€¦  · Web viewThose with faith in evolution scoffed at His Word and said they...

EVOLUTION FRAUD ATHEIST TEACHERS SMILE AND DECEIVE “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it”, J. Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda. Atheists/naturalists start by denying God then struggle to explain how complex beautiful life came from nothing. Conversely, true science seeks to discern order in the universe, not chaos. Objective science is therefore the domain of Christianity and atheists have no right to taint it with their bias. This pamphlet gives a summary of diverse facts against their foolishness. Apostate Darwin saw variations within kinds and guessed this was new simple information like chemicals, which accumulated into new kinds. Science now shows these variations are within incomprehensibly complex original DNA and epigenetics. Genetics and paleontology affirm creation and disprove chaotic evolution. RED FLAG. Atheists bait kids with variations such as different dogs or broccoli (from wild cabbage), call it “evolution”, then switch to using the term for creation of new kinds of life. Atheist government schools teach this equivocation saying they do not promote darkness (atheism) they merely censor all light. Evolution is- a denial of Biblical 6-day creation, which generally assumes that simple life came from non-life, then by mutation and natural selection increased genetic information to form diverse, incomprehensibly complex DNA and life. Evolutionists say that DNA self-creates. It does not. Like all matter, DNA naturally deteriorates. It requires a built-in repair mechanism (BER, Lindahl). We alter existing DNA by radiation, mixing, Crispr/Cas9, etc. God warns of genetic freaks (e.g. Joel 2:4-7). Prof. Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologist and leading apologist, was asked, “Can you give an example of a genetic mutation or an evolutionary process which can be seen to increase the information in the genome?” He could not give a factual base and ordered that the camera be shut off!! We alter information, not increase . To change numbers in an Excel cell does not produce ‘Word’. It is myth. RED FLAG. (Dawkins, two minutes- v=7OQHgcx2_5o). Even with a mousetrap, if you take away any one part the rest is useless; irreducible complexity. Sight cannot evolve. Life never comes from non-life (abiogenesis). Information cannot come from something less complex than itself. ATCG in very complex DNA, letters on this page, etc. have no natural proclivity to self- arrange into meaningful information. The random probability is too remote to consider and it still would not explain life. RED FLAG. BOREN LEGACY The man on the left is fully evolved. OU says this black man is a primitive human subspecies; part way from ape to white man- photo from 2018 OU class textbook p. 595, “Evolution”, Carl Zimmer, 2016. [email protected] Contact your legislator- With or without this photo, evolution is racist. Criminal groups of KKK and Only Black Lives Matter (OBLM chant-“Shoot a Cop! Kill a Cracker!”) are flip sides of the same racist hate. MLK, “Hate cannot drive out hate”. Boren attacked Christians that exposed racism, calling them divisive haters (11- 16-16). He is personally aware of the OU racist evolution class and condones it. OBLM students do not object to evolution, Darwin’s ‘scientific’ base for racism. The real issue is not black v. white, but racists v. Jesus. The following statement matches which term: - The theory that some types or races within a species are naturally superior to others, more fit and worthy of survival--- Evolution Racism Both White Prof. M. Strauss tries to slip evolution in Genesis 1. God says: in six days the LORD made heaven and earth ”. An atheist is less evil than a heretic that feigns to believe in the Bible, then denies it by sophistry. Perfect design without death is the opposite of chaotic brutal evolution. Zimmer says evolution comports with the Bible but slyly left out the

Transcript of€¦  · Web viewThose with faith in evolution scoffed at His Word and said they...

Page 1:€¦  · Web viewThose with faith in evolution scoffed at His Word and said they have been ... Matthew Maury, Oceanography; James C. Maxwell, Electrodynamics; Gregor


“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it”, J. Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda. Atheists/naturalists start by denying God then struggle to explain how complex beautiful life came from nothing. Conversely, true science seeks to discern order in the universe, not chaos. Objective science is therefore the domain of Christianity and atheists have no right to taint it with their bias. This pamphlet givesa summary of diverse facts against their foolishness. Apostate Darwin saw variations within kinds and guessed this was new simple information like chemicals, which accumulated into new kinds. Science now shows these variations are within incomprehensibly complex original DNA and epigenetics. Genetics and paleontology affirm creation and disprove chaotic evolution. RED FLAG. Atheists bait kids with variations such as different dogs or broccoli (from wild cabbage), call it “evolution”, then switch to using the term for creation of new kinds of life. Atheist government schools teach this equivocation saying they do not promote darkness (atheism) they merely censor all light. Evolution is- a denial of Biblical 6-day creation, which generally assumes that simple life came from non-life, then by mutation and natural selection increased genetic information to form diverse, incomprehensibly complex DNA and life. Evolutionists say that DNA self-creates. It does not. Like all matter, DNA naturally deteriorates. It requires a built-in repair mechanism (BER, Lindahl). We alter existing DNA by radiation, mixing, Crispr/Cas9, etc. God warns of genetic freaks (e.g. Joel 2:4-7). Prof. Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologist and leading apologist, was asked, “Can you give an example of a genetic mutation or an evolutionary process which can be seen to increase the information in the genome?” He could not give a factual base and ordered that the camera be shut off!! We alter information, not increase. To change numbers in an Excel cell does not produce ‘Word’. It is myth. RED FLAG. (Dawkins, two minutes- Even with a mousetrap, if you take away any one part the rest is useless; irreducible complexity. Sight cannot evolve. Life never comes from non-life (abiogenesis). Information cannot come from something less complex than itself. ATCG in very complex DNA, letters on this page, etc. have no natural proclivity to self-arrange into meaningful information. The random probability is too remote to

consider and it still would not explain life. RED FLAG.

BOREN LEGACY The man on the left is fully evolved. OU says this black man is a primitive human subspecies; part way from ape to white man- photo from 2018 OU class textbook p. 595,

“Evolution”, Carl Zimmer, [email protected]

Contact your legislator-

With or without this photo, evolution is racist. Criminal groups of KKK and Only Black Lives Matter (OBLM chant-“Shoot a Cop! Kill a Cracker!”) are flip sides of the same racist hate. MLK, “Hate cannot drive out hate”. Boren attacked Christians that exposed racism, calling them divisive haters (11-16-16). He is personally aware of the OU racist evolution class and condones it. OBLM students do not object to evolution, Darwin’s ‘scientific’ base for racism. The real issue is not black v. white, but racists v. Jesus. The following statement matches which term: - The theory that some types or races within a species are naturally superior to others, more fit and worthy of survival--- Evolution Racism Both White Prof. M. Strauss tries to slip evolution in Genesis 1. God says: “in   six days the LORD made heaven and earth ”. An atheist is less evil than a heretic that feigns to believe in the Bible, then denies it by sophistry. Perfect design without death is the opposite of chaotic brutal evolution. Zimmer says evolution comports with the Bible but slyly left out the subtitle of Darwin’s: “Origin of Species… The Preservation of Favoured Races”. Darwin said he waited to expound on this until a later book since “delving deeply into human evolution would prejudice readers against his theory” (Zimmer p.575); e.g. “civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace, the savage races”, (Descent

of Man, Darwin, ch.6, pg. 162; Hitler expressly got his Aryan race idea from evolution/ eugenics in the US. U.S.A. eugenics led to killing Aborigines, etc.

OU facilitates the LDS Student Asso. distribution of the racist Book of Mormon- (2Nep. 5:21) “because of their iniquity… God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them”; (1Nephi 12:23) “a dark, and loathsome, and a filthy people, full of idleness and all … abominations”. Joe Smith wrote re: “the negro, I would confine them by strict

law to their own species” (Teachings of the Prophet, p. 269). Some repented (3Nep.2:15) “and their skin became white”! CULT! The lamestream manufactures consent against God and country by portraying the USA as racist, not racism as a problem in it. Kneeling athletes and naïve youth are encoded to reject flag and freedom, thinking they oppose racism. Fear created strife; cultural Marxism ! “Every kingdom divided… is brought to desolation”, Luke 11:17. God, “made of one   blood  all nations of men”, Acts 17:26. Jesus, “redeemed us to God by your blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people”, Rev. 5:9;

Gal.3:28. Skin is not sin. Evolution myth and racism are not Christian. God “stretched out” the universe the first day (Psa. 104:2; Isa.

40:22, 42:5; Jer. 10:12, 51:15; Zec. 12:1; etc.). Farther light was stretched more. Star light proves this by ‘red shift’ (Doppler; stretch marks). Conversely, atheists say that from an initial farce (Big Bang) stars are accelerating in proportion to their distance from Earth! (They defy Newton’s 1st Law, Inertia.) They guess distance of stars by degree of red shift (assuming constant speed of light); assumed distance then dates an assumed Big Bang, which they say came from nothing. 2Cor 4:4, Satan, “blinded the minds of the unbelievers”, with spiritual dementia. God created land dinosaurs and man on the same day, Gen.1, Job 40:15. He will kill Leviathan, a sea dinosaur, when He returns to earth (Isa. 27:1). Those with faith in evolution scoffed at His Word and said they have been extinct for 70 million years. On 4-10-77, a Japanese fishing boat pulled up this plesiosaurus! It was 4000 lb., 32 ft., with a long neck and tail, no dorsal fin (Google photos).

Neil Armstrong stepped into 2 inch/6k years of dust on the moon (YouTube). Salt accumulated in the sea over millions of years would not allow aquatic life; 6k yr would ( The shallow sediment and amount of mineral deposits preclude millions of years. This is empirical fact, not atheist propaganda in a book! Dating methods use wild projective assumptions to date fossils, which are used to date geologic layers. Petrified trees up through the layers and no erosion between them prove most formed at one time in a cataclysmic event, Noah’s flood. Some Grand Canyon layers have curls proving they formed soft, at one time! The Bible has not been shown wrong in over 20,000 archeological sites!

BIBLICAL AUTHORITY- 1 Tim 6:20, “avoiding pro-fane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called: Which some professing have erred concerning the

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faith.” Col. 2:8, “lest any man spoil you through philosophy”. If you explain-away part of the Bible, e.g. Genesis 1, the rest is optional. Beware slippery words! Mormons and feminists reject even more of scripture. This culminates in the evolutionist counterfeit-Christian Catholic cult that martyred millions of Christians for having a Bible or believing in it; e.g. Inquisitions, Rwanda, IRA, etc. (They killed Galileo.) The Bible specifically predicted Jesus would be betrayed for 30 pieces of silver; crucified; by piercing hands and feet; no bones broken; etc. (from- Isaiah 53, written in 750 B.C.; Psalms 22:16, written in 1,000 B.C.; Zech.11:12-13, in 520 B.C.). Daniel 9:25 prophesied the exact day Jesus would be recognized as the Messiah. (Decree of Ataxerxes to restore Jerusalem, 3-14-445 B.C., Nehemiah 2:8, to when Jesus entered Jerusalem as king, 4-6-32 A.D. is 173,880 days; i.e. 69x7x360.) Daniel 2-7 foretells the four great gentile empires and of GMO humans in the end (morphans, Daniel 2:43)! Eze. 26:19 said God would sink the city of Tyrus in the ocean. He did! ALL other prophecy is vague slop (horoscope, Nostradamus,

etc.)! The hundreds of specific prophecies in the Bible were made before the events (dating- Dead Sea Scrolls and Septuagint). This is undeniable proof of God. Repent through Jesus’ blood on the cross. He loves you! Your life has meaning. Don’t blindly accept what a god-hater writes in a book nor be awed by large words. They make them up. Evidence for God’s design is overwhelming. ‘Intelligent Design’ is a sham. Declare your Creator or do not bother! “This most beautiful system of sun, planets and comets, could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful ‘Being’”; and “Atheism is so senseless. When I look at the solar system, I see the earth at the right distance from the sun ... to receive the proper amount of heat and light. This did not happen by chance”, Sir Isaac Newton (see- “The Privileged Planet”, DVD; Principia.) “..The theory of evolution (is) itself, a theory universally accepted not because it can be proved by logically coherent evidence to be true but because the only alternative, special creation is clearly incredible.” (D.M.S. Watson ‘Adaptation’, in “Nature”, vol. 124, pg. 231-234; circular fallacy.) Atheists encode naïve youth to smugly reject God and empirical science for evolution myth. CAT scans showed pterodactyl eggs had embryos. Flexible tissue and intact cells were found in a T. Rex, supposedly 70 million yr. old; i.e. < 5k yr. old (Science, 3-24-05, p.1852). Cal. U. fired Mark Armitage for finding soft tissue in a triceratops! Similarly, Dr. G.Gonzales, Iowa S.U., tenure denied ; Dr. R. Sternberg, Smithsonian, fired; Dr. C.Crocker, GMU., fired; ( Atheist teachers smile and deceive. DNA encodes → RNA (transcription) → which forms →

proteins (translation). The reverse is IMPOSSIBLE (chemical

evolution). Factories produce cars; cars do not produce factories. The central dogma of DNA/RNA is amazing proof of God ( People that see that and still believe evolution, “received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned”, 2Thes. 2:11. “If my theory be true, numberless intermediate varieties ... must assuredly have existed”, Charles Darwin. His theory rests on there being billions of transitional mutant forms with only rare stable forms, if any. In contradiction, we see ONLY stable forms and NO transitional life forms! Do you see any dog-cats or plant-birds? The ruse of them changing slowly is irrelevant. They do not exist!!! “If I knew of any (transitional forms), fossil or living, I would certainly have included them (in my evolution book). I will lay it on the line--there is not one such fossil …”, Dr. Colin Paterson (non-Christian) Senior Paleontologist, British Museum of Natural History. He complained later that Christians unfairly quoted him because, “statements about ancestry and descent are not applicable in the fossil record … (did this evolve from that?) Perhaps yes, perhaps no: there is no way of answering the question. It is easy enough to make up stories of how one form gave rise to another, and to find reasons why the stages should be favoured by natural selection. But such stories are not part of science ..." ( So, his science fiction evolution is blind faith in atheist assumption. There is no evidence for their delusion. Fossils are distinct kinds just like distinct kinds today ! Atheists said the universe has always existed (Aristotle).

God said He made it in one day. Science then showed that God told the truth so the god-haters invented Big Bang (1964) which science has also disproved (Perlmutter, ‘04). “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God’ ”, Psalm 14:1. Almost all of the first 123 colleges were founded by devout men, for the purpose of advancing Christianity; e.g. Harvard (Rev. Harvard), Yale (Puritan Elihoo Yale), Princeton (Presbyterian), Oxford, etc. Great Christians- William Booth founded Salvation Army; Millard Fuller, Habitat for Humanity; Henry Dunant, Red Cross; Charles Finney, Underground Railroad; Florence Nightingale, nursing; etc. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction”, Pro.1:7. Sir Francis Bacon, inventor of the four step scientific method said, “There are two books we should read, the Bible, and book of nature.” Johanes Kepler, father of Celestial Mechanics said, “science is thinking God’s thoughts after Him.”

George W. Carver, agricultural chemist, “God is going to reveal to us things He never revealed before if we put our hands in His. No books ever go into my laboratory…With-out God to draw aside the curtain I would be helpless”. Dr. von Braun, father of America’s rocket and space program said “One cannot be exposed to the law and order of the universe without concluding that there must be design and purpose behind it all” (ontological argument for theistic cosmogony).


Louis Agassiz, Glacial Geology & Ichthyology; Charles Babbage, computer science (invented computers); Robert Boyle, Gas Dynamics; David Brewster, Optical Mineralogy; Georges Cuvier, Comparative Anatomy; Henri Fabre, Entomology of Living Insects; Michael Faraday, Electromagnetic Field Theory; John Fleming, Electronics; Sir William Herschel, Galactic Astronomy; Lord Kelvin, Energetics; Carolus Linnaeus, Botany; Lord Joseph Lister, antiseptic surgery; Matthew Maury, Oceanography; James C. Maxwell, Electrodynamics; Gregor Mendel, Genetics; Samuel Morse, Telegraphy; Robert Page, Pulsation Radar; Blaise Pascal, Hydrostatics; Louis Pasteur, Bacteriology (e.g. pasteurized milk); William Ramsey, Isotopic Chemistry; John Ray, Natural History; Lord Rayleigh, Gas Dynamics, Dimensional & Model Analysis; Bernard Riemann, Non-Euclidean Geometry; Sir James Simpson, Gynecology & Anesthesiology; George Stokes, Fluid Mechanics; Ray Damadian, MRI; etc. (see: “America’s God and Country”, by Federer). It is ironic that geniuses see God as the means and end of science but insipid atheists consider Christianity foolish superstition. They say amazing design came from nothing then magically came to life (slowly, of course). Do you really believe their insane drivel?! Science is based on order, not chaos from an explosion. Kelvin’s 2nd Law of Thermodynamics alone negates the evolution myth (entropy). Everything dissipates to less usable, complex, or focused energy and matter- steel rusts, stars cool, etc. NOTHING goes in reverse to evolve. A living cell is vastly more complex than your cell phone, so would you think it evolved from nothing? Will it start breathing? “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”, Gen. 1:1; “you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free”, John 8:32. Rom 1:20, “the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made … so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was

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darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools” (& Ps.19:1, Isa. 40:22). Evolution is 19th century white supremacy dressed up as science. People hold their nose and embrace it, hoping to hide their rebellion against God. 1Chron. 28:9, “if you seek Him, He will be found of you; but if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever.” Humbly ask Him if He is there. Jesus loves you!!!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(You may freely copy and distribute this pamphlet in its entirety only. For others- Rapture, Lose Salvation?, LDS, Catholic, Calvinism, Charismatic, Pro-Life, etc.- Rev. 3-2018