· Iniiim »otixct. inHindbedKno.y Hat»Dihtribctedas Fait.....

Iniiim »otixct. in Hindbed Kno.y Hat» Dihtribcted as Fait. . -h.Tttll useful, trnrn ***** aside bf Eaox orostT.aa- tal . »M be ass sold .....»<.» *baa >rt»«t»»t»i»-n»ww»«l number, * blrh bar* basa dietwwad or aa>ot>| the wbWi of the ruiocj ur,m - mpente* (. «d tiatKuv tAf Ksox Hit. f) ... ***** im rt No. «1* Broadway_ ~8tate Fair Stai n Fob Sil r_ IUtI»( rereieed Axui'T tot'» Uo» * Mill *AD ElBI P»o< i loll, aoS te-tni Ahr H to ramoT* to No SM fliKMT. i a»lil awll .'. A di.r .uut, 21 of Howe i i»l- rio«ii'*Ti»n»«D Sc* i i.« wb,< b bov. born . %rA to teAtnf Rl»»T Cl »»» PkkMit Ml ot tA* 4 fftNM Stoto Fkire and wok* are mm «<nd u bow, ox^ttiff t lttw Alii.t U-Itt rubbed cff. Pao« E. Howe *_No. i9i Broadway. New York. ¦wMfB*! No. i .St.WlNd- If ai hire.$I'X> Sm...» » No. 18» i>'.-SImjmiai.. W Blkcra -S'.xr .». MiciHM» (../..'.. - f fmrpoM*tr* WwUkwbwoUi bo without toy BB ¦fSftSJ rl» I is the mattet. Mach Lot rrvortitT barn pabl.eoad to SSJfSf to twiotu ffffj b*w made by S>»ü.i m..u'i EMM . I BMwMfSBS cuke toe boo. BthrA »«r .i.Teotad, and do Ii in tor b-dt a-yle. fjJUll BakPIIB SJll Ulk i «t »*» Ar.d f»74 k'e i-nptt,!*. of ¦ > to t*w . eat etylr ff BMI ¦ f of * pi BBJ fomiiy. Ilrvtiiii, Gil.-r.» Bi-imm to.t>f I. SL BaWSS h Co , No. tU Broadway, N. V. N Pu l i. «».. fc;o- i!ya. Y\ Ilk.I i I K A WllJaON'S Sr.wino-Mv iiim.s.. ».».».. Mii »¦ « Com .is :,. u .wr» tt N v Ben i r a.-.t i- - .. .* li i- oufMrtirefi t*ip- > tbf 8 »n | A«i'l<li .>¦ " r..ju.e:a bo lecumiuebdAnd p-.l -±ae Wo Amte, ... 'oi '. 'i'll wi'.o . tie* ltd? f:i-'."i. OSfMil'J. 4m tbofo, »i. j i urn* t IBs , c.i< r. i..e* mi r nfji M*l PtJoi i ,r thulit Miwii i « BwSi la oSa by Tm w ... BABA A n.- ...s a" kBIi BABAI i IB T, M US ¦ <«Vdw»y N«r V to u bioe BB BBBi '. AM (f * (vd iootrua.not, ^ d . .1 M We .... BAWbATI BBBI o r. eod H»\i'|i»» ../».-¦'. .-..Id ffcflBB lAwfe no*, itt o- r nwu Bid the B>.. Auf BrioAww, ... ire.;-- , Addr .;, oA<.i U be «iiireo by oil oui i.rr'orei,, «1 a BowBd ku*d 1: t-i.» U, to. ,I betilf BPRfe bei' wioBSd, J Ml bretbreo, Amt BrtWaSM, Tho. CiKbTok, Pli.V, J. Pobi 11-, *ivc, J BkUU. P.f.U'Atn,, Datiti Tr.BBv, «a/M. a Cox. i inkLk A Lyun'- m m im. Mai him s.\Var- rtoud la fi*e bi tter Miiafw.iou :tj*u *i.j to. : u\*t ouie iu toiA BiArfeet. M dBBBw] H iBBAtddb N. B Paiti» Ruit aii to »>. No BBJ Br .idwAy. A\ III h i ll A WlLBOM'fl Si wim. MaCUUBB. .* W e prrlel ttiaO it* Uli Ü) .I 11' e. " TBty AVB IBS kwrBktldB fut IdBllHdl IWBSB. Oflb. ?, Bs. 4* j Bronrtivay, N. Y. LEVU K 8 LlM K-.*»HT< II totTTTLB hEVAIN-. lawSfSBBBB Eq dl tr oo« Is the wire L frioei fkavaio i.pwkrd. OdBasi ^(. BBSfAfUBS*BT, Bs4 Ms Bow.-ry, New York. BdJkBV's I itii oriiEKoi. H Il the -t and b. «[.».. «rt.r.e i .r UiAAitax, K.«u'i,'jli)« CleeliiiL.: Curhoa, Pteteivu i ABd r. 1*0111 ( too Hair. I.idiei. fy It P'.r«i-r.y It ...««.. V mTm. BrAUMXii > I'RkJ'AJUkll ULI I-. ITaBI 1.11».i>r Hot»». Pou Biik ka*BB* tina. Idaoufd-t :nd b> H ft, BSaABBJM, No. V> EikUlt. rtee^itbie adOieii, B< x N». M>«> Hrbjukaj's Patbmt Champtob kiar. At0 Bi «oi in i'aoui »m s. With Hul l . M Pi »n.i rr>..t leti k», Aflorri the tie*: at ae. AtdttJ "fay Sole 13 ib world. b la Bsaaua] a i No Sil Bi'^dway ..pp-wit- t'ty klOAl, N f. Mit"., WkVBiATW'S i-nuTIIIM. HTEI f, POA t Mil 1,1 i.« Tl.l I Jill..., Will pikltlre'y ruts t' ti i v 1 «\TI w, I>. si > r 1 r. 1, and tasBBBBtBa WtB» OUSAIC, BAwl Si DtSSSBBSIXMddsSS U. Ui* pr essd of Trethilf. It |ltdB redt to tb« mother, and relief and health t 'be 11 labt fl,. 1 ILVftaSB SB AkVkVftABSB, Baid by All Dr itutk. Bt r. ;,ia |»-r o «, *lo at tteoffi e, N .. Il Coda.- at- Uah m:i.<»ii\s Ham Dyk, \vh.», ani TxHJTtx$ TBSJaM Ikj nan, durable, amj It kk BI No aluak.oA or turnii.a up kskmd. Baicnblaib'b HaibOyS) lb* beat to to* w. 110 lb- id 11 barmlakk and IwlkkBld Daw a-ioau. Appnes at tne Factory No. tm 81 adai) kppoitta :Oe park. Wk«JB\ $8 TOVPBBJ soil Haul Jive..Came- B'ia'a Maoolacvoif, ran. ilej t oiton-at, BrtKAtyn, kaeSATtM ot tin MAP BJtiMAB BlalB PoOBOAtl I YVhl Oml mVmtk ad LadW Half I"-1,a «.-... <.. ,.i .., jaied. Our re.iabU Hair I>)e sols BkMkwk d.'Ml letall CurnntD jjami-, Bode ütb, aVi . CkVBTAU Cl 11 H11.1 ttia a Co'» Ciiifli-'k IcB, with Ol fCKBIBB, Bale auj aaiaeable. HBBBMik a Co l>r.,_¦,.» », N<is I61, BBS, .'ui, and ?*> Broadway, ti. f. N. B..Sent by mall < u 1. eipt of Jai orula. HbABBI AN, Cl Mih, aV CO.1 Cl l.tAAiTf Ii CvB lafVaB Oll., WdirAuted p and pit pared fawfll liran otifipii Mreri, by II BI MAI A. tu llluai'ald, N< a. !. i, BS, Jli BBd T o I.roadway, N. Y. Tup. hi.w arh of Merit. Tte rt ward ti n.« rit la b. n.r Idkpad b) Bi» 0ATBTTT, the dii- fswapwj 01 BMI pru-ad (4 BttbKatiki. PiPia Ijr tur ««et- hu Iii», rary ISSadTiMJ iu war bata »ve:y fiai ly, and anx.L» the io' »t re-pivtabar pr*,p.< o( tne ouuby Pur aale ay k'.. I, .(.. labte >,U . ai.o 0 .ur ll..rL,lor, dt Nud II AulllL aas SSk Hr, aoway. Ill BAH IMS AK'ii BD Tr*e freoniurr ad baagaafftAd ad u..ouo,-a e'. ry pruHert Kd *¦¦ keeper lo ad< p* 1 fb leoin i, lalopi. » ut toeir owe.huji Ir ¦ bela.( 1: »>'ee. TBSSABBkaiJ I .. 1 BdSOBB bd DfkkBwd Wim a SBSsWarbM BaT aBwawhaw Bs/, witi, :t tae dliab ad* difl ty. Ul|ik.i ue we.i a. i e laSA, Bad in» BBSBi | M BBd la luat t. .>¦ dleea ; bat»! Utk bat Baas all 10b ed »i.r» we.k Tbe R.iraRV Locb bad utt-vr failid to attord tbe n,.e«ary kaVBSbtJ, kodier rsnxrAJei^e and dural il ) la it rq a.'dbyai.y .tt-: I. 1 ... aa*. V BABBTIBI A BVTLBat, Fatecteea apd S-. e M». ..ft^UJulk, t*u. Sil B loadiiAy. DtllANCE 8A1AM AMIER BdaTBS..BOBBMT M. PiTBitk ho.. MlBBlailiilW kl IBS BBS IS SAadMBtsdj awBaRSlil Paient P.W Sil 1 lool t». bkm e t,o. ai.u Ci «a ba-a. Ala>, Pire am Bajralar pcoad Biü^b « n Bad Pari .r Säte», for at.Ter pla e, Ac. IwpxH. No. ra> m ra) at .. oei 1: Coli. |e fdf ^tNluKIl .«' HoT air FlKN.m KS, 1' table or a»t in brb k. Tbouad-ua :> al.fy lu Iii -.r fdvüT. Send Iii« 1-EkCE. BacroBD'a M»»ivorn ua üiona Htaria, A laM.iite and .uoiuiekl Stove of great power. Band BR a Bos k. liaiSBB. Taiato», a Oka, No. MB Water * WiLiiik's PaTKMI Nu am aMDl B Öaki:. Tbe Oiaat Put PtMtl Bata 1 tne World, aeoured wiib tne best INtwsi»: sad BitRlarPrr 1..11 Bknarr» Jewr r.'i, mm ii... ~> Sd.ed mkOe to order Ajiiai. lAkllUk,Ms tw Maidrn uwe. N. T. The 1'i.ANfiNi. aSawlBOl t»l 1hei> fiav.u- ai- rtevc, PiAioas A Co.« 'Li a*:. :.:i w OCdä A*. Pl l «H'Nai, E. I. Tbelr P»i il Tai 1' »ad Et.aar. ai>- f vi/-roui fr.>w:h aad Si» bist t|uaur), and tne L>. ( .rLt. oataaj, E'aaaa. i \> ai.o Dai lotota Tatt. and Pi iMi in fr- at idnity knd . f tAmlaome farm. Tt e> . er Trria at Pait -a klirket krBaal ire*, and 'crite p.tcbaa»:» u im: their r ,.t(Ji r W aelf tr..... toelx d. ,._: .ateb«. whli b ran Be ob BkBBd at Nu. 17V Brosdwdy. Wbummd Fmbbemtb of in i.»»t k.riiokk, la aüw/r and (< M. f aa.r a. Da C Rl I ma ajBttAM aed ta. porter. no AI'. Br jaaaay, oi.e i.or bei » OaaBkl . Mi) bu ll V\ kB al. Hm 11 Faxs, Du k Ni r«, Hkad Oms amen i s, IaAv V Collis and H >ik Put, Bi 1 StlMa, And U>m. ) Uli: Ni . ... s aa« .aaOiLf BBBI aa, »a.rr f .r.. Sm Aale M tbe trac» by BPAIBia. Dt ri. » h fttlBWASPB. No. B] Maloen aaae. Iii« H CdUaWTlMU, Pal i. Iwroktillu».. Smith L btlllllllr, n < a I.: . a) .ea. j a . Bespwttiui'y u.a... BMI BwB Bt tbeir kacaBtlLtaof r. 1,1. w i raa, VaiaxT, TaPaatBT, am. baiuaiiCa-. aVVir., in pertai. 1,- p.) lafraia CaaPBTIAa id es-, va- rVety cl k*>» an »Raab fei . s.. a.d Au et ¦¦ », a *ija- CtSTBa, tüt-a, DaPAVI BTB, ai Ba bHOMT and Com l.l Sil e. R»M. -Lt i, Maa» Mai k |S\ 1MB Dr. Ii are tu - ^ ur R, h^j< t. tae [*.... « , thai y«w pisda k»e tor it Piraae w-i.d o.e aa AaBkraSBtsdpsal apt . MS, tut Which j .rue bnj :. ciua.a ¦<¦ dolian. laaaaMalfi tt, Wm .iw»\. PiWTlialT B. * , J»a. J*. IA..8 Dr. Htariiki lHa: m i ¦ nst ». rw apd a. ia»ton s fco» u>io k... .».»».. > bV-inestt-a Bar*fa *4 BSWBaj lir AiairrS ifin't. Y -oaU-y, b. b. PaAMBB. L vi», M R. Jan *f7, IBM» BJB. Bt'MrHBBTI Drat ( ¦ I b..^»^t * laaaajtl \ ov cf SsHU Bp* aaB II in.:» fl .:...:.». \ » . ». ot (.#. Orax....r a A . ... i.d u aa» b- , a rry fa \. r. | attoa. C DaPdl MBa. M. B -A fuU s»t of Hi ' Atra'a bioMi rat >v aVractrics, with back ad DtrtCAA ¦ and tw BaaMakpi B a .aia aid u aswABS oae*. ftl» dB la jsiala . mm, t .. laaol J i. fif.eiL la.\. i»wd B -ok. Bt lbs Riuri »i by to. aiaili* box or f ll raw, wnt ;o »ay a.'.- drtM. ty mau or a sptraa ^ ;.¦«.¦.. r~ ., < aprkta Ado.-eaa lb k Mi apaai r* k CsL, !u obi B.-.w-> ay ft a I :k. Hi.Ai iHHi Mi on M. Hi l r.. la tto ciem?bI aPafcATbtMaaaa*aal ft . aaaarya* aaad aaaaarat of ai.aJiy Kr kB» lydtSM tat. » oil Bad I a. ra. n a to lea ulkt, lt.' est'.!. 1, I. ; a p T » *. ' . BaAMCAt, Bu r BBS keen *J-. .y;ucieO.bei: .: a ad pan wita d a.eo;. .. j. ¦»(¦-: ¦ raid tuaiu »od ba* Waäob I la patett baa beeo k. > 4. » «t.iens ata awMM r,.,- By lu neriaiK a. a^o , ». and la toe i'-ereatkaj aaa ci.rvoiav.: o| tlyipt pi ,i, I. . s a . aSeetaai atd iBej ,.. , ..a. ..or.taa. 8*..'. pM BI v by mail at *A|M»*«, ,u r ,. r^ VcJ.-aallvt ör i ,_ PtM OSere, La*» laav.d, ui app.y at tb* Orhse, No. i^. t BI I at,, Biaktiya._ ÜUPTtRE Ct'BBD.lit BLaJAM. Ä Co. 8 RaIH Can Caaa Tbsoa. AJws Su k p.aa»r . sr .i cUnixdi VaBBB» S*eeoaT»a» auo 8u,.n.i>»a biuu . AfaaBktaaJtbka msdVa toordei. n«. » Vearj at. A*-sr ii... ae N. t EaMia* prlTabe rotgw a^id -en »e kt-e.*au:» Aaa Maa«a. C.a- LiAa k CaV, Na. » West AW aa Oaa. rii,B«;i, t>au Stk \m.Ucs AID Am ¦.: -...<- to »«»«iil. our er > * mi Ott r " T- » '. tu ImaiBtii* Tariert y A, BaictrTe, Fr V. Dil T», Ar., ka-, OfFeiac;, } icliih KAk II Hirjfifti r«. Fair, n f niMiir Lo- A »c » 'Cfup ' t naor-mn.' <>f FxniH Chi*» I Inner, lh-tm~- end T»» *«U- Bit« r TaBI Ol,»«». Cjtlery, Bihrr ptated War». Ar , fc«. W. J f. Im r> e. r0 . _No Hl Broadway. I.MI'MRI \N Tu In >pf FTIC». Tbl» nvwt dirj^Mli.» i:~ttt, m »ei, IJAjtltffTI l. Blair, B"lB st0m»r v. In n ( own a'kT. acii.itt, Btl.leCk. II-', JallDICE, F'.»BA ABB Aoir., FiKU. CoM'i ilvtl, CosTiv»\ti», L> Ii or Arn PtTfl, Ui ua-Ht. 0tBBSAt Di- an.iTT, kn , of however '. ..( r.i /, r .nb rj r rfcara^er. ean fnd "»rtiln »od p»rmei»r,t mr» »cd tta.' »p~ i y. DJ '-he 3H of tfc»t wooderf-.l pr-punioc, Tur. 0SV6BMTM i iiti» TlT (lin.ihtm BlTTIB». Bold by Iiimi k F»»-.. F. C. A iiilO.b Ki i . BtWMZI ifluuBfVBUS,MmOt k C j N.w Von, »ad by dee>r» Terjwhrre, lt. Hty »j.d ntry. WtU/ M A OlBBS'ü .¦«¦IM Hai :u. " V > U'.r :.<i:i» |r»Ur»il>ai»»»*Jttitl Üii' ara»'»ln»ln <t ..»»-<'. B- r. IMI etul p"-n.-'th- j »'. If* 1 r»hilv d H W b id It B r«BBMl«bl.ItttJ '' Pr. ', T Satt, ifirtiiiad BlU Bild, »b «-»tii-aid retin, ty JiMkl Uni Ha 50« t..- i: . it. Opp ¦MeSl |H o-.. » BbAbL J'i Bl i< MOT* B. S o m i. t h i » r. New. Bsimiki Cap*! Can BcAMLSaa Ciei: Caü od V»'m i r. " Tu». P»i'i" s BeTTSB, and »i»rr:.: n.» n-.p-ri' r » if C«ri. Tiavf.Liko, BbKUUiI. vk ,-iai>, ai d AMi'iic. C»ei. at N i im Bioaiiw» v. " Wm Do Yr Itot/RB Detajii bo Brun i," »lj.ti ytvu-»n »et tLe b»it laaofted I!a«m<v at I Bar hittia; i>. .' t .t r, 4 He.» .n» C « et l .-. N k dt r ... . at., Ntw York. ff HAI .. the u Ae> <if <-»it]£h:'jr*, WBBBliBfc burking Bnd ei er/r j, kr t rr.etr ? . IB) tA» DBBeri tbtfjBt b ad oln, BTknfl B pa<Aigs or two of B) >.w «tt's LOA'1 « CaBBV VtBBaaTtBkBy rtr'x -.i- Ltie i »:.d »riakr jo a ;.if.' ttt.: 8-!d ij I>!ia>ii*e. Si'r.ani k («, N' ;uP'*r ,-. \.*.N Iii BKUtK - Kk.v.EklZOilOBT Pu- ihi Tcitii. BbbW0M Ct-Baai mmi l*BI IB*BB ref the T r .old at Ball, Bl .. I t .. M . '>..-!» bit.mtl atall Drap k»Bl PBBBBJ »t/ree Call er No. ii* ilrraneu na: ki.d «rt k ' ir< aar IkMllilallH IBB tmt -J -f o.aLy of U»e inu«: BB . :.r pnjao ian», fc .f "o'. nd otii»r e|tl*B. Bl m be t'i Itt.i»..Ihr« RjteOfl Tim dillr-re; in all ie»i»-ta frrw et«r» r.;rj«: Ii rataMM . Hal pakAApJ arid pjbvbbtawejanl tVba«t r.. LTaedlakathArai. Aioayi laaalj n o C r»l. e Offi.e N 4tS Biooiooat N. Y. In < hi.H"«' PARtJIA ia tbt- hichfit rf[iute? aa a . . rr:« f. <¦« a' a'i elf i,a f tö* »rar It ia a p-re jr.i«.i. . I- ux \\ t»a:.'.r, t...- ad a., r | .... | a *i,'r r-kti,, and l.rnt« la lieai .akl- intbe Somrm-r »eaa-.a Ex- #i khefj o»«d at roe Ai 't BaaSB, at NlrhTaa. M-'.r-p-.ä'an. lud aabaW iiatVaawa HateId aud aalrx.ria, it ia rapidly Le>uui^ ai: i:.diiperj»sr>le dieh \i B'l (o><l tallies kl a. .la- turra au" Baal a- tAa < tmt kkV'e. Rai BN 1 ka TJ ». .'.¦»> :a. ABaearaldli -n- to draJ-.ra > i %\- ..euerally by (ii «anand Piaaaiati Hu keb a Bkoriiaa. Hu irr i. Bio i ii r Fl «II »-.rt F»»;\« ir*u<rn:. ' »t ttic Kau? ai Iba Aa*nr-»n ItitiU'.e, PalaoB Oirdia. WEDHE8DAT, OCTOBEB 1859. Tu eOMUSSPOSDKin Nu Bai »r bl :alei. Af 1-'ii. « jr.i ¦. *A Wo»!- e rr ii i ...irt.df r Laasrtlna nuat ba autbenl ;>d 'n the narxe aiid ad 1k<a i.l Iba wir r Bot u-. «aari.] i-r pubnea- Baat, tut aa a |iiaiaalj lay bat pai d iiita \v< oB'-t et »attl- r -»ke u. return rr «. . .. CV rnn. ir iratirna. Bmll»Bl ttera lor Tin TbIBCBB ibaakd ii. ^il oaaea ba ad- dreiaedtj lioi u «. k Co. Meura. BLtatrgV Blkcn k Bko> are afafaaBj in B-attlcr, Fa, lor tc- ia..- ol ItU Tau »r. I o A d rrrtiaer*. TboM who wiab to avdverti.*o in The WBBBLI TatiiNk, «aill pleaae sei d In tL- a at.Loiin' nnenti aa ear.y ka poeiible. HavixK a lar|i-t >-lrci.l»:ion Iran any «Aber weekly Dewrnirxr, lt Ii tbe very beat medium ttr>uat)i wlu> ri to all parta of ti.e oo-.mtry. Prti e. Ot.» Dollar » linr, n :.»ertl r. Ad\< itjBmenti f r tkii wt rk'i bwaa unit be tianded In to-dky. Tbt» majla for EOwftS Bf thr» ('unard ttejaiiiihip Ainca, T«i!l cloae to da) at ISJ o'clock There ia to a gieat Opposition Meeting This BTBatiaf at MmKIKTOWX, N. j., at which aeteral eminent and eff.rti.r» apeakers will be heard. Jir- -1 rn HOXU ia anii-UiT tbeci. Tbc llep'jl'lictica of Hkookia H hold their JMi- ficatinn MtotiDg at Muiicil Hall litj <mmij, k\A will be Addreiaed, amotig other«, by Senator Wll BOH of Ma-racLiiectti. We DBBal BOt, BaUBIJi urge a «i Derkl atU'tiiance. and tve begj»e»k for fjen. WUmm a full, deliberate hearinc. aad a com¬ panion of hia vit-wn with tho.-* ptt forth by .lohn C( cLrsne lsat night. Tbe) t\v(t at<x>d un the mue platfiTia in 1-1": Which haa ilBBBfBwt and why I The L'cpublicani of BnokllBa IM i|h uaaa'.ij OTerburnr?, are deeer\;riT ISCCBBB, and ao will coin- rxiand it. Tbty have made a canrn* of their city preliffiinAry to tLe i.rR iti), and w:il thus be en¬ abled to prereLt adv groaa frAuii at the Elect.on. With proper exertiocs henceforth, tlaff can poll Ten Thousand Legal Votei on tlie -th of Noveiu- Mr. Gallant eonirad. a over tho litter' toe Re> publickna of thrj State hour )i>ur exertiom, and vs.i'. pr. ud!) ei..uldt* tbt in Tie preliminary e\aiuinBti"n if Jahn Brown, and the other pm. ra iniplicr.tcd in tbe insurrec¬ tion at 1 larpei a l'trry, couiuienced y.-iteidiy at C'haxlestown. Lrown MaVJ formally ark?d ii Le had ooui.kt-1, raid that Le had none; and, when tbe Court aaa gnecl b m legal ad. ;»era protested ags.nst being aubjectcd to a uio< k trial, he bad not been ail .wed to tee his friend*, and c;»un- tel ttboni he had sent f r had net arriv.-.i. He did i ot ark for favor», BtHkwte«*, aiid adv.sed the Court to spate itself the trouble of atoing thr.'t.^L tbe form of a trial to !egn!:/- b'H BXBt iHOB The Court priih_bite<i the BBB teBJaBBJ wi deti '-'d report* of the proceed it igS, BB a) impkrtial Jury couid olLertvise be ob^ii. d for tbe trial in the Circuit Court. Various v.:tne»aes. who had leeen made prisoners by tbe iniurcenta, te-t'tieJ it to tte acta of ioiurreruon. Toe j'« were then remanded for trial beloie the Citcuit Court. The tt't-iiK-n) v..<» eubat<iue3t!y sent to the GraL-.l Juit.wbodid not conclude their examiiatuiti kit night. The telegraph:'- re]>«;irter sa)s that the .n- dictmente tt Jj be BJIBbI and the trial begiia U-d»y. He bIbB aa;. s t* »t :t is the intention of the pri>ae.;u- t.on to j rocet'd tt .th th- execution of the pru-'u-ra iBIBM iiiltisT iflBT laV r MB I id BL Tne (V-rt tiaa rcfuttd to Allow Anj one to see or converse with l>roKD, fearing that he would tay tint which mubt, by put. >aed Bl IBJH the aia Against their ¦BBBBPAi ¦tnaVN TUB RBI.IaTBV. Tbe Kctisn n of tbe Kr^istry» in ea. b Lle«.-- ; Bl DIbMbI ti "Lr State ia to take place oa Ta«- dnyn- t. >\ut 1st,) or. as the law aaya. - tte " Tutiday i f tbe v\. \ prt e«l B| the day of Hjaj Ce&irAl Llectioc" In ail d.»tn.U not mcltit-ai .a or bt ivnfiiog to any cry, the act *a\a that the lLiip< ora e-a.'. i, : tt.a {' lrpuae, " mrt't At " o'claxk in the ani reraun in seai>.Q '. uutil aeven o'clock, /*. Af. ofthat day . when the stry w. i be GtiaiJy cl.iaed: while in this ar.i ai! olter c:!.e«. tLe Lrg »tenni; B^iarda Bre rcq-ired by law to " meet at pajil o'ci.x-k ,a the m<:. .. and remAin in oriaioa uat;l bJbb . c'.-ck, r m of " ti ata>b| tmill ... .ao that Bl I 4 t - r tte rt t -:or, and i "irw. or Tillage dutnctt but or* -that beiag reffideot wbere tbe retort are few aod rnoet of them wiirlf known Oa tbe day or daji of ret moo "it tbaJl be tbe "dotyofea:d latteeetwi, at tbrrir meet *V»r rt> ¦ titiog and eorresüng »nl liar, to erase tber*fr>*n "tbe nune of an" person icterted therein fhj " aLall be proved by tbe oath of two legal Totera af ¦ aaid diauict hi tbe aatiafacuoa of aa.d I nap-con "to be a non-rerdeit of aaid diatnrt. ar "olhtrwiee act entitied to rote ia said ..«.«tiict. at tbe eleeM »a tflen next to be- "held Any »-Wtor retiding in at.d diatn a] and . fLiit'^d to rote tbere*n, tuty appear before taid Ii «a:d af Ittipectora atvd require bit same- |a be " recorded on ibid alphabetical litt " If r»iaJl»cc*<l. be n.L»t iwear that he :i a legal roter, aa uo»; if cot challenged, l;| came it reguterei aa a matt".' of comae. And tbe- Regutry, thut perfected, n to be the g-v.Je of the Intpeetora on toe day of L tioD: the names to be checked off aa they are voted ayjaaj, Acy j»er»on not registered. be:ne a leeal voter, eta nrTertfcete:** vo»"; but he Ctricot do n .' unleaa " tbe parson odenng to vote »hall furcith to the .. l'>>#.r4 of lLijef( Uin hit afTi livtt. gi'iog hit rev MM fur not appearmg on the day for correcung tb* a,(.-ial."t>< il hit. and prove by tbe oath of a 14 aoajaaltal ara4 thedistrictiajirMaahaaaawaHi " vote tint he knomt auch person to be an ichbbit* '. aot of the rtiatnct; and. ;f in any city, siriag the " reticence of »uch j»er*on wit hi a slid dutrict-*' .We na . e tnatfe the**, extracts from th« Keg »- try Act in order to « that J If there be ai y namee now on the Hegittry Litt« made up latt week that are not taute ot legal v..t«.. in the tfutnete f.>r arhich they are tb reg- ia'.ered. it ia the duty i«f every grvad cuzen to *.t- rta;'i thoae naiL» a and be ready to «wear tbetn fl a*. the Bl liakaj on Tuetday of next week. J If tber- of a'j) '-et! voN-r* wh»tv na't.-* ar-' nor no* on he Ii-hi»try oftne r respective d.a-tncu, H ia the duty f all c:L/eria to aa:ertata who they are, aru warn them to appear at their place« of Kegiatry respectively next Faraday, and eatab- ! <i. the:.- rtfbl t<> voiv. Ttit they can do by limply atating the facta that they are legal voter*, read¬ ing at t jch or tuch a place, a. requiring that their nainea be duly rec:tt>red; and thia mint be done. If challenged, they must aeverally aweartley are Imal voter* aa hitherto at the polia. If njt chal- Irrced. thrir r.eiuea are re>:iate>re<l of courae. Iiir. it »e« ma clear that the [. '.¦¦,-.. attendance on the. Bariaaai af each peaaon now to be regittered will be neceaiary. No other teatitnony than bit own it rt-'|uikite. 7 he Iej;a! voter who aaa re^iatered, and Leglt cU to be at the revnion, <-an «tili vote at the Kie'fiur.; but, in ordT to do to, he mutt aubuiit to the I:,- .(¦:..:- hit own a'Fidavit, atttioc why he I mitt« d to appear at the ieviticn; and be mutt bring v..:n him a householder ot tbtt diatrict to tetLiy that he knowa trnt aa.d person to be. at he i laimt to be, a legal voter, though tmretjiitered Taa pall cltilta Bit) ta enter at "not regutered" et; ry voter whose name not on the renaed regiiiry. .We believe no law ao well calculated 11 pre- ttnt fraud, yet guard against tbe p »libility of a legal voter beir ; dr | iived of hi« right of auff.-Mge, was evtr before dtvi^.d: and we entreat every reader n our State 11 exnniir.e forthwith the Re¬ gister of hit dutrict, and a.- ertain w ho, if any, af thoie he know a to be legt.1 toten, are not regit- teitd: bDd, if there be one tucb, w arn b.m Ui ap pear before the Board on Keviaion-day.that it. Tuetday next. A k no quettiona a- ta any man « politic?, but let ua each do his !.. -t to make the Ktgiatry paifcel at p.^*ible. Thua it aril be geneialiy reali/td and admitted that Regiatration deprives no man if any right, but. on the aaa> tiary. ia lha nafeguard and thleid of the : :'.:¦> of all Ii .»I votert. Tbe Hon. John CoCBaVaVE, M. C tuftd.- a Sprich at a Democratic moetiLg in IJrooklyn oa Monday evening, wherein he charged the respjaa;- b'.iity of Old BtStVVj'a niadce^s distinctly upon (Jov Stwtid and tie iw-publjrant: Tney, argued lha Hon. orator, have bcea plotting to array one section of tbe UaiM against the other, and here it the teanlt. Far different, he argued, was the po- titiori and the action of hi« own ptrty. 11 We. at "mtrxibers of tbe I>einocrat:c party, atyi Mr. .John Cochrane, " n rer have understood that we . are la be arrayed a.**mit our feilo(t-citizena of "tbe Smth. " 1 "We. Demosrata, wh> .. have »Itf'iys mainttined tbe opposite tide of the iaane, tuurt bold our ad.ertariea to tbe c >nae- ...ji.mcei of their treachery." Ac Ac. Let us aee abtut this. We have before us the proceedirgs of a Democratic Mtaa State Conven¬ tion, held at Herkiaier oa tie Utk of October, J -17. W ilmot, John Coihriiiu ani other* were tbe orator* on that occasion, and .'nAa Coc4- ruur was one of the Secretaries. That Coaveri'.oa unaDimou«ly proclaimed by retoive a DV if uneom- ../.rtvf.i.-:.* ¦. 'day to t'tt Littitfim »f Stuti'* " into Territory now Frte,' and / t b I /baaVa T tttb* der'tr«^ drtettnlcid-ai of ao ia- -. -. ¦»:.. ta-'. . ..' fc:!o»r Or-tty.-nti a: ta« So-tu. t- re- f ..»r'.. aa taaaa aaatral a»eau a lc: it- ac aniauwa o: a »a Jicatr I. r tt« P.-ti CL j -. . I ,.<«i lea ..:.»: of ptt !¦.». ij _t -j<\. latriM r;<n, te a »tel -td. au4 at iktk aattaaaa a a> t.- tf. * wtm ao nut ronir Ii , I eijaajaban, aavkea k teaeaaary abr at* Ot*wttf%wf «/ tf*M> \'m ua 1 .fa j ketela aarj .. p?ra.*t*d lu, a-d . » ..r a., -.trj ari we t,b!'|nd t ad p: r.^-jn > «. :\. ' ; r»o«ita, aa- tfrr.i»., . LV J ; I -ri : IV t" ''-' a.' aaattvai Baad t..^* La atattaafan^aai aai m i'-.ij " Bei Jtid, That at b*;.'»' la the ¦: tr.Hj and tie hakta of fr-a labcr, tk t /Vrr rtkitr la \>r roaa (thr-rt upon lie asaaravtl anU .¦f a. .a ], a. l-a T< i.u:. a.avf la r a pjj: of taa aaeUa, to ra aaiaa af tba tra* »t<.i of aii taa Bj * m /v.kfeaad 1:.»: aII p. nr: * baa i-' '.ed Uta aiadoai of ;k.»t proaiiif-. ftba id a r a moved b| faomaa J 4-n*u ana ad. pud ty taa Unfa -n* OaaaaaatatJ a .a H I at. a pi Blotted > >rtj .:. .:.^eit.-..'3r t rt * '.. cf \b» Oa* a-i twvi »t»»» aftti l -.>a aanaa, o*m ^exaea ay :a» C -t- i iaa alta foaci to aaaba a - ¦> ¦ m a : ¦<¦:. *uj-a t-»t- .-'! ' .¦i. -i t ji- ( >d - i." ¦->'. tA' daly ef f Adf Aeaavk of t\r (r> rrramral ra adktrt tm tk*pmUtf ..a i . fi'pakOr, aad ta .. aaaair t' Ail a- 1.: -r p: »..»« i. (. .ta-a:a, a-4 eater- f-tt a a^u: t-.»-rd a.r-.a area* ia a-Aisa .Th-te rent uient« wi-re repeated, ia e""3 etroBger lernst, ;a retol-.e« reported by Mr. Cocb- raue bii;.te!f la teverai I>emocra:ic Coav.-nti.'Ot he'd in tin State during tie entu ng year, and in at ieart f.'ty «peeches made by h:m during the can¬ tata af that year. If. then, the ad 'ocatea of k'ree- S .id .. a.v to be Leid accountable Lr Old ]>iow r.'t raid, and thereupon bargt4 witbicceadit- tjoi. treasjn, and murder, we ;2i;st that the ewiy apoetlta of the Free SA\ fttth thai aboiider their iha.e af tne kid. Mr. John Cojbrace in 1 r47 . I rnded the Five S .;i aa eminently I'. -i.". rate, and drutuoced :ta ocpot::< at ''atti- " th-r nght nor w;se. He low itigmatizei a* traitcia tie upholder* of the faith wtuch fur paiiry atd filthy lucre be La.' deaerted aej i^tf-aved, ft: '. i clan-t that Democrats ' ftcd the "DfO ".rate party'' "have a'.it-rjt the vieat which be baa '»een bvugat orer to a-irocate 'iv.dtu ly. there it noptu, pie u th.« aaja^aaBtl] demagegue' but »Lould cot tlauae r. a t:a from auch reckJtit adfavfaava .41 »a. Ml*. JOHJB W. JfMBfJ A 1.1 4m CIOBI.I IT« Yea, retily. Joaee' Tae Honorable Jaaes' Not to ajeah it prtMaaely. Gaorge \V J»§ee' Or, rather, to speak it in tea diaitvt af tue >;«refa Qfksaa of tie Sltfl of AsgaV. I«' u l G*rtu i^uff printed at Bogota), under tbe angin t kead ng of '. Preaeotvioa del Mio-tro lo* Estadoa " ! "tiöV*. ." If - B». J-nrral J->*y ff. '. Ji>nrs. nowf'Ti.uo for rl (,'u.:ii'Dl« de tos l'.*teuios '. 1 nulls Jfmiitr« BssUsaBa rerra del de h C¦>». "Jtdiranon." leader, .looea' Jones reader Jonea aod reader, we wnh yw j >y of tan new scquaictarce' Many and wonderful have been. :s foreign parti, the representative* of oir hippy Republic, aid many ac i omplioentary bare bees ocr oot:**-a af their t- la, tr: rnphs, tnbila'. .as, struggles a-. I publ.c agonies. But the Hooorsjle Sr. Jeneral Jorje \V. Jone«, to uae a nr%aj BBi b/ co meats diplornat oally d:gufkd exprtts;oa. d.d. on tbe Slat af August, -beat the crowd" Ap¬ pearing before the*'"/' f'ruidmtf.we trntt ia an exceedingly ro. Dew, and bigh'y g«>ld-buttoned u.vfi rm.tbe ll'.oorable Sr .leoeral Jorje W, sjbb Mala oce of the finest tp«eche« ever axta Ui»t«r<i m aVfata, aittac upon toe Slat af a\a> |*aataf ar.y other day. « mt s v>rl. knows our hearty lore of ...enume eloquence, bai aent ua a eaff ofthat speech. Altai a carefu! penisai there¬ of, we are prepared to extend to .Sr. JeoTil Jor W. aamrancee of our diatinguished eoniidera- at:oD. In other Word«, the Sei.or J. W. :t " oue of thri;: Jones, your hand' The world aha.'! know of your eloquence. ¦» gifted, boaey-tongued Jotjo W. Jon»»' I or in tbe dirJVu.t art af dipio- ij ht:c rbet >ri<. we do cot know your equai. Jotes Boat L-reat a;>- ftm, Jone», ia tie acienee of "rub- "hillg U iu".tbe *iap, we mean. Jon**. Hbbj Ml n.bbed it into the F nvoy af New-iirannda near the august raon of S E Jatnes I! i -hanan. ftmi* drff de /of Ptttfrt lindot.hoar \»u ataajaiBtaJ the said Knvoj.the Jeneral Pedro Ahantira Her¬ be ecirlentr excellent , fimUluinxt | moat fa:'üfui ., hahil (at*fal), f tmm^ngmm {mm tltttia- |l ahatfli <», Jaajaa «an la it when ne trie*. And hetr.ed Ar.dbed:d:t. Brit then it niuat not be supposed that Jones confined himself to tbe praite* of the Jeoeral Pexlro Alcanvara Herran He a!ao prai*»-d the country of the Jeneral which h-vd been favored "in a moat a«- .. tot,shiag decree " In gold, afllI r \\ 1 :ron In copper, lead, and other metals. In rice. *u.tar-oace, Iadian corn, eocoa, juca, Masxi lrl"\dtra< other¬ wise called Murphies and M other delicious fruita." " Surtly, Sir," aaU Joues, .. such a country is des- " tined by the Almighty to make miliiona pn»«per- "oua and happy ¦ "At leaat," said Mr J >ne«, auddeuly recollectiag himaelf, " such is tbe earnest with of my heart" ^ Nor must it be suppoaed that J nes continel hi n »elf to the praxes af the favored land to wh'.ch he was accre»1-.ted. Ha tVH'k pama.patriotic paint, ..¦e are arflliag to call them. to prai.e hi» own dear n.itr.e land firtt. Did it in very »'->od ttyle, l>*>. Jones did. Said that we were enbcntened. Alt) liberal. Likewise generous. As we are. Ai all the wotid kcew already Baal we are. Still we tbackvoufor mentioning it, Jon-'t. Sen >x Jones, Senor Jorge W. Jonee' Theae little reniodera come pretty frequent!) from diplomatic lips, but they are pleasant to the Eagle, and the Eagle has a right to be pleated Nob'jdy kno il either what the So" >r Jones hat IttSind by hit ac:epUnce tA th:t re<p uuible p >st, or Corinthian piDar rather let ui call it' Jonet did not at first want it, but hit family entreated; bit relatives (including hia first, aecond, and third couain*1 entreated; everybody who knew Jonet entreated But Jonet was inexorable. He de¬ clined the mission "orally and in writing." But S E. Jamts Buchnnan would not let nun go, or rather, to sptak accurately, intitted that be should :<>¦ BtiS, Jones declined. Theo cion the Family Doctor, who taid, with the tttff of Esculapiut sapient.'y applied to hit natal organ. u Go, JofltM " it will do you good." " The advice of my phy " »ioian prt.aikd," tajt Jonet. And Jones, with his speei h and a few pillt in hit pocket, departed. .. a heav) heart, aays Jcnet 1 I t >ok leave "of my beloved wife, chilerea, i'riendt, and " country " Vnat a diainteretted Jonee Wnat a disintereited Family Aad, above all, wnat a ditinterettid Family lWtor The SeBob J. W. Jonet hat had Co reason to re¬ gret folio wir g tbe doctor's advi;e S.Dce he IfBt touched the soil of New Granada he hat expen enced notLirg but "kindness, geueros:ty. hotpi- tality, and honor," "tuch as hive hardly been " extended tobim in his own Country." Sly toucu. tvat of Jonet, la ahow his dignity at home' [Mem: JoBBB was Senator from Iowa, until bit coostituentt concluded to ditpente with hit tervicea.with Jonet't, to wit] "I have " been waited upon and serred," saya Jonet, '. by tbe people of New-Granada, fr.^ni tnoae oecu- " pyis^ tbe moat humh.e p>«ittona Lfl i/e, and in- " eluding those who || the unat exalted posts of "honor." Lucky Jobjob! He hat misaed no ac- cuttomtd luxuries He has beei waited upin ' and tened. It it our private opinion that Jonet has got into a good tbing.nothing to do but to be " waited upon and aerved. We aivise Jonea to hold on with all possible tenacity.even with that with which Death it tupp ised to cling to s di leafed man of color. There will be tomethiag to get. including tbe "waiting upon;" and, as repretentt everything to be in the niott pac.fic, pleasant, aad particularly promiting condi¬ tion, there will be little to do except to make »peecaea, wb.cb wiil be tbe pride and deügat of Jones, of Mrt. JfJMS, of Maat Jones, of Mitt JaajBB, oi the FaaaBj rtjafcilaB. and of the other n of tie Great Jone- Family. Tl KhM. The aaaaaabie) recent:y aWatfSjrat] ia Ccnstanti- Baa e is a cew leature ia the history of the Octo- bW It was cot mtecdrd to accompKsh a revo- laiioa in the Seraglio: it was not provoked by V z:ert j-a'ous af power, nor by tne maladministra¬ tion af favorites, cor by tbe cruelty or weakneta of a Pasaa. It hid a deeper character. The outraged Krraa ca'led on the cc.acience of tne faithful for protection aga'.ctt the Wettern aavi.ira and civii- iirrs. Not against Putsian influence, so mach la'n- .: nb' Mi far year- pait, but Sfjatill the general G.aonr. be he French or Eaglun. fr.ecd or foe; aga:ast ben.'acttrt. a-lTiten. aeif-CocsLrated |fBf> diatt, and cirectors. It was the o!d af nt of M'>». ¦J .um eodtav' ring oace again Te> give expreaa.on to it*» deep, imco Bt liable hatred of tbe Western Woj.d. to make a supreme effort to r;d itself of tie po'Icting contact- The work of lecompesition it go ag on tritt b-»r- f-il rspidi7 in Ttuk/y, confira*icf tie ar.dtrtCM.ors whachwe hav* made ftr these t.i Irars patt. The more privreesire Ta:ks of tie Ba nctid ft e.l tooc'early f.reaee tt*- fiaal aid not i :tac: dissolution of tae Ottomaa L^^^e, aai the old Tuik apir.t Tmtj hare kmi their cieoSdeoo*} ia that rtfttot watch they tBetMetTM lure intro¬ duced. Th. » have loet their faith ia th* t>re«**lt vitality; of the Turk e*ei>eot; they boon Utt|ht by event* thtt it * »\h»oiutely iaposaibla to rroJeraire the Knrtvr, er t> Umwi it ¦» »«>/ *.? with Wetter- o; :i /fioo. Waateter may be taid to the eoatrary by Turkophde*. bjb hire th* belt Butfci-f:*) for declaring that even the rrietnbereof the Sultan « Cabinet, wboee deitruetioa w»* planted by the cotupiratore, :nward'> itur* tr.e ojiioa ml trie fanatic* tbemeetvee, sad w >u'd have wished th*rr aticce-e* <*«»»iid their »«rn Irea h»ve b*»*n .parrd. Loaing ti 'ir th il rBBBfBBl |KW re¬ former* fill bark their faith ia tbe K >r»n. weaned Bnd diegaVe-d by the dirtttorial imirortu- of their European adfi«r>i*. The ra. e of the Turk ia rap'dly dwindling in Europe. Ol" Ike four and-a-half millioni Btf Ma> bammed in Europe in Turkey. :..«« thin a m.... <n are of Tuikuh descent- The BsBBABaM and Alba¬ nian* are of European st.-ck: Armenians and Greeks from Ana Minor ab.ajaaj throiih >ut the country. The Slavic i'.u'gtr. n. the bardeat IbM> laborer id the world, ia BfBBBBBf tb- Hellespont and awekenirc to rich life :!.e fertile a .11of Art, BB |bbJ| alt-epn g under the luv indolence of the Turk. Tbe daya of Otoman iwaj in Kurop-»are num¬ bered: the power of th-* Turk :a weigh-d bAbI fBBBni wurt Bg| tbe final catastrophe approwbee. It baa been deferred until now only by the BXABBBBBBfli an ia), morbid BfA {".'by tW Europe, oiuoiy through the prraa which Kcdsciid I'iaha laBBaB ha* subsidized to the extent of two and-a-bah" mil. of dollar*. I'.ut thin exterior preaaure cannot make up for lack of interior atrength. The Turkiah Em¬ pire ia <!c-imi,<i on botu aide* i f tbe Dtrdanelles Kor, w ben the Sultan» loae Consu.iüri iplo, they will Io*e the laet ibredi of tbcir presto1 the Mo- hatcmed of Asia and Africa. The latest news fr aaj South AaBBTk i -bows that tbe lameLttible civil diecord by which Ven-zut-la is disturbed, bat «pread a'n.MLto tbe neighborinc ard aii-tr-r republic of New-Granada. It waa not long <ioce that New-Granada adopted i newt'in¬ stitution, by which the pokert mj the Central Gov¬ ernment were *enou»iy curtvied. and those of the State Iiovernt::eota largely increased Ii.tead, however, of proving a settlement of thia qieati >n of the ri apoctive power of tbe Central and State f roveraiuents, the new Conatitut'on. and tbe law» formed under it, eeein oniy to have added to the difficulty. Tbe violent NaBBBBBBB) Bl the Ceitrtl authority, whuh began in Bolivia and Sau- tander. haa aince apread into m >st of the ithefs: and Pi^BbUbBm »>-pina has declap'd the whole <'orifederat.on in a laBBBO/ war. and fighting is i.oiPg on in several of the Stab k Tbe republic of Ecuador, tbe tb.rd of tbe di- vitiom formed out of tbe old republic of (' dombia, is not t»m by internal 'i aaenaion*. but u engnged also in war with Peru, whici latter atate baa at the lame time involved it*e!f Lfl war with Bo'ivia I'mm ( Bfllj tbe newa a a liale more favorable. The alarui of new lnaurrecti.m^ haa ia a meiaure subsided, a -J the fiBTBIawa»jt a-e fitting out aa expedition the Araue^inian Indiana, who form an inde]»»-ndent community in the northern portion of the territory cKun-.i by Chili. Our Minister, Mr. Vaxicey haa «. -1 in hi* ef¬ fort! to arrange matter* between Mienoe Ayrrs at d the Argentiie t'onfederat.un. Buenoa A>rea, it would seem, has not much deposit: aj to surren¬ der its preaent independent position, which it has maintÄiLed for nearl/ twenty year*, whila M^r. VaiiC« y aeema to have figured in tbe negotiation, not so much aa a mediator aa an out and out pir- iSBB of I rquiza. The addresa of Governor Wise on h.s return bt Bichrrond from hi* expedition to Hirper's Kerry waa intended, we auppoae. to be compliitentary to tbe m.iitBis companiei which be took with him. If ao, either the Governor ba* rather odd id*as tbout compliments, or the general reputation of Virginia miiitia for courage and di*ciplme canuot be very high. The Governor dec'.area that during the journe) he kept hi* eyeon the men.expecting, aa it ::i be lurinised from tbe context, to tee .one of them turn paJe, or t*int through lenr, or perhaps to slink away at tbe tint op,) »rtunity.but tboiigh they were met by ruaor afcer nimor, and telegram liter telegram, tbat there waa atill ngnt- in^ goirg on at Harpen Ferry, atill they went through with buoyant heart*. No man blanche«], and no uian ran away, b it a 1 kept up good rjur- a^e till they reached Harper * Ferry, and f »und that tbe fighting wai over. Tntir d n-iplina w.t* aa extraordinary i- their courage. Notwithsband- ug the great eieiteinent wb;.-n preva-kd at Har- per'a Kerry, they actually preeerved order, cam- -ure, drill, and discipline, and Bad not.aa the Governor aeema to imply luifclit have been expected bn ak Bp their ranka. mingle with the mob, Bid Bid .ti !)ncbicgthe wounded d'.d the praBBBBBA Bither than be ci mpl mented ia this bar-k handed style, we imigine tbat the mi ittry would have pre¬ ferred not to have been meat o iel at klL It haa eometiiiiea occurred t > us that there is coceiderably more lun in tnisworbi than those who make it La.e any idea of. In conformation of this theory, take ti.e folluwiog report of proceed:o»:« at a Democratic Masa Meetin.' st M i;.-tield, Ot.o, j .-t befmotbe late election in that >tate. The re¬ port is from TU CUrrlund 11. raid I " Doug is* Honglaa ! Double* ahoat the Pop- BaBI Sovereigns. Senator Pi ii.' Fellow Ilettocrata I have the pie ae'.i i e if m:ro ucixgto yoa ie-- BBZl Pr-eiduut of tue L'aitsd S'ater.StepMeC A. DoBglBB Staator I*<. t. OLaB.M JJroth't I>em icra,> ! I cannot make a a(ee< b lo you oow 6u' I :&<ie the liveliest sat- ufact oti in itirooui ing to your iii*u i.>nai'Jera'.ioa toe ceit < >ov ett< r of Ohio. tLe Hoi.. Bufus P. Binney "' After af"w words ot apvl -^y fi r r..^t »pcrk'Daj, fron ti.s ueit G<-Vtrior,'' tne try i* " U^ugl/ir Duugla- 1 'i agiae ai:ai£ ftom the t>opular BBfWIBBlBjB, BaMtOf I>ooa;laa." Kedow Ii-nx-ra'^ ! I mint ba escured frtm adM/etim? jraaj at ttiia tin .». I arn, bow. evf-r, BkON than gratitjej in IntataBli n V> yoa tie I reaent ata tbe next Senator tttMl tj;.io. :Le elo<,iiaBt (Y.. PBBw i' .^t. t- a*, smiles, anf roar* Tee sovereigns "Uf w up tie r gteary cap*. ft. y ut. \*z - tbe t.arU.ocj trto of net: tsei.att r. Q rracaor, ttva i'r..-*- icett. " Eiareeaive i lea -a m lae IL. tr pr»w* C'apta.n Ji-ol K\gi.» t .e BkatBB| BJaVad KaxitAS cor« rtepoLdtrA ot tLe BTl ¦ ^ iaa Twi >r. a aw j Arjr-'. 7i>< Argu* abould retract iti patt CBteBBBaBB, jy- »tei.d of givitg currency ta new. The abore ta I IB. ISDIA\ oi TRAGI - &*Tes»oci*tv* tvf Tte N Y. Tilbt**. Kl. Tam», Texaa. O-1 I-.'.:». Tbe In.i.aLi are very troubleaome.both the Co- mancbet and AparLes T ere are mtiitary poat* en< ig| tttaajgl tt.i whole nprnM, but the j-oLcj o: ti- Gorerrment ii utterly imbtei.e Tee re aru ( 'y fo«it aoldters and few of those) to hold in fteck the torn tribe* t-f the m.»et riprrt aid daring hanemta in U»e worid. NYua; »i w «utei are tri,. Baratt of d rar* "5 t. trtae***j as b at*»rialtf f,r Saw tw-i«t» 0) tbe »«Mt ridio« mmttrri ta be foaad, aa« then to per».e errry ouU-ag«. |re*t or u .oon e«»mrriitted. Tlat, I tt-ak, wiMiti eoea bnog tbe ladiaa« " to their ioilk rHE LATEST~NEWS, afjTina) bt yfAGNETIC TE1.EORAPR. From wh.ütagioa. Sa»-«* Ov»r*" » to Tb» B. T. Trltacaa W t«!;i>«.T<»\ Taeadkf. n.'t'.'i, K»J 1 ..Ii.''.'."*»*<* politician* hr-re woo htre freely pre dic'rd tucb Min. '.-w'. conduct na tfc* part af Cot. W;ae aa «roulJ wrevh tbe priitica! cap lai al¬ ready ioVe by the at Harper's I erry, are ¦ajftt taken aback b> tbe m<»jeratino or" that aoViiJ in his »[»eeeh at UicaaaaajJL I aajajU aot be tar pri*e«J il the parties who ootdeauoed bita ia ad- ranee should ootr turn about and den mi ice iiib a f t of aympatbiz-r with Abolitionists. Tbe President ia rvsulariy cl »eted at the Stats Departniect whenever important matten of ioter- natiooaJ policy are ia hand. Hit feahaaj taera as much for a few dayt paat i«aafcati«e of elaborats pat-en upon UeNorth- VVeataro Boundary qaeatiot, and upon Chinese and Mex:< an awMsV- Tsepw t:ona cow taken are inpof taut, as before th* coav tuuiieatioo of BBS a::outl meaaage to Coograis cir- aaajttaticea can scarcely sriae to safely a: a t of a change of aaaaaj. Nowubstaudiag the Preei- dent'e inclinati, n to five hit time and abilities tj the cobsideratioa oi .Tea- ..;. *t he aiioiva Biea- Self to he perpetually hat ratted by tmtll p t;. ar.a whoaie twren af the mi Dewt of the detectioa of tbi* or that man t j lK>o*lastsa). Taere is ao niueh of thia Bort af tbmg that the PresideBt re iiietimea tickeaa of n . baaiaeaa. aod iatoke* taa d>y when be thill be free from harrt mi ig parti it i demand*. The urdentaodiot; that Mr Juan Coea- rane, upon whom Executive ftvora hare bases Itr- ithed. ia in the Douglas way, ia held at a notable cstance of the ingratitude of politician*. f tbs a j. ¦¦: -1 f -m. i*/a n, riistdsj < ».\ aw, I Her. A le'ter from Cited N atea S'aa'o: Mason, after dua ir.v-»«t'iiati'd at llarper a Ktr y, eay* mere wa* na ta- » ir>. i. in at,) form whaiaoever oo tne parte* ttia it bao taats of teat t-an or vi< inity. Th- fact ia ao- doubted tiiat do* a man, bl«< V or wbi'e j nned tb« to- vatlaaa afsai th*y cam,- asta \ i'.".n», or gave then ati i r aj-si-tance in any Uinru 8o t»r a* - in oe dia> >v»redf not dm of ths DiLe'tau StMaava* X >'. . »lae«» «»atpoj or a'lt-mpt*'! to racape du-itar tae tu-O'iiu <>f 'hat«w carried off by Co« k. across ibe river, ail escaped troa b m and cam* BBaVly bv k ait one. who it a -us was droarrd while cro ri^ tl,e t.vr U"ines'a^d ooiind. Tbe l.iu'i>tbou«e Hi^arl to-day oi»»oe>l thi Drofxtsaia for rebunding t' a Caps Ana [sbjhtftaataaj oa That -bar « Irlard. fUrty nve tiiia were ittaatrtJt), but ao J»-lioits action wa.i taken. The >N \i I > has r-ao-iv«»d io'sllitraa^t* af 'h* dea'h of I.iruti. l>ooal*on aad ISBMNasBl fort liiraataa The Nav% Dspaitmer.: h«H ordere>i LtBBBi llarnsaa to :!.<. riiiia-ie'i'i ta Navy 1 aid. Fiirthfr from Itroat n«villl«>. Hkov. >-t i! i tc, Tni.radav. (> ¦'. H !">.». Tb.a fillibrtrter Cartina' is »tili eoca iiped ajhfftj tba city, whr-ra lad.ana are; hi* band ( oovtaa'J/. Tbe Mexican troopt have rsturnsd to Mataiaorai. LieuV l.aagdun hau arrived hero with tir»>e caatxia. Oar citizeos have captuied ons of the ;-at,r,- laa«, and tectetced im fo he ha?aT Cartina*. bosr- ever, Ibrealena to bom tbe town, if the outlaw »b >o.«t Bt)anaaaat). Thaeitnen. have beoma aary mach alarmed, and trira tlaeieg in all direction.*. Tne tora, it «a* feared, won' J he entirely deserte,!, BBBM as* ¦urtacce thould arrive §lato Politlra. Tki;!, Tore jay, l 23 lf»ty». At tbe Democratir .senatorial Cooven'i» iie'dta daf soi the «tuet >n piaad of Kanasaiaer tail \V*ju n< toe Couitiee, tbe II n. .lehn I). Wdlard of I". «ras utaaiUA3u»ly aoinirated for re. lee'ioa. PoCoaiaa pair lueaday.Oct. 'ih IA'>9. The Americao County Coovantioa wat ;.>i t her« to¬ day. The American Stata Hattsl was aiopte^i. aad a ree-lution aif'p'ing; John S. R ^.ina Deal , n tba kaas^tsaaa a., naa.- for N-aator, wat voted doaB by a arge maycnly. Iut< i national Cricket Tlrrtrh. K"< BBSTBB, Tueaday, Oct. 1KB, Tbe IcternaMoral Ci ckrt Ma'< a üere ha« v. oiaatad in favor of the EasTBSB cicke'ert who woo it iq a aiOptla* i. r witii|o| rnat to tpare. The «eors for tbe Tutel Mataa Taen y-two ttood :fJ atd 14 Tba KcKli"h Klaveii trade Kl. Y'.>- BBBN for toe Ameri- aaaa to-ttaj, wa.-: Falls, sf umpad Uaaaswar, b. Wi«*ea, 0; Jaekwio, stomped Lorky»r b. W'i»isn. o lljatUe, b. WWaB. I iBBaar, b. Wialao, l| Plcketiag tot out, 11; T. Tarraat, b. Wiaden, 1, Hioea, b. Va i.lea, I 0, Tairant, b Jarkaoo, V; II LOlyarl e,b. VViaOeo, Patterson, c, Ja< kaen, h. Wieden I: Oawia, abeeat; htephsteon of R it beeter, abrenL Wide« aod by.^, I. With yesterday I acore oi If, the total ia Tbs weatner wa* cold and windy. Aboat a tbontaod aasasBB »!.¦-... the game. In the at' BSSaaw, etx of lha Kckr'i.-h crickatera aad taelve of tbe Rochester base-ball player«, ff., n toe LiveO»k,I>ne S'ar, ami Flour I ty Clata, divided ac<! plajtJ a match of nine inning*.Ix>ckyer* stia n4*ki0|' 7, and Liilvwbita ¦> 17. I Le KD^lirb cr.c'k»'ert lafl for Monfraal tbia e-reo- irg. by tbe St I.aa*ren< e route, and .'. I. Jones learas by the early train on We>inoaday :..-.i.-..i At-quittal of the Walker Filllbu«- tera. Xt"\ t»Rt t iv Taae-Uv, »>-t i'>, III The WaJtW i. .dusters, lataly triad here, have aU been a< 'flitted. From the l^faibfa. Nr Loi i«. loeatlay, <)< t %% l<-'<». Tif Omaha Citf t\eyvhlir<i\ «ay», that fraods were perpetralel a* tbe recent ele^ioa of a Delega'a to Ccaaiei-e io that Terri'ory tv|oal tothoaa a' Otford an<; Kickapoo in Katsar ¦atavi I .r cn 1-.^rt Kearory give taatabrook 01 mai >nfy, while it. ia äste tad thai B0t29 legal voters re'ide toare. TabaJaBSBa paper roiiK* t -e .li^eovrrr of an or^aniiad gtt^' rsJwSSl Ib thai Bt is oortico>i, impiii *>t:ng an ex Soaaker of tha Ili.ur« of Kepieeenta', an ex-SbaritT acd sareral ¦Aber prominent c iii/.eoe. 1 l.e as' rtaakiasaal of tne M it aoti>-ipata>L Fire anrl Lotw of Life. tWroa. Tuesdayp Oat '., 1150. Tie Alme-Iloui-e at X> rth W->iur.utti, Maas., was destroyi,d by ore last aifjBS, Two insane paapara, camed liaydcn axd Tirrell. peii*ha>1. I.- as, *., '»#). Mr. K. A. (ionld, aa <¦., aad a -. *t.o«-, ,c, aassj last Ltpthc The t'olloaing are the footings of oar Bank Staisov.-ot I r tr. pa.-t week Capital St. . t.bss re P ^tootaer B'ka.. b-> «91 «sb Loaas anal Oise-tf... as.avi.soii nvp,«i-«. Is rrsftt eo*«-l'. '. «ti T'» Clr. ijaUrn. » 'JLStS t»'.» lr< m ctb. r B aa 7,«i7,'<<I Firea In u-Bedford, .Ifaaa. K> w- Ilr iiroao, Taaaday, Oct Üi. MBaX Two fiies n isjnatj in tnis eity mm night, oaa oa Cbeapeide, aad the o» in Mth Second aUaet, tav volvuga iota of tioooii. Amongtaa aajfaWaaj are J. t M oa. aasSBat; Chas. I'ai bfield, shoe deaJar; Mr. Tüöen. cer, and Matin. C'iauzätga, owraars of tba Luiidixtrs. -¦- f Fifianrcsof 0<-ori;ia-~The 1 ropa. Arr.i-M T iea^a*. O.-t. :' ; l&'/i. Tbe Coti'ioilai liaivial of Georaria reports tba sail Bat of imb ir the Tieaeury at |^,7>>.> tba pot> it dabt bb*J u ads iwilaraaitiaa aaaataat to i'l i">i,7.*a; tba Traaaary te<eip»j innr«? ma ye*i *a«t up $11^),. e'rr.peidUnrea BK7I Int aeather u favorable Cr the <rj*:rg cotton orop. The Miuhr Crop In I.onialnn.i. ¦SWafJ ir.-, t ,a» I »;.. |1 IBJ?. A.'oncfa of toe .n-ar rop in Louisiaaa coatiaaa uniavoiable. Boat*Raein« at Alban>. Al*»m. Tmaday. f>c . L, I3oB. At the race to day for taa cbampioo«bip, tba six- oerad sheLVboBt Irvinr. cairitd off tne halt aad fits ta - vep. eo kobarte, It etwas iatacaaaai a N IB*, Tbe ra'-a for dotibia SOaavBsbBBl did a at ««t*a til. n.e sx-la-tcTii; raoe was tm i»r Aagastaa Pit-yc.

Transcript of · Iniiim »otixct. inHindbedKno.y Hat»Dihtribctedas Fait.....

Iniiim » Hindbed Kno.y Hat» Dihtribcted as

Fait. . -h.Tttll useful, trnrn ***** aside bf Eaox orostT.aa-

tal . »M be ass sold .....»<.» *baa >rt»«t»»t»i»-n»ww»«lnumber, * blrh bar* basa dietwwad or aa>ot>| the wbWi of the

ruiocj ur,m - mpente* (. «d tiatKuv tAf Ksox Hit.f) ... ***** im rt No. «1* Broadway_~8tate Fair Stai n

Fob Sil r_

IUtI»( rereieed Axui'T tot'» Uo»* Mill *AD ElBI P»o< i loll, aoS te-tni Ahr H to ramoT* toNo SM fliKMT. i a»lil awll .'. A di.r .uut, 21 of Howe i i»l-rio«ii'*Ti»n»«D Sc* i i.« wb,< b bov. born . %rA to teAtnfRl»»T Cl »»» PkkMit Ml ot tA* 4 fftNM Stoto Fkire and wok*are mm «<nd u bow, ox^ttiff t lttw Alii.t U-Itt rubbed cff.

Pao« E. Howe*_No. i9i Broadway. New York.

¦wMfB*! No. i .St.WlNd- If ai hire.$I'X>Sm...» » No. 18» i>'.-SImjmiai.. WBlkcra -S'.xr .». MiciHM» (../..'.. - f fmrpoM*tr*

WwUkwbwoUi bo without toy BB ¦fSftSJ rl» I is the mattet.

Mach Lot rrvortitT barn pabl.eoad to SSJfSf to twiotu ffffj b*w

made by S>ȟ.i m..u'i EMM . I BMwMfSBS cuke toe boo.

BthrA »«r .i.Teotad, and do Ii in tor b-dt a-yle.fjJUll BakPIIB SJll Ulk i «t »*» Ar.d f»74 k'e i-nptt,!*. of

¦ > to t*w . eat etylr ff Hü BMI ¦ f of * pi BBJ fomiiy.Ilrvtiiii, Gil.-r.» Bi-imm to.t>f

I. SL BaWSS h Co , No. tU Broadway, N. V.N Pu l i. «».. fc;o- i!ya.

Y\ Ilk.I i I K A WllJaON'S Sr.wino-Mv iiim.s..».».».. Mii »¦ « Com .is :,. u .wr» tt N v

Ben i r a.-.t i- - .. .* li i- oufMrtirefi t*ip- >

tbf 8 »n | A«i'l<li .>¦ " r..ju.e:a bo lecumiuebdAnd p-.l -±ae

Wo Amte, ... 'oi '. 'i'll wi'.o . tie* ltd? f:i-'."i. OSfMil'J. 4mtbofo, »i. j i urn* t IBs , c.i< r. i..e* mi r nfji M*l PtJoi i ,r

thulit Miwii i « BwSi la oSa by Tm w ... BABA A v» n.-

...s a" kBIi BABAI i IB T, M US ¦ <«Vdw»y N«r Vto u bioe BB BBBi '. AM (f * (vd iootrua.not, ^ d . .1 M

We .... BAWbATI BBBI o r. eodH»\i'|i»» ../».-¦'. .-..Id ffcflBB lAwfe no*, itt o- r nwu Bid

the B>.. Auf BrioAww, ... ire.;-- , Addr .;,oA<.i U be «iiireo by oil oui i.rr'orei,, «1 a BowBd ku*d 1: t-i.» U, to. ,I betilf BPRfe bei' wioBSd, J Ml bretbreo,Amt BrtWaSM, Tho. CiKbTok,J« v» Pli.V, J. Pobi 11-,

*ivc, J BkUU. P.f.U'Atn,,Datiti Tr.BBv, «a/M. a Cox.

i inkLk A Lyun'- m m im. Mai him s.\Var-rtoud la fi*e bi tter Miiafw.iou :tj*u *i.j to. : u\*t ouie iu toiABiArfeet. M dBBBw] H iBBAtddb

N. B Paiti» Ruit aii to »>.No BBJ Br .idwAy.

A\ III h i ll A WlLBOM'fl Si wim. MaCUUBB..* W e prrlel ttiaO it* UliÜ) .I 11' e.

" TBty AVB IBS kwrBktldB fut IdBllHdl IWBSB.Oflb. ?, Bs. 4* j Bronrtivay, N. Y.


Eq dl tr oo« Is the wire Lfrioei fkavaio i.pwkrd.OdBasi ^(. BBSfAfUBS*BT, Bs4 Ms Bow.-ry, New York.

BdJkBV's I itii oriiEKoi. HIl the b» -t and b. «[.».. «rt.r.e i .r UiAAitax,

K.«u'i,'jli)« CleeliiiL.: Curhoa,Pteteivu i ABd r. 1*0111 ( too Hair.

I.idiei. fy It P'.r«i-r.y It ...««.. V mTm.

BrAUMXii > I'RkJ'AJUkll ULI I-.ITaBI 1.11».i>r Hot»».Pou Biik ka*BB*tina.

Idaoufd-t :nd b> H ft, BSaABBJM, No. V> EikUlt.rtee^itbie adOieii, B< x N». M>«>

Hrbjukaj's Patbmt Champtobkiar. At0 Bi «oi in i'aoui »m s.

With Hul l P» . M Pi »n.i rr>..t leti k»,Aflorri the tie*: at ae. AtdttJ "fay Sole 13 ib world.

b la Bsaaua] a iNo Sil Bi'^dway ..pp-wit- t'ty klOAl, N f.

Mit"., WkVBiATW'S i-nuTIIIM. HTEI f,

POA t Mil 1,1 i.« Tl.l I Jill...,

Will pikltlre'y ruts t' ti i v 1 «\TI w, I>. si > r 1 r. 1, andtasBBBBtBa WtB» OUSAIC, BAwl Si DtSSSBBSIXMddsSS U. Ui* pressd of Trethilf. It |ltdB redt to tb« mother, and relief andhealth t 'be 11 labt fl,. 1 ILVftaSB SB AkVkVftABSB, Baid byAll Dr itutk. Bt r. ;,ia |»-r o «, *lo at tteoffi e, N .. Il Coda.- at-

Uah m:i.<»ii\s Ham Dyk, \vh.», ani TxHJTtx$ TBSJaM Ikj nan, durable, amj It kk BINo aluak.oA or turnii.a up kskmd. Baicnblaib'b HaibOyS)lb* beat to to* w. 110 lb- id 11 barmlakk and IwlkkBld Daw a-ioau.

Appnes at tne Factory No. tm 81 adai) kppoitta :Oe park.

Wk«JB\ $8 TOVPBBJ soil Haul Jive..Came-B'ia'a Maoolacvoif, ran. ilej t oiton-at, BrtKAtyn, kaeSATtM ot tinMAP BJtiMAB BlalB PoOBOAtl I YVhl Oml mVmtk ad LadWHalf I"-1,a «.-... <.. ,.i .., jaied. Our re.iabU Hair I>)esols BkMkwk d.'Ml letall

CurnntD jjami-, Bode ütb, aVi .

CkVBTAU Cl 11H11.1 ttia a Co'» Ciiifli-'k IcB, with Ol fCKBIBB,

Bale auj aaiaeable. HBBBMik a Co l>r.,_¦,.» »,N<is I61, BBS, .'ui, and ?*> Broadway, ti. f.

N. B..Sent by mall < u 1. eipt of Jai orula.

HbABBI AN, Cl Mih, aV CO.1Cl l.tAAiTf Ii CvB lafVaB Oll.,

WdirAuted p and pit pared fawfll liran otifipii Mreri, byII BI MAI A. tu llluai'ald,

N< a. !. i, BS, Jli BBd T o I.roadway, N. Y.

Tup. hi.w arh of Merit.Tte rt ward ti n.« rit la b. n.r Idkpad b) Bi» 0ATBTTT, the dii-

fswapwj 01 BMI pru-ad (4 BttbKatiki. PiPia Ijr tur ««et-

hu Iii», rary ISSadTiMJ iu war bata »ve:y fiai ly, andanx.L» the io' »t re-pivtabar pr*,p.< o( tne ouuby Pur aale ayk'.. I, .(.. labte >,U . ai.o 0 .ur ll..rL,lor, dt Nud II AulllL

aas SSk Hr, aoway.

Ill BAH IMS AK'ii BDTr*e freoniurr ad baagaafftAd ad u..ouo,-a e'. ry pruHert Kd *¦¦

keeper lo ad< p* 1 fb leoin i, lalopi. » ut toeir owe.huji Ir ¦

bela.( 1: »>'ee. TBSSABBkaiJ I .. 1 BdSOBB bd DfkkBwd Wim a

SBSsWarbM BaT aBwawhaw Bs/, witi, :t tae dliab ad* difl ty.Ul|ik.i ue we.i a. i e laSA, Bad in» BBSBi | M BBd la luat t. .>¦

dleea ; bat»! Utk bat Baas all 10b ed »i.r» we.k Tbe R.iraRVLocb bad utt-vr failid to attord tbe n,.e«ary kaVBSbtJ, kodierrsnxrAJei^e and dural il ) la it rq a.'dbyai.y .tt-: I. 1 ...

aa*. V BABBTIBI A BVTLBat,Fatecteea apd S-. e M». ..ft^UJulk, t*u. Sil B loadiiAy.

DtllANCE 8A1AM AMIER BdaTBS..BOBBMT M.PiTBitk ho.. MlBBlailiilW kl IBS BBS IS SAadMBtsdj awBaRSlilPaient P.W Sil 1 lool t». bkm e t,o. k» ai.u Ci «a ba-a. Ala>, Pire

am Bajralar pcoad Biü^b « n Bad Pari .r Säte», for at.Ter pla e,Ac. IwpxH. No. ra> m ra) at .. oei 1: Coli. |e fdf

^tNluKIl .«' HoT air FlKN.m KS,1' table or a»t in brb k.

Tbouad-ua :> al.fy lu Iii -.r fdvüT.Send Iii« 1-EkCE.

BacroBD'a M»»ivorn ua üiona Htaria,A laM.iite and .uoiuiekl Stove of great power.

Band BR a Bos k.

liaiSBB. Taiato», a Oka,No. MB Water *

WiLiiik's PaTKMI Nu am aMDl B Öaki:.Tbe Oiaat Put PtMtl Bata 1 tne World, aeoured wiib tne best

INtwsi»: sad BitRlarPrr 1..11Bknarr» Jewr r.'i, mm ii... ~> Sd.ed mkOe to order

Ajiiai. lAkllUk,Ms tw Maidrn uwe. N. T.

The 1'i.ANfiNi. aSawlBOl t»l 1hei> fiav.u- ai-

rtevc,PiAioas A Co.« 'Li a*:. :.:i w

OCdä A*.Pl l «H'Nai, E. I.

Tbelr P»i il Tai 1' »ad Et.aar. ai>- f vi/-roui fr.>w:h aad

Si» bist t|uaur), and tne L>. ( .rLt. oataaj,

E'aaaa. i \> ai.o Dai lotota

Tatt. and Pi iMi in fr- at idnity knd . f tAmlaome farm.Tt e> . er Trria at Pait -a klirket krBaal ire*, and 'crite

p.tcbaa»:» u im: their r ,.t(Ji r W aelf tr..... toelx d. ,._:

.ateb«. whli b ran Be ob BkBBd at Nu. 17V Brosdwdy.Wbummd Fmbbemtb

of in i.»»t k.riiokk,la aüw/r and (< M. f aa.r a. Da C Rl I ma ajBttAMaed ta. porter. no AI'. Br jaaaay, oi.e i.or bei » OaaBkl .

Mi) bu ll V\ kB al.

Hm 11 Faxs, Du k Ni r«, Hkad Oms amen i s,IaAv V Collis and H >ik Put, Bi 1 StlMa,

And U>m. ) Uli: Ni . ... s aa« .aaOiLf BBBI aa, »a.rr f .r..

Sm Aale M tbe trac» by BPAIBia. Dt ri. » h fttlBWASPB.No. B] Maloen aaae.

Iii« H CdUaWTlMU,Pal i. Iwroktillu»..

Smith L btlllllllr,n < a I.: . a) .ea. j a .

Bespwttiui'y u.a... BMI BwB Bt tbeir kacaBtlLtaofr. 1,1. w i raa,

VaiaxT, TaPaatBT, am. baiuaiiCa-.aVVir., in pertai. 1,- p.) lafraia CaaPBTIAa id es-, r» va-

rVety cl k*>» an »Raab fei . s.. a.d Au et ¦¦ », a *ija-CtSTBa, tüt-a, DaPAVI BTB, ai Ba

bHOMT and Com l.l Sil e.R»M. -Lt i, Maa» Mai k |S\ 1MB

Dr. Ii aretu - ^ ur R, h^j< t. tae [*.... « ,

thai y«w pisda k»e tor it Piraae w-i.d o.e aa AaBkraSBtsdpsalapt . MS, tut Which j .rue bnj :. ciua.a ¦<¦ dolian.

laaaaMalfi tt, Wm .iw»\.PiWTlialT B. *

, J»a. J*. IA..8Dr. Htariiki lHa: m i ¦ nst ». rw apd a. ia»ton s

fco» u>io k... .».»».. > bV-inestt-a Bar*fa *4

BSWBaj lir AiairrS ifin't. Y -oaU-y, b. b. PaAMBB.L vi», M R. Jan *f7, IBM»

BJB. Bt'MrHBBTI Drat ( ¦ I b..^»^t * laaaajtl \ ov cfSsHU Bp* aaB II in.:» fl .:...:.». \ » . ». ot (.#.Orax....r a A . ... i.d u aa» b- , a rry fa \. .» r. |

attoa. C DaPdl MBa.M. B -A fuU s»t of Hi ' Atra'a bioMi rat >v aVractrics,

with back ad DtrtCAA ¦ and tw BaaMakpi Ba .aia aid u aswABS oae*. ftl» dB la jsiala . mm, t .. laaol J i.

fif.eiL la.\. i»wd B -ok. Btlbs Riuri »i by to. aiaili* box or f ll raw, wnt ;o »ay a.'.-

drtM. ty mau or a sptraa ^ ;.¦«.¦.. r~ ., < aprktaAdo.-eaa lb k Mi apaai r* k CsL,

!u obi B.-.w-> ay ft a I :k.

Hi.Ai iHHi Mi on M. Hi l r.. la tto ciem?bIaPafcATbtMaaaa*aal ft . aaaarya* aaadaaaaarat of ai.aJiy Kr kB» lydtSM tat. » oil Bad I a. ra. n a to

lea ulkt, lt.' est'.!. 1, I. ; a p T » *. ' .

BaAMCAt, Bu r BBS keen *J-. .y;ucieO.bei: .: a ad

pan wita d a.eo;. .. j. ¦»(¦-: ¦ raid tuaiu »od ba* Waäob I lapatett baa beeo k. > 4. » «t.iens ata awMM r,.,-

By lu neriaiK a. a^o , ». and la toe i'-ereatkaj aaaci.rvoiav.: o| tlyipt pi ,i, I. . s a .

aSeetaai atd iBej ,.. , ,¦ ..a. ..or.taa. 8*..'. pM BI v

by mail at *A|M»*«, ,u r ,. r^ VcJ.-aallvt ör i ,_PtM OSere, La*» laav.d, ui app.y at tb* Orhse, No. i^. t BI Iat,, Biaktiya._ÜUPTtRE Ct'BBD.lit BLaJAM. Ä Co. 8 RaIH

Can Caaa Tbsoa. AJws Su k p.aa»r . sr .icUnixdiVaBBB» S*eeoaT»a» auo 8u,.n.i>»a biuu .

AfaaBktaaJtbka msdVa toordei. n«. » Vearj at. A*-sr ii... ae N. tEaMia* prlTabe rotgw a^id -en »e kt-e.*au:» Aaa Maa«a. C.a-LiAa k CaV, Na. » West AW aa Oaa. rii,B«;i, t>au

Stk \m.UcsAID

Am ¦.: -...<- to »«»«iil. our er > * miOtt r " T- » '. tu ImaiBtii* Tarierty, BaictrTe,

Fr V. Dil T», Ar., ka-,OfFeiac;, } icliih

KAk IIHirjfifti r«.

Fair, n f niMiir Lo-A »c » 'Cfup ' t naor-mn.' <>f

FxniH Chi*»I Inner, lh-tm~- end T»» *«U-

Bit« r TaBI Ol,»«».Cjtlery, Bihrr ptated War». Ar , fc«.

W. J f. Im r> e. r0 .

_No Hl Broadway.I.MI'MRI \N Tu In >pf FTIC».

Tbl» nvwt dirj^Mli.» i:~ttt, m »ei, IJAjtltffTI l. Mr.irBlair, B"lB st0m»r v. Inn ( own a'kT. acii.itt, Btl.leCk.II-', JallDICE, F'.»BA ABB Aoir., FiKU. CoM'i ilvtl,

CosTiv»\ti», L> Ii or Arn PtTfl, Ui ua-Ht. 0tBBSAt Di-an.iTT, kn , of however '. ..( r.i /, r .nb rj r

rfcara^er. ean fnd "»rtiln »od p»rmei»r,t mr» »cd tta.' »p~ i y.DJ '-he 3H of tfc»t wooderf-.l pr-punioc,

Tur. 0SV6BMTM i iiti»

TlT (lin.ihtm BlTTIB».Bold by Iiimi k F»»-.. F. C. A iiilO.b Ki i .

BtWMZI ifluuBfVBUS,MmOt k C j N.w Von, »ad by dee>r»

Terjwhrre, lt. Hty »j.d ntry.

WtU/ M A OlBBS'ü.¦«¦IM Hai :u.

" V > U'.r :.<i:i» |r»Ur»il>ai»»»*Jttitl Üii' ara»'»ln»ln<t r» ..»»-<'. B- r. IMI etul p"-n.-'th- j »'. If* 1 r»hilv

d a» H W b id It B r«BBMl«bl.ItttJ '' Pr. ', T

Satt, ifirtiiiad BlU Bild, »b «-»tii-aid retin, tyJiMkl Uni

Ha 50« t..- i: . it.

Opp ¦MeSl |H o-.. » BbAbL

J'i Bl i< MOT* B.S o m i. t h i » r. New.

Bsimiki Cap*! Can BcAMLSaa Ciei:Caü od V»'m i r. " Tu». P»i'i" s BeTTSB,

and »i»rr:.: n.» n-.p-ri' r » if C«ri.Tiavf.Liko, BbKUUiI. S» vk ,-iai>, ai d AMi'iic. C»ei. at

N i im Bioaiiw» v.

"Wm Do Yr Itot/RB Detajii bo Brun i,"»lj.ti ytvu-»n »et tLe b»it laaofted I!a«m<v at I Bar hittia;i>. .' t .t r, 4 He.» .n» C « et l .-. N k dt r ... .

at., Ntw York.

ffHAI .. the u Ae> <if <-»it]£h:'jr*, WBBBliBfc burkingBnd ei er/r j, kr t rr.etr ? . IB) tA» DBBer i tbtfjBt b ad oln, BTknflB pa<Aigs or two of B) >.w «tt's LOA'1 « CaBBV VtBBaaTtBkByrtr'x -.i- Ltie i e» »:.d »riakr jo a ;.if.' ttt.: 8-!d ijI>!ia>ii*e. Si'r.ani k («, N' ;uP'*r ,-.

\.*.N Iii BKUtK - Kk.v.EklZOilOBTPu- ihi Tcitii. BbbW0M Ct-Baai mmi l*BI IB*BB ref the T r .«

.old at Ball, Bl .. I t .. M . '>..-!» bit.mtl atallDrap k»Bl PBBBBJ »t/ree Call er No. ii* ilrraneu na:ki.d «rt k ' ir< aar IkMllilallH IBB tmt -J -f o.aLy of U»e inu«:BB . :.r pnjao ian», fc .f "o'. nd otii»r e|tl*B.

Bl m be t'i Itt.i»..Ihr« RjteOfl Tim dillr-re; inall ie»i»-ta frrw et«r» r.;rj«: Ii rataMM . Hal pakAApJ aridpjbvbbtawejanl tVba«t r.. LTaedlakathArai. Aioayi laaaljn o C r»l. e Offi.e N 4tS Biooiooat N. Y.

In < hi.H"«' PARtJIA i» ia tbt- hichfit rf[iute? aa a. . rr:« f. <¦« a' a'i elf i,a f tö* »rar It ia a

p-re jr.i«.i. . I- ux \\ t»a:.'.r, t...- ad a., r | .... | a

*i,'r r-kti,, and l.rnt« la lieai .akl- intbe Somrm-r »eaa-.a Ex-#i khefj o»«d at roe Ai 't BaaSB, at NlrhTaa. M-'.r-p-.ä'an.lud aabaW iiatVaawa HateId aud aalrx.ria, it ia rapidly Le>uui^ai: i:.diiperj»sr>le dieh \i B'l (o><l tallies

kl a. .la- turra au" Baal a- tAa < tmt kkV'e. Rai BN 1 ka TJ ».

.'.¦»> :a. ABaearaldli -n- to draJ-.ra > i %\- ..euerally by(ii «anand Piaaaiati Hu keb a Bkoriiaa.Hu irr i. Bio i ii r e» Fl «II »-.rt F»»;\« ir*u<rn:.

' »t ttic Kau? ai Iba Aa*nr-»n ItitiU'.e, PalaoBOirdia.


Tu eOMUSSPOSDKinNu Bai »r bl :alei. Af 1-'ii. « jr.i ¦. *A Wo»!-

e rr ii i ...irt.df r Laasrtlna nuat ba autbenl ;>d 'n thenarxe aiid ad 1k<a i.l Iba wir r Bot u-. «aari.] i-r pubnea-Baat, tut aa a |iiaiaalj lay bat pai d iiita

\v< oB'-t et »attl- r -»ke u. return rr «. . .. CV rnn. ir iratirna.Bmll»Bl ttera lor Tin TbIBCBB ibaakd ii. ^il oaaea ba ad-

dreiaedtj lioi u «. k Co.

Meura. BLtatrgV Blkcn k Bko> are afafaaBj in B-attlcr, Fa,lor tc- ia..- ol ItU Tau »r.

I o A d rrrtiaer*.TboM who wiab to avdverti.*o in The WBBBLI

TatiiNk, «aill pleaae sei d In tL- a at.Loiin' nnenti aa ear.y ka

poeiible. HavixK a lar|i-t >-lrci.l»:ion Iran any «Aber weeklyDewrnirxr, lt Ii tbe very beat medium ttr>uat)i wlu> ri to allparta of ti.e oo-.mtry. Prti e. Ot.» Dollar » linr, e» n :.»ertl r.

Ad\< itjBmenti f r tkii wt rk'i bwaa unit be tianded In to-dky.

Tbt» majla for EOwftS Bf thr» ('unard ttejaiiiihipAinca, T«i!l cloae to da) at ISJ o'clock

There ia to b« a gieat Opposition Meeting This

BTBatiaf at MmKIKTOWX, N. j., at which aeteraleminent and eff.rti.r» apeakers will be heard. Jir--1 rn HOXU ia anii-UiT tbeci.

Tbc llep'jl'lictica of Hkookia H hold their JMi-ficatinn MtotiDg at Muiicil Hall litj <mmij, k\Awill be Addreiaed, amotig other«, by SenatorWll BOH of Ma-racLiiectti. We DBBal BOt, BaUBIJiurge a «i Derkl atU'tiiance. and tve begj»e»k forfjen. WUmm a full, deliberate hearinc. aad a com¬

panion of hia vit-wn with tho.-* ptt forth by .lohnC( cLrsne lsat night. Tbe) t\v(t at<x>d un the mue

platfiTia in 1-1": Which haa ilBBBfBwt and why IThe L'cpublicani of BnokllBa IM i|h uaaa'.ij

OTerburnr?, are deeer\;riT ISCCBBB, and ao will coin-

rxiand it. Tbty have made a canrn* of their citypreliffiinAry to tLe i.rR iti), and w:il thus be en¬

abled to prereLt adv groaa frAuii at the Elect.on.With proper exertiocs henceforth, tlaff can pollTen Thousand Legal Votei on tlie -th of Noveiu-Mr. Gallant eonirad. a over tho litter' toe Re>publickna of thrj State hour )i>ur exertiom, andvs.i'. pr. ud!) ei..uldt* tbt in

Tie preliminary e\aiuinBti"n if Jahn Brown,and the other pm. n« ra iniplicr.tcd in tbe insurrec¬tion at 1 larpei a l'trry, couiuienced y.-iteidiy atC'haxlestown. Lrown MaVJ formally ark?d ii Lehad ooui.kt-1, raid that Le had none; and, when tbeCourt aaa gnecl b m legal ad. ;»era protested ags.nstbeing aubjectcd to a uio< k trial, hebad not been ail .wed to tee his friend*, and c;»un-

tel ttboni he had sent f r had net arriv.-.i. He didi ot ark for favor», BtHkwte«*, aiid adv.sed the Courtto spate itself the trouble of atoing thr.'t.^L tbeform of a trial to !egn!:/- b'H BXBt iHOBThe Court priih_bite<i the BBB teBJaBBJ wi deti '-'d

report* of the proceed itigS, BB a) impkrtial Jurycouid olLertvise be ob^ii. d for tbe trial in theCircuit Court. Various v.:tne»aes. who had leeenmade prisoners by tbe iniurcenta, te-t'tieJ it totte acta of ioiurreruon. Toe j'« were thenremanded for trial beloie the Citcuit Court. Thett't-iiK-n) v..<» eubat<iue3t!y sent to the GraL-.lJuit.wbodid not conclude their examiiatuiti kitnight. The telegraph:'- re]>«;irter sa)s that the .n-

dictmente tt Jj be BJIBbI and the trial begiia U-d»y.He bIbB aa;. s t* »t :t is the intention of the pri>ae.;u-t.on to j rocet'd tt .th th- execution of the pru-'u-raiBIBM iiiltisT iflBT laV r MB I id BL Tne (V-rt tiaarcfuttd to Allow Anj one to see or converse withl>roKD, fearing that he would tay tint which mubt,by put. >aed Bl IBJH the aia e« Against their¦BBBBPAi

¦tnaVN TUB RBI.IaTBV.Tbe Kctisn n of tbe Kr^istry» in ea. b Lle«.--

; Bl DIbMbI ti "Lr State ia to take place oa Ta«-dnyn- t. >\ut 1st,) or. as the law aaya. - tte" Tutiday i f tbe v\. \ prt e«l B| the day of HjajCe&irAl Llectioc" In ail d.»tn.U not mcltit-ai

.a or bt ivnfiiog to any cry, the act *a\a that thelLiip< ora e-a.'. i, : tt.a {' lrpuae, " mrt't At" o'claxk in the ani reraun in seai>.Q'. uutil aeven o'clock, /*. Af. ofthat day . when the

stry w. i be GtiaiJy cl.iaed: while in this ar.iai! olter c:!.e«. tLe Lrg »tenni; B^iarda Bre rcq-iredby law to " meet at pajil o'ci.x-k ,a the m<:... and remAin in oriaioa uat;l bJbb . c'.-ck, r m of" ti ata>b| tmill ... .ao that Bl I 4

t - !»r tte rt t -:or, and i "irw.

or Tillage dutnctt but or* -that beiag reffideotwbere tbe retort are few aod rnoet of them wiirlfknownOa tbe day or daji of ret moo "it tbaJl be tbe

"dotyofea:d latteeetwi, at tbrrir meet n« *V»r rt>

¦ titiog and eorresüng »nl liar, to erase tber*fr>*n"tbe nune of an" person icterted therein fhj" aLall be proved by tbe oath of two legal Totera af¦ aaid diauict hi tbe aatiafacuoa of aa.d Inap-con"to be a non-rerdeit of aaid diatnrt. ar

"olhtrwiee act entitied to rote ia said..«.«tiict. at tbe eleeM »a tflen next to be-"held Any »-Wtor retiding in at.d diatn a] and. fLiit'^d to rote tbere*n, tuty appear before taid

Ii «a:d af Ittipectora atvd require bit same- |a be" recorded on ibid alphabetical litt " If r»iaJl»cc*< n.L»t iwear that he :i a legal roter, aa uo»; ifcot challenged, l;| came it reguterei aa a matt".'of comae. And tbe- Regutry, thut perfected, n tobe the g-v.Je of the Intpeetora on toe day of LtioD: the names to be checked off aa they are

voted ayjaaj,Acy j»er»on not registered. be:ne a leeal voter,

eta nrTertfcete:** vo»"; but he Ctricot do n .' unleaa" tbe parson odenng to vote »hall furcith to the.. l'>>#.r4 of lLijef( Uin hit afTi livtt. gi'iog hit rev

MM fur not appearmg on the day for correcungtb* a,(.-ial."t>< il hit. and prove by tbe oath of a

14 aoajaaltal ara4 thedistrictiajirMaahaaaawaHi" vote tint he knomt auch person to be an ichbbit*'. aot of the rtiatnct; and. ;f in any city, siriag the" reticence of »uch j»er*on withi a slid dutrict-*'.We na . e tnatfe the**, extracts from th« Keg »-

try Act in order to « thatJ If there be ai y namee now on the Hegittry

Litt« made up latt week that are not taute ot legalv..t«.. in the tfutnete f.>r arhich they are tb i« reg-ia'.ered. it ia the duty i«f every grvad cuzen to *.t-

c» rta;'i thoae naiL» a and be ready to «wear tbetnfl a*. the Bl liakaj on Tuetday of next week.J If tber- of a'j) '-et! voN-r* wh»tv na't.-* ar-'

nor no* on he Ii-hi»try oftne r respective d.a-tncu,H ia the duty f all c:L/eria to aa:ertata who

they are, aru warn them to appear at their place«of Kegiatry respectively next Faraday, and eatab-! <i. the:.- rtfbl t<> voiv. Ttit they can do by limplyatating the facta that they are legal voter*, read¬ing at t jch or tuch a place, a. requiring that theirnainea be duly rec:tt>red; and thia mint be done.If challenged, they must aeverally aweartley are

Imal voter* aa hitherto at the polia. If njt chal-Irrced. thrir r.eiuea are re>:iate>re<l of courae. Iiir.

it »e« ma clear that the [. '.¦¦,-.. attendance on the.

Bariaaai af each peaaon now to be regittered willbe neceaiary. No other teatitnony than bit own it

rt-'|uikite.7 he Iej;a! voter who .» aaa re^iatered, and

Leglt cU to be at the revnion, <-an «tili vote at theKie'fiur.; but, in ordT to do to, he mutt aubuiit tothe I:,- .(¦:..:- hit own a'Fidavit, atttioc why heI mitt« d to appear at the ieviticn; and be mutt

bring v..:n him a householder ot tbtt diatrict to

tetLiy that he knowa trnt aa.d person to be. at hei laimt to be, a legal voter, though tmretjiiteredTaa pall cltilta Bit) ta enter at "not regutered"et; ry voter whose name i« not on the renaedregiiiry..We believe no law ao well calculated 11 pre-

ttnt fraud, yet guard against tbe p »libility of a

legal voter beir ; dr | iived of hi« right of auff.-Mge,was evtr before dtvi^.d: and we entreat everyreader n our State 11 exnniir.e forthwith the Re¬gister of hit dutrict, and a.- ertain w ho, if any, afthoie he know a to be legt.1 toten, are not regit-teitd: bDd, if there be one tucb, w arn b.m Ui appear before the Board on Keviaion-day.that it.

Tuetday next. A k no quettiona a- ta any man «

politic?, but let ua each do his !.. -t to make the

Ktgiatry paifcel at p.^*ible. Thua it aril be

geneialiy reali/td and admitted that Regiatrationdeprives no man if any right, but. on the aaa>

tiary. ia lha nafeguard and thleid of the : :'.:¦> ofall Ii .»I votert.

Tbe Hon. John CoCBaVaVE, M. C tuftd.- a

Sprich at a Democratic moetiLg in IJrooklyn oa

Monday evening, wherein he charged the respjaa;-b'.iity of Old BtStVVj'a niadce^s distinctly upon(Jov Stwtid and tie iw-publjrant: Tney, arguedlha Hon. orator, have bcea plotting to array one

section of tbe UaiM against the other, and here itthe teanlt. Far different, he argued, was the po-titiori and the action of hi« own ptrty. 11 We. at

"mtrxibers of tbe I>einocrat:c party, atyi Mr..John Cochrane, " n rer have understood that we

. are la be arrayed a.**mit our feilo(t-citizena of"tbe Smth. " 1 "We. Demosrata, wh>.. have »Itf'iys mainttined tbe opposite tide of the

iaane, tuurt bold our ad.ertariea to tbe c >nae-

...ji.mcei of their treachery." Ac Ac.Let us aee abtut this. We have before us the

proceedirgs of a Democratic Mtaa State Conven¬tion, held at Herkiaier oa tie Utk of October,J -17. W ilmot, John Coihriiiu ani other*were tbe orator* on that occasion, and .'nAa Coc4-ruur was one of the Secretaries. That Coaveri'.oaunaDimou«ly proclaimed by retoive a DV if uneom-../.rtvf.i.-:.* ¦. 'day to t'tt Littitfim »f Stuti'*" into Territory now Frte,' and

/ t b I /baaVa T tttb* der'tr«^ drtettnlcid-ai of ao ia--. -. ¦»:.. ta-'. . ..' fc:!o»r Or-tty.-nti a: ta« So-tu. t- re-

f ..»r'.. aa taaaa aaatral a»eau a lc: it- ac aniauwa o: a »a

Jicatr I. r tt« P.-ti CL j -. . I ,.<«i lea ..:.»: of ptt!¦.». ij _t -j<\. latriM r;<n, te a »tel -td. au4

at iktk aattaaaa a a> t.- tf. * wtm ao nut ronirIi , I eijaajaban, aavkeak teaeaaary abr at* Ot*wttf%wf «/tf*M>\'m ua 1 .fa j ketela aarj .. t» p?ra.*t*d lu, a-d

. » ..r a., -.trj ari we t,b!'|nd t ad p: r.^-jn 3« >

«.:\. ' ; r»o«ita, aa-

tfrr.i»., . LV J ; I -ri : IV t" ''-' a.'

aaattvai Baad t..^* La atattaafan^aaiaai m i'-.ij

" Bei Jtid, That at b*;.'»' la the ¦: tr.Hj and tie hakta of fr-alabcr, tk t /Vrr rtkitr la \>r roaa (thr-rt upon lie asaaravtl anU.¦f a. .a ], a.

l-a T< i.u:. a.avf la r a pjj: of taa aaeUa, tora aaiaa af tba tra* »t<.i of aii taa Bj * m

/v.kfeaad 1:.»: aII p. nr: * baa i-' '.ed Uta aiadoai of ;k.»tproaiiif-. ftba id a r a moved b| faomaa J 4-n*uana ad. pud ty taa Unfa -n* OaaaaaatatJ a .a H I at. api Blotted > >rtj .:. .:.^eit.-..'3r t rt * '.. cf \b» Oa* a-itwvi »t»»» aftti l -.>a aanaa, o*m ^exaea ay :a» C -t-

i iaa alta foaci to aaaba a - ¦> ¦m a : ¦<¦:. *uj-at-»t- .-'! ' .¦i. -i t ji- ( >d - i." ¦->'.

tA' daly ef fAdf Aeaavk of t\r (r> rrramral ra adktrt tm tk*pmUtf..a i . fi'pakOr, aad ta .. aaaair t' Ail

a- a» 1.: -r p: »..»« i. (. .ta-a:a, a-4 eater-f-tt a a^u: t-.»-rd a.r-.a area* ia a-Aisa

.Th-te rent uient« wi-re repeated, ia e""3

etroBger lernst, ;a retol-.e« reported by Mr. Cocb-raue bii;.te!f la teverai I>emocra:ic Coav.-nti.'Othe'd in tin State during tie entu ng year, and inat ieart f.'ty «peeches made by h:m during the can¬

tata af that year. If. then, the ad 'ocatea of k'ree-S .id .. a.v to be Leid accountable Lr Old]>iow r.'t raid, and thereupon bargt4 witbicceadit-tjoi. treasjn, and murder, we ;2i;st that the ewiyapoetlta of the Free SA\ fttth thai aboiider theiriha.e af tne kid. Mr. John Cojbrace in 1 r47. I rnded the Five S .;i aa eminentlyI'. -i.". rate, and drutuoced :ta ocpot::< at ''atti-" th-r nght nor w;se. He low itigmatizei a*

traitcia tie upholder* of the faith wtuch fur atd filthy lucre be La.' deaerted aej i^tf-aved,ft: '. i clan-t that Democrats ' ftcd the "DfO".rate party'' "have a'.it-rjt thevieat which be baa '»een bvugat orer to a-irocate'iv.dtu ly. there it noptu, pie u th.« aaja^aaBtl]demagegue' but »Lould cot tlauae r. a t:a

from auch reckJtit adfavfaava

.41 »a. Ml*.


Yea, retily. Joaee' Tae Honorable Jaaes'Not to ajeah it prtMaaely. Gaorge \V J»§ee' Or,rather, to speak it in tea diaitvt af tue >;«refa

Qfksaa of tie Sltfl of AsgaV. I«' u l G*rtu

i^uff printed at Bogota), under tbe angin t kead ngof '. Preaeotvioa del Mio-tro d» lo* Estadoa" ! "tiöV*. ." If - B». J-nrral J->*y ff.'. Ji>nrs. nowf'Ti.uo for rl (,'u.:ii'Dl« de tos l'.*teuios'. 1 nulls Jfmiitr« BssUsaBa rerra del de h C¦>».

"Jtdiranon." leader, .looea' Jones readerJonea aod reader, we wnh yw j >y of tan new

scquaictarce' Many and wonderful have been. :s

foreign parti, the representative* of oir hippyRepublic, aid many ac i omplioentary bare beesocr oot:**-a af their t- la, tr: rnphs, tnbila'. .as,

struggles a-. I publ.c agonies. But the HooorsjleSr. Jeneral Jorje \V. Jone«, to uae a nr%aj BBi b/co meats diplornat oally d:gufkd exprtts;oa. d.d.on tbe Slat af August, -beat the crowd" Ap¬pearing before the*'"/' f'ruidmtf.we trntt ia

an exceedingly ro. Dew, and bigh'y g«>ld-buttonedu.vfi rm.tbe ll'.oorable Sr .leoeral Jorje W,

sjbb Mala oce of the finest tp«eche« ever

axta Ui»t«r<i m aVfata, aittac upon toe Slat af a\a>|*aataf ar.y other day. « mt s v>rl. knows our

hearty lore of ...enume eloquence, bai aent ua a

eaff ofthat speech. Altai a carefu! penisai there¬of, we are prepared to extend to .Sr. JeoTil JorW. aamrancee of our diatinguished eoniidera-at:oD. In other Word«, the Sei.or J. W. :t " oue of

thri;: Jones, your hand' The world aha.'!know of your eloquence. ¦» gifted, boaey-tonguedJotjo W. Jon»»' I or in tbe dirJVu.t art af dipio-ij ht:c rbet >ri<. we do cot know your equai. JotesBoat L-reat a;>- ftm, Jone», ia tie acienee of "rub-"hillg U iu".tbe *iap, we mean. Jon**. HbbjMl n.bbed it into the F nvoy af New-iirannda near

the august p» raon of S E Jatnes I! i -hanan. ftmi*drff de /of Ptttfrt lindot.hoar \»u ataajaiBtaJthe said Knvoj.the Jeneral Pedro Ahantira Her¬ be ecirlentr excellent , fimUluinxt | moatfa:'üfui ., hahil (at*fal), f tmm^ngmm {mm tltttia-|l ahatfli <», Jaajaa «an la it when ne trie*. Andhetr.ed Ar.dbed:d:t.

Brit then it niuat not be supposed that Jonesconfined himself to tbe praite* of the Jeoeral PexlroAlcanvara Herran He a!ao prai*»-d the country ofthe Jeneral which h-vd been favored "in a moat a«-

.. tot,shiag decree " In gold, afllI r \\ 1 :ron Incopper, lead, and other metals. In rice. *u.tar-oace,

Iadian corn, eocoa, juca, Masxi lrl"\dtra< other¬

wise called Murphies and M other delicious fruita."" Surtly, Sir," aaU Joues, .. such a country is des-" tined by the Almighty to make miliiona pn»«per-"oua and happy ¦ "At leaat," said Mr J >ne«,

auddeuly recollectiag himaelf, " such is tbe earnestwith of my heart" ^Nor must it be suppoaed that J nes continel hi n

»elf to the praxes af the favored land to wh'.ch hewas accre»1-.ted. Ha tVH'k pama.patriotic paint,..¦e are arflliag to call them. to prai.e hi» own dearn.itr.e land firtt. Did it in very »'->od ttyle, l>*>.Jones did. Said that we were enbcntened. Alt)liberal. Likewise generous. As we are. Ai allthe wotid kcew already Baal we are. Still we

tbackvoufor mentioning it, Jon-'t. Sen >x Jones,Senor Jorge W. Jonee' Theae little renioderacome pretty frequent!) from diplomatic lips, but

they are pleasant to the Eagle, and the Eagle has a

right to be pleatedNob'jdy kno il either what the So" >r Jones hat

IttSind by hit ac:epUnce tA th:t re<p uuible p >st,or Corinthian piDar rather let ui call it' Jonetdid not at first want it, but hit family entreated;bit relatives (including hia first, aecond, and thirdcouain*1 entreated; everybody who knew Jonetentreated But Jonet was inexorable. He de¬clined the mission "orally and in writing." ButS E. Jamts Buchnnan would not let nun go, or

rather, to sptak accurately, intitted that be should:<>¦ BtiS, Jones declined. Theo cion the FamilyDoctor, who taid, with the tttff of Esculapiutsapient.'y applied to hit natal organ. u Go, JofltM" it will do you good." " The advice of my phy" »ioian prt.aikd," tajt Jonet. And Jones, withhis speei h and a few pillt in hit pocket, departed... a heav) heart, aays Jcnet 1 I t >ok leave"of my beloved wife, chilerea, i'riendt, and" country

" Vnat a diainteretted Jonee Wnata disintereited Family Aad, above all, wnat a

ditinterettid Family lWtorThe SeBob J. W. Jonet hat had Co reason to re¬

gret folio wir g tbe doctor's advi;e S.Dce he IfBttouched the soil of New Granada he hat expenenced notLirg but "kindness, geueros:ty. hotpi-.¦ tality, and honor," "tuch as hive hardly been" extended tobim in his own Country." Sly toucu.tvat of Jonet, la ahow his dignity at home'[Mem: JoBBB was Senator from Iowa, untilbit coostituentt concluded to ditpente withhit tervicea.with Jonet't, to wit] "I have" been waited upon and serred," saya Jonet,'. by tbe people of New-Granada, fr.^ni tnoae oecu-" pyis^ tbe moat humh.e p>«ittona Lfl i/e, and in-" eluding those who || the unat exalted posts of"honor." Lucky Jobjob! He hat misaed no ac-

cuttomtd luxuries He has beei waited upin' and tened. It it our private opinion thatJonet has got into a good tbing.nothing to do butto be " waited upon and aerved. We aivise Joneato hold on with all possible tenacity.even withthat with which Death it tupp ised to cling to s

di leafed man of color. There will be tomethiagto get. including tbe "waiting upon;" and, as repretentt everything to be in the niott

pac.fic, pleasant, aad particularly promiting condi¬tion, there will be little to do except to make»peecaea, wb.cb wiil be tbe pride and deügat ofJones, of Mrt. JfJMS, of Maat Jones, of MittJaajBB, oi the FaaaBj rtjafcilaB. and of the other

n of tie Great Jone- Family.

Tl KhM.The aaaaaabie) recent:y aWatfSjrat] ia Ccnstanti-

Baa e is a cew leature ia the history of the Octo-bW It was cot mtecdrd to accompKsh a revo-

laiioa in the Seraglio: it was not provoked byV z:ert j-a'ous af power, nor by tne maladministra¬tion af favorites, cor by tbe cruelty or weakneta ofa Pasaa. It hid a deeper character. The outragedKrraa ca'led on the cc.acience of tne faithful for

protection aga'.ctt the Wettern aavi.ira and civii-iirrs. Not against Putsian influence, so machla'n- .: nb' Mi far year- pait, but Sfjatill the generalG.aonr. be he French or Eaglun. fr.ecd or foe;aga:ast ben.'acttrt. a-lTiten. aeif-CocsLrated |fBf>diatt, and cirectors. It was the o!d af nt of M'>».¦J .um eodtav' ring oace again Te> give expreaa.onto it*» deep, imco Bt liable hatred of tbe WesternWoj.d. to make a supreme effort to r;d itself oftie po'Icting contact-The work of lecompesition it go ag on tritt b-»r-

f-il rspidi7 in Ttuk/y, confira*icf tie

ar.dtrtCM.ors whachwe hav* made ftr these t.i

Irars patt. The more privreesire Ta:ks of tie

Ba nctid ft e.l tooc'early f.reaee tt*- fiaal aid noti :tac: dissolution of tae Ottomaa L^^^e, aai the

old Tuik apir.t Tmtj hare kmi their cieoSdeoo*} ia

that rtfttot watch they tBetMetTM lure intro¬duced. Th. » have loet their faith ia th* t>re«**lt

vitality; of the Turk e*ei>eot; they boon

Utt|ht by event* thtt it * »\h»oiutely iaposaibla to

rroJeraire the Knrtvr, er t> Umwi it ¦» »«>/ *.?with Wetter- o; :i /fioo. Waateter may be taidto the eoatrary by Turkophde*. bjb hire th* belt

Butfci-f:*) for declaring that even the rrietnbereofthe Sultan « Cabinet, wboee deitruetioa w»* plantedby the cotupiratore, :nward'> itur* tr.e ojiioa

ml trie fanatic* tbemeetvee, sad w >u'd have wishedth*rr aticce-e* <*«»»iid their »«rn Irea h»ve b*»*n

.parrd. Loaing ti 'ir f» th il rBBBfBBl |KW re¬

former* fill bark their faith ia tbe K >r»n.

weaned Bnd diegaVe-d by the dirtttorial of their European adfi«r>i*.The ra. e of the Turk ia rap'dly dwindling in

Europe. Ol" Ike four and-a-half millioni Btf Ma>bammed in Europe in Turkey. :..«« thin a m.... <n

are of Tuikuh descent- The BsBBABaM and Alba¬nian* are of European st.-ck: Armenians andGreeks from Ana Minor ab.ajaaj throiih >ut the

country. The Slavic i'.u'gtr. n. the bardeat IbM>laborer id the world, ia BfBBBBBf tb- Hellespont andawekenirc to rich life :!.e fertile a .11of Art, BB

|bbJ| alt-epn g under the luv indolence of the Turk.Tbe daya of Otoman iwaj in Kurop-»are num¬

bered: the power of th-* Turk :a weigh-d bAbI fBBBniwurt Bg| tbe final catastrophe approwbee. It baa

been deferred until now only by the BXABBBBBBfli B»

an ia), morbid BfA {".'by tW Europe, oiuoiythrough the prraa which Kcdsciid I'iaha laBBaB ha*subsidized to the extent of two and-a-bah" mil.of dollar*. I'.ut thin exterior preaaure cannot make

up for lack of interior atrength. The Turkiah Em¬pire ia <!c-imi,<i on botu aide* i f tbe DtrdanellesKor, w ben the Sultan» loae Consu.iüri iplo, they willIo*e the laet ibredi of tbcir presto1 the Mo-hatcmed of Asia and Africa.

The latest news fr aaj South AaBBTk i -bows thattbe lameLttible civil diecord by which Ven-zut-lais disturbed, bat «pread a'n.MLto tbe neighborincard aii-tr-r republic of New-Granada. It waa not

long <ioce that New-Granada adopted i newt'in¬stitution, by which the pokert mj the Central Gov¬ernment were *enou»iy curtvied. and those of theState Iiovernt::eota largely increased Ii.tead,however, of proving a settlement of thia qieati >n

of the ri apoctive power of tbe Central and Statefroveraiuents, the new Conatitut'on. and tbe law»formed under it, eeein oniy to have added to thedifficulty. Tbe violent NaBBBBBBB) Bl the Ceitrtlauthority, whuh began in Bolivia and Sau-tander. haa aince apread into m >st of theithefs: and Pi^BbUbBm »>-pina has declap'd thewhole <'orifederat.on in a laBBBO/ war. and fightingis i.oiPg on in several of the Stab kTbe republic of Ecuador, tbe tb.rd of tbe di-

vitiom formed out of tbe old republic of (' dombia,is not t»m by internal 'i aaenaion*. but u engngedalso in war with Peru, whici latter atate baa atthe lame time involved it*e!f Lfl war with Bo'iviaI'mm ( Bfllj tbe newa a a liale more favorable.The alarui of new lnaurrecti.m^ haa ia a meiaure

subsided, a -J the fiBTBIawa»jt a-e fitting out aa

expedition the Araue^inian Indiana, whoform an inde]»»-ndent community in the northern

portion of the territory cKun-.i by Chili.Our Minister, Mr. Vaxicey haa «. -1 in hi* ef¬

fort! to arrange matter* between Mienoe Ayrrsat d the Argentiie t'onfederat.un. Buenoa A>rea,it would seem, has not much deposit: aj to surren¬

der its preaent independent position, which it hasmaintÄiLed for nearl/ twenty year*, whila M^r.VaiiC« y aeema to have figured in tbe negotiation,not so much aa a mediator aa an out and out pir-iSBB of I rquiza.

The addresa of Governor Wise on h.s return btBichrrond from hi* expedition to Hirper's Kerrywaa intended, we auppoae. to be compliitentary totbe m.iitBis companiei which be took with him.If ao, either the Governor ba* rather odd id*astbout compliments, or the general reputation ofVirginia miiitia for courage and di*ciplme canuotbe very high. The Governor dec'.area that duringthe journe) he kept hi* eyeon the men.expecting,aa it ::i be lurinised from tbe context, to tee

.one of them turn paJe, or t*int through lenr, or

perhaps to slink away at tbe tint op,) »rtunity.buttboiigh they were met by ruaor afcer nimor, andtelegram liter telegram, tbat there waa atill ngnt-in^ goirg on at Harpen Ferry, atill they went

through with buoyant heart*. No man blanche«],and no uian ran away, b it a 1 kept up good rjur-

a^e till they reached Harper * Ferry, and f »undthat tbe fighting wai over. Tntir d n-iplina w.t*

aa extraordinary i- their courage. Notwithsband-ug the great eieiteinent wb;.-n preva-kd at Har-per'a Kerry, they actually preeerved order, cam-

-ure, drill, and discipline, and Bad not.aa theGovernor aeema to imply luifclit have been expectedbn ak Bp their ranka. mingle with the mob, Bid

Bid .ti !)ncbicgthe wounded d'.d the praBBBBBABither than be ci mpl mented ia this bar-k handedstyle, we imigine tbat the mi ittry would have pre¬ferred not to have been meat o iel at klL

It haa eometiiiiea occurred t > us that there iscoceiderably more lun in tnisworbi than those whomake it La.e any idea of. In conformation of this

theory, take ti.e folluwiog report of proceed:o»:« ata Democratic Masa Meetin.' st M i;.-tield, Ot.o,j .-t befmotbe late election in that >tate. The re¬

port is from TU CUrrlund 11. raid I" Doug is* Honglaa ! Double* ahoat the Pop-

BaBI Sovereigns.Senator Pi ii.' Fellow Ilettocrata I have the

pie ae'.i i e if m:ro ucixgto yoa ie-- BBZl Pr-eiduut of tueL'aitsd S'ater.StepMeC A. DoBglBBStaator I*<. t. OLaB.M JJroth't I>em icra,> ! I cannot

make a a(ee< b lo you oow 6u' I :&<ie the liveliest sat-ufact oti in itirooui ing to your iii*u i.>nai'Jera'.ioa toe

ceit < >ov ett< r of Ohio. tLe Hoi.. Bufus P. Binney "'

After af"w words ot apvl -^y fi r r..^t »pcrk'Daj, fronti.s ueit G<-Vtrior,'' tne try i* " U^ugl/ir Duugla-1 'i agiae ai:ai£ ftom the t>opular BBfWIBBlBjB,BaMtOf I>ooa;laa." Kedow Ii-nx-ra'^ ! I mint ba

escured frtm adM/etim? jraaj at ttiia tin .». I arn, bow.evf-r, BkON than gratitjej in IntataBli n V> yoa tieI reaent ata tbe next Senator tttMl tj;.io. :Le elo<,iiaBt(Y.. PBBw

i' .^t. t- a*, smiles, anf roar* Tee sovereigns"Uf w up tie r gteary cap*. ft. y ut. \*z -

tbe t.arU.ocj trto of net: tsei.att r. Q rracaor, ttva i'r..-*-icett.

" Eiareeaive i lea -a m lae IL. tr pr»w*

C'apta.n Ji-ol K\gi.» t .e BkatBB| BJaVad KaxitAS cor«rtepoLdtrA ot tLe BTl ¦ ^ iaa Twi >r.

a aw j Arjr-'.7i>< Argu* abould retract iti patt CBteBBBaBB, jy-

»tei.d of givitg currency ta new. The abore ta



&*Tes»oci*tv* tvf Tte N Y. Tilbt**.Kl. Tam», Texaa. O-1 I-.'.:».

Tbe In.i.aLi are very troubleaome.both the Co-mancbet and AparLes T ere are mtiitary poat*en< ig| tttaajgl tt.i whole nprnM, but the j-oLcjo: ti- Gorerrment ii utterly imbtei.e Tee re aru( 'y fo«it aoldters and few of those) to hold infteck the torn tribe* t-f the m.»et riprrt aid daringhanemta in U»e worid. NYua; »i w «utei are tri,.

Baratt of d rar* "5 t. trtae***j as b at*»rialtf f,r Sawtw-i«t» 0) tbe »«Mt ridio« mmttrri ta be foaad, aa«then to per».e errry ouU-ag«. |re*t or u

.oon a« e«»mrriitted. Tlat, I tt-ak, wiMiti eoea

bnog tbe ladiaa« " to their ioilk

rHE LATEST~NEWS,afjTina) bt

yfAGNETIC TE1.EORAPR.From wh.ütagioa.

Sa»-«* Ov»r*" » to Tb» B. T. Trltacaa

W t«!;i>«.T<»\ Taeadkf. n.'t'.'i, K»J1 ..Ii.''.'."*»*<* politician* hr-re woo htre freely pre

dic'rd tucb Min. '.-w'. conduct na tfc* part afCot. W;ae aa «roulJ wrevh tbe priitica! cap lai al¬

ready ioVe by the at Harper's I erry, are

¦ajftt taken aback b> tbe m<»jeratino or" that aoViiJin his »[»eeeh at UicaaaaajJL I aajajU aot be tar

pri*e«J il the parties who ootdeauoed bita ia ad-ranee should ootr turn about and den mi ice iiib

a f t of aympatbiz-r with Abolitionists.Tbe President ia rvsulariy cl »eted at the Stats

Departniect whenever important matten of ioter-natiooaJ policy are ia hand. Hit feahaaj taera as

much for a few dayt paat i«aafcati«e of elaboratspat-en upon UeNorth- VVeataro Boundary qaeatiot,and upon Chinese and Mex:< an awMsV- Tsepwt:ona cow taken are inpof taut, as before th* coav

tuuiieatioo of BBS a::outl meaaage to Coograis cir-

aaajttaticea can scarcely sriae to safely a: a t ofa change of aaaaaj. Nowubstaudiag the Preei-dent'e inclinati, n to five hit time and abilities tj

the cobsideratioa oi .Tea- ..;. *t .« he aiioiva Biea-

Self to he perpetually hatratted by tmtll p t;. ar.a

whoaie twren af the mi Dewt of the detectioaof tbi* or that man t j lK>o*lastsa). Taere is ao

niueh of thia Bort af tbmg that the PresideBtre iiietimea tickeaa of n . baaiaeaa. aod iatoke* taa

d>y when be thill be free from harrt mi ig parti it i

demand*. The urdentaodiot; that Mr Juan Coea-rane, upon whom Executive ftvora hare bases Itr-ithed. ia in the Douglas way, ia held at a notablecstance of the ingratitude of politician*.f tbs a j. ¦¦: -1 f -m.

i*/a 1» r¦ n, riistdsj < ».\ aw, I Her.A le'ter from Cited N atea S'aa'o: Mason, after dua

ir.v-»«t'iiati'd at llarper a Ktr y, eay* mere wa* na ta-» ir>. i. in at,) form whaiaoever oo tne parte* ttiait bao taats of teat t-an or vi< inity. Th- fact ia ao-doubted tiiat do* a man, bl«< V or wbi'e j nned tb« to-

vatlaaa afsai th*y cam,- asta \ i'.".n», or gave then atii r aj-si-tance in any Uinru 8o t»r a* - in oe dia> >v»redfnot dm of ths DiLe'tau StMaava* X >'. . »lae«» «»atpojor a'lt-mpt*'! to racape du-itar tae tu-O'iiu <>f 'hat«wcarried off by Co« k. across ibe river, ail escaped troa

b m and cam* BBaVly bv k ait one. who it a -us wasdroarrd while cro ri^ tl,e t.vr U"ines'a^d ooiind.Tbe l.iu'i>tbou«e Hi^arl to-day oi»»oe>l thi Drofxtsaia

for rebunding t' a Caps Ana [sbjhtftaataaj oa That -bar «

Irlard. fUrty nve tiiia were ittaatrtJt), but ao J»-lioitsaction wa.i taken.The >N \i I > has r-ao-iv«»d io'sllitraa^t* af

'h* dea'h of I.iruti. l>ooal*on aad ISBMNasBl fortliiraataaThe Nav% Dspaitmer.: h«H ordere>i LtBBBi llarnsaa

to :!.<. riiiia-ie'i'i ta Navy 1 aid.

Fiirthfr from Itroat n«villl«>.Hkov. >-t i! i tc, Tni.radav. (> ¦'. H !">.».

Tb.a fillibrtrter Cartina' is »tili eoca iiped ajhfftj tbacity, whr-ra lad.ana are; hi* band ( oovtaa'J/.Tbe Mexican troopt have rsturnsd to Mataiaorai.LieuV l.aagdun hau arrived hero with tir»>e caatxia.

Oar citizeos have captuied ons of the ;-at,r,-laa«, and tectetced im fo he ha?aT Cartina*. bosr-ever, Ibrealena to bom tbe town, if the outlaw »b >o.«tBt)anaaaat). Thaeitnen. have beoma aary machalarmed, and trira tlaeieg in all direction.*. Tne tora,it «a* feared, won' J he entirely deserte,!, BBBM as*

¦urtacce thould arrive

§lato Politlra.Tki;!, Tore jay, l 23 lf»ty».

At tbe Democratir .senatorial Cooven'i» iie'dta dafsoi the I» «tuet >n piaad of Kanasaiaer tail \V*ju n<toe Couitiee, tbe II n. .lehn I). Wdlard of I". «rasutaaiUA3u»ly aoinirated for re. lee'ioa.

PoCoaiaa pair lueaday.Oct. 'ih IA'>9.The Americao County Coovantioa wat ;.>i t her« to¬

day. The American Stata Hattsl was aiopte^i. aad aree-lution aif'p'ing; John S. R ^.ina Deal , n tbakaas^tsaaa a., naa.- for N-aator, wat voted doaB by a

arge maycnly.Iut< i national Cricket Tlrrtrh.

K"< BBSTBB, Tueaday, Oct. 1KB,Tbe IcternaMoral Ci ckrt Ma'< a üere ha« v. oiaatad

in favor of the EasTBSB cicke'ert who woo it iq a

aiOptla* i. r witii|o| rnat to tpare. The «eors fortbe Tutel Mataa Taen y-two ttood :fJ atd 14 TbaKcKli"h Klaveii trade Kl. Y'.>- BBBN for toe Ameri-aaaa to-ttaj, wa.-: Falls, sfumpad Uaaaswar, b. Wi«*ea,0; Jaekwio, stomped Lorky»r b. W'i»isn. o lljatUe,b. WWaB. I iBBaar, b. Wialao, l| Plcketiag totout, 11; T. Tarraat, b. Wiaden, 1, Hioea, b. Va i.lea,I 0, Tairant, b Jarkaoo, V; II LOlyarl e,b. VViaOeo,

Patterson, c, Ja< kaen, h. Wieden I: Oawia, abeeat;htephsteon of R it beeter, abrenL Wide« aod by.^, I.With yesterday I acore oi If, the total iaTbs weatner wa* cold and windy. Aboat a tbontaod

aasasBB »!.¦-... the game.In the at' BSSaaw, etx of lha Kckr'i.-h crickatera aad

taelve of tbe Rochester base-ball player«, ff., n toeLiveO»k,I>ne S'ar, ami Flour I ty Clata, dividedac<! plajtJ a match of nine inning*.Ix>ckyer* stian4*ki0|' 7, and Liilvwbita ¦> 17.

I Le KD^lirb cr.c'k»'ert lafl for Monfraal tbia e-reo-

irg. by tbe St I.aa*ren< e route, and .'. I. Jones learasby the early train on We>inoaday :..-.i.-..i

At-quittal of the Walker Filllbu«-tera.

Xt"\ t»Rt t iv Taae-Uv, »>-t i'>, IIIThe WaJtW i. .dusters, lataly triad here, have aU

been a< 'flitted.From the l^faibfa.

Nr Loi i«. loeatlay, <)< t %% l<-'<».Tif Omaha Citf t\eyvhlir<i\ «ay», that fraods were

perpetralel a* tbe recent ele^ioa of a Delega'a toCcaaiei-e io that Terri'ory tv|oal tothoaa a' Otfordan<; Kickapoo in Katsar ¦atavi I .r cn 1-.^rt Kearorygive taatabrook 01 mai >nfy, while it. ia äste tad thaiB0t29 legal voters re'ide toare. TabaJaBSBa paperroiiK* t -e .li^eovrrr of an or^aniiad gtt^' rsJwSSlIb thai Bt is oortico>i, impiii *>t:ng an ex Soaaker of thaIli.ur« of Kepieeenta', an ex-SbaritT acd sareral¦Aber prominent c iii/.eoe.1 l.e as' rtaakiasaal of tne M it aoti>-ipata>L

Fire anrl Lotw of Life.tWroa. Tuesdayp Oat '., 1150.

Tie Alme-Iloui-e at X> rth W->iur.utti, Maas., was

destroyi,d by ore last aifjBS, Two insane paapara,camed liaydcn axd Tirrell. peii*ha>1. I.- as, *., '»#).Mr. K. A. (ionld, aa <¦., aad a -. *t.o«-, ,c,

aassj last LtpthcThe t'olloaing are the footings of oar Bank Staisov.-ot

I r tr. pa.-t weekCapital St. . t.bss re P ^tootaer B'ka.. b-> «91 «sbLoaas anal Oise-tf... as.avi.soii nvp,«i-«. Is rrsftteo*«-l'. '. «ti T'» Clr. ijaUrn. » 'JLStSt»'.» lr< m ctb. r B aa 7,«i7,'<<I

Firea In u-Bedford, .Ifaaa.K> w- Ilr iiroao, Taaaday, Oct Üi. MBaX

Two fiies n isjnatj in tnis eity mm night, oaa oaCbeapeide, aad the o» in Mth Second aUaet, tavvolvuga iota of tioooii. Amongtaa aajfaWaaj are J.t M oa. aasSBat; Chas. I'ai bfield, shoe deaJar; Mr.Tüöen. cer, and Matin. C'iauzätga, owraarsof tba Luiidixtrs.

-¦- fFifianrcsof 0<-ori;ia-~The 1 ropa.

Arr.i-M T iea^a*. O.-t. :' ; l&'/i.Tbe Coti'ioilai liaivial of Georaria reports tba

sail Bat of imb ir the Tieaeury at |^,7>>.> tba pot>it dabt bb*J u ads iwilaraaitiaa aaaataat to i'l i">i,7.*a;tba Traaaary te<eip»j innr«? ma ye*i *a«t up $11^),.

e'rr.peidUnrea BK7IInt aeather u favorable Cr the <rj*:rg cotton orop.

The Miuhr Crop In I.onialnn.i.¦SWafJ ir.-, t ,a» I »;.. |1 IBJ?.

A.'oncfa of toe .n-ar rop in Louisiaaa coatiaaauniavoiable.

Boat*Raein« at Alban>.Al*»m. Tmaday. f>c . L, I3oB.At the race to day for taa cbampioo«bip, tba six-

oerad sheLVboBt Irvinr. cairitd off tne halt aad fits ta- vep. eo kobarte, It .» etwas iatacaaaai a

N IB*, Tbe ra'-a for dotibia SOaavBsbBBl did a at ««t*atil. n.e sx-la-tcTii; raoe was tm i»r AagastaaPit-yc.