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Chapter 9 Section 5 The Fall of Napoleon 1801-1805 1814 Fall of Napoleon 3 Costly Mistakes: 1. ___________________________- blockade prohibiting trade with Britain a. Unable to effectively enforce b. Did not Hurt British Economy 2. __________________________ a. Replaced King of Spain with Brother b. Local backlash as Guerrilla fighters i. exhausted critical resources to maintain control 3. _________________________

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Chapter 9 Section 5 The Fall of Napoleon

1801-1805 1814Fall of Napoleon

3 Costly Mistakes:

1. ___________________________- blockade prohibiting trade with Britaina. Unable to effectively enforceb. Did not Hurt British Economy

2. __________________________a. Replaced King of Spain with Brotherb. Local backlash as Guerrilla fighters

i. exhausted critical resources to maintain control

3. _________________________a. Napoleon Invades Russia Summer of 1812

i. Russia refused to fight, retreats, and follows ___________________ii. Napoleon continues to be drawn in and early winter sets in.

iii. Napoleon’s military is decimated

1. Freezing Temperatures2. Food Shortage3. Disease4. Russian attacks

iv. Less than 40,000 of 600,000 of Napoleon’s forces return to France1. 370,000 Die2. 200,000 Capture

Quadruple Alliance Responds Britain, Austria, Prussia, Russia defeat

Napoleono Forced to abdicate throne and exiled to

island of Elba

______________________o Napoleon briefly returns, raises and

army for 100 dayso Is finally and officially defeated at

Waterlooo Exiled to St. Helena where he will die.

CONSERVATIVE REACTION to the French Revolution and Napoleonic Warso Piece Europe Back Together

o Congress of Vienna and Congress System Meeting of Russia, Prussia, Austria, France, and British Monarchs/Ministers PURPOSE: Restore the _________________________

Restore Peace, Stability, and Order

Congress of Vienna

Painting by Jean Baptist Isabey

What do you notice about painting that may highlight a desire to return to the old conservative order?

-Key Members: Russia, Prussia, Great Britain, Austria, and even France


1. __________________2. __________________

-Solution: Return Europe to a more CONSERVATIVE Time Period.


1. Monarchs2. _______________3. Church

-Headed By: Foreign Minister Prince Klemens von Metternich Of Austria


(Products of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars)

HOW?Restore European Balance of Power

1. Lenient with France a. 1792 Boundariesb. No War Reparations

i. Until Napoleon’s Hundred Days (700 Million Francs)

2. Reward the Victors a. Britain territories overseasb. Prussia (small territory of Saxony)c. Russia (some Poland)d. Austria wealthy Northern Italy

3. Strengthen nearby nations: BUFFERS AGAINST FRENCH AGGRESSION a. United Dutch (Holland and Belgium)b. Sardinia Territory Expanded

4. Restore all Monarchs displaced by French Revolution and Napoleon a. Even Bourbon Dynasty of France (King Louis VIII)

i. Emigres Return to France

5. ____________________ a. Centerpieceb. “Collective Security” c. Powers would meet periodically, handle disputes diplomatically d. Powers would aide one another to keep the “status quo”e. Terminate liberal, radical, national threats


Examples of Conservative Action-Carlsbad Decrees

-issued by Metternich for German Confederation-root out and destroy all liberal ideas and organizationsEX: Burschenschaften- student group for a UNITED GERMANY

-Leading member Karl Sand was publicly executed-Dissolved Burschenschaften-Censored Press-Limited Constitutionalism in German Territories.

-Holy Alliance-Russia, Prussia, and Austria-Symbolized Conservative Attitude-Aid one another to stamp out all threats (especially liberal ideas and revolutions)


Hey Metternich: -Hobbes Views on Human Nature-Advocate of Tradition and Stable Institutions, Ex Preserving Monarchy and Nobility-Revolutions cause needless bloodshed and suffering

QUESTION: Why would the Foreign Minister of Austria be Extremely Concerned with Maintaining the Conservative Controls

and Suppressing all Liberal and National Movements in his nation?