Zeal for Zion April 2020 Volume 4ourzionucc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/April... · 4/3/2020...

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Transcript of Zeal for Zion April 2020 Volume 4ourzionucc.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/April... · 4/3/2020...

Zeal for Zion April 2020 Volume 4

Zion United Church of Christ, 415 South Main Street, North Canton, Ohio 44720

Dealing With Disillusionment

By Rev. Eli O. Klingensmith

The prophet was in the pits. Literally. Swamped with disillusionment and drowning in despair, he cursed the day he

was born. “Why did I ever come out of the womb to see the trouble and sorrow and to end my days in shame? The prophet is

Jeremiah, (20:18).

His prayers became laced with loneliness and bold complaints: “O Lord, you deceived me, and I was deceived; you

overpowered me and prevailed. I am ridiculed all day long; everyone mocks me. Whenever I speak, I cry out proclaiming

violence and destruction. So the word of the Lord has brought me insult and reproach all day long,” (20:7, 8).

The prophet is in anguish. Prophet or not, he is struggling with God’s justice. Deep down Jeremiah is questioning

God’s presence.

Perhaps many of us are experiencing those same emotions and asking the same questions. Especially, in light of the

coronavirus and its impact on our lives and in the world. We’re living in fear. Many are acting in fear.

Perhaps because of the circumstances we find ourselves in we are wondering why God permits certain things to

occur that seemingly defy God’s character.

Remember my sermon series on Job? Imagine his feelings when he heard these words: “You’ve lost your livestock,

they’ve been stolen. Your sheep and camels are gone. Your employees were murdered. One more thing – your children were

crushed in a freak windstorm … they are dead, all ten of them.”

My friend, that actually happened. Let’s not forget shortly thereafter Job came down with the most painful disease

imaginable … boils from head to toe. Grief-stricken. Stunned. Confused. It was naked, raw agony. And the heavens were

mute. No explanation thundered across the celestial sky. Not one reason. Not one.

When Job’s wife urged her husband, “Curse God and die,” he boldly replied, “You sound like a fool.” Then he wisely

stated, “Shall we accept only good from God and never adversity,” Job 1, 2.

Notice carefully what Job claimed that day. Don’t miss the thing that carried him through and can carry you and me

through this coronavirus ordeal. Unlike the stance of the stoic, “grin and bear it,” Job grabbed one great principle and held on

to it. It formed the knot at the end of his rope … it steadied his step … it kept him from cursing. Job truly believed God is too

kind to do anything cruel, too wise to make a mistake, too deep to explain Himself.

Friends, it’s remarkable how believing that one profound statement erases the despair, the disillusionment and the

anger. The Apostle Paul declared it in other terms. Romans 11:33, “Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge

of God! How unsearchable his judgements, and his paths beyond tracing out.”

That is it! Jeremiah, Job, and Paul rested their case there. You and I need to as well. Disillusionment, doubt and

anger can be replaced with God’s reassurance that God is love, God is sovereign and God is at work.

Hear the words of our Savior: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will

have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world,” John 16:33.

Friends, please note that items listed in this Zeal are subject to change. May God watch over you! Eli


Phone: 330.499.8191

Website: OurZionUCC.org

Email: ZionUCC@gmail.com

Facebook: Our Zion UCC


Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 4:00 pm


Joey Cronin ZionUCC@gmail.com

Pat Hoffman ext. 313 ZionUCCFinance@gmail.com

Rev. Eli Klingensmith ext. 303 RevEliK@gmail.com

Michael Lucas ext. 312 michaeljeffreylucas@ygmail.com

Ralph Morrison ext. 311 ralphmorrison888@yahoo.com

Sherry Sampson ext. 301 ZionUCC@gmail.com


Sunday - Luke Hawkins

Monday/Thursday - Denny Adams

Tuesday & Friday - Jeffrey Blankenship

Wednesday/Thursday - Mike Karam

Zeal for Zion April 2020 Page 2

Consistory Meeting Highlights

March 9, 2020

The meeting was called to order by Moderator, Barbara


Tammy Morris opened the meeting with devotions and

Rev. Klingensmith offered prayer

The Deacons Council offered several motions to move

monies to the Church’s account with Charles Schwab all

of which were approved by Consistory.

John Royer, Deacons Council Moderator, discussed the

insurance on our church building and will discuss with the

Property Committee.

The Consistory voted to spend no more than $6,000.00

from the Capital Improvement Fund to make the Cloister

doors by the portico more secure by placing mullions and

new panic bars on the doors.

Rev. Klingensmith reported from Spiritual Council that our

Office Manager, Sherry Sampson, plans to retire on or

before May 29th. The Consistory accepted her resignation

with regret. Sherry has done a wonderful job for Zion the

last five and a half years. Consistory then voted to budget

$500.00 for advertising for the position of Office Manager.

All applications should be submitted to Donna Brandau,

chairperson of the Personnel Committee.

Rev. Klingensmith reviewed the results of the church

survey. Some things have begun to be implemented i.e.

adding another praise song at the beginning of the church

service and a change in the way we do communion for

Ash Wednesday and other times when he had used

communion by Intinction.

Several suggestions were made about some changes we

could make in greeting members and guests and the use

of the Information Station.

Rev. Klingensmith said he is looking forward to having

some of our younger church members participate in the

worship service.

Rev. Klingensmith led a discussion about how we will

continue to have our worship service in light of the

coronavirus. We will attempt to have more hand sanitizers

available throughout the church. He also is going to see

about once again recording the sermons for our web site

for those who feel uncomfortable coming to worship

service or are ill and unable to attend.

Alycia Kakos, chairperson of the Next Generation Pastor

Search Committee, presented the revised job description

which Consistory approved.

The Nominating Committee has met and will be ready to

present a slate of candidates in April. The annual meeting

will be held May 17.

Submitted by Barbara Steinbauer, Consistory Moderator

We reach out in love to our Church family who have lost loved ones. May God’s blessing, comfort and peace surround you and your family.

The friends and family of Lloyd Stoyer on his

March 4 passing.

Faye Henley and family on the March 14 passing of her

granddaughter, Alexis Henley.


We would like to thank you for supporting us on this

mission trip to Ecuador. Our Swiss Steak Dinner

this past week was just the 1st step for our mission

journey in July. The ticket sales along with your

donations totaled $1,360.00. We want to personally

thank all of you (our church family) who attended the dinner

and also those who donated their time with purchasing the

food, cooking the food, those who set-up, those who worked

the dinner, and the donations….the pies, the rolls, and the

cost of the meat. Our team is overwhelmed by the outpouring

support we have already received by all of you. We are

grateful and proud to be able to represent Zion on this mission

trip. We will be spreading the word to all of those beautiful

children as we clothe them with boots and socks. So muchas

gracias from the bottom of our hearts…..means thank you

very much in Spanish.

The Ecuador Mission Team, Alycia and Pam Kakos


Thank you Zion Church Staff for always being so helpful and


Thank you,

Challenge A Science Fair Classical Conversations


Thank you so much for coming to the hospital the day of my

surgery and having prayer. I plan on having my other knee

done when my doctor says I’m ready.

May God Bless,

Geraldine Bowe


Thank you for my Christmas goodies plate and sending my

weekly bulletin and sermon. I appreciate them very much.

Also, thank you to all who signed my cards and the lovely

Valentine I received today.

Love, Lucille Humphrey


Dear Sherry and Zion UCC,

We are so thankful, once again, for your participation in the

annual collection of shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child!

You have been wonderful to work with!

The contribution from your church combined with many

others, helped our area exceed our goal. The worldwide

collection of 10.5 million means gifts for many children as well

as gospel message opportunities. Blessings, Bill & Barb Kral

Zeal for Zion April 2020 Page 3

Wednesday Night Lenten Series

Postponed Until Further Notice

Join us April 1 and April 9 as Rev. Eli shares the

video series Jesus: The God Who Knows Your

Name by Max Lucado. We will gather in Beck

Hall at 6 pm for a covered-dish dinner followed by the video

of the week and a time of discussion.

Session 5 (4/1): “Miracle Worker” Canceled

Session 6 (4/9): “Victorious Sacrifice” Watch for Info

April 9 is also Maundy Thursday. The Maundy Thursday

service will begin at 7 pm following the last video in the series.


Pipe Organ Hymns+ - April 2 Canceled

All are invited to come for a wonderful program

and a time of organ and piano music with Ralph

E. Morrison, Jr. in the Sanctuary at 1215 pm.

Come for this special time of musical inspiration!


GriefShare Seminar Canceled -

It Will Resume in September

GriefShare grief recovery seminar and support

group continues on Tuesdays through the

month of April from 6-8 pm in the Chapel.

Anyone who has lost a loved one may join us.

Call the Church Office at 330.499.8191

between 9 am and 4 pm to register. The $20

registration fee includes your workbook and will be collected

the first evening that you attend. If you have any questions or

would like more information, contact Connie Hausenfleck at

330.495.7433. You may also check our church website:



Easter Flowers and White Gifts

The form for Easter Flowers and White Gifts was

in your March Zeal. We are not ordering Easter

Flowers this year, but you may still send in White

Gifts through April 5. If there is no Easter service

at Zion, the White Gifts will be acknowledged in

the June Zeal. Thank you for your timeliness in

returning the forms during this very busy, but

blessed, holiday season.

No Easter Flowers ordered. White Gifts Still Accepted.


Zion Lunch Away - April 5 Postponed

Join your Church family at LaPizzaria after

church on April 5 for some great Italian food

and fellowship. They also have all-American

cuisine. Please sign up in the Cloister or call

the Church Office so we will have an accurate

count for our reservation.

Palm Sunday, April 5: (Church is not open.)

The Bells of Zion will play and there will be the

blessing and receiving of palms.

Maundy Thursday, April 9:

We will start with a covered-dish dinner at 6

pm in Beck Hall, the video “Victorious Sacrifice”, followed by a

time of singing, worship and Communion.

Good Friday, April 10:

The Chancel Choir will raise their voices in prayerful song for

our annual Tenebrae Service at 7 pm. Be with us as the

Sanctuary is filled with music and scripture and the candles

are extinguished one by one until there is darkness. Then the

light returns. Please join us for this time of remembering

God’s sacrifice for us.

Easter Sunday, April 12:

7 am Sunrise Service in the Pavilion, weather permitting.

8 am Continental Breakfast in Beck Hall.

1015 am Easter Worship Service giving praise and glory to

God for His Son.



Is Coming Back!

Save the Date of April 19 Be watching for more information!

Zeal for Zion April 2020 Page 4

Ecuador Mission Trip

Fundraiser Dinner is April 25

The fundraising continues for our Zion’s

Mission Team headed to Ecuador in July. Join

us on Saturday, April 25 for a wonderful Swiss

Steak Dinner in Beck Fellowship Hall from 430-7 pm. Your

help with desserts, serving, and clean-up is always greatly


We are still collecting new socks

children’s size 4 - adult size 7 for the

children who will be blessed by our Zion

Missionaries. If you would like to make a

monetary donation, pick up an envelope

on the Information Table or

use your own envelope and label it “Ecuador

Mission Trip”. Donations may be placed in the

offering plate or turned into the Church Office.


Students from Hoover High School

along with their advisors are hosting

a Senior Prom on Saturday, April 25

from 5-9 pm in the Commons. This

is a free event, but registration is

needed. You may

pick up a Registration Form on the

Information Station for this Monopoly Mania

Night of Fun! You may also call the Church

Office and a Registration Form can be mailed

to you.


A Chorus for a Cause presents “We Salute You”

All are invited to enjoy this concert in the Zion Sanctuary on Sunday, May 31 at 630 pm. Doors open at 6 pm. Tickets are available: at the door, on line at achorusforacause.org or from a chorus member.

Proceeds from the concert will benefit the Military Family Center operated by Pegasus Farm.


“The great gift of Easter is hope -

Christian hope which makes us have that

confidence in God, in his ultimate

triumph, and in his goodness and love,

which nothing can shake."

Basil C Hume, Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster

Love Overcame

Love overcame

Emerging from a cold tomb

All the truth, majesty and creativity of a living God

Transforming a broken heart

Making a quiet return, in a still and sorrowful garden

The grave stone rolled away, to release redemptive love

Jesus resurrected and restored

Comforts a weeping woman

Speaks with travelers on a journey

Meets with his faithful friends

And they bow down before Christ alive

And acknowledged that

the Savior has arrived

That the word of God has come alive

And that the extraordinary transformation of

heaven and earth

Is complete.

“Love Overcame” copyright 2014 Julie Palmer


Blessing Box News

The Missions Committee would like to thank everyone who

has helped our neighbors in need by keeping Zion’s Blessing

Box so well stocked this winter. With the winter pretty much

behind us we can now start stocking the pantry with additional

items such as canned vegetables, soups, meats, peanut

butter, and snack packs without the fear of the items being

damaged by freezing temperatures. With the recent onset of

the coronavirus we anticipate our Blessing Box may see

some added activity in the coming months due to the hardship

and expenses associated with this virus. In your next trip to

the grocery store please consider picking up a couple of extra

nonperishable items (please no fresh produce or dairy) and

either place them in the bin in the Cloister or put them directly

in the Blessing Box. Some of our most popular items have

been peanut butter, canned meats, pastas, vegetables,

soups, sauces, cereal, flavored packs of oatmeal, cleaning

and paper products. Thanks to the Agape Bread Ministry in

Hartville, we have been and will be able to keep the Blessing

Box filled with Bread, English Muffins, Bagels and sometimes

a sweet treat all free of charge. Thank you once again to our

wonderful Congregation for your continued support of this

very important outreach ministry. If you have any questions

please feel free to reach out to Brenda Shelkofsky or anyone

on the Missions Committee.

Zeal for Zion April 2020 Page 5

Vacation Bible School

Climb aboard for mountains of fun at

Rocky Railway VBS. On this faith-

filled adventure, kids discover that

trusting Jesus pulls them through

life’s ups and downs. VBS will take

place June 8-12 from 9 am - noon.

Registration Forms can be found in

the Church Office. You may also

register online through our Facebook

Event or at https://vbspro.events/p/events/zionrailway.To all

our wonderful volunteers please - keep this week available!

We need about 30 volunteers (both youth and adults). If you

are interested in being a VBS volunteer, please contact Alycia

Kakos soon.

VBS Donations Needed

We will be turning Beck Fellowship Hall, the Cloister, and the

Top Floor into the Rocky Mountains. If you are willing to

donate items, keep an eye out for a donations board in the

Cloister in May. If you are interested in donating a monetary

gift to offset the cost of VBS supplies, please send it in an

envelope labeled “Vacation Bible School”.


Scout Troop 1 Scoop

April 17-19 Pipestone Campout at Walther’s

If you would like more information about this Zion Chartered

Scout troop, please contact the Church Office and your

information will be shared with Scoutmaster, Roger Crihfield.


Hats Off to Our Graduates We will recognize all graduates in the

June Zeal for Zion. If you have a family

member who is graduating from high

school, college, or trade school, we

would love to know.

You may email ZionUCC@gmail.com or submit your

information in writing to the Church Office by May 8, 2020.

Please include about the graduate the following: name,

relationship to church member, where they attended, the city

and state if they are not local, any special honors, college

plans or degree, and their future plans.

Be sure that you include a daytime phone number where you

may be reached in case anything needs clarified.

Graduation is such an exciting time! We want

to share your excitement and help you

celebrate such a wonderful, joyous event and

milestone for your family member!

1st: Jess Ball

2nd: Andrew Pasquale

3rd: Nolan Kelly

4th: Erica Kakos, Jolynn Woofter

5th: Charlotte Van Vranken

10th: Rob Ramey

11th: Kay Adams, Glen Forney

12th: Paul Webber

13th: Ned Selinsky

14th: Linda Boeshart

15th: Mason Pierpont

17th: Tim McMaster

18th: Shirley Gissiner

20th: Melissa Trickett

21st: Jeanine Shambaugh

22nd: CJ Hawkins, Barry Kindy

24th: Sandy Dawson, Allison Stephens

26th: Jane Brown

27th: Maria Hart, Eric Marks, David Theiss

28th: Daryl Giey, Jody Hoffman, Ned Lehman, Madalyn

Maxhimer, Ralph Seemann

30th: Anne Krusemark


April 1, 1966 Rick & Mary Ann Fisher

April 9, 1988 Tim & Pam Bailey

April 10, 1954 Daryl & Marilyn Giey

April 12, 1958 Harry & Marge McClelland

April 17, 1960 Marvin & Kathy Kirby

April 23, 1964 Joe & Donna DiLauro

April 27, 2019 Andy & Emily Streb

April 28, 1984 Jim & Kim Sanford


Special Women’s Event May 19

Women, Save the Date: The Zion

Women’s Group and the MOPS Group are

hosting local author Tesa Strasser, on

Tuesday, May 19 as she shares from her

book Love Never Fails: A Novel Based on

Truth. The event will begin at 6 pm in Beck

Hall with a salad and dessert bar. Free will

donations will be accepted. Tesa will share

her story at 7 pm followed by a time to speak with the author

and purchase her book if you choose. Start now and invite

your female friends for an evening of food, fun and fellowship.

2020 Zion United Church of Christ Calendar

Phone: 330.499.8191 Email: ZionUCC@gmail.com Facebook: Zion UCC North Canton Website: OurZionUCC.org


During this

unique time,

please note

events and

meetings for

April are subject

to cancellation




Annual Report



Thank You!




5 Palm Sunday No Easter Flowers

are Ordered

White Gift Forms Due

630 Oatmeal

Breakfast - Canton


7 Start Up TBD

8-330 CC

9 Quilters - 223

915 TOPS - C

10 Staff - P

630 Pack Meeting - B

7 Troop 1 - SR/MP


9 Maundy Thursday

6 Covered-dish

Dinner - B

7 Service - B

7 Troop 111 - B12/


830 Choir - Chapel

10 Good Friday

12 May Zeal Info

Due - Office

7 Tenebrae Service

8 AA - MP


10 Sponsored

Group - MP/104

12 Happy Easter

7 Sunrise Service -


8 Continental

Breakfast - B

9 Adult SS - 111/C

No Teen/Youth SS

1015 Worship

630 AA-MP/104/109


630 Consistory - 103


8-330 CC 9 Quilters -


915 TOPS - C

10 Staff - P

7 Christian Ed - L

7 Troop 1 - SR/MP



6 MOPS - B/BK/104/


7 Troop 111 - B12/



8 AA - MP


10 Sponsored

Group - MP/104


9 Adult SS - 111/C

1015 Teen SS - 203

1015 Youth SS -208

1015 Worship

630 AA-MP/104/109



8-330 CC

9 Quilters - 223

915 TOPS - C

10 Staff - P

6 Scout Committee -


7 Women’s Group - P

7 Troop 1 - SR/MP



615 Bells - S

7 Troop 111 - B12/


730 Choir - Chapel


6-9 Rental - B

8 AA - MP


10 Sponsored

Group - MP/104

430-7 Ecuador

Swiss Steak Dinner

- B


630 Oatmeal

Breakfast - Canton

9 Adult SS - 111/C

1015 Teen S - 203

1015 Youth SS -208

1015 Worship

630 AA-MP/104/109



8-330 CC

9 Quilters - 223

915 TOPS - C

10 Staff - P

7 Memorial Ed - P

7 Troop 1 - SR/MP



615 Bells - S 7 Troop 111 - B12/ B13/MP 730 Choir - Chapel


B - Beck Hall

C - Chapel

CSR -Cub Scout Rm

L - Library

O - Office

P - Parlor

MP - Multi-Purpose

S - Sanctuary

SR - Scout Room