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Copyright © 2017 PureGreens Nutrition Pte Ltd

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Published by Samuel Grenville

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Introduction .................................................................................................. 4

Chapter 1: The True Cause Of Heart Disease ............................................... 5

Chapter 2: What Is Inflammation? ............................................................... 7

Fried Foods ................................................................................................ 8

Refined Carbohydrates .............................................................................. 8

Red Meat ................................................................................................... 8

Chapter 3: Tips And Tricks For Managing Cholesterol And Reducing

Inflammation ................................................................................................ 9

Eat Your Vegetables ................................................................................... 9

Sugar ........................................................................................................ 12

Smoking ................................................................................................... 13

Get Better Sleep ...................................................................................... 13

Putting It All Together ................................................................................. 14

Start Small ................................................................................................ 14

Start Today .............................................................................................. 14

Run The Marathon Not A Sprint .............................................................. 15

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You pull into your doctor’s office to get your routine annual checkup and are given a clean bill

of health, minus one ‘small’ issue. The doctor looks up from her clipboard and informs you:

You brace for the standard lecture about improving your diet and hitting the gym. Pay your

copay and are on your way. And yet, like more than 100 million American adults over the age

of 20 who have high cholesterol1, you leave your doctor's office with more questions than


What exactly does high cholesterol mean? Does the adage about avoiding eggs help lower it?

Are all forms of cholesterol bad? Are you destined to have a heart attack if your readings are

too high? And finally, what role do your cholesterol levels play in your risk for heart disease?

Despite afflicting millions of people around the world, both heart disease and cholesterol are

in fact two of the most misunderstood health terms of the 21st century.

And while until recently, high cholesterol was thought to be the main cause of heart disease,

a growing body of research and scientific consensus is beginning to show that inflammation

of your blood vessels may play a significantly more crucial role than originally thought.

In this guide, we’ll be exploring a little more about the history of cholesterol as well as

sharing actionable steps you can take to improve your heart health. In Chapter 1 we will be

looking at the true cause of heart disease. Chapter 2 discusses inflammation and the negative

impact it has on your health. And finally, in Chapter 3, we’ll share easy and actionable

changes you can implement in your everyday life to help get your health on the right track.

Our goal with this guide is to give you all the information you need to improve your heart

health, without boggling your mind with heaps of medical jargon.

1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


“You’re completely

healthy, but your

cholesterol is a bit high.”

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The American College of Cardiology states that there are 800,000 deaths per year due to

Cardiovascular Disease, or heart disease.2 That's 1 of every 3 people! Think about the people

you know and love dearly. For every three of your loved ones, one of them might succumb to

this deadly yet silent disease. Or it might even be you.

Heart disease is one of the world’s biggest culprits in causing early deaths and negatively

impacting millions of people around the globe.

Which begs the question, what is the cause of the heart disease epidemic? And how can it be

prevented? In this chapter, we will explore the true cause of heart disease and discuss why

it’s so important to implement preventive measures. Thankfully, it’s not as difficult as the

medical community might lead you to believe.

Before we begin, it’s important to understand the cholesterol relationship with heart disease

and have a general grasp of what cholesterol is and how it affects your overall health.

At its most basic form, “cholesterol is a waxy substance found in nearly every cell of your

body and is essential to good health.”3 Contrary to popular belief, not all cholesterol is bad. In

fact, there are two distinct types of cholesterol, both of which each affects your body


Low-density lipoproteins (LDL) is often referred to as the “bad” type of cholesterol. High

levels of LDL are notorious for clogging up your arteries and causing a handful of health


High-density lipoproteins (HDL) on the other hand, is essential for a healthy individual. HDL is

responsible for transmitting cholesterol to other parts of your body, which is then processed

by your liver once it has been absorbed.

While there are numerous benchmarks and recommendations for what is considered normal

levels of cholesterol, typically, leading doctors and scientists recommend your LDL levels to

be less than 160 mg/dl. Anything higher than that, and you put yourself at risk for adverse

health effects. On the other hand, your HDL should be at least 40 mg/dl, as there is a strong

correlation with higher levels of HDL leading to better overall health.

2 Heart Disease Statistics - https://www.cardiosmart.org/Heart-Basics/CVD-Stats 3 Cholesterol Isn't the Problem in Heart Disease; Inflammation Is -


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Ideally, the sum of both your HDL and LDL cholesterol levels should be in the range of 190-

210 mg/dl total.

For example, if you have an LDL level of 140 ml/dl within the range of healthy levels, you

would want your HDL to be 50-60 ml/dl.

While these benchmarks won’t guarantee good heart health, keeping them within these

levels is a good rule of thumb to ensure your heart is functioning at its highest level.

There is certainly some correlation with regard to

cholesterol and heart disease, according to a recent

study published on Advances in Nutrition, but the link

between the two isn’t nearly as strong as originally

thought.4 As scientists and doctors continue to learn

more about the relationship between heart health,

cholesterol, and inflammation, it’s clear cholesterol is

not the only factor.

While cholesterol has been the focus of the medical community for the last several decades,

inflammation has been linked to cardiac disease, in addition to cancer, diabetes, migraines,

and dozens of others of health issues.

Inflammation of your blood vessels and body have shown to play an increasingly significant role

in your overall health.

When the body is inflamed, it causes many of your essential body functions to operate at

less-than-optimal levels, which leads to a wide range of side effects. Reducing inflammation of

your blood vessels and muscles can significantly improve your health across the board.

Now that we’ve established that cholesterol isn’t the only cause of heart disease let’s take a

look at the real, often under-reported, culprit:


4 Exploring the Factors That Affect Blood Cholesterol and Heart Disease Risk -


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Whenever you go to the gym or finish a run around the block, your muscles probably felt a

little sore afterwards. That soreness is caused by inflammation, your body’s natural healing

process. Without inflammation, your body would never be able to recover properly, and

something as simple as lifting a heavy weight would take many months to heal. Inflammation

in small, controlled quantities is natural, healthy, and even essential for living a balanced


Inflammation is only unhealthy when it occurs continually throughout your body without

stopping, which is, unfortunately, the case for many people around the world.

Many foods and other unhealthy behaviors such as smoking or consuming too much sugar

cause the body to be in a constant state of inflammation. Instead of being used as the healing

mechanism it was designed to be, your body is stuck in a relentless state of conflict and


Continuous inflammation of your body is the cause of numerous adverse symptoms such as

pain, swelling, migraines and more. Therefore, reducing inflammation in your body can often

quickly remedy even lifelong ailments. The reason lack of exercise and a poor diet is

detrimental to your health is because it often allows for infections and other illnesses to

manifest, which then trigger a perpetual state of inflammation. While your body is fighting

the inflammation, it is susceptible to even more afflictions, which unfortunately compound in

severity over time.

There are several types of inflammation that can affect you on a daily basis. Acute

inflammation is caused by harmful bacteria or physical injury often relating to your body

tissue. Acute inflammation often occurs rather rapidly such as when you come down with an

infection or injure yourself. Typically, your body can handle acute inflammation with lots of

rest and hydration; however, there is always the potential for the inflammation to become


Chronic inflammation occurs when your body’s natural immune response is unable to

overcome the invading virus or foreign body. In addition, chronic inflammation can occur due

to several autoimmune disorders (such as Celiac disease) which cause your body to

overcompensate with inflammation unnecessarily. With autoimmune diseases, your body

operates as if it is sick when in fact, your body is in a healthy state.

So what are some major factors in your diet that might cause inflammation?

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Let’s look at some of the common causes.

Fried foods

One of the biggest causes of inflammation is the consumption of fried

foods. Fried foods are quite possibly one of the unhealthiest foods you

can eat, as your body immediately begins to go into inflammation

mode. Consistent consumption of fried foods puts your body into a

constant state of inflammation.

Next time you reach for another serving of French fries, give it a second


Refined Carbohydrates

Consuming processed carbs, pasta, and other refined carbohydrates

is also a major source of body inflammation.

If you eat refined carbohydrates on a regular basis, it is very likely

your body is already significantly inflamed.

While carbohydrates are essential for healthy adults, reducing carb

consumption can go a long way in reducing inflammation throughout

your body.

Red Meat

While eating red meat on occasion is perfectly okay for most healthy

adults, too much of it will result in your body working overtime,

leading to excessive inflammation.

While most foods can be consumed without issue when done in

moderation, it would do you a world of good if you put in effort to

avoid the abovementioned pro-inflammatory foods. A poor diet can

compound inflammation throughout your body and put your health

at risk.

Now that we’ve explored the basics inflammation and the major causes, let’s take a look at

how you can reduce inflammation through proper diet and other healthy habits.

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Reducing foods that cause inflammation on a daily basis is only one part of living a healthy

lifestyle. The next step is to add foods known to be anti-inflammatory into your diet. If you’re

like most Americans, your current diet likely falls under the Standard American Diet (also

aptly known as SAD.) This diet can have detrimental effects on your health but fortunately

can be tweaked to reduce inflammation quite easily.

Here are a few of the best anti-inflammatory foods you should strive to incorporate into your


Eat Your Vegetables

Your parents didn’t force you to eat vegetables because they liked to “torture” you. In fact,

incorporating a wide range of vegetables in the majority of your meals is one of the best

things you can do to instantly reduce body inflammation. Adding a handful of leafy greens or

other vegetables to each meal throughout the day guarantees some of the best antioxidants

and nutrients working overtime to ensure your body is functioning at its most optimal level.

It’s best to consume your vegetables in its raw form, so having a “green smoothie” of your

choice for breakfast can do wonders in getting your body all the nutrients and antioxidants

you need. Here are a few types of vegetables that are great for you:

Celery - Celery is an excellent source of antioxidants and

electrolytes and is super easy to add to your daily meals. It’s

high in fiber, which is known to boost digestion and is

commonly a recommended food to improve skin and cognitive

health as well as lower your bad cholesterol. In addition to

being low in calories, it also tastes delicious with a scoop of

your favorite peanut butter.

Medical Disclaimer: While every effort has been taken to provide

accurate and up-to-date information regarding cholesterol, please

consult your primary physician before making any changes to your

current diet or exercise regime.

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Best yet, celery is one of – if not the only – food that is calorie-neutral, meaning you burn off

as many calories as you consume simply by chewing it!

Beets - While the taste certainly isn’t for everyone, beets are

without a doubt one of the most beneficial “super foods”

available. With so many benefits, it’s hard to know where to

begin! As with many of the foods on this list, beets are

helpful at lowering blood pressure and can also be a quick

and effective way to boost stamina throughout the day.

It’s no wonder they are commonly consumed by some of the best bodybuilders in the world!

Regular consumption of beets has also shown promise in fighting inflammation and each

serving of beets contains nutrients with anti-cancer properties. Be sure to eat the entire beet,

as the green on the top is rich in nutrients too!

Red Peppers - Easy to add to salads or roast and add to

chicken, red peppers are a tasty low- calorie option to help

fight inflammation. Known as being a good source of lutein,

they have also shown to be good for overall eye health. A

few servings of red peppers will give you your daily

recommended totals of both vitamin C and A. If that’s not

enough to convince you, red peppers also contain loads of

vitamin B6. When choosing your peppers, red peppers generally are your best bet.

Spinach - Popeye was onto something, and when it

comes to the many benefits of spinach, it’s easier to list

what nutrients spinach doesn’t have rather than what it

does – it’s that healthy for you! Full of iron, calcium,

potassium, and protein, spinach is an effective food to

improve bone health, lower blood pressure, and in some

cases, even help reduce the chance of developing


While bananas often are believed to be one of the best sources of potassium, spinach

actually packs more protein per gram, making it a great food choice for your health.

Tomatoes - Fresh tomatoes are excellent with your morning

eggs (which also help improve your HDL cholesterol levels)

and can be bought cheaply in bulk. They are one of the most

nutrient-dense fruits available and should be added to as

many meals as possible.

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Tomatoes are specifically known for their ability to promote a healthy heart and in some

cases even reduce the harmful effects of smoking. Eating tomatoes regularly has also been

proven to reduce your chance of urinary tract infections. With hundreds of meals that go well

with tomatoes there’s no excuse as to why you can’t add a few to your daily diet.

Bone Broth - Bone broth has recently become popular in many

health food circles due to its incredible power to reduce joint pain,

and of course fight inflammation. It has also been proven to help

improve your immune system functions and even increase the

quality of your sleep!

Black Beans - While black beans often get a bad reputation for causing

some unwanted bodily side effects (read: farts!), they are an underrated

healthy food option. Rich in iron, zinc, and magnesium, black beans are

the perfect food to help strengthen your bones. The fiber in black beans

are also helpful in lowering blood sugar, making them great in helping to

reduce negative symptoms from those suffering with diabetes. Black

beans also contain a handful of key nutrients that help reduce

accumulation of plaque in your arteries. The many benefits of black

beans make it a worthwhile food to add to your diet.

Blueberries - Blueberries are known for their anti-aging

properties, loaded with essential vitamins such as vitamin K and

C, and you can just pop a handful of them even on the go. They

are the perfect snack to satisfy your sweet tooth and are

undeniably great for your overall health!

Dark Chocolate - Surprisingly, dark chocolate is also an

excellent staple in a healthy diet. Unlike some of the brand-

name milk chocolates loaded with excess sugar and other

unhealthy additives, organic dark chocolate contains

nutrients that are good for your heart and health. Eating dark

chocolate regularly has been linked with an almost 40%

reduction in heart disease risk, and 30% for strokes.

A single serving of dark chocolate is loaded with fiber, iron, and magnesium – all of which are

known to improve sleep and overall mood. It also contains high amounts of arginine, which is

needed for nitric oxide production in the body – it helps to regulate your blood pressure and

inflammation. However, moderation is still key. 1 to 2 ounces a day is more than enough, and

if you want to get the best benefits, go for the high-quality bars.

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More Seeds Please - With several dozen healthy seed options there’s

plenty of variety to choose from to add to your salads or even grab

as a quick snack. If you’re looking for the most bang for your buck

hemp seeds are great for helping promote muscle growth and

reducing fat, and chia seeds have a reputation for helping build

strong bones thanks to their high concentration of calcium. Bulk up

on some seeds next time you shop and add them to your meals


Turmeric and Ginger - Common in thousands of food recipes

around the world for centuries, turmeric and ginger are as

close to superfoods as you can get. Both spices are well

known for their cancer-fighting properties, as well as helping

soothe any lingering stomach problems you might have.

Turmeric carries the active ingredient curcumin which has

consistently proved to be a powerful antioxidant.

Ginger is well known to be used in a variety of remedies,

from fighting the common cold to reducing muscle pain and


It goes great in a cup of tea and effective in reducing

inflammation of all sorts.

While we have just covered 11 healthy foods that help reduce inflammation and improve

heart health, all the healthy foods in the world won’t offset some poor habits that increase

inflammation in the body significantly.


Sugar without a doubt is one of the biggest causes of

inflammation in your body. Consuming even a single can of

soda can cause your body to go into full inflammation

mode. While you can certainly enjoy a sugary beverage or

snack now and then without major side effects, over-

consuming sugar is a recipe for disaster.

Where possible, do everything you can do reduce sugar consumption, or if you can, cut it out

of your diet and lifestyle completely.

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In addition to increasing your chances of being diagnosed with

cancer, smoking is also known to cause significant inflammation

throughout your entire body, particularly your heart and brain.

If you’re currently a smoker, breaking the habit is without a doubt

one of the best things you can do to improve your heart health.

Of course, quitting smoking is no easy feat, but even reducing the

number of cigarettes you consume each day can reduce

inflammation drastically.

Get Better Sleep

Quality sleep is one of the most important aspects

of living a healthy lifestyle. Too much or too little

sleep is known to cause inflammation.

A new study in the journal Biological Psychiatry

reports that high amounts of inflammation were

found in individuals who did not get quality sleep

on a routine basis. 5

While everyone requires a specific amount of sleep to function normally, when possible aim

for 6-8 hours of sleep each night.

In addition to getting the optimal amount of sleep, it’s important that your sleep is of high

quality. Here a are a few quick tips to ensure you’re getting the most optimal rest.

● Turn off electronics an hour before bed

● Don’t eat a big meal late at night

● Exercise regularly

● Use a sleep mask or sleep curtains

● Avoid excessive consumption of alcohol

Incorporating just a few of the items above will go a long way improving the overall quality of

your sleep.

5 Too Much or Too Little Sleep Linked to Inflammation - https://www.worldhealth.net/news/insufficient-sleep-


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In this short guide, we’ve covered a lot of ground. We’ve looked at how both cholesterol and

inflammation impact your heart health as well as shared the foods you should avoid (and

consume) to keep inflammation in check. We’ve also covered a few habits that can have an

impact on your body and mind.

But the information shared throughout this guide means very little if you don’t commit to

taking action.

Investing in your health and committing to fighting inflammation can quite literally change

your life. And while you might not be able to change your diet and habits completely

overnight, taking the first steps today will set you on the right track to succeed.

As we end this guide here are a few suggestions to help you implement what you’ve learned

today and be well on your way to fighting heart disease and living a healthy lifestyle.

Start Small

We covered a lot of tips and suggestions, and while it might seem

overwhelming, we suggest starting small. Can you add a few red

peppers to your salads each day? Can you put away your phone an

hour before your usual bedtime?

Don’t try to do every suggestion we’ve discussed today all in one go. In

fact, doing so will likely cause you to “slip up” and hurt your

confidence and morale. Commit to starting small, and slowly build up

your healthy habits and improve your diet over time.

Start Today

We’ve given you the best tips and strategies to help improve your heart health, but it’s

important you start working on implementing these suggestions today.

Don’t wait until tomorrow or when the time is “right”. Now is always the right time. Commit

to taking action today, and you’ll quickly see the many benefits of improving your diet and


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Run The Marathon Not A Sprint

Lastly, when it comes to your health, invest in the marathon, not the sprint. You won’t always

eat the right foods or always get the right amount of sleep. But if you commit to the process

and take your heart health journey day by day, you will make significant progress over time.

Any little action you take will compound over the months and years you invest. You might not

see a complete transformation overnight, but we promise that by investing in your health,

you will become an entirely new person and give yourself the best chance of living a healthy

and vibrant lifestyle. All the best!