С П И С Ъ К НА НАУЧНИТЕ ТРУДОВЕ НА ДОЦ. Д-Р НЕВЕНА СТОЕВА ЗА ПЕРИОДА 2009-2013 Г. Общ брой В списания с импакт фактор В рецензирани списания В други списания В материали от конференции В България В чужбина 25 5 13 4 - - Учебни помагала Сортове и патенти Учебници Ръководства Други Защитени Внедрени 1 2 2 - - Участие в научни форуми В България В чужбина Устни доклади Постери Устни доклади Постери - 15 - 3 I.НАУЧНИ ПУБЛИКАЦИИ 1. В списания с импакт фактор 1. Berova, M., G. Pevicharova, N. Stoeva, Z. Zlatev, G. Karanatsidis, 2013. Vermicompost affects growth, nitrogen content, leaf gas exchange and productivity of pepper plants. Journal of Elementology, 18, 4:565-576 (IF 0.378). 2. В рецензирани списания 1. Kaymakanova M., Mincheva T, ,N.Stoeva, 2009. Physiological and anatomical changes in bean plant ( Phaseolis vulg. L.) indused by salt stress. Proceeding of Conference “Variability of climate and agrarian production, Irkutsk, Russian, 25-29 May 2009, 310-317. 2. Vassilev, A., M. Berova, H. Stoeva, Z. Zlatev, 2009. Development and pilot application of a plant test system for evaluating the toxicity of heavy metals-contaminated soils. Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural University-Plovdiv, 1, 1:47-54. 3. Kaymakanova M., L Lyubenova, P. Schröder, N.Stoeva, 2010. Salt Stress And Glutathione- Dependent Enzyme Activities In Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) General and Applied Plant Physiology , Vol. XXXVI, No 1-2, 55-59. 4. Kaymakanova M., Mincheva T, ,N.Stoeva, 2009. Physiological and anatomical changes in bean plant ( Phaseolis vulg. L.) indused by salt stress. Proceeding of Conference “Variability of climate and agrarian production, Irkutsk, Russian, 25-29 May 2009, 310-317. 5. Vassilev, A., M. Berova, H. Stoeva, Z. Zlatev, 2009. Development and pilot application of a plant test system for evaluating the toxicity of heavy metals-contaminated soils. Agricultural Sciences, Agricultural University-Plovdiv, 1, 1:47-54. 6. Kaymakanova M., L Lyubenova, P. Schröder, N.Stoeva, 2010. Salt Stress And Glutathione- Dependent Enzyme Activities In Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) General and Applied Plant Physiology , Vol. XXXVI, No 1-2, 55-59. 7. Stoeva, N., M. Berova , A. Vassilev, Z. Zlatev, M. Kaymakanova, D. Ganeva (2011). Study on some enzyme activity in tomato plants during dry period and recovery AU Konf.J.Agr. Sci, 8, 8. Stoeva, N., M. Berova, Z. Zlatev, M. Kaymakanova, L. Koleva, D. Ganeva, 2010. Physiological test for evaluation of genotypes tolerance of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) to water stress. Agricultural Sciences, 2, 4:81-84. 9. Василев А., М. Берова, Н. Стоева, З. Златев, Н. Динев. 2010. Метална фитиксичност – подходящи индикатори и тестове за екотоксикологична оценка на замърсени почви. Аграрни Науки, 2, 4:51-58.

Transcript of ДАННИ НА ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИТЕ ЗА ПЕРИОДА prepodavat… ·  ·...

Page 1: ДАННИ НА ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИТЕ ЗА ПЕРИОДА prepodavat… ·  · 2014-07-25growth, nitrogen content, leaf gas exchange and productivity of pepper plants. Journal



ЗА ПЕРИОДА 2009-2013 Г.



В списания с



В рецензирани


В други


В материали от


В България В чужбина

25 5 13 4 - -

Учебни помагала Сортове и патенти

Учебници Ръководства Други Защитени Внедрени

1 2 2 - -

Участие в научни форуми

В България В чужбина

Устни доклади Постери Устни доклади Постери

- 15 - 3


1. В списания с импакт фактор

1. Berova, M., G. Pevicharova, N. Stoeva, Z. Zlatev, G. Karanatsidis, 2013. Vermicompost affects

growth, nitrogen content, leaf gas exchange and productivity of pepper plants. Journal of

Elementology, 18, 4:565-576 (IF 0.378).

2. В рецензирани списания

1. Kaymakanova M., Mincheva T, ,N.Stoeva, 2009. Physiological and anatomical changes in bean

plant ( Phaseolis vulg. L.) indused by salt stress. Proceeding of Conference “Variability of climate

and agrarian production, Irkutsk, Russian, 25-29 May 2009, 310-317.

2. Vassilev, A., M. Berova, H. Stoeva, Z. Zlatev, 2009. Development and pilot application of a

plant test system for evaluating the toxicity of heavy metals-contaminated soils. Agricultural

Sciences, Agricultural University-Plovdiv, 1, 1:47-54.

3. Kaymakanova M., L Lyubenova, P. Schröder, N.Stoeva, 2010. Salt Stress And Glutathione-

Dependent Enzyme Activities In Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) General and Applied Plant

Physiology , Vol. XXXVI, No 1-2, 55-59.

4. Kaymakanova M., Mincheva T, ,N.Stoeva, 2009. Physiological and anatomical changes in bean

plant ( Phaseolis vulg. L.) indused by salt stress. Proceeding of Conference “Variability of climate

and agrarian production, Irkutsk, Russian, 25-29 May 2009, 310-317.

5. Vassilev, A., M. Berova, H. Stoeva, Z. Zlatev, 2009. Development and pilot application of a

plant test system for evaluating the toxicity of heavy metals-contaminated soils. Agricultural

Sciences, Agricultural University-Plovdiv, 1, 1:47-54.

6. Kaymakanova M., L Lyubenova, P. Schröder, N.Stoeva, 2010. Salt Stress And Glutathione-

Dependent Enzyme Activities In Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris L.) General and Applied Plant

Physiology , Vol. XXXVI, No 1-2, 55-59.

7. Stoeva, N., M. Berova , A. Vassilev, Z. Zlatev, M. Kaymakanova, D. Ganeva (2011). Study on

some enzyme activity in tomato plants during dry period and recovery AU Konf.J.Agr. Sci, 8,

8. Stoeva, N., M. Berova, Z. Zlatev, M. Kaymakanova, L. Koleva, D. Ganeva, 2010.

Physiological test for evaluation of genotypes tolerance of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) to

water stress. Agricultural Sciences, 2, 4:81-84.

9. Василев А., М. Берова, Н. Стоева, З. Златев, Н. Динев. 2010. Метална фитиксичност –

подходящи индикатори и тестове за екотоксикологична оценка на замърсени почви.

Аграрни Науки, 2, 4:51-58.

Page 2: ДАННИ НА ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИТЕ ЗА ПЕРИОДА prepodavat… ·  · 2014-07-25growth, nitrogen content, leaf gas exchange and productivity of pepper plants. Journal

10. Василев А., З. Златев, М. Берова, Н. Стоева, 2010. Толерантност на растенията към

засушаване и високи температури – физиологични механизми и подходи за подбор на

толерантни типове. Аграрни Науки, 2, 4:59-64.

11. Berova, M., T. Stoilova, K. Kuzmova, N. Stoeva, A. Vassilev, Z. Zlatev, 2012. Changes in the

leaf gas exchange, leaf water potential and seed yield of cowpea plants (Vigna unguiculata L.)

under soil drowght conditions. Agricultural Sciences, 4, 8:29-34.

12. Zlatev, Z., M. Berova, N. Stoeva, M. Kaymakanova, 2012. Effect of soil drought on leaf gas

exchange and water relations in bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Agricultural Sciences, 4, 8:65-


13. Берова, М., Н. Стоева, М. Каймаканова, Л. Колева, 2014. Влияние на някои триазоли и

имидазоли върху растежа и фотосинтетичната активност на рапица (Brassica napus).

Аграрни Науки, 6, 15:55-60.

3. В други списания

1. Стоева, Н., М. Берова, З. Златев, Л. Колева, М. Каймаканова, 2010. Проучване Върху

Някои Ензимни Активности При Фасул И Вигна През Периода На Засушаване И

Възстановяване. Научни трудове на АУ « Юбилейна научна конференция 65 години АУ с

международно участие» т. LV, кн. 183-188.

2. Берова, М., Стоева, Н., З. Златев, Цв. Стоилова, Г. Попов, 2010. Промени във

фотосинтетичната активност при вигна в условия на засушаване. Научни трудове на АУ «

Юбилейна научна конференция 65 години АУ с международно участие» т. LV, кн. 1, 189-


3. Zlatev Z., M. Berova , N. Stoeva, N., A. Vasilev, 2010. Drought – induced changes in

chlorophyll fluorescence of vigna plants. Научни трудове на АУ « Юбилейна научна

конференция 65 години АУ с международно участие» т. LV, кн. 2, 417-421.

4. Slavova, N., M. Kaymakanova,N. Stoeva, Zh. Krasteva, 2012. Responce of bean (phaseolus

vulgaris l.) plants to iso-osmotic solutions of NaCl and Na2SO4. J.Agr. Sci, vol. VI, issue 10, 65-




A. Постерни доклади

1. Scientific Conference “Science and horticultural practice for health and the environment”,

Lublin, Poland, 14.09-16.09.2011

Vassilev, A., M. Berova, N. Dinev, N. Stoeva, Z. Zlatev, Phytotoxicity evaluation of heavy

metal-contaminated soils in different regions of Bulgaria.

2.International scientific-practical conference “Climate, ecology and agriculture of Eurasia”,

Irkutsk, Russia, 25.05-29.05.2009

Kaymakanova M., Ts. Mincheva, N. Stoeva, 2009. Physiological and anatomical changes

of bean plants (Phaseolus vulg. l.) to salt stress, Proceeding of International Conference,

Irkutsk, Russian, in Book: “Climate, ecology and agriculture of Eurasia”, 310-317.


A. Постерни доклади

1. II Научен семинар с международно участие «Стрес при растенията: теоретични и

приложни аспекти», Пловдив, 30.09-01.10.2011

Page 3: ДАННИ НА ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИТЕ ЗА ПЕРИОДА prepodavat… ·  · 2014-07-25growth, nitrogen content, leaf gas exchange and productivity of pepper plants. Journal

2. Berova, M., T. Stoilova, K. Kuzmova, N. Stoeva, A. Vassilev, Z. Zlatev, Changes in the leaf

gas exchange, leaf water potential and seed yield of cowpea plants (Vigna unguiculata L.) under

soil drowght conditions.

3. Stoeva, N., M. Berova, A. Vassilev, Z. Zlatev, M. Kaymakanova, D. Ganeva, V. Petkova, Study

on some enzyme activity in tomato plants during drought and recovery periods.

4. Zlatev, Z., M. Berova, N. Stoeva, M. Kaymakanova, Effect of soil drought on leaf gas exchange

and water relations in bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).

5. Юбилейна научна конференция с международно участие «Състояние и тенденции за

развитие на растениевъдната наука», Пловдив, 15.11-16.11.2012 (1 участие);

6. Slavova, N., M. Kaymakanova,N. Stoeva, Zh. Krasteva, 2012. Responce of bean (phaseolus

vulgaris l.) plants to iso-osmotic solutions of NaCl and Na2SO4. J.Agr. Sci, vol. VI, issue 10, 65-


7. Научен семинар с международно участие „Изследване на стресови отговори и

подбор на толерантни генотипове при основни селскостопански култури”, Пловдив,


8. Василев А., М. Берова, Н. Стоева, З. Златев, Н. Динев, Метална фитиксичност –

подходящи индикатори и тестове за екотоксикологична оценка на замърсени почви.

9. Василев А., З. Златев, М. Берова, Н. Стоева, Толерантност на растенията към засушаване

и високи температури – физиологични механизми и подходи за подбор на толерантни


10. Stoeva, N., M. Berova, Z. Zlatev, M. Kaymakanova, L. Koleva, D. Ganeva, Physiological test

for evaluation of genotypes tolerance of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) to water stress.

Юбилейна научна конференция с международно участие „Традиции и

предизвикателства пред аграрното образование, наука и бизнес”, Пловдив, 14.10-


11. Zlatev, Z., M. Berova, N. Stoeva, A. Vassilev, 2010. Drought-induced changes in chlorophyll

fluorescence of vigna plants.

12. Стоева, Н., М. Берова, З. Златев, Л. Колева, М. Каймаканова, Проучване върху някои

ензимни активности при фасул и вигна през периода на засушаване и възстановяване.

13. Берова, М., Н. Стоева, З. Златев, Цв. Стоилова, Г. Попов, Промени във

фотосинтетичната активност при вигна в условия на засушаване.

XI Юбилейна национална конференция по Физиология на растенията с международно

участие „Физиология на растенията – традиции и предизвикателства през 21 век”,

София, 19.11-20.11.2009

14. Златев, З., А. Василев, Н. Стоева, М. Берова, Влияние на почвеното засушаване върху

бързите светлинни криви при млади растения фасул.

15. Младежка научна конференция – Аграрен Университет – НИЦ, 2014. Изследване

на остатъчни количества пироксулам в пшеница. Л. Колева, М. Каймаканова, Н. Стоева.





В списания с

импакт фактор

В рецензирани

списания В други списания В дисертации

150 42 86 16 6


На работата

Page 4: ДАННИ НА ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИТЕ ЗА ПЕРИОДА prepodavat… ·  · 2014-07-25growth, nitrogen content, leaf gas exchange and productivity of pepper plants. Journal

1. Stoeva, N., M. Berova, Z. Zlatev, 2005. Effect of arsenic on some physiological

parameters in bean plants. Biologia Plantarum, 49, 2:293-296.…………………….

1 1 Vazquez, S., E. Esteban, R. Carpena, 2008. Evolution of arsenate toxicity in

nodulated white lupine in a long-term culture. Journal of Agricultural and Food

Chemistry, 56, 18:8580-8587.

2 2 Shri, M., S. Kumar, D. Chakrabarty, P. Trivedi, et al., 2009. Effect of arsenic on

growth, oxidative stress, and antioxidant system in rice seedlings, Ecotoxicology

and Environmental Safety, 72, 4:1102-1110.

3 3 Szakova, J., P. Tlustos, W. Goessler, S. Findening, E. Richtrova, J. Balik, 2009. A

comparison of arsenic mobility in Phaseolus vulgaris, Mentha aquatica, and Pteris

cretica rhizosphere, Central European Journal of Biology, 4, 1:107-116.

4 4 Gunes, A., D. Pilbeam, A. Inal, 2009. Effect of arsenic-phosphorus interaction on

arsenic-induced oxidative stress in chickpea plants. Plant and Soil, 314, 1-2: 211-


5 5 Panigrahi, D., G. Randhawa, 2010. A novel method to alleviate arsenic toxicity in

alfalfa plants using a deletion mutant strain of Sinorhizobium meliloti. Plant and

Soil, 336, 1:459-467.

6 6 Panda, S., R. Upadhyay, SA. Nath, 2010. Arsenic stress in plants. Journal of

Agronomy and Plant Science, 196, 3:161-174.

7 7 Jin, J., Y. Hu, Y. Huang, 2010. Protective effect of nitric oxide against arsenic-

induced oxidative damage in tall fescue leaves. African Journal of Biotechnology, 9,


8 8 Mukherjee, A., D. Das, S. Mondal, R. Biswas, et al., 2010. Tolerance of arsenate-

induced stress in Aspergillus niger, a possible candidate for bioremediation.

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 73, 2:172-182.

9 9 Garg, N., P. Singla, 2011.Arsenic toxicity in crop plants: Physiological effects and

tolerance mechanisms (Review). Environmental Chemistry Letters, 9, 3: 303-321.

10 10 Phattaharya, P., R. Pal, 2011. Response of cyanobacteria to arsenic toxicity. Journal

of Applied Phycology, 23, 2:293-299.

11 11 Czech, V., E. Cseh, F. Fodor, 2011. Arsenate induces water stress. Journal of Plant

Nutrition, 34, 1:60-70.

12 12 Garg, N., P. Singla, 2012. The role of Glomus mosseae on key physiological and

biochemical parameters of pea plants grown in arsenic contaminated soil. Scientia

Horticulturae, 143:92-101.

13 13 Malik, J., S. Goel, N. Kaur, S. Sharma, I. Singh, H. Nayyar, 2012. Selenium

antagonises the toxic effects of arsenic on mungbean (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.)

plants by restricting its uptake and enhancing the antioxidative and detoxification

mechanisms. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 77:242-248.

14 14 Hasanuzzaman, M., M. Fujita, 2013. Exogenous sodium nitroprusside alleviates

arsenic-induced oxidative stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings by

enhancing antioxidant defense and glyoxalase system. Ecotoxicology, 22, 3:584-


15 15 Srivastava, S., A. Srivastava, B. Singh, P. Suprasanna, S. D'souza, 2013. The effect

of arsenic on pigment composition and photosynthesis in Hydrilla verticillata.

Biologia Plantarum, 57, 2:385-389.

16 16 Mandal, C., N. Ghosh, S. Maiti, K. Das, S. Gupta, N. Dey, M. Adak, 2013.

Antioxidative responses of Salvinia (Salvinia natans Linn.) to aluminium stress and

it's modulation by polyamine. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 19,


17 17 Gusman, G., J. Oliveira, F. Farnese, J. Cambraia, 2013. Arsenate and arsenite: The

toxic effects on photosynthesis and growth of lettuce plants. Acta Physiologiae

Page 5: ДАННИ НА ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИТЕ ЗА ПЕРИОДА prepodavat… ·  · 2014-07-25growth, nitrogen content, leaf gas exchange and productivity of pepper plants. Journal

Plantarum, 35, 4:1201-1209.

18 18 Talukdar, D., 2013. Arsenic-induced oxidative stress in the common bean legume,

Phaseolus vulgaris L. seedlings and its amelioration by exogenous nitric oxide.

Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 19, 1:69-79.

19 19 N Ahsan, DG Lee, KH Kim, I Alam, SH Lee Analysis of arsenic stress-induced

differentially expressed proteins in rice leaves by two-dimensional gel

electrophoresis coupled with mass spectrometry- ChemosphereVolume 78, Issue 3,

January 2010, Pages 224–231.

20 20 Y Gao, YK Guo, SH Lin, YY Fang Hydrogen peroxide pretreatment alters the

activity of antioxidant enzymes and protects chloroplast ultrastructure in heat-

stressed cucumber leaves.- Scientia horticulturae, 2010 - Volume 126, Issue 1, 23

2010, Pages 20–26.

21 21 S Dho, W Camusso, M Mucciarelli - Env. and Exper. Botany, Vol 69, (1), 2010,

17–23.Arsenate toxicity on the apices of< i> Pisum sativum</i> L. seedling roots:

Effects on mitotic activity, chromatin integrity and microtubules

22 22 . M Aggarwal, S Sharma, N Kaur, D Pathania Exogenous proline application

reduces phytotoxic effects of selenium by minimising oxidative stress and improves

growth in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seedlings. Biological Trace Element

Research Vol 140, (30, 354-367.

23 23 ZN Hao, LP Wang…Expression patterns of defence genes and antioxidant defence

responses in a rice variety that is resistant to leaf blast but susceptible to neck blast. -

Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 2009 – Vol. 74, (2), 167–174

24 24 S Dubey, P Misra, S Dwivedi, S Chatterje Transcriptomic and metabolomic shifts in

rice roots in response to Cr (VI) stress.[PDF] from biomedcentral.com,2010 -

biomedcentral.com BMC Genomics 2010, 11:648 .

25 25 F Duman, F Ozturk Nickel accumulation and its effect on biomass, protein content

and antioxidative enzymes in roots and leaves of watercress (< i> Nasturtium

officinale</i> R. Br.). - Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2010 Vol. 22, (4), 2010,


26 26 A Rai, P Tripathi, S Dwivedi, S Dubey, M Shri Arsenic tolerances in rice (Oryza

sativa) have a predominant role in transcriptional regulation of a set of genes

including sulphur assimilation pathway and antioxidant … - Chemosphere, Vol. 82,

(7), 2011

27 27 Y Sakai, T Watanabe, J Wasaki, T Senoura Influence of arsenic stress on synthesis

and localization of low-molecular-weight thiols in Pteris vittata

from hokudai.ac.jp. … - Environmental pollution, 2010, 158,(12), 3663-3669.

28 28 S Dwivedi, RD Tripathi, P Tripathi Arsenate Exposure Affects Amino Acids,

Mineral Nutrient Status and Antioxidants in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes..

Environ. Sci. Technol., 2010, 44 (24), pp 9542–9549

29 29 S Dwivedi, RD Tripathi, P Tripathi Arsenate Exposure Affects Amino Acids,

Mineral Nutrient Status and Antioxidants in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes..

Environ. Sci. Technol., 2010, 44 (24), pp 9542–9549

30 30 M Ferreira, RC Matos, H Oliveira Impairment of mice spermatogenesis by sodium

arsenite - Hum Exp Toxicol 0960327111405862, first published on April 13, 2011.

На работата

Alarcon, K, L Bozova, N Stoeva 1987. Index of earliness in tomato plants produced by

irradiation of seeds and transplants with gamma rays. - Rastenievydni-Nauki-Bulgaria,


Page 6: ДАННИ НА ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИТЕ ЗА ПЕРИОДА prepodavat… ·  · 2014-07-25growth, nitrogen content, leaf gas exchange and productivity of pepper plants. Journal

31 1 Effects of gamma rays irradiation on seed germination and growth of hard wheat

Mongi Melki and A. Marouani- Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2010 – Volume

8, Number 4 (2010), 307-310

32 2 Gamma radiation effects on growth and yield attributes of Psoralea corylifolia L.

with reference to enhanced production of psoralen, Sumira Jan, Talat Parween, T. O.

Siddiqi and Mahmooduzzafar- Plant Growth Regulation, 2011 - Volume 64,

Number 2 (2011), 163-171

На работата

N Stoeva , Tz. Bineva Oxidative changes and photosynthesis in oat plants grown in

As-contaminated soil. - Bulg. J. Plant Physiol, 2003, 29, 1-2, 87-95.

33 (1) H Banejad.2011. Arsenic Toxicity in the Irrigation Water-Soil-Plant System: A

Significant Environmental Problem. - Journal of American Science, 2011, 7 (1) ,


34 2 A Gunes, DJ Pilbeam, Inal Ali. Effect of arsenic–phosphorus interaction on arsenic-

induced oxidative stress in chickpea plants.… - Plant and Soil, 2009 .314 Issue: 1-

2 Pages: 211-220

35 3 Zeynep Banu Doğanlar, Mustafa Atmaca. Influence of Airborne Pollution on Cd,

Zn, Pb, Cu, and Al Accumulation and Physiological Parameters of Plant Leaves in

Antakya (Turkey). Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 2011 - Volume 214, Numbers 1-4,


36 4 S Dwivedi, RD Tripathi, P Tripathi Arsenate Exposure Affects Amino Acids,

Mineral Nutrient Status and Antioxidants in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Genotypes,

Environmental Science and technology, 2010, 44 (24), pp 9542–9549.

37 5 H Banejad. Arsenic Toxicity in the Irrigation Water-Soil-Plant System: A

Significant Environmental Problem, - Journal of American Science, 2011, 7 (1) ,


38 6 JA Malik, S Goel, N Kaur, S Sharma. Selenium antagonises the toxic effects of

Arsenic on Mungbean (< i> Phaseolus aureus</i> Roxb.) Plants by restricting its

uptake and enhancing the antioxidative and …- Environmental Experimental Botany

Volume 77, April 2012, Pages 242–248.

39 7 N Garg. Arsenic toxicity in crop plants: physiological effects and tolerance

mechanisms- Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2011, Volume 9, Number 3, 303-


40 8 V Bandaru Predicting leaf arsenic concentration in hydroponically grown rice and

spinach leaves using narrow-band leaf reflectance and stereological measurements, -

2009 - by Bandaru, Varaprasad, Ph.D., UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, 2008,

165 pages;

41 9 B Choudhury, S Chowdhury. Regulation of growth and metabolism in rice (Oryza

sativa L.) by arsenic and its possible reversal by phosphate, - Journal of Plant , 2011

- Taylor & Francis, Journal of Plant Interactions Volume 6, Issue 1, 2011, 15-24.

42 10 L Wu, H Yi . Assessment of arsenic toxicity using Allium/Vicia root tip

micronucleus assays, - Journal of hazardous materials, 2010 - Volume 176, Issues

1–3, 15 April 2010, Pages 952–956

На работата

Stoeva N., M. Berova, Z. Zlatev, 2004. Physiological response of maize to arsenic

contamination. Biologia Plantarum, 47, 3:449-452.

43 (1) Sun, S., M. He, T. Cao, S. Cheng, H. Song, 2009. Effects of Pb and Ni stress on

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antioxidant enzyme system of Thuidium cymbifolium. Chinese Journal of Applied

Ecology, 20, 4:937-942.

44 (2) Panda, S., R. Upadhyay, S. Nath, 2010. Arsenic stress in plants. Journal of

Agronomy and Plant Science, 196, 3:161-174.

45 (3) Garg, N., P. Singla, 2011. Arsenic toxicity in crop plants: Physiological effects and

tolerance mechanisms (Review). Environmental Chemistry Letters, 9, 3: 303-321.

46 (4) Pisani, T., S. Munzi, L. Paoli, M. Bačkor, S. Loppi, 2011. Physiological effects of

arsenic in the lichen Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr. Chemosphere, 82, 7:963-969.

47 (5) Czech, V., E. Cseh, F. Fodor, 2011. Arsenate induces water stress. Journal of Plant

Nutrition, 34, 1:60-70.

48 (6) Gomes, M., D. Moreira Duarte, P. Silva Miranda, L. Carvalho Barreto, M. Matheus,

Q. Garcia, 2012. The effects of arsenic on the growth and nutritional status of

Anadenanthera peregrina, a Brazilian savanna tree. Journal of Plant Nutrition and

Soil Science, 175, 3:466-473.

49 (7) Yuan, Y., X. Han, G. Li, P. Zhang, R. Li, 2012. Effects of Zn on some physiological

characteristics of wheat seedlings under Hg stress. Chinese Journal of Applied and

Environmental Biology, 18, 2:212-217.

50 (8) Gomes, M., M. Carvalho, G. Carvalho, T. Marques, Q. Garcia, L. Guilherme, A.

Soares, 2013. Phosphorus Improves Arsenic Phytoremediation by Anadenanthera

Peregrina by Alleviating Induced Oxidative Stress. International Journal of

Phytoremediation, 15, 7:633-646.

51 (9) Gusman, G., J. Oliveira, F. Farnese, J. Cambraia, 2013. Arsenate and arsenite: The

toxic effects on photosynthesis and growth of lettuce plants. Acta Physiologiae

Plantarum, 35, 4:1201-1209.

На работата

1. Berova, M., N.Stoeva, Z.Zlatev, T.Stoilova, P.Chavdarov, 2007. Physiological

changes in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) leaves, infected by the most important bean

diseases. – Journal of Central European Agriculrure, 8, 1: 57-62

52 (1) Lobato, D., A. Gonçalves-Vidigal, M. Filho, P. Costa, R. Cruz, F. Santos, D. Silva,

C. Silva, L. Sousa, 2009. Changes in photosynthetic pigment and carbohydrate

content in common bean cultivars infected by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum.

Plant, Soil and Environment, 55, 2:58-61.

53 (2) Osdaghi,E., M. Shams-bakhsh, A. Alizadeh, M. Lak, 2010. Study on common bean

seed lots for contamination with Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli by BIO-

PCR technique. Journal of Agricultural Technology, 6, 3:503-513.

54 (3) Vatsala,T., R. Rekha, 2013. An Effcient Method for Extracting Lutein from Indian

Medicinal Plant Commelina benghalensis. A Comparative Study on Solvents

Efficiency. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 6,2:25-31.

55 (4) Petkova, V., E. Nacheva, E. Topalova, G. Petrova, 2012. Response of the

photosynthetic apparatus of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) to high

temperature and drought. Agricultural Sciences, 4, 8:21-27.

На работата

1. Berova M., N. Stoeva, Z. Zlatev, D. Ganeva, 2008. Physiological response of some

tomato genotypes (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) to high temperature stress. Journal of

Central European Agriculture, 9, 4:723-732. 56 (1) Draghici, E., M. Pele, 2012. Evaluation some new hybrids for cultivation in

conventional system in spring climatic conditions of Romania. International Journal of

Agriculture Sciences, 4, 7:299-305.

57 (2) Naeem, M., M. Nasir Khan, M. Masroor, A. Khan, Moinuddin, 2013. Adverse

Page 8: ДАННИ НА ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИТЕ ЗА ПЕРИОДА prepodavat… ·  · 2014-07-25growth, nitrogen content, leaf gas exchange and productivity of pepper plants. Journal

Effects of Abiotic Stresses on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants and Their Alleviation

by Calcium Plant Acclimation to Environmental Stress 101-146.

На работата

N Stoeva, Z Zlatev , Bineva,Z. Physiological response of bean (Phaeseolus vulgaris L.) to

gamma irradiation treatment. II. Water exchange, respiration and peroxidase activity,.- J.

Environ. Protect. Ecol, 2001

58 1 A Hameed, TM Shah, BM Atta, MA Haq. 2008 Gamma irradiation effects on seed

germination and growth, protein content, peroxidase and protease activity, lipid

peroxidation in desi and Kabuli chickpea, Pak. J. Bot, 2008 .

59 2 A Khawar, IA Bhatti, QM Khan, HN Bhatti] A germination test: An easy approach

to know the irradiation history of seeds.- Pak. J. Agri. Sci, 2010

60 3 KA Zaied, ZA Kosba, MA Nassef Interaction Between Gamma-irradiated

Macrosymbiont and Recombinants of Microsymbiont to Improve Nodulation and

Nitrogen Fixation in Pisum sativum. Australian Journal of Basic 2010

На работата

N Stoeva, M Berova, A Vassilev, Z.Zlatev. 2006. Effect of exogenous polyamine

diethylenetriamine on oxidative changes and photosynthesis in As-treated Maize plants (Zea

mays L.) Journal of Central Europian Agr., 2006 , Vol.6 No.3

61 1 Physiological effects of arsenic in the lichen Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th. Fr.

T Pisani, S Munzi, L Paoli, M Backor… - Chemosphere, 2010 - Elsevier

62 2 N Garg. Arsenic toxicity in crop plants: physiological effects and tolerance

mechanisms - Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2011 - Springer

63 3 I Sharma, Arsenic induced oxidative stress in plants. - Biologia, 2012 - Volume 67,

Number 3 (2012), 447-453 .

В рецензирани списания

На работата

Stoeva N., M. Berova, Z. Zlatev, 2004. Physiological response of maize to arsenic

contamination. Biologia Plantarum, 47, 3:449-452.

64 (1) Lešková, A., M. Molnárová, A. Fargašová, 2012. Biochemical view of uptake,

metabolism and toxic effects of arsenic compounds on plants ( Review ). Chemicke

Listy, 106, 12:1110-1115.

65 (2) Finnegan, P., W. Chen, 2012. Arsenic toxicity: The effects on plant metabolism.

Frontiers in Physiology, Article number 182.

66 (3) Ci, X., H. Liu, Y. Hao, J. Zhang, P. Liu, S. Dong, 2012. Arsenic Distribution,

Species, and Its Effect on Maize Growth Treated with Arsenate. Journal of

Integrative Agriculture, 11, 3:416-423.

67 (4) Gomes, M., M. Carvalho, G. Carvalho, T. Marques, Q. Garcia, L. Guilherme, A.

Soares, 2013. Phosphorus Improves Arsenic Phytoremediation by Anadenanthera

Peregrina by Alleviating Induced Oxidative Stress. International Journal of

Page 9: ДАННИ НА ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИТЕ ЗА ПЕРИОДА prepodavat… ·  · 2014-07-25growth, nitrogen content, leaf gas exchange and productivity of pepper plants. Journal

Phytoremediation, 15, 7:633-646.

68 (5) Gavina, A., S. Antunes, G. Pinto, M. Claro, C. Santos, F. Gonçalves, R. Pereira,

2013. Can Physiological Endpoints Improve the Sensitivity of Assays with Plants in

the Risk Assessment of Contaminated Soils? PLoS ONE , 8, 4, Article number


Stoeva, N., M. Berova, Z. Zlatev, 2005. Effect of arsenic on some physiological parameters in

bean plants. Biologia Plantarum, 49, 2:293-296.

69 (1) Guo, Z., M. Meng, Y. Hou, 2009. Effect of P and As couple stress on growth, and P

and As absorption of different P-tolerant rice seedlings. Chinese Journal of Applied

and Environmental Biology, 15, 5:596-601.

70 (2) Singh, H., S. Kaur, D. Batish, V. Sharma, N. Sharma, R. Kohli, 2009. Nitric oxide

alleviates arsenic toxicity by reducing oxidative damage in the roots of Oryza sativa

(rice), Nitric Oxide-Biology and Chemistry, 20, 4:289-297.

71 (3) Wu, L., H. Yi, M. Yi, 2010. Assesment of arsenic toxicity using Allium/Vicia root

tip micronucleus assays. Journal of hazardous Materials, 176, 1-3:952-956.

72 (4) Gunes, A., A. Inal, E. Bagci, Y. Kadioglu, 2010. Combined effect of arsenic and

phosphorus on mineral element concentrations of sunflower. Communications in

Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 41, 3:361-372.

73 (5) Garg, N., P. Singla, 2011.Arsenic toxicity in crop plants: Physiological effects and

tolerance mechanisms (Review). Environmental Chemistry Letters, 9, 3: 303-321.

74 (6) Ozdener, J., H. Kutbay, 2011. Physiological and biochemical responses of the leaves

of verbascum wiedemannianum fisch.&mey. to cadmium. Pakistan Journal of

Botany, 43, 3: 1521-1525.

75 (7) Choudhury, B., Chowdhury, S., Biswas, A.K, 2011. Regulation of growth and

metabolism in rice (Oryza sativa L.) by arsenic and its possible reversal by

phosphate. Journal of Plant Interactions, 6, 1:15-24.

76 (8) Malik, J., S. Goel, R. Sandhir, H. Nayyar, 2011. Uptake and distribution of arsenic

in chickpea: Effects on seed yield and seed composition. Communications in Soil

Science and Plant Analysis, 42, 14:1728-1738.

77 (9) Kaur, S., H. Singh, D. Batish, A. Negi, P. Mahajan, S. Rana, R. Kohli, 2012.

Arsenic (As) inhibits radicle emergence and elongation in phaseolus aureus by

altering starch-metabolizing enzymes vis-à-vis disruption of oxidative metabolism.

Biological Trace Element Research, 146, 3:360-368.

78 (10) Srivastava, S., A. Srivastava, P. Suprasanna, S. D'Souza, 2013. Quantitative real-

time expression profiling of aquaporins-isoforms and growth response of Brassica

juncea under arsenite stress. Molecular Biology Reports, 40, 4:2879-2886.

79 (11) Dobroviczká, T., B. Piršelová, P. Mészáros, A. Blehová, J. Libantová, J.

Moravčíková, I. Matušíková, 2013. Effects of cadmium and arsenic ions on content

of photosynthetic pigments in the leaves of Glycine max (L.) Merrill. Pakistan

Journal of Botany, 45, 1:105-110.

80 (12) Mandal, C., N. Ghosh, S. Maiti, K. Das, S. Gupta, N. Dey, M. Adak, 2013.

Antioxidative responses of Salvinia (Salvinia natans Linn.) to aluminium stress and

it's modulation by polyamine. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 19,


На работата

Stoeva, N., M. Berova, A. Vassilev, Z. Zlatev, T. Bineva, 2007. Modifying effect of

tidiazuron and diethilentriamine on gamm-irradiated plants of oats and triticale. Journal

of Central European Agriculture, 8, 2:147-152.

Page 10: ДАННИ НА ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИТЕ ЗА ПЕРИОДА prepodavat… ·  · 2014-07-25growth, nitrogen content, leaf gas exchange and productivity of pepper plants. Journal

81 (1) Sengupta, M., A. Chakraborty, S. Raychaudhuri, 2013. Ionizing radiation

induced changes in phenotype, photosynthetic pigments and free polyamine

levels in Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 75:44–


На работата

Vassilev, A., L. Koleva, M. Berova, N. Stoeva, 2007. Development of a plant test system

for evaluation of the toxicity of metal contaminated soils. I. Sensitivity of plant species

to heavy metal stress. Journal of Central European Agriculture. 8(2). 135-140.

82 (1) Durdević, B., M. Lisjak, M. Stošić, M. Engler, B. Popović, 2008. Influence of

Pb and Cu toxicity on lettuce photosyntetic pigments and dry matter

accumulation. Cereal Research Communications, 36, 5:1951-1954.

На работата

Berova, M., Z. Zlatev, N. Stoeva, 2002. Effect of paclobutrazol on wheat seedlings under

low temperature stress. Bulgarian Journal of Plant Physiology, 28, 1-2:75-84.

83 (1) Jaleel, C., R. Gopi, P. Manivannan, M. Gomathinayagam, R. Sridharan,

R. Panneerselvam, 2008. Antioxidant potential and indole alkaloid

profile variations with water deficits along different parts of two varieties

of Catharanthus roseus, Colloids and Surfaces B:Biointerfaces, 62, 2:312-318.

84 (2) Adebooye, C., G. Noga, M. Schmitz-Eiberger, 2008. Effects of root zone

temperature and paraquat in the induction of oxidative stress in Trichosanthes

cucumerina L. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 30, 6:873-879.

85 (3) Shao, H., L. Chu, C. Jaleel, P. Manivannan, R. Panneerselvam, M. Shao, 2009.

Understanding water deficit stress-induced changes in the basic metabolism of

higher plants – biotechnologically and sustainable improving agriculture and

the ecoenvironment in arid regions of the globe. Critical Reviews in

Biotechnology, 29, 2:131-151.

86 (4) Baninasab, B., 2009. Amelioration of chilling stress by paclobutrazol in

watermelon seedlings. Scientia Horticulturae, 121, 2:144-148.

87 (5) Hajihashemi, S., K. Kiarostami, S. Enteshari, A. Saboora, 2009. Effect of

paclobutrazol on wheat salt tolerance at pollination stage. Russian Journal of

Plant Physiology, 56, 2:251-257.

88 (6) Sivakumar, T., A. Sundaramanickam, R. Panneerselvam, 2009. Changes in

growth and pigment content in sweet potato by triadimefon and hexaconazole.

Journal of Phytology, 1, 5:333–341.

89 (7) Nair,V., C. Jaleel, R. Gopi, R. Panneerselvam, 2009. Changes in growth and

photosynthetic characteristics of Ocimum sanctum under growth regulator

treatments. Frontiers of Biology of China, 4, 2:192-199.

90 (8) Khaiikhashemi Sh., Kh. Kairostami, Sh. Enteshari, A. Sabora, 2009. Deistvie

paklobutrazola na soleustoichivost pshenitsy na stadii opyleniya. Fiziologiya

rastenii, 56, 2:278-284.

91 (9) Bordjiba, O., A. Ketif, 2009. Effect of Three Pesticides (Hexaconazole,

Bromuconazole and Fluazifop-p butyl) On Some Biochemical Metabolites of

the Hard Wheat: Triticum durum. Desf. European Journal of Scientific

Research, 36, 2:260-268.



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93 (11) Hassanpour, H., R. Khavari-Nejad, V. Niknam, F. Najafi, K. Razavi, 2012.

Effects of penconazole and water deficit stress on physiological and

antioxidative responses in pennyroyal (Mentha pulegiumL.). Acta Physiologiae

Plantarum, 34, 4:1537-1549.

94 (12) Zhou, Z., H. Ma, K. Liang, G. Huang, K. Pinyopusarerk, 2012. Improved

tolerance of teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) seedlings to low-temperature stress by

the combined effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza and Paclobutrazol. Journal of

Plant Growth Regulation, 31, 3:427-435.

95 (13) Shanmugam, M., G. Lakshmanan, S. Mathumathi, R. Panneerselvam, 2012.

Effect of plant growth regulator fungicide and ABA on growth and

biochemical properties of Basella alba Linn. International Journal of

Pharmaceutical & Biological Archives, 3, 5:1236-1243.

96 (14) Nair, V., R. Gopi, M. Mohankumar, J. Kavina, R. Panneerselvam, 2012. Effect

of triadimefon: a triazole fungicide on oxidative stress defense system and

eugenol content in Ocimum tenuiflorum L. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 34,


97 (15) Asadi, A., A. Kelestanie, S. Mirfakhraii, A. Abasi, 2013. Genetic variation of

the 20 bread wheat cultivars under chilling stress by using GGE biplot

analysis. International Journal of Agronomy and Plant Production, 4, 4:696-


На работата

Stoeva, N., M. Berova, A. Vassilev, Z. Zlatev, T. Bineva, 2007. Modifying effect of

tidiazuron and diethilentriamine on gamm-irradiated plants of oats and triticale. Journal

of Central European Agriculture, 8, 2:147-152.

98 (1) Sengupta, M., A. Chakraborty, S. Raychaudhuri, 2013. Ionizing radiation

induced changes in phenotype, photosynthetic pigments and free polyamine

levels in Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 75:44–


На работата

Stoeva, N., M. Berova, Z. Zlatev, M. Kaymakanova, L. Koleva, D. Ganeva. 2010.

Physiological test for evaluation of genotypes tolerance of tomato (Solanum

lycopersicum) to water stress. Agricultural Sciences, 2, 4:81-84.

99 (1) Petkova, V., E. Nacheva, E. Topalova, G. Petrova, 2012. Response of the

photosynthetic apparatus of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) to high

temperature and drought. Agricultural Sciences, 4, 8:21-27.

На работата

Vassilev, A., Koleva, L., Berova, M. & Stoeva, N. (2007). Development of a plant test

system for evaluation of the toxicity of metal contaminated soils. I. Sensitivity of plant

species to heavy metal stress. Journal of Central European Agriculture. 8(2). 135-140.

100 (1) Lisjak, M., T. Teklic, M. Engler, N. Paradjikovic, V. Cesar, H. Lepedus, I.

Stolfa, D. Beslo, Z. Loncaric, J. Hancock, 2008. Physiological responses in

two radish cultivars exposed to copper and lead stress. 17th

Page 12: ДАННИ НА ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИТЕ ЗА ПЕРИОДА prepodavat… ·  · 2014-07-25growth, nitrogen content, leaf gas exchange and productivity of pepper plants. Journal

International Symposium of CIEC: "Plant Nutrient Management Under Stress

Conditions", Cairo 24-27.11.2008, pp.1-6.

101 2 Irrigation with industrial wastewater activates antioxidant system and

osmoprotectant accumulation in lettuce, turnip and tomato plants; Hashem,

H.A., Hassanein, R.A., El-Deep, M.H., Shouman, A.I.; Ecotoxicology and

Environmental Safety; 2013

102 3 Influence of Pb and Cu toxicity on lettuce photosyntetic pigments and dry

matter accumulation. Durdević, B., Lisjak, M., Stošić, M., Engler, M.,

Popović, B.; Cereal Research Communications; 2008

На работата

Vassilev, A., Z. Zlatev, M. Berova, N. Stoeva, 2010. Plant tolerance to drought and high

temperatures. Physiological mechanisms and approaches for screening for tolerant

genotypes. Agricultural Sciences, 2, 4:59-64.

103 (1) Petkova, V., E. Nacheva, E. Topalova, G. Petrova, 2012. Response of the

photosynthetic apparatus of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) to high

temperature and drought. Agricultural Sciences, 4, 8:21-27.

104 (2) Ganeva, D., M. Mihov, 2012. Reproductive characteristics and energy

productivity of determinate tomato plants under water deficit. Agricultural

Sciences, 4, 8:91-96

На работата

Zlatev, Z., M. Berova, N. Stoeva, A. Vassilev, 2003. Use of physiological parameters as

stress indicators. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 4, 4:841-849.

105 (1) Ganeva, D., M. Mihov, 2012. Reproductive characteristics and energy

productivity of determinate tomato plants under water deficit. Agricultural

Sciences, 4, 8:91-96.

106 (2) Stera, A., 2012. Physiological response of young bean plants (Phaseolus

vulgaris L.) to selected nutrient deficiencies. Agricultural Sciences, 4, 8:51-55.

На работата

Zlatev Z., M. Berova, N. Stoeva, A. Vasilev, 2010. Drought – induced changes in

chlorophyll fluorescence of vigna plants. Научни трудове на АУ, Юбилейна научна

конференция 65 години АУ с международно участие, LV, 2:417-421.

107 (1) Ganeva, D., M. Mihov, 2012. Reproductive characteristics and energy

productivity of determinate tomato plants under water deficit. Agricultural

Sciences, 4, 8:91-96.

На работата

Stoeva N., M. Kaymakanova, 2008. Effect of salt stress on the growth and photosynthesis

rate of bean plants (Phaseolus vulg. L.), JCEA, 9 (3), 385-392.

108 (1) D. Solís-Marroquín, Lecona-Guzmán, C.A., Canto-Flick, A., Bello-Bello, J.J.,

Santana-Buzzy, N., Iglesias-Andreu, L., Hort. Science, 46 (12) (2011) p. 1666-


109 2 M.A. da Conceição Gomes, Suzuki, M.S., da Cunha, M., Tullii, C.F., Acta

Limnologica Brasiliensia, 23 (2) (2011) p. 164-176.

110 3 M. Shahbaz, Ashraf, M., Akram, N.A., Hanif, A., Hameed, S., Joham, S.,

Rehman, R., Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 33 (4) , 2011 p. 1113-1122

111 4 L. Liu, Du, H., Wang, K., Huang, B., Wang, Z. Hort. Science 46 (2) (2011) p.

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112 5 G.I.Ayala-Astorga, , Alcaraz-Meléndez, L. Electronic Journal of

Biotechnology, 13

113 6 X. Yang, Wang, X., Wei, M., Hikosaka, S., Goto, E. Brazilian Journal of Plant

Physiology, 21 (4) (2009) p. 309-317.

114 7 E.H. Siddiqi, Ashraf, M., Hussain, M., Jamil, A. Pakistan Journal of Botany,

41 (5) (2009) p. 2251-2259.

На работата

Kaymakanova M., N.Stoeva, T. Mincheva, 2008. Salinity and its effects on the

physiological response of bean, JCEA, 9 (4), 749-756.

115 (1) .S. Amira, Qados, A. J. of the Saudi Society of Agr. Scie., 10 (2011) p.7–15.

На работата

Kaymakanova M., N. Stoeva, 2008. Physiological reaction of bean plants (Phaseolus

vulg. L.) to salt stress, Gen. Appl. Plant Physiology, Special Issue, 34 (3-4), 177-188.

116 (1)

S. F. Gadalla, J. Agric. Sci., 34(11) (2009) p.10663-10685.

117 2 Z. Xueqin, Xiang, Z., Li, X., Lu, W., Tan, L., Luo, Q., He, C., Yu, Y., Yao,

Y., Li, Y., Li H., XiangJournal Y., J. of Life Scie., 5 (2011) p.483-487.

118 3 H. El Sayed, Sayed A. El, Agric. Biol. J. N. Am., 2(6) (2011) 907-920.

119 4 S.Farouk, Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry, 7(2) (2011) p. 117-


120 5 H.S. Aldesuquy, Baka, Z.A., El-Shehaby, O.A., Ghanem, H.E., Journal of

Stress Physiology & Biochemistry, 8(1) (2012) p. 24-47.

121 6 J.R. Méndez Natera, Ybarra Pérezy, F.T., Merazo Pinto J.F., Rev. Fac. Agron.,

28(1) (2011) p.421-433.

122 7 K. Ghassemi-Golezani,Nikpour-Rashidabad, N., Zehtab-Salmasi S.,

International J. of Plant, Animal and Environ. Scie., 2(2) (2012) p.223-228.

123 8 N., Tuteja, Peter Singh, L., Gill, S. S., Tiburcio, A. F., Tuteja, R. Improving

Crop Resistance to Abiotic Stress, Volume 1 & Volume 2 (2012).

На работата

Kaymakanova M., L. Lyubenova, P. Schröder, N.Stoeva, 2010. Salt stress and

glutathione-dependent enzyme activities in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)., Gen.

Appl. Plant Physiology, Special Issue (Part II), 36 (1-2), 57-61.

124 (1) C. Vahdettin, Türkmen, Ö., Doğan, Y., Erdinç, Ç., Sensoy, S. African Journal

of Agricultural Research, 6(10) ( 2011) p. 2394-2402


На работата

Zlatev, Z., M. Berova, N. Stoeva, A. Vassilev, 2003. Use of physiological parameters as

stress indicators. Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology, 4, 4:841-849.

125 (1) Ganeva, D., M. Mihov, 2012. Reproductive characteristics and energy

productivity of determinate tomato plants under water deficit. Agricultural

Sciences, 4, 8:91-96.

126 (2) Stera, A., 2012. Physiological response of young bean plants (Phaseolus

vulgaris L.) to selected nutrient deficiencies. Agricultural Sciences, 4, 8:51-55.

Page 14: ДАННИ НА ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИТЕ ЗА ПЕРИОДА prepodavat… ·  · 2014-07-25growth, nitrogen content, leaf gas exchange and productivity of pepper plants. Journal

На работата

Берова, М., В. Керин, Н. Стоева, А. Василев, З. Златев, 2004. Ръководство за

упражнения по физиология на растенията. Пловдив, АИАУ, 210 с.

127 (1) Панайотов, Н., и др. 2010. Влияние на взаимовръзката между

разположението върху майчиното растение и зрелостта на семената от

пипер върху посевните качества и някои физиологични и химични

показатели. Екология и здраве: Сборник на докладите от Осмата

национална научно-техническа конференция с международно участие,

Пловдив, 19 май 2010, с. 93-98.

На работата

Berova, M., N.Stoeva, Z.Zlatev, T.Stoilova, P.Chavdarov, 2007. Physiological changes

in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) leaves, infected by the most important bean diseases.

– Journal of Central European Agriculrure, 8, 1: 57-62.

128 (1) Petkova, V., E. Nacheva, E. Topalova, G. Petrova, 2012. Response of the

photosynthetic apparatus of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) to high

temperature and drought. Agricultural Sciences, 4, 8:21-27.

На работата

Берова, М., Н. Стоева, А. Василев, З. Златев, 2007. Ръководство за упражнения по

физиология на растенията. Пловдив. АИАУ, с. 42-45.

129 (1) Митова, И., и др. 2011. Влияние на почвеното замърсяване и

температурните режими върху растежни прояви на домати в разсадна

фаза. Научни трудове на УХТ - Пловдив, 58, 1:421-427.

130 (2) Митова, И., и др. 2012. Влияние на обогатен вермикулит върху

формирането на добива и качеството при маруля. Почвознание,

агрохимия и екология, XLVI, 2:21-27.

На работата

Василев, А.., М. Берова, Н. Стоева, З. Златев, 2009. Разработване и пилотно

изпитване на растителен тест за оценка на токсичността на замърсени с тежки

метали почви. Аграрни науки, 1, 1:45-52.

131 (1) Кръстева, В., и др. 2012. Екотоксикологична оценка на замърсени с тежки

метали почви в района на КЦМ – Пловдив. Екология и здраве: Сб. на

докл. от деветата нац.науч.-техн. конф. с междунар. участие, Пловдив, 17

май 2012, с. 529-534.

На работата

Stoeva, N., M. Berova, Z. Zlatev, M. Kaymakanova, L. Koleva, D. Ganeva. 2010.

Physiological test for evaluation of genotypes tolerance of tomato (Solanum

lycopersicum) to water stress. Agricultural Sciences, 2, 4:81-84.

132 (1) Petkova, V., E. Nacheva, E. Topalova, G. Petrova, 2012. Response of the

photosynthetic apparatus of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) to high

temperature and drought. Agricultural Sciences, 4, 8:21-27.

На работата

Vassilev, A., Z. Zlatev, M. Berova, N. Stoeva, 2010. Plant tolerance to drought and high

temperatures. Physiological mechanisms and approaches for screening for tolerant

genotypes. Agricultural Sciences, 2, 4:59-64.

133 (1) Балев, Г. и др. 2010. Ефекти на фунгицида Пиктор върху фотосинтезата

на слънчогледови растения в условия на засушаване и висока

Page 15: ДАННИ НА ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛИТЕ ЗА ПЕРИОДА prepodavat… ·  · 2014-07-25growth, nitrogen content, leaf gas exchange and productivity of pepper plants. Journal

температура. Научни трудове АУ - Пловдив, 55, 3:151-155.

134 (2) Petkova, V., E. Nacheva, E. Topalova, G. Petrova, 2012. Response of the

photosynthetic apparatus of potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.) to high

temperature and drought. Agricultural Sciences, 4, 8:21-27.

135 (3) Ganeva, D., M. Mihov, 2012. Reproductive characteristics and energy

productivity of determinate tomato plants under water deficit. Agricultural

Sciences, 4, 8:91-96

136 (4) Марчева, М., З. Попова, С. Василева, 2013. Оценка на реакцията към

осмотичен стрес на образци от местни популации твърда пшеница

(Triticum durum Desf.). Agricultural Sciences, 4,12:31-36.

На работата

Zlatev Z., M. Berova, N. Stoeva, A. Vasilev, 2010. Drought – induced changes in

chlorophyll fluorescence of vigna plants. Научни трудове на АУ, Юбилейна научна

конференция 65 години АУ с международно участие, LV, 2:417-421.

137 (1) Ganeva, D., M. Mihov, 2012. Reproductive characteristics and energy

productivity of determinate tomato plants under water deficit. Agricultural

Sciences, 4, 8:91-96.