -Jack Sherman. KFR'B -AI Jarvis,

*RFAC -News. HPAS- Unl.ersity of Calif. KWKW- Singing Sweepstakes. K\ -OF Books. RFOX- Lucky Lady. KGER -Garden School.

1 HFI, KFSD- Backstage Wits. RNN-G. E. House Party.

*KECA --Jack Berch Show. KHJ -R r Criminals Trials.

*HMPC -News. Symphonettes, *KMTR -New. Pianos.

KGFJ -Easy 'Rhythm. RFAC -Melody Matinee.

*KGER, RFVD -News. KPAS-Popular Melodies. KGB. RFX31, AVOE -Songs

for Von. 1:15 -RFI. RFSD- Stella Dallas.

KECA -Radio Parade. KH.1, RFXM -Bill Hay Reads

the Bible. /TR -Latin Legato. arm -Melody Matinee.

F'VD -Mood. in Muele. GB. R1'OE- Johnson Family.

*EWER- Inquiring Reporter. 1:25 *KNX -News. 1:30 -KFI, KFSD- Lorengn Jones.

NN- Feature Story. RAJ, KGB. HFNM -Stsm-

mertime Melodies. *KECA-This Moving World.

'WPC-Lady of ('harm. KMTR -Dance Music. KGFJ -Intermission,

*ARAD -News. *SPAS -Listeners' Digest. *KWKW -News, Musical

Memories. 11E1'1'1- Hawaiian. KVOE -Radio Tour. RFOX- Concert Master. HGE3- Captains of Industry.

1:45 -EFI, HFSD -loung WIdder Brown.

KNX -Gene Baker. HE('A -Hymns of All

Churches, KMI'C- Sewing School. KRAD- Singing Walters.. RSOL -Meet a Friend.

2-HFT. HFSD -Risen A Girl Marr

RNX- E.elyn Winter. *RAJ -This Changing World. RE('A- What's Doing. Ladles. *RMPC-News, Don Otis. *KMTR -New.. Meet the Rand.

SPAS- Melodious Moments, KWRIN -Club 60. RFAC- Memory aler". ale. KGF.I -Town Crier. REVD- Timely Tunes. HFOX -Organ Treasure..

*KGB. KFXM. HVOE- -News. KGEIT- Iolfe'. Band.

:15 -KFI. KFSD- Portia Faces Life.

KNX- Ser.iee Time. KHJ. AVOE -It Happened

Tomorrow. KFOX- Public Bulletin.

2:30 -AFI, HFSD -Just Plain Hill.


RADIO LIFE PAGE 15 TUESDAY LOGS KNX -Meet the ?tissus, KMA -Best Sellers. KHJ, KGB. KFXM. HVOE-

Sketrhes. KFWB -Three Men on a dike. KJITR -Eddie Lawrence. KRKD- Basrhall Scnroe. KPAS -Personality School.

*KWHW -Nw.. RFOX -songs of the Wet. KGER- Between the Linos.

t:4S -KFM. HFSD -Front l'ace Farrell.

KRKD- Pan- .tmerirnna. * KF1T) -New.

KVOE -Ment A Friend.

3 RFI -Rond of Life. KNX- Housewives Proterllvs

League. *KECA -Three n'Flock News. *KM PC--News. Don Otis.

KFWB- Melody Matinee. *KMTR -News, Dial and Win.

KRKD- Matinee Melodies. *Kr: \- -News.

K VKW- Hollywood Melody. *RfS. VOE -News, Griffin

Reporting. 3:13-K Fl-Joyce Jordan. M.D.

KHI. Floppy Homes, Norma V flung

Kl1'A- Walkie Talkie. KFAC- Famous Musical

Fnv unites. Ft:F.1 -.1ark rot. KFV D- Popular Tunes. KWKW- Reflections in Music. KPAS -.Inke Itnx Matinee 'Sil

3 p.m. *KF \N -Ne,. s, Del ntion.,

KFOX- Hawaii RVOE -CI, ir Interest. KFSD -Road of Life.

3:311 -KFI -Aunt Mary. *KNX -News. The Todds.

KECA- Frances Scully. KEW'S-Tempo Americana.

*RRHD -News Headlines. *KWKW-Off the- Press.

KGB. HVOE- Musical Matinee KGER- Cheerful Chat.

J:45-KFI. HFSD -Woman of America.

*KNX -World Today. ,Joseph Harsch.

KHJ. KGB, KFXM, HVOE- Elsa Mt:;vyell.

KECA- Footlight Favorites. K FE B --Jazz.

*KFAC -News, H W K W -Swing Session.

4 -KFI, HFSD -This Woman's Secret.

KNX- Potluck Party. *KECA -Headline Edition. *KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KV0E-

Fultnn .1. Lewis, Jr. *KMPC -Yews. Music.

FMB-Bert Fiske. *KMTIi -News, Win Morro.

HGFJ -Swing Serenade. RRHD -Pia no Paintings. KFV'D -Piano Selections.

*KGER, KFO\- News. KFAAC -Musical Masterpieces.

4:16 *KFI. HFSD -World News. *KNX -New,, Music. *KM, KGB. HFXM, HVOE-

Rex Miller. *KECA -Raymond Gram Swing

KMPC- Garrett's Varieties. *KFWB-Gospel and Song,

News. *KFV D -News.

KRKD- Movieland Quiz. KIl'HW- Theater Guide. Music

4:3n -KFI -Art Baker' Notebook. KNK- American Melody Hour. KECA -Gen. Pierre, Comment. KHJ. IEVOE- Ers:dne Johnson KMPC -Hit Parade Tunes.

OK: ME-News. KRKD -Tunes of the Day. KGFJ- Air- n- tnrials, Orches-

tre du Jour. KFVD -Tea Time Music. KWñW- Citizens' Committee. KFXM -Dr. Philip 1,os ell. KFSD -Black n' White.

4 :45-KECA-Hop Harrigan. WEPT- Twilight Tales. HFW'IS- Stuart Hnmhlrn,

*KRKD -News. KWHW -Piano %tonds. KVOE- Treasury salute. KFXM- Musical Cocktail. KFOX -Art Dickinson.

5 *KFI, HFSD- Edn-ard Jorgen- son.

*KNX -Major Kno Manning. *HMI. KGB. KFXM, Hl'OE-

Sam Hayes, News. KECA -Terry and the Pirates.

*KMPC -News, Teen and Twenty.

*14.1ITR -News. Sunset Rhythms HGFJ -Jive at pive.

KFVD- Evening Serenade. KRED -Songs of the Saddle. KPAS -Cncle Harry. RWHW- Speaking of Sports. KFOX- Sunshine Pastor.

*KGER -News, Music., 5:13.4,1411. KI'SD -News.

-KNX- Thrmigh A Woman's Eyes.

KECA -Dick Tracy. KH,1, KGB. HFXM. R \'Ole

Superman. RMTR -Belle Martell. Sports.

*HFAC, KF\'D -News. KPAS -it Pays to Know. AWHW- Today's Hits.

5:30 -KFI. HFSD -A Data With Judy.

*KNX -Harry Flannery. KECA -.lack Armstrong. KILL KGB. KFXM. R \Or

Adventures of Tom Ala. KMTR -Irwin Allen. HFAC -Whoa Bill Club. Kt :FJ -Race Recap. KFI- D -90 -90 Club. KRKD- -South Rea S de. KPAS- Future Pianists. KWKW- American Jewish

Hour. R(:ER -Music with Anneal.

5:45 *KNX- Truman Bradley. News. *KECA -News. *KH.J. KGB, KFNM, ROE-

Inside of Sports. RSIPC- Sunset ('lob.

*KMTR -K. Louis Flatau. 14GF.1 -Show Time. KIND- Evening Serenade. RRHD -Rare Results. KPAS -Bing Crosby. KGER -Navy News.

5:33 *KNX -Bill Henry.

6 KFI, HFSD -Navy Hour. KNX -Inner Sanetum.

*KIIJ. KGB. HFXM, HVOE- Gabriel Heatter.

KECA -Guy Lombardo Show. *KMPC -News. Norman Nesbitt *HFWD, KFOX, KGER -News. *KMTR -News, Tomasso En-

semble. HEAT-Music for Everyone. KGF.1- 1lusirel Digest, 'till

s p.m. KRKD -Early Dunette. AWHW- Malian Melodies.

6:16-KH.I. KGB. KFXM-Real Lite Stories.

KEPT-Ogle.. Waters. *KFWB --John B. Hughes. *KFVD -News.

KPAS -Mary Burke King. KFAX -Dirk Ross. K l'DE- $mnoth Performant..

6:30 -KFI. HFSD- Victor Barge. KNX -This la My Best. AECA -Hadie Harris. KH,J, KFXM, HV'OE- Ameri-

ran Forum. KM PC-Hollywood Park. KFWB- "America Dances." KMTR- Concert. Moderne. KFAC -Erwin ten. Organ. KFV'D- Vaudeville. KPAS- Church of Christ. KWKW'- Theater Highlights. RFOX -Hal's Memory Room. KGER -Prophecy Speaks.

KGB -Arch flimsier. 8:43 -KECA- Amerlran Sports.

KRKD- Hollywood Tunesmith. 14 PAS-Inside Facts. KW KW- Evening Serenade.

g:33- KECA- Coronet Story Teller.

7 -HET. KFSD-Bob Hope. KNX -Service to the Front. RF.(' A- Waldorf Astoria.

*KMPC -New.. Dinner Dance. *KMTR -News, Music.

P1111? Nr11'tiI(' .. .

7Y)TII(:11I :t I 7

CI1NCIì1tT IN NIINL,t I l'Itl.

1\ Fitt 1:3:31) ()\

ILEAC- Concert In Miniature. *RRHD, KGER -News.

KPAS -Help Wanted. KWHW- Maurice Johnson.

7:15 *KH1, KGB. KFXM. HI 0E- Jim Doyle. News.

KECA -Reserve. KMTR -W. B. Record. *En 'D. EPAS-News. KRKD- Three -Quarter Time. KGER -Dr. Fagan

7:30 -KFI. KFSD -Raleigh Room, with Hildegarde.

KNX- Hollywood Preview. KECA -County Mika

KH.1. KGB. KFXM, Hl'OE- Red Ryder.

*RFWB -News. KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. K VAC-Floret ta's Jewel Boa. 1411K11-IM l on Know. KI'AS- Tartus Carl. KWKW -Dr. Clem Davies. KGER- Ringdom Within.

7:45 *KF1VB, KFOX -Maior Huhert Turner. Comment.

*K FA(' -News.

8 B:FL HEAD- Supper ('loh. KN\ -Jack Kirkwood. K E('A -l.nm It Abner. KH.I. 1GB. KFXM, RV'OF

('aunt of Mont. Cristo.



1:30 p.m.-KNX

Mollilgás . . Every Tuesday



*KMPC -News, Frank Heming- way.

*KFWB- Dispatch from Renters'

*KMTR -News. Grace Dotson. KFAC- Es ming Concert. K(:F.1 -Of Words ..attnd Verse. KPAS -Taylor TtBtes,

6:15 *KFT, KFSD-Fleet wood Lawton.

KNX -Jack smith, Songs. *KFA'A -News.

RM P(' -Ra seba I1. KFWB.- Warner Rims. (*ch. KGF.1-- Serenad. for' Von.

6:345 -KFI, HERD- .Inhnny Presents Cornelia Otis Skinner -Roland I nuns.

KNX- Theater of Romance. KECA -Alan Young Show. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, Kl'0E-

The Falcon. *KFWB -News.

R(:F.l- Daneing Rhythm. KPAS+ -Teana Jim (Atria. KFOX -r. E. Garnder.

R : 45 -H FW B- Pan -A -Mugi -Cane. KFXM -Ships of War.

6 :55 *KNX -News. KFI, AFSD- Everything for a th Boys. RNT -Big Town. RAJ. KGB, KF5.M, HYDE-

:News. Glenn Hardy. RFCA -Dark Venture.

*HMI'(' -News. Baseball. *KFWB -Peter de Lima. *KMTR -News. Concert Master.

KGF/ -Saludos Amigos. KPAS -Music Box.

9:15 *KHJ, KGB. KFXM, AVOE- Rev Miller.

KMPC -King ('nie Trin. KFWB- Strollin' Tom.

9:30*KN7C -Edwin C. Hill.

" U N I V E R S E

O N P A R A D E" 9:3010:M. TUESDAYS

101- Cnlverse on Parade.

RHI, KGB. KFXM. KVOIE- Nero Wnlfe.




, tíP F. t .(',t- Murder Will Ont. K'II'( -Frankie Musters.

*FEW It-Henry Charles. RMTR- Modern Monds. JFt. ICH- p:v;.le Time.

1:4 3--RX \- Tapestries of Life. NFI.I -1 nsrhednled.

*Kl WE -gam Baiter. KFXM -Music for Night. KI -n1 :- Smooth Performa nog. 10 *KI.1. KFSI)- Richfield Re-

porter. *FENN-Thee Huntley. *KH.1. KG% KFXM. RS'OE-

Fulton .1. tents, Jr. . *KMPC- New., Itance Parade.

Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M.- KECA

Inside the News with * Mr. Carvcth Wells

10:30 P. M.- KFI


I M.

KMC:\- Hollywood Spotlight, I.cor re F isher.


lO to 12 P. Ivory wits t,.rt S..d.r

A....laa'. Ft...t mots RFW'R -F:a stsit!e Club.

*KSITR -News. Olympic Fight* HFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. EGF.1 -W ..tern ;Slush.

*AF1'D- Nesysical. :t Hours, KPAS -Bert Phillip..

*KGER -News, l iriney Mission.

10:1S-KFI -Two In Lose. *R :+X- racifie War Analysis.

KECA -Charlie ('han. *KIM KGB, RF\M, HVOE-.

News. 10:30- KFI- Cnrveth Wells, Inside

the News. ENX -( ongress Speaks. 11011J-Johnson Family.

*KECA- Ne.vs. K.IIPC- Rhythm Roundup. KGB, Kl(tE -.Ire Relehntas

Orch. 10:41- KFI -Ole Corral.

KNX- Behind the Scenes. RECA -The Doctor Talks It

Os er. KHI. KFNJI- Johnny Nebiett.

11 *KFI -Eleventh Hour News.

*KNX -.Jim Wyatt. *ItRJ. HFXM -News.

AEC A- Harerafters. *KMPC-News. Lou Story.

KFW'B- East side Chill. *KMTR -News, Win Morro.

KGFl- Tintypes. I«PAS -- Carter Wright.

11:1.5 -KFl sing for the 7th. KHJ, HVOE -Chet Stewart's

Orchestra. KGFJ -Blue of Evening.

11:20- RFI -It Happened Today. ItNX -Les Brown.

*KFVD- Newsleal 'till t a.m. 11:30 --KFI. KFSD- Digest, Lawrence

Welk Orch. KECA -Swing Soiree.

*HHJ. KGB, KVOE- Osereeaa Report.

KMPC- Starlight Terrace. 11:45 -KNX -Louis Armstrong.

*KHJ. KGB. KFSD -News. HGFJ -What's Lp?

11:35*HFI. 'LECA. KNX, KF1VB- News.


WEDNESDAY *Indicates Newa Broadcasts.

KFI, RFSD -Fred Vi aring. KNX-Johnny Murray. KECA -Don McNeill''

Breakfast Club. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

Arthur (iaeli. *KMPC-News, Norman Nesbitt

KFWB -L.A. Breakfast Club. *KMTR- News. Western Stars.

KGFJ- Concert Pa 'dent.. *HPA. KGER -News.

KRIM. 'FON -Dr. Louis T. Taltat.

KFAC-Country Church. KWKW -Morning Devotions. KFVD- Coered Wagon

Jubilee. 8:15- KNX- Vattant Lady.

*K11.7, KGB. KVOE- Frazier Hunt.

KFWB -Bands in Review. KWKW'- Children of Light. RGER- Mlzpah. KFXM- Morning Melodies.

8:3G- KFI -Dr. Paul. KNX -Light of the World. KHJ KGB. KXM, KVOE-

Tai ce It Easy. KMPC-Songs For Tnu, Otis. KFWB -Help Wanted. RMTR -Christ Church Unity

*KFAC. HFSD -News.

KPAS, 8:30 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Mon., Wed., Fri.

First Mete Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KPAC -Daten of Rest. *KWKW -News, Reveille Revue *KRRD -News Headlines.

RFOX -Rev. R. F.. Reid. 8:45 -KFI, KFSD -David Rerum,

KNX -Aunt Jenny's Real Life Stories.

MU-Radio Billboard. *KY-A IS -News.

KFAC -Shnw Time. KWKW- Reveille Res ue. KGB -Len Huff Trio. KFVD -Veal Favorites. KFXM- Sunshine stirs ice. KVOF -Bing Crosby. KGER -New Tribes /Wesinn.

8:85 -KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE- Cliff Edwards.

9 RGER -News. KNX-Kate Smith. KECA -Gl amor Manor.

*KRJ. KGB. KFXM, KV0E- W"illiam Lang.

*KM r(' -News. Future, Un- limited.

KFW'B -Dr. Reynolds. *K.MTR -Newe, Church Looks

at Life. KPAS- Iesterday's Hits. KWKW -Rev. Thomas Beard. KRRD -Sagebrush Serenade. KFVD- Waltz Time. RFOX- Flrebrands for Jesus.

I:05*HFI- Edward Jorgenson. Comment.

RGER -Curtis H. Springer. 8:15*HF1, KFSD -Larry Smith,

Commentator. KNX -Big Sister. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV0E-

Morton Downey.


R. L. McMASTER, D.C., Ph.G., Ph.D., F.R.S.A. (London)

for the

McCOY HEALTH SYSTEM Every morning -Mon. thru FYI.

KFAC at 9:13

RFA/' -Voie of Health. KMPC- !'nily Patterson. KFWB South of the Border. KPAS-11 Wnits Time. EW "KW-Treasury Salute. KGFJ- Medical. KGER -Rev. J. A. Lovell.

8 :30*KF I -News. KNX- Romance of Helen Trent KHJ -Time Out. KECA- Brenentan's Breakfast

in Hollywond. KMPC -Hits for Miseus.


KMTR -Bible Treasury Hour. KFV'll -Show Tunes. KGFJ -Open Album. K PAS-Ha rmnny Homestead. KGER -Radin Revival. KGB- Serenading Vnu. HVOE- Cnsehedtded. KFXM- Future 1 nl imited.

9:40- KFl- I.iting In Hollywood. 9:43.- KFI -Ronny nnsfield, mono.

KNX-Our Gal Sunday. KH.I- Mystery Chef.

*KFWB-Henry Charles. KMTR -.'ost Ken's. Ks:a'- Musical Comedy.

*KRRD -News. KFtD -Here Cores Parade. KWKW -Rev. (:rases. KGB -Molly Morse. KFXM- Design for Listening. Kif. ER-Colonial Tabernacle.

10BFI- KY.!. *KNX -Life Can Be Beautiful.

KHJ, KGB. KF1.M, News. Glenn Hardy.

*KECA-Gil Marlyn. *KMPC-News, Post Parade.

KFWB- Kitchen Kollege, Chef Milani.

*KMTR -News, Marching to Victory.

KGFJ- Raring News. KFAC- Midmorning Serenade. 'FVD- Morning Serenade. KWKW -Met. Scratch pest.

*'FOX, KPAS, KGER -News. 10:13 -KFI- Hollywood Fan

Magazine. KNX-Ma Perkins. KECA -Ted Malone. KH.1, KGB. KFX11. KVOE-

Something to Talk About. KMPC -Hits for the Misons. KMTR -King's. Men. KGF.1 -Bing Sings. KWKW- Hawaiian Echoes. KRKD -Dr, 0. M. Richardson RGER- Kingdom Within. KFOS -Res. Roma Taylor.

10:30 -KFI. KFwD- Alhers Rouir. *JINX- Margaret MacDonald,


The Mountaineers. KE( A -My True Story.

NOW PIERRE Maestro of the Chafing Dish

With Marion Lee WOMAN'S WORLD

on KPAS -10:30 A. M.

K ll ,,,,an* W °rid.

KMPC -Pan Americana. KFWB-Mid-Morning Melodies KGFJ - Upbeat Session.

*KFAC -News, Rations. *KWKW -News. Symphonic

Strings. RMTR -Fluid R. Johnson. KF1 D -Union Rescue Mission. KG FR-Suns nins Pastor.

10:13 -KFI, HFSD -Art Raker..News KNX -toting Dr. Malone., KH.!. KGB, K V OF, -John J.

Anthony. KMPC -Home ('hots. KFWB- Seirnce of Mind. KMTR-Care of the Body. KRRD- Midnight Mission. RFAC -Beta ern the Lines. KWKW -Gauche Serenaders. KFXM- Treasury Salute. RVON -Dr. A. C. Michelson.

11 KFI. KFSD- Guiding Light. FNS -Two on a Clue. KECA- Bsnki'a ge Talking.

KHJ. KGB, KVOF.- ('edrie Foster.

*KMPC- News, Mail Beg Re- quests.

R FW R-AI .lams. *KMTR -News, Dr. Louis

Tnlhnt. KFA(' -Pan Americana. KGFJ- Stylings In Blue.

*AFV'D, KGER -News. .

RRKD -Light Concert. KrAS -J. Newton Yates. KW KW-Baseball, Fighting

Americans. KF .,M -Vnice et Experience.

11:15 -KFI, KFSD- Today's Children KNX-Rosemary. KECA -Ethel and Albert. KHJ, KGB. RFSM, KVOE-

V'ietor Lindlahr. RFVD- Musical ties ne. KFON- Spotlight Bands. RGER -R. B. Hammond.

11 :30-KFI, HFSD -Woman in White KNX -Perry Mason. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KV'OE-

Queen for Today. RF;CA- Listening Post. K NIPS- Bon tevard Quiz. KMTR -Songs to Remember.

*KRRD. HPAS, KFOX -Nèws. *RW'AW -News, Instrumelndles

RGER -Curtis Springer. 11 :43-KFI -Hymns of All Churches.

KNX -Tenn and Tim. *KECA -ABC World.

('orrrspondents. KMPC- Garden Hints. KFAC -Piano Briefs. KRRD -Vocal Varieties. KI'AS- Painted Post. KFON- Varietiee. KFVD- VInlet Schram.

12-Farm Reporter. 12 KNX -Try 'n' Find Me. *KHJ -Bronchi ay Nras. *RECA -John B. Kennedy. *K st PC -Nees, Frank Hem-

ingway. R FW'R -Me ke- Relieve

WEDNESDAY Pr Morning Programs Appear In

Evening Progra

Variety 8:00 -Fred Waring. KFI. s CO- Johnny Murray, KNX. 8 :O0- Breakfast Club. KECA. 8:00 -L. A. Breakfast Club,

KFIVE. 9:00 -Kate Smith, KNX. 9 :30-Brenneman' c Breakfast.

KECA. 10:01 -Chef Milani, KFWB. 12.15- Constance Rennet!. KECA. 8:01 -Frank Sinatra. KNX. e ;;ut- Spntl +eht Rn nil.. is il.11 7:00 -Kay Ryser Kollege, RFI. Mate(- 'sonner t litb, K F'1. 9:00- -Jack ('arson, KNX.

War I:IM -War Criminals Trials,

KHJ. :30 -.tuns for GI's. KF;('A.

8:00- Reuters News Dispatch, KFW Il.

Draina 0:30 -Mr. District Attorney, BFI. 8:30 -Maisie, KNX. 7 :00-( tunterspy, KF.('A.

'i' -Lone Rangier, K14.1. 8:00 -Lum Ct Abner, 'MCA. 8:30-Dr. C hristian, Jean

Hershnit, KNX. 8:30 -Gay Mrs. Featherston',

REI. 9:00 -Mr. and Mrs. North. KFI. 9:30-Eller? Queen, KNX. 9:30-- Hollysrnn4 Theater. KFI. 9:39 -.Arch Ohnler Play, KHJ.

ogram Highlights Lt eatece Type: Afternoon and me in Boldface.

Outstanding Music 4:0e- Mosteal Masterpieces,

KFAC. C:nn- Musical Digest, KGFJ. 7:00 -Miniature Concert, KFAC" 7:00 -Great Moments In Music.

K-\ X. 5:540- Evening Concert. KFAC.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time. KFAC.

10:01 -Newsical, RFA D. 10:00- F..astside Club. KFWB..

Public 4ffairs 11:45- Garden Hints. KMPC. e:30- Readers. Writers, KWKW. 5:01-Television. Test Pattern,

WIN l'7.. 8:311- Telestalon, Scanning the

' Wass 1Z. 8:43- Television, Fashion Guide,

W'BXV7.. 9:011- T'elesision, Variety,


Sports-Comment 10:00 --Met. Scratch Sheet.

KWKW 10:11(1 -- Racing, KGFJ. 12:30 -Bridge Club. KWPC.

5:30 -Race Results, KGFJ. 5:43 -Race Results, RRKD. 8 :30- Hollywond Park, KMPC. $I:45- American Sports, KECA. 8:15- Rasehall, H.WPC. 8:30 -Sportsman' Club. RECA.

Ballronm. e s, Trading Pug.

KGFJ -('all :n, Ail Zones. KFAC-Lu nr!won Concert. KFV D- f:dtt :.r of the Air. KPAS -DI'sie Darling's Show. KWKW -BI litem. KR'tD -Cri vin Sr!,noner.

*KGER -News, Music. K F'Y.31 -Din cwt..; c Group.

*KGB. RVOF:- News. KFSD -Wbmnn of America.

12:15 -K Ft, R FS!) -Ma Perkins. *KNX -Knox Manning. News.

KY( 'A- l'oa,t Ince liranett. KM-Johnson Family,

*Km I'('- Nnrmnn Nesbitt. KGF.1- Keyboard Mn gic. KWKW- Hannitnn E -hoes. KFVD -Luncheon Music.

*K FOX. KrNFI -News. KGB, KVOE -Palmer House.

12:30 -KF'1, 6I.-SD- Pepper Voting s Family.

KSN -A Woman's Life. KECA- Lildies, Be Seated. KH.1 -M11d and Mellow. KMPC -Bridge Club, Robert

Lee Johnson. *KFWB -News.

KGF.7 -Notes for Tou. ' KFV) )- ('inlet Schram. KPAS -Teas Tyler.


AH Tracks - All Day

KWKW- 1430 KC

*KWKW -Newa, V- artety. EIGER -.lake Box. KFXM -Farm Front. KGB. KVOE- Smoothies.

1.2 :45-K11. KFSD -Right to Happi- ness.

KNX- Bachelor's Children. KH.I. KGB, KFXM, KV-0E-

Frnlirs. HM PC-In rk Sherman. KFW lt-Al .lards.

*KFAC -News. KPAS- Cniserslty of Calif. KFOX -Lucky I.ady. EIGER -Garden School.

1 B HFSD -Backstage Wife. -KM RNX -G. E. House Party.

KECA -.lack Berth Show. RAJ-War Criminals Trials.

*KMPC-News. Symphonettes. *KMTR -News, Pianos.

KFAC- Melody Matinee. 61:F'.1 -Easy Rits thm.

*RF'VD, RGER -News. KPAS- Popular Melodies. K FOX -Dance Time,

KGB, KVOF Songs fnr Ton. 1:15 -KFI, KFSI) -Stella Dallas.

K ECA -Radio Parade. KHJ, KGB, RFXSI-

Bill Hay Reads the Bible. KMTR -Lat In legato. KFAC-Melody Matinee. KFVD -Moods in Music. KV'OF -The Johnson Family.

. *EIGER- Itnttuiring Reporter. 1 :25*KNN. KWKW -News. 1:30 -6F1. KFSD- Lorenzo Jones,

KNX- Feature Story. KECA -This )ln,ing World. KHJ, KGB, KFXM- Summer-

time Melodies. RM1'C- Baseball, KMTR -Dance Time.

*KRIM-News, Music. *K PIAS- Listeners' Digest. *KWKW-News. Memories.

KGF.1- Intermission. KFV'D- Ha wailan Music. KV'OF, -Rodin Tour. KGER- anlden Rest Boys.

1 :45-K FL KFSD -1 bung li alder Brown,

KNX -(.rne Raker. KF:('A -Hymns of All

Churches. KMI'C -Icing Crosby. KKK D- Singing Wniters. K FOX- Concert 1lader. 2 -KFI, KFSD -When a Girl

Marries. KNX- Rselyn Winter. KECA- Wliat's Doing, Ladirsl

*KHJ -This Changing World. *KMPC -News. Don Iltis. *KMTR -News, Meet the Band.

KFAC-Memory Musicale. KGF.1 -Town Crier. KRRD- Concert Melodies. KWKW -Club 110. KGER -Long Beach Band. KFV'D- Timely Tunes.

*KGB, HV'OE -News. KFXM- Safety First.

2:15 -BFI, KFSD -Portia Faces Life.


RADIO LIFE PAGE 17 WEDNESDAY LOGS RAZ- berries Time. KHJ-It Happened Tomorrow.

RS"OE -Radio Tour. KGB. KFXM- Melody Time. KFSD- Claseie Hour.

? :25WKNX -New.. ?:30 -KFI. HFSD -Juet Plain Bill.

KNX -Meet the Missile. KHJ, Modern Mnsir. KE('A -Best Sellers. KFWB-Three Men on e Mike HMTR -Eddie Lawrence. KRKD -Basehall Score.. KPAS-Personality School.

*KW KW-News. KF'OX- Songe, of the West. KVOE -Meet a Friend. KGER-Between the Lines.

:45-K Fl HFSD- Front Page Ferrell.

*KFWB, KFVD -News. KRKD -Pan Americans. K V OE- Sketches.

3 II-Rond of Life. KNX- 11 nnsewivea Protective

League. *KECA -Three O'clock News. *KHJ. KGER. KFSD -News. *SMI'C -News, Iton Otis.

KFWB- Melody Matinee. *HMTR -News, Dial and Win.

KFAC- Famous Musical Favorites.

RGFJ- Jackpot. HRHD- Matinee Melodies. KFVD- Popular Favorites.

*KPAS-Newe. HWKW -Studio Center. KFOX -Buddy Cole. KGB, II VOE- Griffin Report-

ing. *KFXM -News, Religions News,

Brevities. 3 :15 -KFI -Joyce Jordan, M.D.

KHJ -Happy Homes. Norms Voting.

KECA -Walkie Talkies. *IRFAC -Ne we

KPAS --.Juke Box Matinee 'HI S p.m.

HWKW- Reflections In Music. RFOX- Rawali Calls. KGER -Food Makes Differ-

ence. KGB-Cites t.nma Time. RVOE -Ilf ('h in Interest. HFSD -Rond of Life.

3:30 --KFI -Aunt Mary. KNN- Cnlumhle Concert. KECA -Frances Scully.

*KFWR -Tempo Americana. *KRIM -News Headlines. *HWKW -Off the Press.

KGB. KVOE- Musical Mati- nee.

KFOX- Hollywood Salon. KGER- Cheerful Chat.

3 :43 -HFF. KFSD -Wnman in White *KNX -rho AAnrld Today.

KILL KGB. KFXM, RIVE- Elsa Maxwell.

KECA -Footlight Favo rites. KM PC -Peter Potter. KFWB-Health Talk.

*KFAC -News, KNEW-Swing Session. KFVD- Rhumba.

3:55 *KNNX -Joseph Ha 'melt . 4 -ICET, KFSD -This Woman's Secret.

KNX -Potluck Party. *101.1. KGB. KFXM. RVUE-

Fulton .1. Lewis. Jr. *KECA- Headline Edition.

KMPC -News, Music. KFWB- Wnmen's Page.

*HMTR -News, Win Morro. KFAC- Musical Masterpieces. KG F.1 -Swing Serenade. KRKD -Piano Paintings. KIND-Piano Selections.

*KGER, KFOX -News. {:IS *EFI, KFSD -News of the

World. **KNX -News. .Mule. *KECA- Raymond Gram Swing *KHJ. KGB. KFXM. KY 0E-

Rev Miller. KMI'C- Garrett'' Varieties.

*KFW'B- Gospel and Song. News.

*HFV D -News. Melody.

KRKD- Movieland Quis. KW KW- Theater Guide.

4:30 -KFI -Art Baker's Notebook. RNX -Sunset Ranch. KHJ, KVOF. Erskine Johnson RE('A -(:en. fierce, Comment. KM PC -Hit Parade Tunes.

*HFWB -News. RGFJ- Air- o- toriale, Orchestre

du Jolty IMAM-Tea Time Ilelndy. KRKD -Tunes of the Day. KWRW- Citizens Committee. KGB -Snails. of fraise. KFXM -Dr. Philip M. Lowell. RPM-Black 'n' White.

4:15 -KNx -The Todds. RECA -Hop Harrigan. KMPC --- Modern Romances. REMS- Stuart Hamblen. KWKW -Piano Rev cries. KGB -Tommy Harris Time. KFXM- Magical Cocktail. KVOE -Sera ice Sainte.

*HFSD -H. V. Kaltenborn,

5 *KFI -H. V. Raltenhorn, *KNX -MaJnr Knot Manning. *K1).1. KGB. KFXM. KVOF

News, Sam Hayes. KECA -Terry and the Pirates.

*KMPC -Newa. Teen and 'rwenty.

*K3ITR- News. Sunset Rhythms. KRKD -Songs of the Saddle. SPAS -Angle Harry. HWKW- Speaking of Sports. KG F.1 -Jive at 3. KFVD- Evening Serenade.

*RC.ER. HFSD -News. 5:15 *Ki1, KFSD, KFAC, KFVD-

News. FNX -Th rough' Woman's


superman. KECA -Dirk Tracy. RMTR -Show Tunes. K l'AS -It Pays te Know. KWKW- Taday's Hits.

{ :30 *KFI- Voice of a Nation. *KNX -Harry Flannery.

KE('A -.tack Armstrong. Kill. KGB. KFXM. RI OF.--

Adventures of Tom Mix. KMTR -Irwin Allen. K(:FJ -Rare Recap. RFA(' -Whoa Bill Club. KRKD -South. Sea Serenade. KI'AS- Service Men HWKW- American Jewish

Hour. 5:43 *KFI. HFSD -Elmer Peterson.


Inside of Sports. KMPC -Sunset .Club..

*K3ITR -K. Louis Fletau, News.

K(:F.1 -Show Time. KFVD- F..veniag . de. RRRD -Rare Results, K l'AS -King Crosby.

*R(:ER -Navy News. 3:33 *KNX -Itill Hrnr).

6 BFI, KFSD -Time to Smile, KNX -Frank Sinatra. KECA- Certain Time.

*KH.I. KGB. KFXM, -KY OE- Gabriel Wafter.

*KM PC-News, Norman Nesbitt.

*K3ITR -Newa, Tomasso Ensemble.


KFAC -Music for Everyone. KGF.1- Musical Digest 'till 8

pm. KWRW- Italian Melodies.

6:15 -KHJ, ROB. KFXM -Real Life Stories.

KMPC -Ozie Waters. *KFWB-John B. Hughes.

RFOX- Miracles nr Science. KVOE.-Smooth Performance.

6:30 -KFI. K F'SD -Mr. District Attorney. Snthern). KNX -Maisie (Ann

KECA -Johnny Forrest's Radio Review.

RH.% KGB, KVOE- Spotlight Rands.

RMPC- Hollywood Park. KFWR- Amerirw Dance*. KMTR- Concert Moderne. KFAC-Edwin Teo. i(FVI)- Vaudeville. KPAS- Church of Christ. KW'KW- Readers, Writers. KFOX -Hales Memory Room. KGER- Prophecy Speaks.

R:43- KF:(A- American 'iports. K31PC- Rhumba Time. KRKD- Hollywood Tune-

smiths. KI'.AS- Inside Fart.. RAVE W- Eseging Serenade.

6:.5.5 -RECA- Coronet Story Teller.

7 KFI, KIND-Kay Ryser's Musical College, with Kay Ryser.




KFAC -Concert in Miniature.

KNX -Great Moments In Music. KH.I, KGB, KFXM, RVOE-

Human Adventore. K EC:1-- ('ountersp..

*KM PC- News. Dinner Dance. *RMTR -News. Music. *K RR!), KI :ER -News.

RPM' -Pasadena Civic Music. KrAS -Help Wanted. KWKW- Maarks Johnsen.

7 :13-KMTR-W. R. Keened. KRKD- Three -Quader Time. KPPC -Organ Recital. RGF.R -Dr. Fagan.

7 :30-RN X- Tnecheduled. KH.I. R(iB. KFXM, KV0E-

Lone Ranger. KECA -,lobs for G.Ls.

*KFWB, KPAS-News. KMTR-Dr. Clem Davies. KFAC- Floretta'a Jewel Bos. RRRD -Drs Von Know. RPM-Let's Talk It Over.

*KM KW -News, Variety. 7:45 *KE'R'B, KFOX -Major Hubert

Turner. Comment. *KFAC-News.

KGER -Rey. Dooms. KFI, HSD- Supper Club. 8 KNX-Jack Kirkwood. KECA -I.um d Abner. KH.I -The Main Line.

*KM PC -Newa, Frank Hemingway.

*KFWB- Reuter's News Dispatch.

*HMTR, KGER -News. KFAf Evening Concert. KGF.I -Of Words and Verse. HPAS -Taylor Tunes. KPPC- Midweek Devotional. KFXM- Soldiers of Press. HVOE -Stara and Ribbons. WRXYV..- Television, Test



and King's Ambassador Quettst

KMTR- 8:05.1:00 P. M.

Also 10:30 -10:4S A. M. Monday throngh Friday

8:05 -KMTR -Floyd B. .Johnson. KGER -Rev. Heur..

8:15 *KFI, KFSD- Fleetwood ton. Comment.

KNX -Jack Smith, KECA -News. KM1'C- Baseball. RFW B-W Brai. Ilrch. RGFJ de for ibn.

6 :30 -KFI, HFSD -Gay Mrs. Featherstnne.

KNX -Dr. Christian. .lean Hersholt.

RP:CA- Sportsman's Club. RM. ROB, KFXM, RAVE-

Fresh Pp Time. *HMS-News.

RGFJ- Danring Rhythm. HPAS -Texas Jim Lewis. HPPC- Comments on Classics. WRX1 7,-Television. Scanning

the Globe, (T.athami. 8:45 -HFWB- Pan -A -Muni -(ana.

KGER -Garden School. WRXV7 Television, Fashion

Guide. 8:33 *HNJC -News. 9 -KFI, KFSD -Mr. and Mrs.

North. KNS -lack Carson Show.


News, Glenn Henry. KMPC -Basehall.


Washington Motors


9:00 to 10:00 P.M.

Every Week Night

HPAS -Music Boy. *KFWB-Peter de Lima. *HMTR -News. Convert Master.

RGF.1- Saludos Amigos. W RXVL- Televiaim,. Variety.

3:13 *KHJ, KGB. KFXM. RY'OE- Cecil Brown. News.

d OE-

Cecil Tom.

S:30 -KFI- Hollywood Theater. SAX -Ellery Queen. RECA -Spade Cooley t Oreb. KR.1. RV'OE -Arch Dueler'.

Plays. *KFAVB -Henry Cherie'.

RMTR- Modern Moods. KFOX- Midweek Meeting. KFSD -For Adventure.

8:45 -KECA -Hobby Anore. KH.I. KGB. KVOE -The

Feeling Is Mutual. *RFWB -Sam Kalter.

KMTR -Modern KF%M -Music for Night. i0 *KFI. HFSD Richfield

Reporter. *ANN -Chet tley. *K H.I, KGB. M KYOF. .

Fulton .1. Lewis. r. *Stol't'e - -News. Dem. Parade.

KFWR-- F.astside Club. *RMTR -News, Texas Jim

Lewis. KFAC-Lucky Lager Dawee

Time. *KFVD- Newsical, 3 heure.

RGFJ- Restern Music. HPAs-Bert Phillips.

Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M. -KECA

Inside the News with * Mr. Carveth Wells


RECA- Hollywood Spotlight. George Fisher.

*KGER -News. Sister Faller. le :13 -KFI- Sincerely Tours.

*RNX- Paeifir War Report. KECA -Charlie Chan.


1e:30 -KFI-Inside the News, ('an et Wells.

*KECA -News. KNYWorld's Most Honored

Music. KH.1- Jnhnsnn Family. KMIC- Rhythm Roundup.

h.( t. henna M. .r

11 EASTSIDE lotel2 P. Ivory MK.

KFWB Amwt.Ve Rsat lento

RFWB- Eàsteide Club. )(MTh-Bob Brooks. KGB. HVOE- Return to Daly. K}'XM- Mystery Theater. KGER -Stuff 4t Nonsense.

le :4T, -KFI -Ole Corral KECA- Freddie Martin Orel. KH.i -"So the Story Goes."

llWEFT. KH.I-News. *KNX -Jim Wyatt.

KECA- Harcraftors. *HMI'(' -News. Lou Story.

KFW'B- Eastsids Club. *KMTR -News. Win Morro.

R(:FJ- Tintypes. KFAC -Lucky Larger Danes

Time. R PAS-Carter Wright.

1l :13 -KFI -Post Parade. RN VS -Les Rene n. KH.I. KGB. KVOE- Carmen

l 'as elleras' (tech. HPAS -Club Alaham.

I1: ?0- KFI -It Happened Talky. RGFJ -Blue of Evening.

11:30 -KFI. KFSI>- Digest, Law. rence Welk.

KNX -Manny Strand. RFCA -Swing Soiree.

KHJ. KGB. KVIIE- Bobbie Ramos.

KM PC-st arlight Terrage. *RFVD- Newsiral 'till 1 5.m.

ll :53-SPI, SECA. S\Z, Ems - Hews.


THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 *inch, Rtes Nevi s Broadcasts.



Scotch Triple Action Cleanser

8 KF'1. KFSD -Fred Waring. KS X- Johnny Murray. KF('A -Don McNeill's

Breakfast Club. *KHJ. R611. KFXM. RVUE-

Arthur Carib. *HMI'(' -News, Norman Nesbitt *R FW' B- l'eunel l Reports. *KMTR -News. N -extern Stan.

KC. F.1-4 nnceet Pastelle. *KI'AS. E(.F.R -News.

K117í11'- Morninc tree on nos.

KRKD 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thurs., Sat.

First Mate Belo and the Gocd Ship Grec.

*RID, RFD X -Haven of Rest.

[(FA('- Country Church. EFID- Covered Wagon

.Jubilee. 8:115 -KGER-Soul Patrol. 8:15 -)CN X -loll ant I.a,t .

*KH.1. KGB, [(TOE- Frazier Hunt.

KMrí' -Mark et Reports, sports.

K FWB -Banda In Rei few. KWKW-Rex. Patterson. KGER- Mizpah. R; :"3!- Morning Melndiea.

8:30- KF1 -Dr. Paul, HVX- I.Ia'u of the World. KHJ, RGB, RV'OE-Take It

Easy. K M PC-Song for inn. KFWB -Help Wanted. KMTR -Christ t hureh Unity. KPAS- Baprint Bros.

*FERRIS. KFSD, KFAC-News. *RWKW -News, Reveille.

KFXM- Sunshine Ser,ire, KFOX -Hev. R. F.. Reid.

8:45 -KFI, KFSD -David Harem. RNX -Aunt Jenn.'s stories. KHJ -Radio Billboard.

ews. HFAC -Show Time. Kiehl -local Fai orites. RlOE -Bing Crosby. KGER -Mete Tribes fission.

8:55 -KHJ, KGB, HIDE -Cliff Edwards.

9 *HF1. K6FJ. KGER -Newa. HNX -Hatt Smith.

*KHJ KGB. KFXM, RN0E- William Lang.

EEC:A- Glamor Manor. *H111'C -News, Hollywood

Melodies. KFWB -Dr. Reynolds.

*KMTR- Nears. Moments with God.

KRKD- Sagebrush Serenade. HPAS- Yesterday s Hits. KW-KW-Rhapsody in Rhythm. KFVD -Waltz Time. KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus.

8:05 -KGER- Curtis H. Springer. *MI- Edward Jorgenson. 8:15 *KFI. KFSD -Larry Smith.

KSX -Big Sister. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, RlnE-

Morton Downey. IMP(' -Polly Patterson. HFWB -South of the Border. KFM -loire of Health. Rl'A5 -Waltz Time. KWKW- Morning Song

Parade. KGFJ- Medical. KW KW- Variety. FEGER -Res. J. A. Lovell.

o:30*KFI -News. RNX- J.tnmadce of Helm Trent. KHJ -Time Out. KECA- Breneman's Breakfaat

in Hollywood. KMP( -Hits for Misses.

*HFWB, KFAC- News,

RlI'l'R -Bible 'treasury Hour. KI'.ts- Harmony Homestead. *KW KW -Of f the Press.

KGFJ -Open Alhnm. KGER -Radi Rem al. KFS'U -SI Tunes. KGB, HV"OE- Unscheduled. KFXM- Future t nl.uuten. KFSD -Ann Gibson.

9:40- 1EFI- Liviag in Hollywood. 9:45- KEl -Konny Mansfield, Songs.

KNX -Dur Gal Sunday. HMI-Mystery Chef.

*KF'WH- Ifenry ('harles. K31TK -Just gelas. RFA('- MusicaI Comedy. KFV'D -Here Cornea Parade.

*KRKD -News. KWKW- (ioapel Friends. AGIS -Molly Morse. KFXM-Design for Listening. K(:ER- Colonial Tabernacle. KFSD -%olce of Nation.

1 RNX -Lite Pan Be Beautiful. *HEC'A -Gil Martyrs. *KHJ. KGB, KFXM, 11%1 /E-

(:lens Hardy. New *KMPC -Vests, l'ont Parade.

KFWB -Chef Milani. *KMTR -News, Marching to

Victory. RI:Fa- Racing New s. HFAC -Midmorning Serenade. RFl7i- Morning Serenade. 'W'KW -Met. Scratch Sheet.

*KGER -News, Rey. Burpo. *K PAS. KFOX -News.

10 :15-K11-Holly wood Fa n Magazine.

RVX -Ma Perkins. KH.1, RGR. RFXM. Rl'OE-

Luncheon with Lopez. K !.:('A -Ted Malone. PMI'(' -Hits for the Misses. KMTR- King's Men. KGFJ-Bing Sings. KRKD --Dr. 0. M. Richardson. RWKW- Morning Melodies. K 6F:R- Kingdom Within. KFOX -Ree. Emma Taylor.

10:30 -KFl. KFSD- Albers Hour. *KNX- Margaret MacDonald.

News. K ECA -My True Story. K HJ. 1(65. KFXM. R1OE-

Patlla Stone, Jahn Retto. RM PC -l'an Americana. KFWIL- Mid -Morning Melodies KTR -Floyd B. Johnson. Kt:FJ- Upbeat Session.

*KFAC -News. Rations. KI'AS- Woman's World.

*K WIC W -News, Symphonle strings.

KFVD- l'nion Rescue Mission KGER- Sunshine Pastor.

10:43 *KFI. KFSD- Art Baker. News. KNX -lonng Dr. Malone. KHJ. KGB. KFXM, R1 OE--

John .1. Anthony. KMPC -Home ('hats.




KFWB- Science of Mind. KMTR -Voice of the Army. KFAC- Between the Lines. RWKW- Western Serenade. KRKD- Midnight Mission. KFOX -Dr. A. U. Michelson.

-ßF1, KFSD -Golding Light. i RNX -Two on a Clue. *Ft F.('A- Baukbage Talking. *KHJ, KGB, RN OE- Cedric

Foster. *K- Mt'(:- \ears, Mall Bag

Request.. RFR'B -A1 Jarvis.

*KMTR- \ews. Dr. Lout Talbot.

KFAC -l'an Americana. K GFJ -Styling! in Blue.

*KFVD. KGER -N es; s. HRHD -Light Concert. KPAS --J. Newton tales. KWKW- Baseball, Fighting

Americans. KFX.M-Voice of Experience.

:13 -KFI. KFSD- Today's Children RNX- Rosemary. KECA -Ethel and Albert. KH.! KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

1 ictor Lindlahr. ILEA( -Music fur Tau. KFVI)- Musical Revue. KFIIX- Spotlight Rands. KGER -R. B. Hammond.

:30 -KII. KEW-- Woman to WLrte.

RNX -ferry Mason. KHJ KGB. KFXM, HVOE-

(luren for Today. K l(A- Listening l'ose. KMPC- Bnuleaard Quiz. RMTR -Wongs to Remember.

*KRIM. KPAS, KFOX -News. *KW KW -News, lnstru-

melodies. KGER -Curtis Springer.

:43-KFl -Hymns of all Churches. RNX -Tena & Tim.

*KECA-ABC World Correspondents.

1181i'C- Garden Hints. RPM -Plano Brief.. HMSO-Vocal Varieties. K PAS-Pa let ed lost. KFV'D- Piolet Schram.

-RPI -Farm Reporter. KNX -Try 'h' Find Me.

*KECA -John B. Kennedy. *RH.1- Broadway News. *KMPC- News, Frank Hem -

ingnay. K FWB -Eddie Heywood.

*KMTR -News, "l'rut::uk l'nst. RWKW -Blue Room. HPAS -Dale Darling's Show. KGFJ -falling All Zones. HIDED- Prairie Schooner. KFAC -Luncheon Concert. KIND- Fditor of Air. KFSD -Woman of America.

*KGB, KI'OE, KGER -News. 12:13 *KF1. FSD -Ma Perkins.

*KNX -Snag Manning. News. KECA- Constance Bennett. KH.1- Johnson Family. K MPC -Norman Nesbitt.

THURSDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear to

Evening Progra

T'ariety 8 :00-Fred Waring. KF1. 8:Ií0- Breakfast Club. KECA. 9:00 --Kate Smith. KNX. 9:30- Breneman's Breakfast,

KECA. IU:30-Paula Stone. KHJ. 12 :15-Constance Bennett, SECA. 4 :30-Art Baker's Notebook.

[(FI. 5:00 -Music Hall, HFI. 6:30 -Hobby Lobby. &NX.

:00 -The First Line. RN X. 7 :30 -Rudy Vallee. B.F!. A:00-Supper t lnh. ION 5:35 -Burns It Allen, SFL 9:00 -Dinah Shore, KFI.

Qult Programs 9:30 -Noah Webster Says. AFI.

Drama 5:30 -Tom Mix, KHJ. 6:30 -Philo lance, KFI. 7:0ít -One Font In Heaven,

KECA. 7 :00-Mystery ih Air. AFI. A:00-Bulldng Drummond, KHJ. 8:30 -Hercule Poirot, KHJ. 9:00 -Suspense. 11N X.

War 1:00 -War Criminals Trials,

KHJ. 8:30- Dtsn.ctch from Reuters'.


Lightface Type: Afterpoon and ms to Boldface.

10:15 -Pacific War Analyst. RNX

Outstanding Music {:00- Musical Masterpieces.

RFA(' 0:00 -Andre Hostelanetz, HNX. 6:00-Musical Digest. KGFJ. 7 :00- Miniature Concert. KFAC .

8:00- Eeening Convert. !MAC. 10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance* Time.

KFAC. 10:00 -N ewalcal. KFl7). 10:00- Eastslde Club. HEWS.

Public Affairs 7:00 -Reconversion, Jobs, HELL a Meeting. 9:30 -Citizens Forum. RNA.

10:13 -Mayor Fletcher Bow-eon. RF!.

10:45 -Cheater Bowles, O.P.A., HEC A.

Sports -Gomment 10:0(5 -Met Scratch Sheet.

10:00 -Racing. KGFJ. 5:13 -Belle start. -' :_NITR. 5:30 -Race Results, KGFJ. 5:45 -Rare Results, ERRD.

8:00 -Hobby Hours, SECA. 0 :30- Hollywood Park, KWPC. t:.4:,- Amerirrn sports, KEA' A. 14:15-Baseba ;t. KMI'( .

10:41 -Tom Hanlon. RN

KGFJ- Keyhnard Magic. KF'11- luncheon Musical.

*RFDX. KFXM -News. KGB, KVOE- Palmer House.

12:30 -K.FI. RFSU- Pepper louag's Fumily.

RNX -A Woman's Life. KECA -Ladies. Be Seated. KIIJ -Mild and Mellow. KM PC-Bridge Club.

*KFW' It- News [(PAS -Texas Tyler.

*KWaW- Netts. t ariety. KF1'D- Violet Schram. KGFJ-Notes for l'ou. RF'OX -March Time. KGB KFXM, EVOE-

Smoothies. KGER -1300 Club.

12:15 -KF1. "Lk-SD-Right to Happi- ness.

RNX- Rachelor's Children. KHJ, KGB. HEXM- Frolics. hMr(' -Jack 'Merman. RFWB -.AI .Jar, is. RPAS- University of Calif.

*ií1.Ott'- V ews. K(:ER-Carden School. KVOE-This Day of Peace. KF'OX-Lucky lady.

1 HFI, KFSD- Backstage Wife. FIN X -6. E. House !'arty. KECA -.lack Bereh Show. KHJ -War Criminals Trials.

*K1í.'(' -News, Symphonettee. *° TR -News. Planos.

HFAC- Melody Matinee. K (.F'.l -Easyy Rhythm.

*KIND. KGER -News. KP.L,- Popular Melodies. KC(IX- tfance Time. KGB, KFX31, KV'OE -Songs

for loth 1:13 -KCI. RFSO- Stella Dallas.

RE: A -Radio Pet-ode. KHJ. KFXM -Bill Hay Reads

the Bible. WITR -Latin Legato. RSA('- Melody Matinee. RFVD -Moods in Music. K !'.'.S -A.('. A. Reporter. KGB. KVOE- Johnson Fanny

18K(.ER- inquiring Reporter. I:25 *KN X -News. 1:30 -KFI KFSD- LC) renrn Jones, INN- Feature Story.

*KC(A -This Moving World. KILL KGB, KFN.M- Summer

time Melodies. K311'í' -Lady of ('harm. KMTR -Dance Time.

*K VAS-Listeners' Digest. *RW'KW -News, Musical

Memories. *KRKI) -Net. S. Muale.

K(:F.1 -1 nternttssion. HIDE -Radio Tour. KFUX- Concert !taster. KGER -American Challenge.

1:43 -KFI. KFSD -Young Widder Brown.

RNX -(.ene Raker. KECA -Hymns of All

Churches. RMPI'- Fashion yeomen'. KVOE -Meet a Friend. KFI'D -t oral t uneties.

2 -HF1, RF°D -When a Girl Marries.

RNX- F:telyn Winter. *KHJ -This Changing World.

KECA_ W hat 's Doing t.adies. *KMPC -News. Don (Otis. *ILMTR -News. Meet the Sand.

HFAC -Memory 81 usicule H GF.J -Town Crier. KRAD-- Concert Mel nd!es. HPAS- Federated Women's

Club RWKW- -Club 60. KFV'D- Timely Tunes.

. *KGB. HF7,11 KVOE -News. K(ILR -Long Beach Band.

KFSD- Portia Faces Life.

RNX -Victory Serenade. KHtJ, HIVE-It Happened

Tomorrow. KFON- Public Bulletin.

2:30 -REI, RFSD-Just Plain BW. KNX -Meet the Missus. KECA -Bet Sellers. KILL HIDE- Sketches. HFla 11-Three Men of e

Mike EMT R-Eddie Lawrence. BIAS- Personality School. KRKD -Baseball Scores.

*RWKW -News. KFOX -Songs of the West. EGER- Between the Lines.

2:45 -KF1. KFSD -Front l'aga F'a: rell

*RFWB -News. KRKD- Pan -Americana.

of Life. RNX -Housewives Protective

League. *KECA -Three &Clock News. *KHJ, KGER. KFSD -News.


RADIO LIFE *R.li PC-News, Don Otis.

K1-1% B- Melody Matinee. *KMTIt -'ewe, Dial and Win.

KFAC- Fanooua Musical Favorites.

KGFJ -Jackpot. KIND- Popular Fas°rites. KRKD -Matinee Melodies.

*RITAS -News. EWKW- Hollywood Melody.

Time. KGB, KVOE- Griffin Report-

ing. KFXM -News, Des otions,

Bees files. 3:15- RFT- Joytie Jordan, M.D.

K1'l'A- Wnikie Talkies. KHJ- Happy Homes, Norma



MATINEE 3:15 -5:15 p.m.

KPAS Monday thru Saturday

K PAS -Juke Box Matinee 'tit 5 p.m,

KWK%- Reflections In Music. RFOX- Hawaii Calls. KGER -Voice of the Army. RF'Sll -Road of Life.

3 :30 -KFI -Aunt Mary. KNX- The Todds. KECA- Frances Scully. KFWB -Tempo Americana.

*KRKD -News Headlines. *KWKW ---Oft the Pres..

KFOX-Hollyss nod Salon. KGB, Kl (1E- Musical Matinee KGER- Cheerful Chat.

3:45 -R FI, KFSD -Woman in White.

R N X -The World Today. KRJ. KGB, KFX31, Kl'0E-

l:lsa Maxwell. HE( 'A- Footlight Faint-Res. KFWR- .tnrz.

*KFAC-News. KV. KW- Swing Session. KGB. RF \M, KV 'OE- Johnson

Family. 3:55 *K . \- Joseph Harsch.

4 -K1'1. HFSD -This Woman's 7f et'ret.

FNS- Pothirk Party. *KEUA- Headline Edition. *KH.1. RUB, RFX31, K10E-

Fulton J. Lewis, jr. KFOX- ,sunshine Pastor. KFI) -O.E. for Release.

*KM P(' -News, Music. KI'WB -leert Fiske.

* MIT R -News. Win Morro. KFAC- Musical Masterpieces. li(,F.'- Sscing Serenade. KRKD -Piano Painting. Kì'% D -Piano Selections. KWKW- Speaking of Sparts.

*HFOX, KGER -s ews. 4:15 *KFI. HFSD -U IA News.

*KNX -News, Mn -'.e. * KHl. KGB. HI' :s21. HVOE-

Res. Miller. *AEC A- Raymon' Cram Swing

KMPC- Garrett Varieties. KFWIì --- Gospel c n:1 Song.

*Kr1 D -News. KWKW- Theater Guide,

Melodies. KRKD- ll cis ielan:l Quiz.

4:30 --KFI -Art Baker'. Notebook. RNX -Mr. Keene. KE('.% -(.rn. Piet e. Comment KH.I, KVOE- Erskine Johnson KMIY' -Hit Parade Tunes.

*HMS -News. KFi11 -Tes time Tunes. KGFJ- Air- o- tnrials, Or-

chestre du Jour. KRKD -Tunes of the Day. KWKW- t'itizens' Committee.

. KGB -Songs of Praise. KFXM -Dr. Philip Los ell. KFSD -Black 'n White.

4:45 -KECA -Hop Harr :ean. KHI'('- Tssflight 'I ales. KFWB- Stuart Hamblen.

*KRKD, KFSD -News. KW FEW-Piano Re series. EF1.11- Musical Cocktail. KFOX -Art Dickinson. FI- I'dward Jorgenson. 5 B*K-'X

-MaJor Knox Manning. KECA -Terry and the Pirates

*KM. KGB, KFXST, KV0E- Sam Hayes.

*KMP(' -News, Teen and Twenty.

*MIT R -News, Sunset Rhythms KGF.1- -,lise at 5. HFVD- Es eging Serenade. KR/ID-Songs of the Saddle.

HINAS -Code Harry. KW KW -site ikinc of Sports.

*HGER -Newa, Music. 5:13 *KFI, !Cl' - -11, KI %11J. KFAC -

Newa. KNT- Through a U'nman's

Eyes. KECA -Dirk Tracy. KM, KGB. KFXM, KV'OE-

Superman. KMTR -age's Mattal, Sports. KrAS -It rays to Know. KW KIN -Today's Hits.

5.30fJFl -1 nice of a Nation. *KNX -Harry Flannery.

KECA -.look 4rnsslroue. KHJ. KGB, KFX3I. KV I)E-

Adsenhtres of Tom Mix. KMTR -Irwin Allen. KGFJ -Rare Recap. RFAC -Whoa Bili KRKD -South Seas Serenade. RF'll)- '11 -90 Club. KPAS- Future Pianists. KWKW- .lmeriran - :e .h Hr.

5:43 *KFI, KFSD -Elmer Peterson *KN :c- l'ruman Bradley. *KE(':l -Newe. *KfIJ. R(iß. RFX51, HI OE-

Inside of Sports. KMPC- Sunset Club,

*KJtril -K. Louis Oaten, New s.

Rt,F.t -Show Time. KRKD -Race Results. KI'l l)- turning Ni reuade. 15 PAS-Bing' ('rushy .

*KG ER-Navy News. S:S5 *KNX -Bill dent).

6 KFL KFSD -Music Hall. KNX -Andre Kostelanetz,

RECA -Hobby Hours. *KI :J, KGB. KFN31. KV'(E-

Gabriel Heat ter. *RMl'C -News. Norman Nesbitt *KEW'S, HFIIX -News. *K-l1TR -News, Tomasso

Ensemhle. KFAC-Mnsie for Eseryone. 11(4%1- Musical Digest, till 8

p. m. FERRO-Early Dancette. KW- KW- tta!ian Melodies.

*KGER -News. Music. 8:15 -KECA- Hidden Valley Gang.

KHJ, KEIL --Real Life Stories. KMI'(' -Orle Waters.

*KEW'S -John B. Hughes. *REVD-News.

KITAS- Terl:mnrrary. KFOX -Dick Ross. KFXM- Oaartermaster Corps. KV'OF Dinner Dance. KGER -Nat'l Message.

8:30 -KFL KFSf) -friers lance. FENN-Hobby Lobby. KHJ. KGB, HVOE- Tnsched-

uled. KECA- Variations by Van

(lease. KM Pt- Hollywood Park. KF WIS- America Dances. KMTR- Concert Moderne. KF' C -Erwin Ten. Organ. KFV'U- Vaudes llle. KPAS- Church of Christ. KWKW-Es ening Serenade. KFXM -OPA. RFOX -Ha l's Memory Room. EGER- Reformed Church.

8:43 -KECA- American Sports. KMP('- Rhumba Time. KRKD -Hollywood Tune -

smi tits. KITAS- Inside Facts.

8:55 -KECA -Coronet Story Teller. 7 -KFI. KFSD-Mystery in the

Air. RNX -The First Line. RFCA -Ihre Font in Hess en KHJ. KFXM, KV'OR- Recon-

FINE 7ONllail .lI î

('ljNCli121 IN NIA Il'RV

I1 FA(, 1330 ON YOUR I)I.11.

KFAC- Concert ht Miniature.

PAGE 19 THURSDAY LOGS version and Jobs.

*K 1 1'1' -'ens. Dinner Dance. *KMTR- News, Music. *KRKD KGER- Sesss.

RF()X -Jane .Arlen. *KGR -Eddy Orcutt.

RIAS -Help Wanted. KWHW -Maurice .Johnson.

7:15 *KH.I, KGB. KF.äM, Kl0E- Jim Doyle, Sews.

KMTR -W. B. Record. ARHD -Three Quarter Time.

*KPAS -News. KGER -Ur. Faran.

7:30 -SFF, KFSD-Rudy Vallee Show.

KN X-i-Romance, Rhythm. Ripley.

RECA- History of a Star. SHJ, KGB, KFX.M, HV'OE-

Red Ryder. *KFW B -News.

KMTR -Dr. Clem Dasies. RFA('- Floretta's .Jewel Box. RYAS- Cactus Carl. KWKW -Dr. Clem Das ies. KRKD -Drs fou Know. KGB -Inside Story. HGER -Dr. Dries.

7 :33- RF.('A -Jones C I. :43 *KFI- Eyewitness News.

*SFII'B. KFON -Major Hubert Turner. Comment.

KM PC-Rhumba Time. *KFAC -News. SKFI. KFSn- cupper Club. RN \-Jack Kirkwood. KECA- i'..um A Abner. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, RV 0E-

Bulldog Drummond. *KMPC -News, Frank Hem-

ingway. *AM B- Reuters' Snss

I:isnat ch. *KMTR -News, Music.

RFAC -Es ening Concert. KGF.1 -Of Words 6 l'erse. KI'Asi- Taylor Tones. HGER -News, Billy Adams.

8:13 *KFI, KFSD -Fleetwood Lawton.

KNX-Jack Smith. *KEC'A -Earl Godwin.

K-ll P(' -Ba seha II. KFWB- Warner Bros. Orch. KGFJ- Serenade for You. KFCM -Ships of War.

8:30 -KFI. KFSD -Burns and Allen. KNX- F.R.I., in Peace, liar. KH.I. KIrR. IMAM, 61 01.

A ('hristie's Hercule Poirot. KECA -Town Meeting of the

Air. *HFWR. KGFJ -Sews.

KMTR -%That America is Playing.

KGF./ -Dancing Rhythm. KPAS -Texas Jim Lewis.

8:45 -KFW B- l'an -A -Musi -Cana. KMTR- Hasten the Day.

8:55*K-NX- Wailaee Sterling.

-EEL HFSD -Dinah Shore Show

FEN X- Susnense. *KHJ. KGB, KFXM KVOE-

News. Glenn Hardy. KMPC -Basehall.

*RFWB -Peter de Lima. *KMTR -News. Concert Master

KGF.1- Saludos Amigos. SPAS -Music Sac.

*KGF.R -News, Music. 9:15 -HHJ. KGB. HELM. KV0E-

Rec Miller. '

HFWR -Stroll in' Tom. 0 :30 -KFI. HFSD -Noah w ebiter


C I T I Z E N S F O R U M Sparkling half hour disc.ission by lead - ing authorities on problems affecting everyone. A "must" for good citi.ens.


- >1 7A 77(1T'AL Jr >.svrr,GWOazazan THURSDAYS KNX 9:30 P. M.

KNX- Citlrens Forum. RECA- Mystery House. KHJ-Wings Over the Nation

*HF V% Iii-Henry Charles. HMTR- Modern Moods. KF.XM- Soldiers of the Press KVOF -Wines Oser Nation. KG ER-Fundamental Chal-

lenge. KGB- Inside Story.

9 :45-KF :INA -Music of Manhattan. *KF W II -Sam Baiter.

GF1.VI -Music for the Night. *KFI, KFSD- Richfield

Reporter. *KNX -Chet Huntley. *KH.I, KGB. HFX-!1. HYDE-

Fulton J. Lewis, Jr. *HMPC -News, Dance Parade.


1090 ON


Good music 18 hours a day JXERB

' 5.111 W TtS

.. .


KFWB- Eustside ('lrth. *KMTR -News, Tes Tyler.

KGFJ -Western Music. KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. *KFVD- Newsicnl. for 3 hrs.

HUAS -Bert Phillips.

Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M. - KECA

Inside the News with

Mr- Carveth Wells


HF.('A- Hollywood Spotlight, George Fisher.

10 :15-K Fl -Mayor Bore ron. *RN X- Pacifle Sian Report.

RECA- Charlie ('han. KHJ- American School, KGER -Peace Officers.

IS:30*KF1- (arseth W ells, inside the News.

KNX-Sports. *KECA -New a.

KMPC -Rhythm Roundup. KMTR -Boer Brooks. KGB, KF-L11 -Organ Melodies.

10:45 -FFI -Ole Corral. KNX -Gayle and Charles. KECA- Chester Bon I es. HVOE -Organ Melodies. ii *KIT. KHJ -News.

*RN \-Jim Wyatt. KECA- Rarrrafters.

*MDT-News. Lou Story.


10 to 12 P. M. G..eu Sunday

Americas hasst sued.

[very NNe

KFWB EMIR- Eastside flub.

*SMTR -News. Win Sierro. KGFJ- Tintypes. RFAC -Lucky Lager Dance

Time. KPAS- Shep's Playhouse. Kk OX -Merl Livasa3 Band.

11:15- KFI -Post Parade, KGFJ -Blue of Es ening.

11 ::0- KFI -It Happened Today. KNX -Les Brown.

11:30 -KFI, HFSD -Digest, Law- rence Welk Orchestra.

HNX -Manny Strand. HEC'A -Swing Soiree. K11PC Starlight Terrace.

*KFS D-Ness akal. 'till i .m. 11 :43440:11. KFSD -News.

KSN -Louis Armstrong. Kt.F.:- sl! ̂ t'. I pi:

11:55 *KFI, KECA, KNN -News.

THREE MEN The "T h r e e Men" on

KFWB's daytime variety show "Three Men On a Mike," cover the field of ra- dio comedy between them. Alan Mann does zany char- acterizations, writer Dave Ormont does. impersonations, and Joe Yocum is a top ad -lib artist.



FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 *Indicates News Broadcasts.

KI'1, KFSD -Fred Waring. KNX- ,Johnny 51irray. KE('A -Don McNeill Breakfast

Club. * KHJ. KGB. HEX.% KtUF Arthur Garth.

*R3IPC -News. Norman Nesbitt *KFWB- Pennell Reports. *KMTR -News. Western Stan.

RGF.1- Concert Pastille. *K PAS. KGER -News.

KRKD, KFOX -Dr. Louis T. Talbot.

KFAC-Country Church. RWKW- Morning Devotions. KF\'D- Covered Wagon

.(,,biler 8:03 -KGER -Soul Patrol. 8:15- FNS -Valiant Lady.

*KH.1. KGB. RVOE- Frasier Hunt.

KMI't'- Market Reports, Sports,

KI'W'B -Rands in Review. K WKW-Rev eille Revue. KGER- Mizpah. KF:X.M- Morning Melodies.

$:30- KFI -Dr. Paul. 'INN-Light of the World. KH.I. KGB, RFXM. RVOE-

Take It Easy. . KMPC -Don Otis. KFWB-Help Wanted. KMTR -Christ Chareh Unity.


KPAS, 8:30 A. M.


Mon., Wed., Fri. First Mate Bob and the

Good Ship Grace

KPAS-Haven of Rest. P

*KWKW -News. Reveille. *KRRD -News Headlines.

KFOX -Rev. R. E. Reid. 8:45 -KFI, KFSD -David Herum.

KNX -Aunt .Jenny's Stories. KILl -Radio Billboard.

*KFWR -News. KFAC- -Show Time. KF V D -Vocal Favorites. KW'KW- Birmingham Review. KFXM-Sunshine Ben ice. KVq)E -Bing Crosby. KGER -New Tribes Mission.


Cliff Edwards. 9 ENE-Kate Smith.

*KRJ KGB. RFXM, KVOE- William Lang.

RECA-Glamor Manor. *KMPC -News. Future Unlim-

ited. KFWB- Health Talk.

*KMTR -New.. Church Views News.

KRRD -Sagebrush Serenade. HPAS- Traterday' Hits, HWHW -Message of Life. KIND-Waltz Time. ETON-Firebrands for Jesus.

*KGER -News. Dr. Springer. 0:08 -KFI- Edward Jorgenson. Corn

meat. O :16*RFI, KFSD -Larry Smith.



R. L. McMASTER, D.C., Ph.G., Ph.D., F.R.S.A. (London)

fer the

McCOY HEALTH SYSTEM Even morning -Mon. then Frt.

RFAO at 9:15

KFAC-Voles of Health. KNX -Rig Sister. KH.I. KGB. KFXM, RVOE-

.Morton Iron -n.y. KMPC -fall. Patterson, KFWB -Sautb of the Border. KGF.I- Medìrnl.

*KFVD- News. KPAS -W nits. 'fitte. RWRW' -Treasury Sainte. KGER -Re . J. A. Lovell.

O :30*KF T -News. KNX- Romanre of Helen

Trent. KHJ -Time Out. -

i,P K£C A- Breneman's Breakfast in Hollywood.

KMI'C -Hits for Missile. *KFWB, KFAC. KWRW -

New.. KMTR -Ribs Treasury Hour. Kl.F.t -Open Album. KF\"D -Shaw Tunes. KPAS- Harmony Homestead. KGB- Serenading Ton. KFXM- Future Unlimited. KVOF:- 1'nsrheduled. KGER -Radio Reviv al, KFSI) -Ann Gibson.

0:40- KFI- Living in Hollywood. 11:15-KFI-Ronny Mansfield. Songs.

KNX-Our Gal Sunday KHJ -Mystery Chef.

*KFWB--Henry ('harles. KMTR -Just Relax. KFAC-Musical Comedy. * K RBI) -N ews. KFVD -Here Comes Parade. KWRW -Rev, (:raves. KGER- Colonial Tabernacle. KGB -Mollie Morse. KFXM -Design for Listening. RFSD -Voice of a Nation.

10RFI- Tillamnok Kitchen. KNX -Life Can Bt. Beautiful. *KM, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

News. Glenn Hardy. *RECA -Gil Martyn. *K51rr -New, Post Parade.

KEITH-Chef Milani. *KMTR -News, Marching to

Victory. RGV1- Raring News. KFAC- Midnorning Serenade. KWKW-Met. Scratch Sheet. KFVD- Horning Serenade.

#KFOX. SPAS. RC :F.R -News. 16:15- RFT- Hollywood Fan Max/t-

rine. KNX -Ma Perkins. RECA -Ted Malone. KR.1, KGB. KVOE something

To Talk Ahn,it. RMPC -Hits for th. Mittens. KMTR- Ring's Men. KGF1 -Ring Crosby Sings.

*KPAS- News.. Scott Newhall. RWKW -Morning Melodies. KR/ED-Talk. RFXM -Seven I.aet Words of

Jesus. KF(IN -Res Emma Taylor. KGER -Kingdom Within.

10:30 -EFF, KF SD- Albers' Hour. *KNX -N et MacDonald,

News. RECA -My True Story. KHJ, KGB. KVOE -The

Mountaineers. KMPC -Pan Americana. KFWR -Mid- Morning Melodies KMTR -Floyd R. Johnson. KGFJ- Tpheat Session.

*KFAC -News. Rations. RETI) -Union Rescue Mission. SPAS- Woman's World.

*RWRW -News. Symphonie Strings.

KFXM -Meet the People. KGER- Snnehine Pastor.

1u:43 *Kí1. IlrSU -Art Haker, News KNX-Young Dr. Malone. KH.I KGB, ,HIVE-John J.

Ant hony. RMPC -Home Chats. KFI%it- Science of Mind. KMTR -('ore of the Body. RFA(' -Between the bines. KRRD- Midnight Mission. RWRW -Gaucho Serenade. KFOX -Dr. A. r. Michelson.

RF RFSD -Guiding right, 11 I, KNX-Two on a flue.

*KE('A- Haukhage Talking. *RH . KGB, RVOE- Cedric

Foster. *K511'C -News, Mail Bag

Request. KFWR -AI Jarvis.

*KMTR -News, Dr. Louis Talbot.

K FAC -Pan Americana. K(:F1- Styling. in Blur. KRRD -Light Concert.

*KFD, KGER -News. KPAS-.f. Newton Tate.. RWKW- Baseball, Fighting

Americans. 141,101-Voice of Experience,.

11:15-KFI, KtSD- Today'. Children. K NX- Rosemary. RECA- Ethel and Albert.

*KH.1. KGB. KFXM, Ki'0E- Vittor l.indlahr. RFD- Mu.lcal Res ne.

KFON- Spotlight Bands. KGER -R. B. Hammond.

11:3t1 -RFI, KFSD -Woman in White KNX-Perry Mason.

*RH1. ROB. KFXM, KVOE- Queen for A Day.

RECA- Listening Pnst. RMPC- Boulevard Quiz. KMTR -Songs to Remember.

*RRKD, KPAS-News. *KWRW -News, Instri -Mel-


KGER- Curtis Springer. 11:43 -RFI. Betty ('rocker.

KNX -Tenus and Tim. *KF:('A -ABC World Corre-

spondents. RMPC -Garden Flints. KFAC -Piano Briefs. RRKD -Vocal Varieties. KPAS-Painted root. RFVD- Violet Schram.

2-RFI -Farm Reporter.

KNX -Try 'n' Find Me. *KF:CA -John R. Kennedy. *RELY- Broadway News. *RMPC -News. Frank Hem-

ingway. KFWB -Eddie Heywood

*KMTR -New., Trading Post. KFAC- Luncheon Concert. RFVD- Editor of Air. SPAS -Dixie Darling's Show. KWRW -Rine Room. KRRD -Prairie Schooner. KGFJ- Calling All 7.ones, RFXM -Group Diagnostic.

*KGB. R\'OE, KGER -New.. RFSD -Woman of America.

15--KFI, KFSD-Ma Perkins. *KNX -Knox ilnnnine. News.

KECA- Consta rice Bennett. 101.1-Johnson Family. *RMPC-Norman Nesbitt.


1 ?:

FRIDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear In Lib'! . Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs in Boldface. Variety

F- nn- ilgetl Waring. KFI. t.(Ut- Breakfast Club. RECA. 9:00--líate Smith, KNN.

A :00--- Brenemans Breakfast. RECA.

10:00 -Chef Milani. KFR'F. 3:15 -Elsa Maxwell. RH.I. 4:30 -Art. linker's Notebook. KFl t:0o- ,1erry Wayne Shua. BSS. e :30- People Are Fanny. RFI. 7:00- Durante- Moore, KNX. ::31I -Harry James Show, KNX. 1:00- Supper Clef). HFI. 5:0(1 -Blind Date. RECA. 11:311- Daffys Tavern. Kr'. 0:311 -Kate Smith, KNX. 9:30-Jack Haley. RFI.

Public A(fairs 8:30 -your F.R.I., RECA.

Spores- Cr/mmrnt 10:Ú1r -Met. Scratch Sheet,

KWKW 10761- T:aein_. Rr,F.T. .:30 -1{nre Results, KC.F,1. 5 ;45 -Race Results. KRRD, 6 :3f- 11ollywood l'art. KMPC.

:1111- Gillette Fights. KI'.CA. ':^tl -RIII Stern, KFI. 8:911- Boxing Bouts. KHJ. I:li- Baseball, RMPC.

in:nn -Leghm Fights. RMPC.

Quiz Programs 8:3n- I;own nee Pays, RNS.

Drama 6:311-Death Valley Sheriff.

BECA. -:30 -Lone Ranger. BHJ. 8:45 -Strange Dr. Weird. KFWB 0:00- Aldrich Family. ENE.

Outstanding Music 4:00 -Musical Masterpieces,

KFAC. a:00- Musical Digest. 'GF.1. 1:00-Miniature Concert, KFAC. 8:00 -Evening Concert, KFAC.

10:011 -Lucky Lager Time, [MAC. 11:00- Nweleal, RF5n. 1t1:00- Eastside Clah, KFWR.

Il ar 1:00 -µlue Criminals Trials,

RR.1. 1:00- Recnmersinn. . /ohs BHJ. 8:1111 -Heaters' News Dispatch,

KFWB. 8:00- Tele,"isinn, Test Pattern.

WtXV7.. f :3a- Television, News Highlights 8:45 -Television. Telecomics,

WIN V7..

KM il- Luncheon Minkel. RGF.1- Keyboard Made.

*KFOX, 'UMW-News. KGB, KVOE -Palma Eerie.

12:30 -RFI, KFSD- Pepper Young's Family.

RNX -A Woman's Life. KE('A- Ladles. Be Seated. KH,1 -Mild and Mellow. KMPC- Bridge Club. Johnson.

*KF'WB -News. R(:F.I -Note. For l'on. KPAS -Texas Tyler.

*KWRW -News. Variety. KF(IS -March Time. MGR. RVOE- Smoothies. KFXM -Farm Front.

12:1. -KFt, RFSD -Right to Hanniness.

KNX- Bachelor'. Children. KH.I, KGB. KFXM. K\tE-

Frolics. KMPC -,lack Sherman. KFWB -AI .Tarvis. RFVD- \'tolet Schrein.

*KFAC -New.. KPAS-University of Cellt. KFON- Liieky lady. KGER- Garden School. RFI, RFSD- Rackstag Wife. KNX-6. E. Hons. Party. KECA -.lark Rerth Show. KHI, R \ "OF W'ar Criminal*

Trials. *KMI't -News. Cymphnnettes. *KMTR -News. Pianos.

RGF.I -Easy Rhythm. RFAC- Melody Sintinse.

*RFVD -News. KrAS- Popular Melodies. RRN51 -Songs of Hawaii.

*KGER -News. Musk. 1:18 -KFI, RFSD- Stella Dallas. Ict('A -Radin Parade.

KH.1, KFXM -Bill Hay Reads the Bible.

KMTR- latin Legato. KFAC- Melody Matinee. KGB. KVOE- .Inhnson Family. REND-Moods In Music. *KGER- Innoiring Reporter.

1 :25 #KNX- Neas. I:30 -RFI, RFSD -Lorenzo Jones, KNX- F'eattiro Story.

KE('A -This Moving World. *KH.I. KGB. RFXM. HAVE - Summertime Melodies. KMPC -Lady of ('harm. KMTR -Dance Time. *KRRD -News, Musk. *KPAS-Listeners Digest.

*RWKW' -New.. Musk's! Memories. RI. F.1-Intermission. RFTD- Hawaiian Music. KGER -Lest We Forget. 1:43 -RFT, RFSD -]hung Widder Brown. KNX -Gene Baker. RF.('A -Betty Cracker. RMPC -Bing Crosby. KBE/ID-Singing Waiters. RIAS -Rgond Victory. KS 0E-Meet a Friend. KFOX- Concert Master. 2 -RF1' KFSD -When Girl Marrie.. ENE- Evelyn {pinter.

*KHJ -This Changing World. RECA- What's Doin Ladies? *KMPC -News, Don Otis. *KMTR -News, Meet the Band. RFA(' -Memory Nusieale. KGF.1-Tnwn Crier.

RRKD -Concert Matinee. SPAS- Melodious Moments. RWK -Clap rtl. RFOX -Organ Treasures. KFVI -Timely Tunes. KGER -Rol Band.

2:1S* KFJ. KFSSD -P rtia Faces Life.

KNX -Servie,. Time. KR.1 -It Happened Tomorrow. KGR -Man About Town. KVOE -E1 Toro Marines. XFOX- Public Bulletin.

2 :25 *KNX -News. 2:30 -IF1. KFSD -.lust l'lain Bill.

KNX -Meet the Wissal. KECA -hest Sellers. KR.I RVOE- Sketche. KFWB-Three Men on a Mike. KMTR -Eddie l.awrenee. RIIRD- Baseball Scores. KPAS-Personality School.

* R W K W -News. KFOX -Songs of the West KGER -Between the Lines.

2:45 -RFI, KFSD -Front rage Farrell.

*KIND-News. KRRD -Pan -A nlerica na. RVOE -5feet A Friend. .21-Rnad of Life. KNX -Housewives Protective

League. *KECA -Three o'clock News. *KHJ. KGER. KFSD-News. *KMPC -News, Don Otis.

KFWB -Melody Matinee. *KMTR -News, Dial and Win.

KFAC -Famous Musical F's, er4.s.

KGFJ -Jack Pot.


*HPA? -Nase. KRKD- Matinee Melodies. RWRW- Studin Center. KFVD- Popular Favorites. KFOX -Ruddy Cole. KGB. KI'OE -4 riffin Re-

porting. 11E101-News, Delotions,

Reel Ries. S :15- BFI- loyre Jordan. M.1).

HMI-Happy Homes. Norma Ynlln Y.

K E('A -We IL i Talkir KPAS -Juke Box Matinee 'fil

p.m. KWKW- Reflerlion in Music. RFIIX -Ha wit ii Calls. HVOI? -Of flu is Interest. KFSD -Rund of Life.

3:30 -K11 -Aunt Mary. KNX -Jimmy Carroll S in g. K ECA- Frances Scully. KFWR -Tempo Americana.

*KFAC-News. *KRKD -News 11 endlmcs. *KWKW -llff the Press.

RFIIX -Hollywood Salon. KGER- ('heerful (hat. KGR. KVOF.- Musical Mati-

nee. 3:45 -K}1. RFSD- Yioman of

America. * KNX -The World Today, Joseph Harsch.

KILL KGB, KFXM, K%'OE -- Elsa Maxwell.

RECH- Fnntlight Favorites. KMrC -Peter Potter. KFW R -Jazz. 'KWKW -Swing Session.

4 -KFI. KFSD -This Woman's Secret.

KNX- rolñlrk Party. *RE('A- Headline Edition. *KH41, KGB. KFXM, KYOF

Fe}lton J. Lewis, jr. *KMPC -News Music.

K FWR- W.tman's Page. *f{MTR- News. N in Morro.

K(:F.J awing Serenade. KRKO -iano Paintings. KFAr- Mnsirn! Masterpieces.

*KEEN-News. REVD -Plano Selections.

*KGER- Ne.vs. Helene Soil! h. 1:18 *KFI. KFSD -News of the

World. *KM, K(.R. KFXM, KYIIE- Rex Miller.

*KECA -Raymond Gram Swing. KMPC- Garrett' { -ariet leg. KFWIL- Gospel and Song.

*KEA' D- Nrvs. K W K W -Thea l er Guides Music KRKD- Musieland putz.

4:30 -KFl -Art Baker' Notebook. RNX -liens K rum. Orch. K11.1. RSIIE- Erskine .Johnson

*K F(' A -Gen, fierce, Comment K3114: -Hit Parade Tunes. KC.F.1- Air- o- lnrinls, llrchestre

do .lour. MEW-Tunes of the Its!. RWKW- fitirens' Committee K(:R -Songs of 1raise. KFXM -1 }r. Philli M. Lovell.

4:45 -KE('A -Hop Harrigan. KNN -The Todds. KMPC -Modern Romanres. KFWR- Stonrt Hamblen.

*HRKD -News. KWKW -Piano Reveries. KFXM -Musical Cocktail. KVOF Service Salut..

*KFSD -H. Y. Kaltenhnrn.

5 *KF1 -H. V. Knitenhorn. *KNX -Major Knox Manning.

KECA -Terry and the Pirates. *KH,1. KGB. KFXM. KY'11F

Sam Haye °. *KMPC -News. Teen R Twenty. *KMTR -News. Sunset Rhythms

KGF., -.lime at S. KRKD -Songs of he Saddle. KEAS- Uncle Harr). KN'RW- Speaking of Sports.

*KGKR -Ness. Manie. *PCESD -PIK for Release.

6:15 *KFI RISI), KF D. KI'AC- News.

KNX- Through n W n' Eyes.

RFC A -Dick Tracy. K H.I. KGB, KFXM. KY0E-

Sulpermnn, KMTR -Show Tunes. KPAS -It Pays to Know. K %KW'- Today's Hits.

8:30 -KFI -S oire of a Nation. *KN X -Harry Flannery.

KECA -.lark Armstrong. KRJ. KGB. RFXM. KVOE- KWKW-American Jewish Hr.

Ad,enttres of Tom Mix. KMTR -Irwin Allen. KFAC -Whoa Rill Club. K(,FJ -Race Recap. KRKD -South Sea Serenade. KFSD -SO -90 Club. HPAS- Service Men.


11:45 *KFI, KFSD -Elmer Peterson. *KNX -News, Truman Bradley. *K F:1' A -News. *KIL1, KGB. KFXM, KVOF

Inside of Sports. KM P('- Sunset Club.

*K \Il'It -K. (wads Flatau, News K I :F.1-Show Time. KItKD -ltace Results. KI'V 11- livening Serenade. RAS -Ring Crosby. KFOX-Ital Taherin.

*K1:1':R -Nasy News. 5:33 *KNX -Bill Henry.

6 KFI, Kt-SD-Waits Time. KNX -.ferry Wayne Show.

*KILL KGB. KFX)1, KS11E-- Gabriel Mealier.

*KI:(' %- Famous Jury Trials. *RF'WR, KGF :R, FIIX- News. *KM I('- Nears, Norman Nesbitt *KMTR -News, Tomasso

Ensemble. Digest 'fil

it p.m. Kt' I(' -Mimic for Eserynne. KIt Kit-Early (lancette. KI'AS- Pilgrim Inspirational

If our. KWKW- Itnlinn Melodies.

6:15 -KILL KGR-Itea I Life Stories. KM PC-prie Not rot.

*KFN'II -John It. Hughes. KPAS-- W.C.T. r.. Kt:It- Inside Story. KFXM -Meet the Horse. K Dance.

Miracles of Science Dr. Arthur I. Brown

6:15 - KFOX, 1280 kc. Mon. Wed. Fri,

KI'tIX-\lirncle, . i

a u . K1:1?II-Ngqt'I Message.

fi:30-Kn'1. KF'!(1)-leupie Are Funny.

K N X- l'hose IYebsl ers.

Don't miss this entertaining half hour with Sheriff Mark Chase and

comical Cousin Cassie

KECA-6:30 P.M. FRI.

KI {(a -Death \alle) N heel ff. KI1.1. KGB. K 'X \I, KSI)I-

Spotligllt (Sands KMI'('- Hullyw 1 Park. KFWR- "America Dances." K NITR- Concert Moderne. KP.1S- ('hureh of Christ.

*KWKVI-Music with Appeal. KFYD -I'a odecille. KFIIX -Hal's Memory ROOT.

*RFNR -News. 8:43 -KECA- American Sports

Roundup. K RK11- 1lnlly wood Tonesmiths KI'.AS- Inside Facts. KWKW- Esening Serenade.

B :...S- RE('A- ('oronet Story Teller. 7 -KFI. KFSD- Dunninger, Men-

talist KN X- hare- I)urnnte. KECA -Eillette tights. K 11.1, K Y 0E-It Cristo ersinn

nod ,lobs. *KM PC- Sews. Dinner Dance. *K MT lt -News, Music.

FINI: N1l'til(' .. .

TO\1(ìll'f .Il 7

('l)N('ERT IN M l\I,lil'RP,

K FA(' 13:31) ON YOUR 1)1AI.

KFAC -Concert in Miniature. *KRKD-News.

KPAS -Help Wanted. KWKW- Matwice Johnson. KFON -,lane Arrien. KGB-Eddie Orcutt.

*KG ER -News. 7:15 *RH.1, KGB, KF.CYI, KVOE-

.lini Doyle, News. KMl'R -W. R. Record. KRKD- l'llree- Quarter Tine. * K i'. %S-N ews. Kl'liX- Solute to Sen ices. KI:1':It -11r. Fagan.

7:30 *K1'I, RIrD -(till Stern, Sports KNX- Ilarry .lames. K l':(' A- Reserve. KILL Kt: R. KFXM, RY'l1E-

Lone Ranger. KM N'- Dinner Dance. KM'l'It, KW KW-Dr. Clem

Ihl, its. KFAC- 1luretta's Jewel Box. K ItKII-Du VOU Know. K l' :SS-1' .tri, I., A. Count]. Kt:I :It- Ft. Wayne Gospel.

7 :IS- KFI- I'ablutges and Kings. *KF'{Ylt, KFOX -Major Hubert

Turner, Comment. *KF A('- News.

KRKD - Father Vaughan,

8 K KFSD -Supper Club. F7, KNX -.lack Kirkwood. KECA- Itlind Date. K11.1. K(,lt, KFXM, KSIIE-

Rosing Bouts, *KNIT('- News, Frank Hem-

ingway. *KFI{ It- llispntch From

Renters. *K31TR- News.

KFAI'- Es ening Concert. KGF.1 -Of Norris and Verse. Kl'AS- Taylor Music.. KRKD -South Seas Serenade. . WSXSZ- Television, Test

Pattern. *K l'AS. KI:ER -News.

B :O3- RGFat- Aubrey Lee.


and King's Ambassador Quartet

KMTR -8:05 -9:00 P. M. A1.0 10 : : :0 -la : 15 A. MM

Monday tll nnlgh Friday

K\sl' It- Clots d It. luhnson. 8:15*KF'1, RF'Sil- Fleetwootl

s.aaiun, Comment. K N ]-Jock Smith. K.\I PC-Baseball. KIWIS-I% armor tiros.' Orch. ICGF.1-Serennde For You.

11 :311-K KI'SD-Iluffy's l'asrrn. ICNN-It Puys to be Ignunult. K FA. .t-Vuur F.11.1. IC11.1 Kl:ß, KFX51. KTOE-

Creed lot Opportunity. *K 1'II It-News.

Kl:1'.1-Dancing Rhythm. K1' IS-Tesas Jiul Irais. K 151 X-1', E. Gardner. KRIM-Merry-Go-Round. IIf\V%-l'rlrsisiun,

Sea s Highlights.


Presented by TODD'S 8:15 -KFWR- Strange Dr. I{ eird.

W6 VZ- rrles Won, Tele- cum ics.

KFI, KFSD -Night Editor. .

KN X- Aldrich Family. KI ?l' .t -Slade Cooley and

Band. *KII.1. K( :1i. KFXM. K5 '0E-

News, 1.Irnu (lardy. K\11'l'- Itasehall.

*KF'WB -feter de Lima. *KMTR -News, Concert Master.

KGF.1- Soldrille Amigos. KRK11- 11 estern Hit Parade. KI'AS -Music Ros. V.'SXYZ- Television, Ama-

teur Sports. KFOX -Samuel M. Polin.

*KGER -News. Aubrey Lee. WBXYZ- Teteviston, Sports.

9:15 -KFI- Serenade In Song and Story.

*KH.1, KGB. KFXM, KTOF I nee h win letl.

K FN It- St roll in' Tom, *K111X -News.

KF$D -Cited for Valor. 9:30 -K11 -Jack Haley, Village

Store. KNX -Hale Smith. KFA'A -Your AAF.

*K11.1. KGB, KFXM, Kl'OE -- Leave It to thi Girls.

*K1R'IS -Henry Charles. KSITIt-Modern Moods. KGER- Sunshinf. Pastor.

9:15 -K Et 'A-Hobby Hours. B -Sam Ratter.

:5S-KN -Tobe Reed.

10 *KFI, KFSD- Richtleid Reporter,

*RNX -Chet Huntley. *KB.1, K1:ß, KFXM, HY'OE-

I'ultan .1. Lewis, jr. *KNOT-News, Legion Fights. *KMTH -News, Texas Jim

Lewis. KFA/'- Lucky Lager Dance

'rime. *K1. D- Newsical, 3 Hrs. Kliff -Western Music.

K It K D- Merry -Go- Roundup. K PAS- Nestern (lit Parade.


10 fo 12 P. M. rrr Nit. rsagl Sund

11 W B As.rissl limit MMz

6l'S\li-1::lstside Club.

Hollywood Spotlight with George Fisher

10:00 P. M.- KECA

Inside the News with

Mr. Carveth Wells

10:30 P. M. - KFI


KI' :('A -hull) w 1 Spotlight. George fisher

10 :I 5- KI1- Sinerely Yours. *K NS-Pacific Nor Analysts. KI:1'A- l'llllrlie ('Ilan.

*KILL K'. Oh-Sea s. KFXM -Music for Night.

10 :30-K l'1- Can et It Wells, Inside the News.

KNX- World's Most Honored Muria

*KECA -Neal. K11.1- .luhnson Family. KMTR -Koh Brook.. KGB, KVI)E Orgnn Melodies. KFXM- Mystery Theater.

10 :15 -BFI -Ole Corral. KE('A- Freddy Martin Oreb. KH.1. KGB- Johnny Neblett.

KH.I -News. *FEN X -News, Jim Wyatt.

K EC,t -Ina rcra f t era. *KMPC -News, Lou Story.

RFWB- Eastside (lob. *KMTR -News. Win Morro.

KFAC -Lucky Lager Dance line.

Kt:F'.1- Tintypes. KIAS- Shcp's lIayhottse, KGB, K).11L -d0e Itrichman

Orch. K l'4IS -Slert Lindsay Okla -

humans. 11:1.. -K l'1 -l'ost Parade.

KILL KGB, KI0E-- Carmeo l'n vallrru's Orch.

KGFJ -Blue of Evening. 11:40- KFI -It Happened Today.

KNX -Jimmy horsey. 11:30- KNX- I.otlis Armstrong.

KECA -Swing Soiree. KILT, KGB, K1YIE-Babble

Ramos. KM IC- Starlight Terrace. KFS D- Newsical, 'tit I a.m. R(:ER- Musical Roundup.

11:45 -KFI -Lawrence Welq Orch. KGFJ- What's rp?

11:55 *KFI, [EEC A, KNX. KFWS- News.



sysr .;r 4a+u+}sqfr[sra0t r

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 * Indicates Kens Broadcasts.

n11 ti


Scotch Triple Action Cleanser

KFI. KFSD- Coffee Concert. 8 *KNX -News, Let's Pretend. KECA-Don McNeill break-

fast ('Inh. *RAJ. AGB. KFXM-

Unscheduled. *KMPC -News Commentary.

KFWB-Bands in Review. *KMTR -News. Western Stars.

AFAC -Country Church. KGFJ- Concert Pastelle. KWHW- Reveille Revue. KF VD-- Covered Wagon .Jubilee

*KGER -News, Soul Patrol.

KRKD 8:00 A. M.

HAVEN OF REST Tues., Thurs., Sat.

First Mate Bob and the Good Ship Grace

KRHD, HFOX -Hawn of Rest 8:15- HFI -K. C. Jamboree. SHJ, KGB. EVOE- Rainbow

House. EMPC-Market Report. Sporta KRHD- Unseen Enemy.

6 SPAS -Quartermaster's Corps.

KWHW -Rev. Patterson. KGER- Mizpsh. KFXM- Morning Melodies.

8:30 -KFI, KFSD- Smilln' Ed McConnell,

RNX -Billie Burke. RAJ -Navy Program. KMPC- Sagebrush Serenade. HFWB- Salute to Youth. 11.5ITR- Christ Church Unity.

*KFAC, KRHD -News. *HPAS -News. Music. *HWHR -News, Azusa Mission. *KRHD -News Headlines.

HFOX- Children's Bible Hour. EFXSI- Sunshine Service. 8:45- HHJ -Was Shop. KMPC-Jr Army on March.

*KFW'B -News. KFAC -Shaw Time. EFVD -Vocal Varieties. RWKW- Reveille.

gi-KFI-Resert KECA- Mirandy. KNX- Theater of Today. RAJ. KGB. KFXM, HVOE-

House of Mystery. *KMPC -News. Peter Potter. *HFWB -Henry Charles. *KMTR-News. Children's

Religious Hour. *KFSD. HGFJ. KGER -News.

KFOX- Firebrands for Jesus. KRHD -Sagebrush Serenade. KPAS -Rod Delaney. KW/LW-Rhapsody on Rhythm HFV D- Waltz Time.

I11 -KFI. KFSD- Consumer Time. *KE(' A -News.

KFWB -Mid- Morning Melodies KGFJ- Melody Interlude. HPAS- Waltz Time. KWHW- Kettles and Calico.

*HFV'D -N ews, I4135- KFI -Alex Drier.

KNX -Stars Os er Hollywood. KECA-Farm & Home Makers KHJ, KGB, KFXM, HV0E-

V'irginia Spencer.. *KFAC, RWKW -News.

HGFJ -Open Album. WF V D -Show Tunes. SPAS- Popular Oldsters. RGER -Radio Resival. KFSD- Atlantic Spotlight.

I:45 -KFI -Ronny Mansfield. KFWB- Midmorning Melodies. KFAC -Musical Comedy.

*RATED-News, Clifton. KWHW --- Gospel Friettde. KFVD -Here Comes Parade. KGB -Herd Cross Reporter. HGEH -Colonial Tabernacle.

10- KFI- ,atlonal Farm and Home Hour.

*KHJ. KGB, KFXM. HV'OE- News, Glenn Hardy.

KECA -Galen Drake. *KMPC -News. Peter Potter.

KFWB- Salvation Army. *KMTR -News, Marching to

Victory. KFAC:- Midmorning Matinee. KGFJ-Racing News.

*H PAS -News, Music. HWHR -Met. Scratch Sheet. AFVD- Morning Serenade. KFSD -House of Make Believe

*HFOX, KGER -News. 10 :L5- .KFI- Treasury Salute.

KHJ, KGB, EFX-VI, HVOE- Al Williams,

KECA-Recen r. KFWB -USO Grams. KMTR-Rings :(ten, EGFJ -Bing Crosby Songs. RFAC -L.A. Medical Assn. KRHD -Talk. - RWHW'- Morning Melodies. AFOS -Res. Emma Taylor. HCIEB -Grace Testimony.

10:30 -KFI, KFSD- Traffic Tribunal *A NN-News.

KHJ-Clinic Forum. RECA- Ballads of Romance.

*HFWB -Henry Charles. News KMTR- American Story Bank.

*KWHW -News, Symphonic Strings.

*KFAC -News, Rations. RGFJ -U beat Session. KFXM- Barbara Brent

Presents. KVOE -Treasury Salute. KGER- Sunshine Pastor.

10:45 *SFT. KNX-Ne ;vs. KECA- Musical Toast. KMPC -Home Chats. HFWB- Better Speech. KMTR- Tabernacle Choir. KFAC- Between the Lines. KFOX- Firebrand's Children's

Hour. KFXM!- American Mercury Theater. KFSD -War Telescope.

11 vKFI. KFSD- Chuck Collins. KNX -Mary Lee Taylor. KECA- Yesterday on Broad-

way. KHJ, KGB. KVOE -Hal

Aloma's Orch. *H.MPC -News, Hollywood

Melodies. KFWB -Al Jarvis.

*KMTR -dews. Music. KFAC-Pan Americana. KGFJJ- Stylings in Blue. KRHD -Light Concert. KFV'D- Musical Revue. KPAS -J. Newton Yates. AWSR'- Rasehall. Va'riety. KFXM- Rancho Roundup.

11:15 -KF I- Reserve. RECA -Irene Woods. KMPC- Samuel B. McKee.

;.las w... *al . . ` v:''. _ .IOTa',. .fu_ IAe.+ ... a.



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RFAC- Slusic for You. RWKW- W.1 %11. K(:ER- Gospel Story Hour.

11:30- KFI -Resrry e. KNX -(lise. Take.

*RECA- News, RAJ, KF -NM- Doorway to

Music. KMPC -Nnomi Reynolds. KMTR -Song Showcase.

*RFAC. SPAS -News. *KRRD -News. Music. *HWR W' -News. lnst rumel odies

KGB-Fairy Toles. KVOE -Voice o7 Ise Army.

11:45- KFI- Pittsburgh vs. Illinois Football.

*HNX -News. KMPC -This Day of War. AFAC -Piano Briefs. ERRO -Vocal Varieties. KFVD -V inlet Schram. RFI -Noon Farm Reporter. KNX-Your Marine Corps.

kKH.1 -News. RECA- Summer Serenade.

*KMPC -News, Frank Heming- way.

Heywood. *K3IT News, Trading Post.

KFAC. KtV'1)- Luncheon Concert.

KGFJ- Calling All Zones. RRKD- Prairie Schooner.

*KPAS- Western. KWKW-Blue Room.

*KGB. KVOE, K(iER -News. KFSI1- Orchestra of Nation.

19:13 -&FI -The Amer :can World. RAJ -Radio Billboard.

*KMPC -Automotive News. KGFJ-Keyboard Magic. KGB -Ryan Swing Club.

s *KFOX, KFN51 -News. KGER -Golden West Cowboys.

12:30. -KFI -Home Around the World.

KNX- Publie .Affairs. KECA- Roseland Orch. EMI, KGB, KFXM, EV'OE-

Dancing. AMPC- Bridge Clab.

*KFW B -News. KPAS -T. Tesas Tyler.

*RWKW -News, Hawaiian Echoes.

KGFJ -Notes For You. KFVD -Violet Schram. KGER -Kurbstone Kollege.

12:75 -KNS- Elliot Lntt1'enre Orch. HMJ'C -Jack Sherman. KFWB -Al Jarvis.

*KFAC -News. KPAS- University of Calif. KFOX -Meet the Band.

i-KFI, KFSD- Resee. ry ENS-Report from Washing-


SATURDAY Program Highlights Morning Programs Appear ln Lie! Type: Afternoon and

Evening Programs In Boldface.

Variety 8.15 -KC Jamboree, KFI. 8:00- Breakfast Club, KECA.

10:00 -Grand Central Station, KNX.

6:00-National Barn Dance. KFZ 11:00- .-lour Hit Parade, ENS. 7:n0 -Judy Connie, KFI. 7:30 -Grand Ole Opry. EFL. 9:311- Phonocord Party, KFI.

10:15 -Hollywood Barn Dance. KNX.

Drama 9:00- Theater of Today. XXX. 9:30 -Stars Over Hollywood,

XXX. 2:06 -Grand Hotel. KFI. 8:30 -Whisper Men. HHJ. 8:30 -Mayor of the Town. KNX. 8:30 -Life of Riley, KFI. 9:00 -12 Players, KNX. 5:00- Ganghusters, 'MCA. 9:01 -Bill La nee. EFT. 9:30 -Green Hornet, KECA. 9:30 -Mirarle of Words. KMTR.

10:30 -Midnight Mysteries. &.MPG.

Quiz Programs 7:n0 -Quiz of Two Cities, RAJ. 8:00 -Truth or Consequences.

KFI. War

3:00 -Welcome Home, KNX.

Outstanding Music 4 :00-Musical Masterpieces.

KFAC. 5:00 -Gilbert & Sullivan Festi-

val, KECA. 5 :30- Detroit Symphony, KHJ. 5:00- Musical Digest, KGFJ. 04:00- E,enin Concert. KFAC.

10:00 -Lucky Lager Dance Time, KFAC.

10:00- Eastside Club, KFWB. Public .4ffairs

10:oe -Galen Drake. KECA. 1:30 -Book of the Month. KGER 3:15 -Peo ples Platform, EX 3:110 -Our Foreign Policy. KFI. s:00- Words. Verse. KGFJ. 9:00 -American Way Forum, KFZ

Sport.(- Comment IO;MSfet. Scratch Sheet, KWK55' in MO-Racing. KGFJ. ll :45- Pitt3hurgh vu. Illinois,

F.othall, KFI. 2:00- Sports Parade. KHJ. 2:30- Basehail. 5:90- Sports. KNX. 5:15 -Belle Martell. KMTR. 5:3n -Race Results, KGFJ. 5:15 -Race Results. &RED. 8:30 -Hollywood Park. H_MPC.

8:15 -Baseball, KMPC.

RECA- Saturday Symphony. KHJ, KGB. KF-CK, KV'0E-

Memo for Tomorrow. *KMPC -News, Flying Feet.

KFWB -Can You Tie That? *KMTR -News, Pianos.

KGFJ- Easy Rhythm. *KFVD, KGER- News.

SPAS- Popular Melodies. KWKW-Western Roundup. KFOX -Dance Time.

1:13 -KFI -Blues in Afternoon. KHJ-Felix de Cola. KMTR -Latin Legato. KFAC-Melody Matinee. KWHW- Symposium of Swing. KFVD -Moods in Music. KGB, HVOE- Bobble Meeker

Orch. *KGER- Inquiring Reporter.

1:30 rEEl. K SD -World of Melon KNX-The Three Trays. KHJ, KGB. KFXM KV'OE-

Music for a Half Hoar. KMPC- George Paxton. KMTR -Dick Ross. KGFJ- Intermisslnn.

*KRHD -sews. KFV'D- Hawaiian Music.

*KPAS- Listeners' Digest. KFOX- Concert Master. RGER -Bank of the Month.

1:75 -KNX- Raring. K51P(' -Your Traffic Cop. REVD-Vocal Varieties. KRED- Singing Waiters. HPAS- Rhumba.

2 RFI, K1"SD -irond Hotel. KNX -We Delher the Goods.

*KHJ. KECA-News. *KMPC-sews. Harry James.

KFWB- Make -Believe Ball- room Quartet.

*KMTR -News. nano Style. KFAC- Memory Musicale. KGFJ -Town Crier Presents. KRKD-Concert Melodies. REND- Timely Tunes. RGER -Long Beach Band. KFOX -Organ Treasures. KGB, KFXM, KVOE -Sport

Parade. 2:13-KW-Jimmy Tarantine.

KECA-Date With the Duke. KMI'(' -Every Man s King.

2:30 -KFI, KFSD -John W. Vandercook.

KNX- Treaslwy Band Stand. RIJ -Coke Sesh. R MPC- Baseball. KFWB- Better Speech. KMTR -Eddie Iawrence. KRKD- Baseball Scores.

*KWHW-News. Oh Brother: *KGB, HFXSL, KV'OE -News.

KGER- Between the Lines. 2:15-KFI -Tin Pan Alley.

RH.J, KGB -Fun With Music. R RHD- Pan -Americana.

*HFVD -sews. KFSD -Songs by Zoroea. KFI- Saturday Session. '2-AFT-Saturday KNX- Welcome Hour. RAJ- Return to Duty. KECA-Music Room.

*KMPC- Baseball. RFWB -Henry Charles.

*KMTR -News. Dial and Win. KFAC -Famous Musical

Favorites. *SPAS -News.

K RED-Ma tlure Melodies. FFOX- Varieties. KC.F.I -Jack Pot. KIND- Popular Favorites. KGB. KFNM. HVOE- Johiilsy

Long's Arch, *KFSD, KGER -News.

3:15 -KNX- People's Platform. KFWB- Vocal Varieties. SPAS -Juke Box Matines 'tit

5:30 p.m. KFOX- Hawnti Calls.

3:30 -KFI, KFSD -On Scouting Trail.

KHI, KGB, KFXM, EV'OE- Hawaii Calls.

'MCA-Hank D'Amico. *R RED -News. *KWHW -Off the Press.

HFOX- Hollywood Salon. 3 : t3 -KFL, KFSD -Art of Living

KNX-The World Today. RECA -CIO Labor Show, KFVD- Rhumba Music. KWHW-Swing Session.

3:55 *HNX -Bob Trout. 4 -KFI, EFSD- Packard Yea* Parade.

KNX -Helen Hayes. RECA -Jobs After Victory. KHJ, KGB. KFXM. EVOE-

Music for Remembrance. KMPC- Baseball.


RADIO LIFE PAGE 23 SATURDAY LOGS KFAC-Musical Masterpieces. KFWB- Gospel and Song. s& ,9'R_ \a¢a R'in sine.... HGFJ -Swing Serenade. HF\'D- Pianu. KRHD -Plano Paintings.

*KGER, KFOX -News. 4:16 -KECA- Radio, American Way

*KFVD -News. KRHD- Movieland Quiz. KWKW-Theuter Guide,

Melody. HFOX- Christian Science.

4 :30 -KFI -Deuce Spriggius. KNX -The Todds, &ECA- Reserve. HHJ, KGB, K11, KVOE-

Opinion Requested. KFWB-Blind Artists' Guild. HGFJ -Orchestre du Jour. KRHD -Tunes of the Day. KFVI) -Teu Time Tunes.

*KWHW -News, Piano Moods. *HFSD- Person to Parson.

4:45 -KFI -Band on Parade. KNX -Onu Munson. HEWS-Stuart Hamblen.

*KRHD -News.

S -KFI, KFSD -l:ube Sam- melson.

KNX -Crime Photographer. KECA -Gilbert ,It Sulllvuu

Festival. *KHJ-News. *KMPC -News, American Music. *KMTR -News, Sunset Rhythms

KRKD -Songs of the Saddle. KFAC-Musical Comedy. KFVD- Evening Serenade. HGFJ -Jive at Five, KR KW- Speaking of Sports. KFXM -Word of Life. &FOX -Sunshine Pastor.

*KGB. KVOE, KGER -News. 5 :15 *KFI, KFSD-News.

HAT, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-- Canary Pet Shop.

KECA- Freddy Martin's Orch. KMPC -San Fernando News. KMTR -Belle Martell, Sports.

*KFAC, SFV'D -News. KWHW- Today's Hits.

5:30-KFI-Sophisticated Swing, *KNX- Harry Flannery.

KE('.4,- Sunset Swing. KII.1, KGB. KFXM, KVOE

Detroit Symphony. KMPC-Louise Vallon. KMTR -Irwin Allen. KGFJ-Race Recap. READ -South Sea Serenade. KPAS- Future Pianists, RWKW- Laity-. KGER -Rev. Wall. KFOX -On the Bund Wagon. KFVD-90-90 Club.

5:13 *KFT, HFSD -Elmer Peterson. *KNX- Truman Bradley, News.

KMPC- Bishop Stevens. KMTR- Treasury Salute. KGFJ -Show Time. KRHD -Race Resdlts. KPAS -Bing Crosby. HWKW -Jazz Concert. KFOX -Bal Taberin, KGER -Light for Today.

5:55*KV X -Ned Calmer.

6 -1111, HFSD- National Burn Dance.

KNX -Hit Parade. RECA -Pages ut Melody.

*KMPC-News. *KFWB, KOER, KFON -News. *KMTR -News. Petite Musicale.

KFAC-Music fur Everyone. KRHD -Early Dunette.

KGFJ -Musical Digest 'vil 8 p.m.

KPAS- Sunset Hour. 6:15 -KMPC- Philippine Chamber

of Commerce. *RIWIT -Henry Charles.

KRHD -South Sea Serenade. *KFVD-News.

6:30 -KFI, KFSU -Can You Top This?

RECA- Flight to the Pacific. KHJ, KGB. KFXM, KVOE-

The Whisper Men.


now nre..rgl RACING

BROADCASTS from Hollywood Park

Tues. thru Sot.. r:20 P.M.

KMPC'- Iluilstruu. I'ark. REVD-Vaudeville. KPAS -Sweet Chariot Hour. KFOX -Hal's Memory Room. KGEK -Lukin Valley ('h.

0:4.5- KNX -Suturday Night Serenade.

KECA- American Sports. KRKD -Hollywood Titnesmiths

6:33 -KECA -Coronet Quick Quiz.

7 -KFI, HFSD -Judy Cauosa Show.

KECA -Saturday Senior Swing

Another Tbnfry Radio Hrt!


Hear The (, Top Tunes of the Week. Your favorite Guest Stars Exciting Contest with Record Album Prizes

KICA 7:00 to 7 :30 P. M. Every Saturday Nrght

KHJ -Quiz of Two Cities. *KMPC -News, American

Legion. *KMTR -News. Organ Reveries.

KFAC-Dr. .lames Fifield. Jr. KPAS- Nazarene Church. HWKW -Mission Covenant


-News. KFOX -Leroy Anderson.

*KGER -News, Music. :13- KNX- Repurt to the Nation.

. KMTR -W. B. Record. KRHD- Three- Quarter Time.

7:30 -KFI. KIND-Grand Ole Opry. KECA- Symposium of Swoon. KHJ, KGB, KFXM, KVOE-

Red Ryder. KMPC -Challenge to Vouth.

*KFWB-News. KMTR -Dr. Clem Davies. KFAC -Dr. F. B. Fagerburg. KRKD -Du You Know? KPAS- Church of God. KW íW -Dr. Clem Davies. KGER -Wings of Healing.

7:45 -KNX -The Story Teller. *KFWB -Henry Charles. *KFAC-News.

S -SF't, HFSD -Truth or Consequences.

KNX- America In Air. KHJ, KGB. KFYM, KVOE-

Chitago Theater of Air. KECA -Chez Paree Orch.

*KMPC-News, Frank Hem- ingway.

KERB- American Stretches. *KM'l'R -News, Porter

Barrington, KFAC-Ev rains Concert. KGFJ -Of Words and Verse. SPAS- Taylor Music.

*KGER -News, Sister Sylvia. 8:13 -KM PC- Baseball.

KFWB -Story of Israel. KGFJ- Serenade fur You.

8:30 -K17, KFSD -Life of Riley. KNX- Lionel Barrymore. KECA- Reserve. KMPC -Life Speaks.

*KFWB-News. KMTR -Word of Life. KGFJ- Dancing Rhythm. KFOX-County Barn Dance. KPAS -Tevas Jim Lewis. KGER -Sunshine Pastor.

8:i -KFWB -Henry Field's Concert.

*KECA -News. 8 :35 *KNX -News. 9 -16FI- Adventures of Bill

Lance. KNX -Twelve Players. KECA- Gangbusters.

*KHJ. 11GB, KFXM, KVOE- News

*KMPC -News, Dance Parade. KFWB-Union Rescue Mission.

*KMTR -News, Concert Master. KGFJ -Saludus Amigos. KPAS -Music Boy. KFOX -Rev. C. T. James.

*KGER -News, Sunshine Pastor 9:13 *HHJ, KGB- Norman Nesbitt.

A Party Comes to Life'


PhonOcord Family Party


Bob Purcell Master of Ceremonies

i):30- KFI- Phonocord Family Party.

KNX- That's a Good Idea. KECA -Green Hornet. KHJ, KGB. KVOE -Eddie

Oliver's Orel'. *KFWB -Henry Charles.

KMTR- Miracle of Words.. KPAS-C'ounty Barn Dance. KGER -Billy Opie.

9:43 -ANN -Don't You Believe It. KITT -Songs of Good Cheer.

*HFWB -David Karr. KFXM -Music for Night. KFSD -G.1. Legal Aid.

9:55*KHJ, KGB. KFSM, KVOR- Mutual Reports the News.

IO *1117 EFSD -News. *KNX -('het Huntley.

KFAC-Lucky Lager Dance Time.

KHJ, KFXM -Organ Melodies KECA -American Showcase.

*K.\IPC -News, Dance Parade. KFWB- Eastside Club.

*KMTR -News. Texas Jim Lewis.

KFOX- County Barn Dance. *KFVD-Newsical, 3 Hours.

HGFJ -Western Music. *KGER -News, Sister Fuller.

10:15 -KFI- Reserve. KNX- Hollywood Barn Dattes. RECA -Casa Manana (rab.

10:30 *KFI -This Is My Country. KHJ, KGB, Kl NM, KVOE-

Joe Reirhman (Inch. KECA- Freddy Martin's Orch.

Listen Every Sal. .Nice to

Frederick H. Speare's


KMPC - 10:30 P. M.

KMPC-Frederick H. Spear.. Midnight Mysteries.

KMTR -Bob Brooks. *KFVD- Newsical,

SPAS -Pasadena Civic. 10:35 *HF I -News.

KNX- Public Affairs.

11 KE1 -Ted Streeter Orchestra, *KNX -Jim Wyatt.

KHJ. KGB. KVOE -Chet Stewart's Orch.

KECA- Hareraft Show. *KMPC -News, Lou Story.

EMITS' DE Club 10to12P.M. I..,, ait, E.i.rt toiaot

KFÑiCBá Arnica's rt.e,l EeA.

KFWB- Eastside Clab. *KMTR -News, Win Morro.

KGFJ -Tintypes. KFAC-Lucky Lager Dane.

Time. KPAS- Shep's Playhouse.

11:1.5- KECA -Musical 'Interlude. KHJ- Curmea Cnvnlleru'r

Orch. HGFJ -Blue of Eveninz,

11:30 -KFI, HI-SD-Lawrence Welk Orch.

KNX -Loots Armstrong. KECA Swing Soiree. KHJ, ROB, RVlft hobble

Ramos Orch. KMPC -Starlight Terrace.

*KFVD- Newsical, 'ill 1 a.m. 11:55 *KFI, KNX, RECA.

Nett s.

FIRESTONE SPONSORS HIT Radio programs come and go on

both large stations and small stations. Some click, and some don't.

A program that clicked from the very week it started, almost two years ago, is "Newsical Time," heard seven nights a week, 10:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. on KFVD.

"Newsical Time," the largest single bloc of air time in Los Angeles radio, is now sponsored by the Firestone Stores.

This "marathon" of concert pro- grams gives listeners three solid hours of music, plus half - hourly news flashes and hourly news summaries.

Ever since the days of their "Hank the ;lightwatc 'man" program :-FVD has attracted / large after-ten audi-

HE COUNTED THEM Ira Cook, heard on Lucky Lager

Dance Time over KFAC nightly at 10, has discovered that there are only 23 Hollywood Wolfs, according to the telephone directory.

* * WELL -DRESSED MOTHER Ilka Chase, noted actress and au-

thor, now heard on MBS, is the daugh- ter of Edna Woolman Chase, editor of Vogue magazine.

ence. Firestone "Newsical Time," fea- turing favorite soloists, favorite or- chestras and composers, continues the KFVD reputation of being one of Southern California's most popular after -ten stations.

"UNCLE HARRY" RETURNS Harry Jackson, who has received

an honorable discharge from the U. S. Coast Guard, in which he served as a bosun's mate, first class, has re- turned to the air with his program, "Uncle Harry and the Little Engine" over KPAS at 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Jackson was the originator of the famous "Whoa, Bill" radio pro- gram for children.


In "Mystery in the Air" heard 7 p.m. Thursdays on KFI, the role of "Stonewall Scott" is played by Jack- son Beck, not Stephen Courtleigh as originally stated. Beck has played the lead from the first broadcast.



ALPHABETICAL PROGRAM FINDER Note: Programs marked with an asterisk (') are of the contest. quiz. or offer type. * Indicates programs of news and commenfation.

Great Gildersleeve .11FI. 8 p.m. $u Great Moments la Musk Fr NX. p.m. V. Green Hornet KECA, 9:30 p.m., Sa Greenwood. Charlotte KE(A. 8:30 p.m. tits Gui ding LIMO .KFI. 11 a.m. 111-1,

Ha l'n Memory Room.. K1-'11X. 6:311 p.m. M-Su Hamblen, Stuart._ .... 4:45 p.m. U

li.1.1i1), 7:45 a.m. M-F Harcrafters . ....... KECA, 11 p.m. M-Sa *llaral). a.lenn KR& KGB,

KFXM, KI OE, iu n.m; 9 p.m. D Happy Homes KH.1. 3:15 p.m. M-F Happy M ..... eats KECA. 3:30 p.m. Su Harrigan, Hop KE('A, 4:45 p.m. M-F *Hamm. Joseph KNX, 3:55 p.m. M-1. lisunting Hour.. Kl.'1, 0:30 pan. Su Battens, Rev. A. 'i KPAS, 9:341 a.m. Su Haled Id Rest KPAS 6:30 a.m. M, W, F

KRKIL 8 a.m. Tu, Th, Sa Hawaii Calls KHJ, DUBS, 330 p.m, Sa Hawk. Bob ...... _...-KNX. 7:311 p.m. Si Hawthorne lute .......... KECA. 8:30 p.m. M Hay, Kill ..KHJ. 1:15 p.m. M-F Hayes, Helen KNX, 4 p.m. Sa *Hayes, .0 ........ .....KFI, 3:45 a.m. M-Sa

KILL 3 p.m. *Hetherington, Keith .__AV6XYZ, 8:30 p.m. F *Meatier Gabriel_ KHJ, DIAN, 0 p.M.

5:43 p.m. du

*A.B.C. World Correspondents KECA. 11.15 a.m. M-P

Adventures of Cuomo Jones_ Kl t, 10 p.m. Si. Adtentures of Bill Lance hl I, 9:00 p.m. Sit Adventures of 'r111!) 11 it KII.I. ,:.11 p.m. SDP Adventures of the Thin Man k \ X, 9 p.m. Si, Albers Hour KI'l. I..:. :14 il.M. M-1. Album of Familiar ha i, 6:30 p.m. Su Aldrich Family kNX. 9 a.m. f Allen, Irwin \l I it, 5:30 p.m. M-Sa America in Ili, tio. KNX, 8 p.m. Sa America oiled KFI. 11 p.m. Nu American l.'oront 1.11J, 8:311 p.m. To American Melody Woo. 't X. 4:30 p.m. Tu American Story Book .. htl'111. 10:30 am, Sib

American Sports Roundup KECA. 0:15 p.m. M-da *Itotercn. Rob ............ ..... It XX. 7:315 :a.m. M-1. Andrews Sietern...------, SECA, 1:38 p.m. du Art Baker.- ..... ______KMPC, 9:111 a.m.

KNX 5.30 p.m. Su *Art Baier, 10:45 ii.M. 31-1, Art Baker's Notebook__ KFI. 4:311 p.m. M-F Armstrong. Jack, ......... ___KECA. 5:30 p.m. M-F Army liour___-. - .... - .... 1111, I p.m. Su Aunt Jenuy________ KNX, 8:43 at.ni. M-11, Aunt Mary......... Kn. 3:30 p.m. M-F Ate Muria Hour ...... _....__. _ . 1141.1.M. 9 p.m. Su A Woman's I.ife KNX. 11:311 p.m. 31-1. Barrymore, Lionel__ KNX, 8:30 p.m. Sa Birmingham Retiew . KIVI(W . 8:33 F Bachelor's Children.. KNX. 11:45 p.m. M-F Backstage Wife__ KFI, I p.m. M-F Baker. Gene KNX, 1:43 p.m. M-k. *Baiter, Sam . ..... KFWB, 9:43 p.m. M-F Bandwagon Mysteries fill, 4:30 p.m. Su Baptist Brothers..._ WPAS, 74:30 a.m. 1'. Tls Barn Dance_ KFI.; p.m. Sa Baseball ____ 131er. 8:13 p.m. T-P

i..m Su: 2:30 p.m. Sa ........... KWKW. 11 a.m. M-Sa

Baseball Scores KKK». 2:33 p.m. *it,lokilage KECA, 11 a.m. M-F "Beulah" . . ....... KNX, 5 p.m. Su Bennett, Constance____KECA, 12:13 p.m. M-1, better Half KI1J, 4 p.m. Su Better Speech._ KFW11, 10:45 stmt., 2:30 p.m. Sa Bible Treasury Hour 3:311 p.m.Su;

......... 9:30 sm. M-F KGE1L 11:43 a.m. Mot Big Sister_ KNX, 9:13 n.m. M-F

Big Town .............. _ ..... -.._._ KNX, 9 p.m. Tu Rigsby, Karl,, ....KECA, 9:15 p.m. Su Bill Hay Rends the Ruble .. KILL 1:13 p.m. M-1, Bishop Staves's. . -.KMPC, 5:45 p.M. Sa *Blakiston. T.B....____W6XVZ, 11:30 p.m, Blind Date KE('A, 8 p.m. 1, Blind Artists Guild--____.KFWIL 4:30 p.m. Sa Iflondle ........... -________KNN, 11:311 p.m. So Blue Jacket Choir KNX, 8:113 SU Book of the Month _____ KGER, 1 :30 p.m. SN Books.... .... OE, 1?. :15 p.m. Ti. Books Bring Adtentore . 5 p.m. Su Borge, 1,ictor ..... _KUL ti:315 p.ns. 'lui Boston Symphony KECA, 5 p.m. Sa -Boulevard OW. 1.'t 1'1 , :30 a.m. YI-I. Bowlers Sports p.m. Su Bowles, Chester, k I a 18:43 p.m. Th Bowl-on, hi I. 19:15 p.m. Ilo

Ist114'. 6:45 p.m. Su Boxing Bouts...-____________KILL poi. F

KEVA, '7 p.m.F *Bradley, Tru'anan_.......KNX, 2:30 p.m. 111-Th

5:45 p.m, M-F KFWB. 8 a.m. W Breakfast Club

Breneman's Breakfast

(lavish:Di Science ILEAC, 5:38 p.m. Su K1 DX. 54 p.m. 1st. 3d, 5th Su:

KFOX. 4:15 p.m. Sa *Charles Henry . 141.1%11, 9:45 a.m., 9:30

p.m M-F: 1 p.m. Su: 3 p.m. So Church of the Air_ FiNi X, 7 a.m.. Ill ii.111. Sil Churclunan Views KMPC, 5:13 p.m. Sa C.1.0. Labor Show KNX. 3:43 p.m. Sn Citizens' Committee.....-11WKW, 4:311 p.m. 31-F Citizens' For KNX, 9:311 p.m. Tut Citorn (irom 14111X, 213 p.m Su t'offee Club KN X. 3:39 a.m. M-1. Collins i'alling KFI, 11 a.m. Sa

Moms. mire scot t k114, III13 no Su Contented Hour K11. 3 p.m. M Coronet Story Teller.. .KECA. 6:53 p.m. 31-F' 4:wintry (laurel' of Hollywood

KFAC, 8 s.no. 'ru-Su County Fair .1EICCA, 7:30 p.m. Tu Counl y Mealiest! Amen. FM In :15 a.m. sa Count of Monte Cristo .K11.1, 8 p.m. Tu Crime Doctor. Crime Photographer. ItK7'NX., N5 SSan

*Cunningham. Bill ....... --KI1J, 11:38 a.m. bu Dance Time (Lucky laser)

KFAC.10 p.m. 111-Sa: 10:30 p.m. Su Dance Tonite (Easslaide Beret'

.... ........... KFW11. In p.m. M-Sa Dark Venture __.----___KECA, 9 p.m. Tu Darts for Dough.-.---- KECA. t P.m. Su Date With Judy. -- KFI. 5:30'. p.m. Tu 11511d Harlon, ....... ....... -Kr!. 8:45 a.m. M-F Dplies, Dr. Clem ....... __KMTR, 3:30 p.m. M-Sa

................... ....-----...KWKW. 7:39 p.m. M-F KFW11. 6 a.m. 31-S5

Death Valley Sheriff .... RECA. 6:30 p.m. F J)etroit Symphony . KB& 5:30 p.m. Sa Dick Tracy It I.:CA, 5:15 p.m. M-1, *Dickmn, Deane KMPC, 8:15 p.m. Su Dinner Dance_ hNIPC, 3:03 p.m. M-1. Don't cut t V. leOtax ' KNX, 9:45 p.m. Sa

KFI. 5:30 p.m. Su Douhle nr Notbiatu KILL 6:311 p.m. Si, Downey. Morton ....... KILL 9:15 a.m. M-1. I, 'nei, Olin .....KN. 11:53 n.m. Su Drake, Galen KECA, 10 a.m. Sa Dr. Christian KN X, :30 p.m. St Dr., A. Miehelson.. Kmrit. 9 a.m. 31-S5

Dr. I. a. kl'OX. 10:13 p.m. M-11.

1-10 p.m. Si Dr. Paul K1 I. 8:30 a.m. M-11.' Dr. Stewart %l, I ..,uu..i. 1.1 lt 1, 1:13 p.m. su Deoffy's 'Intern 1:1 1. 8:30 p.m. 1' Dunninger, Mena° 1 1 . 1 1.11. p.m. F Durante-Moore X, 3 p.m. F Eddy, Sebum 1: x x. 1:30 p.m. Su Editor of the Air_____-____ hi ID, 12 N, M-1, Ellery queen K X % 9 311 p.m. W Elsa Maxwell --.._- KHJ. 3:45 p.m. M-F Eternal Light . K11. 8 P.m. Sul Ethel and Albert._____KECA, 11:15 a.m. M-I. Evening Concert KFM' 8 p.m. SI-S5 Elerythinor for the Boys KII, 9 p.m. Tia *Eyewitness News___ ........... AFL 7:45 p.m, Tit Family Circle lieW111, 7:30 a.m. Sao Family Hour KNX. 2 Pall. Sn Famous Jury Trials KECA, 11 p.m. F Farm Reporter_ K11, 12 5 All-Sa

Fashion Forum_______ I. NI PC, 1:15 .m. Th Feature Story 1:NX. 1 :30 pma, M-F *Fidler. Jimmy._ K I I A, 6:45 p.m. Su. ------ . 9:38 p.m. M 1.1field, J. W....------ ........ kJ .w. 7 p.m. Sat First Line ....... ...-...-..-- 1: x X. 7 p.m. Th Kl( %, 11:315 A.m. M-Sa Fisher, George ...... -..-- ....... .. hl I % 19 p.m. M-I, Brice, Fanny KNX, 7:30 p.m. Su Fitelo Bandwagon ...... .... . 1.1 I, 4:30 p.m. Su Bridge I lull, KM14', 11:311 p.m. M-1.. *Flannery. Harry 1. \ X. 5:30 p.m. Si-Sa Bridge to 11re:walla ml ..... KF:CA. 11 :311 p.m., Sal *Platon, K. Louis k NI I ,I. 3;43 p.m. wi. *Broadway Sens KM, 12 N. M-F; 5 p.m. M-1. *Fleleher, Grano.. k FL 7 a.m. M-Sa *Brown. Cecil . ...... ....K111,1, 9:15 P.m. M. W. 0 Floretta's Jewel Dot 1,1 W, 1:30 p.m. M-F Brownstone Theater DIMS, 7 p.m. Su Feral Show 1.11. 11 a.m. Su

Buildcrat or % ietorY------. liN N 12:13 PAIL POI Foreman rhilitm. I ,,,f/ii Barn Dance__ Bulldog Dr mond. KILL 111,11S, /1 p.nt Th .,. li I 0 X . .i i. on. Su : /1:311 p.M. Sp Burke, Billie ..._ ...- ... K11, 8:30 p.m. W I. l' t s 341 p.m. Sit

.KSX. /1:311 a.m. Sil *Foster. Cedric h 11.1, 3:311 Sul Burns Jr Allen Kt 1, 8:30 p.m. Tim 1511.1, DI la, 1 1 a.m. 111.4 "Calling All 'Lames 0(4; 1.1. 1 2 p.m. M-P Frank and Ernest Is I t:, 11:13 ii .,n. S11 *Calmer, Ned ......_ KNX, 5:53 p.m. S11, Sat *Fratrier Hunt 1.511. it :13 a.m. 31-1. Canary l'et Shop KILL 5:13 p.m. Sat 1 red %,s ring It 1 I. 11 a .III. M-1. Canova, Judy KII, . p.nt. Sa Creed of Dp..... t 1 ri. 1 a I.11.1, 8:30 . p.m. F Care uf the nods, KmTa. 10:43 sin. M. W.I.. Fri...4i 10 T' . Kit). 11 :351 p.III. n Carmichael, limey KFI, ti p.m. M Front Page Farrell 1:1.1, 9 :13 p.m. 111-1. Carnation limn , KII. 3 p.m. M Funnies . Kilt It. it n.m. Su Carnegie. Dale ..... _..._ ....... __KIIJ II:15 5.01. Si, nanny Paper, 1.1110 K I. AC. 7 :30 a.m. Su Carson, Jack KNX, 9 p.m. W *Garth, Arthur. KI1.1. II 5,01. 31-1, Carter. N ick - Gangbusters . KECA, 9 p.m. Sit KILL. KGB. KFXM, K111E. 2:30 p.m. Sul Gs Meg moo. liMPC, 11:15 s.m. M. Catholic Masai ere .. .K111 It, '7:15 p.m. Su (My Mrs 1.Catherstone K FL 8:3n p.ne. W Ca:01one Hour KI11, 3 p.m. Su General Electricellouse Party. KN X, I p.m. M-1. Cavalcade of America . KFI, 8:30 p.m. M (Albert A Sullivan. KCAC. 11:311 amt. Su Challenge to 1 oath ...... ...... ... KM PC, 7 :30 p.m. Sit KECA, 5 p.m. S.1

liM8S. 2:30 p.m. Su fila ..... r Manor K I.:1' 5, 9 11.11I. Si-l' ifilldIFI. 1:30 a.m. Su Colder) llosir IC Si PC. 7 :113 p.m Su

Chan, Charlie... KECA, 10:15 p.m. M. Tu, Th, F Gospel Singer KECA, 3 :43 a.m. Tu-F Chicago Roundtable. KII, 9 a.m. Sil I .1.111111 Central station . K9,;. Ili a.m. SOI Chicago Theater KHJ. KOB. KIFX31. 8 p.m. Su Grand Hotel EFT, 2 p.m. Sn Children's Bible Hour..-.1IFON. 8:30 a.m. Sos Grand Ole Opry-.---...KFI, 3:30 p.m. Sa

*Hemingway, Frank ....... ____KIIPC. 12 N. and 8 p.m. Su-Sa - MU, 7 a.m. M-Sa

*Henry. Bill ....... ----XXX. 5:55 p.m. M-F Hercule Poirot . _________KHJ, 8:30 p.m. Tb Highlights of Bible KM 7 a.m Su Hildegarde (Raleigh Room)... KFI, 7:30 p.m. 118 *Hill. Edwin C KNX, 9:30 p.m. Tu Hit Parade KNX. 4 p.m. Sa Hobby Lobby .KNX. 6:30 p.m. Tb Hobby Hours........_.... .KECA, 11:45 P.m. M. W. i'

8 p.m. Tb Holly W110111 Barn Dance_ KNX, 10:13 P.m. as Hollywood Fan Magazine

.. K1.1. 111:15 slam. H. Tu. W. F. Sis Hollywood Melodies KMPC. 9:13 a.m. M-F Hollywood Mystery Time....KECA. 11:20 p.m. Su Hollywood Spotlight KECA. 10 p.m. M-F Hollywood Open House.

KNX, 10:30 p.m. Su 11..11yn ood Pret iew ...... :30 p.m. Tu Hollywood Radio Life__ KECA, 9:15 p.m. Su Holly w ood Story KFIVIS, 11:115 a.m. M-F 11011, wood Theater. KEI, 9:30 p.m. W Ilome Chats

-____KMIse, 10:45 a.m. M-F

Ho n me What ToBlake It...1111,1. 12:38 p.m. da Donkey Hall ____________ DI.BS. 12:38 p.m. Su Hope. Bob itri, 7 p.m. Tu.... Hopper, Hedda KECA, 8:15 p.m. M Horton. Edward Eterett ........ K1.1. 11 p.m. Tb Hour of Charm - ...... -- KFI. 3 p.m. Su Hour of Faith._ _..........._KF.CA, 8:30 P.M. MI Hou tt se'lles' Ploiertive_____KNX. 3 p.m. M-F Hughes. John 11 KM& 0:13 P.m. 12 N. M-F Hamann Adventure ____ KILL 7 P.m. W *Huntley, Chet ...... .............KNX. 3:35 a.m. F., Se

7:45 a.m. Se 10 p.m. M-F Hymn. a % 9 f hurebea....KEL u :15 a.m. M-Th

ILEX' A. 1:45 p.m. M-I. *Information, Please KFI, 6:30 p.m. M Inlorineal Democracy li Ft IL 2 p.m. Su lik5 Clime KHJ. 12:15 p.m. Su Inglewood Park a rot KNX, 4 p.m. Su Inner :Coact KNX. 6 p.m. Tu inside of Spoils . - Kill, 5:45 p.m. M-F Institute for Blind K5111'. 8:15 p.m. Su International Sunday Sehool -.. ..... .

KMI It, 8:43 a.m. Sa Imitation to Learning KNX. 8:311 a.m. Su It 1.5). To Be Ignorant__KNX. 8:30 p.m. F Jack Berri, Show, KECA, 1 p.m. M-F Joeit Kirkwood KNX, 8 p.m. M-F James Abbe 01, ...... K ',WA. 1 :30 a.m. M-1. Janis. AI .. ...._____KFWIL II a.m. M-Sa Joan Datis Show KNX, 8:30 p.m. M Jobs for G.1. _ KV.CA, 3:31I p.m. V. Jobs After Victory, ..... ___... .... KECA, 4 p.m. Sa Johnny l' as ...._____ KIFI. 5.30 p.m, Tu Johnson. 1.:rekine KILL 4:30 p.M. M-F Johnson Family KILL 11:15 p.m. at-I' Johnson. Floyd R. KMTIL 8:03 p.m. Su. M. X. 0

10:38 a.m. M-1. *Jorgenson. Edward KF1. 9 a.m. M-l'

5 p.m. Tu, TO JI1 V. Jordan. M.11 .... . If FI, 3:13 P.m. M-1' Just 1Inin Kill K1.1. 2:30 p.m. M-F *Kaltenborn. 11. V. KFIL a pm.. M. Mo, II.

. .. KIKSD, 4:45 p.m. M. W. F K11-130,1 Opera KIT, 9:30 p.m. M ken Vitrumi Show hla.1, 4:3e p.na. Su *Kennedy. Johll KECA. 10 a.m. Su,

12 Noon. M-1. Kyser's Kollege (Kay Kiser)._ KIT, 3 p.111. W Ladies. Ile Sealed .. ..... KEl'A, 11 .30 p.m. M-1- I,a lighters KPAN, 2 u.m, du Lane. Date KNX, 3:15 a.m. M-Sa *Lang. William . HMI. 9 a.m. M-I *Lawton, Fleetwood .. KECA. 6:45 a.m. M-Sa.

_KIT. 3:13 a.m. M-Sa add 8:15 p.m. M-k



*Layman's Views of Ne,,. KFI. 10 a.m. su Legion Fighte Lest We Forget Let's Pretend.

KMI'C, 111 11.111, F

hl V.B. 3:15 p.m. Su K\, 8:05 a.u1. Sa

Fulluu J. Lewis, j,. 3:45 p.m. Su K11.1, 1U p.m. Sa

1,1 t(', 9 a.m. Su h\\, 10 a.m. M-F h1:1, 9:40 p.nt. Sa

1,11.l, 11:15 a.m. M-F t t S, 1;30 p.m. 91-So

I. I.1 X. 11:311 a.m. 'fu-F 9:40 a.m. M-F'

1.1:C'A, 5:311 P.m. Su KII.1,

, KVOE, 7::50 p.m M-F KFI. 1:30 p.m. Sl-F KII\, I2:45 p.m. SI-F' I:I- t('. lU 11.01, 11

1.11 t, 8 p.m. M-Th KHJ. KGB.

1. t u t.. l o:13 n.m, M-i' I.II I. :1:311 11.111, SU hl.tS, :1:311 p,ul. Sn

KN\, U p.m. 31

Liberal t ulllulir II Life Cats Be Rrualüut We of Riley.. Lhldlahr, Victor *Listener's Dige,I Listening Yost.._.

Living in H,,IIysa11:1 Lombardo, Gm .

Lone Ranger Khlt Kl\tt

Lorenzo Jour, _.

Lucky Lady .... Lucky Lager Deuce 1

Lum & Abner ..

Lunette's' with Lope, KEN 31.

Lutheran Hour Lutheran Gaspe! Ho, Lux Radio Theater

McCarthy, Charlie KI'1, 5 p.m. Sa *MacDonald, Marga,rl KN\, lu:.tu amt. 31-1 Main Line KILL 8 P.m. N' Maisie .. K\\, 0:30 pul. W *Major Ka,,. tlunniuK K\\, l'::I3 p.uL 5 p.m., SI-F Mae Relies 1:.,n, ,,wu.. h1'Wat, 11 a.m. M-Sa Ma Perkin. .._ ...... kt-1. 12:13 pan. M-F

.. I. 's \, 10:13 a.m. 31-F' *Malone, 'l'Id hl.l.'.t, 10:15 a.m. M-F' Wauhattan Meets to Mau from 6-2 ...

Market Report *Martyu. Gil

Mary Small Rev., Masuu. Perry

House .

Mayor of Town McNeill's Breal - Lost

la,IIOIi I.FI. 0 p.m. Su kJ t, 9:30 p.m, 31'

h tt l'I s :13 a.m. 31-Sit I.I I t. lu 0.111. SI-F

1:30 p.nl, M-F o.l.t'A, 2 p.m. Su

is N\. I 1:30 a.m. SI-P hi I, 8:341 p,ul. 'l'h

K \ \, 8:30 p.m. Sa I luh

KE'-.1. 8 a.m. M-Sa Mediation Ktaird .. . KHJ, DLBS. 5 p.m. Su Meet Ihe Missu. .K.1 X. 2:30 p,nl. M-F Meet Sle at l'arky's KF'1. 7:30 p.111. Su Memory Music, (Ted Bacon)

KH.1, 12:30 min. Su Met. Scratch Sheet..._ ....... KW'KW, 111 a.m. Sl-Sa Message of Israel KI:('A 7 a.m. Su Michael Shayne _ KH.I. 8 p.m. M Midnight Mysteries.... ......... _.KMPC, 1I1::311 p.m, Sa Mild and Mellow KHJ, 12:30 pm. SI-F' Milani KFWB, le a.m. SI-F *Miller. Hex..._-..KHJ, K(;K, 9:15 pan. Su, 'l', 'l'ut

_ K11.1. 4:13 p.m. SI-1+

Mirandy KEl'A, 9 a.m. Sa - .... . KFI, 10 a.m. SI-1'

Miracles of SIi,00, e I.1 I I\. n t -, P.ul, M, 53 , I' Mirarle of Ku, .1. is 't I I:, 9:30 p.m. Sa Muuey on the Lille 1. \, 3:311 p.m. Su *Musky, Raymond. Is I t, 5:19 p.m. Sa Morning Bible Hour Is I 0\, 8:30 a.nt. Su Mother's Album h t11'l', 0::10 p.m. Su Mr. aud Mrs. N.,:1, K}'1, 9 p.m. Su Sir. Dielrict AI,.aII, KFI, 0::311 p.m. lV Mr. Keene I. N\ 4:30 p.m. Ti, Mumma, One is \. 4 :43 p.m. Ka Murder Is My II,,: 1.11.1, g:211 pan. Su

Murder Will 1111: it 13".A. 9:3141 pou. 'l'u Murray. Jolinnt K\\, It a.m. SI-F *Morrow, Edvt.n,l I.\\, 10:45 a.us, Su Shlsical Master: . 1.1 (1', 4 p.m. 31-P Musical Mileuta,. _...K11, 100:30 a.m. Su Musical Digest'_ KhF.I 0 p.m. NI-Sa Mystery Chef I.IJ,1-D1-lSS, 9:45 a.m. 1-F

k I'I. 7 p.m, 'Ili I.11, 0 p.m. '1'u

Is I I \ io :30 a.m. 11-6' I,11I, 7:311 p.m. SU

hFl, I1 p.m. Sat

I.: I t, 12:311 p.m. Su 1.I Wit, 8 11.111. S:t

hi I, 2 p.uo. w1

Mystery la Ai, tlystery Then trl vl.v True Slur, Name 'That

\uliuuai Baru1 I,.,,,,. National S rsprl Navy lu Kerie,, NBC 5ynlpl } rbitt, \urw:w h:.li'l:, 6 p.m. t1 -1,

s 11.m, 11 -F: 12:15 p lI. ".1 -F 1511.1, 111.115. 9:13 P.nl. Sa

s, ,. t,lteul are. I,I l'rn:r Masan ...K\ X. 11:311 amt. M -P

} \, usual 1.11 I), la i1.nl, -1 a.m. Su -Sa \,. la tis. Hob _. KE1'.3. 1:13 pmt. 31 -F'

\"ale Webster ., KI 1. 9:30 p.m, 'Eh

Wailer Plays ... KH.I. 9:30 p.m. W oomph' Fights ,I `r outiu a Trail .__.. KFI, 3:30 p.n. Su

Nat's Family ................._.KFI, 12:311 p.m. 511.

our Numsu'r Opinion.._.- KECA, 7:45 um. NI

one Foot in Heaven KECA, 7 p.m. Open Forum KMI'C, 9 p.lu. Su Our Gal Sunday KNX, 9:45 a.m. M -F nwenr, 'ram SF'. 6 :15 M -I. Ozzie Jt Harriet KNX, 3 p.m. Su Pacific Lutheran Hour .. KEW B. 9:311 11.111. so Packard Voulh Parade KF7, 4 p.m. So Yrcltir Story... ............... 11:13 u.tu. S,I Pasadeuu i'resby, Church KIPt', 11 a.m. Su Pay Da, Quiz .KMPC, It::l0 p.m. Al

*Pearsou. Drew KEC4, 4 p.m. Su

*Pennell, Bill a a.m. M -1 People Are Funny ,,._.._..__...SI' -1, 0:30 p.m. F

KSI'l'K, lu p.m. 'in

Pepper ) 's Family /LEI 1830 pan, M-t' *Peter dr Lima

.-_ ... ....KRI'A, 8:15 p.m. Tu, N : 0 pall. Th. P KFNB, 9 p.m. St-F KFI. 5:45 p.m.

KFI, 9:30 p.111, Sa KF'1, 0:30 p.m. Tb

*1'rlersuu. timer l'Iwuucurd Family Party l'hll,, Vance *Pierce, heu. Junius

KECA, 4:3u p,u., 51-F'; 5 p.m. Su

Pilgrims Hour KH.1, 9 a.tu. Su Polly Patterson KMP(', 9:15 1.111. ,M-F Popular Profiles KECA, 11:30 a.nl. 31

Portia tact, Lite...__.._ KF'1, 2:15 pm. M-F l'ulluck Party KN X. 4 p,nl, M-F Puller. Prier. KFWB '1211 a.m.-12 N. Su

KMI'C, 3:45 p.m. 31-W-F: 9:05 a.m. Sa Prayer nuts. :i p.m, D Prophetic Word.....__...____.KGEK, 8:05 p.m. Su Property Uwners.-.-.__.....-_...KM'CR, 8L3 p.m. Th queen for 'l'Idxy.__._........KHJ, 11:311 a.m. M-F' Quick As a Flash KHJ, 3 p.u1. Su "(luig Kids .._.._ .................. _...KECA. 5:311 p.u1, Su `.Quiz of Two Cities K11.1. 7 p.m. Sa Rares KGFJ, 111 Rya, to 0 p.n1. I)

KFI, 1:15 p.m. Su KN\, 1:45 P.M. Su

Race Results KKK», 5:45 p.m. 31-Ss Radio Parade 1(F.4'A. 1:1S p.m. M-F Radio Readers' IligeI .. 1.N\, 0 pu1, Su Kainbuve House........ hlt.I, 8:13 a.m. Sa Runcho Roundup is RCA. 9 p.m, F'

Readers J: Writers IS h tt , 6:20 p.m. W Real life Stories 1.11.1, 6:15 p.m. M-F' Reconversion 411.1, : p.1n, M. Th. F.

.. 151!1'A, i p.m. 31

Record K.. 4'11'1 't:03 p.m. 31-1' Red Ryder Kilt, :::01 p.m. 'l'u, Su Remember Hour ICF:1'A. 11::h1 a.m. Su Report to the Natiou ....KNX, 7:15 p.m. Sa Report t' N'xshiugtou KNX, 1 p.m, Sa *Reuters' News I)ispatchrs, KFN'B, 8 p.m. M-F' Rey. K. G. F:Kertsou.-._-._...KMTK, 8;15 p.m. Su *Richfield Reporter. KUL. 10 p.1u. Su-F' Right to Happiness KFI, 12:45 p.u1. M-F' Rise Si Shine KHJ, 0 atta. Sl-F' Road of l.ifr KFI, :1 p.m. M-F' Rogue's Gallery .-.--_-....-.. KF'1 4:341 p.111. Su R anre KN1, 8:30 p.m. Tu Ktllllatlee of Helen Trent ._.ICNX, 9:30 1:111. M-F' Romance of Highways_._ KHJ.

KGB, KEXSI, K t 111:, 10:15 a.na. Su

RIIIIIunce of the Ranchos I. N\, 9::30 p.m. Su Romance. Rhythm, Riplrv h N N. 7:30 p.m, 'l'h Kusenlary . . K \ \, 11:15 a.ln, M-F' Salt Lake 'l'alternarle .. .. KN X, 9 a,m, Su Salute lu Srrt lees- ...... . KNl'It, 1:15 p.m. M-F Saludos Amigos KGF',1, 9 p.m, SI-F Salvation Army I.I N'It, 9:15 a.m. Sa Saturday Night Serenade KNX, 6:13 p.m. Sa Saturday Evening Party KECA. 3:30 p.n1. Su Say It With Music..._.. _.KGF'J. 13 N., Su S,ienee uf Mind ... h I tt It, 111:45 a.m. M-F Srrrrn 1:ui111 Play,. r. .. KN X, - pn/, N Scully. Frances 1.ua.1, 3 :3U Pm M-N' Set, ire ,u Ili. Front ....KN\, 7 p.m. 'l'u Sewing School httl'(', 1:45 p.m. 'l'u Sherlock Holmes KH,L 8:30 p.n1, M * Steirer, Shore, Dinah ...._. _. .

hinny.__ Sinai re, Frank 511111111' Fd Met_ 'II Smile Time .... Smil h. Kale,..- _-- _- .... ._....

KNX. 2:45 p.m. Sn KV!. 9 p.ul. Th

11::i0 p.m. 't'u h N X. 6 p.u1. N

h11, e:3w a.n1. So kW, 7:15 a.m. M-F

KNX, II x.111. M-F' KNX, 9:30 p.m. F

. *5,111(4. I.arrY,,--- ._......_.._._KF1, 9:15 a.nl, M-F' Suldirr. With Wings...----KECA, 9:311 p,m. Sa Smsrlhius New. .. ___...KFI 8 p.u1, SI

Songs of Faith._...._.._... -.. REAP, 6 p.m. Si

Sou,t For )'uo KMPC. 8:311 a.m. M -F Songs of (' d Cheer KHJ. 9:45 p.m. Se Songs of the Nations- ...... .KECA. 4: :141 n.un. Su Spanish Program KMTK, 5:30 um. Su Streaking 111 spurte KN'KN'. 5 P.m. M -Sn Sport.. Belle Martell. KM'l'K, 5:15 p.m. Tu;l'it,S,t Sport% Newsreel KFI. 7::10 pain. I'

Sports Parade KHJ, I p.m. Sa Sports Rev iew FENN, 10:30 pan. Tu Slwrtiminte flab KECA, 0:341 p.m. W Spotlight Bands ...KHJ, DLBS. 6:30 p.m. M, W, F'

Stage Door (:anteeu..._ ...... _...KN X, 7:30 p.m. F Standard Hour KFI, 8:311 p.m. Su Stars Over Hollywood..----KNX. 9:30 a.m. Sa Stars of Future KFL 11 a.111. Su Start Day Singing KMPC. 7:30 a.m. M -Sa St. Breodan'r Boys' Choir....K-MTK. l 1:05 p.m. Su Steel Horiruus ,, KHJ. 8 p.m. Su Stella Dallas KFI, 1:15 11.111. M -P Story of Israel..___.._...._.KFWK. 8:15 p.m. Sa Stradivari Orchestra.___ ____KNX, 11 a.ln. Su Strange As It Seen...,..- _. KECA, 9:30 a.m. Su Slrange tir. Weird KFM'B, 8:45 p.m. 1

Strollin' Tunt KFWB. 9 P.m.. 'J' -F. 4 P.m. Su _ KFAC, 8:30 a.m. SSit

Styles. Hal.-....- KFWB, 2:30 p.m. M -P 3:15 p,.11, M -S: :1:30 p.m. Su

Spuutier Hour KECA. :i p.m. Su Sunday Eve Party KECA. 3::t0 p.m. Su Suori.e Smate..._.._.__....__ KS. \, 0:15 0.151, at-O. Supper 4'Iub._..__._.-_. .,-..._.KFI. 8:00 p.m. M-t. Superman ...._.._..__..____.SHJ. 5:13 p.m. M -F Suspense. ._.._ -._ ,_. .KN X. 9 p.m. TI, Sweet Chariot Hour .10'4S, 6:30 p.m. Su

Sweetheart Time..........._.......£HJ. 10:30 a.m. a *Swine, Raymond Gram, SECA, 4:15 p.m. Si - t

Take It or Leave It KNX, 7 p.m, ` 'fake It Easy KH.I, 3::t0 a.m, tl -t Tapestries of Life..-_...- .._ K- \-1, 9:43 p.m. 1

Taylor, Mary Lee KNX. 11 a.m. Telephone Hour KFI, 9 p.n., N

Teletisiun W'6XYZ, 8, 8:30, 9 p,m, N M. 8:311. 9 p.m. F

Tens : Tim .............. ..-....KNX. 11:43 a.m. )I -l' Tennis Championships KWKW, 12:30 p.m.,

8:30 p.m., S. M Terry and the Pirates KECA, 3 p.m, .tl -F' Texaco Theater KNX. 11:311 p.m, Su ',Thanks to the Vanks KN\. 7:311 pm. 11

That's a (mod Idea ..... -..._- KNX, 9 p.m, Su Theater Guild KE('A, 7 p.m. Su Theater of the Air _..- SEt'A, 9:311 p.m. 'lb Theater of 'today......... KNX, 9 a.m, tilt

KHJ 8:30 p.m. Tu KHJ, I:30 p.m. Su KHJ. 9:30 p.m. Su

KHJ, 2 p.m. Su K.N X. 1:45 p.m. Sa

KILl, 2 p.m. 31-F

The Fateful The Nehb.... -- The Settled Buuk The Shuduw 'l'p. Store Teller.._ *This Changing World

7 p.m. Sm. This Moving it odd K1.1 t, I :n p.m. 31, IV, E 'l'hi. Is My Best ... .. h\\, G: ill P.m. Tu This Is My l'uuulry_. ... hi I. lu :311 p.m. Sa This Is My Story h\ N. I:.tu p.u.. Su 'l'hi. Ir the Anny Hour 151 I, I p,u.. Su 'rm.. Woman's Srrret I II oil. M-F '1'1

s .luhu Churl,. hl I. II:.iu a.m. Su

'l'huseWebslers . KN\, G:aO p.m. F

Three Men on a Mike KF'Klt, 2:341 p.m. 3l-F' Through a Wtanan's F.les_.KN\, 5:13 p.m. NI-E Tillamook Kitrhru KFI. lo a.m. F

'l'in l'an Alley_. _ KI'1, '::43 p.m. Sa .. 'l'ine to Smile ___ ........_- KFI, b p.m. W 'l'uda,'. Children _... KF'1, 11:15 a.m. SI-F Town Meeting KKCA, 8:30 p.m. Th Trading Post. ...... ....SMTK, 12 slouo, SF-F' Traffic Tribunal - .._......KFI 10:30 a.m. Sa Transatlantic (an __......._......K\:3i'., 9:311 u.m, Su *Trout, Bub....._ KNN. 3:51 p.m, So "Truth or Cupse.,eo,e. KF1, 1:90 p.m. Sa *Try 'u' kind Me . KN\, 12 N M

*'Turner. Major 11. S. __....... Kilt It, KFO X, : :4:+ p.m. SI-F

Twelve Players K-\\, 9 p.m. Sa 'fwllight 'l'ales.,,,...,......K.31PC, 4:45 p.m, Tu, Th Two on a Clue KNX. 11 am. Si-F l'ucle Harry SEAS. 5 p.m. 31-t' Cnion Rescue Mission

KFN'K, a :11 n.1n.: 9 p.m. Su

Unseen Enemy .. KFI. 3:30 p.m. Sa Universe On Parade KFI, 9:30 p.m. 'IL S aliant Lady.... ....... _.......... 1. \\, 8:15 am. M-F' I mitre, Rudy .. KFI, 7:30 p.m. Th *Vanderruok, John it. KF'1. 4:15 p.m. So l rts 'l'alk It l/ver....__.... . KFW'R, 7 p.m. Sit Vi.tury l'layers....-__ _ . KF'AC, 1 p.m. sa Village Saure..._ . jt'Fl, 9:30 p.m, I Noire of Calvary... KPAS, 10 p.m. Su, Ill S oire of Firestone - KF7, 5:30 p.m. M Voice uf Health KFAC, 9:15 a.m. Su-1"

Voice uf Prophecy KM'rK, 7:30 a.m. Su 11J. KGB, KVOE. 8:30 .m. Su

VIII Pup KNX, 9:30 u.m. tl Walkie Talkie BECA, 3:15 p.m. 51-1

Walls 'rime KFI, 6 p.m t W'uut to Re in Radia7...._.KFIVK, 3:30 p.m. Su War Criminals 7'rini. .. KILL 1 p.m. Sf-F Karing, Fred _.. KFI, 8 a.m, SI-1'

Washiugtuu Star> KLCA, 9:30 p.m. Su Washington lnsidr 0111 KEC'A, 9:45 p.m. Su

Wayue King....... Gl7, 4 p.m. Sp Wayne. Jerr ._. . KNX, 8 p.m. F

K l'AS, 0:15 p.m. F We Deliver the I.ali. .. KNX, 2 p.m. Su Weird Circle .. .. _KECA, 9 p.m. N' Welcome Htue. .. .. ...KN\, 3 p.m. S,I

*Wells. Carl ell. isl'I, 10::i0 p.m. NI-1- KF.SD, 9 a.m. ....I

Wrllr., Orson . _. _.. .. KEl'A, 10:15 a -.I Wesley Radio League ....... .K311'C, 11:30 a.m. `a

KHJ, KhB, KVOE, 8 a.nl. '.I Westinghouse Hour KFI, 11:311 :I Whatb Doing. Ladle.. 1.1I .\, 8 p.m. M-1 What's l'p:' h.,l I. II:45 P.M. M-S:u When A Iiirl Marcir. 1.1 I. 9 p.m. SI -1

Whisper Meu h11.1, 6:30 p.m, .

Whistler .....KN\, 9 p.m. ti Whoa Bill Club.._.-..._ KI l_', 5:30 p.m. M-t *Wilder, Alvin. KF'I, lU a,m. Su N'ltliams, AI..._ hill 10;15 a.m. Sit W'ia, Place or Sha,. ht I t, 7:30 p.m. SI *Winchell, Koller ._ Is i I A. 0 p.m. Su Wings Over the Not KILL 9:30 p.m. Th Winter, Evelyn.-.___. KN\, 2 p.m. Sl-F Wolfe. Nero KW, 9:30 p.m.'/u Woman of America.. KFI, 3:45 p.m. M-F Woman tu White.... . 1.1.1. 11:30 a.m. M-F N'omen's Page .-_._.._ ..... KI '11B. 4 p.m. M. W. F. Women's World ..._._._JCPAS, 10:30 a.m. M-k Worda R Verse.-..w..-_.....-_-..HGFJ. 8 DAL M-Su *World Today B-\R 3.45 p.m, SI `.. *Wyatt, James._r_...._......__.K.\\, 11 p.m. Si--.., Voue Hit Parade.-_.__._.. K-NX, 8 p.m. Sa Young. Alan. .SECA 8.30 p.m. Tu Young, Dr. Maloue..__...K\X, 10:45 a.m. SI-F


is left standigg at the mike while he's fading out another, Scribner can never fade himself back in the guise of the second character. He's got to be right hack at the mike for the next line. Therefore, the studio in which he works is equipped with three or four mikes, and beside each mike is a small music stand with a complete script. As he fades away from one, he moves toward the next so he can pick up his next line immediately. It takes the services of both the an- nouncer and the sound man to keep the pages turned correctly on the scripts.


RADIO WEST (Continued from Page 7)

Wilson is the mother of a baby girl, Kathleen, Jr.

The Carlton E. Morse office received a brief letter from Kathleen's son for- mally announcing the arrival of his new sister. Kathleen and her family are now residing in New York.

Hope's Home Bob Hope got back from the wars

last week. after traveling more than 250,000 miles on an overseas entertain ment tour. (Hope has now entertained almost every man and woman in the armed forces.)

"Lead me to that golf course " he said as he stepped off the train. When asked about plans for his NBC show this season, Hope replied. "We're go- ing to keep playing as many camps and hospitals as we can."

Hope and his mustachioed sidekick, Jerry Colonna. were in Mannheim, Germany on V -J Day. During their 10 weeks' USO tour they played to an estimated 1,000 000 G.I.'s in France, Germany and Czechoslovakia.

.T% orman's Death It was a sad blow for radio to learn

of Don Norman's untimely passing a few weeks ago. Norman, who was best known for his man -on- the -street " Walkie Talkie" program. had just ar- rived in Chicago to supervise a pro- gram there. He suffered a heart at- tack and died instantly. He is sur- vived by his widow, whom he affec- tionately called "Smitty."

Beau Harpell KHJers are still ribbing Bill Harpell

abort his power over the fair sex. On his 1:30 to 2:00 a. m. show titled "Par - adige Bay," Bill reads poetry, and ac- cording to his fan mail. really sends the femmes. A few nights ago two of h's more fervent fans attempted to see him. The gate, of course, was locked, so they tried to make it over the fence. Getting caught in the wire, they attracted the attention of the night watchman who thought they were prowlers and notified the police. The police. in turn, frightened the girls away. Unfortunately they left part of their dresses on the barbed wire, and -they never did get to see Monsieur Harpell!

Fancy Fade -Out Any other radio actor can do a

"fade" by just walking away from the mike, but leave it to Jimmy Scribner to make fading a complicated busi- nes

Because Scribner interprets so many cha .peters in his Monday- through -Fri- day "Johnson Family" series over Mu tuai, he has found out that in order for each character to sound natural, he must fade each one out in a differ- ent way. For some, he.walks away from the mike: for others, he turns his head to the right or left; some- times he stoops down and practically crawls away.

Because in the script one character

* *

Gags of the Week Miss Carol Lee tr.orsan, 2135 Elm Avenue,

Long Beach 6, Calif. Heard on Breneman's "Breakfast in

Hollywood: Corny: What did the man in the

dentist chair say when the dentist put the WO in his mouth?

Tom: I don't know. What did he say?

Corny: That's water under the bridge!

Joan C. Johnson, 2556 West Avenue 35, Los Angeles 41, Calif. Heard on "Meet Me at Parky's ": Parky: Can you lend me fifty

dollars? Opie: No, I've only got forty dollars. Parky: That's OK. Give me the

forty, and owe me ten.

* Michael Buchanan, 1541 North Detroit

Street, Hollywood, Calif. Heard on " Kollege of Musical

Knowledge ": Jack Douglas: I went to a bar and

ordered a "Whistler's Mother." Phil Harris: Why do they call it a

"Whistler's Mother "? Douglas: One drink, and you just

sit like that for days.

NEXT WEEK Every radio -dialer will want the

forthcoming issue ci Radio Life, which contains for your conven ienca th3 complete fall program timetable. It's a two -page spread accompanied by photos cf a num ber of the top autumn air favorites, with t'.e in_omparable George Burn and Gracie Allen on cut cover. But all this isn't all. Two fine programs are featured in interest - ing photo -stories - "Trading Post," the laugh -quiz, and "Nero Violf who is old -time film hero Francis X. Bushman in person! Two en tertaining radio personalities are spotlighted on the remaining pages -clarinet- tooting, hograising Opie Cates- and pretty Helen Mack, the delightful young miss who so cap ably handles the production reins on the "Date with Judy" and "Beu lab" air series. Get your copy early.

Radio's the Biggest Effort of All (Continued from Page 4)

and pork -pie hats and is an outdoor fiend.

On this particular Sunday he had arisen at 7 A.M. to participate in a motion picture golf tournament at Rolling Hills. After his air show. he was on his way to sell war bonds. The next day he was starting a new picture for Fox.

Having never lived by schedule (in fact. he hates routines and refuses to follow them. he once gave up a good job because he had to punch a time clock), O'Keefe is a free soul. Horribly lazy, he has never learned to be a handy man around the house. "I'm helpless," he moans. He would like to he a beachcomber, hut has too m>>ch ham In him ever to give 7 n a ^tins: doesn't mind wife, Stef- fi's ternnorarily giving up a career to devot» time to her family. And always forgets that he has a Sun- day radio show.

"I'm always making appointments for Sunday. Once I even made plans to go overseas with John Wayne to entertain the troops and was practically on the boat, when Johnny Maschio said, 'wait a min- ute, Buh, what about Your radio show ?' So," he grinned, "radio's got me whether it likes it or not."

Cinderella's Got Nothing On Her

(Continued from Page .) great variation. In fact, she's ex- perimented with furnishing different rooms of the house in different styles, like making the living room mod- ern and the dining, room Early American, and has found that as long as she's moderate in her tastes, it's refreshing to give the home a facet -like appeal.

Then she described her idea for patterning clothes for the working girl from exclusive designs used in rr.ov'es. "I had twenty changes in my last picture, and they were all marvelous. Why couldn't someone break down the design and print it for the white- collar girl ?"

Mentions Friends Speaking of clothes reminded Con-

nie of how cute Lady Mandl had looked at a cocktail party she and Sir Charles gave. "They're old friends of ours," Connie explained. "She was dressed in a white cotton frocl, v.ith her gray hair beautifully arranged, but when I looked at her feet, she was %%oaring bobby sox!"

Connie also spoke of the recent party they had attended with Van Johnson. "We're good friends. Van's

(Please Turn to Page 37)


eke Prograo


tit0sp SAfraia o

MELVAN UHL CONCEIVED this idea of a radio forum back in the fall of 1935. He believes it

to be the first sponsored open forum on the air.

The "Open Forum" Brought Free Speech To the Airlanes, Has Highlighted for Debate Every Important Issue to Come 'Before Congress in the Past Ten Years

Sunday. 9;g0 li.tlPr;

AS VICTORY in Europe brought the world near- er lasting peace ?"

"Should we have uni- versal military training after the war ?"

"Should conscientious objectors be barred from public jobs ?"

"Should the purchase of homes be regulated by a government agency ?"

It is such timely topics as the above that are freely debated and discussed by .a distinguished quar- tet of well- informed experts each Sunday evening at KMPC's "Open Forum" microphone.

A program devoted to the promo- tion of free speech and clear think- ing, it is the brainchild of Mel Uhl, head of the Mel Uhl Agency, and has been broadcast continuously

since June 6, 1936. Uhl believes it to he the first sponsored open forum on the air.

Mr. Uhl conceived the idea of a radio forum back in the fall of 1935, but found no one willing to sponsor such a program. Prospective spon- sors called it a "dangerous idea" that would create nothing but an- tagonism.

Floyd A. Allen Investments finally assumed the series' sponsorship, and still retains it today. Maintaining a strict policy of impartiality, the program has never had a paid speak- er, charges no admission price to the studio audience and issues no tick- ets. Anybody who wants to come is welcome. There is a fifteen -minute period during the program in which the studio audience may ask ques- tions of the speakers. Following the broadcast, the audience is invited to join in an additional fifteen- minute open discussion, free from broadcast restrictions.

(Please Turn to Pape 31)

Alp. AN INNUMERASLE LIST of dis- tinguished personages have ap

peared at the "Open Forum" microphone, among 'them. news commentator Upton Close, below.


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lib, OVERALL SCENE OF RADIO CITY PARKING LOT, on a busy Sunday. shows lines of In waiting Ior their lavordes to emcrq- Irom the building on hopes oI getting stars autographs.

Q441%%11WHERE'S ONLY a mesh fence and a bank of leafy ivy separating NBC's pale green Radio City from -a

parking lot! To a stranger saunter- ing up Vine Street for the first time. it looks just like any other parking lot until one gets within detail dis- tance and reads the "Private Park- ing" sign. And if the day happens to be a Sunday, Tuesday, or Thurs- day, the stranger also sees a milling cluster of radio fans pressing around the entry gates in hopes of getting a fleeting glimpse of some favorite star or perhaps a quickly scribbled autograph.

For this special parking lot, as you've already guessed, is the area set aside by Radio City for the con- venience of its performers and em- ployes while they're inside the P. Twenty -eight

By Evelyn Rigs!).

Here's an Inside Glimpse Into Radio City's Busy Parking Lei

building perfuming the brings you laughter and from your NBC point on

work which information the dial.

Every day, some 250 automobiles of various hues, vintages, and makes steer into the lot, which opens at 8:30 a.m. and closes at 11:30 p.m. Edgar Bergen may be driving his Cadillac sedan, his station wagon, or, if in playful mood, his antique Stan- ley Steamer. Dinah is at the wheel of her Cadillac sedan . Bing is piloting his familiar black convert-

ible Cadillac with the red leather seats . . . Lou Costello has his sta tion wagon or his green Cadillac con vertible, but no matter who they are, how much money they make, or what they drive, they all halt at the neat green "island house," where Lot Manager Jack Dempsey or one of his staff of five assistants pass out tick- ets and direct drivers to parking niches.

Auto Hodge Podge An over -all view of the lot on a


busy day will show trimly varnished station wagons standing alongside sleek town cars, with a bantam car or slightly battered jalopy nuzzled in between.

"Practically everybody drives his own car," remarked Dempsey. "The only ones I know of with chauffeurs are Ed Gardner and Herbert Mar- shall. On the lot we meet and deal with 157 varieties of people, temper- amental and otherwise. A star may he late for rehearsal, or have just had a fight with his agent, or he may not be quite feeling up to par. I instruct my boys that they're deal- ing with extremely busy stars -and they must never be discourteous. What few stars have been a little annoyed when they came in the lot here never failed to return to say they were sorry and explain their abruptness," he concluded.

Dempsey, himself, is well quali- fied to keep the parking lot in peace. ful, orderly mood for he dealt with folks in the show business for more than 30 years. He started out as sec- retary to the head of the Keith.Albee circuit in 1910, and by 1912 he be- gan booking shows. For 40 weeks a year (theaters were closed from June until August because there was no air -conditioning) he provided fif- teen theaters with bookings from such personalities as Benny, Burns and Allen, Hope, Walter Huston, El- sie Janis, W. C. Fields, Bert Lahr, the Barrymores, Paul Whiteman, and Fred Allen. Jack became manager of the NBC lot two and a half years ago, and that brings us to another story -the story of how his "boys," who affectionately refer to Jack as

"Father Flannagan," have made the lot a stepping stone to bigger things in radio.

One lad named Nelson Britt stepped from the lot to an announc- ing job in Clovis, N. M. Another one, Johnny Baxter, got a break announc- ing on Nelson Eddy's show when he parked the singer's car one day and was asked what his ambition was. Today Johnny is learning the inside of radio in ABC's Traffic Department. Ted Bergren, another lot attendant, is now with Frankie Carle's orches- tra; Douglas Field is working as a staff announcer in Phoenix; James Rubessa became an employe in NBC's Traffic Department; Ted Bent- ley went from the lot to a page boy job, then became an announcer in Glendale; Bill Harwood tried out with the Ken Darby chorus, finally got a role in the Los Angeles Civic Light Opera's "Rose Marie "; while tall, handsomely blond J o h n n y Strong was spotted for pictures and is now under long -term contract to RKO.

Takes No Credit Although the lot has been the back

door to radio for many of its em- ployes, Dempsey shrugs off any personal credit for the unusual suc- cess his "boys" have attained. "1 don't take any credit for choosing talented boys to work here," he claimed. "The talented boys want to get into radio and see the lot as a good springboard." The boys, them- selves, will tell you that Dempsey's long experience in show business is valuable in helping him to pass on

(Please Turn to Pope 31,

SALL KINDS OF CARS RUB FENDERS in the Radio City lot. Here attendant Jack Brown (left) gets ready to back out

Ginny Simms' Buick convertible, while Wally Hayes (right) lias just re- parked Chet Laucks Cadillac. In between in a bantam station wa son.

Ian SEATED AT HIS DESK is lot man-

ager, Jack Dempsey, who booked vaudeville shows for thirty years, and

who's known as "Father Flannagn to his

boys because his advice on careers is so

sound. leaning over Dempsey's shoulder is

¿x- attendant, Johnny Baxter, who found the lot to be a backdoor to radio. At the keyboard is Charlie Gresham.

i- DEMPSEY GIVES PHIL HARRIS a parking check. Most

all the stars are affable customers, and when they do

crab a bit; always come back later to explain and say they're sorry.


FORMERLY a member of the "Sons of of the Pioneers," Ken Carson received his big break when he stepped to to

the Mutual microphone as an emergency substitute for singer Ray Eberle, when the latter went into the Army.

ZING Is The For II!

The Bobby -Sockers Have a New Dream -Boy in Ken Carson, an Easy -Going Fellow With Green Eyes, a Big Smile - and a Zing in His Voice

Sunday, i :311 p.m. Af/J- .1Nrinal

ROM SPURS and som- breros to radio's equiv- alent of white tie and tails . that's the jump Ken Carson, the

young man with ZING in his voice, made in exactly 48 hours and, for the first time in radio history, made It stick !

How did it all happen? Mutual originated a program, "Accent on Romance," last May which was fa feature singer Ray Eberle doing Hat vocals. Eberle aired on the shows first broadcast and then was drafted Page Thirty

by the Army. "Accent on Romance" was left without the accent or the romance either one. Next week's show was already in rehearsal; the producers had to come up with a singer quick!

Somebody mentioned Ken Carson, one of the "Sons of the Pioneers" who'd been singing Westerns ovei the network that winter on the "Roy Rogers" show. "Get him," was the answer. "We'll put him in this week and lcok around next for somebody to take Eberle's place."

One broadcast did it. After that, nobody looked any further. Not only was Carson handling the vocals from

then on, but thq audience response to his particular type of "ZING" bal- ladeering was so terrific it wasn't long before the "Accent on Romance" title gave way to "The Ken Carson Show," aired Sundays, 4:30.5:00 p.m. PWT on Mutual.

What is he like . . . this King of Zing who made the jump from "Home on the Range" to "If I Loved You" overnight?

He's slight, about medium height, with brown hair that isn't straight and isn't curly. He's easy-going, has green eyes and a nice, easy smile, and he likes pipes and sport clothes, especially loafer jackets and striped T shirts.

Carson is one Western singer who knows the front end of a horse from the hind. As a matter of fact, one of his favorite enthusiasms, along with golf, is fine horses. Not only was he born and raised on an Oklahoma ranch, but in 1932, he made a cross - country trip on horseback from Los Angeles to New York along the old Pony Express trail!

When Ken was eleven years old, he was already well started on the road to musical fame. He'd learned to play the harmonica when he was a youngster, and by the time he got to junior high school, he was a past - master; he organized his own band and got dubbed "Harmonica Ken" by his fascinated schoolmates. He went right on with his musical edu- cation through high school, studying voice and guitar after hours, singing at school and social affairs.

Stu Hamblen heard him and of- fered him a job with his hillbilly group. Ken sang with them nine months, then went to San Francisco for two years with the "Beverly Hill Billies," finally came back to Holly. wood when the group disbanded.

It was at this point that Carson joined forces with Jack Ross and Curly Bradley. With Ken's guitar as accompaniment, the trio called them- selves "The Range Boys," were aired first from Hollywood and then from Chicago.

In May of 1943, when the "Sons of tthe Pioneers" invited him to join them, Ken decided once more in favor of Hollywood. Since then he's appeared in dozens of Western pic- tures, made many recordings, and executed innumerable air stints, in- cluding the "Roy Rogers Show."

But Carson's ability goes even fur- ther than singing. He's had several of his songs published, and two of them will be heard in the coming Republic picture, "Sunset in Eldo- rado"


The Program They Were Afraid To Sponsor (Continued front Page 2 ;)

Format of the program includes a three- minute opening talk by each of the four speakers, a fifteen -min- ute Informal round -table discussion, the fifteen- minute question period in which the studio audience partici- pates, followed by a one - minute summary by one speaker represent- ing each side of the question under discussion.

All Important Issues The most vital controversial issues

of the times are chosen as the week- ly "Forum" topics; Mr. Uhl states that there has been no important is- sue before congress in the past dec- ade that has not been presented for discussion and debate on his "Open Forum" series.

Uhl selects the subjects to be spot- lighted; he and his assistant, Miss Lucille Jones, choose the speakers. The program's present moderator is Goodwin J. Knight, judge of the Los Angeles Superior Court. Judge Knight remains impartial during the discussions, interrupts the speakers only when their discussion becomes irrelevant to the main topic or when they excitedly talk out of turn. The show's moderator also receives no financial reimbursement.

The many prominent personages who have come to the "Open Forum" microphone, points out Mr. Uhl, have done so only to speak with utmost sincerity on the things in which they believe. Among the renowned per- sonages who have appeared as "Open Forum" speakers have been George Rony, Russian writer - lecturer and au- thority on world affairs; Lech T. Ni- emo, Polish consul for Los Angeles and Southern California; Albert Lev - it, former judge of the United States District Court to the Virgin Islands and author of the United States na- tionality law and the code of inter- national criminal law; John R. Lech -

ner, author - lecturer -plus an innu- merable list of distinguished college professors, attorneys, labor leaders, ranchmen, and news commentators.

No Rehearsals The speakers never meet until they

arrive at the studio shortly before the broadcast. There are no rehears- als, nor any discussion of the topics before airtime.

Most controversial issue ever spot- lighted in a "Forum" discussion was the well - remembered "ham -and- eggs" question. On that occasion, the studio was packed with an interested audience, crowds rioted outside the doors to obtain admittance and the police had to be summoned.

An interesting note is the fact that, formerly, complaints were registered by listeners to the "Open Forum" whenever Russia was discussed fa-

orably on the program; today, the complaints come in whenever Rus- sia is the subject of criticism.

On Monday morning, leading Los Angeles newspapers frequently car- ry featured news stories containing a resume of the preceding night's "Open Forum" broadcast.

But the fact of which Mr. Uhl is most proud is that, if for some rea- son his "Open Forum" series should be removed from the air, he could immediately produce letters from every interested group -as opposed to each other as they may be (all those whom prospective sponsors once told him would be antagonized by the "Forum" -the labor unions, the Farm Bureau, the Chamber of Commerce, the school boards, etc., etc.) -letters from each and every one of these influential organiza- tions, all of them urgently request- ing that the "Open Forum" broad- casts be resumed.

Where the Stars Ruh Fenders (Continued f Pape 29)

tips and advice to ambitious ones. For the past several months, Demp-

sey has made it a rule to give ex- servicemen the preference when ap- plicants appear. On his present staff are Jack Brown, a commercial art student who is studying voice; Wal- lace Hayes, an ex -actor and writer who wants to do radio announcing; Charlie Gresham, who has his eye on architecture and hopes to design a few television studios; Ray Frag- er, who was discharged from the army recently and who wants to write and produce for radio; and James Hagan, who is studying voice and wants to sing on the air.

Most of the stars are genial driv- ers, according to the attendants. Jack Haley kids all the time, and Hope and Bob Burns always ex- change banter. One day, Burns and Haley drove in, one right after the other. "Got a booking for me, Jack ?" Burns asked Dempsey. "I've got three days in Poughkeepsie," an- swered Dempsey. Haley came to a halt and asked the same question. "I've got Burns penciled in already," protested Jack. "Well, rub him out and put me in," rejoined Haley. "I can use both of you," said Dempsey, settling the mock argument.

Although there's no parking fee for regular employes of NBC and a few others, many using the lot like to give the attendants tips, although the lads are warned never to put themselves in the position of solic- iting them. Jose Iturbi always presses a dollar in the attendant's hand, as does Dick Haymes' mana- ger, Bill Burton, when the two of them drive in; Charlotte Greenwood always gives the attendant a dollar, too, then drives on and parks her own car. Lou Costello has a dollar ready about every other time, and Don Quinn, Fibber McGee and Molly

writer. seldom misses a chance to remember the chap who directs him to a parking place.

One of the most unusual entrances into the lot is made by John Charles Thomas, who drives a specially -built Packard station wagon, equipped with a loud speaker. As the Met singer rolls into the lot, he turns on the speaker and bursts forth with an aria, followed by vocal greetings and the question (still in rich baritone voice) "Where is my spot ?" and "Where's my libretto ?" Seems his meaning of the word "libretto" is parking ticket.

Cinderella's Got Nothing On Her

(Continued from Page 26)

very shy. At this particular party there were three strangers there and it took Van a long time before he felt comfortable with them."

Of course she completed the Cin- derella story about how she got her start in radio. When she was fif- teen, she had a good voice because her "grandmommy" had encouraged it. She wanted to audition at the CBS station in Dallas and her god- father, Jack Marvin, who owned a chain of Texas drug stores, arranged for Connie to sing. She chose "Trees" because her grandfather had taught it to her and "I Can't Escape From You" because, she thought it was sophisticated. When she had finished singing, she went into the control room.

Godfather Helps "It was good," a station official

said, "but we haven't any spot to put you on unless -" and he turned to Marvin, "you want to buy the time."

That's how Connie started on her own program, a summer. series for "Uncle Jack's" drug stores, and from that became staff singer at KRLD in Dallas.

Connie's present dramatic role on "Mystery Time" is her first starring vehicle in radio and she's terrifically happy that it was Dennis O'Keefe who was chosen as her air pal, be- cause the Maschios and O'Keefes are very close friends. In fact, Connie and Johnny introduced Dennis to his future wife, Steffi.

"Dennis knows my moods," Con- nie confessed. "If I have a cold and don't want to talk before the show, or it I just want to be left alone with my own thoughts I don't have to he polite and exert myself, because Den - ny'll understand. He ad libs a lot, but I know him so well I can almost feel them coming.

"Of course I love radio, but it's awfully nerve -wracking and I get a knot right in the pit of my stomach. That's why working with Dennis is so comforting. If I should drop my script in the middle of the show, Denny would bring me out of it."

Page Thirty -one




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