· OnSyVf-cmanl-Pagfe WHERE TO GO TODAY. ****prr


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OnSyVf-cmanl- PagfeWHERE TO GO TODAY.

lar aoclal meetlng of Chlropean at Knapp Manalon,****prr<*!jn, 12 rn. Muslc and drama

_ .-., fnlon praver meetlng. h.pel of ColleKta*.* o.fwira.1 h. Harlem l_eno_ av*. and On- hun-

4irA"on l-iuy .hlrt at.. 10_M a. m.

End xVoman'a Republlcan Club. No. 4T7 Boulevard.|:li p. ot

a vaurtevllle entertalnment at Berkoley I_yeeum. SBtP* lleieli Ot the Or.glnal ttra Tott ta Mlatlon.

a_a*_r* ln U'llbank Chapel h> M. BOBBOB Lala, a natlve."j- hp'no for ihe (Ira^uate Student.' i;tub of tha

O-o- Meaa ieho-l . P- av

______¦ axhibi'ion. revolutlonary and hlatorlcal rellea. by*W\\ton* ><pter. 1>. A. R.. at No, _1 S-uth Klrat-ave..

Mount X'.in n. 3 t.* I aad I la 11 p. m.

VMveT for.feren.*e. Woman'a Thrlatlan Tempetanc***KvJ.:,,r >f KlagS ''""nty. morning and afternoon. ln

..-', gumner Avenue'.llat Bp|| .,,,., ,'hurch.v»n PstwB st Brooklrn.

.ar_, Yhree «;.i«r<lanien'' w.ll he prorlur-ert at tiie UroaJ-.,,, Th'aire by the Pr.feaa.onal XX'oman'a iMk'ua.2 30 p m

Aiuiua! itrawberry featlval. i_en->x Road Me'hodlatc riirrh Flathuah, ly-ng laland. 8 p. m.

uk p. pa.-tn.-nt tTirlatlan Work ot Rrooklyn. Sr-ithp.«f rpworth I_*ar,ue, In the 8'xth Axrenoe Metta(K..,-

v nighth at.. 8 p. m. Ar, lnvltatl<.i. :.

txtended to membera of young peopie'a aocletiea ot allchtirehea




into thi. raimn MP.OBASL- iiarui


At the regular meetlng of the Soelal Reform Cluh,V.ld on T-.-slax evenlng at Ita rooms, No. 15

j_a.a.ette i'l,..,,. thr- aubjaot of "Tho Petentlon of

..taeeeea as at Preaent Coaducted" waa lntrodiu*ed

bv Un M!<> Baalaa Hcdell, xxho read a paper glv¬

ing .ome facta in the ea a

ghe -..>.< fo lowed l.v Miss Harrlette A. Keyser, who

.rge. bamedlate action In this great abu^e. while

Ctinr'ea Bogle, a member of the Reform Club and¦ mlrknown lawyer of thla rlty. explnlned the

Itcbalca! requleltea for the house. but deelared that

eaform a ¦- nt *eMai7 Aa a result of the meetlngl commlttee waa appolnted to make a thorough ln-

veftsRi'1'1' of rh»- matter, wlth a vlew to co-

lj*rat'- (- wlth the olnbwomen.In r. ntervlew with Mlss Kryser. eecretnry of

fm Church Associatlon for the Advancement of

IkabterefU of Labor, she stated that the flrst eallfor ref r:n ln the mntter of detentlon of wltnesses

cam' '¦ an thi _ot*_etjr ter Polltical Itndy."Last wlnter." she aald "the Soclety for Polltical

.. iad among Its s.rles Of papera one upon

The Petentlon of Witneases,' prepared by Mrs.

Ff.le!'.. one of Its membera, who hnd been led ro

tske ar Intereat in the BUbJed by rending 'Theln 'McClure- Magaalne.' She at

rn... r.r,..-..i mt.. a coireapondence w-ith the author,ly trialted tht- House of De-

M Iberry-at.. and mad.- ns thor-t ,ah a slud; IWe of the eonduct of the

!t. r< "ttrn to Its In.lustlre to poori eople.

.tbr preaentatlon of tbe facta made the aoeietynuat be done in the matter.

,,.(1 . r) tlme after Mra Bedell xvas im:-ttort the XXIsl rXaaemblj Dlatrlct

Fqualltx Club. of whl.-h Mlss Keyaer i' president.. of tha lub were alao arouaed

to 'ee that ""me aitlon was Imperatlve. It was,:!<-..) thal the marter was

,--. tloi ¦. '"'"1 Cliih,.Vr.a thal thla i nrganlzatlon is !n Him

, | aald Misa Keyaer, "wo

,H « tn denllnp wlthV« ,-. holda a t>erson ln durance

>.',. nv Inveatlgatlon of hls <-aso

^ made, wlll be more certalnljr assured."



TAINED BT MR8. F HA8BROUCK.In r» e mrerv .1 between rhe closlng of the vartona

tlub actlxitlea for the aeaaon nnd thr summer fli'-o]g ..¦ mountalm or -. thewomen of aoclety arr embraclng tbe opportunltyto indulge in many functlona of a purely aoclaltbars

< ine .,' :h^ mojrt dellghtful of theae aetnl-form.i!iffa rs was a mualeal and luncheon c.v-n jreaterdayby Mra Frederi.k RTaabrouck, of Np. 2?.~, CentralFark xx'eat. at v. hi^h ahe entertalned about flfty ofY.t Immediate frlenda from thls city, EnglewoodInd Ru'herfcr.l.Mrs. l'asbroii.*k was asslsted ln re-elving by h<-r

I'stvr. Mrs Plerr" Boucher. The houae waa beau-".:;;'!'. : corated wlth lllnos and tullps, whlle thfl

..a«*h aecommodatlng elght gueata, were

r-rit M<- tprlng paatoralsAmong the gueats were Mme. M'vs-nheym, oourt

llnger in the Royal Theatre at Munlch who fa-tored the oompanx wlth a number of vocal <etn:.:

lwer a piipll of Mme. Me>*aenheym, who, -,fid in duet wltb her Inttructreaa; Mlaa

n who gax-e two cxqulalte aoprano »Qlo»;Rj.T i_x Vake, n rtoltnlat, who also r>ld.y>i: Mlaa...a H ward who aeted aa acoompanlal a< tbeplano and Mrs. <"harles Taft, daughter of rho .a:e

judge ... njumln F. Hall, of Auburn. N. T.

UXIYERSALIST W0MEE*B COXYEXTIOX.The w,men's Narionai Iflaalonary Boclety of the

DMveraallat Church is boMtaa Ita annual sesslon

»t Uaitlmore. Md. It began yeaterday, and wlll

lontlr.'ie 'hrough to-<1ay. The wom.n of tho

tlmar.. orob wlll gen-r^ualy «ntcrtaln vlsltlnr:lelega'es an.l frlends. The Rev Au.-us.ta Chapln,the Rev Allce K. Wrlght. state detogata, and th.*

P.«v. Arr. tte Croaamen will be among thc apeakeraTh» nlveraaJtart Leader," .»f Boatoa, Majss., ln

irealcintr ditoiilly of thn Rte lliig '.'.¦-¦Th. vomea of th. Unlvenallat Church bare

ilor.flf.1 thelr falth by nobli eff tt; to thf-m we arekdabted for the contlnuance of many loonlthBRhat for th< eatabllahlng of great funds. the

,f r-ur llterature, the aldlng of mis-i .- ma ar.d ¦>¦¦¦¦ -:';; '' "l °*ir

l-fcoola. in fact. wherever there baa been denom-..) there hax>_ the women been ready

women «¦.¦ muai turn withiratitud^ f..r the staMiity of our cauae. ln avery

.hureh th.- ceptre of llf< .-'; ln the women aivi-tv in avery KTeat t-hureh to the women b.longttot -".'if .- II f.-r the greatneaa. ln our

larger denomlaatloaal iif>- -.«> nre.i theae greatform ls< !. and ln iho Natlonal nveUtiK, tom balt in Raitimotr- »n Wedneaday and Thuraday,*e have th. poaalbllltjr of unlty. Tn- \\. C. a..I f ..'.!¦ il Natlonal Women's organlzatlon. ln-Utea ". from all, and I' wouldtorliu? hour for our Oiurc-h If the Invltatlon eouldB- g<¦¦¦¦ epted and every women'a aocletyI tented in this g:>-at hlstoric aaaodatlon.

XFXY OFFICERS OF W. C. T. U.The new offlr-rs of thr New-York County Praneh

'¦v-.m-in's Chrtotlaa Temperanoa Unlon, alect-td T'i- f,,i; mra Pr< dent, Mra ""ran-rea A West.r'i. !d; vice-preaidetit. Dr I.aura M.R!<*e. rorreapondlng aecretary, Mlaa Julla Colman:

r rj Mrs. Julla L. tlates, amltrtaaurer Di i- ona J. B. Wait.

nooD \ EWB for Tiu: POYS.The BUmbera >f the boya' elubs of the Habfvw

Xhitltute are Jul.llant over Ihe newa that ex-MayorAbram 8. Hewltl has Just granted the EducatlonalAMgaag the f*-.-e uae of Plurn laland, ln Long Ial-»nd Sounrt, n.-nr New-London. as ramplng-groutidafor the r:ub». The eamp ls to be open from July 15?_..hf 8»t_rdav precedlng rhe rer.pen'.ng of tht.Publlc g.hool.An,llA*el*iT- '~* KaHt S1(*e *'">'* will be aeo.mmo-

ti a7"h*?s" wlll be dlvlded lnto groups of twen-

xj-nve each. ._ h grf.uj. b.Ing the guest of tho**_*-¦..» for two weeksa nedal Instructor. under the aupervlalrm of

K»i_2ftt,t*'n :h** superlnterdent of the IJehrexvi'rl. a'*- *.** iiave charge of the oamp,¦f_ur._.a. even Sunday. in compnny with aomewiemberg of tho Board of Dlrectora

B'lFXT VEEXOH WOMEE EXTEBTATXED."ra. Samuel R. Patteraon gave an aft.-rnoon tea

to the domestlc sclence rectlon o.' tha Waatohaater"omer.g ,-,, )1( h(.r home. ln Blch-ave., Mounternor., r,n Tueaday aft(-rrioon. There were prea-m M-s Pradarlck C. Browar, Mrs. W. A. Lane.flra Ellzaheth Ward, Mra. I^ella C. Lllake. Mrs.M***r Hull and Mra Henry B. Rhoad-a..wMl Lafla Caitar Blaka of Seoond-avo.. Mount

Kave o card receptlon and supper to thoAvenu* Club on Tueaday evenlng. Amo:;R

tfin.. pr,V.«r'- w're Mrs. Jamea H. Jenklna, Mrsxxi.iam XMlaon. MIbf Carrle Wllaon, Mra. H. B.Patteraon Mr and Mrs. K. A. I.a r.c, MraP^L wMri'- »"..'.« E Mulforrt, Mra. Malvllle BJt;oge. Mr .n: Mr. T Dlcklnaon. C C. Lord, Dr,Rhoad T *n(5 I-1«u-cnnnt *"'. Mr,i H.-nry K.

.mtm*>aaty fB,«rii» la

Cashmere Bouquet.





Among the arrlvals from Ran Juan, Porto Rleo,c.n the transport McPherson yesterday wer.- Mr-.Henry, wife nf Oeneral Ouy V. Henry; Mrs. P.Traub, Mrs. Chnrles Mason and Mrs. Bcnton, Oen-eral Henry's dmiKhter. ai! of them Trlhune Sun-Btalne I-»*!.*ty m. ml.ers. All were lookitiK remark-ably wrll In splte of the long royage, whleh hadnot been an unpleasant one. thotiRh saddened hythe aympnthy they felt fnr CnplHln an.l Mrs.Ward. of the Pnnther. I'. S N.. who were return-tafl wlth the body of thelr llttle daughter, Con-stanre. The chlld dled ten days before the partyleft San Juan.Mrs. Henry, ln a dark c-loth trnvelllnR rown and

tOQUe, trlmmed wlth ptirple. looked happy as

friends greeted her. almost smotherlng her wlthflowers.Mrs. J. Holland, the presldent of the Porto Rlco

braneh of the T. 8. 8., was pr.sent to welcome thewomen ln the namo of the Presldent-Oeneral andthe soclety at larire.Mrs. Henry returned thanks for the preetlnR, and

spoke appreclativ.-ly of the Rood work done by TheTribune Sunshine members ln San Juan. Mrs.Traub stated that one frlend away out West. whomthe news of Porto Riran needs had reached throiiRhthe Sunshine eolumn, had sent $_. to help the work."The work ls still roIiir on." sald Mrs. Henry.

"and ls now fiUly estahllshed. Mrs. Colonel Hoff,Mrs. Brlehelmln, Mrs Burhanan. Mrs "Phll"Hanna and Mrs. Goodman, al! good Sunshine work¬ers, are still earnestly Interested."Tee, I am glad to return to the States." aald

Mrs. Henry, "to see our many friends. but stillleave San Juan with deep regret.I had become so

much Interested In and attaehed to the peoplethere. The Rratltudo they expressed and the ova-

tlon they Rave us was almost too much for us. Ihardly had the strenRth to bear It when some ofthem erled and wrung thrlr hands. I trled to aa-

sure them we would still be their friends, and, al¬though not with them. we would not forget them.On our last Sunday there we vlslted both thepri-ons. The expressed thelr gratltudaby brlrisln** palms, some of which I simply Insistedorr havlnp taken on board the transport. TheOeneral has worked so nard it has told on hlm!.. erdr, and I knew lf he trled to stay all summer

he wouM surely break down " Mrs. Henry ac-

Mpted an Invltatlon to be present at the T. S. 8.receptlon at the Savoy on the 23d."We have so enjoyed belng members of the Sun¬

shine Soclety." aald Mrs. Traub. who was wearlnRher badge. "I thlnk lt a wonderful w..rk. and I BOmuch repret not belng able to avall myself of tho

prfvllece of belng present at the receptlon on Tuea¬day, as we leave for Albany Immediately. I en¬

joyed every hour nf my stay ln San Juan."Ma.1or Traub Is one of Oeneral Henry;- staff. and

was made major by brevet for gallantn durlng tho

late war.M . Mason also r"Kretted helntr nhllired to send

regreti to tiie Invltatlon for the Bd, ai they ro toBoaton Immediately, Major Mason having beenrranted leave of on account of ill-health.Oeneral Henry (-..mpiimented The Tribune on the

Bunshlne Boclety work, whleh had been of Rreathei). :o hlm In Porto Hl.-o.When the MePheraon reached Quarantme. amonR

Other craft that met here was l transport tugwhlch bore Beverel offlcers of the Colonlal Ald Bo-eletj who wenl to welcome Mra. Henry on ber re¬

turn to New-Tork. Theae offlcera were Mrs. Jan-Vler \s> Due Mrs Hor;ic. Bee and Miss AnnaRhodes the -rcasurer. the aecretary and the chair¬man reapectlvely. Mrs. Henry has been actlve lnPorto Rlco in the wnrk of the Woman a Ald So-lev of Pan .luen. of which she was president. On

,- she tendered her realgnatlon, but this beinRed Mrs. John V. R. Hoff. th- first vlce-presl¬

dent was appolnted to act In her place The.Ald Soclety, founded here to aUMlement

the work of rellef ln Porto Ri-*,, wlll hold a meot-Ins on Monday afternoon at the Orand Hotel. when

Mrs. Henry wlll apeak on the rellef work amonR

the Porto Rlcana, and Oeneral "'.r"}. w ¦'' '.J.*,*';ihe edueatlonal work. The Rev. Pr. \ an de Water



PRODUCED BY THE BURVIVORS.An opportunlty wlll be Rlven to those who worshlp

Mara and Terpalchora to enjoy a unlqu. anterteln-,¦ to-1 Lghl ln the armory of the 71st Regiment

at Park-ave. and Thlrty-foiirt.i-st.Th.- BUr.lTora of Companies E and K. Sd Bat¬

tallon. who were ln the vlctortoua charga up San

Juan Hlll last July. will Klve a reallstie reproduc-tlon of that great battle. and Wlll follow lt wlth a

dance. ln whleh the spectatora of the sham flphtlnvit"d to parMclpate.

companies E and K of the reRiment.all sur-

vtvora of the famous flght.and a number ofw-m wlll repreeanl the enemy. wlll flRh*

th- battle over apaln. The floor spaceof ihe armory is to be Pubanl-'d hy palms. cactUfl

plants, troplcal ferna 'and the tall brakea and end of the building a hl.l has heen con-

stiucted. wltl thi blookhoueea at the top goardedoy Cubana, repreaentlng tha Bpanlah eoldiers. The

eharga wlth all its attendant obeuelea and accl-nnd Its flnale. ls to be sho'.vn as vlvi.lly as

poMlbla The -wounded" will ba Bttended to byreal nuraea, who were at tba hoapltal al Blboney.The nurses will appear In COOtume, and tell the

vlsltora a.l ahout their work durlng the war AfterMe baitl" tha floor wlll ba cleared for dani Ing.Amona the promlnent pei -__«tS *?

preaent _re Oovernor and Mrs. Rooaevelt. Adjutant-Andrewa. Major-Oeneral Roe and the hlghof thi Nktlonal Ouard. An admlaalon fee

_Jnf t_2 charited the proceeda to go toward flttlngu;, tlie r/t'Virany rSSmi Of companies B and K. Inthe armory buildlng.

A BOYS' CH H RAI8BB BOXBT.Eight young boys residing on the West Slde have

recently organlaed a club, th.* objeet of which ls

to aaatal la pntrtoUc work. They have chosen the

n,. 0f Olympia for their club. in honor of Ad¬

mlral Hewev's flagship and In commendatlon of

the victory of May. 1»8. they held a falr last Frl-

,',,., ,,, the Hotel San Tlte sum of 122: waa

r.-.lired as the result of their encrKv and ie. f ..f thls sum has been approprlati

thelr -ontrlbutlon to the fund now being ralaad to.___. a monument to the herolna of thelate war,R.i.Lria Hv.!- Walworth. The tnem;..Ts of the_h_b^ Arthur l_e_pold. Harry Hannlgan. Walter

n t, .ti Dudlelgh liontgomery. Hermaa and arlBwiel. Kaymnnd H.hneitzel and Joeeph Kaynoa.

A EIFLIXG PBOOBAMMB.A unlque proKrnnime of KIpttng recltattons and was Rlven bafora aa appractatlva audlenee

yeaterday afternoon In TbeodOT BJdrksten's studlo,Carnegle Hall, by Arthur Bdwaed Sahischmidt. aa-

dited i.v Herhert writherepoonAmong th.* reeitatlons glven by Mr. Stnhlsehmldt

were .'Tommy," "Hlll 'Awklns." "Bhlllln' a Day."¦V;,,.dalay." "The Wldow at WlndBOT." "JJ* t?AdDiIre" and "Ounaa Dln. rj.f' s.4n(j*s .*. Mr

W herapoon lnclud_d 'Danny Djover^ -tWuzay.' "Route Marchln and The Kecea-

"_'be""laat numh-r on the nroRramme lncluded-I . witlafa Drlnklna HonCNby i^^ff'^-"'"

.,u.,. by Btahlachmldt; '^hou Art«oUka«Flowfr" and "My Tho-ugbta Are As fhe MlghtyHlUa." _#_

SUMMER HOME TO RF. OPEXBD.The date of the housowarmlnR at the new sum¬

mer home for women and children to he oper.ed at

Stamford. Conn., by Oraoe Church. h:.s l..--r,

Changed from Monday, May _*2. 10 Tuesday. May."1 On that dav a party eompose.l of some of the

and |.;.r!shloners wlll RO to Stamford Slm¬

ple dedlcatory aervlcea wlll be condneied by theector, the Re. Dr. Huntlngton.

A PRESS CLUB MUSICAL FESTIVAL.The third muslcal festlval of the Hochester Press

Club, which begaa yaeterday tn tho Ljiaauai Thea¬

tre. l.(K*h"Hier, and continues through to-day, hart

Ofsmed under happy ausplces. Bestdes the largeChorua, there ls an orcheatra of thlrty pieces, undertn. laadarablp of I.udwlg Hchervk. and the solot.-tsiir.4 Mlss Ju.leue t'orden, soprano form< rlv withtho Boetenlana: Mra, Katnerlne Bloodgood,; Hlgnor bel Puente, baotone. and HerbertJonnaon. of B.jston. It it Intended to preaent to-nlnht the "Htabat Mater" In full.

? -

OOMFUMBBT TO MISS ANTHOXY.Tbe aufTraK'- women of thln elty are all Interested

!:i the nf.aoiji;r,«tTifttit thol Huaiiri H. Ar.thor.y sp..k»|n n Jewlah synugofiiB ln Buffalo lnst Hunday by|j,vlin'l'-n *>f the ral.b:,

"Tliel means," sald ono enthuslaatle woman,"tlBt the le.ivrjn la sprradllig. When a svnaaoguosdoora are upeued tar a prnsai)tatio.i or thla sub-loot.'T


or>on chei.**-.

Rave you n klndness showi *

Pass ll or.T_rs» nof K\ven tor you »lono*--

Psss lt on.

Lfl. It trsv^l down th yesr*.I_et It w1p» sr. .her'e tear-

Tlll In l-.4_v.-n the <ieeO »ppe*ra.]-.,-. It .fi

OT*B NEIOHBORB,Somebody near von is struggllng alone

(>\ > r llf.-' |iFilth. hope. and ...urnge tORether are gone,Reach hlm a h'-lplng hand.

Turn on hls darkness a beam of your "*j"nt'Klndle, tn guide him. a heaeon-flre bTi(.at;Chc<r hls dls-v)tiraRemenf. soothe hls arrnRnt,

IxivlnRly help hlm to stand.

¦omebodv mir yoa is hongry and eold;B* nd hlm some ald to-day.

Bomobodj near you la feeble and old,!.'-ft wlthout human stay.

Under hls hurden put hnnds klnd and streng,Speak to hlm tenderly. slng hlm a song;ll.i'te to da aomething to help hlm alongOver hls weary way.

Who are our nelghbors? T.ook up. and hehold.Preaatng on every hand.

Littlt onee, lonc-ty ones, sad ones and old;Kvervwhere see them stand.

He Is our nelghbor whom we ean befriend:He to whom comforl or ald we can leno.Or he whose fontsteps we may cause to wendToward tho heavenly land.

f)ear ones, he bnsy. for tlme fllPth fast;Sonn 11 ir.Il all be goue;

¦oon will our aeaaon nr service be past:S.">on wlll OUr dav he done.

Somehodv near vou ne< da BOW a klnd ***_r<1:Some om n.. .1- h. lt. auch as you ean at*for<*'Hsste to asslst in tho name of the I.ord.There m.iv he a soul to be won

-(Mrs. E E. Wllllams In Pittsburg Chrlstlan Ad-vocate.

BCNflHTNE RBL-UTBD.A number of useful eontrlbutlons reached head-

quarters yesterday and are now on thelr way to

Rive happlness and eomtort to T. S. 8. members.Amonp the glfts reeelved were a larRe box con-

talnltiR three complete suits of men's clnthlng, from

Mrs. W. Strange: another box well fllled wlth un-

flnlshed work, etmbroldery silks. a colleetlon offancy ornamenta, books, magazlnes, papers andcholce colored prlnts. from Mrs Mackay: a box

of fragrant flowers, from "Klngston, Rhode Isl¬and": a byneh of lllles of the valley, from Mrs.S. Eelbert; a number of short story booklets, fromMrs. N. 8. Wlltsle, for Invallds who are not ableto hold heavy, bound books and wish to read a

good story; Mra Wiltele has arranired the Btorlealn ehapters, ench One neatly tled and marked; a

box of foreign and domestlc cancelled stamps came

from M. E. S.: ,.. m.-iRiizlne on music. from S. C.Very; a pair of boudolr sllpper. and slx palrs ofinf.ints' booteee, fron) Mrs. w. o. Fuller; readingmatter, from Mrs. j. R Rlder, "A Frlend," M. J.C, Mra. Buel, Mrs. K. C. Bpader, Mrs. Burnett anda roll of papera wlthout the name of the con-triliutor atlached.

BUNt-HINI PDND,Mrs. O. N*. Blrdsall has sent a cheek for V. as

duea for the endowment fund: Mlss Uzzie Conraeu.Jl for Kold-plated pln; Mlss Ada Fuller, 16 centsfor hadResM. L Tes, all Brooklyn members are exp*"-te<l

lo attend the recptlon on May .11 (8 to 6 o'clock)at the Flrst Refornied Church. Bedford-ave. andClymer.t., Brooklyn, to he Rlven hy T S S BranehNo. 5. Mrs. Furman, the prealdent, however, hopeato ha\*e many visltors from other branches.

Mrs. Herbert B. Turner, presldent of the DalsyFields H.-me and Hn-pltol for Crippled Children.Kngl'-wond, X J., aeknowlodgos wlth 'hanks therecelpl of 12 from O. L. D. a T. S. 8 member. Theni.- y waa sent to buy lee creara for the Ituleones.


Mrs. A. E Moore, presldent of the Mvrtle CSob )T. B. B. Braneh, reports remarkable aetivity amnnRher meml.ers. I-'.ach nne s*ems deslrous of dotngS'.moihing to eheer the hearts nf others. The sew-

ing class meets regularly nnd work for Chrlhas alreadv begun. Th<- blrth.layH Of three mem¬l.ers. whi.-h oceur .liirlriR May. wlll be speclallyremember.-d l.y the braneh Oene**fl.l readlnR mat¬ter Is passed arnund ani'.ng the mema.'rs. educa-tlonal magaxlnes go to the school teachers and thoBlck at" vialted. Mrs Moire expects to have aregular Sunshine column In "The North PlatteTribune."

DEATH OF MI88. ROOERS.The sad announcement reached the ofllce yes-

.er'lav that Mlss Mary W. Rogers. of No. 64 WestTwenty-flrst-st., had dled on Aprll 29.

Ba still. and know thnt I am Ood.In dark nflllctlon's hour

Tho loss thal tllls thy soul wlth pain,The dotlda that o'er thee lower.

Cannot obacura the llght of grnoeThat I wlll freely pive.

-CThe Rev. Horatlo Beavls.

Fmm present nppe-aranres there wlll he a largegatberlng of Bunahlne people al the annual recep.tlon of the T 1 s.. to ba held at the Hotel Savoynn Tuesday. M.iv _!.'( Nnt only wlll the .-ity mem¬bers. avail themselves of th" opportunlty to be-coma Bcqualnted wlth the Btate Presldent. Mrs.Joaeph ¥ Knapp, but many from other parts ofth. country are expected to be present.

The Tribune Sunshine Soclety ls greatly Indebtedto Colonel Woodruff. (.'uartermaster's Hepartnientof the Army Buildlng, New York Citv. fnr OOUtteayand practlcal ald In transportinR. free of charge.many boxea r.f reading matter for tho Porto RlcoT. B. S. elrcle.

clara Rlsk, of Burhanan, N. Y., wrltes to theoffice that hor recent birthday was one of the hap-plest she ever enjoyed. beeause so many Sunshineletten and glfts reached her from T. S. S. mem-i.r ra.

A MITK BONO.Only a drop la the buckat,But every droj. wlll tell:

The buck't wlll so.rn be emptyWithout the dropa ln !he well.

Only ii poor llttle penny.It was all I had tr. glve:

But as th<» n.-nnies make the dollarflIt mav h'lp aome cauae to llve.

A few llttle tdts of ribbonAnl some toya.they were not new,

But they made the -l.-k chlld happy,Which has mada me happy, too.

only some (iiitgruv>n ware al- I had to spare;

But they'Il help to olotba the needy,And the poor are evervwhere.

A word now and th.-n of comfort,That eost me nothlng to say.

But the poor old m..n dled happy.And It holped hlm on the w;*y.

Oi 6 lovetb the cbeerful glver,Tl ough ihe glft I..- poor and small;

What doth H<* thlnk of Hls childrenWhen they n.-vr glv. at all?

.Toledo B'.ade.



Mlss Emma I.. Kelley, although her home la ln

To*.eka, Kan.. calla herself a "Klondlker." Bblwent to th.- gold country in Beptember, 1-97. end

thera fourteen montha, durlng whlch time

ahe acqulred four mlnes. ihe \ulu.* of whloh was

Mttasated at SS0.000. Bo energetk wa.: Mtaa Xelleyin hor prospectlng and worklng of cl.ilnis. thj.t sne

ti the name ot "th*- Blntni Queen of the

ln ber flrat trlp aha won the admirati..n of every¬body 'or tbe f .:t!tu.le wlth whlch sr.- endured the

hardahlo- that few »«K^_S^i_rKl^%i»_?_i-!:,i sa of bhow she tra-ped, lnto tha Aretk .ide It¬aelf; aha nalled th.* length of tho Tukon.Mrs Kelley, after rcmalnlng at home a whlle, I

ooa op ber wa. back to tha Kloodike. Bha ex-

,, r..a.>. Daweon tn 'ime to attend tha.mudt.. or, aa the* a«. te<*hnl_ally ealled\U

the Ihls l« tha o" h.s tX di.g up an.l whlch baa boconM"-;,/., drlnB cold weather. WhCI thl f-xsaro

Jmen thi aold m waahed fr.-m the dirt ... alul^ThU mTd-waBhlna belng oeer. Mla Kelley wUlai wf* h ii .'."** "'¦»¦"'¦ "fh« Hri' waltlnij to m»

a ru-h for th- An,.-i .-.t, slde, where .Be tsgaauto Seeure more clalmi Thera la no goWontlMY,:wn Miss Kellei aaya, thi predoua atnff belngfnind orl'. ln th" trlbiitarle-fP Dav.-Hon Clty. ah. ra warjrt «"|

twenty-flve men to ceery woman, »"d now therenie t«:i women to every man.

TEACBER8 MADE HAPPY.The announcement at the annual meeting of the

PubllO School Teachera* Associatlon of *.*\yrt

.hat the payroil. would be sent to the Audltor. at

onee and tha. tha ba-k salaries ^'^ "^"J;^litAX^9u\^MZSm have' ^e^ SaVMM . »o»« "t-t- for ____ttniutiey._

WOBMBM9 IX OBABJTT.The twenty-slxth annual meetlne nf the N.tlonsl

Conference cf .¦harlt.e. and ^lOM otemjjdal Cln. mr.atl yr-s.erd.y, and wl.l remain ln sesslon*

,,, M.y 23 About flfteen hundred members are.

|Un 1 ten-an"; the ,.a, ers :o be read La one

Ly _tVa flusan K. BlancU. of Mllwaukee.






An illnstrntlon of the praetlcal work belng doneIn the Normal Domestlc Sclence IVpartment of

Teacbcn Collaga ls furnlahed ln the dlnner de¬

aerlbed bflOW. Thls dlnner waa glven laat week

by .Ici.nte t. Ford. one of the soon-to-be normalgraduate.! |n domestlc sclence. and mlght be "dipioma" dinner. nt every candldate lor a dip¬ioma Is requlred to plan. buy, cook and servc a

dlpnar of no less than llve courses to at least four

guests before ahe can receive that dipioma.The a!m of th" glvrr of thc dlnner was to prove

thai a mea] may be nutritlous, nppetlzing and at¬

tractlve, without belng elther efaborate or expen-alve. A »ix-course dlnner for slx people at a

total coat of tl for raw material seemed to her a

most effoetlve means of provlng thls.The BiigK-atlon which governed the plannlng of

the rti'-'iiu came from thc dollar dlnners glven to

Bryan thls aprlng, and was embodled on the flrat

page of the mmu card:

The "gold standard," of course, neceasltatad a

yellow or goiden dlnnar. which was planned as

followa, yellow appeurlng in every dlsh but thecotlee;

raro.CrPme de mtoy aoup.

OHrea. tJilted peanuti.Reff a U laMinl*re. V.tat..e» au gratln.

..i.rjd turnip- an crouatn/ieiWater llly salad. Chee.t and braod atlcks.

G. Irlen'af* nolr.

Tho flowers were yellow Jonqulls, the centre-piecewaa emi.rolder. d ln jreltow, aad the menu cardswere de_or»_ted wlth flat yellow rlbbon bands acrossthe top and bottom.Th.* oream of carrot soup was made llke any other

cream aoup. A quart of mllk i-onialning a bay ieaJ.and a elice of vxua hcated and thickened wlthtwo tablespoontuls of butter and two of Hour. Fourmcdlum-alzed carrots were _li_»d and bolled (wlthihe cover off), and when tander were put througha itramer. Thla pulp waa then addod to the hot,thickened miik. from which the onlon and bay leafhad i.aen ramovwL Juat before acrvlng, four tablo-.ipootiM oi eroam wera ud.ied.Th>. iioef waa brals.d wlth vegetablea. It was

OOOked vety slowly and placed ln two earthen pud-dlng dlshes. one inverted over the other. The yel¬low ln iiiis dlsh wa« a garnlsh of carrots bolled andBllced, and then cut Into fancy ahapea wlth vegt-tai.r- Btampa or cuttcrs.Rotato.-s au gratin were ordlnary creamed pota-

toes with che. ae grated over the top. Just beforeuerving the waa set ln the oven long enought > melt tha choeao and touch Ita tlps wlth gold.nbrown.The turnips were themselvea yellow, and were

served ui iLdlvldual oroustadee or bread are made of gtale bread cut In pieces abouttwo Inches tri:-k and im-asurlng about two and ahalf inch's ln dlani-ter whon the crust ts removed.Tne lnalde ls then dug out to leave about a half-inch In thickness all around. If the bread ls staleenough, the shaplng and the removing of rhe insldumay be most aaally done with two dlfferent-sliedcake cutters. Th^ac cupa are th.-n fried ln deepfat or buttered and browned in the ov.n. Thls Is adelicious way .n which io serve any creamed vetje-tables, flsh. lobater, etc.The water dly salad waa a slmple egg and lettuce

salad, with a French dresslng. Tho water lllyeffeet was produeed by cuttlng the hard-bollad e>;garound the short dUmeter in small iRilnts us melonanr" aometlmei cut. Thls muei be done with a pen-knlfe. an.l the .-ut should extend lnto the Thetvg then pull:. apart in two white cups. Tho yolkwas taken out. maahed and "devllled," made lntohalls and put ha-k lnto th>. water llly cups Ea.hcup wa.s scrv-d ln a lettuce leaf, well rnoIst"iied wlthPrench dresslng Th» bread stleks that went withthis course. aa wdl as th- bread, were hom.-made.The cost of mateiiall was as follows: Hread, 6

cents; potatoes. 1 centa; carrots, 8 o»nts; turnips.3 centa. lettuce. r. centa; ..nion. 1 c.nt; mllk, *centa; Cheeee. 4 cents; butter. (5 cents; eg».s. 1.centa; neat. M centa; peanuta, 4 cents; olive oll,3 cents; flavorlng. r. centa; sugar, 2 cents; lemon, 1cent; coffee, 6 centa, and cream, 2 cents; total. 97

The ollvea <Hd not cost anythlng. as theywere presented.Rverythlng xvas bought at retall. in Just tho

quantltlea needed, except the Hour, suc-.r and ollv....ii. and they were reckoned al retall prlcea.

"lt xvas 'bargain counter1 buylng."said Miss Ford, "bul judlcloua selectlon of pla <-saml prl.-.s was practlatd. All th. materlala werafreah and of good quallty tbe dlnner was not gcbeap one. ezcepilng ln coat."Tho meat wns tho leaal satlsfactory thlng. It

wns neceaaary t<> buy chuck, Inatead of tiv rnmpthat wanted, but Chuck well bralsed Is not'half had.' The prlCC glven doea not cover thethre.. pounds neceaaary ror a good hrafKind pi*-.-.-,bul only :he two pounda »-^t»-n. All ot:i*-r prlceaart the actual cost of the food materlaji uaed Intiie preparatlon of 'he dlnner"Tho amount of protelde, fata and earbo-hydratea

wns reckoned by means of Atwater's table of per-.. f....nd to be conalderably more

l ann tnan thr dletary standnrds requlre. Thoproportlon of fats waa too great. as it is In neariyall dletarlea of the weii-to-do ln this country. n

. Btandard amount by Just rhe olive (.i[us..ri in th.- French dreaalng."The account of thls dlnner is not glven ns any

remarkable achlevement," continued Mlss Ford,"becauae others hav. done quite as well. Put so

manj have been Intereated in this phaee of domes-n e, an ao many oth< ra hnve been uttorly

Ir.creduloUB as tO the poeaiblllty of serving nn ap-petlzlnp and altractive slx-courae dlnner to slxI. for II. that this slmpb* deacrlptlon of howone woman did lt may be helpful to the one nndeonvlncing to the other."Thls $1 dlnner Wftl not Intended fo ho Jeffev-

BOnlan but lf it h>].;>s nny houaekoeper townrd a

.fM uM 0f thc cheaper meat* ind regetablea, ar.da reallxntion of the food posslbllltlcs wrapped upIn .-1. II wlll have dono Ita duty qulte as woll asIta prototype."



BLOU8E "fAIST, NO. tjttt. for r-Of-

PON ANP I" CBHT8,Nlckel gray taffeta. showing corded sfrlpes of

wedgewood Mtie, ls here dellghtfully comblned wlthhlue satin In that popular ahade. The walst and

ileeves are made on the blas. dlrectlons for ciittlna;ln rhls way, us

well as on thostralght. belngg 1 X- e n on th"

pattern. Thebacks flt smooth¬ly and may bemade wlth or

wlthout the c*n-

tre senm. Thefronts are ar¬

ranged over

fltted llnlngs thatclose in eantre.Tnelr front edgesare rleeply un-

derfaced wlththe plaln satinand rolled ba.'kto form prettypolnted 1 a p e ls,tbe back edgesextondlng overth.. under arm

NO. r,sW.WOMAN'I i'.U>lfn gores of tha lin-.v.wsr Ing. Slngle slde

plents nre lald at the shoulder Mam, which gtvegrnc-rui hilnaaa oont the buat a double box-pleat Is formed In centre of the plaatron v.¦-.

whleh Is aewed to tiu* rlght front llnlng. andCloaea over on the left. A standlng cotlar pf theplaln aatln, to the top of whl.-h ft ..-alloped fb.reportlnn ls lolned. completea the neck. and thewrlnkle.l stoek of rlbbon may be worn or npreferred The two-aeam sle^ves have a be.omlngfulness gathered at th<* top the wrlsts belng ftn

by s.'aIl«*iH'd flaro euff portlons of the plalnaatln. Some handsome combinatlons can be dA-

1 by the mod". as the vest. eollar and euffsmny be of lace, tucklng, corded taffeta or othercntrastlng material When made of plque orn'her otton waah fahrlcs. the llnlng may baomltted and the vest portlon closed under rever.

Walata ln thls style made of black or coloredsatin taffeta penu de soie or poplln. may havothe eollar wlth flnlehed separateiy and

idluatablo wlth hooks and eyes on hoth aldeso< front Thla allows thc Introductlon of other

tte fronta wlth stock collara, whleh impartan« variety to draaay waisra.

r Ll' thls walst (OT a woman of medlumnll wi rciulre three yards of material thirtyfiehM wlde Tho pottara, Mo. ".^. ls cut ln naes

for a tl. M. M, l* >">^ *" l"'1' hl*,,t "f_____COt-TON KMTIT1.IN.'. TO ONE f'ATTERN,

ANV SI/E. OF NO. 7.850. |



No 7,«.'.».

I N«i-a .


Inclr-a 10 otntt lo pay mallinj aai l_n-lln».xpcna.i tur aach pallem -anttd.


There's nothing in Ivory Soap but soap, good, purevegetable-oil soap. There's nothing to make the linensstreaky, no alkali to injure the tinest textures. Thelather forms quickly and copiously, and wash-day is a

pleasure-instead of a dmdgery. Try it for the next wash.The price plaees it within reach of every one. Lookout for imitations.

coeraiOHT .aaa rr tw riwcTf a a«»« t co eiatciNwa.



Exn.PTlON"AT. gOTANTAOM offfrro to toi/th


TIONAT. INBT.T-TIOMB.The people of the upper Weat Slde do not

agree wlth C. P. Huntington, who sald the othorday ln an Intervlew that far too many of therlstng generatlon of Amerlea are going ln for thohlgher courses of educatlon. for school« aboundln that part of the rlty, both large and small.prlvat* and publlc. And what schools they are,compared to thoae of thirty years ago; whatenthusiasm they awaken In the puplls: whatImproved methods they employ for stlmulatfngand appeallng to the reasonlng powers of even

the youngest! Shakespeare's Immorta! verse

about "the whinlng schoolhoy, wlth his satcheland ahlnlng morning face. oreeplng like snailunwllllngly to school," ls alto«ether out of dateon the Weet Slde. except the part about theshlnlng morning faco; most children .a.m thor-OUghly to enjoy thelr -tudles nowadays.There are probably forty flourlshtng private

schools In thls clty between Flfty-ninth-st. andHarlem, lylng west of <""eritral Park, and thevcover a wide fleld. from the klndergarten for thebabies up to the academles whose graduateaare admltted to some of the flrst oollegef. in theland xvlthout havlng to pasa matrlculatlon ex¬amlnatlona. There are schools xvhore attentionls glven not only to scholarly aocj._lremer.ts, hutwhere the currlculum. as at the establlshmentof the Mlsses Ely, lncludes attendance, accom¬

panled by chnperr.ns, at tho best plays ln thp citytheatres; the best operas, and toura of the art

galleries; schools llke Mme.Vaji Norman'a, whereonly French is nilowe.l to be spoken; schoolslike Misa Allen'a, where the teacher addressesher puplls ln German and the puplls answer onlyln German; school:. llke Trinlty, where athletlesrecelve almost as much attention from thefaculty aa from the lioys, and schools like theHamllton Instltute, where the boys wear uni-forms all the tlme and lmbibe mllltary tactlcaand terms at a tender age.

ROYAL ROAD TO I.EARNINQ.Aa an example of the almost royal road to

lfarnlng which la afforded to boys In generaln.wadaya, but to West Slde boys in partlcular,Trlnlty School, No. 180 to 147 West Nlnety-first-st., Is a shlnlntr For one thlng, lt issaid to be the largeat private school for boys luthe clty, havlng about four hundred puplls,ranglng ln age from slx to nlneteen years. Thlsschool was founded In 17<>1* ae an adjunct to

Trlnlty parish. but la now Incorporated aa a

separate body. Its graduatea do not have topass the Rogenta" examinatlon for admlssion tothe Unlveralty of the ("Ity of New-York. Thatlt takes good care of the bodies as well as th"minda of Its puplls Is evld.nt to any one whovislts its large gymnaslum and notes the markaof hard wear and tear all over the apparatus.On the walls of the stone stalrway between

floor ar.d floor. where all the boys see them ao

they pass from claasroom to cUUMTOOm, hangbanners and trophles xvon by the school'a cham-plons ln the Interscholastlc Athletlc Associatlon

games. Consplcuous among theae Is one show-

lng that the school captured the football eham-ptonshlp ln 1808; another proolalma Its nine thobaseball champlon of ]b'JS. and a thlrd wlll soon

hang beslde them to commemorate the capturt.Of the baseball championshlp of 1800, which li__

already been declded. Several large sllver cupaare also dispiayed, and glve added proof of the

prowess of the athletes which thfs school turnu

out.The puplls get out a paper of thelr own. which

they edlt and xvrlte for It oppears once a

month, and la calied "Acta Dlurna." The lat. *<t

acriulsltlon to thla schools collectlon of portraitsls a Ufellke one of Prealdent McKinley, whichxx as presented by Mr. McKinley to hls nephew,Harold Taylor McKinley Knoxxles, now a pupilat Trinlty, and by Knoxvles presented to theschool.Turnlng from thls splondld educatlonal instjtu-

tlon for boys, and looklng around for advin.dgesprovided on a »im!lar scale for girla. the s< hoolof the Mlsses Ely, at Elghty-elxth-st. and Itlver-olde Drlve, ie one of the moat conspicuous. Itoccuples a cornmandlriK slre faciri* the Hu 'son

and fllllng the entlre bloek fp.nt between Eight/-flfth and Elghty-sixth sts., and ia hous-d in astriklng Colonlal manalon, about one hundredyears old, which belotlged to the Hufftnan e»iate.Lawns surmund it .tn.l .*xten'*lv'> i-.lrtltlonaand improvements have been made to the orlg¬lnal house. Here about one liundr.-d wr.menpay $1,000 a year for thelr board alone, andfrom a 'juartrr to a thlrd aa inu.'h a_.-'n forInstruetlon. The day puplls number about slxty.Olrls from all over the land who have teengraduated from other schools eome here to ba"flnlsh-d "

PHYSICAI. cri.TI'RE FOR GIRI.S.Another large establishment for glrla ia the

Veltln School, at Nos. 160 and 102 W-jif Sev-

enty-fourth-st. It has about two hundred puplle.and 118 reputatlon Is hlRh Ths aehOOl haa a

flrst-class gymnasium. and physical eulture gceahand ln hand with mental a. (julrementa.The school of the Mlsses t.raham van estab-

lished In \*\(\ on St> Square. It suhse-nuently moved to !'*lf*h--.v.\, flnally to a

handsorne house at the aoutheast eonMT of Sev-

enty-second-at. and the Boulevard. ts changeto the West Slde has proved most advantageoue.Columbla Institute. for boys. oceupies an-ther

flne corner house at leeenty-eecond-ot and WestEnd-ave. Hamllton Institute Ib In an iritiauallygood situation. farlng, as it does, on Manha-tan

Square. to drlll Us young military i.spirantsthere. anl the company going through Ita e.olu-tlona ls an attrartive slght for thoae who use

the Natural Hlstory Museum Park for reat or

recreation.It is Impossli.le to attempt here even a neagre

descrlption of all ha w.-st Hde prlvate a< hools.

They iBCltt-H*. besiA those already mentloncd,the schools of C!li{|jn Burling. No. ."),)3 Weat

End-aye.; Adolph W. Callts.-n, No. U_ WestSeventy-flrst-st.; the Ohlldren's Ald Soclety. No.224 West Slxty-thlrd-8t.; F. Clark & Co.. 1-Jo.112 West Ninetv-slxth-st.: Ellen W. Colt. No. i*5iWest Klghtv-fourth-at.; Oebortti W. Curtls. Wm,177 West Seventy-thlrd-st.. Amelia Delancjr, Ho,71 West ElRhtv-flfth-st.: Edwln Fowler. No. -..>West Seventv-secmd-st.; the Henrl-tta In¬

dustrlal No. ''2m West Slxty-thlrd-at.; MaryHoyt Vo 23.1 West Beeenty-fourth-at.; TlmmafA HURiaaon, No. « Wet-I Seventy-alxth-et.;Latira JacoM, No. 100 Seventy-nlnth-ht ,

Anne H. Kelsev. N.. V Weat Elghty-thlrd-at.;Marla Krau .-RnePe. Beventy-flftb-et and Cen¬tral Park West; Martha Lawaon. No H»j WeatNlnety-nlnth-at; (Jertrude Uvlek. Na 177 wtaiBeventy-thlrd-et; Eva R. Murphy, Mall weetEightv-thlrd-st.; L. Kerr.p Proaeor. No. 1,. WestSeventv-nlnth-st.; Rand-lph & POBd, No. 2.V?West Nlnety-third-st.; Loula D Ray. gO_OJw.-st Elghtjr-fourth-at.; the Riverside BaptlatSchool No 1»)-s West Nii "ty-sec nd-at the

Robertaon School of the Beoteb No. :» West Nlnety-llfth-at^ MadlePicchi No. 1411 West Blxty-flrat-at; N -rchi-bald Bhaw. jr.. No. 46 Weal FJKhtv-ftr!.t-**t_:Julla Vlele. No. 185 Beventleth-at.: MlllleWarren No. 108 West Eighry-tlrst-s' Mrs.




nou to comn and uem to horsfs.

The Westehester County Veterlnary M'dtcal Bo¬

dety held Its flrst annual dlrner on Tuesdav even-

ing at Mnrello's. In West Twent*, -ninth-st.. thl-

clty Dr. M I Terry. of IrvlnRton. the presldentof the soclety. occupled the chalr. and Profeseor

James Robinson. of the American Veterlnary Col¬

lege. wae toastmaster. Addresses were made byProfessor Oeatea ef -he Amerl'iin Veterlnary Col¬

lege Assemldyman J. K. Apgar. of Peeksklll; Dr. E

¥ Brish. ex-Mayor of Mount Vernon: William H.H. Ely, of Tarryt'iwn; es-i.__a.or Charlei P. MrClel-

la'nd, of Hobhs Ferry; F'r. Rlchard Buckley, surgeonfor the New-York Street Cleaning Department. andothers.Dr. Brush's address was parHcularly Interesting

owiiiR to hls startllnR statements regnrdln* tbe

lmpure mllk sold ln the clty. "Of the tweatythmisand ..ahies who dle ln thls great dty an¬

nuallv " sald he, "_.t least 33 per eent dle frommllk ted to them whleh ls as dangemtis aa thoughlt contained arsenie or other poisons.'He erired tlie veterlnarlans present to glve more

tlme to the of the bovine race and less to theho?se The tield lfl open. he sald. And It wlll be onlyn short tlme before the source of dlphfherla Is dls-covered In th.- eow. whlch anlmal is In many caees

tho cause of dlsease In humanlty.


XXOO X3_l-^*0-tA.I>'VV'_____."_r.Tt* ousiiiess heretofore rondu. te.1 l.y lhe Iste J. H.

Conndlv wlll ba contlni)4*.l -t lhe sl>.v« sd-lrei* Hishtsh «t'an.1._r_ of la.l»i>' hats wlll he malntsln*-. Nortlwr witsl.lishment I- entltle.1 t. irprei-Mit Itself as thewXZrnttl lal- .1 II t-fNMM-y ln the mlllln.rytrx.'*



NAIRN LINOLEUMIs preeminently the ideal floor covering. Its splendid wearingqualitiei and attradtpe appearance hat>e made it extrrmelypopular. For large floor areas we carry extra wldths in soiidcoiors. For public hallways and stables Napier and Cocoa Mat-ting made into runners ivith rubbtr ends is especially desiroble,

Broadway 8 wtb Street